Page created by Jordan Jackson
How Businesses will adapt Post Covid-19
Innovations for a New World                Dynamic Duo
                                       NICK MORGAN &
                                     WYNAND HAYWOOD
MAY/JUNE 2020   R80.00 (Incl. VAT)
                                                                     MAY/JUNE 2020 #123

 The perfect time to go digital
                                                                                                            Editor-in-Chief Neale Petersen
                                                                                                            General Manager Nichola Loock
                                               03 Editorial View                                            Designer Christopher Gara
                                               04 Master Investor                                           Copywriter Sidima Mfeku
                                                                                                            Events & Social Candace Petersen
                                               08 Cover Story

  with up to 50% discount on
                                                                                                            Accounts Manager Marisa George
                                               12 Tech Story
                                                                                                            Jaco Grobbelaar, Sean Thompson, Carl
                                               RESIDENTIAL                                                  Coetzee, Nathalie Schooling, Alysson
                                                                                                            Watt, Meir Ezra, Veronica Vurgarellis &
                                               16 Life After Lockdown

     ‘lockdown’ packages.
                                                                                                            Musa Zimu
                                               18 Section 13 Sex
                                               20 Sub-metering                                              ADVERTISING
                                                                                                            Sydwell Adonis
                                               22 Fixed Returns                                                +27 21 761 3848
                                                                                                               +27 72 857 3210
                                               24 Perfect Storm                                      
                                                                                                            Louna Rae
                                               COMMERCIAL                                                      +27 21 761 3848
                                                                                     08   REAL ESTATE 2.0      +27 84 700 7711
                                               30 When Covid Clouds Clear                            

                                               32 Future Workplaces
                                               34 Retail Landlord- Tenant Disputes                          Marisa George
                                                                                                               +27 21 761 3848
                                               36 E-Commerce                                        

                                                                                          MARKET            DIGIMAG
                                               40 Mauritius                                                 19600 views
                                               44 United Kingdom

                                               46 Force-Majeure                                             CONTACT US

                                               48 Restructuring Your Portfolio
                                               52 Make Money Love You
                                                                                     30   COMMERCIAL

                                               54 Retirement Post Covid-19                                      +27 21 761 3848
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                                                                                     46   FORCE-MAJEURE     16 190*
                                                                                                            ABC Period *Oct - Dec 2019

     tv            radio          academy
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                                              04   MASTER INVESTOR                   56   INSPIRATION       consult their attorneys, advisors or accountants.
                                                                                                            before investing

    Sydwell 073 221 0648 Louna 084 700 7711
                                                                                                            Copyright © Reale Activation. Pty (Ltd)
                                                                                                                JOHANN RUPERT

                                                Before versus After
                                                COVID-19 - Lessons
                                                from the past to apply
                                                in the future
     he coronavirus in conjunction with a lengthy                       whether it be commercial or residential property – one often hears
     lockdown has caused panic and uncertainty in                       that the three most important factors are location, location and
     the global economy. How we treat this time will                    location! When considering an investment in listed property, whilst
determine our futures when we fully emerge from                         one can look through to individual property locations, we tend to
lockdown and return to business after COVID-19 (AC). It                 look at valuations, sentiment, economics and financial conditions.
won’t be the same again.
                                                                        Duyvene-de Wit says that valuation driven investors who can
We decided to focus this issue on lockdown solutions for real           stomach volatility will probably be interested in property at current
estate investors and practitioners who can use this info today. REI     valuations. Contrarian investors will be looking at the negative
have coined this issue our LOCKDOWN SURVIVAL GUIDE for the              sentiment and will most likely be looking to buy bargains. Investors
real estate industry to assist them through these challenging and       averse to volatility, who prefer to have economic growth as a
changing times. This issue is crammed full of insights and principles   tailwind, will probably be deploying their capital elsewhere whilst
on how to survive and thrive through COVID-19.                          waiting for the right opportunity.

Real estate along with the travel and hospitality industry stands to    For retail investors, investment in listed property becomes
be greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the market          particularly rewarding when you invest using a tax-free savings
has been stimulated through interest rate cuts, lower prices and        account. Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) distributions are
stimulus to attract buyers - affordability remains a key concern for    normally treated as income in the hands of investors and taxed
buyers and sellers alike in residential and commercial markets who      at their marginal rates. If you invest through a tax-free savings
are all suffering defaults in rents. Banks have offered debt payment    account, those distributions are tax exempt.
holidays on bonds and retail commercial landlords are offering
rental relief and discounts to their tenants.                           Bottom-line is that business and the real estate investment
                                                                        environment are transforming from their old ways into new ways
Carl Coetzee of Betterbond says,“both buyers and sellers are            after COVID-19 (AC) into South Africa 2.0. We know the current
concerned about whether they will be able to transact in the            situation won’t last forever and is a massive opportunity to
coming months, while buyers in particular are asking questions          reconnect and refocus ourselves and our businesses, so don’t miss
about the stance banks are likely to take around lending money for      the opportunity of a huge crisis.
home loans.”
                                                                        Plan for the worst outcome, expect the best and prepare for
 While the economic recovery from lockdown is likely to be              surprise. Now is the time to reengineer your business and now
slow, it’s important that the banks continue lending money in a         is the time to make the impact as you will never have another
responsible manner as a means of stimulating the property sector.       opportunity like this.
He says,“Whatever the economic situation, people still need
accommodation, which means there will be buyers and sellers             Stay safe and successful investing.
looking to finance these transactions.”
                                                                        NEALE PETERSEN
A sector that was also particularly hard hit is the listed property     EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
sector. At the moment, its three biggest constituents are
Growthpoint (23%), NEPI Rockcastle (15%) and Fortress REIT (9%).
                                                                                   JOSEP BORRELL
This index is down 47% since mid-January and an eye-watering

66% since its highs at the end of 2017. Investors might look at this
index and ask whether the present rout presents an opportune
time to invest.
                                                                                COVID-19 will reshape our world. We
                                                                               don’t know when the crisis will end. But
                                                                               we can be sure that by the time it does,
                                                                                 our world will look very different.
According to Jean-Jacques Duyvene de Wit, Asset Manager at
Prescient Investment Management, when buying property -

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                                                                                           SA Real Estate Investor Magazine MAY/JUNE 2020       3
MASTER INVESTOR                                                                                                                      NICK MORGAN & WYNAND HAYWOOD

      Opportunity in the                                                 N
                                                                                ick Morgan and Wynand Haywood co-founded
                                                                                Opportunity Private Capital 14 years ago sharing
                                                                                                                                              only to institutional finance houses and very high net worth

      Time of Uncertainty
                                                                                a similar vision and combining their experience in
                                                                         investment banking, property sales, marketing, project                  “We both agreed that the average middle-income Capital
                                                                         structuring and development. This experience combined                investor had no access or vehicle to leveraging or extracting
                                                                         with their perceptiveness and ability to adapt has led               the enormous value to be found from developing. There was a
                                                                         to their success. Over the last 14 years this specialist             gap to be explored in this sector.”
                                                                         investment company has established a secure investment

      Wynand Haywood & Nick Morgan                                       structure for private individuals to earn high fixed returns
                                                                         on capital investments to finance property developments.                 “Change is constant and
                                                                         With their secure investment structure their clients are
      NICHOLA LOOCK                                                      thriving and the Company is perfectly positioned to                      constantly increasing its
                                                                         identify and take advantage of the Opportunity the current
                                                                         and future property market will offer, a distant concept for              pace. You have to keep
                                                                         many during lockdown.
                                                                                                                                                 your attention on it to stay
                                                                           NICK MORGAN                                                                    relevant.”
                                                                           Position: Co-founder & Managing Director                              This is when they founded Opportunity Private Capital,
                                                                           Company: Opportunity Private Capital                               uniquely offering high yielding fixed asset-backed
                                                                                                                                              investments to private individuals at a time when very few
                                                                           Years company has operated: 14 years                               such alternatives existed.
                                                                           Age: 50
                                                                                                                                                 “Our experience led us to identify that the best way to
                                                                           Marital Status/Family: Married with 2 daughters                    offer our clients ultimate security in financing property
                                                                           Books you are currently reading: The 10X Rule,                     developments was to continue without the use of institutional
                                                                           Grant Cardone                                                      financing. Our developments are financed solely by our
                                                                                                                                              private clients. There is no institutional finance involved
                                                                           Role model: Gary player – high achiever, great                     therefore enabling our investors to hold all the security until
                                                                           businessman, family man, fastidious about his health
                                                                           & exemplary in most aspects of his life!
                                                                                                                                                                    NICK MORGAN
                                                                           Life motto: Never, ever give up.
                                                                                                                                                               10 Investment Tips
                                                                                                                                                                 PROPERTY INVESTMENT
                                                                            Wynand Haywood has always gravitated towards property               1.    Stay focused, become very knowledgeable in
                                                                         development. From 1994 he was an agent with Seeff
                                                                                                                                                      a particular sector of the real estate industry &
                                                                         Properties, exposed to development sales. When he left
                                                                         them in 1998 he ventured into various disciplines of property                invest therein.
                                                                         development including virtual reality, marketing, investment           2.    Diversify within your chosen arena of knowledge
                                                                         and development structuring, which all contributed to an                     with combination of capital generating and asset
                                                                         in-depth understanding of the many aspects which influence                   building investments
                                                                         property development.
                                                                                                                                                3.    Don’t panic & allow herd mentality to influence
                                                                           “From 2004 I started to focus on developing projects                       your actions in market downturns. Fluctuations
                                                                         myself -it was at this time that Nick and myself met up and                  are part of the long-term cycle.
                                                                         Opportunity was born”.                                                 4.    Property is a long-term investment. Never forget
                                                                            Morgan spent almost a decade in the investment banking
                                                                         sector, of which seven years he spent with HSBC Investment             5.    The right time to buy property is when you can
                                                                         Bank in London. He made the decision to leave investment                     afford to.
                                                                         banking 15 years ago and go into the property sector, which                              CAPITAL INVESTMENT
                                                                         he had always felt an affinity towards.                                6.    Stick to investments in regions that can sustain
                                                                            “It’s being in this corporate environment that led me to get              economic growth for the long term.
                                                                         increasingly frustrated with being part of a global juggernaut.        7.    Always establish what security you have for your
      Panic, uncertainty and economic hardships serve as                 I wanted to be an architect for change. My drive was to be an
                                                                         integral part of something that had a direct positive effect on
                                                                                                                                                8.    Do the investments have a historically consistent
      unwanted unifiers for the world currently. Despite this, history   the market - to add value in an arena that I could exercise an
                                                                         element of creativity and control.”
                                                                                                                                                      track record.

      has shown that opportunity is there for those that seek it. The       It’s at this time that he met Haywood. Both were frustrated
                                                                                                                                                9.    Are the investments located in high demand
                                                                                                                                                      areas of their sector.
      dynamic duo of Nick Morgan and Wynand Haywood continue             with the lack of access for individuals to participate in the “big
                                                                         cash” arena of property development finance. “Being able to
                                                                                                                                                10.   Does the investment product have solid
                                                                                                                                                      fundamentals in place.
      to offer investment stability, security and opportunity.           participate in such opportunities was traditionally accessible

4   MAY/JUNE 2020 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine                                                                                                             SA Real Estate Investor Magazine MAY/JUNE 2020   5
MASTER INVESTOR                                                                                                                                                                                        NICK MORGAN & WYNAND HAYWOOD

                                                                           For Morgan and Haywood, the crash emphasized the power
        WYNAND HAYWOOD                                                     of stable and secure investments. At a time when most
                                                                           would retract, the Opportunity Private Capital co-founders
        Position: Co-founder                                               monitored the markets and adapted their business model
                                                                           accordingly for themselves and their clients.
        Company: Opportunity Private Capital
        Years company has operated: 14 years                                  “We hit the Global Financial Crash head on! Even though
        Age: 48                                                            property sales and ownership in general suffered significant
                                                                           stagnation, properties were still occupied. People still
        Marital Status/Family: Married with 2 daughters                    required a roof over their heads, hence rentals continued.
        Books you are currently reading: The Trigger –                     This demonstrated to us the underrated power and stability
        David Icke                                                         of residential property in the lower-middle to middle income
        Role model: Jordan B. Peterson, in-depth knowledge
        and understanding of most relevant topics with the                    “This insight has defined our direction and vision going
        ability to communicate such in well-articulated way.               forward. It might not always be sexy, but there is relative
                                                                           investment safety with residential property in high demand
        Life motto: Manage your perception
                                                                           urban areas.”

                                                                              It might not be the answer that most are looking for,
      their investments mature. This is the perfect scenario in which      but the answer to thriving in times of uncertainty is to
      investors (a) get ALL the available security for their capital and   offer stability. This is why the pair have worked towards
      (b) get to participate in the value extracted from developing        better access for more individuals to financial safety-nets.
      by receiving high fixed annual returns. Our clients have             Investments in residential developments, in hot spot areas,
      averaged returns of 18% - 21% per annum consistently for             offer this economic stability. An ideal which seems foreign
      over half a decade.”                                                 during the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                 With their focus on the future, they predict a shift towards       “Thus, with a young population in this country,
                                                                                                                                              the stability offered by fixed assets. “Contrary to what some      anticipated growth of Sub-Saharan economies and the
                                                                              The pair also offers entrepreneurs advice on not only
           “The Coronavirus has                                            getting businesses through the lockdown, but on how
                                                                                                                                              commentators predict, we feel that investors may start
                                                                                                                                              gravitating towards the relative safety of fixed assets. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 gravitation towards ‘working from home’, we see demand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for residential property increasing dramatically over the
                                                                           to thrive in a difficult economy. “Change is constant and
       illustrated that the economy                                        constantly increasing its pace. You have to keep your attention
                                                                                                                                              Coronavirus has illustrated that the economy and related
                                                                                                                                              market investments are arguably fragile in times of crisis. Real
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 next decade - particularly in lower-middle to middle income
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sector. Opportunities to fund and develop this need will
                                                                           on it to stay relevant.” This requires planning the way forward
            and related market                                             and approaching hardships from different perspectives. These
                                                                                                                                              estate offers a tangibility that investors will be drawn to.”      abound.”
                                                                           are the basic principles which has seen Opportunity Private
         investments are arguably                                          Capital successfully evolve and be well-positioned in the                             WYNAND HAYWOOD                                     While to many security and stability allude to smaller
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 rewards, the co-founders of Opportunity Private Capital aim
                                                                           current environment.                                                                10 Investment Tips
       fragile in times of crisis. Real                                                                                                                          PROPERTY INVESTMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to change this misconception. “We have been turning the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 general perception, which assumes that high returns equal
                                                                              “This is not a quick turn-around industry and you work with
      estate offers a tangibility that                                     a sea of variables which require daily focus. You must always
                                                                                                                                                1.    Be clear on your strategy, capital growth or yield
                                                                                                                                                      this will impact your investment area.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 high risk, on its head! Our secure structures offer tangibility
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to the security of investor capital. This gives our clients
                                                                           stand in the shoes of your investor and buyer. Look through
        investors will be drawn to.”                                       their prism. Planning, planning, planning for any possible           2.    Identify all possible impacts on area investing in         comfort. The bonus of course are the high returns as private
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 individuals are getting to share in the upside of the value
                                                                           surprise and the flexibility in your business to adapt within              for next 5 -10 years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 being unlocked by developing.”
                                                                           days. The long-term cycle of developments means you can              3.    Triple check your tenant it will save you money &
                                                                           potentially go through a ups and downswings in the market.
         “We have founded and own a number of companies in the                                                                                        head ache down the road.                                      The duo offers more than just secure fixed-asset backed
                                                                           So plan for both.”
      real estate industry and have hands-on experience in all the                                                                              4.    Motivate your tenant to look after your                    investing. They offer something more valuable – certainty
      different disciplines and facets of the residential sector. We                                                                                  investment                                                 and hope during difficult times. The pair continue to look
                                                                           Solutions & opportunities during lockdown                                                                                             for gaps in the markets and to help individuals survive
      enjoy being able to leverage our expertise and knowledge                                                                                  5.    Request access facility on your bond for saving
                                                                           An already fragile economic environment has worsened                                                                                  economic crashes. Morgan and Haywood balance their
      to the benefit of our clients and investments. We have over
                                                                           drastically in a matter of months due to the Covid-19                      and cash flow flexibility                                  aspirations with the needs of their clients, just as they
      a very long period developed financial and legal structures
                                                                           lockdown. While the full effects on the property industry are                          CAPITAL INVESTMENT                             perfectly balance their partnership.
      to successfully enable what we do with Opportunity Private
                                                                           not ascertainable just yet, Morgan and Haywood continue to
      Capital. Those that come along with us not only get a                                                                                     6.    Make sure you don’t need the cash prior to
                                                                           remain hopeful and find opportunities where others only see                                                                              “With the evolution of our current alternative investment
      transparent understanding of their investment and how it                                                                                        repayment date on Contract.
                                                                           obstacles.                                                                                                                            structure and the fusion of technology we aim to create our
      manifests, but more importantly achieve significant financial
                                                                                                                                                7.    Ensure you understand every facet of the                   own business economy in which external macro influences
      gain, consistently and predictably.” Morgan and Haywood
                                                                               “With the new economic environment we find ourselves                   Contract                                                   do not fundamentally affect our business or our clients. To
      have invaluable expertise and insight to share not only with
                                                                           in, there will be sellers of properties and developments who         8.    Check developer history and track record                   create an investment model where individuals can survive
      their clients, but with investors and entrepreneurs struggling
                                                                           would be more negotiable on their selling prices. Its times like                                                                      economic shocks and in so doing, protect their financial
      to operate during the lockdown.                                                                                                           9.    Get references from other investors where
                                                                           this that we harness the flexibility and capital power of our                                                                         momentum. Basically, empowering the individual investor.
                                                                           investor financing model to secure well-priced opportunities               possible                                                   So, watch this space!”
      Business survival during a crisis                                    that may become available. Thus, our structure compliments           10.   Don’t assume anything - ask all relevant
      The Covid-19 pandemic is not the first blow to the global            this environment as a vehicle for our clients to participate in            questions.
      community and economy, and it will not be the last. The              and reap the rewards. The answer is in our name! We are in the                                                                        SOURCE Opportunity Private Capital
      Global Financial Crash (GFC) of 2008 was a period of panic           perfect position to act on these opportunities with our clients”
      where sales dried up and Banks were reluctant to lend money.

6   MAY/JUNE 2020 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine                                                                                                                                                                                SA Real Estate Investor Magazine MAY/JUNE 2020   7
COVER STORY                                                                                                                                                  LOCKDOWN SURVIVAL

     Real Estate 2.0 survival                                         T
                                                                            here is a lot of uncertainty and speculation around              upwards. If this is done correctly, the seller will achieve the
                                                                            how various sectors of the economy will perform once             best result.
                                                                            we fully emerge from the national lockdown and re-

     post lockdown
                                                                      turn to business as unusual.                                              “For buyers, savvy property acquisitions are good
                                                                                                                                             investments and in the current volatile economic
                                                                         One sector of the economy that has been greatly impacted            environment, increasingly so. There certainly is no better time
                                                                      by the COVID-19 pandemic is the housing market along with              to buy.
                                                                      retail and office market sectors. While interest in the property
                                                                      market has been stimulated through interest rate cuts,                 Debt holidays for residential bond holders
                                                                      affordability remains a key concern for buyers and sellers alike.      To assist bondholders South Africa’s major banks have

     What to expect, trends & where to invest                            “The SA economy is in crisis and unfortunately politics
                                                                      affects the economy,” says Dawie Roodt, economist for
                                                                                                                                             introduced various measures to assist consumers who are
                                                                                                                                             impacted financially by the coronavirus disaster and the
     NEALE PETERSEN                                                                                                                          protracted lockdown. Most of the assistance comes in the
                                                                      Efficient Group. For the last 10 years we have experienced             form of three-month debt holidays on loans ranging from
                                                                      crisis after crisis before Corona (BC) and were heading for            mortgages to credit card balances. Some consumers will
                                                                      a recession anyway as a result of mismanagement of the                 automatically receive these payment holidays, while others
                                                                      economy resulting in unemployment highs in excess of 30%.              have to apply to their banks.
                                                                         He says: “Essentially state finance has collapsed.                     Financial assistance on offer at SA’s major banks
                                                                      Expropriation without compensation will happen even it is                               during Covid-19 disaster
                                                                      for symbolic reasons, which will result in property invasions.           Absa
                                                                      Poverty will soar and it will kill more people than corona while         Individual customers who owe Absa money will be
                                                                      business confidence is at record lows. We are still in for a in for      invited to take an up to three-month repayment holiday,
                                                                      a very rough ride, according to Roodt. Many are comparing                regardless of the kind of loan or how much money those
                                                                      the COVID-19 crisis to 1929 depression, Weimar Republic in               customers earn. As of 01 April, ABSA will pre-screen
                                                                      1933 and 2008 global financial crisis. The jury is still out which       customers and send an SMS offering this capability
                                                                      is worse, the question is what is the silver lining and positives        to their customers who will be able to opt-in or out.
                                                                      we can take from this crisis.                                            Customers can contact ABSA using the following e-mail
                                                                         In the residential sector Adrian Goslett, Regional Director
                                                                      and CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa, CEO RE/MAX SA                      Standard Bank
                                                                      believes that interest rate cuts have stimulated interest among          Standard Bank is offering all of its personal banking
                                                                      residential buyers. This was revealed by an increase in online           customers, and business clients who earn less than R20
                                                                      houses searches according to Property24 during lockdown.                 million a year, a three-month debt holiday until the end
                                                                                                                                               of June. Clients earning R7 500 or less and students will
                                                                         It is unlikeIy that this peak in interest in property will result     automatically receive the three-month holiday, while
                                                                      in sales growth in the residential sector as few South Africans          other banking clients can apply for the relief by contacting
                                                                      are able to afford to make such a large investment at this time          the bank. Standard Bank has offered various relief options
                                                                      as the earning potential of many has been either directly or             to assist homeowners towards meeting their financial
                                                                      indirectly impacted as a result of COVID-19. “Cuts in interest           obligations. To find out more emaildebtcarecentre@
                                                                      rates are only likely to help consumers keep up with their debt or call 0860 123 000.
                                                                      repayments rather than allow them to take on new debt,” says
                                                                      Goslett.                                                                 FNB
                                                                                                                                               First National Bank (FNB) will be offering debt repayment
                                                                         Affordability of property has increased. However, property            holidays of up to three months to its customers, but strict
                                                                      transactional costs are still too high. More distressed owners           terms and conditions apply. Clients will need to contact
                                                                      will be forced to sell and investors have an increase in                 the bank, and have a letter from their employer to show
                                                                      delinquent tenants. Retail is under severe threat and could              loss of income due to the novel coronavirus. Those
                                                                      disappear or collapse. Less offices as a result of more people           who are self-employed would need to submit financial
                                                                      working remotely could impact the buying of residential                  statements. All FNB clients can email if
                                                                      property in the future.                                                  they wish to apply or enquire about making repayment
                                                                         If we do reach a point where too many homes enter the
                                                                      market as a result of the shrinking economy and an inability             Nedbank
                                                                      to afford home loan repayments, the market will fall into a lull         Nedbank is offering clients “individual solutions to
                                                                      before correcting itself. “A flood of homes to the market will           cashflow challenges” due to the coronavirus, which
                                                                      lead to downward pressure on asking prices. Eventually prices            includes halting debt repayments (or part thereof) for a
                                                                      will drop to a point where buyers are incentivized to purchase           “suitable” period. Alternatively, clients loan periods may
     The expectations after lockdown as to how businesses
                                                                      again, which could lead to the market rectifying itself through          be extended or they could get more credit to manage
                                                                      a possible housing boom later down the line,” Goslett explains.          short term cashflow shortfalls. Contact Nedbank Home
     survive and thrive remains to be seen, the bigger picture
                                                                                                                                               Loans on 0860 553 573. However, due to high call
                                                                         MD of digital auction platform BidX1, MC Du Toit’s                    volumes, clients are encouraged to e-mailHLCollections@
     not looking good in the short-term. There will be winners
                                                                      advice to sellers is when a fair offer is presented, it should  for assistance. Should clients want to
                                                                      be considered, with the best offers being unconditional. “I              enquire about a Moratorium/Payment Holiday, they are

     losers and some will take more pain than others.
                                                                      would advise against listing a property at a high price and              able to e-mail for
                                                                      then negotiating down, but to rather list the property at an             assistance.
                                                                      opening bid, get buyers involved and negotiate the price

8   MAY/JUNE 2020 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine                                                                                                              SA Real Estate Investor Magazine MAY/JUNE 2020   9
COVER STORY                                                                                                                                                                                                                       LOCKDOWN SURVIVAL

     Property industry sees up to 35%                                     workers who are usually office bound have had to get used
                                                                          to forking out for the increased data costs and hardware               Larger companies will try to better utilise their office space      Spire Property Solutions, are offering free consultations
     engagement increase during lock-                                     necessary for them to do their jobs at home. The reality has        by reducing the overall size of their workspaces, so reducing       to both tenants and landlords looking for guidance on their
     down: PropTech                                                       left many people across the country looking forward to the          rental costs, while others may adopt more of a hybrid               leases through the current crisis.
     Upside of COVID-19                                                   prospect of going back to a traditional office environment,         model which sees most staff work from the office while the
     “PropTech is not an adage to doing things the same way,              where work is just work - and they don’t have to contend with       remainder work remotely from spaces such as those offered              “This too shall pass, as the saying goes, and when it does
     it's a catalyst for how we transform an industry. The national       pets nestling on their laptops, or children making sudden and       by The Business Exchange.                                           we do not want to be left in a position where landlords are left
     lockdown has only propelled our actions, as we continue              unwelcome appearances on Zoom calls.                                                                                                    with large vacancies and being unable to service their debt
     pioneering in creating interactive site maps, individualised                                                                               Managing long-term risk will also become more                     obligations or pay staff because they have had to absorb all the
     onsite sales platforms, rich video content and lead the social          David Seinker, founder and CEO of The Business Exchange,         important, so corporate companies can be expected to seek           costs during this crisis. Equally and as importantly we do not
     media scene with platforms like Facebook LIVE. Through these         believes there will no returning to normal any time soon, if        more flexibility in their lease terms. They may even look to        want a scenario where businesses/tenants have to lay off staff
     various digital avenues, lockdown has resulted in an increase        ever. “The traditional office space as we once knew it, is now      decentralise their head offices and possibly locate different       or close their doors completely, losing their livelihoods,” says
     of between 16% to 35% engagement across various property             dead,” says the brain behind the company that provides              departments at different addresses. Businesses of all sizes can     Gregg Huntingford, CEO of Spire Property Solutions.
     websites we manage, as well as an average of 126% increase           serviced and flexible office space across the country.              be expected to reduce lease investment and overall property
     in engagement across the various social media platforms,”                                                                                costs, including fit-out and furnishings going forward.                “We need to ensure that there is a business home for
     states Botha.                                                           “There are a number of reasons why this is so,” Seinker                                                                              everyone to come back to. In order to get our economy back

                                                                          explains. “Rather than a return to normal once this is over,                                                                            on its feet as quickly as possible we need to cooperate, share
        PropTech is the combination of property and technology            corporates are going to have to entirely overhaul their                                                                                 the burden and ensure all parties’ survival, so Spire is working
     working together to make the process of renting, sales, and          thinking about office to accommodate a number of factors.”                            No more open plan                                 with both landlords and tenants to assist with advice and
     generating unique property experiences convenient, easier                                                                                                                                                    guidance on possible structured rental deals and long-term

     and effortless. There is no ready-made solution when it comes                                                                                                                                                survival strategies.”
     to PropTech, however through the use of readily, and ever-
     changing, available technologies and applications the potential                        The shrinking workforce                           The trend of the last few years for many businesses has been           “After Corona (AC) and when lockdown is lifted we really need
     to enhance the property market is endless. “We see this                                                                                  to put their employees in an open plan office space. While this     to open up this economy fast, says Dawie Roodt. After Covid-19
     period as a kickstart for the South African property market to                                                                           may have looked good and been a clever use of floor space, it       prepare for South Africa 2.0. the new future starts with a great
     embrace these technologies and further digitize this industry.                                                                           has meant that employees sit closer together and so are more        attitude. Now is an opportunity to get mentally, physically and
     Rainmaker Marketing has been at the forefront of innovation of       Unfortunately, the human workforce is going to be a big             exposed to the spread of germs.                                     financially prepared. There are major opportunities for those
     the property marketing industry and will continue to push the        casualty of the Covid-19 lockdown. With so many businesses                                                                              willing to change. It’s best to plan for the worst outcome, expect
     boundaries of the traditional means,” ends Botha.                    making a lot less revenue than before, there have already              “Before Covid-19 we already had a number of companies            the best outcome and prepare for surprise.
                                                                          been large-scale retrenchments across the board, and many           enquire about private offices as opposed to open plan and
        The practice of social distancing is not an easy feat for an      companies will look to take up less space at their respective       flexible space,” says Seinker. “Now, with Covid-19 and the             As digital driven trends starting taking traction. We have
     industry that mainly relies on personal engagement with              head offices.                                                       heightened awareness around how easily germs spread,                seen digital businesses such as Amazon and Zoom escalate to
     clients and giving individuals tours of homes so they can                                                                                many companies are going to have to rethink their open plan         incredible highs never seen before. This is an indicator that the
     get a feel for the area, the house and the lifestyle on offer.          “Businesses will find themselves in a big office space with      spaces and find ways to keep staff more separated from one          fourth industrial revolution is starting to take shape. We need
     Traditional, face-to-face means of communication have been           an expensive lease, and not enough people to fill the desks,”       another in order to lower the risk of the spread of infection.”     to retool; reconnect & refocus our lives and businesses. Don’t
     strained from the lead up to and even during the national            Seinker predicts. Large companies will now seek to diversify                                                                            miss a good crisis - Now is the opportunity to move with the
     lockdown, resulting in consumers and property heavyweights           and reduce risk, while also looking for smaller or serviced            “While it will never again be ‘business as usual’, we can        trends and to adapt, survive and thrive.
     having to put their trust into the digital sphere. Through           office spaces with flexible leases as opposed to five- to 10-year   certainly adapt to the new normal through a combination
                                                                          agreements. They will want spaces that offer other “nice-to-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SOURCES Efficient Group, RE/MAX of Southern Africa, BidX1,
     technological advances made in South Africa, coupled with                                                                                of innovative thinking and clever team management and
     the affordable data solutions that are easier to obtain and          have” services such as cleaning services, IT support and more,      business scramble in order to accommodate the rapid change          ABSA, Standard Bank, FNB, Nedbank, The Business Exchange,
     the ever-growing popularity of social media; the connection          built into the lease agreement.                                     in office space requirements.”                                      Spire Property Solutions
     between the property market and potential purchasers has

     been far-reaching.

        “There is no getting around the fact that as South Africans,
                                                                                            Higher health and safety
                                                                                                                                                  “PropTech is not an
     we like to view property first-hand and it will always be first-
     prize to get a potential client to site or to a home. The national                                                                         adage to doing things
     lockdown has been a challenge for our economy, however,
     I believe this has really encouraged industries, especially          “Going forward, employees will expect cleaner offices and               the same way, it’s a
     property, to truly become more innovative. By utilizing              better measures to ensure their safety,” says Seinker. “They will
     PropTech and other digital tools, we have experienced first-         also be apprehensive about touching surfaces that others                catalyst for how we
     hand how the property purchasing process can be enriched,”           have touched before them.”
     explains Stefan Botha, Director of Rainmaker Marketing.                                                                                    transform an industry.
                                                                             Those who can afford it will look into automatic doors and
     Commercial market - Is the traditional office space a
                                                                          elevators that don’t require users to even press a button. Those      The national lockdown
                                                                          who can’t will need to provide hand sanitiser at all public touch
     thing of the past?
     Covid-19 and the South African lockdown have forced
                                                                          points as people’s concerns about possible contamination will         has only propelled our
                                                                          be with us for a very long time going forward.
     companies across the board to embrace strategies that allow                                                                                       actions.”

     their employees to continue working, but from home. And
     while this has been a relief for many, who no longer have to
     face the daily traffic grind and can work in their pyjamas if                          Cost savings
     they choose, for others the work-from-home alternative has
     proven to be difficult and stressful.
                                                                          “Businesses would have lost a lot of money during the
       Parents have had to learn to juggle full-day parenting             lockdown, and will have to look at how to trim their budgets
     and home-schooling with their work demands, while other              once employees return to work,” cautions Seinker.

10   MAY/JUNE 2020 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine                                                                                                                                                                                SA Real Estate Investor Magazine MAY/JUNE 2020      11

     How PropTech is disrupting                                            P
                                                                                roptech (like many other terms that end in “tech”) has          Streamlined processes
                                                                                become something of a fancy buzzword, which is                  With most property companies having to embrace remote
                                                                                why it is useful to turn to an expert on the matter for         work, they've also had to become more adept at using new

     the property industry
                                                                           a comprehensive definition. James Dearsley, co-founder               technologies. This time of social and economic uncertainty
                                                                           of Unissu, explains that proptech is “one small part of a            also presents an opportunity for the property industry to
                                                                           wider digital transformation [that] considers both the               streamline processes, to embrace digital technologies more
                                                                           technological and mentality change of the real estate                widely, to rethink age-old ways of thinking and doing, and
                                                                           industry”. In its simplest form, proptech is the application         to strive more earnestly to ensure the client is at the heart of
     And why it’s necessary during the Covid-19                            of technology for new ways of conducting business in the
                                                                           property sector, with the focus on efficiency and impact.
                                                                                                                                                what we do.

     pandemic & beyond                                                        The stats certainly support the role digital technology is
                                                                                                                                                   When the world emerges from the crisis, the companies
                                                                                                                                                that stand out will be those who've leveraged these
                                                                           playing in shaping various aspects of the sector. A global           technologies to provide clients with the best possible
                                                                           survey conducted by KPMG in 2018 showed that 97% of                  products and services, amidst the limitations and uncertainty
                                                                           the 270 respondents from 30 countries believed digital               that prevailed.
                                                                           innovations are influencing their businesses somewhat.

                                                                              In South Africa too we’re adopting more PropTech solutions
                                                                           in various parts of the sector and there’s every likelihood that a
                                                                                                                                                  “Proptech is the application
                                                                           digital-first approach to property will become more pervasive
                                                                           in the coming months and years, and particularly as we look
                                                                                                                                                  of technology for new ways
                                                                           for innovative ways to strengthen and grow the industry
                                                                           amidst the global Covid-19 pandemic. Proptech can help
                                                                                                                                                    of conducting business in
                                                                           make the industry more efficient and more resilient, with the
                                                                           purpose of driving more value for clients in the most relevant
                                                                                                                                                    the property sector, with
                                                                           way.                                                                    the focus on efficiency and
                                                                              Here are some of the key ways in which digital technologies
                                                                           are likely to impact the property market, many of which are
                                                                           already at play.
                                                                                                                                                   MD of the Rawson Property Group, Tony Clark says: “There’s
                                                                           Data & analytics                                                     no doubt that we have needed to act quickly to continue to
                                                                           Data is increasingly becoming the modern business’s most             serve our customers in these challenging times. No matter
                                                                           important and valuable asset. The ability to capture, interpret      what is happening in the world, people still need a roof over
                                                                           and analyse relevant information makes it easier to spot             their heads, which will always mean that they need to be able
                                                                           trends and make strategic decisions that have a positive             to keep buying, selling and renting property. We have also
                                                                           impact on the business at large.                                     seen a rise in the urgency with which some of our clients are
                                                                                                                                                needing assistance.”
                                                                             Data effectively takes the guesswork out of decision-
                                                                           making, which in the property sector can help decision-                 “The value of virtual show houses at the moment is
                                                                           makers predict market fluctuations and plan accordingly, as          obvious. It’s going to be some time before any of us will feel
                                                                           well as take advantage of opportunities. And, as technology          comfortable having dozens of strangers visiting our homes, so
                                                                           becomes more sophisticated, it becomes easier to leverage            enabling them to take a live, high-quality, virtual walkthrough
                                                                           the tools needed to access and interpret the data.                   of our properties, and having an interactive experience with
                                                                                                                                                our agents in real time, is essential,” says Clarke.
                                                                           Consumer empowerment                                                    “More and more, we’re seeing buyers and sellers, landlords
                                                                           The transparency and convenience that digital technology             and tenants looking for property services that are adaptable
                                                                           allows for means much of the power has shifted to consumers,         to their personal circumstances. If the Coronavirus pandemic
                                                                           which in turn means they are able to make more informed              has done anything for our industry, it has shown us that sellers
                                                                           decisions.                                                           and landlords will be demanding virtual solutions to ensure
                                                                                                                                                that their interaction with the marketplace is as remote as
                                                                              At the most basic level the nature of the interaction             possible so as to preserve the safety element so desperately
                                                                           between the agent and buyer has changed significantly as             required while social distancing is commonplace,” says Clarke.
                                                                           digital resources bring the information about properties closer
                                                                           to them, helping them narrow their search and empower                   As a sector we need to be mindful of the impact
     While it’s too soon to make accurate predictions on what the          them with all the relevant information pertaining to their
                                                                           search and interests. Having said that, the role estate agents
                                                                                                                                                technology has on our business, but we also need to
                                                                                                                                                embrace its power and potential for improving both business
     impact of the lockdown and the global Covid-19 pandemic               play in property transactions remain vital.                          operations and client experiences. Though only time will
                                                                                                                                                tell, early indications are that those who are strategically
     will have on the property market, it is sure to disrupt the              While the digital tools help to make information more
                                                                           readily available to the client, the agent offers advice and
                                                                                                                                                embracing PropTech are likely to better weather the storms in
                                                                                                                                                the coming years.
     industry one way or another. And disruption, history teaches          expertise that are invaluable in the home-buying process.
                                                                           When clients are equipped with the right knowledge and
     us, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it’s often exactly what   resources, they are able to make smarter decisions that
                                                                           ultimately enhance the industry.                                     SOURCES BetterBond, Unissu, KPMG &
     an industry needs to bring about new opportunities.                                                                                        Rawson Property Group

12   MAY/JUNE 2020 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine                                                                                                              SA Real Estate Investor Magazine MAY/JUNE 2020    13
Secure structures for our

16                                     22                                      25
Life after Lockdown                How to Invest & Secure Returns Surviving the Property
What comes next for the residential            NOUVEAU,
                                   During this disruption,              WC
                                                           investors need Pandemic                                      SO
property market? With the first       to look for vehicles which protect      The lockdown has placed immense
quarter ending only five days         and preserve their capital with         pressure on the real estate industry
into the national lockdown, the       structures that are geared to weather   to find innovative ways to sell homes.
trends analysis depicted an ideal     the fluctuations we are currently       Though challenging, real estate agents
environment for homebuyers.           experiencing.                           are finding digital ways to line up


Visit for the latest updates online.

                              SOUTHWARK VILLAGE, WC
Buy When There’s Blood On             Deeds Office Reopening                  Planning to Sell? Don’t Exit
the Streets                       Various Deeds Offices around the            Market Now
Due to fear and uncertainty, most country are permitted to open. This is      If your home has already been
people end up selling when they   very positive news for homeowners           listed for sale, now is not the time
should be buying. But property    whose concluded property sales can          to take it off the market. Home
has always remained
              2nd aFloor,
                      market that
                                  now be2processed
                                             Building,     Edward
                                                     and proceeds             buying has not stopped and is
bounces back with resilience.     received.                                   likely to pick up.
              Bellville, 7530, Cape Town, South Africa
              Reg: 2004/013672/07                SA Real Estate Investor Magazine MAY/JUNE 2020                        15

     Life after
                                                                                                                                                                                                             levels of employment in particular, which means that major
                                                                                                                                                                                        1st Quarter          disruptions in other sectors will have at least some impact
                                                                                                                                                                                         Jan - Mar           on the property market. Having said that, property tends
                                                                                                                                                                                        2020                 to be a far more resilient investment type than most. We’ve

                                                                                                                                                                                                             seen equities being significantly affected, while property has
                                                                                              Quarter 1
                                                                                            Jan - Mar 2019
                                                                                                                       Quarter 1
                                                                                                                     Jan - Mar 2020
                                                                                                                                             Quarter 1
                                                                                                                                           Jan - Mar 2019
                                                                                                                                                                    Quarter 1
                                                                                                                                                                  Jan - Mar 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                             remained fairly stable.”
                                                                                             R1 225 490                R1 218 686           R944 260                   R980 069

                                                                                                              -0,6%                                          3,8%                                            “The question around the pandemic’s
                                                                                                                                                                                              38                 impact on the property market
      What comes next for the                                                                                                                                                                                    is an important one, as the real
                                                                                   1000                                                                                                   Average age of
                                                                                                                                                                                          bond applicants

                                                                                                                                                                                                              estate market is keenly affected by
      residential property market?
                                                                                              Approved bond            Approved bond
                                                                                               R1 051 066                R1 099 225

                                                                                                    (85.8%)                   (90,2%)

                                                                                                                                            Approved bond
                                                                                                                                                 R851 666
                                                                                                                                                                       Approved bond
                                                                                                                                                                         R902 026
                                                                                                                                                                             (92.0%)          34               the overall health of the economy,
                                                                                                    Deposit                   Deposit
                                                                                                                                                                                          Average age for
                                                                                                                                                                                              1st time
                                                                                                                                                                                          bond applicants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                consumer confidence, & levels of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    employment in particular.”
                                                                                                   R174 424               R119 461                Deposit                    Deposit
                                                                                                    (14,2%)                   (9,8%)
                                                                                                              -31,0%                             R92 594                 R78 043
                                                                                    200                                                           (9.8%)                     (8,0%)
                                                                                                                                                            - 18,4%

                                                                                                                                                                                             Home loan
                                                                                     00                                                                                                     applications
                                                                                                                                                                                           are submitted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dyer adds: “Whilst there will be some challenging times
                                                                                             Average purchase price                         Average purchase   price
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ahead for consumers, we don’t believe that the outlook for
                                                                                                                                                                                             to multiple
                                                                                                                                                           *                                banks, thus
                                                                                                                                              for 1st time buyers                            ensuring a

                                                                                                                                                                                                             property is all doom and gloom. The prime rate of interest is
                                                                                           Quarter 1                   Quarter 1          Quarter 1                 Quarter 1               chance of a
                                                                                           Jan - Mar                   Jan - Mar          Jan - Mar                 Jan - Mar
                                                                                            2019      2020             2019      2020     2019      2020              2019      2020
                                                                                                                                                                                              approval       at the lowest level it has been since 1973, with the prospect of
                                                                                          65.6%      68.8%         41,2%         41.1%   81.6%     83.4%         Prime*
                                                                                                                                                                               minus                         potential further rate cuts. For first time homebuyers the cost
                                                                                                                                                                    0.11%      -0.03%
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of renting versus buying is now swinging very much in favour
                                                                                          bond approval
                                                                                                                                          Total ooba
                                                                                                                                         approval rate
                                                                                                                                                                 interest rate
                                                                                                                                                                                            More than
                                                                                                                                                                                         8 out of 10 bonds
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of buying, especially for properties below R1m, where there
                                                                                           rate by one          bond approval                                                              processed by
                                                                                              bank              rate by multiple
                                                                                                                                                                   *Current prime
                                                                                                                                                                 lending rate = 7.75%        ooba are
                                                                                                                                                                                                             is no transfer duty applicable. There are likely to be attractive
                                                                                                                                                                                                             deals in the market as sellers who have been holding on for
                                                                                Call ooba on 0860 00 66 22, visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                             some time to sell their properties are forced to reduce prices,

                                                                                                                                                                                                             which should bolster demand in the property industry.
                                                                                   hys Dyer, CEO of ooba, says: “Over the past few
                                                                                   quarters, banks were more inclined to offer affordable
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Buyer’s market
                                                                                   and accessible credit. ooba’s approval rate in Q1 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                             “A situation where the supply of property exceeds the
                                                                              increased by a further 1.8% since the first quarter of 2019,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             demand for property, bodes well for those looking to
                                                                              with over 83% of our homebuyers successfully securing a
                                                                                                                                                                                                             purchase property since prices are generally lower in this type
                                                                              home loan. The approval rate on applications looking for
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of market. Add to that the fact that banks are open to offering
                                                                              a 100% loan soared to 82.9% in Q1 20. During Q1 20 an
                                                                                                                                                                                                             100% home loans to qualifying individuals,” says Coetzee.
                                                                              unprecedented 61% of all applications received by ooba
                                                                              were for 100% finance, up over 7% from Q1 19’s 57%. Banks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                He adds: “The threshold on transfer duty was raised to R1
                                                                              have been steadily reducing their deposit requirements,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             million recently, meaning that transfer duty costs are lower
                                                                              while at the same time reducing their interest rates as they
                                                                                                                                                                                                             for buyers, and that it is speculated that interest rates will be
                                                                              aggressively compete for a larger share of the home loan
                                                                                                                                                                                                             dropped by at least a further 25 basis points later this week.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Now is a good time for investors to remain at least slightly
                                                                                                                                                                                                             positive about the immediate future of property.”
                                                                                The average interest rate that ooba achieved for
                                                                              homebuyers in Q1 20 was 0.03% below prime, 14 basis points
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Home Loan applications
                                                                              cheaper than 0.11% above prime in Q1 19.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Given the complexities facing buyers in the year ahead, using
                                                                                                                                                                                                             a home loan comparison service is more critical than ever
                                                                                 Dyer says: “Our optimistic outlook in Q1 for market
                                                                                                                                                                                                             before. Prospective homeowners can use ooba’s services to
                                                                              conditions for the rest of 2020 is now tempered with
                                                                                                                                                                                                             shop around for the most competitive home loan from the
                                                                              significant uncertainty as we wait to for the Covid-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                             major lenders. By obtaining a home loan pre-qualification
                                                                              lockdown to end and to understand how quickly the property
                                                                                                                                                                                                             through a Bond Indicator or Qualified Buyers Certificate,
                                                                              market can get back to ‘business as usual’. In just a few weeks
                                                                                                                                                                                                             potential buyers will have a clear indication of their credit
                                                                              of April, we have seen unprecedented financial distress, with
     With the first quarter of 2020 ending only five days into the Covid-19   many South Africans facing job uncertainty and potential
                                                                                                                                                                                                             score and credit profile, as well as a certificate outlining the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             house price range they can afford.
     national lockdown, the trends analysis depicted an ideal environment     business failure and the economy likely to shrink significantly
                                                                              over the remainder of the year.”
     for homebuyers. Bank home loan approval rates on 100% finance                                                                                                                                              “By pre-qualifying, prospective homebuyers can
                                                                                                                                                                                                             confidently make an accurate price offer on their dream
                                                                                 Carl Coetzee, CEO of Betterbond adds: “The question
     applications were at levels last seen more than 12 years ago. The        around the pandemic’s impact on the property market is an
                                                                                                                                                                                                             property knowing that obtaining bond finance is a mere
     Average Purchase Price dropped by 0.6% making acquiring a new            important one, as the real estate market is keenly affected by
                                                                                                                                                                                                             formality,” concludes Dyer.
                                                                              the overall health of the economy, consumer confidence, and                                                                    SOURCE ooba home loans & Betterbond
     home more affordable in the prevailing low interest rate environment.
16   MAY/JUNE 2020 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine                                                                                                                                                                           SA Real Estate Investor Magazine MAY/JUNE 2020     17

     SARS sexy tax benefit                                                                                                                                                              ON S HOW
     for property investors                                                                                                                                                              11:00 - 16:00
     How to qualify for Section 13 SEX

          veryone knows that creating a financial bolbolt
          holethole through property investment also enables
          you to generate wealth and create a financial
     legacy for your children to enjoy. Property investment is,
     comparatively, a more robust financial move than plunging
     your money into the stock market or similarly volatile
     options. But did you know that SARS has a sexy tax benefit
     for property investors?

     What is Section 13 SEX of the Income Tax Act?
     Basically, SARS wants to encourage investment and the
     provision of rental homes into the market, so SEX13 allows
     you to decrease your taxable income. A buy-to-let investor
     can claim an allowance of 55% of the purchase price.                are virtually paying for themselves from day one,” says CEO &
                                                                         founder of Ryan’s Realty, Development Specialists, Ryan van
                                                                                                                                                                              FERNDALE | RANDBURG
                        QUALIFYING CRITERIA
        1.    The unit must be new and unused, so buying direct             An added incentive is the 12-month rental guarantee
                                                                         offered to investors, making it an exceptionally secure
              from a developer qualifies.                                investment. The unique “Wallet” system also ensures that                                              Property demand in Randburg is high
        2.    Unit must be solely for the trade of the taxpayer, i.e.    prepaid water & electricity are the last items to be settled if
              it must be a rental unit.                                  rent is short paid by a tenant.
                                                                                                                                                                               due to the good value for money and
        3.    The taxpayer (or entity could be a trust or company)
                                                                                                                                                                                 accessibility to the Sandton CBD.
              must own at least 5 rental units, all of which don’t
                                                                             Location, location, location! The Base is surrounded
                                                                         by a multitude of small to large businesses, corporations,         1 SMART HOME READY                 If you are looking for solid cashflow,
              need to be purchased all at once, but the allowance        universities, gyms, colleges, hospitals, plenty of shopping                                               capital growth, and a sexy tax
              only kicks in once the 5th unit is acquired.
              The unit must be in sunny South Africa.
                                                                         centres and night life opportunities. The brand new, state-
                                                                         of-the-art shopping mall, Ferndale on Republic, is just two
                                                                                                                                            2 ENERGY EFFICIENT                deduction, The Base ticks all the boxes.
                                                                         minutes' drive away. While Sandton, Bryanston and Rosebank
                                                                         is just a 15-minute drive, making it the perfect "Base" for        3 FIBRE CONNECTED                  Contact us today for your Info Pack.
        Director of Accounting firm De Wet van Schalkwyk,                young professionals, from which they can work, live and play.

                                                                                                                                           1 BED R569k
     Stephan van Schalkwyk explains:
                                                                            The Base Apartments boast the latest in technology and

        “Say you purchase 5 units @ R600,000 = R3,000,000
     purchase value. SARS will allow 55% of the acquisition cost as      design trends with Smart3 Living. These modern apartments                                            1 YEAR RENTAL GUARANTEE
     an allowance against taxable income. So R3,000,000 x 55% =          feature state-of-the-art keyless entry, high quality energy
     R1,650,000 that SARS will allow you as a tax deduction over 20      efficient products and they will be Smart Home ready and                                                   SEX13 TAX BENEFIT
     years. This totals R82,500 per annum for 20 years. So, if you are   fibre connected.
                                                                                                                                            N O T R A N S F E R COSTS
     at the marginal income tax rate of 45%, then R37,125 is the tax
                                                                           So, if you are looking for solid cashflow, capital growth,                                                     LOW LEVIES
     saving every year…for 20 years.”                                                                                                         Occupation expected end 2021.
                                                                         and a sexy tax deduction, The Base ticks all the boxes. Contact
                                                                         Ryans Realty today for more information.                                Only R10,000 to secure.          T&Cs Apply. Contact us for more info.
     The Base Apartments ticks all the boxes
     The Base Apartments is a new residential development in
     Ferndale, Randburg. It offers one-bedroom apartments from           Contact Details:
     R569,000, making it the perfect buy for investors looking for       Ryan van Heerden, CEO & founder of Ryan’s Realty,
                                                                         Development Specialists
     solid cashflow and capital growth, as well as the opportunity
     to benefit from the SEX13 tax deduction.                            +27 82 567 0735
                                                                                                                                           C O N TA C T U S N O W
        "The current high demand for one bed apartments in
     Ferndale is expected to continue unabated for the foreseeable
     future and rentals of around R5750 per month, excluding
                                                                                                                                           082 567 0735
     utilities, should be comfortably achievable as completion is                                                                
     expected in the 4th Quarter of 2021. Levies are low and rent to
     value is around 1% of the purchase price, so the apartments         SOURCE Ryan’s Realty                                    
18   MAY/JUNE 2020 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine

     How to juggle a multitude
     of responsibilities
     The value of sub-metering in real estate

              hether it’s modernising existing infrastructure,          and manage utilities. The tenants will take control of their
              building richer customer relationships or                 usage and spend which not only reduces the risk of non-
              streamlining admin, sub-metering solutions are            payment, but of them contesting charges. Instead of utility
     increasingly recognised as powerful solutions in the real          usage split across different users, tenants are only charged for
     estate industry.                                                   what they use which makes a big difference. This means less
                                                                        time spent managing complex tenant non-payment cases,
        Their blend of reliable technology with accessible digital      but also makes the way for far better relationship building.
     tools and robust visibility has made them an invaluable
     resource. Using modern and relevant sub-metering solutions,           “Our sub-metering platform offers the real estate owner
     real estate owners can improve how utilities are managed and       access to an online dashboard that provides them with instant
     controlled without impacting on tenant delight.                    insight into meters, reports and payments,” says Franze.
                                                                        “This offers you exceptional visibility into meter status and
        “As the owner of any slice of real estate, you’re expected to   payments with reports that can be fine tuned to suit your
     juggle a multitude of responsibilities, perfectly,” says Michael   specific requirements. This layer of transparency is extremely
     Franze, Managing Director at Citiq Prepaid.                        beneficial in terms of building tenant trust but it also assures
                                                                        of far more granular insight into utilities and potential
        “Mistakes can not only cost you time, but reputation and        problems.”
     tenant happiness. One area that often gives real estate owners
     a headache because it always takes a lot more time than it            Prepaid meters not only minimise admin and stress, but
     should, is utilities. You have to ensure that bills are paid on    maximise efficiency, transparency and payments. With Citiq
     time, that the lights stay on, and that invoices are sent out      Prepaid, real estate owners gain access to an ecosystem
     on time. You have to do all this while managing the vagaries       of prepaid meters, services, support and online data that
     of municipality billing and tenant payments. Sub-metering          are designed to streamline processes and transform utility
     effectively solves all these problems in one.”                     management.

       Investing into a reliable sub-metering system that’s easy to
     use and install will immediately change the way you approach       SOURCE Citiq Prepaid

20   MAY/JUNE 2020 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine
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