Inform HIGH SCHOOL Information Booklet 2020 - Durban High School

Page created by Kurt Barnes
Inform HIGH SCHOOL Information Booklet 2020 - Durban High School

Information Booklet

              255 St Thomas Road
                Musgrave 4001
                P O Box 50001
                Musgrave 4062

 Tel:         031-277 1500
 Fax:         031-277 1555

 Instagram:   @durbanhighschool
 Twitter:     @DurbanHighDHS
Inform HIGH SCHOOL Information Booklet 2020 - Durban High School

  Developing gentlemen of character.

        Durban High School strives to develop
          responsible, motivated young men
     with strong moral convictions and integrity,
     who, possessing self-discipline and courage,
are capable of leading with strength and compassion
         to meet the challenges of the future.
 Our ethos enables us to realise individual potential
       in Academics, Sport, Cultural Activities,
           Leadership, Outdoor Experiences,
            and Service to the Community.
       We pride ourselves on achieving this by
         the nurturing of loyalty and respect,
           the honouring of all relationships,
      and through a commitment to hard work,
                in a secure environment
    which embraces the diversity of South Africa.

Name: .................................................................................................

Admission Number: .............................                        Grade: ..........................

Residential/Postal Address: .................................................................


Contact Telephone Numbers: .............................................................


I, ........................................................................., the parent/guardian

of ................................................. in Grade ................, have read the

contents of the Information Booklet.

Signature: ...........................................................................................

Signature: ...........................................................................................

Date: ....................................................

   • DHS Navy blue, single-breasted School blazer with the School
     pocket badge (2 buttons). DHS Blazer to be worn to and from
     school, for all sports fixtures and at all formal gatherings. Blazer
     may be removed once at school during terms 1 and 4.
   • White shirt (long or short sleeves).
   • DHS School tie (cover all buttons)
   • Charcoal trousers (no skinny trousers or tapering of regular cut
   • A plain black belt with a regular buckle may be worn.
   • Charcoal or black socks.
   • Plain black, lace-up School shoes (No high tops).
   • Pullovers - plain navy blue V-neck with School badge
     (May only be worn with a blazer).
   • Scarves to be worn by Grade 12s only for the 2nd and 3rd terms.

   • To be worn by ALL Grade 8, 9 and 10 Boys at all formal functions,
     compulsory attendances and on any other occasions as
     determined by the Head Master.
   • To be worn correctly – Brim of Basher to be parallel with the
     ground (one finger width above the eyebrows)

Full School Uniform to be worn at ALL official functions and at the
Head Master’s discretion.

                 Kit and Coffee Shop
              Telephone: (031) 277 1500
                  OPENING HOURS:
                  Please refer to the
      D6 School Communicator for Opening Times


Please be aware of the following COMPULSORY leadership activities. Comprehensive
details and the necessary forms will be distributed closer to the time via Class Tutors and
the D6 Communicator.

      Grade 8        Campout              Overnight camp 17 - 18 January
                     Coastal Challenge    Overnight camp 5 and 6 April
      Grade 9        Spirit of Adventure 3 day camp         7 - 11 September

      Grade 10       Outdoor Excursion    5 day camp        30 August - 4 September

      Grade 11       Work Experience      1 week work       24 - 29 August

All events reflecting TBA will take place between 19 August and 16 September 2020.
Details will follow as they are confirmed. This is a new initiative designed to impact
minimally on the teaching and learning programme.

•   Durban High School uses the School Communicator to communicate and convey
    important events and messages.
•   The d6 School Communicator is a safe, light-weight application that delivers
    personalised news and information directly to your mobile device or computer.
•   You need never miss another important event.
•   Mobile Downloads
    Visit App Store, Play Store or Windows Store and search for the d6 School
    Communicator. Click Open and follow the prompts and don’t forget to personalise to
    receive the news you want.
•   Desktop Windows Download
    Select Durban High School from the drop down list on the left and click on the
    Windows button.
    When asked to ‘Run or save’ the file, click on ‘save’ first and thereafter run.
    Follow the installation prompts.
•   Desktop Mac OS X Download
    Select Durban High School from the drop down list on the left and click on the Mac
    button. Follow the steps. (Mac installer is compatible with Mac OS 10.6 and higher.


The School badge comprises the Royal Coat of Arms of Great Britain and the
Coat of Arms of the Province of Natal (now KwaZulu-Natal).

The Royal Coat of Arms displays two mottos:

The motto of the Order of the Garter, which reads
Honi soit qui mal y pense -
Dishonoured be he who thinks ill of it (the garter) and

Dieu et mon droit - God and my right (the divine right accorded to the King)
was introduced by Richard I, subsequently discarded, and re-introduced by
Edward III.

Deo Fretus - Trusting in God - is on the scroll beneath the coat of arms of
Durban High School and is the only one which has its origins in the School.

•    The Natal Coat of Arms was granted to the Colony of Natal by the
     College of Arms and Royal Warrant on 16 May 1907.

•    Prior to the registration of the Coat of Arms the orientation of the two
     Black Wildebeest was altered to dexter (from the viewer’s right to left)
     to sinister (from the viewer’s left to right) in order that it is heraldically


                   MONDAY                                  TUESDAY
 Time                     Event           Time                  Event
7:00    Sports Academy                   7:00    Sports Academy
7:30    Electives (Grade 12 Set 1)       7:30    Electives (Grade 12 Set 2)
8:25    Staff Briefing/Break             8:25    Staff Briefing/Break
8:35    Class Tutors (10 mins)                   Extended Class Tutors (30 mins)
8:45    Period 1 (50 mins)                       HOD Meetings
9:35    Period 2 (50 mins)               9:05    Period 1 (50 mins)

        Full Assembly (25 mins)          9:55    Period 2 (50 mins)
10:25   Day 1 Subject Meetings           10:45   BREAK (25 mins)
        Day 6 Pastoral Meetings          11:10   Period 3 (50 mins)
10:50   BREAK (25 mins)                  12:00   Period 4 (50 mins)
11:15   Period 3 (50 mins)               12:50   Period 5 (50 mins)
12:05   Period 4 (50 mins)               13:40   BREAK (30 mins)
12:55   Period 5 (50 mins)               14:10   Period 6 (50 mins)
13:45   BREAK (30 mins)                  15:00   Dismiss
14:15   Period 6 (45 mins)
15:00   Dismiss

                  WEDNESDAY                                THURSDAY
 Time                     Event           Time                  Event
7:00    Sports Academy                   7:00    Sports Academy
7:30    Electives (Grade 12 Maths)       7:30    Electives (Grade 12 Set 3)
8:25    Staff Briefing/Break             8:25    Staff Briefing/Break
8:35    Class Tutors (10 mins)                   Extended Class Tutors (30 mins)
8:45    Period 1 (50 mins)                       Discipline Meetings
9:35    Period 2 (50 mins)               9:05    Period 1 (50 mins)
10:25   Grade Assembly (20 mins)         9:55    Period 2 (50 mins)
10:45   BREAK (25 mins)                  10:45   BREAK (25 mins)
11:10   Period 3 (50 mins)               11:10   Period 3 (50 mins)
12:00   Period 4 (50 mins)               12:00   Period 4 (50 mins)
12:50   Period 5 (50 mins)               12:50   Period 5 (50 mins)
13:40   BREAK (30 mins)                  13:40   BREAK (30 mins)
14:10   Period 6 (50 mins)               14:10   Period 6 (50 mins)
15:00   Dismiss                          15:00   Dismiss

FRIDAY                       TEST DAY/WAR CRY DAY
 Time                    Event           Time                Event
7:30    Staff Briefing                  7:00    Sports Academy
7:40    Class Tutors (10 mins)          7:30    Electives (Grade 12 Set)
7:50    Period 1 (50 mins)              8:25    Staff Briefing
8:40    Period 2 (50 mins)              8:35    Class Tutors (20 mins)
9:30    Period 3 (50 mins)              8:55    Period 1 (40 mins)
10:20   Full Assembly (25 mins)         9:35    Period 2 (40 mins)
10:45   Sports Meetings (15 mins)       10:15   Period 3 (40 mins)
11:00   BREAK (25 mins)                 10:55   BREAK (30 mins)
11:25   Period 4 (45 mins)              11:25   Test Period (65 mins)
12:15   Period 5 (45 mins)              12:30   Period 4 (40 mins)
13:00   Period 6 (45 mins)              13:10   Period 5 (40 mins)
13:45   Dismiss                         13:50   BREAK (30 mins)
                                        14:20   Period 6 (40 mins)
                                        15:00   Dismiss

                                     Teaching Venue                                           Teaching
GRADE 12                                                GRADE LEADERSHIP                       Venue
12D        Dudas Mr                       G2            12 Pastoral     Smyth Mr                S219
12U        Nagan Ms                      S218           12 Discipline   Dudas Mr                G2
12R        Kistiah Ms                    S304           11 Pastoral     Henley Ms              C314
12B        Naidoo D Mr                   S120           11 Discipline   Hulley Mr               G6
12A        Thomas Mr                     S215           10 Pastoral     Nagiah Ms              C512
12N        Sibisi Ms E                   S401           10 Discipline   Girodo Mr L            B500
12H        Mncwango Mr                   S302           9 Pastoral      Lewis Mr               A332
12X        Cromie Mr                   Cambridge        9 Discipline    Lombard Mr             S402
GRADE 11                                                8 Pastoral      Cele Mr                B412
11D        Brown Ms K                    B417           8 Discipline    Beswick Mr             S214
11U        Bibin Ms                      S303           Senior Management
11R        Clifton Dr                    S119           Mr Pinheiro (Head Master)
11B        Mtshali Ms                    C424           Ms Vermaak
11A        Rabilall Ms                   C313           (Deputy Principal)
11N        Subbiah Ms                    A337           Mr Norton
11H        Sibisi Ms P                   C423           (Deputy Head Master)
11X        Dickinson Ms                Cambridge        Mr Goodwin G
GRADE 10                                                (Deputy Head Master)
10D        Goodwin Mr W                  C312           Mr Ngcongo
10U        Moodley Mr T                  S114           (Deputy Head Master)
10R        Jansen van Rensburg Ms        C511           Discipline Management Staff
10B        Francis Ms / Sityane Mr      G1/ S213        Green Mr (Head of Discipline)          B506
10A        Mc Duling Dr                  C513           Govender Mr (Gr 10, 11 and 12)          G5
10N        Sutherland Ms                 C311           Girodo Ms (Gr 8 and 9)                 S118
10H        Coppin Ms                     D275           Academic Support Staff
10X        Jansen van Rensburg Mr    Cambridge/S403     Adam Mr                                 G6A
GRADE 9                                                 Baijoo Mr                              S405
9D         Ngobese Ms                    C422           Baudach Ms                             Media
9U         Govindsamy Mr                 S116           Bisschoff Ms                            G3
9R         Bennett Mr                     G7            Drew Ms                                Media
9B         Pentadu Mr                    C421           Du Preez Ms                             G1
9A         Hamilton Ms                   C514           Reddy Ms                               S112
9N         Salmond Dr                    S217           Rungan Ms                              Music
9X         Moodley Ms L                Cambridge        Shore Mr                                B508
GRADE 8                                                 Worth Ms                              IT/Media
8D         Browne Ms S                   D271           Co-curricular Support Staff
8U         Joshua Ms                     A336           Baker Mr                 Le Roux Mr
8R         Botha Mr                      C310           Dudas Mr T               Pillay Mr
8B         Watermeyer Ms                 C510           Genade Mr                Pina Mr
8A         Van Wyk Mr                    S301           Khaliphi Mr W            Siyaya Mr
8N         Surtees Mr                     M1            Lazarus Mr F             Zulu Mr
8X         Moodley Ms L                Cambridge        La Marque Mr
Quincy Hitler                      Head Boy Quincy Hitler                     Head Boy
Avumile Bongco              Deputy Head Boy Sonqoba Makhanya           Deputy Head Boy
Brian Dosemba               Deputy Head Boy Sisipho Nofuya             Deputy Head Boy

Prefects:                                    Prefects:
Mu’aaz Bassa                                 Avumile Bongco
Sandise Cezula                               Sandise Cezula
Sinakhokonke Dhlomo                          Kwanele Manukuza
Nqobani Dlamini                              Hlumelo Noncembu
Benjamin Hulett                              Joshua Stride
Azhar Karolia
Fuzail Khalil                                  RCL (Representative Council of Learners)
Sithembiso Khubeka                           Quincy Hitler                    Chairman
Grant Khuzwayo                               Fuzail Khalil               Vice Chairman
Sonqoba Makhanya                             Grant Khuzwayo                   Secretary
Kwanele Manukuza                             Mu’aaz Bassa                     Treasurer
Muhammad Moosa                               Sonqoba Makhanya               Leadership
Dylan Morgenrood                             Quincy Hitler                  Leadership
Ntando Mpuqa                                 Grant Khuzwayo                     Cultural
Awande Ndlovu                                Sihle Dladla                       Cultural
Sisipho Nofuya                               Asanda Zuma                          Sports
Hlumelo Noncembu                             Sinakhokonke Dhlomo                  Sports
Nqobile Phiri                                Adam Mahomed                    Academics
Thiyashan Pillay                             Mu’aaz Bassa                    Academics
Joshua Stride                                Luyanda Koboka                   Discipline
Rowan van Rooyen                             Fuzail Khalil                    Discipline
Joshua Winnaar                               Awande Ndlovu                            PR
Ayanda Yengwa                                Sinazo Zituta                            PR
Sibongisipho Zondi                           Quincy Hitler                 Staff Liaison
                                             Sandise Cezula             Maintenance BE
                                             Ateeq Patel                  Maintenance
                              RCL Grade & School Reps
Grade 9 Representatives:    Themba Mahlaba, Azi Mkokeli
Grade 10 Representatives:   Omhle Zama, Akhil Naidoo
Grade 11 Representatives:   Sinazo Zituta, Mpho Ndaba
Grade 12 Representatives:   Ntando Mpuqa, Adam Mahomed
                                  HOUSE PREFECTS
BLACKMORE        Head of House:   Quincy Hitler
SWALES           Head of House:   Benjamin Hulett
PAYN             Head of House:   Ntando Mpuqa
LANGLEY          Head of House:   Fuzail Khalil
GRICE            Head of House:   Grant Khuzwayo
CAMPBELL         Head of House:   Nqobile Phiri

C BLOCK                                  VAUSE ROAD                               B BLOCK
510        8B 421            9B 310       8R    GUIDANCE                   G4    ELECTIVES        417     11D 508
WATERMEYER        PENTADU          BOTHA         BISCHOFF                        ADAM                BROWN       SHORE
511       10R 422            9D 311     10N     GOVENDER                   G5                     415         506
 JANSEN VAN       NGOBESE       SUTHERLAND G3                                GOVENDER              BODASING/     GREEN
  RENSBURG                                      BISCHOFF                                            VERMAAK
512           423           11H 312     10D G2            12D              G6                     412              503
   NAGIAH          SIBISI P     GOODWIN W         DUDAS                          HULLEY                 CELE         AUTOCAD
513      10A 424            11B 313     11A     Bennison                   G6A                               500
  MC DULING       MTSHALI         RABILALL      Courtyard                        ADAM                          GIRODO L
514        9A 425               314          G1           10B              G7         9R              MEDIA CENTRE
  HAMILTON        NORTON           HENLEY        FRANCIS                        BENNETT           WORTH / DREW / BAUDACH

 Sick 449 448    447     446     444 Tembe 442    440 Print                438       Lift          Verandah
 Bay Dudas EXAMS Coetzee du Preez & Poole Ngcongo   Room                    Ladies Foyer
         451    452     453   454    455                443     441 Nozaic 437    G       434       432     431
          Shore Bodasing Smyth Dicks   Norton            Harris    Singh Goodwin    Foyer  Harrison Pinheiro Vermaak
         326      325 M324     327     328 329             330      322                                   317 Pillay Zulu
Stairs                                                                            STAFFROOM
         Govender Girodo Nagiah Henley Lewis Cele          Govender Kitchen                                 Baker Genade

AJ HUMAN Room          SCHOOL                                        MEDIA CENTRE
                                                    Walk Way          RECEPTION
                                                   M2            M1          8N
     HOUSE                                                          SURTEES

                                             304                   12R 405                                       WORKSHOP
                       219                             KISTIAH                      BAIJOO                       AYLWARD
120              12B                         303                   11U 403                MR
      D NAIDOO                                          BIBIN           JANSEN VAN RENSBURG D Mc DERMOTT
119            11R     218             12U 302                     12H 402                   CONDITIONING
       CLIFTON                NAGAN                  MNCWANGO                 LOMBARD           CENTRE
118                    217             9N 301                       8A 401                              12N
   GIRODO M                  SALMOND                   VAN WYK                         SIBISI E
116          9U        215             12A
  GOVINDSAMY                 THOMAS                                      ART BLOCK
115                    214                     1st Floor         A332           A335         A336     8U A337    11N
  GOODWIN G                  BESWICK                               LEWIS                       JOSHUA      SUBBIAH
114        10U         213             10B     Ground Floor      A284                  SPORTS OFFICES
   MOODLEY T                 SITYANA                                                      LE ROUX
     ZULU                CAMBRIDGE
                                                                        DRAMA BLOCK
112                      DICKINSON                               D275                       10H D271                        8D
                         MOODLEY L                 SCHOOL HALL &
         REDDY                                                             COPPIN                             BROWNE
                          CROMIE                     BILL PAYN
                                                    BOARDROOM D276                          AV3 D277
                                                                           RUNGAN                   B GREEN OFFICE


Business Portfolios
  Mr G Harris - Business Manager                                          Room 443

     Mrs L Worth - Head of IT                                          Media Centre
     Mr K Zulu - Universal IT Department Technician                        IT Office

   Ms S Poole - Accountant                                                Room 444
   Mr N Tembe - Accounts Assistant                                        Room 444
   Ms D Dicks - Fees Administrator                                        Room 454

HR & Payroll
  Ms S Coetzee - Payroll Administrator                                    Room 447

Uniform Shop
  Mrs S Usher - Clothing Sales                                         Uniform Shop

Estate and Maintenance
   Mr G Aylward - Maintenance                         Mr J Sibiya - Maintenance Assistant
   Mr SS Mtshali - General Supervisor                 Mr SZ Ntombela - Grounds Assistant
   Mr MME Nxumalo - Grounds Assistant                 Mr L Sibiya - Grounds Assistant
   Mr M Ncwane - General Assistant                    Mr ME Khumalo - General Assistant
   Mr BT Ndlovu - Pool Supervisor                     Ms Z Zukulu - Cleaning Supervisor
   Ms N Majozi - Cleaning                             Ms C Luthuli - Functions
   Mr L Ardé - Estate Manager

  Ms C Harrison - PA to the Head Master                                   Room 434
  Ms S Mabija - Receptionist and Telephonist                        Reception Office
  Ms P Nozaic - Learner Records                                           Room 441
  Ms S Singh - DOE Liaison                                                Room 441
  Mr SE Nxumalo - Printing Supervisor                                 Printing Room
  Mr M Ngcongo - Printing Assistant                                   Printing Room

  Mr S La Marque - Director                    Marketing Office
  Mr W du Plessis - Recruitment
  Mr B Coskey - Admissions
  Mr W Dlamini - Social Media
  Ms S Drew - Media

Teaching Support
   Mr C Moodley - Laboratory Assistant
   Mr N Moodley - Laboratory Assistant

Blackmore House
   Ms R Hellenberg - House Mother
   Ms R Mncwabe - Laundry
   Ms C Jokazi - Laundry

The DHS Foundation
  Mr A Shedlock - CEO                         Foundation Office
  Ms L Basson - PR and Communications
  Mr J Oddy - Archives

   Mr C Murphy
   Mr T Nxumalo


  • Dress and conduct befitting of a gentleman at all times.
  • Pride in oneself and Durban High School.
  • Believe that Durban High School is the best and always strive to that end.

  • Respect for staff, parents and peers and for the property of others and the
  • Greet staff, visitors to the school and Matrics; addressing those older than you
    as "Sir" or "Madam" (Ma’m).
  • Common courtesy - showing basic chivalry, no back chat, quiet in all assemblies
    and stand when greeting staff and your seniors.

Giving 100% to Durban High School - academically, culturally and on the sports
                    field - and to parents, staff and peers.

Monday:                    Full Assembly in the Hall
Tuesday and Thursday:      Extended Registrations
Wednesday:                 Grade Assembly
Fridays:                   Full Assembly in the Hall

                Grade Assemblies                       House Assemblies
        Gr 12     DC Thompson Hall       Grice         Seabrooke’s Terrace
        Gr 11     Bennison Courtyard     Campbell      Memorial Quad
        Gr 10     Memorial Quad          Langley       Flava Café Terrace
        Gr 9      Seabrooke’s Terrace    Payn          Bennison Courtyard
        Gr 8      Flava Café Terrace     Swales        AC Martin Pool Terraces
                                         Blackmore     Blackmore House


Grade 12          Bennison Courtyard
Grade 11          Memorial Courtyard
Grade 10          Kit & Coffee Quad
Grade 9           Seabrooke’s Terrace
Grade 8           Flava Café Terrace

Each leaner will be held responsible for keeping the school LITTER FREE

In the best interest of the learners, all learners, parents and visitors to the School are
required to make use of the Armstrong Gate in St Thomas Road. No other gate will be

IPad/ Laptop LOCKERS:
Initially available to Grade 8, 9 and Cambridge boys. These lockers cost R550 per year or
R1250 for 5 years. Payment to be made to the School Cashier. Locker numbers will be
allocated on payment.

Available at R100 per year. Payment to be made to the School Cashier. Proof of payment
will allow Mr Shore to allocate a locker.

All learners must ensure that their school bags are left in their REGISTRATION
CLASSROOM when attending assemblies.

All REGISTRATION classrooms must remain locked.

The following exeat procedure will be followed whenever a boy needs permission to leave
the premises:

1.    In the case of a non-emergency (i.e. anything that the learner and his parents must
      reasonably have known ahead of time), the parent has to send an email or a letter to
      the Pastoral Head indicating:
      a)     the day and time of exeat request;
      b)     the reason for the exeat.
2.    Pastoral Head responds to email or letter and copies in Class Tutor and Head
      Master’s PA.
3.    On the day of the exeat, the learner collects EXEAT PERMISSION FORM from the
      Class Tutor and gets it signed by their Pastoral Head (in the case of a boarder, the
      EXEAT PERMISSION FORM must be signed by the Senior Housemaster or one of the
      Masters on duty.)
4.    The Pastoral Head issues an EXEAT SLIP.
5.    All EXEAT PERMISSION FORMS are to be sent for filing in the Learners’ files.

1.    In the case of an emergency (i.e. illness, family emergency, anything that the learner
      and his parents could not reasonably have known ahead of time), the learner will
      follow the following procedure.
2.    Collect an EXEAT PERMISSION FORM from Reception.
3.    The learner gets the EXEAT PERMISSION FORM signed by the Pastoral Head or
      Discipline Head (in the case of a boarder, the EXEAT PERMISSION FORM must be
      signed by the Senior Housemaster or one of the Masters on duty.)
4.    The Pastoral Head, Academic Head or Discipline Head will issue an EXEAT SLIP.
5.    All EXEAT PERMISSION FORMS are to be sent for filing in the Learners’ files.

1.    Only a Pastoral or Discipline Head may give a learner permission to use the sick bay.

                           “Honouring all Relationships”

The Leadership Programme at DHS consists of a number of different initiatives. They are
Mentorship, the Khotso Horse Trails, Community Service, House Prefectship, School
Prefectship, Blackmore Prefectship, the RCL, Work Experience, Co-curricular Captains and
Class Captains. These operate at different grade levels.

   • The Grade 8’s are mentored on a weekly basis by their Grade 11 mentors, who will
     operate as their “big brothers” on campus, and will work through the mentorship
     syllabus with them during the year.
   • All Grade 8’s attend an outdoor leadership camp at the beginning of the year.
   • 12 hours of community service are performed during the year.

   • All Grade 9’s attend a three-day outdoor leadership training programme.
   • 12 hours of community service are performed during the year.
   • Grade 9 Campout.

   • The entire grade attends a five-day outdoor leadership experience where they put
     those hard learned leadership and team work lessons into practice out in the field.
   • Mentors are trained for their Grade 11 responsibilities.
   • 24 hours of community service are performed outside DHS.

   • Those selected for the mentorship programme mentor their Grade 8 charges.
   • House and School Prefects are appointed, and take charge as soon as the Matrics
     begin Trials. The Chairman of the RCL is democratically elected and serves during his
     matric year.
   • 24 hours of community service are performed outside DHS.
   • Grade 11 Leader Programme.

   • House, Blackmore and School Prefects provide learner leadership throughout the

THE PRESIDENT’S AWARD: This is available to any learner but it is suggested that they start
the Bronze Level in Grade 8.
Educators involved in Leadership activities are tabled below:

                        Activity                        Educator in Charge
2.   Grade 8, 9 & 10 Leadership and President’s Award   Mr Lewis
3.   Co-curricular Captains and Class Captains          Ms Henley
4.   Community Service                                  Ms Joshua
5.   Mentorship                                         Ms Girodo
6.   RCL                                                Ms Sutherland
7.   Prefectship - Blackmore House                      Mr Govender
8.   Prefectship - School Prefects                      Mr Dudas
9.   Work Experience                                    Ms Henley

                     ACADEMIC AWARDS CRITERIA

                            Colours          Honours
Grade        Colours                                        When Awarded
                           (592-626)          (627+)
10             80%             85%            90%       •    End of year
11             80%             85%            90%       •    End of year
                                                        •    Half-year exams
12             80%             85%            90%
                                                        •    Trials

1.   In order to achieve an award, certificate or prize, a learner must currently be enrolled
     at Durban High School.
2.   All learners and their parents will need to complete an activity commitment form
     and code of conduct form.
     Once the learner has signed these forms he is committed to the particular activity for
     the year.
3.   All learners who take part in co-curricular activities will have to adhere to the correct
     dress code pertaining to his chosen activity/activities.
4.   Any learner taking part in a tour will need to pay for the tour upfront, and in full,
     before he leaves on the tour. Non-payment will result in the learner being
     withdrawn from the tour.
5.   All learners will need to complete a Code of Conduct form before they may leave on
     tour. Learners are expected, at all times, to act in a positive way, adhering to the
     Code of Conduct.

                      TOUR POLICY and COSTINGS
1.   All costs for the tour need to be paid before the commencement of the tour. The
     parent/guardian can make arrangements to pay the amount off - beforehand only.
2.   All costs of the tour must be covered by the learners. This must include petrol, tolls,
     driver hiring, kit, etc.
3.   If a learner has outstanding tour fees from the previous year, then he may not go on
     tour until the outstanding tour fees are settled.
4.   Staff and learners are representing the School at all times and thus are on official
     duty for the entire tour.
5.   All disciplinary issues must be handled through the school’s disciplinary structure.
6.   No form of initiation may take place.
7.   Medical and Indemnity forms are to be completed.

                               SERVICE AWARDS
1.   A learner is only eligible after three years of service.
2.   An award must be motivated by the staff member in charge of the activity.
3.   The highest award that can be attained is Colours.

Durban High School has a rich heritage of Cultural Activities. These activities exist because
we firmly believe that one of our roles as an educational institution is to develop mature
and balanced young men who are able to cope with the demands of the real world.

The Cultural Activities are overseen by a Cultural Activities Committee.
The members of this Committee and their respective activities are tabulated below.

                       ACTIVITY                         EDUCATOR/S-IN-CHARGE
        Chair Person: Ms S Nagiah
        Chess                                       Ms Nagiah
        Choir                                       Ms Rungan
        Debating                                    Mr Cele
        Drama                                       Ms Browne
        Drumline                                    Ms Rungan
        Sisonke (Cultural Evening)                  Ms Nagiah
        Music                                       Ms Rungan
        Piano / Keyboard Club                       Ms Rungan
        Poetry Club                                 Ms Ngobese
        Pop Vocal Ensemble                          Ms Rungan
        Toastmasters                                Mr Cele
        Technical                                   Ms Nagiah

All learners are welcome to participate in any of these activities. An awards system is in
place for most of these activities.

1.      Awards are only awarded from Grade 10.
2.      Whilst the recognition of individual talent is the basis of the awards system, it is subject to the underlying principles of personal
3.      Awards have to be worn with honour at all times.
4.      No award is a right for the individual. It is a privilege bestowed on the learner by the School.
5.      Where any individual is found lacking in integrity, no award will be made and any award may be withdrawn at the
        discretion of the Cultural Activities Committee if this principle is violated.
6.      Awards are recommended at the discretion of the Cultural Activities Committee and endorsed by the Head Master.
7.      The criteria listed below are merely a guideline.

ACTIVITY            SCROLL / TEAM AWARD                  HALF COLOURS                       COLOURS                        HONOURS
CHESS             • For a regular, reliable and   • For a player selected for a    • KZN U18A Team.               • SA U18 Team.
                    committed player for two        Regional Team or for a         • SA U16 equivalent.           • KZN U18 Team for two
                    years.                          First Team player who has                                       years.
                                                    been in the First Team for
                                                    two years.
DEBATING          • Regular committed             • Finalist in any Regional       • Member of the Provincial     • Member of the National
                    member of a Debating            Debating contest/                Debating team or an            Debating team.
                    team who has participated       competition of merit and a       outstanding Debater in a
                    for at least two years at       committed and                    senior team. He must be a
                    any level.                      responsible Debater who          committed and
                                                    has participated actively in     responsible and have
                                                    a number of debates and          participated actively in a
                                                    competitions.                    number of debates and

ACTIVITY         SCROLL / TEAM AWARD              HALF COLOURS                       COLOURS                         HONOURS
DRAMA       1.  Learners must have been involved in Performance activities for a minimum of two years.
PREAMBLE:   2.  Character and attitude must be above reproach.
            3.  Commitment and reliability should be of a high standard.
            4.  The following areas of performance are under consideration:
                4.1 Performing in the Performance Arts Competition (Dramatic Item)
                4.2 Directing/choreographing for the performing Arts Competition
                4.3 Acting in School Play/Dance Production
                4.4 Performing in a Musical
                4.5 Performing in a Musical Revue
                4.6 Backstage work
                4.7 Other (at the discretion of the Head of Drama)
                These awards will be recommended at the discretion of the nominator in exceptional situations.
DRAMA       • Learners may be               • Learners are eligible for    • The same as for the Half       • The same as for Colours
              nominated for this award if      nomination if they have         Colours award except that       except the involvement
              they have made valuable          made exceptional                the participation must be       must have been for at least
              contributions to at least        contributions in at least       at lead role level in one of    three years.
              three of the areas listed        four of the above areas or      the following 4.1, 4.3, 4.4  • The candidate must have
              above or one area on three       one area on four                or 4.5 of the preamble.         either directed a
              occasions.                       occasions.                                                      production of a suitably
                                                                                                               high standard (decided
                                                                                                               upon by the Drama
                                                                                                               teacher/s) or consistently
                                                                                                               delivered outstanding
                                                                                                               performances, indicating
                                                                                                               insight and creative flair
                                                                                                               for theatrical performance.
                                                                                                               The Learner should have
                                                                                                               brought honour to Durban
                                                                                                               High School.

ACTIVITY     SCROLL / TEAM AWARD                  HALF COLOURS                           COLOURS                           HONOURS
MUSIC      • For a regular, reliable and   For a committed, on-going,          For a major contribution to        • For an exceptional
             committed contribution to     active and commendable              Music at the School, involving       contribution to Music at
             music.                        contribution to music in the life   commitment, responsibility and       School.
                                           of the School, including:           reliability.                       • Musicality must be of an
                                           • Accompanying vocal and            The contribution must be of a        exceptionally high standard.
                                               instrumental groups on a        high standard across a range of    • There must be on-going
                                               regular basis at School         events, such as:                     involvement in the musical
                                               and/or solo performances        • Participation in concerts,         life of the school, with an
                                               on a regular basis at               shows, etc. with specific        emphasis on leadership,
                                               concerts, shows, etc.               emphasis on musical              mentoring junior musicians
                                           • Membership of an                      leadership and/or solo           and contribution to the
                                               commendable contribution            performance.                     functioning of the
                                               to a School Music group         • Display musical leadership         department.
                                           • Participation and                     amongst peers and/or           • Selection for a National
                                               commendable contribution            mentors/guides - motivates       Music body/group and
                                               to school productions,              fellow and junior musicians.     on-going participation
                                               shows, concerts, etc.           • Selection for and sustained        therein.
                                           • Selection for a Provincial            involvement in a Provincial    • Must show outstanding
                                               Music body and on-going             Music body or recognised         commitment and talent and
                                               participation therein               musical event that is of a       always serve the best
                                           • A commendable, on-going               high musical standard and        interests of other musicians
                                               involvement in the                  brings credit to the school.     and the department as well
                                               organising and managing of      • Original music published           as self. Brings honour to
                                               Music events.                       through recognised label/        both self and School. Other
                                           • Music performance or                  receiving critical acclaim.      (at the discretion of the
                                               original music publication at       * Top 10 reality music show      Cultural Committee).
                                               accredited event or social          achievement.
                                               media presence (+100 hits).     • Other (at the discretion of
                                           • Other (at the discretion of           the Cultural Committee).
                                               the Cultural Committee).

ACTIVITY        SCROLL / TEAM AWARD                  HALF COLOURS                        COLOURS                         HONOURS
TECHNICAL /   The following areas should be under consideration:
PREAMBLE      •      All school productions: drama, drama musical
              •      Performing arts
              •      Music concerts / café concerts
              •      Sporting activities
              •      Community hosted shows at DHS and elsewhere
              •      Speech days
              •      Other at the discretion of the Cultural Committee and Cultural Head.
TECHNICAL     • For regular and reliable        • For highly commendable       • For significant technical      • For exceptional
                 contribution in the               and active technical            contribution to                contribution in the
                 technical field over a            participation over a period     productions/events, etc,       technical field.
                 period of 2 years or in a         of 3 years or in a number       over a period of 4 years.    • Showing leadership, flare,
                 number of events over a           of productions/events.      • Contribution must be             creativity as a technician.
                 shorter period.                • Commitment and                   outstanding and which        • For showing exceptional
              • For a valuable contribution        reliability must be             brings credit to self and      responsibility and
                 which has brought credit          outstanding.                    the school.                    displaying a professional
                 to self and the school.        • Unusual dedication as a      • Creative flare in the            level of talent.
                                                   technician is shown.            technical field is shown.
POETRY CLUB   • Regular and committed            • Commendable                 • Significant contribution       • Exceptional contribution
                 member for two or more             contribution to meetings       over two or more years.        over two or more years.
                 years.                             and events over two or     • Very good linguistic ability   • Excellent writing skills.
                                                    more years.                    and writes creatively.       • Highly skilled performer of
                                                 • Regular participation in    • Regular participation in all     poetry.
                                                    Open Mic Sessions and          Poetry Club events.          • Has shown leadership
                                                    other poetry events.       • Minimum 10 original              ability and helped organise
                                                 • Creates own work.               works.                         and run Poetry Club
                                                 • Minimum 5 original works.                                      events.
                                                                                                                • Minimum 15 original
Sport is seen as an integral part of School life. Grades 8, 9, 10,11and 12 learners are
required to participate in one sport per term.

Durban High School has a number of sports and related activities on offer. Within the next
series of pages you will be able to see the sports available. Once you have seen the wide
variety of extra-mural activities the School can offer you, you must commit yourself to at
least one sporting code per term. Your participation in sport will be monitored during the
course of the year. This commitment could be a direct involvement within the sport or
could be an administrative or assistance role within the sport, e.g. Cricket scorer or First Aid

Once you have decided on your sporting activity for the term, you will need to report to
practice on the designated days and participate within that activity for the entire season.
This process will be repeated at the beginning of each term. You will be required to have
the Sports Commitment Form signed by your new coach, your parents and most
importantly yourself. This level of commitment will be monitored by your Class Tutor,
Prefects, Coaches and M-i-Cs of Sport on a regular basis. Learners who fail to attend
practices or matches without a valid excuse will be subjected to a hearing in front of the
Sports Discipline Committee.

You will now be engaging yourself in the sporting activities that DHS has to offer. In doing
so, you become a part of the 154 year history of sportsmen who have worn the DHS Blue
and Gold Colours. As they did in their time at 'School', so you should play all your sport
with Passion and Pride. Playing with Passion and Pride does not mean win at all costs; it
means play the game with spirit and sportsmanship. You must be a true ambassador of the
School, both on and off the sports field.

You are to ensure that you have committed yourself to a sporting activity and that you
attend both practices and fixtures. Should a problem arise that you cannot attend a
fixture or practice, it is your responsibility to find your coach or facilitator and excuse
yourself well in advance (at least two days) with a letter from your parent/guardian. If an
emergency arises or there are unforeseen circumstances that prevent you from attending
the fixture, you are to ensure that the coach is contacted or that a message is given to
him/her that you cannot attend. On the first school day after the fixture, an email or
letter from your parents confirming the emergency should be handed to the coach.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct kit for practices and matches.
There is a kit list included in this booklet. You should attend all meetings and check the
notice boards at least once a day.

We at DHS encourage parents/guardians to support their sons by attending fixtures,
assisting with transport, if needed, and helping with supplying teas and cakes for home
fixtures. We also appeal to our parents to support the sporting activities by encouraging
their sons to participate. We also ask that parents/guardians ensure that their sons have
the correct kit for their sporting activities in which their sons will participate.

DRESS CODES - Apply to Fixtures and Practices:
When arriving at or departing from a fixture or practice, be it a home or an away fixture, all
learners will dress in full school uniform. This rule also applies to going home after sports
practices in the afternoon where the boys must change into full school uniform. The
sports kit required for that fixture must be carried in an appropriate DHS school bag. The
dress code for each sporting discipline has been outlined for your information. Please
check the list below and record the appropriate kit required for each sport.

The majority of your sports kit requirements can be purchased at The Kit and Coffee Shop
based at Durban High School.

                       STAFF RESPONSIBLE FOR SPORT

Chairman: Mr Pillay                        Secretary: Mr Genade

Athletics:         Mr Dudas                    Rugby:               Mr Le Roux
Basketball:        Mr Zulu                     Rugby Sevens:        Mr Lombard
Badminton:         Mr C Moodley                Sailing:             Ms Jansen van Rensburg
Conditioning:      Mr Hulley                   Softball:            Mr N Moodley
Cricket:           Mr Lazarus                  Sport Climbing:      Mr Lewis
Cross Country:     Mr W Goodwin                Sport First Aid:     Ms Francis/Mr Thomas
Football:          Mr Bezuidenhout             Squash:              Mr D Naidoo
Hockey:            Mr Baker                    Swimming:            Mr La Marque
Indoor Hockey:     Mr Baker                    Tennis:              Ms Bisschoff
Rowing:            Mr Surtees                  Water Polo:          Mr La Marque

1. A learner who achieves the minimum requirements for an award does not automatically get the appropriate award. A
   consistent performance of a high standard must be maintained throughout the season. His contribution to the team,
   loyalty to the school, behaviour and character will be taken into account. A learner who considers his own interests above
   those of the team disqualifies himself from consideration for an award. After all this has been discussed, the Awards
   Committee will then recommend to the Head Master that the learner be given his award.
2. No award is a right for the individual. It is a privilege bestowed on the individual by the school.
3. Where any individual is found lacking in sportsmanship or integrity, no award will be made. Any award may be withdrawn
   by the Awards Committee if these principles are violated.
4. An award may be withdrawn if an individual does not fulfil his general extra-mural commitment.
5. A learner may achieve these awards while representing Durban High School at Zonal, Regional, KwaZulu Natal or SA
   Schools levels. However, performances achieved while representing a private club or any other external sporting body
   will not be considered.
6. No Grade 8 or Grade 9 learner may receive a colours award. The highest award a Grade 10 learner may obtain is colours.
7. Learners in Grades 8 and 9 who perform exceptionally well will receive merit certificates.
8. While a learner may qualify for an award at the end of the first term, it is likely that he will only receive it at the end of the
   code’s season (i.e. at the end of term 3 or term 4).
9. A learner must fulfil the Half Colours criteria before a higher award is to be considered. Half Colours can only be
   considered for 1st Team participation on a 50% + 1 basis. (MIC’s need to submit accurate registers for the entire season,
   for their 1st Team, before any awards will be considered for the code).
10.The criteria will be reviewed annually.
11.All queries to be directed to the MIC of the code, and then to the Awards Committee.
12.The Head Master is the final arbiter of awards.
13.All codes must be recognised by The Department of Education and by Durban High School.
14.The criteria listed below are merely a guideline.
15.In order to receive an Honours award, a learner will need to have achieved a playing cap in the team concerned (making a
   squad does not qualify for an Honours award).
SPORT        Merit Certificate         HALF COLOURS                   COLOURS                        HONOURS
ATHLETICS                              • 650 points X 3 on the Absa   • 750 points x 3 on the Absa   • 850+ point x 3 on the Absa
                                         scale.                         scale.                         scale.
                                       • Regular attendance at        • Regular attendance at        • Where two performances
                                         practices.                     practices.                     have been scored at 850,
                                                                                                       800 will be considered for
                                                                                                       the third competition.
BADMINTON • Zonal or District          • KZN U17                      • KZN U19A                     • SA U19
             Representation                                           •
           • 80% 1st Team
BASKETBALL • Zonal or District         • District U16                 • SA U16                       • KZN U18
             Representation            • District U18                 • SA U20 District SALGA        • SA Schools U18A
           • 80% 1st Team                                             •
CRICKET    • KZN U15                   • (50% + 1) 1st team           • KZN U17                      • KZN U18
                                         participation                • Outstanding performer        • SA Schools U18
                                                                        for the 1st XI
CROSS        •   Umlazi District U15   • Umlazi District U17          • KZN U17A                     • KZN U19A
COUNTRY      •   Durban Central U17    • Umlazi District U19          •
             •   Durban Central U19
FOOTBALL     •   Zonal or District     • (50% + 1) 1st Team           • KZN U19                      • KZN U19 for 2 years
                 Representation          participation                • Outstanding performer for    • SA Schools U17 or higher
                                                                        the 1st XI

SPORT      Merit Certificate     HALF COLOURS                   COLOURS                   HONOURS
HOCKEY     • Zonal or District   • (50% + 1) 1 Team
                                                                • KZN Coastal U18B        • KZN Coastal U18A
             Representation        participation                • Outstanding performer   • KZN U21A
                                 • KZN Coastals U18C              for the 1st XI          • SA Schools U17 Squad
                                                                • SA U16                  • SA Schools U18A
INDOOR                           • (50% +1) 1st Team            • Outstanding performer   • No Honours awards at
HOCKEY                             participation                  for the 1st Team          present
RUGBY                            • (50% + 1) 1st Team           • KZN U18A                • KZN U18A
                                   participation                • KZN Academy Week        • SA Schools U18A
                                                                • Outstanding performer
                                                                  for the 1st XV
RUGBY      • Must play in two    • Coach’s discretion for       • KZN U17A                • SA Schools U17A
SEVENS       tournaments           excellent service + 3
SOFTBALL                         • 80% 1st team participation   • KZN U17A                • KZN U19A or U17A for 2
                                                                • KZN U19A                  years
                                                                • Outstanding performer   • SA Schools U17A
                                                                  for the 1st Team        • SA Schools U19A
SPORT                            • 80% participation            • KZN U19                 • SA Schools U19
CLIMBING                         • Minimum 3rd place in         • Outstanding performer
                                   School A League
                                   competition U19
SQUASH                           • (50% + 1) 1st team           • KZN U 19A               • KZN U19A for 2 years
                                   participation                • Outstanding performer   • SA Schools U19A
                                                                  for the 1st Team

SPORT         Merit Certificate           HALF COLOURS                   COLOURS                         HONOURS
SWIMMING                                  • 80% 1 team participation
                                                                         •   Times - Averages            •   Times - Averages
                                            - term specific -            •   Swim in all galas           •   Swim in all galas
                                            (see details on Page 32)     •   (see details on Page 32)    •   (see details on Page 32)
TENNIS        • 3 Caps in 1st Team in a   • (50% + 1) 1st team           •   KZN U19A                    •   KZN U19A for 2 years
                season                      participation                •   KZN U17A                    •   SA Schools U19
                                                                         •   Outstanding performer       •   SA Schools U17
                                                                             for the 1st Team
WATER         • 3 Caps in 1st Team in a   • (50% +1) 1st team            •   KZN Schools U18A/U17A       • KZN Schools U19A
POLO            season                      Participation                •   KZN Schools U19B            • SA U18A
                                                                         •   Outstanding performer       • SA Schools U19A
                                                                             for the 1st Team
Service to    • Grade 8 and Grade 9       • Grade 10 meaningful          •   Grade 11 meaningful
Sport Award     meaningful service to       service to the code              service to the code
                a code for the two          (provided a boy has              (provided a boy has
                years                       achieved the two merits in       achieved the half colours
                                            Grades 8 and 9 for the           criteria)
                                            same code)

                                 These awards are subject to a review during the 2020 school year


1.   The nominee must have competed in 80% of the scheduled inter-school meets.
2.   The nominee must be a regular attendee at team practices (morning and afternoon). Regular attendance at ⅔ of compulsory
3.   The qualifying times for all four strokes for both short course (25m) and long course (50m) remain unchanged (see list).
4.   The nominee must have at least four (4) recorded times for the stroke and distance and the mean time should be used as the
     qualifying time.
5.   KZN Championships and times recorded in KZN Schools’ trials for 100m, 200m and 400m may be used to qualify swimmer for an

     Distance     Breaststroke         Backstroke         Butterfly          Freestyle
                 Colours Honours Colours Honours Colours Honours Colours           Honours   Colours   Honours
     100 m       1:12.0 1:09.0   1:03.0 1:01.0   1:03.0 1:01.0   58.0              56.0      1:05.0    1:03.0
     200 m       2:31.0 2:25.0   2:18.0 2:14.0   2:16.0 2:12.0   2:04.0            2:00.0    2:18.0    1:12.0
     400 m                                                       4:08.0            3:58.0    5:20,0    5:05.0

             Honours         Honours        Colours        Colours        Half Colours       Half Colours
              Short           Long           Short          Long             Short               Long
               24.99           25.74           26.8          27.61            27.57              28.40
               31.89           33.68          33.25          35.12            35.11              37.08
               28.85           30.67          30.35          32.27            32.18              34.22
               27.32           28.11          29.31          30.16            30.05              30.92


Athletics       Blue DHS        Blue/Gold DHS   Short White   Appropriate
                Shorts          Vest            DHS Socks     Footwear #
Badminton       Blue DHS        Blue and        Short White   Appropriate
                Shorts          White DHS       DHS Socks     Footwear #
Basketball      Blue DHS        Blue/Gold     Blue DHS        Blue and Gold      Appropriate
                Shorts          DHS Vest      Socks with      warm up Shirt      Footwear #
                                              Gold Stripe
Climbing        Blue DHS        Blue/Gold DHS Short White     Appropriate
                Shorts          Vest          DHS Socks       Footwear #
Cricket         DHS White       White DHS     White DHS       Blue DHS Socks     Blue DHS      DHS Cricket   Appropriate
                Cricket Longs   Cricket Shirt Shorts (U14     with Gold Stripe   Cricket Cap   Pullover      Footwear #
                                              only)           (U14 only)
Cross Country   Blue DHS        Blue/ Gold    DHS Short       Appropriate
                Shorts          DHS Vest      White Socks     Footwear #
Football        Blue DHS        Blue/Gold DHS Blue DHS        Blue and Gold      Black Boots
                Shorts          Soccer Shirt  Socks with      warm up Shirt      Only #
                                              Gold Stripe
Golf            Long Chino      Blue and      Blue DHS        Appropriate
                Pants           White DHS     Cricket Cap     Footwear #
Hockey          Blue DHS        Blue/Gold DHS Blue DHS        Blue and Gold      Appropriate
                Shorts          Hockey Shirt  Socks with      warm up Shirt      Footwear #
                                              Gold Stripe

House Games     Blue DHS         Blackmore       Swales Vest:   Payn Vest:      Langley Vest:   Grice Vest:   Campbell
                Shorts           Vest: White     Gold           Blue            Red             Pale Blue     Vest: Green
Phys Ed         Blue DHS         Blue/Gold       DHS Costume    DHS Towel
                Shorts           DHS Vest
Rowing          Blue DHS         Blue and        DHS Towel      Appropriate
                Shorts           White DHS                      Footwear #
Rugby           Black DHS        Blue/Gold DHS   Blue DHS       Blue and Gold   Black Boots
                Rugby Shorts     Rugby Jersey    Socks with     warm up Shirt   Only #
                                                 Gold Stripe
Sailing         Blue DHS           Blue and      DHS Towel      Appropriate
                Shorts             White DHS                    Footwear #
Softball         White Softball Blue and         Blue DHS       Appropriate
                 Pants #           White DHS     Cricket Cap    Footwear #
Swimming         Blue DHS          Blue and      DHS Costume    DHS Towel       Appropriate
                 Shorts            White DHS                                    Footwear #
Squash/          Blue DHS          Blue and      DHS Short      Appropriate
Tennis           Shorts            White DHS     White Socks    Footwear #
Water Polo       Blue DHS          Blue and      DHS Costume    DHS Towel       DHS Gown        Appropriate
                 Shorts            White DHS                                                    Footwear #
# Not available at The Kit and Coffee Shop

                     **Boys may only use the appropriate DHS Sports Bag to carry their sports kit**
                BLACKMORE         CAMPBELL         GRICE         LANGLEY          PAYN        SWALES
Educator in
                 GOVENDER          SMYTH            LEWIS        GIRODO M        GIRODO L    GOODWIN W
                  DU PLESSIS        ADAM            BAIJOO        BESWICK          BAKER       BENNETT
                   GENADE         BODASING           BIBIN          BOTHA         CROMIE      BISSCHOFF
              JANSEN V RENSBURG    BROWNE          BROWN             CELE        HAMILTON     DU PREEZ
                  MOODLEY C         COPPIN          HULLEY          GREEN         LE ROUX    DUDAS MR T
                     PINA          FRANCIS       MOODLEY N         JOSHUA       MNCWANGO     GOVINDSAMY
                   SITYANA          HENLEY         MTSHALI       LA MARQUE         NAGAN      MOODLEY L
                                  LOMBARD           SIBISI P      LAZARUS         NAGIAH       NGOBESE
                                  MOODLEY T        THOMAS        MC DULING       PENTADU        REDDY
                                   SUBBIAH       WATERMEYER       RABILALL       SALMOND     SUTHERLAND
                                   SURTEES        NAIDOO D          SHORE           ZULU       VAN WYK
                                                                    SIBISI E
                   WHITE           GREEN         LIGHT BLUE         RED        OXFORD BLUE   OLD GOLD
                        SCHOOL COLOURS:            OXFORD BLUE & OLD GOLD

1.    This Code of Conduct is aimed at establishing a disciplined and purposeful
      environment at the Durban High School (“the School”), dedicated to the values which
      the School espouses and to the improvement and maintenance, inter alia, of the
      quality of the learning process in the classroom, in extra-mural and cultural activities
      and on the playing field.
2.    All learners accepted and enrolled by the School (“the learners”) are expected to be
      conversant with this Code of Conduct, and to abide by it.

3.    Learners shall conduct themselves in a law abiding, disciplined and decent manner
      which proudly upholds the DHS ethos and tradition.
4.    In particular, learners shall not commit any of the actions prohibited expressly or
      impliedly in the annexed schedules setting out major and minor offences.
5.    Learners shall not conduct themselves in a manner which brings the School into
      disrepute inside or outside the School and during School functions.
6.    Learners are expected to display good manners at all times. Visitors to the School are
      to be treated with every consideration and courtesy and are to be greeted and
      assisted in every way possible.
7.    The following qualities are encouraged:
      7.1 honesty, truthfulness and integrity;
      7.2 moral courage;
      7.3 sound judgement;
      7.4 hard work and team work (both on and off the playing field);
      7.5 modesty;
      7.6 tenacity;
      7.7 self-esteem and self-discipline;
      7.8 respect for others and their property;
      7.9 tolerance and compassion;
      7.10 loyalty and a pride in the School and the values it espouses, a pride in the City
            of Durban, in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal and South Africa;
      7.11 leadership, learning and the culture of reconciliation and peace.
8.    Prefects are entrusted with certain responsibilities by the Head Master and their
      instructions must be obeyed at all times.
9.    Learners waiting at bus stops must form an orderly queue before boarding a bus and
      must behave correctly travelling to and from the School. The senior boys on the bus
      are responsible for the good behaviour of all the boys. Manners are important!
10.   Learners shall not enter the out-of-bounds areas identified in the schedule annexed
      hereto (see pg. 39).

11.   Appearance
      11.1 Learners shall abide by the dress code as set out in the annexure hereto (see
      11.2 Learners shall be neat and clean. In particular, a shower shall be taken after
           playing games;
      11.3 The full School uniform is to be worn for all the School functions and activities.
           This includes Saturdays and all evening functions as well as functions where
           the School is being represented by the boy at other schools. Learners
           attending as spectators where the School is involved must wear School
           uniform, including events away from the School. Grades 8, 9 and 10 boys are
           to wear their Bashers at all official functions, compulsory events or any other
           function deemed official by the Head Master;
      11.4 Members of all School teams/groups shall wear the School uniform when going
           to matches/activities and when returning home from matches/activities;
      11.5 The official School bag must be used for both academic and sporting purposes.
           All bags must be marked clearly with the learner's name;
      11.6 Learners' hair styles shall be as set out in the hairstyle code annexed hereto
           (see pg. 38);
      11.7 Learners must be clean shaven.
      11.8 No sport kit to be worn together with school uniform.

12.   The appropriate punishments for the offences are as set out in the schedules dealing
      with minor and major offences.
13.   As this code governs conduct both in the School and out of the School, it will be an
      aggravating feature if a learner breaches the code in the School and its environs or
      while representing the School or in a context where his act or omission brings the
      School, staff members, the RCL or Prefects into disrepute.
14.   The disciplinary procedures shall be those prescribed by the competent authorities
      from time to time and in particular those set out in the Provincial Gazette of
      KwaZulu-Natal No.285, 1997, dated 21st August 1997, read with Section 9 of the
      South African School's Act No. 84 of 1996.
15.   The Governing Body may refer to the Police for investigation of any serious
      misconduct which constitutes an offence according to law.
16.   Every learner shall be entitled to due process, including a fair hearing for
      transgressions of the Code of Conduct.
17.   Learners' bags and lockers are open to inspection at the School's discretion as per the
      Provincial Gazette of KwaZulu-Natal No.285, 1997, dated 21st August 1997, of the
      South African School's Act No. 84 of 1996.

1.       Navy blue blazer with the School pocket badge (see page 3 for Summer and Winter
2.       White shirt (short or long sleeve) with ordinary collar.
3.       The DHS School tie (cover all buttons)
4.       Regular cut charcoal trousers (no skinny trousers, tapering or tailoring allowed).
         Boys who repeatedly violate the spec on trousers will be punished accordingly.
5.       A plain black belt with a regular buckle may be worn.
6.       Black or charcoal socks.
7.       Plain black School shoes - no suede or designer shoes may be worn.
8.       Pullovers/Jersey - plain blue V-neck with the School badge.
9.       No gloves.
10.      No scarves, except for Matrics (see page 4).
11.      The DHS branded school bags only. (No branded bags)
12.      The correct kit for games as specified by the Director of Sport (see pgs. 33 and 34).
13.      No prescription sun glasses. Conservative frames for glasses only.
14.      No tie pins.

1.       Boys' hair is to be neat and well groomed at all times.
2.       No extremes of style or length will be allowed and, as a guideline, boys' haircuts must
         meet the following requirements:
         2.1 Hair must be kept short, neat, clean and well clear of the eyebrows, ears and
         2.2 Side burns may not extend below the middle of the ear and must be kept short
                and unstyled.
         2.3 Hair to be short on top.
         2.4 No designer hair styles that draw unnecessary attention.
         2.5 No shaved sides.
3.       Hair must not be artificially bleached or dyed.

      1. A letter of request for exemption should be addressed to the Head Master. This letter
         should outline the reasons for the request and contain any attached supporting
      2. This letter of request will be submitted to the Religious/Cultural/Medical Exemptions
         Committee for discussion. Exemptions are in no way automatically issued. The merits
         of each request will be assessed by the committee.

1.    Blackmore House for day-boys AT ALL TIMES.
2.    The public toilets near the Drama Room.
3.    The D.C. Thompson Hall except for properly constituted meetings sanctioned by the
      Head Master.
4.    The classrooms and laboratory areas; the St Thomas Road side of the Media Centre;
      new and old Science Blocks, before School, during breaks and after School.
5.    The area behind the wall in the Memorial Courtyard.
6.    The AC Martin Swimming Pool area unless a school master is in attendance.
7.    The car park alongside and in front of the Science Block before school and during
8.    Sandford Field (including area outside Chris Seabrook Music Centre and the seating
      area outside Blackmore House).
9.    The Dome and stairs outside the Reception area.
10.   Berea Park is out of bounds at all times.


The offences listed in this schedule are regarded as serious and may lead to suspension and
expulsion from the School. Disciplinary procedures in terms of this schedule shall be those
prescribed in the Provincial Gazette of KwaZulu-Natal No. 285, 1997, dated the 21st of
August 1997 or any amendment thereto. In the event of the Governing Body deciding not
to suspend or expel the learner, the Governing Body shall be entitled to impose such other
punishment which may include written warnings and other punishments and/or
rehabilitative measures.

1.    Theft or possession of stolen property or fraud or dishonest behaviour of any sort.
2.    The possession of test papers or examination papers prior to the writing of tests or
3.    Infringement of examination rules.
4.    Possession, threat of use or the actual use of a dangerous weapon.
5.    Possession of any form of pornographic material.
6.    Accessing or attempting to access inappropriate material through the computer.
7.    Possession, use, transmission or visible evidence of the use of narcotic or
      unauthorised drugs, alcohol or intoxicants of any kind.
8.    Smoking or the possession of cigarettes, tobacco, ignition methods or smoking
      apparatus at any time.
9.    The consumption of alcoholic beverages at the School or outside of the School is
10.   Fighting, assault or battery is prohibited.
11.   Immoral behaviour or profanity is prohibited.
12.   To falsely identify oneself.
13.    Hate speech, sexism, racism - written or verbal - is prohibited.
14.    Vandalism, graffiti, the destroying or the defacing of School property, or the property
       of others, including that of other learners.
15.    Disrespect, abuse, initiation of any form, objectionable behaviour and verbal abuse
       directed at educators or other School employees or learners.
16.    Repeated violations of School rules or the Code of Conduct.
17.    Criminal and oppressive behaviour such as rape and gender based harassment;
       victimisation, bullying and intimidation of other learners.
18.    Knowingly and wilfully supplying false information or falsifying documentation to gain
       an unfair advantage at the School.
19.    Departure, without permission, from the School property between the start and the
       finish of the School day.
20.    Behaviour anywhere in the School or its environs which obstructs others from
       Learning and teaching.
21.    Absence (without good reason) from all School teaching periods.
22.    Plagiarism.
23.    Any form of body piercing and/or tattooing which is visible when the learner is
       involved in any School activity.
24.    Possession or discharge of fireworks/pyrotechnics.
25.    Conduct which endangers the maintenance of a proper standard of moral conduct,
       discipline or social wellbeing at the School.
26.    Failure to report on fellow learners who are witnessed contravening any of the
       serious offences, other offences or school rules.
27.   Use of a cell phones, or any other recording device to record incidents at school that
      do not conform to the values of the school.

These offences will normally not lead to suspension or recommendation for expulsion by
the Governing Body but will be punishable by written warnings, Head Master's detention
and other punishments and rehabilitative measures as stipulated by the Head Master or the
Governing Body. Repeated infringements may lead to suspension or recommendation of
expulsion from the School.

1.     Trespassing in those parts of the School which are declared out of bounds as set out
       in the appropriate schedule annexed to the School's Code of Conduct or as
       determined by the School Management from time to time.
2.     Failure to properly wear the School uniform as described in the appropriate schedule
       annexed to the School's Code of Conduct.
3.     Failure to wear a proper hairstyle as described in the appropriate schedule annexed
       to the School's Code of Conduct.
4.     Littering of any description.
5.     Climbing over fences bounding the School property.
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