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Serving: Alberta Beach, Barrhead, Calahoo, Cherhill, Darwell, Glenevis, Gunn, Lac Ste. Anne County, Mayerthorpe, Onoway, Rich Valley, Rochfort Bridge, Sangudo, Whitecourt, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain. March 17, 2020 COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN ALBERTA Submitted by Govern- appear to be spreading into cilities, out-of-school care ment of Alberta community settings. programs and preschool Latest updates programs are closed indef- Update 2: (March 15 at 4:30 p.m.) • Effective immediate- initely. Aggressive additional ly, student attendance at • All long-term care and public health measures are schools is prohibited. other continuing care facili- being implemented prov- • Post-secondary classes ties are advised to limit vis- incewide to limit the spread are cancelled. Campuses itation to essential visitors of COVID-19 and protect will remain open. only. Albertans, after new cases • All licensed child care fa- Continued on Page 3 CORONAVIRUS (COVID- 19) UPDATE FOR WHITECOURT Submitted by Town of Whitecourt RCMP Detach- censed child care, out- Whitecourt ment has reduced its of- of-school care programs fice hours and will be open and preschool programs MARCH 15, 2020 Monday to Friday from in Alberta be closed. Ap- With the latest informa- 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The proved day homes are ex- tion from the Province, and Detachment will not be per- empt because they care for as a precaution to the Coro- forming Criminal Record fewer than seven children navirus (COVID-19) situ- Checks or fingerprinting at a time. These programs ation, the Town of White- for volunteering or pardons are encouraged to use en- court will be closing indoor with the exception of those hanced sanitation practices. recreational facilities effec- volunteering in health facil- • All gatherings of more tive 12:01 a.m. on Monday, ities (a letter from the health than 250 people be can- March 16. This includes the authority must accompany celled. This includes large Allan & Jean Millar Centre this request). sporting events, confer- and the Scott Safety Centre. To slow the spread of the ences, community events The facilities will remain Coronavirus (COVID-19) and places of worship. It closed until further notice. virus, the Government of does not extend to grocery In compliance with rec- Alberta has recommended stores, airports or shopping ommendations by the Gov- that: centres. ernment of Alberta, the • All schools and all li- Continued on Page 2
Page 2 CommunityVOICE March 17, 2020 Coronavirus (Covid- 19) Update For Whitecourt Continued from Page 1 but risk mitigation must be in they should complete the on- place, such as sanitizer sta- line COVID-19 self assessment tions and distancing between • Any event that has more attendees. Journey/COVID-19/Pages/ than 50 attendees and expects • All Albertans who are cur- COVID-Self-Assessment.aspx. to have international partici- rently outside the country are The Government of Alber- pants, or involves critical in- to self-isolate for 14 days after ta also advised all Albertans frastructure staff, seniors, or they return from being out- against travelling outside Can- other high-risk populations should also be cancelled. side Canada, and monitor their ada. • Events that do not meet condition. If they experience The Town of Whitecourt en- these criteria can proceed, symptoms of fever or cough, courages residents to remain active during this time, and take advantage of the outdoor recreational opportunities available in our community, including the local trail system. COVID-19 information and updates are publicly available on the Alberta Health and Al- berta Health Services websites: •, and • Residents are advised that the Town of Whitecourt has an emergency continuity plan in place to ensure essential ser- vices continue uninterrupted.
March 17, 2020 CommunityVOICE Page 3 COVID-19 Pandemic in Alberta Continued from Page 1 ship gatherings. These de- Every K-12 student will re- Child care cisions are not made lightly, ceive a final mark and stu- All licensed child care, out- • Places of worship are no and I know they will have a dents will progress to their of-school care programs and longer exempt from restric- tremendous impact on Al- next grade level next year. preschool programs in Al- tions on mass gatherings. bertans’ day-to-day lives, Provincial assessments, such berta are closed at this time, • 17 additional cases of particularly parents, chil- as provincial achievement as well. Approved day homes COVID-19 have been con- dren, and seniors. But it is tests, will be cancelled. At are exempt because they care firmed in Alberta, bringing crucial we do everything this time, diploma exams for fewer than seven children the total number of cases in possible to contain and lim- essential for post-secondary at a time. These programs are the province to 56. Three of it the spread of COVID-19.” acceptance will continue. encouraged to use enhanced the new cases are in the Ed- - Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Every student who is eligible sanitation practices. monton zone and 14 are in Medical Officer of Health to graduate from Grade 12 Mass gatherings the Calgary zone. K-12 schools and post-sec- this year will graduate. Places of worship are no • At least two cases identi- ondary institutions The Alberta government longer exempt from the fied in the last two days ap- Effective immediately, will also be working with recommended restrictions pear to have been acquired students will no longer be post-secondary institutions on mass gatherings. Public through community trans- attending classes in K-12 to ensure that these extraor- health officials continue to mission from an unknown schools and post-second- dinary circumstances do not recommend that all mass source, and seven cases oc- ary institutions until fur- prevent students from be- gatherings of 250 people or curred as a result of a sin- ther notice. Post-secondary ing eligible for admission to more are cancelled, and this gle gathering in the Calgary campuses will still remain post-secondary studies for now includes worship gath- zone. open, but classes are can- the coming school year. erings. “The new cases that have celled. School authorities are Teachers and other school Any event that has more emerged today, particularly expected to continue their staff will still be expected to than 50 attendees and ex- those demonstrating trans- regular day-to-day opera- work, either from home or pects to have internation- mission into communities tions and ensure the safety at their workplace, to ensure al participants, or involves and school settings, means of school facilities. Main- these expectations are met. critical infrastructure staff, we need to put in place ad- tenance, capital projects, Decisions on how to do this seniors, or other high-risk ditional restrictions for cleaning of facilities and ad- are still to be made, and it populations, should also be schools, day cares, continu- ministrative work will con- may vary depending on the cancelled. ing care facilities, and wor- tinue. school jurisdiction. Continued on Page 4
Page 4 CommunityVOICE March 17, 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic in Alberta Continued from Page 3 ditions are most at risk of Any traveller returning COVID-19, is to practise severe symptoms from from outside of the coun- good hygiene. Events that do not meet COVID-19. try should self-isolate for 14 - This includes cleaning these criteria can proceed • Families and friends of days, even if they are feeling your hands regularly for at at this time, but risk mitiga- those in these facilities are well, and monitor for symp- least 20 seconds, avoiding tion must be in place, such asked to think of other ways toms. touching your face, cough- as enforcing distancing of besides visiting that they Any traveller who has ing or sneezing into your one to two metres between can support and encourage returned before March 12 elbow or sleeve, disposing attendees and using sanitiz- their loved ones through should closely monitor of tissues appropriately, er stations. this difficult time. themselves for symptoms. If and staying home and away Visitation limits to con- Recommended travel ad- they experience symptoms, from others if you are sick. tinuing care and long-term vice they should self-isolate im- • Anyone who has health care facilities Travel outside of the mediately and call Health concerns or is experienc- Only essential visits to any country is not being recom- Link 811 for follow-up as- ing symptoms of COVID-19 continuing care or long- mended at this time. Giv- sessment and testing. should complete an online term care facility in Alberta en the rapid global spread Quick facts COVID-19 self-assessment. are recommended: of the virus, it is no longer • The most important • For recommendations • Individuals over 60 possible to assess health measures that Albertans on protecting yourself and years of age and those with risks for the duration of the can take to prevent respi- your community, visit al- pre-existing health con- trip. ratory illnesses, including
Page 6 CommunityVOICE March 17, 2020 BARRHEAD RCMP INVESTIGATE FATAL COLLISION ON SECONDARY HWY 651 Submitted by Barrhead A car heading westbound The driver and two pas- collision scene. RCMP on Secondary Highway 651 sengers of the eastbound Barrhead RCMP continue collided with a car heading car were taken to hospi- to investigate. The name On March 12, 2020, at eastbound. A 17-year-old tal via EMS with non-life of the deceased will not be 9:30 p.m., Barrhead RCMP male driver and lone occu- threatening injuries. released and no further up- responded to a two vehi- pant of the westbound car, Traffic in the area was af- dates are anticipated. cle collision on Secondary from Barrhead, Alta., was fected for multiple hours as Highway 651 east of High- pronounced deceased at the RCMP Collision Analyst way 33. the scene. attended and examined the BE SKEPTICAL OF “NO-STRINGS ATTACHED” TRIAL OFFERS Submitted by Gerald attached. By accepting cer- search and investigate any ca/en/competition-bu- Soroka, MP for Yellow- tain online “trial offers,” you trial offers before sign- reau/news/2020/03/ head could end up with charges ing-up. If you do sign-up, subscription-traps-no- for the full cost of that tri- make sure to keep all your strings-attached-trial-of- OTTAWA: Gerald Soroka, al product, an unwanted receipts and check your fers-could-leave-you-with- Member of Parliament for subscription for expensive, credit card statements reg- your-hands-tied.html Yellowhead, is urging con- monthly products, or fees ularly. stituents to be skeptical of for products you didn’t or- Please follow the link be- misleading trial offers that der. low for more information: claim to have no strings You should do some re- h t t p s : / / w w w. c a n a d a . NOTES FROM THE ONOWAY LEGION Submitted by Richard As usual, the bar will be Every Tuesday evening, At the last regular Legion Moses open, along with the usual it’s drop-in darts, with spare meeting, the membership draw for a free meal. You’ll darts available if you just approved a change in by- It’s a German Meal! have a chance to buy raffle want to try it. Play begins at laws, so that general meet- On March 20, Ira Austin is tickets on a delicious meat 7 pm, but please arrive ear- ings will be held only every back in the kitchen. He and package, on the 50:50 draw, lier so you can be included second month. Monthly ex- his crew will serve a Ger- or the Chase the President on a team. Cost is just $3 ecutive meetings will con- man meal – soup, schnitzel, raffle, a progressive jackpot each week, plus some kind tinue. The change must be sauerkraut, potatoes with that increases in value each of snack if possible. The bar ratified by the Provincial onions and bacon, and a week there’s no winner. is always open. Command, but if passed German dessert. Pulled Pork with Fixings Recreational pool, playing quickly, the next general Don’t forget to book your On March 27, Meagan Mc- singles on four tables, goes meeting could be in May. reservation by text or phone Nalley and crew will serve every Wednesday evening. Watch for details. to 780-340-0760, or leave pulled pork, broccoli ched- Registration is at 7 pm, and Did You Know? a message on the Legion dar rice casserole, mashed the balls are racked up at The Lac Ste. Anne Com- answering machine at 780- potatoes and gravy, Caesar 7:30. Everyone is welcome, munity Choir will be enter- 967-5361. Doors open at 3, salad and apple crisp with even non-members, and taining at the Legion at 7:30 with the meal served from 6 ice cream. You can reserve no experience is necessary. pm on Friday, May 22. to 7 pm. Adults pay $15; kids your spot early! Cost is just $5 each week, up to 10 years cost $9, while Drop-in Weekly Pool and and the bar is always open. 5 and under are free. Darts Clubs Legion Meetings
Page 8 CommunityVOICE March 17, 2020 Spring 2020 The Businesses in the following Guide can be your One Stop Solution to all your Renovation Needs!
March 17, 2020 CommunityVOICE Page 9 TOP 5 HOTTEST HOME BUILDING TRENDS (MS) - These days, home bon footprint and minimizes (ICFs) instead of more tradi- Outdoor living: Many of us trends are about more than any impact on the environ- tional materials like wood. are now choosing to forgo good design and aesthet- ment. For example, Nudura ICFs getting a cottage or summer ics - they’re about creating To try the trend yourself, can withstand winds of up home and recreate the expe- spaces that reflect our values think big and get creative - to 250 miles per hour (equiv- rience in our own backyards. and are more comfortable install solar panels on your alent to an F4 tornado) and and enjoyable to live in. From roof, choose building mate- offer a fire protection rating net-zero and net-positive rials that don’t require de- of up to four hours. Continued on Page 10 construction to tiny mini- forestation and upcycle old malist homes, trends are all furniture for decorative ele- about your family’s lifestyle. ments instead of buying new. Whether you’re shopping Disaster resiliency: Climate for a new home, renovating change affects us in so many your own or creating a new negative ways, and one of the build from scratch, here are top concerns is the increase some of the biggest trends in natural disasters. From you need to know for inspi- wildfires that last for months ration. to major floods that affect Sustainable design: This entire cities, we now need to one has been popular for prepare for the worst when a long time, but green de- building our homes. sign has evolved to be about Switching to disaster-resil- much more than energy-ef- ient materials is an important ficient appliances and LED first step. Many builders now light bulbs. Now, it’s all about prefer to use stronger, more making sure everything in energy-efficient materials your home reduces your car- like insulated concrete forms
Page 10 CommunityVOICE March 17, 2020 Top 5 Hottest Home Building Trends Continued from Page 9 You can design a full liv- summer nights and enjoy devices. ing space outside, complete the outdoors through spring, Customization: You don’t This trend helps you make with an outdoor television fall and even winter if you’re have to settle for what mass the most of your existing and comfy couches, as well brave. manufacturers decide to space and take full advan- as a kitchen and refrigerator Home automation: This is build, or what works for ev- tage of your yard or patio for entertaining. Consider another longstanding trend eryone else. Creating a home during the summer months. adding a fireplace or firep- that shows no signs of slow- that’s as unique as you are it to keep warm during cool ing down. It has also evolved is the latest trend, with cus- to encompass more of the tom-built storage and per- home to make life even more sonalized architectural fea- comfortable and convenient. tures to make your space From an oven that can be stand out. turned on remotely to pre- You can even go as far as heat, to skylights that can building a custom home open and close automatically that’s suited to your family. to create the perfect ambient Older home demolitions and temperature, there are more purchasing land-only proper- ways than ever to integrate ties is becoming more com- smart home technology into mon, allowing you to work your living space. with an architect to create You can start small with exactly what you want with a voice assistant and smart new build. light bulbs and work your Find more information way up to a total smart home about the benefits of build- system that includes home ing a home with ICFs at security, temperature con- trols and all your electronic
March 17, 2020 CommunityVOICE Page 11 BEST METHODS TO REPAIR DAMAGED DRIVEWAYS Asphalt and concrete drive- Asphalt pros and cons to each before using a mortar repair com- ways are common through- The home improvement re- beginning. pound, suggests the repair ad- out suburban neighborhoods. source The Family Handyman The experts at Popular Me- vice site Home Guides. Larger They are as much a part of a says it is key to first repair chanics say that there also cracks and potholes should home as lawns, decks and oth- cracks and pits in an asphalt are other asphalt patch mix- be cleaned. Once that’s done, er exterior elements. Regard- driveway before planning to es available at home supply apply a painted-in bonder to less of how they’re utilized, topcoat it, which is gener- retailers. Serious holes, rather the crack or hole, followed by driveways need to be cared for ally done every year or so to than cracks, can be addressed a dry concrete patching prod- and maintained to retain their maintain its appearance and with a coarse-aggregate filler uct mixed with water. The ma- appearance and function. durability. A variety of topcoat commonly referred to as cold terial can be worked into the Even the most durable drive- products are available at vari- patch. damaged area with a trowel, ways can suffer from cracks ous price points. Experts rec- After cracks and holes are and then leveled using a wood and pits over time. As cracks ommend investing in a quality filled, use a sealer to lock ev- board. Afterward, a liquid con- form, they pave the way for product that will not shrink erything in place and create a crete sealer can be applied to more deterioration if they are and crack. A melt-in material smooth topcoat appearance. help prevent future cracks and not addressed. Water infiltra- that is similar to products used Speak with a store employee if holes. tion can break down the in- by highway crews can be pur- you are unsure which product Homeowners who are hesi- tegrity of the driveway during chased for around $100. This is needed for your application. tant to fix their driveways can freeze and thaw periods, and product also will require use Concrete contact masons or asphalt any little hole or crack can pro- of a propane torch. Caulk-style The process is similar with specialists to perform the job. mote weed growth. Driveway crack repair products may not concrete driveways, yet the Keeping up on driveway re- repair can be a do-it-yourself require as many tools, and are products differ. Small drive- pair can prolong the life of the project, but pay attention to much easier to apply. They way cracks can be repaired surface and help delay a com- the details to ensure the job is may not last as long, however. by scrubbing out the crack to plete driveway replacement done right. Homeowners must weigh the remove debris and then filling for several years.
Page 12 CommunityVOICE March 17, 2020 EXTERIOR RENOVATIONS THAT CAN IMPROVE HOME VALUE Renovating a home to improve Landscaping use the internet to look for their come down to fixing areas of the its value can be a smart invest- Abundant and well-planned dream homes, there’s no de- home that can negatively affect ment. Interior improvements, landscaping can instantly boost nying a beautifully landscaped, its appeal to buyers. Hire an in- such as updating kitchens and curb appeal. According to the nicely photographed property spector to look at key compo- baths, offer good return on in- landscaping company Lawn can entice buyers to click and nents of the house and recom- vestment, but there are plenty Starter, 71 percent of prospective read more about a house. mend what needs to be fixed. of exterior renovations that can home buyers say a home’s curb Address insects and minor re- This way it is discovered before add value to a home and give it appeal is an important factor in pairs home buyers come in and do that coveted “wow” factor. their buying decisions. As buyers Improving home value may their own inspections. Termite infestations, deteriorating roofs and hidden water leaks are some things that might need fixing. Improve the entryway The front door is the focal point of a home’s exterior. Invest in a new door or paint it a striking color to add appeal. Remodel- ing magazine’s “Cost vs. Value Report 2019” indicates changing an entry door to a steel replace- ment can offer 74.9 percent ROI. Such a door provides visual ap- peal and added security - things buyers look for. In addition to the front door, make sure that the entryway has a level walkway, steps that are in good repair, ac- cents that are free from rust or tarnish, and decorative plants. Outdoor lighting Outdoor lighting can add to the ambiance of a property and serve as a security feature. Utilize different lights, such as a bright light by the entry, uplighting in trees and shrubs for drama, a light-lined path to the door to improve visibility, and mo- tion-detection lights to improve the security of the property. Repaint (or reside) the exterior A fresh coat of paint or new (or cleaned) siding can instant- ly give homes a facelift. Neutral, warm and inviting colors tend to have the widest appeal. Add- ing manufactured stone veneer to the home can offer a 94.9 percent ROI, says Remodeling. And after doing the front door and siding, investing in a garage door replacement offers the highest ROI of all exterior proj- ects listed on the “Cost vs. Value Report 2019.” This improvement returns 97.5 percent when sell- ing. Knowing which improvements add value to a home can help homeowners tailor their efforts to those that are most financially beneficial.
March 17, 2020 CommunityVOICE Page 13 SANGUDO PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWS Submitted by Sangudo ed in attending a monthly Book be happy to assist you. your own best advice to share Public Library Club. All you must do is call the Join us on Sunday March 29, or come to learn from others. library @ 780-785-2955 to reg- 2020 between 1 and 4PM for Everyone will seed some pots The year end duties are com- ister and let us know a date and our Skill Swap Sharing Cir- to grow on at home. The cost to pleted, and we have been plan- time that would work for you. cle. Judy Booth will be here to attend will be $ 10.00 and you ning for the spring program- We have a group of people share the joy of making a bone can pre-register by calling the ming sessions. interested in starting a gene- pillow. These pillows are great library. We have an assortment of alogy club at the library. Don’t for general daily use, trav- Let us know what programs passive programs always know where to start? Have you el, as a pet pillow or makes a you would like to see at the available during regular library been following your family tree fantastic gift for any occasion. library, and should enough in- hours. A few of these include for years? We want people of Anyone who is interested in terest be expressed we will do colouring for all ages, season- all experience levels that want learning a new skill or wants our best to make it happen. al simple crafts for preschool to learn from and/or men- to share a skill with others is Check our website, follow us aged children, our colossal tor others. If this sounds like encouraged to attend this ses- on Facebook or keep an eye crossword, jigsaw puzzles and something you are interested sion. Materials will be provid- out for our articles in the Keep games for everyone. All you in please give us a call and let ed for the session, but should Me, Community Voice and The need to do is drop in and have us know so that we can formal- you have pins, sharp scissors, Bulletin for upcoming events some fun. ize date, time and frequency of a portable sewing machine or and programs. If you are looking for books meetings. other sewing supplies please The Friends of the Sangudo to add to your personal collec- You are invited to PJ Story bring them along. The cost will Public Library will be holding tion, we encourage you to stop Time for children aged 3 to 7 be $ 10.00 per pillow and there their Annual General Meeting in and checked out our perpet- and their caregivers. Join us is a maximum of 7 people. You on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 ual used book sale. Whether on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 must pre- register by calling starting at 7PM. This meeting you are you looking for Sci-Fi, from 6:30 PM to 7:15 PM. Come the library. is open to the public and you Non-fiction, Fiction or Chil- dressed in your PJ’s, bring a fa- Our Horticultural Series will must have a current library dren’s titles …we have a varied vorite stuffy and we’ll have fun be starting off on Wednesday, card to become a voting mem- selection of weeded and donat- with stories, a craft and snack! April 1, 2020 starting at 7 PM ber. ed titles that may be of interest. There is no charge to attend, with Tomatoes Galore! Join The Library is open Tuesday Peruse the titles, take what you but we need you to pre-register Lac Ste Anne County Horti- and Thursday from 5:00 pm to want and leave a donation of by calling the library. Funding culturalist, Lorraine Taylor as 8:00 pm and Wednesday and your choosing, or fill a bag for for this program is provided by she talks about growing the Friday from 11:00 am to 4:00 $ 5.00. All funds collected will the Lac Ste. Anne County FCSS best tomatoes ever. Gardeners pm. We are closed Saturday, be used to support library op- Grant. consistently rate tomatoes as Sunday, Monday and Holidays. erations and programming. Need some help with your their favorite vegetable. 2019 You can also find out what is Do you love to read? Would computer or device? We are was a tough year for gardens happening at the library by you like to discuss what you offering drop in computer help and for many the tomato crop checking our Website @www. have read with others? We every fourth Wednesday of the was disappointing. Lorraine or following have a couple people regis- month from 10AM to 12PM. has talked with the tomato ex- us on Facebook @ www.face- tered and are still looking for You can drop in on Wednesday, perts and gathered tips from anyone who would be interest- March 25, 2020 and we would our local great growers. Bring brary.
Page 14 CommunityVOICE March 17, 2020 AutoTUNE-UP CHARGE UP YOUR CAR BATTERY KNOWLEDGE Vehicles consist of many es- the battery also keeps electric • Slow turnover: If a terminals can prolong the bat- sential components to keep current steady to keep the en- vehicle does not immediately tery life. them running efficiently and gine running. start or if the cranking is slug- • Odors and leaks: Bat- effectively. Car and truck own- The battery also works in con- gish and takes longer to start, it tery leaks can produce a sulfur ers should have an understand- junction with the alternator to may mean the battery is start- odor similar to the smell of a ing of how their vehicles func- power the electronics in the ing to fail. rotten egg. This can become tion so they can diagnose and car, according to the automo- • Frequent, short trips: problematic over time, and address problems as they arise. tive information blog Autoses- Drivers who make frequent, leaks may indicate an aging or Car batteries are an import- sive. While the car is running, short trips may find their car damaged battery. ant component of any vehicle. the alternator reverses the cur- batteries do not have time to • Age: Most batter- Even though engines are the rent produced by the battery, fully recharge. This, coupled ies have a finite life span. A powerhouse of any car or truck, recharging it as a result. This with overtaxing thanks to a lot well-maintained battery can without a battery, the engine happens during long journeys, of accessory use, may cause the last up to five years. Neglect wouldn’t be able to work. Ac- so people who drive for short battery and the alternator to can reduce that life expectancy cording to Firestone Complete bursts of time may find that have shortened life spans. considerably. Auto Care, car batteries work their batteries will not have a • Low battery fluid lev- • Bloated or cracked by providing a jolt of electricity chance to recharge and may els: If the fluid level is below the battery case: Replace the bat- necessary to power all the elec- not have the longevity desired. energy conductor inside, it is of- tery immediately if the case is trical components of the vehi- There is quite literally a lot rid- ten indicative of overcharging cracking, as it could be because cle. This is achieved through a ing on a functioning battery. No and excessive heat. excessive heat is swelling the chemical reaction that changes one wants to be caught strand- • Corrosion: Corrosion battery. chemical energy into the elec- ed by a dead battery, so drivers buildup, dust, dirt, and grime Understanding how car trical energy needed to deliver may wonder if there are any on battery connections may batteries work can help driv- voltage to the starter. In addi- indicators that may signal the cause performance problems. ers keep their cars running tion to initially starting the car, battery needs replacement. Inspecting and cleaning the smoothly.
March 17, 2020 CommunityVOICE Page 15 AutoTUNE-UP THE IMPORTANCE OF ROUTINE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Owning a car is a big respon- less than repairing a car after a routine maintenance indicates maintained in adherence to sibility. Drivers who plan to major blowout and paying for a to potential buyers that the ve- factory-recommended mainte- keep their vehicles for the long tow and tire replacement. hicle was well cared for. nance schedules. This ensures haul must emphasize main- • Improves performance and • Keeps compliance: Vehicles that the vehicle is in compli- tenance if they want to keep efficiency: Routine mainte- covered under manufacturer’s ance and will be covered in the adding miles to their odom- nance includes oil changes, fil- warranties typically need to be event of a warranty claim. eters. In fact, the automotive ter changes and fluid top-offs. information site CarAdvice says Such tasks keep engines run- that routine maintenance may ning smoothly. Ignoring this be the most important thing routine maintenance can put drivers can do for their vehicles. engines in jeopardy of break- A vehicle needs consistent ing down and adversely affect care if it is to run efficiently. vehicle performance, diminish- Maintenance also reduces the ing fuel economy and leading risk of roadside breakdowns to a sluggish ride. and costly repairs. Here’s a look • Identifies safety issues: at some of the benefits of stay- Routine inspections and work ing on top of maintenance. performed by reputable ser- • Saves money: Even though vice stations help drivers stay maintenance costs money, abreast of recalls or issues that sticking to a consistent main- can affect the safety of the ve- tenance schedule can save big hicle. bucks in the long run. For ex- • Maintains a maintenance re- ample, the cost of rotating and cord: When the time comes to aligning tires is considerably sell the vehicle, having a log of
Page 16 CommunityVOICE March 17, 2020 BARRHEAD RCMP REPORT Courtesy of A disturbance complaint a residence in Barrhead len. Other theft complaints R.W. Dodds, Sgt on February 27 resulted In County. An 18 year old male included a shoplifter at a NCO i/c Barrhead De- the arrest of a 17 year old was attempting to gain en- grocery store on March 5, tachment, RCMP male who was heavily in- try to his parent’s house a catalytic converter sto- toxicated. The complainant while his mother was trying len from a truck in Barr- February 27 through had reported three males to hold the door shut. The head on March 5 and fuel March 4 fighting in the street. Po- suspect was threatening to and vehicle batteries stolen On February 27 at around lice were able to determine kill his mother with a ham- from a gravel pit near Fort 2 PM members attended that the male they arrest- mer. The attending member Assiniboine on March 10. a rural location following ed had been trying to get located the suspect stand- A suspect vehicle has been a suspicious person com- into an unlocked vehicle ing in the driveway. When identified in this matter and plaint. Upon attendance he mistakenly believed to the member attempted to police are asking the public members located a 52 year be his. The male’s compan- arrest the suspect he re- to watch for a white 1999 old Barrhead male who was ions were attempting to get sisted causing the member Dodge 1 ton dually pick- in the process of stealing the male out of the vehi- to resort to force. The sus- up. The truc is an extend- copper wire from an aban- cle. When members spoke pect was arrested without ed cab 4x4 with a damaged doned building. The suspect with the suspect’s friends further incident. The com- tail gate. The truck did have was arrested without inci- one was holding a beer. The plainant decided not to Alberta licence J49748 at- dent and will make his first youth was directed to pour pursue charges however tached; however, the plate court appearance on April the beer out but elected to the male will be in court on does not match the truck. 14. drink it instead. This result- April 14 for resisting arrest. IF this truck is observed on ed in a ticket for a minor March 5 through March 11 public roads, police should consuming liquor, in other The detachment had a be advised immediately. words $115 for a sip of beer. relatively uneventful week. Ten collisions were re- His drunken companion One break and enter was ported during the week. Six will be attending court on reported on March 9. A ga- involved deer or moose and April 28. rage on 57 Avenue in Barr- one coyote. The remainder On March 1 police were head was entered and tools amounted to fender bend- called to a disturbance at and other items were sto- ers wit no injuries reported.
March 17, 2020 CommunityVOICE Page 17 Classified Ads - Call 962-9228 Alberta Beach & District Seniors Mayerthorpe Legion, 786-2470. 4420. (4) 03-03 Classified Policy 50+ Club. Air conditioning! Space Onoway Community Hall, 967-4749. Available! Val: 780-690-1655 or CLASSIFIED RATES INCLUDE GST. Dianne: 780-217-8482 Onoway Heritage Center - Gym/ Services 1st 20 Words: First Insertion = $6.00; Anselmo Community Hall, Phone Classrooms, 967-1015 Subsequent insertion = $3.00 each. 780-786-4280 WANTED! Standing Timber. Onoway Legion , 967-4980 (Eg: 2 insertions = $9.00; 3 insertions Are you looking to cut your = $12.00; 4 insertions = $15.00; etc) Bright Bank Hall, 780-968-6813 Park Court Community Hall, 727- wood lot before pine beetles Each additional word is 20 cents per 4476 or forest fires destroy it? Top Cherhill Legion, Mary 780-785-3578. word, per insertion. BOLD/CAPITAL Parkland Village Community dollar paid. Call Paul 780- text available for an additional $1/ Cherhill Community Assoc. Hall, line. Lost & Found and To Give Away Centre, 780-298-9155 @PVCCentre 706-1470 (12) 25-02 Kevin 780-785-8153 (up to a max. of 25 words) are free of Ravine Community Hall, 325-2240 charge. Ads must be paid in advance either by cheque, cash, Visa or Darwell Centennial Hall, 780-892- 3099 Rich Valley Community Hall, 967- Dog Caretaker Mastercard. No Refunds Allowed on Darwell Seniors, Phone Debra 780- 5710 or 967-3696 Classified Ads. DEADLINE: is Thurs. Alberta Beach & 785-2907 Rosenthal Community Hall, 963- 4:00 pm (Wed. 4:00 pm on long Surrounding Areas, thinking 7984 weekends). Classified ads may be Goose Lake Hall, Contact Deanna of a Winter Getaway? called in to the COMMUNITY VOICE (780) 584-3738 Sandy Beach Rec Hall, 967-2873 Worried about leaving your office at (780) 962-9228, emailed dog in a kennel? Don’t worry Gunn Hall (G.A.R.S.) 780-951-9452 Sangudo Community Hall, 785- to:, anymore, you can leave your dropped off at Onoway Registries, Hathersage Community Centre, 2904 or 305-4616 pet with me! There is a wrap or mailed with your ad and payment Noreen at 786-2946 Stettin Nakumun Comm. Hall, 967- to: COMMUNITY VOICE, BAG 3595, around deck and courtyard! Lake Isle Community Hall, PH: 780- 9198 I will provide tender loving SPRUCE GROVE, AB T7X 3A8. Ads may also be placed on the web at 892-3121 or Email: lakeislehall@mail. care, with walks every day. com Help Wanted Best of all, I’m cheaper than Magnolia Hall, 727-2015 a kennel! Daily drop in’s or Hall Rentals Manley Goodwill Community Hall, Experienced Chambermaid overnight stays welcome. If 963-9165 or 916-0146 for Onoway Inn & Suites. Part interested call 780-920-4166 Alberta Beach Agliplex, Susan 780- time with possible full time (4) 17-03 OG Mayerthorpe Diamond Centre, 996-2960. in the summer. Call 780-967- Charlotte at 786-4659
Page 18 CommunityVOICE March 17, 2020 Classified Ads - Call 962-9228 SEASONED FIREWOOD: Looking for grazing Pasture with lease. For inquires Computers Birch, Tamarack, Spruce/ for cows to rent for summer contact Dan at 587-990-4455. Pine & Poplar. 4x4x8 cord, months. Please call Travis (5) 03-03 Computer Repairs NOT Split and delivered or pick up 780-721-0602 leave message. over $50. Get a good, clean, refurbished, upgraded at wood yard, 1/2 cord or full cords available. Call 780-967- (12) 17-03 For Rent Laptop or a Desktop with games, world pictures, 5835 or 780-983-1495 (28) 27- 08-19 For Lease ALBERTA BEACH - Newer 2 bdrm apartment, downtown, music, videos and more for Restaurant For Lease: Fully awesome view looking over ONLY $100. FREE repairs for single parents. Donate used Buy & Sell equipped restaurant for the lake, 1100sqft, washer/ lease, Restaurant is 1300 dryer/central vac, 2 baths, computers, tablets, etc. Will I BUY GUN COLLECTIONS Sqft, with seating capacity stainless steel appl, open fix, clear to donate or use for and World War 2 Collectables, of 42 seats. Located 1hr concept, please call Cheryl parts. Call: 780-892-2407 (14) Please call Jay for a quote outside of Edmonton. Ideal 780-982-6922 (4) 17-03 OG 28-01 780-686-1350 (30) 19-11-19 for family run Chinese or Completely renovated Motel Homestyle restaurant. Living Firewood Pasture Wanted accommodations included in Onoway, AB. offering daily, weekly or monthly rentals. All utilities included, 55 inch tv with Satellite. Double bedrooms, furnished bachelors with full kitchen and furnished 1 bedrooms with full kitchen available. $950 + tax. Please call for viewing, 780-967-4420 or 1-403-742-6467. www. (4) 17-03 OG
COMMUNITY EVENTS 2020 March 17, 2020 CommunityVOICE Page 19 If you are a LICENSED, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, you are welcome to submit your announcement FREE of charge, space permitting. You are required to submit your non-profit number. Call (780) 962-9228. Please note that all submitted event listings must be limited to 200 characters or less (including spaces). DEADLINE: 12 noon Friday prior to publication (Thursdays on long weekends). MAR 29 - ST. CATHERINE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH JR. SCRAPBOOKING Wed 4–6pm. Pre- register by Tues evg. Mayerthorpe Public CHERHILL COMMUNITY ASSOC. Monthly Meeting 1st Wednesday, 8pm at the Hall. OF CALAHOO: ANNUAL EASTER HAM BINGO & Library (780)786-2404 785-2825 *Except Jan, July, Aug, Sept. CHERHILL SILVER & GOLD SENIORS CLUB BONANZA at Calahoo Community hall. Doors “ME, YOU, & EVERYBODY” Fun new local program for people of all ages with Regular Meetings 1st Tuesday of month, Cherhill Seniors Hall. Call Rosamy 780-785- open at 1pm with the 1st game starts at 2pm. disabilities. Thursdays @ Alberta Beach 2625 Agliplex from 10:00-11:00am starting May. CHERISHED MEMORIES, PARENTS & $5/cost at door with hotdogs, popcorn and pop Funded Lac Ste Anne FCSS. TOTS Wed & Fri, 10-12pm, Alberta Beach ONOWAY GOLDEN CLUB: Cards Tuesdays, Agliplex. Info call 780-902-4879 or 780-999- available for purchase. All proceeds go directly to 1pm. 1st Tuesday: Pot Luck Supper. 5023 49 7622. *Sept-June. the operational/maintenance costs of our church. Ave. 780-967-3436. ONOWAY HAVE FUN & GET FIT! Excercise Citizens Helping In Life’s Defence (C.H.I.L.D) Join our Pro-Life meetings for APR 5 - ST. PETER’S CWL HAM BINGO & Class with Video La Blast. Fridays 10:30am at the Drop in Centre, 5023-49 Ave. PH: the Spruce Grove/Stony Plain area once a month. Call Chris 780-963-6997. BONANZA at Villeneuve Hall. Doors open at 1pm, 780-967-2056. PANCAKE/BREAKFAST SOCIAL: 3rd DARWELL & DISTRICT AG SOCIETY MEETINGS, 8:00pm, 1st Monday, Darwell first game at 2pm. Cost $5, Donuts for purchase. Sunday 9:00-11:30am, Parkland Village DDRA MEETING, 7:00pm, 2nd Mon, Darwell Community Centre. *except June, July, Centennial Hall 780-892-3099. *except Jul/ Juice and coffee free. All proceeds go to the many August Aug/Dec RIVER TALKERS TOAST MASTERS CLUB, GIRL GUIDES, BROWNIES & SPARKS charities we support. Thursdays, 7-9pm. 32 Whitecourt Ave. Thurs, 6:30pm, Onoway Heritage Centre. Hilltop Community Church. Info Lorainne Info Laura, 780-967-1004. 286-5040. GREENCOURT COMMUNITY FARMERS MARKETS Sunday of the month 1-5pm, $5/Adm Door SANGUDO ART CLUB meets every ASSOCIATION meet 2nd Tuesday, monthly prizes & 50/50 draw. 780-778-4950 *Nov - June Thursday morning at 9am at the Sangudo at 7:30pm at the hall. Info W. Jager (780) WESTLOCK FARMERS’ MARKET: Fridays Community School. New members 786-4648. 11-3pm, Someplace Else Youth Centre 10612 TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) welcome. For further information call GriefShare: WEEKLY GRIEF SUPPORT 102 St., Ph: 780-954-2437 *Feb 14, 2020 - Brenda at 780-785-2402. GROUP held on Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Dec 18, 2020. ALBERTA BEACH: Tuesdays, Weigh-in SPIRITUAL LIVING STONY PLAIN starting Feb 25 at Crossroads Community BINGO 6:00-6:45pm. Meeting 7:00pm. Alberta INSPERATIONAL CINEMA & DISCUSSIONS Church, 4719 44 Ave, Mayerthorpe. Beach Lutheran Church, Hwy 633. 967- at PERC Building (5413-51 St). 2nd Friday 13-weeks for just $25. Call 780-786-2695 to BARRHEAD ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION: 5009. of month at 7pm. Popcorn provided, register. Doors 5:30pm, games start 7pm. Games: #7, EDMONTON: Thurs 8:30-10am at Annex of donations appreciated. Contact 780-940- KINETTE CLUB OF MAYERTHORPE, Jack Pot, Mini Jack Pot, Loonie #1 & #2. Grace United Church (6215-104 Ave). $7/ 3032 7:30pm at Kinsmen Hall, 1st Tues of month. CHERHILL BINGO: Tuesdays at Cherhill month SPIRITUAL LIVING STONY PLAIN Contact: mayerthorpekinettes@gmail. Community Association. Doors @ 6:30pm, SANGUDO: Tues, United Church, 6:00pm. GATHERING at PERC Building (5413-51 St). com, Tracy: 780-786-0161. Games @ 7:30pm. Sharon 785-2095 or Marlene 786-4646. Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of month. Meditation LAC STE ANNE ARMY CADETS, Thurs, CHERHILL LEGION: First Sunday of Month. STONY PLAIN: Thurs evening, Stony Plain 10am, inspirational sharing 10:30am. PH 6:30-9:30pm at Onoway Museum (780) 967- Doors Open 12:00pm United Church. Susan (780) 968-0869 780-940-3032 0443 RICH VALLEY COMMUNITY HALL BINGO: SPRUCE GROVE: Wed 8:45am at Anglican WHITECOURT SENIORS CIRCLE DROP IN LAC STE ANNE COMMUNITY CHOIR, 7:30pm. Loonie Pots. Next bingos March 18, Church, 131 Church Rd. Christiane 960-1109 CRIB 1st & 3rd Sundays 1:00pm. 780-778- Wednesdays 7pm at the Heritage Centre in April 1, 15 & 29. YOUR COMMUNITY 4950 Alberta Beach (50+ Club behind the hotel). STONY PLAIN SENIOR’S DROP-IN WRITERS PROGRAM: Mayerthorpe Library, Further info, call Diane @ 780 924-2348. CENTRE, public bingo every Tues, 7pm. All MAYERTHORPE LEGION BR. #126: Seniors’ 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 1pm. LAC STE. ANNE & LAKE ISLE WATER ages welcome. Phone (780) 963-6685 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SOCIETY: 3rd Fri, WHITECOURT SENIORS CIRCLE, Every Floor Curling – Thurs @ 1pm. Fun Darts – Thurs @ 7pm. Wings Night – Every Wed MEETINGS 7pm, Alberta Beach Council Chambers. Tuesday. Open @ 5pm, 1st call @ 6:45pm, 5-8pm. Steak & Fish Night – 1st Friday of 1ST ONOWAY SCOUTS: Registration, LAKE ISLE HALL COMMUNITY HALL Nevadas, Concession. 780-778-4950 *Sept month 5-8pm. Everyone welcome. For Mondays 6:30-8pm. Beavers 5-7; Cubs 8-11; BOARD MEETINGS: 3rd Wed of each month - June more info please call 780-786-2470. Scouts 12-14. Kim 967-4339. @ 7:30pm at the Lake Isle Hall (Hwy 633 and RR55) Ph # 780-892-3121 MEAT DRAWS ONOWAY ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION: 2716 ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY CADETS, MAYERTHORPE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Open Tuesdays 7pm to 10pm for “Games’’ Wednesdays 6:30-9:00pm at Mayerthorpe ALBERTA BEACH MUSEUM: Every Sat 4pm, (pool, shuffleboard, darts, cards, etc.) Legion. Youths 12-18yrs, Call 780-515-1842 ASSOC, every 4th Mon, 5pm in Hospital Alberta Beach Hotel Fridays 3pm-10pm. Friday’s Family Friendly 299 ROYAL CANADIAN SEA CADETS Basement Education Room. ALBERTA BEACH: Lac Ste Anne Dinner, 5:30pm (open to the public). CORPS MACKENZIE: Stony Plain Comm MAYERTHORPE LEGION BR. #126: Community Choir & Onoway Minor Hockey PROBLEMS WITH DRUG OR ALCOHOL Center, Wed 6:30pm. Youths 12-18, 963-0843 Meetings 2nd Mon of month at 7:30pm. For Meat Draw - Sundays, 4:00pm at Jungle’s ADDICTION in a loved one? Contact 3053 (LAC STE ANNE) ROYAL CANADIAN more info please call 780-786-2470. Bar & Grill. Drug Rehab Resource free confidential ARMY CADET CORPS, Onoway Historical MEN FOR SOBRIETY: Wednesdays at BARRHEAD ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION: consultation. 1-866-649-1594 or www. Centre, Wed. 6:45-9:30pm. FREE program 7:30pm, FCSS Building (#105, 505 Queen Fridays 6:00pm. Queen Of Hearts draw & for youths 12+, Contact 3053army@cadets. Street, Spruce Grove). Mike (780) 965-9991. 50/50. SPRUCE GROVE ELEVATOR TOURS, Tues- or 780-886-1586 MS SOCIETY PARKLAND COMMUNITY ONOWAY ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION: Sat, 9:00-3:00pm. Info 960-4600. 526 BARRHEAD AIR CADETS, Wed 6:30- SUPPORT GROUP Are you diagnosed Fridays, Ph. 780-967-5361 UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP: North 9:30pm, High School. Ages 12-18. 780-305- with MS and have questions? Last Tues of STONY PLAIN ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION end Curling Rink, Onoway. Open Fri & Sat, 7233 month, 7-9pm, Westview Health Centre. BR# 256: Saturdays @ 3:00pm. Meat Draw 10am-4pm. 755 PARKLAND AIR CADETS Thurs, 6:30- Cassy 780-471-3034 *Sept–June & 50/50. VOLUNTEER TUTOR ADULT LITERACY 9:30pm Muir Lake School, ages 12-18. Info NA MEETING, Tuesdays 7:00pm Poplar WHITECOURT LEGION: Saturdays 4:00pm. PROGRAM: Need assistance with reading/ call 405-6585 or Valley Church (780)514-6011 Located downtown behind the CIBC. writing, English language (ESL) or Basic AA - MAYERTHORPE, Kingsmen Hall, ONOWAY & DIST HERITAGE SOCIETY: Computer skills? Free 1-on-1 tutoring! Carla Thurs 8pm. (780) 786-2604 or (780) 786-1927 2nd Wed of each month, 7:00pm, Onoway MEALS ON WHEELS Burkell, 780-554-2940, email: literacy@lsac. AA - SANGUDO GOLDEN CLUB, Tues 8pm Legion ca call 786-4402/785-9214/785-3599 ONOWAY & DISTRICT HISTORICAL GUILD: ONOWAY: LSAC Div 1 & 2, East of Hwy 43. WATER SAMPLE DROP OFF: Tues Onoway 3rd Wed 7pm, Onoway Museum. 967-5263 or Hazel Bourke: 780.967.2338 or bhbourke@ AL-ANON - ONOWAY: Meetings are at Aspen Health Services. Drop off 1:00- 7:00pm, Tuesday evenings, at the Onoway 967-2452. 2:30pm. ONOWAY & DISTRICT QUILT GUILD: Every WEST END: Sangudo, Mayerthorpe & west United Church. *Meetings suspended till 2nd Thurs, 10am-4pm, @ the Lac Ste. Anne end of LSAC. Jill: 780.785.2924 or Donna: SOCIAL EVENTS May 5, 2020 AL-ANON Wednesdays, 8pm. Spruce Grove Chateau Activity Room. Info, Ph Lyla @ 780.785.3118 or email: westendmow@ 780-967-2629. ALBERTA BEACH & DISTRICT ACTIVE 50+ United Church, 1A Fieldstone Dr. 780-962- 5205 ONOWAY ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION CLUB ACTIVITIES: Mon 7pm Darts; Tues General Meetings, 1st Mon, 7pm. *Sept–June JAMBOREES 7:30pm Crib; Wed 1pm Bridge. Thurs 7:30pm ALBERTA 55 PLUS: Villenvue Hall at 10am. RICH VALLEY AG SOCIETY BOARD Euchre; Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30am Aerobics/ Meetings on 2nd Tues of month. Info: Donna CARVEL: 2nd Sunday of month. $6 lunch 780-962-5933 MEETINGS: at the Agriplex on the 2nd Wed Fitness. Everyone Welcome. of the month. 7:00pm. served. Info 780-991-3001 BADMINTON: Wed, 7-10pm, Barrhead ALBERTA BEACH & DIST LIONS CLUB MAGNOLIA: at Magnolia Hall. 2nd Saturday meets every 4th Tues 7:00pm, Alberta Beach RIVER TALKERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB High School Gym. Jamie (780)674-8974 or Build confidence, speaking, leadership & of Month, New Time is 1:00pm. Call to (780)674-6974. Agliplex. confirm, 727-2015. *October - May, NO Dec. ALBERTA BEACH AG SOCIETY meets on listening skills. Thursdays 7-9PM at Eagle BALLROOM, LATIN, COUNTRY DANCE River Casino. Call Melinda Tarcan, (780)778- SANGUDO: Sangudo Community Hall, 1st SOCIAL: 1st Saturday of every month. Doors the 4th Thurs of month, 7:00pm, Alberta Sat of month 7pm. 785-4105 or 305-5088. Beach Agliplex. 1180. open 8pm at Central Lions Recreation SANGUDO PAINTING GROUP: Every Thurs, *October - May. Center, 11113 113 St., Edmonton AB. Cost $15 ALBERTA BEACH MUSEUM meets on the SPRUCE GROVE: at Sandhills Community 2nd Wed, 7:00pm at Heritage House 924- 9am-12pm at Sangudo Community School. paid at the doors. Hosted by Everyone’s Info, call 780-785-2112. Hall, 3rd Sunday, 1-5pm. Info Florence Ballroom Dance Assoc, More info: www. 3167. 780-962-3104 Margaret 780-962-3051 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: The Journey SUNDOWNERS TOASTMASTER CLUB: 780-893-6828 Mon (excl. Holidays) 7:30-9:30pm. St. *September - June. COME PLAY CRIB: Fridays, 7:30pm at of Hope Group, Fridays 8pm, (please STONY PLAIN: Stony Plain Seniors Drop In arrive earlier). Present location in church Matthew’s Church, Spruce Grove. Judy Darwell Seniors Hall; lite lunch is served. 960-5258 Center, 5018 - 51 Ave. Every 2nd & 4th Thurs of All ages! basement 4805 - 50 St. Onoway month, 7pm, $2. BARRHEAD & AREA CANCER SUPPORT WEIGHT WATCHERS Alberta Beach COUNTRY QUILTERS in Stony Plain house Agriplex - Mondays, weigh in 6:30pm. THE ABBOTTSFIELD VARIETY MUSIC a “Sew in Tuesday”, 2nd Tuesday of every GROUP: 4th Thurs. 6:30-8:00pm at Barrhead JAM: at Abbotsfield Rec Centre (3006 119 United Church. Meeting at 7pm. month, from 10-3pm. Drop in $5/member, WESTLOCK & AREA CANCER SUPPORT Ave. Edmonton) 3rd Friday of month, 7pm. $6/non-members. Contact Cindy 780-963- BARRHEAD ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, PH: 780-918-8545, Adm: Donations Only. meeting every 2nd Thurs, 7pm at the Legion GROUP: 3rd Wed. 6:30-8:00pm at Westlock 7170. Library. WHITECOURT SENIORS CIRCLE: 2nd Hall.
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