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September 2017 CONFERENCES EVENTS INCENTIVES SEPTEMBER 2017 容首章 中文內 獻 精采呈 Artificial intelligence Thinking machines offer enormous potential for delivering more engaging, successful events Targeting talent Singapore Sevens Regional revolution CEI.ASIA Recruiting and retaining millennials Rugby tournament gains traction A new model for smaller destinations
September 2017 CONFERENCES EVENTS INCENTIVES SEPTEMBER 2017 容首章 中文內 獻 精采呈 Artificial intelligence Thinking machines offer enormous potential for delivering more engaging, successful events Targeting talent Singapore Sevens Regional revolution CEI.ASIA Recruiting and retaining millennials Rugby tournament gains traction A new model for smaller destinations
目錄 | 中文版 擁抱改變 大 量採用人工智能科技 的活動在世界各地如 雨後春筍般湧現,由 語音助理如蘋果的 Siri、酒店最先進的禮賓系統,到日 本全部服務員均由機械人擔任的場 地,在在反映了人工智能在商務活動 行業無限的發展潛力。人工智能不僅 用途廣泛,還可以與參加者互動,讓 他們以前所未有的深入程度參與其 中。 本期的封面故事,探討了市場上最 新的人工智能科技,以及列舉了近年 在亞洲舉辦、善用人工智能的傑出例 子。活動策劃公司Auditoire在中國採 用人工智能和聊天機器人成功舉辦了 多個活動,包括梅賽德斯-奔馳長軸 距E級轎車的中國發佈會。該屢獲殊 榮的活動以3D投影技術,打造現實 與虛擬並存的世界,讓1,500名來賓 就在這樣的環境和氛圍下,見證了這 款新車的初登場。 儘管人工智能來勢洶洶,但活動策 劃人必須謹慎以對。我們是以人為本 的行業,建基於人類對面對面互動的 渴望,親身接觸的力量及透過人際網 絡和知識交流所建立的聯繫,是推動 行業發展的主要動力。因此,雖然人 工智能可以為會議活動帶來新的活 12 在故宮裡舉辦活動,感受帝家氣派 力,但永遠無法取代人的經驗。 封面故事 12 文化古都 06 人 工智能如何影響未來的商務活動 北京文化初探 —— 故宮、長城、 人工智能將在會展活動行業中扮演 品茗、京劇和當代藝術,揭開京城 怎樣的角色?未來的發展趨勢又會 的面紗 如何? 14 京城特色場地 讓人驚艷的建築和古跡去處,不同 經驗之談 凡響的場地啟發策劃者的創意 04 氣 味相投 15 拉斯維加斯 創意十足的籌款方式 美國最受歡迎而娛樂豐富的活動 利用Snapchat接觸新一代 目的地 Elizabeth Wood 16 美食潮流 CEI主編 靈感之旅 香港頂級酒店的餐飲新趨勢 10 溫哥華 18 水泥森林之外 山水環抱的美景,襯托活潑熱鬧的 亞洲人口密度最高的城市以青蔥翠 CEIAsia @CEIAsia 城市生活,造就溫哥華的獨特魅力 綠的郊野公園自豪 CEI.ASIA 2017 年 9月 3
中文版 | 經驗之談 文:Kim Benjamin 氣味相投 香 味可以提升會議活動的效果。曾為著名品牌、酒店和零售商提 供“香味服務”的新加坡公司AllSense集團,近來也開始為會展活 動提供此項服務,例如為參觀者以男性為主的新加坡航空展設計 比較陽剛的氣味。 不過於BCD會議及活動公司任職新加坡商務拓展經理的Charmaine Wong 指出,文化背景、年齡、人口分佈,以至性別等,都會使參加者對香味有 不同的反應和喜惡。因此,為不同的參加者選擇香味時,香味是否適合、 濃淡是否得宜都是必須考慮的因素。 她建議策劃人員要考慮清楚他們希望通過香味達到什麼目的,譬如是 刺激銷售?在全體會議中製造有利學習的氣氛?還是為與會代表創造互 信的環境? 她說:“想清楚你希望為與會者創造怎樣的體驗。薄荷和迷迭香可以令頭 腦更清晰、促進思考,而青蘋果和黃瓜的香氣則可以使人感覺空間更寬廣。 可以考慮廣受喜愛的香味,如香草、柑橘、青草、亞麻和海洋的味道。” 活動前必須進行測試,謹記整體香味可能會受到許多其他氣味影響,如 參加者身上的香水等。如果整個場地都飄香處處的話,必須確保每個區域 空氣之中 參加者以男 的特定氣味不會飄到其他不相應的區域裡。 性為主的新加坡航空 她解釋:“如果兩個相鄰的場地正在舉辦不同主題的活動,那就不能讓甲 展散發陽剛氣味 廳的氣味飄散到乙廳,否則會讓與會者感到困惑。” 公益刷卡 方便 輕鬆的捐款方法 4 2017 年 9月 CEI.ASIA
經驗之談 | 中文版 利用Snapchat 接觸新一代 於 FreemanXP EMEA任職市場推廣總監的Sarah Mayo表 示,因為Snapchat很受千禧一代和Z世代歡迎,是接 觸這些群體的理想平台,可以從小就培養他們對品牌 的好感。不過她也說,“也必須考慮它是否與你的目標客戶相 關”,因為其他類似的視頻主導平台可能更合適。 MCI香港的商務拓展總監May Au認為,活動策劃者可以善用 Snapchat的24小時自動刪除訊息功能,向追隨者發布獨家的促 銷和優惠活動訊息。她補充說,公司還可以利用該平台為追隨 者提供“幕後花絮”影片,讓他們優先看到新產品或遠距離參加 貿易展,藉此加強他們的“獨家”體驗。 策劃人也可以利用Snapchat預置的或自行設定的濾鏡。活動 公司cievents的全球市場推廣主管Cate Carpenter認為:“你可 以透過這些濾鏡宣傳你的活動、訊息和品牌,也可以將這些內容 以充滿創意的方法,加入講求主動參與和鼓勵參加者投入其中的 媒介內。” 筆克集團旗下的數碼推廣機構Astronaut的執行創意總監 Michael Kaltenhauser強調,曾經成功利用該應用程式宣傳的品 牌,均將訊息集中於趣味和創意方面,避免硬銷。“意思是著名 品牌最好是保持‘低調’ ,美國連鎖快餐店Taco Bell的濾鏡就是 好例子,它沒有任何公司標誌,只會讓使用者的臉變成墨西哥玉 創意十足的 米捲(英文為taco)。” 他補充說,在Snapchat裡使用時間或地理位置標示功能也可以 籌款方式 增加參與者的投入感。 “到達某個地點或時間就會自動啟動的濾 鏡就是最好的例子,電影《不可能的任務》宣傳活動就在24小時 內設定各種挑戰,相關訊息當然也會在限時後自動消失。”n 科 技運用是籌款活動能否成功的關鍵因素 英文版另見第14-15頁 之一,德國天主教會救助機構Misereor 的“公益刷卡”數碼海報就是好例子。 它除了是第一張可以刷信用卡的海報,還結合影 像技術,讓捐贈者“目睹”少少的捐款可以如何改 變饑饉等重大問題。 刷卡槽位於海報正中央,背景影像跟捐款及其影 響息息相關。 筆克集團子公司Epicentro的數碼市場推廣策略 高級經理Olivia Kosasih表示:“[在活動中]籌 款能否成功,捐款過程是否簡單輕鬆十分重要, Misereor的刷卡海報使捐款變得輕而易舉。 “刷卡之後等候審批的過程中,海報會播放一段短 片,就像是用信用卡從一條面包上切下一片,意味 著你的捐款可以讓受飢荒影響的家庭度過一天的溫 飽,讓捐助者即時‘目睹’捐款產生的正面影響, 使他們從中獲得成就感,以及加強他們的決心。” 另一種可以令捐助者更投入的籌款方法,是提供 更多慈善項目選擇。人們通常會更樂意捐款給自己 認同的慈善項目。因此,籌款活動不應局限於一、 工欲善其事 連結 兩個主題,而是讓人們有機會選擇自己有共鳴的項 千禧和Z世代 目,這樣籌款活動會更為成功。 CEI.ASIA 2017 年 9月 5
封面故事 | 中文版 人工智能如 何影響未來 的商務活動 人工智能將在會展活動行業中扮演怎樣的角色? 未來的發展趨勢又會如何? 文:Kim Benjamin 從 個人語音助理如蘋果的Siri和亞馬遜的Alexa,到 Tesla的自動駕駛汽車;從機場使用面部識別來辨 別身份及作為保安系統一部分,到由機器人負責 客房服務;人工智能無處不在。 人工智能的發展潛力不可估量,活動策劃人員自然要好好 把握。最簡單的是,策劃人可以利用人工智能加強活動參加 者的體驗,以及讓他們更投入其中。 活動策劃公司Auditoire已在中國數個活動中使用人工智能 和聊天機器人,包括去年8月在北京舉行的“梅賽德斯-奔 馳長距軸E級轎車”的中國發佈會。 發佈會於傍晚進行,可說是人工智能的示範之作——會場 裡設有3D投影,打造現實與虛擬並存的世界,1,500名與會 者就在這樣的環境和氛圍下,見證了這款新車的初登場。 於Auditoire亞洲任職董事總經理的Antoine Gouin解釋: “首先,所有受邀的嘉賓需要到互動的數碼平台登記和輸 入個人資料。當他們抵達現場後,負責接待的機器人就會 向各人送上無線射頻識別腕帶。以人工智能機器人當接待 員的好處在於,機器人可以依據每個人的風格和喜好,提 供量身訂製的服務。” Gouin認為,在活動中使用人工智能的最大好處是,人工 智能用途廣泛;雖然沒有萬能的人工智能系統,但可透過調 整適應各種場合。他表示,先進的機器人、社交機器人、虛 擬實境示範等,均可以打造獨一無二、創新和互動的活動, 讓與會者留下難忘的印象。 深度學習 在Jack Morton Worldwide中國擔任副創意總監的Andrew Zipparo表示,對活動而言,最有潛力的人工智能工具包括 有禮賓程式、深度學習和語音助理。禮賓程式對博覽會或大 型會議活動特別有用,他解釋: “它可以將互動範圍縮小至 非常個人的層面,提供獨一無二的協助,這是人類員工無法 達到或財政上不可能負擔的。” 深度學習工具則可以從活動照片、短片甚至是背景的聲音 中截取有用數據。 Zipparo表示:“分析這些數據可以找出賓客在現場的互動 方式,甚至可以預測他們會對未來的活動作出怎樣反應。這 對於製定活動的關鍵績效指標非常有用,以及有效利用背後 的大數據。” CEI.ASIA 2017 年 9月 7
中文版 | 封面故事 Pico+品牌推廣總監Greg Crandall認為,活動行 業可以如何利用人工智能,其實可以參考其他行業 的情況。他指出,對最新知識和個人互動的深入了 解是人工智能最令人興奮的能力,IBM就利用其人 工智能平台Watson研究癌症。 他解釋: “Watson能夠分析大量當前的研究和資 料,在尋找有效的癌症治療方案方面發揮積極作 用。人工智能終有一日會成為討論小組成員或圓桌 會議的與會者之一。” 人工智能另一個極具潛力的地方是分析大眾對內 容的反應。Crandall指出,迪士尼是這方面的先 鋒。他們率先運用人工智能和機器學習,記錄觀眾 對電影的反應。他解釋:“通過熱力圖和面部識別 資訊,可以快速地對內容、觀眾和人流等作出決 定。這個功能也大大地適用於活動行業,藉此可以 量度活動是否成功和擷取參加者的意見,對內容的 決定也有幫助。” 優勢和挑戰 FreemanXP的亞太區數碼及策略副總裁Etienne Chia表示,人工智能面臨的最大挑戰與其他新科技 一樣:高層人員缺乏對這項科技的知識和了解,前 線工作人員則缺少規劃、整合和協作的經驗。 他說:“在活動方面,它最大的優勢在於可以令 服務更個人化,使互動與參與過程更順暢,藉此改 善與會者的體驗。” 策劃人可以根據參加者的喜好和興趣,向他們推 薦合適的工作坊和研討會,或通過合符情境的提 示,促使他們作出有意義的行動和獲得他們的意 見。面部識別和語音支援如智能助理等,也可以讓 參加者在活動中所花的時間更有價值和效率。 Chia以FreemanXP一個推廣自動化的會議為例。 那次會議得到亞馬遜贊助其Alexa科技,策劃公司 於是為Alexa準備了一系列有趣的答案以應付參加 者的提問,成功打造獨一無二的活動和氛圍。 人性化 該公司的團隊目前正在測試一個建基於衍生設計 優尼博覽數碼工作室項目總監Libby Zhou認為,人 的人工智能程式,並與客戶一起嘗試以這個程式, 工智能是還沒完全發展成熟的科技,她稱之為“狹 為他們的年度展覽設計最能善用空間的平面圖。 義人工智能”。 Chia解釋:“在輸入大量數據如攤位安排、伙伴 她解釋: “人工智能程式建基於預先輸入的問題, 要求、場地限制和參觀者流量等之後,該人工智能 比如是:今天天氣如何?現在幾點鐘了?雖然如 程式設計了超過12,000幅不同的平面圖。隨後,我 此,利用現時的人工智能工具,活動策劃人員已可 們加入新的條件,平面圖數目大幅減少至約200 快速搜尋資料、發掘市場機會或解決保安問題。” 幅。這樣比起傳統設計程序,可以獲得更多設計大 不過Zhou表示,人工智能無疑可以改善工作速 異的平面圖。” 度和活動體驗,但是仍然無法替代人類的經驗。舉 人工智能非常依賴所輸入的資料,需要透過大量 例說,當賓客走進會場時,一個真誠和溫暖的微笑 優質數據來認識這個世界,並藉著比對這些資料來 永遠是高級機器人無法提供的。 達到准確的判斷。 Auditoire的Gouin概括道,在采用人工智能科技 任職Jack Morton Worldwide的Zipparo表示: 時,必須謹記活動的獨特性和創意,不只是選用哪 “因為上述原因,創造量身設計的人工智能程式 種科技工具就可以達到的,更重要是該工具能否針 是頗大的投資。不過,改良一個已有的優秀程式 對個別人類行為設計。 可能是有效的替代方法。只要巧妙地重新包裝, 他說:“如果希望利用科技舉辦成功的活動,就 就可以加快流程,獲得最大的效益,而免去開發 必須‘將科技改良到為人所用’,畢竟說到最後, 初期的投資。” 活動是關乎人與人之間的互動。” 8 2017 年 9月 CEI.ASIA
封面故事 | 中文版 但卻具有可觀的回報潛力,客戶對在活動中采用人 工智能的態度是謹慎還是開放呢?優尼博覽的 Zhou表示,使用人工智能來增加對客戶的了解和 量度活動是否成功這兩方面,似乎蠻受歡迎的,但 是對成本和人工智能的整體整合仍有保留。 數據保護是另外一個需要考慮的問題。任職Frost & Sullivan的Wang指出,業內對數據處理還沒有劃 一的標准,因此每家公司對數據的管理和處置都有 所不同。再者,人工智能系統須確保數據的質量和 整體性,才能協助活動策劃人正確了解顧客要求。 數據處理的問題在中國似乎受到的關注較少。 Jack Morton Worldwide的Zipparo解釋,中國各地 客戶和消費者很早開始接觸這類科技,相比西方客 戶,他們對隱私的敏感度也較低。 他指:“考慮到(中國的)人口數量,利用整合科 技將活動中比較費時的人手工序自動化,這是可以 理解的。這樣一方面可以讓客人的體驗更順暢,另 一方面客戶也可從活動數據中獲益更多。這是雙贏 的,參加者可以從目標明確的策略中獲得更佳的用 者體驗,客戶則得到更好的投資回報。” 策劃公司展示成果的壓力越來越大。FreemanXP 的Chia表示,活動預算通常不足以應付研發有效、 量身訂製的人工智能工具的投資。大多數情況,公 司裡最先開發人工智能的通常是產品開發、客戶服 務和數據管理部門。在各自為政的公司裡,市場推 廣和活動小組往往被排除在外。 他說:“這意味著策劃公司有很大機會與想發展 人工智能的團隊和伙伴合作。”人工智能能否蓬勃 發展,關鍵之一是公司對探索未來可能的好奇心和 熱忱抱著多開放的心態。 n 英文版另見第24-27頁 未來發展 人工智能 以3D投影打造 研究及顧問機構Frost & Sullivan的大中華總裁Neil 虛擬空間的梅賽德斯-奔馳 Wang相信,人工智能工具和虛擬實境科技將擔當 長距軸E級轎車新車發佈會 越來越重要的角色。與會者可以不受空間和地域限 (上圖);亞馬遜的Alexa 制,即使不能親臨現場,也可以透過科技的幫忙 語音助理(右圖) “漫步”會場,與演講嘉賓和其他與會者交談。 優尼博覽項目總監Zhou表示,人工智能的未來 發展方向將以提升人類的體驗為目的,集中於發展 新的整合方法和不同的應用程式。 Jack Morton Worldwide的Zipparo相信,人類歷 史悠久的配對欲望會是另一個發展趨勢,特別是在 大型會議方面。 他解釋:“人工智能可以從Facebook和微博上 挖掘並分析數據,然後為活動尋找合適的對象, 甚至協助安排會議的時間和地點。而且,你跟它 的互動越多,它就能作出更恰當的判斷。很多人 覺得,由人工智能機器人擔當中介的話,人們更 容易打破冷場。” 雖然在商務活動中引入人工智能還是早期階段, CEI.ASIA 2017 年 9月 9
中文版 | 靈感之旅 溫哥華 哥華治安良好、文化多元,美酒佳餚不缺,吸引著 來自世界各地的人。 山水環抱的美景,襯托活潑熱鬧的城市 地方政府提供哪些支援? 生活,造就溫哥華的獨特魅力 溫哥華深明主辦國際會議的價值和經濟效益,大型 文:Joe Mortimer 活動除了會得到總理和地方政府官員的支持之外, 亦有機會獲得政府資助。溫哥華旅游局、溫哥華會 位 於洛磯山腳的加拿大西岸城市溫哥華, 議中心及其伙伴酒店合作無間,全體人員隨時候 除了為國際活動提供風景如畫的舞台, 命,確保業務能取得佳績,確保活動成功。 也是冒升中的科技和電影制作中心。 這裡有獲得能源與環境設計(LEED)白金認證的 在溫哥華舉辦活動的買家有哪些地方要留意的? 會議中心、頂級酒店和每周逾120班往返亞洲各地的 溫哥華及其會展活動合作伙伴了解外國策劃人會 航機,難怪有那麼多公司選擇在溫哥華舉辦活動。 面臨的一些潛在挑戰,並會采取有效程序協助他們 (及與會者)克服諸多的潛在障礙。 Michael Drake 不過,溫哥華始終是繁忙的大都市,企業旅游、 國際會議銷售總監 會議和普通觀光都在蓬勃發展,城中酒店的價格不 溫哥華旅游局 斷上漲,因此建議大家宜提前預訂酒店房間。 溫哥華是否特別受某些行業歡迎? 溫哥華是頂級的會獎旅遊城市,吸引各個範疇的團 Matthew Coyne 體。我們去年舉辦了百萬元圓桌會議,這個大型的 市場推廣及銷售副總裁 金融及保險業會議,參加人數多達12,000人。我們 風光如畫 從空中俯瞰的溫哥 Cantrav Services公司 也舉辦過世界一流的醫藥會議,比如是2016年美國 華(下圖)、古意盎然的場地 溫哥華有哪些特別之處? 神經學會年度會議。溫哥華越來越受初創科技公 The Pipe Shop(右圖) 地理位置優越,位於歐洲和亞洲之間,而且是非常 司,以至微軟、Google和EA Games等大公司歡 迎,是正在冒起的科技中心。它也是繼紐約和洛杉 磯之後第三大電影制作城市。 你推薦哪些酒店? 我們有幸擁有許多超卓的五星級酒店,比如費爾蒙 特環太平洋酒店、瑰麗酒店、香格裡拉、四季酒 店,以及甚受中國旅客歡迎、近期開業的特朗普酒 店。至於大型會議,可以選擇位於斯坦利公園邊緣 的海柏威斯汀酒店,以及位於市中心的喜來登華爾 中心酒店。溫哥華凱悅酒店在亞洲知名度極高,臨 海的泛太平洋酒店則坐享山光水色。 溫哥華旅游局提供哪些支援服務? 我們是會員機構,樂意為團體提供協助。我們可以 邀請市長或政府官員在會議上演講,協助辦理退 稅、清關和申請旅遊文件等手續,以及提供擔保信 等。我們還會根據活動規模,代為撰寫量身定制的 禮品資助申請書。我們目前在北京設有辦事處,為 亞太地區提供實時支援服務。 Natasha Hilliard 社團關系總監 MCI加拿大 溫哥華有哪些特別之處? 溫哥華不只是北美最漂亮的城市之一,更擁有一座 獲得LEED認證的環保會議中心。臨水而建的溫哥 華會議中心,不僅坐享北岸山脈秀美的風景,它聞 名的可持續發展環保設施,更奠定了溫哥華的國際 地位,並將它提升為全球會展行業的主要城市。溫 10 2017 年 9月 CEI.ASIA
靈感之旅 | 中文版 安全和干淨的城市。另外,加元匯率不高,策劃人 以不貴的價錢就能獲得高水准的服務,物超所值。 另一個照片無法反映的優勢是,我們的會議和酒店 業者合作無間,攜手提供無與倫比的服務和體驗。 有哪些獨一無二的場地? 溫哥華有各種各樣的去處,從劇院到歷史悠久的音 樂廳如Commodore Ballroom等,各具特色。溫哥 華是港口城市,以造船業起家,要體驗它的起源, 可以到位於Burrard岸邊、坐享市區景色的場地The Pipe Shop。在船上舉辦雞尾酒會,或到八層停車 場的頂樓舉辦“好萊塢外景場地派對”,定可讓活動 留下難忘的回憶。 有哪些活動適合初次到訪的旅客? 溫哥華是夾在崇山峻嶺和太平洋之間的城市,加 上一流的產品和服務,構成其獨一無二的魅力。 乘水上飛機到偏遠的山頂湖泊野餐;在灰熊棲息 的Grouse山頂吃早餐;或者駕駛機動船在Howe海 峽來一場尋寶遊戲,然後在其中一座小島上享用 海鮮燒烤;以上提議如何? n 英文版另見第30-31頁 CEI.ASIA 2017 年 9月 11
中文版 | 靈感之旅 文化古都 北京文化初探——故宮、長城、品茗、京劇和當代藝術,揭開京城的面紗 文:Duncan Forgan 北 京是一座面向未來的城市,由鉻合金和 其他的熱門景點,包括有面積約7,000平方米的 玻璃建造的摩天大樓、閃閃發光的商店 御花園及一系列宮殿——部分宮殿裡舉辦的精品展 和商場,都在展示它邁向未來的堅定步 覽值得參觀。 伐。這座城市的另一面是三千多年歷史的縮影,通 過故宮(全世界最大的古代宮殿)、天壇,以及古 長城徒步 老的藝術和文化傳統,引領遊人去體驗和感受。 長城是抵禦北方強敵入侵的偉大防衛工程,合多個 朝代之力完成,攀登長城無疑是游覽中國不可缺少 參觀故宮 的行程。漫步於長城,一方面感受其歷史,另一方 故宮位於北京市中心,是首都文化景點的核心部 面可欣賞中國北方巍峨綿延的山脈。最受徒步游客 分。這座獲聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產的 歡迎的長城地段,位於金山嶺和司馬台西段之間。 大型宮廷建築,有無數讓人流連忘返的精采之處。 飛入帝皇家 故宮內現時有多 該段長城包含新修復和原始的段落,走完全程大 由太和、中和及保和組成的“三大殿”是故宮的精 個宮殿和區域開放予團體舉 約需要四個小時。在長城上或是附近場地如慕田 華所在,其中太和殿更是最重要、最宏偉的建築。 辦私人活動 峪的“小園”和“瓦廠”等舉辦歡迎酒會或閉幕活 12 2017 年 9月 CEI.ASIA
靈感之旅 | 中文版 動,相信會讓參加者喜出望外,為活動留下永誌難 漫步歷史 長城(上圖)、在 雖然有人認為藝術品買家和知名畫廊的湧入已削 忘的回憶。 梨園劇場上演的京劇(右上 弱了其原始精神,但它仍舊是欣賞藝術品的最佳場 圖)、798藝術區(下圖) 所,這裡的咖啡店、餐廳兼書店“東八時區”是充電 中式品茗 休息的好去處,而“那家小館”則可享用滿洲菜。 在中國文化中,沒有比茶更重要的飲料。茶可用於 保健的目的,作為尊重長者的象征,作為道歉或致 謝的方式。 英文版另見第44-45頁 游覽北京,怎可能不試試這裡的傳統品茶儀式 呢?想全面體驗中國傳統茶文化的團體可以到留賢 館茶室,在店主的指導下,一步步完成整套引人入 勝的品茗儀式。 +86 10 8404 8539 京劇之夜 雖然不是每個人都能領略京劇的美妙,刺耳的聲調 和令人困惑的故事情節更叫人卻步,但沒人能否 認,京劇是極富戲劇張力的表演形式。色彩繽紛的 服飾和讓人嘆為觀止的復雜做功和武功,使它成為 代表北京文化巔峰的視覺表演藝術。 一齣完整的京劇動輒三個小時,非常冗長,但有 些特別歡迎遊客的地方如梨園劇場等,會上演名劇 選段,讓門外漢也能一窺究竟。 革命性的藝術 北京時尚的一面在798等藝術中心得到了很好的展 示。這個由舊工廠變身的藝術區,是當今中國最受 歡迎的藝術家社區之一。 CEI.ASIA 2017 年 9月 13
中文版 | 靈感之旅 京城特色場地 讓人驚艷的建築和古跡去處,不同凡響的場地啟發策劃者的創意 文:Duncan Forgan 雖 然酒店確實代表了一種方便的、量身定 容納300人。TRB Forbidden City則位於故宮東面 制的選擇,但北京的策劃人員不應因此 護城河邊一座兩層高的建築物裡,室內裝潢典雅, 故步自封。 供應精緻的歐洲菜式。 從坐享天安門廣場美景的餐廳,到時尚前衛的畫 廊,歷史悠久而豐富、創意前衛的北京擁有形形色 色的派對和活動場地選擇。 水立方 2008年北京奧運會不僅提高了北京和中國的國際 藝術8 地位,還給京城留下了許多讓人讚歎的場地,最好 如果你想要的是優雅的氛圍,那麼在北京沒有比藝 的例子莫過於國家游泳中心。這座又名水立方的長 術8更合適的場地了。前身為中法大學舊址,古色 方體建築,發光的外牆讓人印象深刻。 古香的藝術8現時依舊是中法兩國交流的見證,該 在奧運會期間曾舉辦游泳、跳水和水上芭蕾等比 藝術中心的展覽以兩國藝術家合作的作品為主。 賽的水立方,現時當然仍舊是大型體育賽事的比賽 這座具有100年歷史的建築物本身及其氛圍,與 場地,但卻不局限於此,其功能已擴展至主辦會 它展出的藝術品一樣迷人。它位於中国美術館附 議、音樂活動、書法展覽等各種活動,包括2012 近,裝潢富當代色彩,幽靜的庭院適合小型聚會。 年國際獎勵旅游精英協會(SITE)大會的閉幕晚宴 +86 10 6581 9058 及2014年亞太經合會議的多場活動。 TRB場地 Temple Restaurant Beijing(TRB)集團是活動場地 雁棲湖 的先鋒,為富有想像力的策劃人提供時尚前衛的活 北京雁棲湖國際會展中心是国际大会及会議協会 動空間。他們的輝煌成就包括將一座有600年歷史 (ICCA)的正式成員,離首都國際機場只有30分鐘車 的古廟改建成TRB Hutong餐廳、在故宮旁邊開設 程,毗鄰還有北京日出東方凱賓斯基酒店。不過, TRB Forbidden City餐廳,以及將一家前銅線工廠 整個會議展覽園區最為人津津樂道的,卻是一個設 改建為廣受贊賞的活動場地“Copper銅”。 於小島上、與世隔絕的活動中心,因為小島也是中 上述設施均獲得好評如潮,原因顯而易見。在 國國家主席習近平和其他國家領導人舉行高層會議 TRB Hutong,時尚簡約的家具和從後面打光的酒 的地方。 n 吧與周圍的歷史環境相映成趣。廣而深的Copper 華麗變身 2008年奧運的比賽 銅,舉辦不設座位的雞尾酒會或招待會的話,可以 場館變成別具特色的活動場地 英文版另見第46頁 14 2017 年 9月 CEI.ASIA
靈感之旅 | 中文版 活動之都 拉斯維加斯大道 上屹立了多座氣派恢宏的 賭場度假村 拉斯維加斯 節目Spark,讓團體旅客可以與世界上最著名的馬 戲團一起學習和訓練。 美國最受歡迎而娛樂豐富的活動目的地 文:Joe Mortimer 交通 洛杉磯國際機場往返亞洲的航班數目是美國之 每 年近22,000場的會議加上100多萬平方 冠,而從那裡飛70分鐘即可到達麥卡倫國際機 公里的活動場地,拉斯維加斯作為頂級 場,麥卡倫也有直飛北京和首爾的航班。拉斯維 會獎旅遊目的地當之無愧。 加斯單軌列車貫串美高梅酒店至SLS賭場度假村, 中途停靠拉斯維加斯大道上幾乎所有的頂級酒 酒店及活動場地 店、度假村,就算沒有接駁服務,也可輕鬆穿梭 霓虹閃爍的拉斯維加斯大道上布滿灯光璀璨的酒 各主要場所。 店、度假村,但無礙新酒店加入戰團。馬來西亞 雲頂集團斥資建造的Resorts World Las Vegas度 食在賭城 假村將於2020年開業,屆時將提供3,000間客房和 過去讓人不敢恭維的拉斯維加斯飲食,現在卻大 9,000平方米的賭場。 受青睞,來自世界各地的廚師都希望能在這裡的 同時,Wynn Paradise Park也會為永利拉斯維 頂級度假村闖出名堂。永利拉斯維加斯的大師班 加斯增加一座擁有1,000間客房的酒店大樓,以及 系列,讓團體旅客有機會跟頂級廚師、侍酒師和 更多的會議設施。 麵包師傅等交流,學習製作壽司、糕點和素食 但最受矚目的郤是拉斯維加斯會議中心的擴建項 等,還有關於葡萄酒的知識。 目“拉斯維加斯會議中心區”,會議中心的面積將 因此大增130,000平方米。 體育及娛樂 作為NASCAR賽車、NBA夏季聯賽、重量級拳擊 獨特場地 錦標賽和UFC格鬥賽的主辦城市,拉斯維加斯是 拉斯維加斯有數之不盡的場地選擇,包括La 頂級的運動勝地。今年,賭城還組成該市的首支 Concha Motel霓虹博物館裡的Neon Boneyard、 大聯盟職業球隊 —— 北美冰上曲棍球聯賽的維加斯 Picture Credit: Las Vegas News Bureau 有組織犯罪和執法國家博物館(亦稱黑幫博物館) 黃金騎士隊。 等。乘坐每個吊艙可容納40人的觀光摩天輪,於 著名賭場是拉斯維加斯的一大賣點,而Elton 168米高的空中欣賞賭城也是不錯的選擇。 John、Santana和Celine Dion等知名歌手、樂隊 賭城也是自拍天堂,拉斯維加斯標志、Bellagio 不間斷的演出,為晚上的活動增色不少。 n 噴泉和五光十色的Fremont街,都是拍攝團體照的 經典背景。至於好動的團體,太陽馬戲團的互動 英文版另見第48頁 CEI.ASIA 2017 年 9月 15
中文版 | 靈感之旅 美食潮流 活動中提供的餐飲服務,能與餐廳最新的流行趨勢 與時並進,優質食材因此成為焦點,比如採用澳洲 Mayura和牛肉或環保海產等。” 他指出,由本身擁有高級餐廳的酒店為活動提供 香港頂級酒店的餐飲新趨勢 文 :Ben Lerwill 餐飲服務會有一定優勢。“我們可以供應米芝蓮二 星餐廳Caprice採用的法國手工奶酪,或者米芝蓮 曾 經,活動上的餐飲安排只著重在特定時間 三星餐廳龍景軒的中餐。至於想要原創佳餚的客 內以有限預算餵飽一大群人,食物品質和 戶,我們也可以邀請世界頂級名廚合作。” 創意等細節次之。不過今天,世界各地的 人都在追求難忘的美食體驗,餐飲業的創意空間大 簡單就是美 為提升。在此,我們介紹香港五大最新餐飲趨勢。 香港文華東方酒店行政主廚Robin Zavou則認為, 當今的餐飲業主要圍繞一個主題。他說:“我認為 優質食材 現時或最近一段時間以來,餐飲業的焦點是以食物 香港四季酒店行政主廚Andrea Accordi表示:“大 為中心,裝盤和上菜都以簡單為主。客人想要精致 家對創意充滿期待,從佈置、裝盤、食物質量到特 美食,不要太多的噱頭。” 殊食材等方面,都有很高的期望。客戶期望我們在 他另外亦注意到在飲品方面的口味變化,“越來 16 2017 年 9月 CEI.ASIA
靈感之旅 | 中文版 新鮮健康 香港麗思卡爾頓酒店行政主廚Peter Find認為口味 正在改變:“在我們最近舉辦的活動中,客戶要求 我們設計非常健康的菜單,與會者現時偏愛健康和 環保的食物。”他亦同意現時賓客喜歡看到食物的 制作過程。“互動的煮食攤檔大為流行,客人可以 跟廚師交流,聽到食物背後的故事,非常有趣。” 他續道:“目前,參加者喜歡看到新鮮烹調的食 物,而不是事先準備好然後等待上桌的東西。” 場外餐飲服務 香港港麗酒店行政副主廚Martin Kwan指出,場地 選擇日漸重要。“今天的活動籌辦人員創意十足, 喜歡尋找新穎的活動場地和形式,務求激發參加者 的興趣和生產力,場外餐飲因此成為一大主流,我 們也有幸為多個城中活動提供戶外餐飲服務。” 他續稱:“很多活動籌辦者非常注重企業社會責 任,菜式設計也要符合相關要求。”他亦強調,客 人對供應的農產品要求漸高,“他們期望看到由可 持續發展食物、當季食材和在地農產炮製的健康菜 式,會議中間的小休也有冷壓果汁和蛋白質補充餐 等健康選擇。除此之外,他們亦選擇以套餐代替自 助餐[以減少浪費]。” n 英文版另見第40-41頁 越多客人捨棄葡萄酒,改以別具創意的雞尾酒配搭 流行趨勢 香港麗思卡爾頓 餐膳,為活動增添色采。”香港四季酒店活動總監 大受歡迎的環保海鮮 Anna Wong也注意到這些變化,“客人對飲品日益 菜式(左上圖);四季酒店 重視已成為趨勢,我們有客人非常緊張在活動中供 充滿創意的裝盤(上圖); 應的咖啡種類,要求採用特別調配的咖啡。” 香港文華東方行政主廚 Robin Zavou(右圖) 與廚師互動 香港半島酒店宴会及会議服务部总監呂慧賢則表 示:“我們注意到當前客人喜歡即叫即煮的食物攤 檔,這些生動的安排大受客人歡迎,他們也喜歡與 廚師互動。”她特別列舉了點心和面條攤檔及半島 的魚子醬品鑑課程為例。 半島酒店宴會廚師Terence Chui補充,客人在活 動前與廚師會面非常普遍。他說:“客人可借此機 會說明他們心中所期待的菜式。融合東西方概念的 嘗試,當前也非常流行。” CEI.ASIA 2017 年 9月 17
中文版 | 靈感之旅 水泥森林之外 亞洲人口密度最高的城市以青蔥翠綠的郊野公園自豪 文:Steven Knipp 選 擇香港作為目的地的獎勵旅遊團體會意 大日子 登上數百級石階欣賞 當地漁民許多仍然以棚屋為家。團體也可以在這裡 外地發現,香港雖然是霓虹燈閃爍的大 完天壇大佛後,到清幽的寺 乘船前往附近的珠江三角海域,觀賞在該水域出沒 都會,但當地有超過四成土地被劃為郊 院享用齋菜 的稀有的中華白海豚。 野公園,連綿的山嶺、鋪上白沙的海灘近在咫尺。 香港許多郊野公園都是一日游的理想地點,但位 住宿 於大嶼山的南、北大嶼郊野公園,是其中兩座面積 如果想夜宿島上,郊野公園外圍有兩間酒店。銀礦 最大也最多樣化的;大嶼山比香港島大一倍,兩座 灣渡假酒店位於美麗的銀礦灣右側,擁有128間客 郊野公園佔去島上六成土地。 房。活動設施包括可容納180人的沙灘海景餐廳、 由香港囂鬧的中環乘坐冷氣快船僅需30分鐘就可 花園和泳池,以及可容納80人的會議場地。 以抵達大嶼山銀礦灣,展開探索南大嶼郊野公園之 大澳文物酒店與銀礦灣分據大嶼山東西兩隅,由 旅。南大嶼郊野公園占地56平方公裡,是香港最大 有100年歷史的英國殖民時期舊警署改建而成。酒 的自然保護區,是神秘的赤麂、白腹海雕及溫和的 店位於山腰上,共有九間迷人的客房,可180度眺 水牛群的棲息地。 望南中國海的美景。酒店的天台餐廳可以租予團體 銀礦灣也是大嶼山鳳凰徑的起點,這條環繞全 舉辦午餐或晚宴,最多可容納40人。 島、蜿蜒70公裡的遠足徑,風景秀麗,設有清晰的 路標。體能不錯的團體可以花數小時,走其中一小 團隊建設活動 段,比如是登上869米高的大東山,然後下山,到 Treasure Island公司的大本營位於南大嶼郊野公園 沙子既白且細的長沙海灘游泳和享用海邊午餐。 外圍的貝澳,它可以為客戶籌辦300人的企業活 與大東山相對的風凰山則屬於北大嶼郊野公園, 動、企業社會責任項目,以及水上運動、遠足和生 熱愛大自然的團體可以登上934米高的鳳凰山,在 態技能等團隊建設活動。集團旗下的Mavericks餐 山頂眺望南中國海壯麗的海景,然後循郊遊徑下到 廳可以招待大型團體用餐。小型團體如想留宿,可 寶蓮禪寺享用氣氛輕鬆的齋宴,而香港著名的天壇 以租用他們的海邊小屋和營地裡的40個帳篷。 n 大佛就在寶蓮禪寺對面。 大澳漁村也是進入北大嶼郊野公園的大門之一, 英文版另見第42頁 18 2017 年 9月 CEI.ASIA
SEPTEMBER 2017 | CONTENTS Embrace change W e are beginning to see a greater number of artificial intelligence-focused events around the world. From voice-activated personal assistants and cutting-edge concierge systems to hotels and venues manned entirely by robots in Japan, AI’s potential for the business events industry is limitless. Not only is the technology versatile and interactive, it can engage audiences on a deeper and more exciting level than ever before. In our Cover Story this issue we look at the latest AI technology on the marketplace, and showcase examples of its use in recent events held here in Asia. Agency Auditoire, for example, implemented AI and ‘bot’ technologies at several gatherings in China, including the national launch of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class long wheelbase. The award- winning event featured a display with stereoscopic 3D projections, where 1,500 guests walked between real and virtual worlds. As exciting as it seems, event planners 44 Cultural highlights in Beijing must also tread carefully. Our industry is built on the innate human desire to interact face-to-face. The power of COVER STORY 30 Event Planners’ Guide to... physical connections and the bonds 24 Artificial intelligence Vancouver, Canada that are built through networking and Potential and pitfalls for events 32 Singapore knowledge exchange are one of our Rugby Sevens gains traction; main driving forces. So while AI can INTELLIGENCE exhibitions industry in focus bring a new dynamic to the meetings 12 A ssociation View 36 Indonesia and events space, it will never replace New AIPC president talks trends Navigating meetings in Jakarta the human experience. 13 Five Golden Rules for... plus Yogyakarta for incentives Mindful catering 40 Hong Kong 14 Event Planners Chat about... Top banquet trends and days out Event fragrances, creative on lush Lantau Island fundraising and Snapchat 44 C hina 16 Mekong Tourism Forum Cultural highlights and unique Luang Prabang invents new event venues in Beijing model for emerging destinations 18 Recruitment and retention REGULARS Elizabeth Wood Attracting millennial talent 04 The Month Editor, CEI Asia 08 Venue Focus INSPIRATION 48 Five Reasons to Meet in... 28 Destination of the Month Las Vegas CEIAsia @CEIAsia Havana, Cuba 50 The Last Page CEI.ASIA 2 017 S E P T E M B E R 3
THE MONTH | NEED TO KNOW Innovation meets enterprise Industry leaders to help spread the word Singapore Tourism Board launches new brand The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and companies can do this successfully from Geraldine Yeo, added: “By tapping the Singapore Economic Development Board Singapore and turn possibilities into reality.” knowledge base of various Singapore-based (EDB) launched a new brand in August to For event planners, the brand campaign industries and our strengths in events market Singapore for tourism and business. will highlight Singapore’s strength as a organisation, Singapore has made it possible The joint campaign, titled ‘Passion destination where innovation, growth and to continue to innovate and deliver a number Made Possible’, aims to market the Lion new opportunities meet. of first-in-Asia business events.” City as a place of innovation, enterprise Leaders of various industries will share Last year saw the inaugural Millennial and “enduring passion”. their personal experiences of how Singapore 20/20 APAC Summit, Food Vision Asia and “This brand articulates what we stand for enables passion and growth for their InsurTech. New events include Specialty & as a country and supports the telling of many companies and businesses, creating Fine Food Asia and Money20/20 Asia. stories about this destination and its people,” opportunities for them to connect, The ‘Passion Made Possible’ campaign for said STB chief executive, Lionel Yeo. collaborate and innovate. business audiences will start this month. STB “It will appeal to the more sophisticated Among the brand personalities are Joe will also partner with stakeholders to engage tourists who are seeking more aspirational Cho Seunghyun, cofounder and chairman with event organisers and planners at trade value propositions in their travel.” of Marvelstone Group, who started shows such as IMEX in Las Vegas (October) For EDB, it means moving from an LATTICE80, the world’s largest fintech hub, and ibtm world in Barcelona (November). investment-driven focus to one led by in Singapore; and Mundipharma CEO “We welcome the industry to partner with innovation and change. Raman Singh, who chose Singapore as the us in sharing how Singapore can make Its chairman, Dr Beh Swan Gin, said: pharmaceutical company’s regional base, passion for business growth possible and “Local and international companies are transformed the industry with robots and help them to achieve event success,” said Yeo. seeking to create new products, services and technology, and expanded its portfolio from Several government agencies will also solutions that will have a stronger impact in five to 120 markets. use the new tagline in their upcoming Asia. It is timely to send a strong signal that STB’s director, industry marketing, marketing campaigns. 4 S E P T E M B E R 2 017 CEI.ASIA
NEED TO KNOW | THE MONTH Power pairing Alibaba and Alibaba and Marriott to redefine travel experience Marriott launch joint venture Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and Marriott International recently announced a joint venture to target the ever-expanding Chinese traveller market, both domestically and abroad. The new partnership is set to leverage Alibaba’s digital network as a gateway for international brands to reach more than 500 million mobile monthly active users. It will also market Marriott properties directly to Alibaba’s customer base, provide a link between Alibaba’s and Marriott’s loyalty programmes, and support Marriott hotels globally with content and customised promotions. Alibaba Group CEO, Daniel Zhang, said: “We are proud to join forces with Marriott International— combining our large-scale consumer base, leading- edge technology and consumer insights with its unparalleled hospitality expertise.” Oscar Cerezales Christy Lamagna @ocerezales @SMEChristy Social Why we don’t all focus on what will make us It’s all in the details. Thorough planning is the key irrelevant in the future instead of more relevant to success! #eventprofs #mondaymotivation Network now? Penang to host New pathway Penang attracts inaugural PMEX event medical tourism revenue The first Penang Medical Expo & Malaysian Healthcare Policy Conference (PMEX 2017) will take place from November 10 to 12 at the Setia SPICE Convention Centre. Announced last month by the Penang Convention and Exhibition Bureau (PCEB), along with key stakeholders, the event will showcase Penang’s healthcare services and facilities, which account for almost 60 per cent of Malaysia’s overall medical tourism revenue. Penang state executive councillor for health, Dr Afif Bahardin, says: “The Penang Medical Expo will serve as a platform for all interested parties from health-related sectors to communicate, exchange ideas, formulate solutions and create a healthcare network in Malaysia.” PMEX 2017 is organised by PCEB in collaboration with the Penang Centre of Medical Tourism, Penang Institute, Invest Penang and the Malaysia Medical Association. CEI.ASIA 2 017 S E P T E M B E R 5
THE MONTH | NEED TO KNOW People in the news Creative services Kojo to activate Pan Pacific Hotels Group has multiple properties announced the appointment of two new general managers in Singapore. Craig Syphers will take the helm at Parkroyal on Beach Road, while Andrew Donadel will replace him at Pan Pacific Orchard, Singapore. Carlson Wagonlit Travel has appointed Bindu Bhatia as its new managing director for Asia-Pacific. Bhatia has been with the company for BMW appoints event agency more than 20 years, most recently as SVP, global programme management. Lyndon Discombe has been appointed BMW Australia has appointed The scope of work includes activation general manager of Pullman Kuala creative services agency, Kojo, of BMW’s own property, BMW Driving Lumpur City Centre Hotel & as its event and experiential Experience, as well as BMW’s sporting and Residences. Discombe was general production partner following a closed cultural sponsorships, which include the BMW manager at the hotel in 2005 when four-way pitch. Caulfield Cup, BMW Derby, Motorsport and it was known as the Prince Hotel. BMW general manager of marketing, the Queensland Ballet. Stuart Jaffray, said the pitch process was Daniel Tippett (pictured), Kojo national Marcel Holman will lead The highly competitive. “Kojo demonstrated an events director, said: “The appointment reflects Sukhothai Shanghai as general innovative and clear vision, which we believe the quality of Kojo’s team, our integrated manager, when it opens in December. will help us to achieve our objectives,” he says. approach and commitment to excellence.” Melbourne wins largest-ever conference Melbourne has won its bid to host the associations that hold numerous Lions Clubs International Convention international conferences. 2024 (LCIC24). “This is the first time in the event’s The mega event will see 13,000 Lions history that it has been held in Melbourne, Club members from around the globe and only the second time it has been held in meet in Melbourne for its five-day an Australian city since 2010. annual convention in June 2024. “With community at the heart of Lions This will mark the largest conference Clubs International, MCB facilitated city- ever won for Victoria, and is anticipated wide collaboration to work towards to deliver a whopping A$84.4 million delivering a powerful legacy in Victoria, (US$67 million) for the state. providing opportunity for knowledge Through a partnership with the exchange, collaboration between nations Victorian State Government, City and community initiatives, which will be of Melbourne and Lions Australia, felt long after the conference takes place.” Melbourne Convention Bureau (MCB) Melbourne Convention and Exhibition steered the proposal to beat stiff Centre chief executive, Peter King, said: competition from six other cities. “MCEC will essentially act as one big MCB chief executive officer, Karen clubhouse, with LCIC24 taking over Dominant 13,000 Bolinger, said: “The size and reputation our entire 70,000 sqm of event space. members expected for LCIC24 of this event will create further bidding “Our expansion means we will be able opportunities from other worldwide to accommodate them all under one roof.” 6 S E P T E M B E R 2 017 CEI.ASIA
WHAT’S TRENDING | THE MONTH Boots on the ground PCMA acquires ICESAP Top three most-read stories on Evolve or die: New MICE PCMA acquires ICESAP Andaz Singapore appoints models needed In an effort to strengthen its foothold DOSM The meetings and events industry in Asia, the Professional Convention The newly opened Andaz Singapore has must evolve its business model, or risk Management Association (PCMA) has appointed Federica Brugnara as the hotel’s extinction—that was the key message for acquired the Incentive, Conference and director of sales and marketing. event planners at this year’s Singapore Event Society Asia-Pacific (ICESAP). An Italian national, Brugnara brings MICE Forum (SMF). PCMA chief operating officer, Sherrif more than eight years’ experience to her Organised by SACEOS, the two-day Karamat, said the acquisition supports the new role, having worked at luxury event focused heavily on ‘disruption’. organisation’s strategic vision to become a properties such as Park Hyatt Saigon, Park “We are obsessed with disruption right global body and strengthen the business Hyatt Beijing and Park Hyatt Dubai with a now,” said MCI Asia-Pacific chief operating events industry through education. focus on the MICE and corporate markets. officer, Oscar Cerezales, who also chaired “Education doesn’t have borders and this The recent opening of Andaz Singapore this year’s SMF organising committee. is something members are demanding,” he marked the brand’s debut in Southeast Asia “As an industry, in our corporations and said. “We’ve already seen organic growth [in as a boutique offering by the Hyatt group. associations, we do not accept the concept APAC] through alignment and acquisition, In her new role, Brugnara will be of failure and therefore innovation is not and now we have boots on the ground.” responsible for the overall management happening,” he said. Karamat insisted PCMA “won’t mess and leadership of the sales and marketing “We like playing it safe and being with the ICESAP structure” and will retain department. n predictable. We’re happy with incremental all current staff and the Singapore growth while we all fight for the same headquarters, led by Nigel Gaunt, Get your daily news fix at business in an existing market.” who will remain president. CEI.ASIA 2 017 S E P T E M B E R 7
VENUE FOCUS | NEW OPENINGS New integrated resort Jeju Shinhwa World opening from end-2017 Coasts & capitals developer, PT. Graha Agung Indahsentosa. Rajit Sukumaran, chief development officer, IHG Asia, Middle East and Africa, says: “Indonesia is a diverse market, with a Four Seasons to open on Jeju Seoul. Landing International has an strong leisure and business pull, and well- Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts has incredible vision for Jeju Shinhwa World.” placed for easy travel between Australia, announced plans to open a resort on the The Four Seasons will have 240 rooms, South East Asia and Singapore. In the past South Korean island of Jeju in late 2017. suites and villas, and a variety of tailor- year we have seen growing demand for the The luxury property will be part of the made restaurants and bars. It will also be Holiday Inn and Hotel Indigo in Bali, mixed-use Jeju Shinhwa World – a 2.5 equipped with top-shelf meetings and Jakarta and Semarang.” million-sqm development owned by events facilities as well as a spa designed in The 250-room Holiday Inn Resort Landing International. Opening in phases, the style of a traditional Korean teahouse. Bintan Lagoi Beach includes eight meeting the site will also feature condominiums, spaces, including a ballroom for 300 international and K-fashion retail, plus IHG to debut in Bintan people, and function rooms that hold entertainment including a waterpark, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) has between 20 to 100 delegates. theme park, karaoke and K-pop centre. its eye on Bintan, Indonesia with two new Hotel Indigo Bintan Lagoi Beach, J. Allen Smith, president and CEO of hotels scheduled to open in the Lagoi Bay meanwhile, will feature locally inspired Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, says: area in 2019. dining options at its neighbourhood café “South Korea is an important market for Holiday Inn Resort Bintan Lagoi Beach and a destination beach restaurant, an luxury leisure and business travellers. We and Hotel Indigo Bintan Lagoi Beach will infinity swimming pool and a boardroom. are pleased to be extending our presence open on the Indonesian island following the Both hotels will occupy a 9.2-hectare with a new resort experience on Jeju Island recent signing of a dual-brand management beachfront site, a 10-minute drive from the to complement our urban property in agreement between IHG and local Bandar Bentan Telani ferry terminal. 8 S E P T E M B E R 2 017 CEI.ASIA
NEW OPENINGS| VENUE FOCUS Courtyard by Marriott to open Airport, while key attractions such the Sule Meeting packages in Myanmar Pagoda, City Hall and Bogyoke Aung San Marriott International is set to open its Market are all within walking distance. Conrad Guangzhou second property in Myanmar with the The 309-room Conrad Guangzhou is recent signing of Courtyard by Marriott AccorHotels opening mega offering a meeting package for events Yangon, expected to open in 2019. hotel complex in Seoul booked before February 28, 2018. Planners Located in the former capital and Seoul Dragon City will open in October spending Rmb150,000 (US$22,600), commercial centre of the country, the hotel offering 1,700 rooms across four Rmb300,000 and Rmb400,000 can choose will form part of a mixed-use development. AccorHotels brands: Grand Mercure, from two, three and four selected benefits, It will feature 200 rooms and suites, a Novotel Suites, Novotel and ibis Styles. respectively. These can include a welcome rooftop pool, executive lounge and four The complex will also include 11 coffee, unlimited soft drinks, one room meeting rooms totalling 400 sqm. restaurants and bars, 17 meeting rooms, upgrade to a deluxe room for 10 paid “Myanmar holds immense potential as a two grand ballrooms and a world first: four rooms, and a buffet dinner for two. new tourism destination in South East Asia full floors of entertainment in a Sky Bridge Contact Frankie Liu given its rich history and natural beauty,” suspended between two of the towers. Email says Karl Hudson, area vice president, Grand Mercure Ambassador Seoul Tel +86 18680270713 Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Yongsan (202 rooms) is designed for Myanmar at Marriott International. families and long-stay guests, while Pullman Bangkok King Power “Demand is expected to grow as the Novotel Suites (286 rooms) and Novotel Room rates for the MICE Biz Package at government and economy are stabilising; Ambassador Seoul Yongsan (621 rooms) Pullman Bangkok King Power start at with business travel picking up due to cater for business and leisure guests. ibis 3,900 baht (US$118) per night. A full-day increased investment in various business Styles Ambassador Seoul Yongsan, meeting includes a welcome coffee and two sectors, and the leisure segment looking meanwhile, features 591 colourful rooms coffee breaks with pastries and juices, promising as Myanmar relaxes its visa and all-inclusive rates. meeting stationery and lunch. The hotel has policies and markets its destinations.” Seoul Dragon City is located close to 20 events venues, including two ballrooms Located in the gateway city of Yangon, major business districts such as Yeouido and stylish chill-out spaces overlooking the Courtyard by Marriott will be 45 and Gangnam, as well as the commercial landscaped gardens. minutes’ drive from Yangon International districts of Itaewon and Myeongdong. Tel +66 2 680 9999 City style Novotel Suites at Seoul Dragon City (left); Conrad Guangzhou (right) CEI.ASIA 2 017 S E P T E M B E R 9
VENUE FOCUS | THE REVIEW Futuristic Direct air and rail connections (main); central atrium (top right); Globe ballroom (below right) Hilton Frankfurt Airport By Lauren Arena all with natural daylight, but the pièce de Surrounds résistance is the ballroom, a spectacular The hotel is housed in The Squaire, a now- Forget everything you know about airport silver “globe” that can accommodate up to iconic structure built on top of Frankfurt’s hotels—this hotel is full of surprises. And 540 people (theatre) or 320 for a banquet, high-speed Intercity Express railway station. just 15 minutes from downtown Frankfurt, with an adjoining foyer for break-outs or At 660 metres long, 65 metres wide, and 45 it’s an option to consider for the annual exhibition booths. metres high, The Squaire is the longest ‘lying’ IMEX migration. Popular with product and car launches, skyscraper in the world. the hotel has played host to many luxury With a total floor space of 140,000 sqm Rooms auto brands—the lobby is large enough to it’s also Germany’s largest office building. More than 240 rooms and suites revolve display three Bentley vehicles, while the The futuristic structure is wedged between around the hotel’s central atrium, where service lift can fit a Mercedes-Benz S-Class two of Germany’s major motorways (A3 walls of glass and steel give the hotel a sleek, that can be driven into the ballroom. and A5) and is connected to Frankfurt business feel during the day, but a clever Airport Terminal 1 via a skybridge. n light installation transforms the space by F&B night and fills the atrium with colour. The executive lounge on the 10th floor To read the full review visit Guest rooms are spacious and airy, with serves a hearty breakfast and an impressive birch finishes and soft lighting. Views of the cheese spread along with evening cocktails, airport are to be expected, but higher-level while Rise restaurant on the lobby level is THE ESSENTIALS rooms also capture the surrounding forest, an all-day dining option. Wifi Free with Hilton Honors membership which is a pleasant surprise. Executive There’s also a small lobby lounge for post- Largest meeting venue rooms and suites also have access to a meeting tipples or a late-night snack—don’t Globe ballroom, 464 sqm well-stocked executive lounge. overlook the German sausage tasting plate. Number of meeting rooms 9 Additional food outlets, including a Number of guest rooms 249 Event space supermarket, are available within the Time from international airport 10 minutes The hotel features eight meeting rooms, hotel complex. via pedestrian skywalk 10 S E P T E M B E R 2 017 CEI.ASIA
ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE Taiwan’s events upside For an outstanding MICE experience in Taiwan, groups can benefit from increased rewards and the government’s new Southbound Policy W ith a new rewards programme ties, enable convenient travel to trade least 20 and stay for a minimum of two aimed at groups, event shows and other events in Taiwan and help consecutive nights in Taiwan. Benefits planners and agencies, there local enterprises identify new economic include inspection subsidies for groups has never been a better time to host opportunities. of over 100 people. Those bringing meetings and incentives in Taiwan. The groups of 400 or more will receive one destination is also aiming to boost the Group benefits complimentary pass for the SENSE Taiwan number of MICE visitors from Southeast Plan for successful events in advance, familiarisation tour. Asia via government initiatives. with MEET TAIWAN’s arrangements and MEET TAIWAN’s Business Events subsidies available for site inspections Taiwan’s MICE in Surprising Taiwan (BEST) Rewards covering flights, accommodation and Promotion Program Program supports MICE groups, planners dining. Groups coming to Taiwan can Sponsored by Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA. and agencies from outside Taiwan. also experience the best of the country’s Organised by Taiwan External Trade hospitality, with a customised welcome Strengthening ties with gift package for each group member. Development Council ASEAN and Southeast Asia Through the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, Ad. by Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA Taiwan is focusing on attracting corporate eligible groups can take advantage of meetings from Southeast Asia. This incentives ranging from NT$20,000 is in line with the government’s new (US$660) up to NT$120,000 (US$3,990), Southbound Policy, which deepens links depending on group size, or subsidies CALLING SOUTHEAST ASIAN with ASEAN member nations and states, from NT$400 (US$13) up to NT$800 PLANNERS: WHY TAIWAN South Asian countries, Australia and (US$26) per traveller. New Zealand. For groups from Singapore, Malaysia, With nearly 100 Halal restaurants Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and hotels within Taiwan, and Muslim Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Government and Over 100 halal prayer rooms available in national Cambodia, India, Bhutan, Australia and economic focus restaurants and hotels scenic areas, major transport hubs and New Zealand staying in Taiwan for at least other public places, the destination is four days and three nights, additional Visa programmes for setting the standard as a Muslim-friendly subsidies are provided. 13 countries including environment. Stands at night markets Cambodia, Indonesia, around the island also feature signs such Partner package Philippines and India as ‘pork free’ and ‘non-alcoholic’. As part of the rewards programme, MEET Under new visa regulations introduced TAIWAN is inviting overseas planners and in June, South and Southeast Asian agencies with confirmed repeat bookings countries enjoy easier access to Taiwan in Taiwan to become its partners. More via its e-visa scheme. The initiative aims to bookings lead to greater rewards and Subsidies for site Welcome gifts for boost the nation’s overseas commercial to qualify, groups must number at inspections delegates CEI.ASIA 2 017 S E P T E M B E R 11
INTELLIGENCE | ASSOCIATION VIEW Calling all trailblazers New AIPC president talks digitalisation, competition and talent What are the biggest issues facing convention strong alignment in order to secure (international) centres today? meetings business. This is the one and only advantage How to trend-set and trail blaze in today’s digital within their grasp to strengthen their collective ability economy. It’s not about embracing digitalisation for to stand out from the competition. its own sake, rather what does digitalisation mean for a centre and what do we want it to do? To drive We’re living in a very competitive world. How revenues? Improve customer experience? This should centres compete for business today? transformation process needs to start with a firm By being adaptable, by listening to customers, by vision and strategy—premised on how the centre Aloysius Arlando being brave, by focusing on the end game and by brings value to its stakeholders and the destination it being visionaries. Not to look backwards (at legacy is in. It also depends on its courage and commitment AIPC president and so on), not even by looking around at the to drive change without losing sight of the end game. competition, but looking beyond it. The only Convention centres today are no longer about the way to revolutionise is to trail blaze. hardware or even the software. It’s about UX (user experience) and how centres play a role through What would you most like to see members do various touch points to create a customer journey. as far as supporting their association? It’s no longer about differentiating yourself from To take advantage of the valuable programme the competition, it’s about putting yourself in a novel offerings by AIPC by actively participating and playing field so you are not just different but unique. contributing their experiences. These programmes have been carefully developed out of interactions Where will the industry be five years from now? with industry and economic leaders, clients’ feedback Convention centres will move beyond being venue and members’ survey findings. providers or even partners and solution providers, We continue to encourage our members to surface to community builders. An integral player in a clients’ and shareholders’ expectations; and share destination’s brand positioning and delivering Digital transformation their innovative practices and business learnings so economic and social value to the destination. New tech requires new that through the association’s various platforms, talent, and existing staff members gain new and relevant knowledge that will What do you think are some of the best to embrace change go a long way in helping to grow their business. n opportunities available to centres right now? Are they taking advantage of them? Centres are striving earnestly to adopt appropriate digital transformation initiatives that can help engage customers and grow their business. Digital transformation is not just about adopting new technologies. It is also about getting the right digital talent to support—and be integrated into—the organisation, while existing talent must be prepared to embrace the new direction through the edification process, as well as partnering with digital accelerators to ensure speed to market. Centres should capitalise on or deepen their partnerships with local governments, bureaus and industry players and forge a 12 S E P T E M B E R 2 017 CEI.ASIA
FIVE GOLDEN RULES FOR… | INTELLIGENCE Foods to boost brain power By Kim Benjamin The right stuff To add a special touch, planners should also Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group launched its consider infusing local flavours in brain food offerings, ‘Experience Meetings’ concept across its Radisson such as organic produce sourced from local farms. Blu portfolio in Asia-Pacific in 2015, incorporating the concept of brain food. Based on six core Think global principles developed with nutrition experts and chefs, With the increasingly global nature of the events it features fish, wholegrain products, fruits and industry, where one event can attract audiences from vegetables; primarily fresh, locally sourced foods; around the world, brain food can mean different pure ingredients, with minimal processing; less meat things to different people. “[As event planners], we with never more than 10 per cent fat content; a focus need to provide food and beverage options that on delicious taste and natural sweetening with no reflect the various nationalities and cultural practices more than 10 per cent sugar. of delegates,” says FreemanXP EMEA’s Desai. “We try to ensure fat content and added sugar “Additionally, consider that attendees may want to are kept at low levels, resulting in increased know how and where foods are sourced, and how concentration and reduced fatigue amongst meeting excess food is treated—does it go to charity? Do staff participants,” says Bastian Gaerner, hotel manager at get to take it home, or does it go to waste?” Radisson Blu Plaza Bangkok. Get the timing right Don’t compromise on taste Consider what you want to achieve from brain food. Encompassing all five senses is key to evoking an Whether it is to energise, foster productivity or emotive response from events and taste is an Food for thought Lower reduce fatigue, menus can be customised accordingly important aspect of this. As people become more fat and sugar content to with food tailored to meet clients’ needs at different health conscious, guests want food that is nutritious. increase concentration and times of the day, from breakfast breaks to lunches to But it has to taste great, too. “Event caterers have reduce fatigue afternoon breaks. n caught onto this trend, and now provide a broad range of healthy, gluten free, vegan and/or vegetarian options, while also weaving the offering into the overall event theme,” says Niru Desai, VP of strategy at FreemanXP EMEA. Tasty brain foods such as oily fish, leafy greens, avocados, blueberries, nuts and seeds are now frequently seen on event menus, while ingredients such as ginger are celebrated for their energising properties. Presentation is key Healthy food can be fun too, and presentation has a key role to play here. Different examples that Radisson Blu Plaza Bangkok has used include food plated on Rubik’s Cubes or buffets served with optical illusion- themed decorations. Aimed at sparking the notion of ideas, fresh juices can be served in ‘light bulb’ glasses. CEI.ASIA 2 017 S E P T E M B E R 13
INTELLIGENCE | EVENT PLANNERS CHAT ABOUT… By Kim Benjamin Something in the air Developing a ‘corporate Singapore Air Show sourced a masculine fragrance for its predominantly male audience event fragrance’ S cent can be a powerful tool for “Think about what kind of experience enhancing events. Singapore- you would like to create for your based AllSense Group provides attendees,” says Wong. “Peppermint and ‘scent services’ to brands, hotels rosemary can increase alertness and brain and retailers, and more recently for events. activity, while green apple and cucumber For the Singapore Air Show, for example, it scents can make a room feel larger. developed a masculine fragrance to appeal Consider scents that are more widely to the predominantly male audience. accepted, such as vanilla, citrus, freshly Charmaine Wong, business development cut grass, linen and the ocean.” manager, Singapore at BCD Meetings & It’s also vital to test-run the aromas Events says it’s imperative to choose the you’ve selected before the event, bearing in right scent in the right amount, for the right mind that there are potentially many other audience. Consider culture, age and smells that will affect the overall scent of audience demographics and the fact that your event, such as the fragrances people men and women may not respond to wear. And while you can happily scatter the aromas in the same way. fragrances all over your venue, aim to Wong advises planners to consider what contain scents within the appropriate call to action they want to stimulate sections of the event. through the scent. Is it to sell further, to “You don’t want the smell of Hall A to learn more in general sessions or to create spill into Hall B when both themes differ— a trusting environment among delegates it will just serve to confuse your attendees,” at a conference? cautions Wong. Creative ways to fundraise T echnology plays a big part in making fundraising a success, with one example being German Catholic aid organisation Misereor’s ‘social swipe’ digital posters. In addition to being the first posters to accept credit cards, they use visual cues to make donors feel good by illustrating the impact that small donations have on solving big problems like global hunger. The credit card swipe is located in the centre of the poster and background imagery is used to create a strong Social swipe Make connection between the donation it easy to donate and its impact. 14 S E P T E M B E R 2 017 CEI.ASIA
EVENT PLANNERS CHAT ABOUT… | INTELLIGENCE How to use Snapchat to engage audiences G iven that Snapchat is largely used by a millennial/Gen-Z audience, it’s the perfect platform to connect with these groups, creating brand affinity from a young age, says Sarah Mayo, marketing director at FreemanXP EMEA. “At the same time, it’s important to consider whether Snapchat is relevant to the guests you’re looking to target,” she says, explaining that other similar video-led platforms may be more suitable. May Au, business development director at MCI Hong Kong, suggests that event planners can take advantage of Snapchat’s 24-hour story function, where stories can be viewed within 24 hours before they expire, to share exclusive promotions and perks to followers. She adds that companies are also taking advantage of the platform to offer ‘behind-the-scenes’ footage to followers, enabling them to promote the element of ‘exclusivity’ by offering a first look at new products or remote access to trade shows. Planners can also take advantage of Snapchat’s pre-designed filters or customise their own. “This allows you to promote your event, message or brand to your delegates, so whatever your message, you can creatively weave this into a medium that requires active participation, driving engagement,” says Cate Carpenter, global head of marketing at cievents. Michael Kaltenhauser, executive creative director at digital marketing agency Astronaut, a member of the Pico Group, highlights how brands have used the app successfully by focusing on being fun and creative, not taking themselves too seriously. “This means it is better to keep branding low,” he says. “One example of this is the Taco Bell filter, which did not feature any logo but just let people change their head into a taco.” He adds that using time or geolocation-related functions for Snapchat “One key to effective fundraising [at activities can also drive engagement. “There are great examples of filters events] is to make it easy and painless to triggered only at a certain location or at a certain time, like the latest donate, and Misereor’s poster makes this Mission: Impossible campaign which had 24-hour challenges and, super simple,” says Olivia Kosasih, senior of course, self-destructing messages.” n manager, digital marketing strategy, at Epicentro, a member of the Pico Group. “When a card is swiped, during the card approval process the poster activates a short film sequence showing a slice of bread being cut from a loaf—illustrating how the donation helps feed a hungry family for a day. By giving donors immediate visibility on how their donation creates a positive impact, they gain a sense of achievement, appreciation and purpose.” Another way to deepen engagement with attendees at fundraisers is to personalise the giving experience. People frequently give more to causes they believe in. Instead of having one or two focuses, campaigns that Right place, right time Connect with Gen Z and allow delegates to choose causes they can millennial audiences relate to can create more success. CEI.ASIA 2 017 S E P T E M B E R 15
INTELLIGENCE | CASE STUDY Mekong Tourism threats and opportunities to drive responsible tourism development in the region. Forum wows To further engage delegates with the sustainability message, all attendees received specially produced aluminium water bottles, with venues serving as refill stations. As a result, an estimated 5,000 single-use Creative planning results in new event plastic bottles were saved. model for emerging destinations Challenges Planning was more focused and intense than with By Gerardine Donough-Tan T most regional meetings because the concept was new to the Luang Prabang travel industry. he exotic allure of emerging markets such Thraenhart explains: “We started planning the as Cambodia and Laos continues to woo forum in September 2016 with a concept paper event planners, but often the question New model Morning and met with officials from the ministries. We also remains: can these destinations, especially plenaries were held in the engaged with industry professionals in the Greater small towns that have never hosted big events, rise to Central Bank building Mekong sub-region to get feedback and initial the challenge? Luang Prabang in Laos not only rose (main), while afternoon reactions. Everybody seemed very excited while to the occasion this June, but also provided a new breakout sessions took place recognising the complexities.” model for future events. in hotels, restaurants and Bangkok-based MTCO staff made multiple trips Hosting the Mekong Tourism Forum (MTF) 2017 even boats (opposite) to Luang Prabang. First, they visited potential session from June 6 to 9 was a great win for the Unesco World Heritage city, but without a convention centre and only a handful of small hotel ballrooms (with capacity for just 300 people), event planners had to think outside the box. So the organisers—Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO), Luang Prabang provincial government and Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism—made the entire destination the venue. Creativity MTCO executive director, Jens Thraenhart, says they took a risk experimenting with a new MICE model for smaller towns without big hotels or dedicated conference facilities. “MTF 2017 in Luang Prabang demonstrated that by making the destination the venue, and having delegates spread out to experience various tourism products, matched with topical sessions, true engagement can be achieved. This event was truly an event by the industry, for the industry.” The large hall in the Central Bank building served as the venue for morning plenary sessions and the welcome gala dinner. Hotels, attractions and Mekong cruise companies hosted three preliminary events on day one and 16 breakout sessions the next two days, followed by nine post-tours. Themed ‘Prosper with Purpose’, MTF 2017 focused on sustainability and engagement. Beyond keynote speeches and panel discussions, tourism professionals from Mekong member countries made both passionate and entertaining pitches on the 16 S E P T E M B E R 2 017 CEI.ASIA
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