Parent Handbook Pre-Prep to Year 7 2012 - Chinchilla Christian School

Page created by Adam Berry
Parent Handbook Pre-Prep to Year 7 2012 - Chinchilla Christian School
Chinchilla Christian School

               Parent Handbook
               Pre-Prep to Year 7


Ouurr vviissiioonn iiss ttoo ggrrooww,, eedduuccaattee aanndd iinnssppiirree ssttuuddeennttss ttoo bbee tthhee lliigghhtt ooff tthhee
                           woorrlldd,, ggiivviinngg gglloorryy ttoo oouurr FFaatthheerr iinn hheeaavveenn..
Parent Handbook Pre-Prep to Year 7 2012 - Chinchilla Christian School
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Chinchilla Christian School Ltd
                        PARENT HANDBOOK 2012
                         GENERAL SCHOOL INFORMATION
Mr Dennis Lockhart                                          Principal
Miss Linda Weyer                                     Primary Teacher
Miss Helen Drew                                      Primary Teacher
Mr Matthew Stoner                                    Primary Teacher
Mrs Elisabeth Kirby                                  Primary Teacher
Ms Cheryl Barnes                                     Primary Teacher
Mr Matthew Owen                                      Primary Teacher
Mrs Esther Bradbury                                  Primary Teacher
Mrs Robyn Lindsay                                    Primary Teacher
Mrs Karen Haak Schoff                                Primary/Learning Support Teacher
Mrs Roslyn Heywood                                   Pre-Prep Teacher
Mrs Cheryl Hart                                      Teacher’s Aide
Mrs. Vanessa Druce                                   Teacher’s Aide
Mrs Ann Mitchell                                     Teacher’s Aide
Miss Brianna Welsby                                  Teacher’s Aide
Mrs Carolyn Adermann                                 Teacher’s Aide
Mrs Grace Stoner                                     Teacher’s Aide
Miss Kelsi Hopper                                    Teacher’s Adie
Mrs Amanda Gray                                      Playgroup Co-ordinator
Mr Barry Bruggemann                                  Janitor/Groundsman
Mrs Kaye Lockhart                                    Administrator
Mrs Sue O’Donnell                                    Administration Assistant
Mrs Sara Ussher                                      Administration/Accounts
Mrs Cheryl Deacon                                    Music Teacher
Mrs Maria Cousins                                    Instrumental Teacher
Mr Rod Feldhahn                                      President
Mrs Jan Darr                                         Company Secretary
Mr Matthew Burke `                                   Treasurer
Mr Ken Bruggemann
Mr Bruce Uebergang
Mrs Tammie Feldhahn                                  Minute Secretary
Mrs Fiona Bottcher

Mrs Jenelle Olm                                      President
Mrs Stef Burke                                       Vice-President
Mrs Alexander Rummenie                               Secretary
Mrs Audrey McGrath                                   Treasurer
TBA                                                  Tuckshop Convenors

Street Address                                       88 Oak Street, Chinchilla 4413
Postal Address                                       PO Box 242, Chinchilla 4413
Phone                                                07 4668 9777
Fax                                                  07 4668 9770

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A warm welcome to all parents and children. We hope that
your time here at the school will be a happy and beneficial one.
A good education involves three agencies in a child’s life—the
home, the school and the church. Each needs to work together
to give your child a well rounded, spiritual, emotional, physical
and academic education. Your involvement is extremely
important and most welcomed at our school. Please do not
hesitate to call the school if you wish clarification about any
aspect of the program.

This Handbook is intended for the use of all school parents. This document has much to say in
regard to school policy and procedures on a number of matters. It is the responsibility of parents
to be familiar with policies and procedures and to pass on the relevant information to their

This book will be updated when necessary and parents will be notified of its publication in the
school newsletter. No handbook is valid after it has been replaced by another. It is
recommended that this handbook be kept at home, readily accessible as a reference document.

Chinchilla Christian School is a multi-denominational Protestant School. It is a member of
‘Christian Education National’ Schools which is an Australia wide body of over 80 schools
located in each state and Territory. As such, it is governed and administered by a group of
committed Christian parents and concerned Christian people (Chinchilla Christian School
Association) who wish to see Christian education provided for families in the region including
and surrounding Chinchilla. The Association then elects a Board which is responsible for the
employment of staff and the management of the school. Whilst the school has been established
to assist Christian families in the education of their children, other families who are willing to
support the ethos of the school are also welcome to seek enrolment for their children.

Parents’ Responsibility for Christian Nurture of Children
God has given parents authority over their children to guide and direct them in the way of
righteousness. While parents may invite others (e.g. teachers) to share with them in the nurture
of their children, the foremost responsibility and privilege for this nurture always remains with
the parents, who determine the character and spiritual direction of their children. He calls on
children to love, honour, respect and obey their parents in the Lord.

Statement of Faith
Members of the Chinchilla Christian School Ltd Association, The Board and Staff, accept the
following Statement of Faith:

      a) We believe in the divine inspiration, the infallibility and supreme authority of the
         Old and New Testaments in their entirety and that the Holy Spirit so moved the
         writers that what they wrote are authoritative statements of truth for all matters of
         faith and conduct.

      b) We believe there is one God in whom there are three equal Divine Persons,
         revealed as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and who of His own
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sovereign will created the heavens, the earth and all that is contained within the
      c) We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternally existing, only begotten Son of
          the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. As God,
          He became flesh and dwelt among us; as man He was God.
      d) We believe all men are in a fallen, sinful and lost condition through the rebellion
          of Adam and Eve, who were created without sin, and in this state of depravity
          are helpless to save themselves and are under the condemnation of God to
          eternal punishment in Hell.
      e) We believe that salvation from the penalty and consequences of sin is found only
          through the substitutionary, atoning death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus
      f) We believe it is the Holy Spirit alone who convicts men of sin, leads them to
          repentance, creates faith within them and regenerates and fills those who
          believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord. It is the indwelling Spirit who bestows
          the Gifts of the Spirit and manifests the Fruit of the Spirit in the believer.
      g) We believe Christ died for our sins, was buried and the third day rose from the
          dead; that He appeared to men who touched Him and knew His bodily presence
          and that He ascended to His Father.
      h) We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return in person with His saints and
          that the full consummation of the Kingdom of God awaits His return.
      ix) We believe those who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit will receive a
          resurrection body at the return of Jesus Christ and be forever with the Lord,
          while those who have not believed will be resurrected to stand at the
          Judgement Seat of God to receive His judgement and eternal condemnation to
      j) We believe in the actual existence of Satan who is the father of all evil and
          opposed to God although ultimately subject to the purposes of God and
          destined to be confined forever to Hell.
      k) We believe the Church is the Body of Christ composed of all believers in the Lord
          Jesus Christ, which finds its visible manifestation in the local community of
          believers and ministers through the co-operative exercise of God-given gifts by
          the entire membership. Each local community of believers is competent under
          Christ as Head of the Church to order its life without interference from any
          authority whether civil or ecclesiastical.
      l) We believe there are two ordinances instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ:
          The Lord’s Supper – which is a memorial proclamation of the Lord’s death until
             He returns.

VISION STATEMENT: “Our vision is to grow, educate and inspire students to be the
     light of the world, giving glory to our Father in heaven.

MISSION STATEMENT: “To shine as a vital, caring community, providing quality Christ-
     centred education, nurturing students towards a life of discipleship and service”.

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OUR CORE VALUES: “To the Glory of God and in total dependence on him, we value:
   The Lordship of Christ over all creation and the responsibility we have to care for it.
   The God ordained role of parents in the raising of their children. (Parent involvement)
   A school community where parents, students, staff and association members empower
     and support one another in their roles. (Relationships)
   Prayerfulness and effective communication. (Communication)
   Teaching of quality programs that enable students to achieve their God–given potential.
     (Quality Teaching)
   Enabling the staff to teach from Biblical perspectives. (Christian teaching)
   The uniqueness of each student. (Students)
   Each Equipping students to become like Christ; to act in service and share God’s life and
     hope in the world. (Faith development)
   Faithfulness and excellence in everything. (Standards)

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The Chinchilla Christian School is accredited by the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board and
has full approval for its primary school. When the time comes for students to further their
education at the next level they are usually well equipped for making the necessary transition.
High School level of Christian Schooling can be continued at Dalby Christian School.
The Chinchilla Christian School Pre-Prep is accredited and licensed by the Office of Early
Childhood Education and Care.

Chinchilla Christian School expects that parents and students will be committed to the student’s
maximum possible attendance at school in order to optimise learning outcomes.

If a student is sick or unable to attend school due to some exceptional circumstance, parents
are required to notify the school by a telephone call to the school on the day of the absence,
followed up by a written note when the child returns to school. This is a legal requirement.

Appointments, such as non-urgent doctor or dentist, should be made outside school hours
wherever possible.

A number of students use buses from out-lying properties in conjunction with the State-run
buses. It is the responsibility of parents to organise their children’s transport and to ascertain the
costs involved. In many cases, parents are eligible for a Government reduction of bus fees
through the Non-State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme. This is via a refund of fees paid
in excess of a set amount per week. This is paid twice yearly. This can be done online.

The School Board has set up several committees which have responsibilities in different areas.
All committees report to the School Board, who is responsible for the running and operation of
the School.

Parents & Friends Assoc. (In recess at present) The Parents and Friends are actively
involved in fundraising activities and assisting in school community projects which enhance the
promotion of the school. All parents are encouraged to become active members. It is in recess
at the moment due to a shortfall of office bearers.

Refer also to the Parents and Friends Association Guidelines.

Education Committee – previews materials, books, etc. for use in the school for teaching
purposes and library.

Grounds and Maintenance Committee – responsible for: general maintenance of grounds
and facilities, and for organising working bees and mowing rosters.

Finance Committee – responsible for recommending budgets and spending, and accessing

Promotions – organising articles for publication in the local paper, and updating brochures etc.
for the School.

Policy Committee – responsible for overseeing the policies of the school.

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Master Plan Committee – responsible for maintaining and developing the school’s

High School Committee – researching and developing future plans for a high school.

Prayer Group – meet regularly to pray for the School, Staff, Students, Parents and any other
school needs.

The School will publish a Newsletter regularly (usually weekly). The School Newsletter is a very
important means of communication to the school community, parents in particular. The
newsletter will be given to the eldest child in the family to take home or it can be emailed, if
preferred. It can also be viewed on our webpage at Please take
the time to read it as news and information about “School Happenings” will be printed in it.

Procedures re complaints or matters of concern from staff members or parents:

As Christians we are exhorted in Ephesians Chapter 4 to ‘be completely humble and gentle; be
patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through
the bond of peace.’

If we have a concern about, or complaint against another believer, the first step is to take it to
the person directly and deal with it in a Christ-like manner. If the matter is still not resolved
others are to be called upon to assist in finding a resolution to the issue.

In an effort to apply the biblical pattern to dealing with disputes in the school community, the
following applies:

Procedures re complaints or matters of concern:
This is the procedure you should follow if, as a parent or a member of staff, you wish to express
a complaint or raise a matter of concern.

1.        If the complaint or matter of concern is about a member of staff you must first speak
          directly to that member of staff. If the complaint or matter of concern is about
          kindergarten policies you must first speak directly to the director of the kindergarten.

If the matter can be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, no further steps are required.

           a) If a satisfactory resolution is not reached the next step is to refer the matter to the
                   Principal who will attempt to resolve the matter.

           b) If a satisfactory resolution is still not reached, the next step is to refer the matter in
                   writing, through the Principal, to the School Board, who will attempt to resolve
                   the matter.

2.         If the complaint is about School Policies, the matter must be taken up directly with the
           Board, by writing to the Secretary.

3.        If the Board is unable to the resolve a matter concerning the kindergarten, parents
          may contact the Office for Early Childhood Education and Care (07 46169125) for

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The school teaches a Christian Worldview. A core curriculum in the areas of Mathematics,
Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Art/Craft, Music, Physical Education and Christian
Studies is offered in the Primary School.

Subjects are taught from a Biblical perspective but follow departmental guidelines and
syllabuses. The school places a strong emphasis on phonics (using the LEM phonics system),
spelling and reading. In mathematics, children are encouraged to develop strong numeracy
skills from the time that they enter the school.

Our high staff/student ratio enables teachers to stimulate higher achievers and to strengthen
lower achievers at a pace suitable to their own individual need.

Devotions are led each morning by the teachers. A Weekly Chapel Service is held and parents
and interested community members are also invited to share in this time. (See the Newsletter
for more details).

Discipline refers to the training of mind and character in an atmosphere of love and security
(Proverbs 22:6). Without discipline and correction a child’s learning and development is
restricted. Parents and staff are encouraged to work together to develop patterns of self-
discipline, cheerful obedience and respect for authority.

Students are expected to develop within themselves a high standard of self-discipline in their
conduct and dress both during and after school.

Corporal correction may be used in cases of misconduct. Counselling goes hand in hand with
discipline. Good discipline within the school creates a safer working environment for all
students. It allows more effective learning to take place with fewer interruptions.

                                ENROLMENT OF STUDENTS
Prep students must turn five years of age, by 30th June in the year of enrolment into Prep.

The procedure for enrolments is as follows:
   1.    Contact the school to arrange an interview. The interview will be with the Principal
         and a representative of the Board where possible. This will allow you to ask questions
         you might have in regard to the school program, as well as discussing details relevant
         to the child’s education and development.
   2.    The completed Application for Enrolment form can accompany you when you come
         for your interview. You will also need to have the following:
         a. Proof of the child’ date of birth
         b. Medical information
         c. Immunisation records
         d. Recent school report (if applicable)
         e. A family reference from your Pastor
   3.    You will be notified in writing or by telephone of the acceptance/non-acceptance of
         your application following the next Board meeting.

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Conditions of Enrolment:
Enrolment at the school is subject to the following terms and conditions. You will be required to
consent to the conditions on enrolment.

1.     That the parents will agree to allow the child to share fully in the life and programme of
the school, including the devotional activities and Scripture lessons.

2.     That the parents will support the aims of the school and endeavour to structure their own
lives and home so that the child will be given every opportunity to grow up into Christ.

3.      That the parents agree to their child/ren submitting to the school’s academic and
disciplinary regulations and agree to uphold the School’s authority and right to administer
appropriate discipline in accordance with the policies of the School.

4.     That the parents agree to take every effort to ensure that their child/ren will not be absent
from school without good reason (eg. sickness, appointments, etc) and that the term dates, as
advertised by the school, will be strictly adhered to.

5.   The parents undertake to provide the child with any necessary money required for
camps, excursions, sporting activities etc.

6.     That the parents undertake to provide the child with the full, correct uniform approved by
the school, and to ensure that the child is always sent to school neatly and modestly dressed in
the required uniform.

7.     That the parents undertake to be responsible for, and to pay punctually as they fall due
(currently at the beginning of each school term), all fees and expenses properly incurred. (Note:
In cases where the parents are under financial hardship and find full fees difficult to pay on time,
alternate arrangements must be discussed with the Treasurer, immediately.)

8.    That the parents agree to give at least one month’s notice, in writing, before the
termination of enrolment of their child/ren, or to pay one month’s fees in lieu.

9.     That the school may suspend or terminate enrolment at its discretion for failure to comply
with these conditions or other serious breaches of the School’s rules and regulations.

When parents enrol students at Chinchilla Christian School they accept an obligation to pay
fees for the provision of each student’s education. Fees for instruction will be invoiced at the
beginning of each term. These may also be paid yearly or half-yearly or, in consultation with the
Busar/Treasurer, monthly or weekly. Families with two or more children enrolled in the school
are automatically given concessions in accordance with our Family Fee Policy. Pre-Prep fees
are not eligible for any concession.

In cases where full fees could cause hardship, a rebate or alternative fee structure may be
arranged. This will be determined in confidential consultation with the Treasurer and Board
Chairman. Fees cover all tuition, curriculum and stationery costs.

Large sums of money, such as fees, must not be sent with children. When money is being sent
to school for other purposes, it should be enclosed in a sealed envelope which is clearly marked
as to the content and purpose.

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Building Fund
Our school building has been financed through the generous support of many committed
people. In order for our building programme to continue, funds are necessary. All contributions
to the “Chinchilla Christian School Building Fund” of $2 and over are tax deductible.

Student Support Fund
This fund is used to support students whose parents have difficulty in paying full fees.
Donations are appreciated.

In order to reinforce the teaching in the classroom and to encourage in the students some
responsible use of their own time, homework is set regularly on an increasing basis through the
school years.

The aim of homework is to apply practice skills learnt in the classroom and to draw upon
resources in the home.

                             INTERACTION WITH OTHER SCHOOLS
Chinchilla Christian School participates in a range of extra-curricular activities with other schools
in the district. This includes the small schools sports days and swimming carnivals, the district
cross country competition and community singing and musical competitions. Students with
exceptional ability have the opportunity to represent the Chinchilla and District Schools at
regional sporting competitions.

The school works co-operatively with other state and non-government schools in the south west
region to contribute and share in significant community events.

                                       LOST PROPERTY
All items of clothing and equipment should be clearly labelled so that property found can be
returned to the owner. Lost property will be kept at the school where items can be retrieved.
Lost property not collected by the end of term may be disposed of by the school.

Any medication that a student is required to take during school time must be in the original
packaging with student’s name and stated dosages. This must be given to the administrator to
administer, along with relevant instructions and times. Students may not self medicate. Parents
need to advise the office of any changes to their child’s medical records.

                                  OUT OF BOUNDS AREAS
Areas where students may not play:
   1. In the Pre-Prep grounds
   2. Outside the fenced area, i.e. in front of the school or in the car park.
   3. In the fenced in area behind the Pre-Prep

The area in front of the school is a bus loading zone and there is no parking in this area in the
times stated on the signs. Parents are requested to park in the school car park, when dropping
off and picking up their children. When using the car park, please be aware that there are often
small children in the area and drive slowly. We ask that parents of small children supervise
them at all times in the car park. The car park has been designed to be a “kiss and drop” zone.
This means that parents should not leave their cars when dropping off or collecting children. If
you have business to attend to please use the appropriate parks marked for visitors.

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The school day commences at 8.55am. Finishing time is 3.00pm. School terms are the same as
those of other Queensland Schools unless otherwise advised, although our school year finishes
a week earlier than the state schools. Students are not to be at school before 8.30am unless by
prior arrangement with the Principal.

                              SPEECH – WHAT IS ACCEPTABLE
Students are expected to use speech which is both uplifting and holy. Swearing, blaspheming,
speaking on inappropriate subjects, suggestive language, put downs and lying are
unacceptable. If your child is complaining about any of the behaviour described, please inform
the teacher as soon as possible. Such matters will be followed up. It greatly helps staff to be
alerted to such problems so that corrective and preventative measures can be taken.

We are more likely to have problems with inappropriate speech at school when it is used in the
home. If parents are in the habit of swearing at home then it is almost inevitable that swearing
will become a habit for children. Children who are verbally put down at home, or who hear
others put down, will learn to do the same to others. We encourage you to make sure that the
television and all that they hear and see through various media is of a high moral standard.
Through the media your children may be learning moral standards which are not your own. The
most important way of ensuring high standards at school is for all families to have high
standards at home.

Your child does not have to put up with the bad language and inappropriate talk of others at
school. Please help us to keep school free of unacceptable speech.

Sport is currently held once per week. Swimming is a priority and will be conducted in at least
one term. Other sporting activities will be held, depending on availability, throughout the
remainder of the year. (Possibilities could be tennis, athletics, and gymnastics).

All members of the teaching staff are fully qualified teachers who are registered with the
Queensland Board of Teacher Education. Every staff member is a dedicated Christian who
firmly believes in and practices a Christian philosophy of education. Teachers receive in-service
training in association with the Christian Education National, Association of Independent
Schools Qld. and other applicable sources. All teaching staff, both full and part time, and Board
members hold current “Working with Children” cards.

                                    STUDENT WELFARE
Chinchilla Christian School is dedicated to promoting and providing a supportive learning
environment in which all students can expect to feel safe.

Chinchilla Christian School recognizes the need for sustained positive approaches towards the
enhancement of student welfare. Such approaches encourage all members of the school
community to:
    Value diversity
    Contribute positively to the safety and wellbeing of themselves and others
    Act independently, justly, co-operatively and responsibly in school work, civic and family
    Contribute to the implementation of strategies that create and maintain a safe and
      supportive learning environment. (National Safe Schools Framework Draft February

Chinchilla Christian School Student Welfare Policy has been developed to comply with the
following statutory regulations:

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 Child Care Protections Act 1999 (as amended 1 April 2003)
    National Safe Schools Framework 2003
    The Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Regulation 2001
(See the parent and student information leaflets in the appendix)
(See also the Child Protection Policy which is available from the office)

                                      SUN PROTECTION
Sun-safe school hats are compulsory and must be worn whenever students are outside. If they
do not have their hat, students will be required to play in shaded areas, or the courtyard.
Sunscreen (SPF 30+) is available at school and students are encouraged to apply it at recess
times, unless parents specifically make a request to the school for it not to be used.

                                    (In recess at present)
Tuckshop usually operates once per week. Children requiring tuckshop are asked to write
orders on a brown paper bag and hand to the Tuckshop Convenor when they arrive at school.
Parents are informed of selections available and costs through the newsletter. Any changes to
this practice will be published in the Newsletter.    Money needs to accompany the order.
Correct change would be appreciated where possible.

A school uniform helps students to identify positively with the school and with fellow students.
Uniforms are compulsory for all students. The tone of the school is reflected in the wearing of
uniforms. Correct uniform must be worn by all students while at school and while travelling to
and from school. The uniform is available through ‘Busy Bee’ in Railway Street. Some second-
hand uniforms are available through the Parents & Friends Association – please call at the
office for assistance. (See also the Uniform Policy in the appendix).

Valuables or toys are not allowed at school. If these are brought for a particular reason, they are
to be handed to the classroom teacher at the beginning of the day and collected at the end of
the day.


   1. A parent, who is in the school immediately before or after school for the purpose of
      dropping off or picking up their child, is not classed as a visitor providing they are not
      staying on at the school past 9.00am.

   2. All visitors are required to check in at the office on arrival and sign the Visitor’s Book and
      pick up a Visitor’s Badge. Staff and students then know that if an adult is wearing a
      Visitor’s Badge, they have reported to the office, and other visitors without badges will be
      asked to report to the office or the Principal.

   3. When leaving the school, visitors are required to sign out and return the Visitor’s Badge.

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Child Protection at Chinchilla Christian School
Chinchilla Christian School recognises that protecting students from harm and the risk of harm
is fundamental to maximising their personal and academic potential. For this reason the welfare
and best interests of the children within our School will always be a primary consideration.

We expect our students to show respect to our staff and volunteers and to comply with safe
practices and we expect all employees to ensure that their behaviour towards and relationships
with students reflect proper standards of care for students, and are not unlawful. The School will
respond diligently to a report of suspected or actual harm, or risk of harm to a student.

What does the School mean by harm?

Recent Queensland legislation defines harm as:
   Any detrimental effect of a significant nature on the child’s physical, psychological or
     emotional wellbeing. It is immaterial how the harm is caused. Harm can be caused by:
   Physical, psychological or emotional abuse or neglect;
   Sexual abuse or exploitation; or
   Domestic or family violence.

How does the School protect students from harm?

The School has a comprehensive Child Protection Policy, which covers the actions to be taken
if a member of staff or a parent of the school becomes aware or reasonably suspects that harm
has been done to a student of the school by other staff, people outside the school or by other

What should you do if you become aware or reasonably suspect that harm has been
caused to a student of the school by a member of staff, someone outside of the school or
by other students?

You should report your concerns to the Principal or to any other member of school staff.

What will happen next?

If you report your concerns to a member of staff other than the Principal, the member of staff will
report it to the Principal immediately, or if the subject of the complaint is the Principal then the
member of staff will report to the Chairman of the School Board.

What will the Principal or the Chairman of the Board do?

If the Principal or Chairman of the Board receives a report of harm or suspected harm to a
student of the school; and he/she becomes aware of the harm having been caused or
reasonably suspects the harm to have been caused then it will be reported to police
immediately if the harm relates to sexual abuse; or to the Department of Child Safety if
appropriate; or it may be dealt with internally if the matter does not require mandatory reporting
to an outside body.

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What happens about confidentiality?

Your report will be treated in a confidential manner and with respect. Knowledge of it will be
limited to the Principal and those directly involved. The Chairman of the School Board may also
need to be informed. It is the school’s policy that confidentiality between the School and
parents will be respected as much as possible and any concerns raised by parents will not
rebound adversely on their children.

Each person who has access to information regarding suspected or disclosed harm has an
obligation to observe appropriate confidentiality. However, the School is unable to promise
absolute confidentiality since the steps of the Policy will require disclosing, internally and
externally, certain details involved in responding to the report. State authorities can compel
people to give evidence about actions under the Policy and to produce documents. You would
be fully informed if information you provided were to be passed on to a third party.

Any action, which needed to be taken under staff disciplinary procedures as a result of an
allegation not requiring police intervention, would be handled confidentially within the school.

How will the School help my child?

The Principal will ensure that the following things are done to reduce the chance of harm

      Ensure that each staff member understands and fulfils their obligations under this Policy
       and the Policy for reporting abuse.
      Ensure that there is an acceptable reference for each staff member engaged since the
       commencement of this protocol, from his or her previous employer.
      Ensure that each staff member and volunteer who has contact with children has a current
       positive suitability notice issued by the Commissioner for Children and Young People.

If the Principal receives a report of harm to your child, he/she will support the child by:
      responding rapidly and diligently to the report;
      reassuring the student;
      protecting the child’s confidentiality as much as possible;
      offering continuous support; and
      providing counselling if requested.

What should I do if I require more information?

The School’s complete Child Protection Policy is available at the school administration. Parents
and students may have access to this policy at any time. You may also make an appointment
to discuss the policy with the Principal if you wish to clarify any matters.

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Child Protection at Chinchilla Christian School
Every student has the right to feel safe and free from harm while at school/college. We expect
you to respect your teachers and other students and we expect that you will receive the same
respect in return. You should never allow yourself to feel unsafe without reporting it to someone
you trust.

Who should I tell if I am not feeling safe at school or at home?

You should tell any staff member. If you do not feel like talking to a member of staff you may
like to write him or her letter.

What will happen if I report what is happening to a member a staff?

If the concern is worrying you but not causing you immediate harm, then the member of staff will
discuss with you ways to solve your problem. If the concern is serious and the member of staff
believes that you are being harmed or in danger of being harmed, he or she will report it to the

What if I don’t want the member of staff to tell the Principal?

The member of staff will try to keep your concerns confidential as much as possible. However, if
the member of staff is aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been caused by anyone to a
student of the school then the law says that the matter must be reported to the Principal and it
may have to be reported to the Police. If the staff member has no choice about reporting what
you have told them to some-one else he or she will explain to you exactly what will happen next.

Remember the most important thing is that you feel safe and free from harm. You must
tell someone if you are being harmed or are afraid that you will be harmed.

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                                                  UNIFORM POLICY

The purpose of this document is to clarify with parents, students and staff the application of the Uniform Policy at
Chinchilla Christian School.

It is the desire of the School to honour and bring glory to God. We believe that we can contribute to this in our
personal presentation, dress and behaviour. The uniform code at CCS was designed by our own parents and
approved by the Board. Students wear uniforms to build unity and to identify themselves with the School. There are
also issues of personal safety, peer group pressure, social background and job preparation since many workplaces
require their employees to wear uniforms. One of the reasons many parents send their children to our school is
because of the high standard of uniform. Our parents, staff and the School Board value a high standard of uniform.

While high uniform standards are valued in our school, it is undesirable to commit an excessive amount of time and
resources enforcing this policy at the expense of our core business, which is student learning. To this end, parental
and student support is imperative for our School to maintain the high standards of uniform we have enjoyed to date.

The following policy will help us as a Christian community to understand the expectations of the Uniform Policy.

Students are to be in full and correct uniform when on the School campus, travelling to and from School and at all
School-organised activities unless informed otherwise by the staff responsible for the activity.

                                                      Page 17 of 37
CCS Uniform Description

 The School colours are royal blue and yellow.

 The School uniform is available for purchase through Busy Bee Signs, 30 Railway Street, Chinchilla.

 Phone 4669 1135. Cash, cheque or credit cards will be accepted.

 Second hand uniforms are available by appointment at the school. Contact Mrs Lockhart through the office.

SUMMER UNIFORM                                                   SUMMER UNIFORM
Boys Formal Uniform:                                             Girls Formal Uniform:
Royal Blue Gabardine Shorts                                      Royal Blue and White Striped Dress, with dropped waist and
Blue & White striped formal shirt                                pleated skirt.
Black joggers with plain white, calf length socks (no            Black joggers with plain white, calf length socks (no
coloured stripes, no anklets that do not show above              coloured stripes no anklets that do not show above the
the shoe) OR black or brown leather roman sandals                shoe) OR black or brown leather roman sandals

Boys Sports:                                                     Girls Sports:
Royal Blue Gabardine Shorts                                      Royal Blue Skort - shorts with skirt front
Short Sleeved Gold Polo Shirt                                    Short Sleeved Gold Polo Shirt
Shoes - as above for the formal uniform.                         Shoes - as above for the formal uniform.
In cooler weather, track suit jacket or royal blue polar
                                                                 In cooler weather, track suit jacket or royal blue polar fleece
fleece zip-up vest may be worn over the summer
                                                                 zip-up vest may be worn over the summer uniform.)

WINTER UNIFORMS                                                  WINTER UNIFORMS
Boys - as in summer but including:                               Girls - as in summer but including:
Royal Blue track suit with zip front jacket                      Royal Blue track suit with zip front jacket
Gold Polo Shirt (long or short sleeved), or gold skivvy          Gold Polo Shirt (long or short sleeved), or gold skivvy
Shoes & socks – As above for summer NO SANDALS                   Shoes & socks – As above for summer NO SANDALS

Optional: Royal blue polar fleece zip-up vest                    Optional: Royal blue polar fleece zip-up vest

NOTE:                                                            NOTE:
For days that are not as cold, boys may wear their               For days that are not as cold, girls may wear their track suit
track suit jackets or royal blue polar fleece zip-up             jackets or royal blue polar fleece zip-up vests over either
vests over either summer uniform.                                summer uniform.
                                                                 Navy tights may be worn under the formal summer uniform.

                                                           Page 18 of 37

Completely black, lace-up, polishable, leather shoes (Velcro permitted in Prep only). Should be kept clean &
polished. Heel must be less than 5 cm high. Students will not be allowed into specialist classrooms without the
correct shoes, to meet Workplace, Health and Safety rules. No canvas, suede, fashion shoes or basketball high-tops
will be permitted.


Plain White socks (not rolled down and must have at least 7cm of socks showing at all times.)

                       Boys: Royal Blue Bucket Hat                      Girls: Royal Blue Noosa Hat

                                 TIMES. THERE IS TO BE NO LENIENCY IN THIS MATTER.

Jewellery and Hair Policy

       No jewellery other than watches and earrings are permitted.
       Earrings are limited to one or two plain gold or silver sleepers or studs in the earlobe.
       No other piercing is permitted.
       No rings are to be worn.


       Girls’ hair is to be well groomed and cut in a moderate style.
       Shoulder length and longer hair should be tied back using black, white, gold, blue ribbons, scrunches, clips
        or hairnets.
       Hair accessories should be functional for the purpose of holding the hair in place rather than ornamental.
       Girls’ hair should be groomed as to not fall across the eyes.
       Girls’ hair should be natural colour.


Students from Prep to Year 7 are not permitted to wear makeup or nail polish.


       No jewellery other than a watch is permitted.
       No earrings or body piercing is permitted.
       No rings are to be worn.


Boy’s hair must be above the collar and neatly groomed at all times. The emphasis is placed on neat and tidy
presentation. Some minor variations in length will be tolerated if hair is neatly groomed at all times. No “flashes”,
razor cuts or severe variations in hair levels are permitted (such as obvious undercuts).

                                                        Page 19 of 37
However we need to further clarify that:

          No hairstyle or cut which is outside the given guidelines will be tolerated.
          Cuts which include differences in the length of sections of hair must be moderate differences.
          Generally hair should be evenly layered.
          Some minor variations will be tolerated, but stark contrasts in hair length will not.
          Where ‘blades’ are used to cut sections of hair no cut below a number 2 blade is acceptable - or - the
           scalp should not be easily visible through the short section. There may be times when boys are having
           their hair treated for lice that a short cut is acceptable but a note should be sent explaining this on the
           first day of the treatment.
          Boys’ hair should be their natural colour.
          Boys are not to wear ponytails or use other hair accessories

Children are to change into their swimming costumes at the school whenever possible. To travel to the pool
on the bus all children must wear appropriate clothing over their costumes i.e. their sports tops, they do not
need to take their hats to the pool. In fact as little as possible is to be taken. All children need to have sun
screen liberally applied before leaving school for the pool. Sandals or thongs may be worn to the pool and
back. Joggers and socks are to be left at school.

      Swimming costumes must be appropriate and modest for everyone.
      Girls must wear one-piece suits (no bikinis or two-piece outfits).
      Sun-shirts must be worn when using the outdoor pool. A T-Shirt can be used in the place of sun-shirts if
       these are not available.

                                        Uniform Breaches
   With a Parental Note: Uniform breaches may be explained if accompanied by a note from parents. Parental
   notes must be signed and dated stating the duration the student will be in breach of this policy. Excessive
   breaches should be referred to the Principal through the office with appropriate paper work attached (see Staff
   Manual pages 34 to 37).

   Without Parental Note: Staff will challenge students who breach the uniform policy. Staff should request that the
   student immediately rectify the uniform breach.

   The following steps will be taken when dealing with uniform breaches:

          Student asked why they are breaching the uniform policy.
          Student asked to correct their uniform immediately.
          If the student is unable or refuses to correct their uniform, the student will be given a uniform demerit
           (the appropriate paper work needs to be taken by the student to the office to be recorded).
          Demerits will be recorded on the relevant Behaviour Management Database at the office.

                                                      Page 20 of 37
Persistent uniform breaches will receive the following consequences (teachers will need to send the
        appropriate paper work to the office with the offending students – see pages 34 to 37 of the Staff Manual):

                        3 Demerits - Lunchtime Detention
                        6 Demerits - After-school Detention. Letter sent home to parents including list of demerits
                         and reasons issued.
                        9 Demerits - In-school Suspension Letter sent home to parents including list of demerits and
                         reasons issued.
                        12 Demerits - Letter sent home to parents including list of demerits and reasons issued.
                         Interview with parents to discuss further options that could include the paddle or future
                         enrolment of the student being suspended.

           Other consequences may also be used, including litter duty or writing an essay etc. Teachers may refer
        students who persistently breach the uniform code in one particular area of uniform (eg. does not have a hat),
                             may be referred to the Principal who may contact parents/carers.


The following section will be strictly enforced given the high incidence of skin cancers in Queensland.

       Students in school uniform must wear a hat when outdoors. This includes travelling to and from School.

       While on the school campus: Primary students are to wear hats at all times when not indoors.

This is best summarised by: NO HAT NO PLAY OUT IN THE SUN

At a teacher’s discretion, it may be deemed impractical or unsafe to wear a hat e.g. playing soccer or rugby. In these
cases, students must liberally apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before play and reapply sunscreen as necessary.



Students’ hair should be their natural colour. The following consequences will occur for inappropriate dyeing of hair:

       Extreme colour: eg. Pink, purple or blue. Student will be sent home immediately and will not return to school
        until their hair is a natural colour. A Uniform Infringement Notice is to be issued by the Head of
       Unnatural colour: eg. Brunette hair bleached to blonde. Students who have noticeably dyed their hair an
        unnatural colour will receive a demerit and must have the colour reversed as soon as possible. Students
        unable to promptly reverse the colour will be sent home immediately and will not return to school until their
        hair is a natural colour.

The following consequences will occur for inappropriate hairstyles:

       Extreme hairstyle: eg. Mohawk or shaved head. Student will be sent home immediately with a Uniform
        Infringement Notice issued by the Principal and will not return to school until their hairstyle has been
        rectified. In the event that this is not practical in the short term eg. a shaved head, the student will be
        suspended for up to two days and then be placed on an in-school suspension for at least 5 days. A
        reoccurrence of an extreme hairstyle may result in the student being expelled.
       Other unacceptable hairstyle: A demerit will be issued and the student will be required to rectify the hairstyle
        as soon as possible with a Uniform Infringement Notice issued by the Principal. If the hairstyle cannot be
        rectified quickly, the student may be placed on an in-school suspension for up to seven days or until the
        hairstyle is deemed acceptable.

                                                       Page 21 of 37

Students wearing jewellery outside of the Uniform Policy will be given a demerit and asked to remove it. If the student
re-offends, a second demerit is to be issued, the item is be confiscated and given to the Principal in a sealed
envelope stating the student name, teacher name, item description and date confiscated. The student is to collect the
item from the Principal after one week. A fourth occurrence will result in another demerit and the confiscated item
being released after one week to the student’s parents only.


The purpose of a uniform exemption is to allow some grace to students who are out of uniform due to genuine
forgetfulness or circumstances beyond the student’s control eg. long periods of rainy weather. It is each student’s
responsibility to ensure that they have their full uniform ready the night before each school day. Exemptions granted
for circumstances beyond the student’s control may only be granted if a note is received from parents. Students are
allowed two uniform exemptions per semester.

Teachers will keep a record of Uniform Exemptions in their rolls and will issue a Uniform Exemption Slip when an
exemption is granted. It is the student’s responsibility to approach their Teacher to request an exemption. During
assemblies, the student must obtain an exemption from their Teacher either before or directly after the assembly.
Students must carry this slip for the rest of that day and must produce it if challenged by a staff member. Students
without a Uniform Exemption Slip will be in breach of the Uniform Policy and will immediately be given a Uniform

Students who persistently breach the Uniform Policy will be issued a Uniform Infringement Notice, which gives the
student a date by which the uniform breach is to be corrected. Students who do not rectify the Uniform Breach by the
due date may be suspended (or have to explain why their parents are not contacted so they can be paddled) until
they comply with the School’s Student Uniform Policy.


There may be a Free Dress Day held during or at the end of the term. Students are charged a gold coin for the
privilege of wearing free dress. The wearing of free dress on Free Dress Days is voluntary. The proceeds of Free
Dress Days are to be directed into missionary or other charitable organisations.

The following dress regulations apply to Free Dress Days:

       Students should wear smart, casual clothes suitable for attending school
       Shoes must be fully enclosed and meet WHS requirements
       Shoulders are to be fully covered
       A hat must be worn
       No bare mid-riffs or revealing necklines
       Slogans or writing on clothing should not contradict the Biblical ethos of the school

Students wearing inappropriate clothing will be either sent home to rectify their clothes or, if this is not possible,
placed on an in-school suspension for the day.


It is very important that children who ride bikes/scooters to and from school are familiar with the Bike
Road Rules. These can be downloaded from the Queensland Government Website under Road Rules for
Cyclists or you can obtain a copy of the information from the office.

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Chinchilla Christian


                Parent Information Booklet

   We are licensed under the Child Care Act 2002 and comply with the regulations of this Act.
For more information please contact the Office of Early Childhood Education and Care,Toowoomba (07) 4616 9125

Principal: Mr. Dennis Lockhart
Teacher: Mrs Roslyn Heywood (Master of Education (Early Childhood)
Teacher Aide: Mrs. Sandra Bruggemann (Cert. III Early Childhood)

                                                  Page 23 of 37
                             PRE-PREPATORY LEVELS

The main objective of our 4-5 year old programmes at Chinchilla Christian School is to create a
playing and learning environment offering inspiring activities and providing children with
opportunities to develop holistically together with their peers.

We encourage warm relationships (between parent, child and teacher), active learning and
functioning as a group to develop a wholesome outlook on life. To ensure learning experiences
for our children provide a foundation for future learning, we use a programme called “Casey
Caterpillar’s Building Blocks to Literacy” by Barbara Brann and Nicole King.             This
comprehensive programme covers Five Learning Areas considered essential for the
development of Literacy skills:

      Talking Domain
      Concepts of Print Domain
      Listening Domain
      Looking Domain
      Motor Domain

Our programme is organised into Four Levels each Level has three stages:

Entry & Beginning Levels – Pre-Prep
Skills & Application Levels – Covering our Preparatory and Year One Levels.

This programme then flows nicely into our existing Language Programme,
“LEM Phonics”, used throughout our Primary School ensuring our students are competent in all
areas of Literacy. Combined with our use of puzzles, home and library corner, block play, art
and table activities, sand and water play, story telling, music and outdoor play we ensure all
areas of the ‘Early Years Curriculum” are covered to promote the growth and development of
each child in our programme.

Our main aim is to provide a smooth transition from home to school in a caring Christian
environment using comprehensive and age appropriate curriculum at each level of your child’s

Home corner
Dress-ups help children to role play and develop self expression and performance
skills. It releases anxieties and helps children work through their emotions.

            Sand and Water Play
            This involves many early math’s experiences such as measurement, estimation,
            problem solving, capacity and comparison as well as many science discoveries.

                                           Page 24 of 37
Art, Craft, Collage and Construction
Through paints, crayons, play dough, paper, paste and a variety of materials children learn
colours, shapes, and fine motor skills. They enhance their cutting skills, pencil control, design
skills and their imagination. They think well of themselves when their work is accepted and

Outdoor Play
Children develop their gross motor skills. They learn to control their bodies, develop their co-
ordination, co-operation and exploration.

                 Block Play
                 This gives children the chance to think, plan and work with their hands. It also
                 helps them understand more about size, shapes, spatial relationships,
                 predicting and balance. As the children work, share, talk and play with other
                 children they improve their language and understanding of people.

Story Telling and Music
This time gives children the chance to develop their language skills such as
increasing vocabulary, language structure, speech and oral expression. They
are able to practice their listening and concentration skills. All these skills are
essential for future literacy development.

               Puzzle time helps to develop thinking skills, problem solving,
               hand/eye co-ordination, attention spans and visual memory.


At present, Chinchilla Christian School Pre-Prep is fully accredited as a Centre Based
Child Care Service with the following license conditions:
    The licensed capacity for the service is 22 children
    Child care may only be provided for children from 4 years to school age but not including
       school children.
    The service may operate for 20 hours or less per week.
This means that parents must only drop off and collect children within the guidelines set out
below. We are in the process of obtaining an open license which will enable us to operate for
more hours and accommodate more children. We will advise of our progress as it comes to

From 2012,Pre-Prep will operate on a five-day fortnight. It is required that you come into the
Pre-Prep room to both deliver and collect your child and sign the IN and OUT BOOK. This
procedure assists in ensuring the safety of your child. Staff must be informed if a person other
than the parent will be collecting the child. When collecting your child, could parents please wait
outside until the session has ended?

                                              Page 25 of 37
Please try to be punctual in both delivering and collecting your child, remembering that staff use
the time in the morning for preparation, for the benefit of the children. If your child will be absent
from a session, please notify the school.

Bus Children
It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school that their child will
travel to Pre-Prep on the bus. Please complete and sign a form to
enable the school to sign the child in and out of the school.

What to Wear
OPTIONAL Shirts with CCS logo are available through ‘Busy Bee’.
Three colours are available: Red, Emerald Green and Royal Blue. All
shirts are available in sizes 4 – 14y. Fleecy jumpers will be available in Royal
Blue for winter as well as royal blue bucket hats, shorts, skorts and tracksuit
Otherwise we recommend that children wear play clothes that wash easily and
are comfortable and practical to wear e.g. no long, frilly dresses. Ideally a child
should be able to manage his/her own buttons and zips for the purpose of
toileting. We recommend that all personal items be clearly named.

What to Bring
A school bag to hold:
A nutritional morning tea, lunch and drink in a named lunch box
A clearly named hat
A clearly named plastic cup
A spare set of clothes
Clearly “named” cot sheets in a bag with pillow.

Health and Medication
If your child is not well, please keep them at home. If your child becomes ill
during the session, we will notify you. Please let the school know if your child
has been exposed to any infectious diseases. If any of your emergency contact
numbers change during the year, please notify us as soon as possible. Please
advise staff of any medication which your child requires during their sessions
and complete a medication form. All mediation must be left with a member of
staff. No injections or nebulizers will be administered by the staff.

Birthdays are exciting events for children. You are welcome to send along a birthday cake for
your child to share with the friends. This can be on the birthday or on the closest day to their

                                                 Page 26 of 37
Show and Tell
It is most preferable that children do not bring precious toys from home as they can be easily
lost or broken. We encourage children to bring along items such as shells, plants, insects, thing
they have made etc.

You are encouraged to talk with the teacher or principal about your child’s
progress or any concerns you have. Where discussion is needed, please make
an appointment through the office. Best times will usually be outside of session
times rather than taking away the teacher’s attention from their responsibilities at
these times. Each week a school newsletter will come home. Please read this as
it is our way of communicating with you about school events.

How Can You Help?
Parents play an important and valuable role in the education of their child.

You can help in many ways such as:
 Reading all notices that come home
 Supporting and encouraging your child in their work
 Discussing any problems and worries with us
 Sharing your interest and hobbies with us
 Attending any working bees
 Attending P & F meetings
 Washing dress ups, dolls clothes and equipment at the end of each term
 Collecting useful junk material for us (list follows)

Treasures You Can Collect and Donate

Dramatic Play
 Interesting clothes e.g. gloves, shoes, hats, boas, dresses, vests etc.
 Special hats e.g. fireman, police, baker, nurses caps etc.
 Unwanted kitchen appliances e.g. bowl, measuring cups, spoons,
   beaters, scales, trays, pots, pans etc.
 Old computers, monitors, phones, typewriters, printers etc.
 Posters and pictures

Collage and Construction

   Paper, cardboard, samples and cut offs
   Soft wood
   Cardboard boxes (e.g. cereal, biscuits) and cylinders
   Wallpaper samples, rolls, carpet, tiles, lino samples and off cuts
   Material and wool scraps
   Margarine, yoghurt containers
   Various sizes of lids, buttons, bottle tops
   Wrapping paper, cards, Easter egg foil, lolly wrappers etc.
   Material from nature e.g. seeds, shells, leave etc.

                                              Page 27 of 37
You can also read