A Catholic Community of Olympia, Washington

1208 11th Ave. SE, Olympia 98501                                                    mass intentions
(360) 754-4667
                                                                     4.5 MONDAY (Office closed)
OFFICE HOURS                                                         9am           Andy & Jean Lechner             U Facebook
Monday–Thursday: 9am–5pm Friday: 9am–1pm
                                                                     4.6 TUESDAY
CALVARY CEMETERY (360) 292-7138
3850 Cleveland Ave., Tumwater 98501
                                                                     12Noon        Tricia Lillibridge              U Facebook

ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL (360) 754-5131                                    4.7 WEDNESDAY

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY                                          12Noon        David Hale                      U Facebook
Rent/Utility assistance: (360) 972-0661                              4.8 THURSDAY
General assistance: stmichaelsvdpoly@gmail.com
Office closed until further notice                                   12Noon        Joe Kernan                      U Facebook

CLOTHING BANK                                                        4.9 FRIDAY
Donations only Sat. 9am–1pm                                          9am           Jim Sleisher                    U Facebook
PREGNANCY AID (360) 956-7413                                         4.10 SATURDAY (Reconciliation 2–4pm)
M & F 2–4pm Wed 9am–12pm
                                                                     9am           Joseph Trong Le                 U
PASTOR:                          PAROCHIAL VICAR:
                                                                     5pm           Jonathan Goodwin                U
Fr. Jim Lee                      Fr. Lou Cunningham
DEACONS:                                                             4.11 SUNDAY
Rob Rensel                                                           7:30am        Elaine Thornton                 U
John Bergford
                                                                     9:30am        Tom Owens                       U YouTube
                                                                     11:30am       Frederick Bruener               U
1055 Boundary St. SE                                                 5pm           People of SMP
Monday–Thursday: 12Noon (Mondays at 9am holidays)
Friday & Saturday: 9am
Saturday: 5pm
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am & 5pm                                                                    Wednesdays at 6pm
                                                                                                           beginning April 7
1835 Overhulse Rd. NW                                                                                     Prayer & Music
Closed until further notice
                                                                                                        JOIN US FOR
Saturdays: 2–4pm                                                                                                    IN PERSON
Our mission is to place God first in all things, to proclaim the    We would like to stay in touch with every parishioner!
Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to grow in holiness through prayer,     If there are any changes in your contact information, please
sacraments, and service.                                            contact Mona at mbishop@saintmichaelparish.org or (360)

       follow us on facebook @saintmichaelparish                   SCHEDULE YOUR HOLY HOUR!
                                                                   We now have an online Eucharistic Adoration scheduler. Set up
       follow us on tiktok @saintmichaelparish                     your weekly Holy Hour at https://smpoly.weadorehim.com

       Download our app! Text smpgive app to 77977
       Text smpgive to 77977 for simple online giving              Cover: Irma Martin, The Three Women on the Tomb of Christ, 1843

pastor's notebook

                           “He is risen indeed!”
      lessings and peace to you all on this most holy of days.            THREE CONVERSATIONS—DEEPENING DISCIPLESHIP
      What a joy it is to be able to celebrate with you in person as
                                                                          Fr. Lou and I invite you on a special journey this Easter season.
      well as those of you who join us on our livestream YouTube
                                                                          Together with our 40+ small groups, we are asking you as individ-
                                                                          ual families and small groups of families, couples and/or individu-
Do you remember last Easter? We could not gather. It felt as if we        als to enter into a process to deepen our discipleship, our following
were still in the tomb with the stone rolled across the entrance to       of the risen Jesus and to grow in our Catholic faith.
keep us safe. What a painful time it was, especially for those who
are caring for the sick and the dying. It is so important for us to       WHAT are they? The Three Conversations are easy exercises that
remember them and for those who are grieving.                             can open the door to deepening a culture of discipleship among
                                                                          parishioners and people we care for, as well as people we encounter
Yet, we know that in the midst of personal Calvary there is, for          and serve. It is a beautiful way to share and grow in faith with one
those who believe, Easter morning. Death is conquered by the res-         another.
urrection of Jesus Christ. If we believe, if we hold firm, we who
have died with Him in baptism will rise with Him in his glori-            WHY do we share? Evangelization is sharing with others the joy
ous resurrection. This is not some mere abstract hope. This is truth      and the strength our faith brings to us. It is the most central mis-
rooted in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This is our glory, a sharing      sion and message of the Catholic Church, and her deepest identity.
in Jesus’ resurrected life.                                               Therefore, as disciples, we are called to be intentional in our reach-
                                                                          ing out to others (evangelization), using both our words and our
The Church in her beautiful wisdom celebrates this from Sunday
to Sunday, the Octave of Easter. Please join us as often as you
can during these days from Easter to Divine Mercy Sunday. There           A culture of evangelization and discipleship, at Saint Michael
will be music at Mass and Masses will be livestreamed except for          Parish, or anywhere else, doesn’t have to be sophisticated or com-
Saturday.                                                                 plicated. It starts very simply with honest and vulnerable conversa-
                                                                          tions and naturally grows and spreads from one person to another.
                                                                          Very often, folks feel as if, “I don’t know how to evangelize.” They
At the Easter Vigil, Kaylee Jensen, Walter Blake, Joshua Chaney,
                                                                          feel their knowledge of the faith is inadequate or they feel intimi-
Nancy Thompson, Karen Craig, and Morgan Benson received the
                                                                          dated about what to say. Yet, we all know how to carry on a conver-
Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. After
                                                                          sation. We all know the joy of sharing our daily lives with others.
their long journey and through the Lenten scrutinies and exor-
                                                                          This is at the heart of these three conversations.
cisms, they died and rose with Christ in the waters of baptism and
received the gift of the Holy Spirit for their life of discipleship and   I will share more specifically about the Three Conversations in
will now join us week after week at the                                                          next week’s bulletin and ask you to begin
altar of our Lord Jesus Christ and receive                                                       the first conversation on Divine Mercy
Him in Holy Communion.                                                                           Sunday. It is simple and yet profound. It
                                                                                                 is a gift that you can share and receive
Throughout the season of Easter, they will
                                                                                                 over and over again. Each time you do, the
continue to unfold the mystery and the
                                                                                                 richer and deeper it becomes. I’m so look-
meaning of what they experienced during
                                                                                                 ing forward to sharing this journey with
the Easter Triduum. As they continue to
                                                                                                 you through the Easter season to Pente-
reflect upon the Gospels of Easter, the
new life that they have received will draw
them ever deeper into their life of disciple-                                                      May this Easter season root you ever more
ship, of encountering the risen Christ in                                                          deeply in the power of the risen Lord Jesus
their daily lives. Let us continue to support                                                      Christ.
them with our prayers and when we see
them, to ask them about their experience,
about what it was like and is like for them.
Allow them to share their faith journey                     Fr. Jim Lee
with you. You will be gifted indeed, as will                Pastor

An     Interlude
                                                      FR. LOU CUNNINGHAM

       ince we haven’t been able to sing en masse for the last year, I     has been given in reality and entering more fully into Christ in the
       have been going through many of the Lent and Easter hymns           Church. May our lives be a perpetual remembrance of the One
       myself to just bring them to memory. Jesus, in taking all of        who, living, sits at the right hand of the loving Father and who
our humanity to Himself, seeks to heal our souls and unite them to         takes us up by His hand to share in the Trinity’s own delight as
God. He provides us the grace to have our memories, our thoughts,          His Body.
and our wills re-oriented toward the most True, Good, and Beau-            Today, and every day, let us follow Christ, truly risen from the dead,
tiful. At the Incarnation, He takes on a human body and a human            ever more fully. May God the Father, out of the rich treasury of His
soul. He takes on all of our senses: sight, taste, touch, smell, hearing   glory, strengthen you through His Spirit with a power that reaches
and all of our soul: remembering, thinking, willing. He experiences        your innermost being. May Christ find a dwelling place, through
the emotions of the human. God takes all of this up. In suffering          faith, in your hearts; may your lives be rooted in love, founded on
the gruesome effects of sin—which is death—God unites Himself              love. May you and all the saints be enabled to measure, in all its
perfectly to our human condition, taking upon Himself all that is          breadth and length and height and depth, the love of Christ, to
ours. He, the one unable to do harm (i.e. innocent) reveals God’s          know what passes human knowledge. May you be filled with all
tender and pure love (mercy) even when faced with the effects of           the completion God has to give. He whose power is at work in us
sin: the brutality of the human condition and the cross and death.         is powerful enough, and more than powerful enough, to carry out
 “So, on the cross, His own body took the weight of our sins; we           His purpose beyond all our hopes and dreams; may He be glorified
  were to become dead to our sins, and live for holiness; it was His       in the Church, and in Christ Jesus, to the last generation of eternity.
  wounds that healed you” (I Peter 2:24).                                  Amen (cf. Ephesians 3:16-21).
 “O wonder of your humble care for us! O love, O charity beyond all         "Man, woman, boy, girl, you, all of you, do not weep! Do not weep!
  telling, to ransom a slave You gave away Your Son! O truly nec-            There is a gaze and a heart that penetrates to your very marrow
  essary sin of Adam, destroyed completely by the Death of Christ!            and loves you all the way to your destiny, a gaze and a heart that
  O happy fault that earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer!”                no one can deflect from His course, no one can render incapable
  (Exsultet, Easter Proclamation).                                            of saying what He thinks and what He feels, no one can render
His Resurrection bursts the gates of Hell, the domain of death,               powerless!
separation from what is true, good, beautiful, and one. For those           “Gloria Dei vivens homo.” The glory of God, the greatness of Him
reborn by water and the Holy Spirit (baptism), God unites His                who makes the stars in the sky, who puts into the sea, drop by drop,
creation to Himself, making the baptized “a chosen race, a royal              all the blue that defines it, is man who lives.
priesthood, a consecrated nation, a people God means to have for            "There is nothing that can suspend that immediate rush of love, of
Himself ” (I Peter 2:9). He continues to disperse His Divine Life             attachment, of esteem, of hope, because He became hope for each
through giving His Life among us in the sacraments, which are                 one who saw Him, who heard Him: 'Woman, do not weep!,' who
the “sensed” ways that Jesus unites our souls (memory, thoughts,              heard Jesus say this: 'Woman, do not weep!'
and will) to God.
                                                                             There is nothing that can block the certainty of a destiny that is
The Sequence for Easter (sidebar, right), which is a special song             mysterious and good!
inserted into the Mass before the Gospel on special feasts, is called
the “Victimae Paschali Laudes.” It dates to around the 1100s. It            "We are together, saying to each other, 'You—I have never seen you,
mirrors the hymn of Christmas that asks the shepherds to tell us             I don’t know who you are: Do not weep!' Because weeping is your
what they have seen: quid vidistis, pastores, dicite! “What have you         destiny, it seems to be your unavoidable destiny: 'Man, do not
seen, shepherds, tell us!” Now, at the Resurrection, we turn to Mary         weep!'
Magdelene. Tell us, O Mary, what did you see? Dic nobis, Maria,             “'Gloria Dei vivens homo.' The glory of God—the glory for whom
quid vidisti?                                                                He holds up the world, the universe—is man who lives, every
Jesus loves us. Jesus loves you. He doesn’t just tell you that and            man who lives: the man who lives, the woman who weeps, the
leave you with a book or a nice phrase. He took it all up to Himself         woman who smiles, the child, the woman who dies a mother.
and now gives you a daily bread that lasts. He, the Eternally Other,        “'Gloria Dei vivens homo.' We want this and nothing but this, that
that our hearts all seek, gives us Someone to follow. Not in an easy          the glory of God be manifested to all the world and touch all the
way—look at the Cross. But in a way that is more full than any-               spheres of earth: the leaves, all the leaves of the flowers and all the
thing human wisdom can come up with on its own. The faith He                  hearts of men."
gives is not against the gift of reason that God gives—it fulfils it        ~Fr. Luigi Giussani
and orders us towards the event of Christ: towards receiving what

Victimae Paschali
laudes immolent Christiani.
Agnus redemit oves:
Christus innocens Patri
Mors et vita duello
conflixere mirando:                   Catholic Social Teaching
dux vitae mortuus,                    AND CARE OF GOD’S CREATION
regnat vivus.
Dic nobis Maria,
                                      Over the centuries, the Church has discerned principles grounded in
Quid vidisti in via?                  understanding how God has worked in the world. These principles respond to
Sepulcrum Christi viventis,           changing times. They come to us through papal encyclicals and pronouncements
et gloriam vidi resurgentis:          promulgated by our bishops. These principles are complex, difficult to
Angelicos testes,                     summarize, and are rightly subject to discussion and discernment. They are
sudarium et vestes.                   called Catholic Social Teaching. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has
Surrexit Christus spes mea:           summarized them into seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching:
praecedet suos in Galilaeam.
Scimus Christum surrexisse            Life and Dignity of the Human Person—Human life is sacred and the dig-
a mortuis vere:                       nity of the human person is the foundation of all the principles of our social
Tu nobis, victor Rex miserere.        teaching.
Amen. Alleluia.                       Call to Family, Community, and Participation—Organization of society, mar-
                                      riage and the family, right and duty to participate in society are fundamental.
Christians, to the Paschal Victim     Rights and Responsibilities—Each person has a right to life, and things needed
offer sacrifice and praise.
                                      to live with dignity. All rights have corresponding duties and responsibilities.
The sheep are ransomed by the Lamb;
and Christ, the undefiled,            Option for the Poor and Vulnerable—How are we treating our poor and most
has sinners to his Father             vulnerable members? The story of the Last Judgment described in Matt 25:
reconciled.                           31-46 is the moral benchmark for this principal.
Death with life contended:
combat strangely ended!               The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers—The economy must serve
Life's own Champion, slain,           people; not the other way around. The basic rights of workers must be protected,
now living reigns                     as well as private property and economic initiative.
Tell to us, O Mary:                   Solidarity—We are one human family. We are our brothers and sisters’ keepers.
What did you see on the way?
The tomb the Living did enclose;      Care for God's Creation—God calls us to be stewards of His creation. This
I saw Christ's glory as He rose!      theme contains elements of each of the other Catholic Social Teaching themes.
The angels there attesting;           We are not the owners or masters of the Earth—God is. We are called to be
shroud with grave-clothes resting.    good stewards. God has lent us His garden. Our well-being depends on how
Christ, my hope, has risen:           well we manage it and share her gifts. Our bishops have told us, “Care for the
He goes before you into Galilee.      earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith.”
That Christ is truly risen
from the dead we know.                Read more: https://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/what-we-believe/
Victorious King, Thy mercy show!      catholic-social-teaching/seven-themes-of-catholic-social-teaching
Amen. Alleluia.                       If you are interested in joining our Sanctity of All Life ministry to promote
                                      Catholic Social Teaching, contact Kim Kondrat at (360) 878-4613 or kkon-

Dear SMP,

I just wanted to thank you for the discussion at the
Eucharistic Visitor Zoom gathering about praying with
others. What we talked about is such a simple way to
personalize the way we pray with and for others.

As a Vincentian, we are often called to pray with others.
When I first started making home visits, the prayer part of
our ministry seemed a little awkward. Worries about what
to say and how it would be received usurped some of the
joy. It got easier over time, but my question was always,
“May I pray with you?” After our Zoom meeting, I changed
the question. Now the question is “How can I pray for you,
what specifically would you like me to pray for?” This
leads to a much more intimate encounter.

Especially now during COVID, while our Vincentian home
visits are done over the phone, establishing a connection is
so important. When the prayer needs are voiced and I ask
if it is OK to pray right now, I just try to get out of the way
and let the Holy Spirit guide my words. Asking the other
person to pray for my intention is new too. It has been

One recent example is when I spoke with a neighbor who
had contracted COVID in December. She had no income,
was falling behind in all her financial obligations, and was
working patiently with the state for unemployment. She
is contacting other agencies for assistance too. Her prayer
request was for her lungs to improve and to give thanks-
giving for all “the angels” working to help her and others
in need. As soon as I completed my prayer, she prayed for
me. What a gift—I was happily evangelized that day.

So thanks for the tip!


                          Shoulder to Shoulder
                          How many times have we heard Fr. Jim marvel           rishioners who, in turn, make a funding recom-
                          at the generosity of Saint Michael parishioners?      mendation to Fr. Jim. If approved, the parish is-
                          We are blessed to be a family of families who truly   sues a check directly to the service provider–the
                          care about one another. That spirit of generosity     doctor, landlord or roof repair company, etc.–
                          is clearly demonstrated in the Shoulder to            not the applicant.
                          Shoulder ministry, which works through a
                          special fund set up to help parishioners who are      Eligibility forms are available on the parish
                          struggling financially.                               website and are held in strict confidence.
                          Parishioners who find themselves in a financial       Questions about applying for help?
                          crisis simply complete a confidential application,    Call Chris Peterson, Parish Administrator at
                          which is then screened by a committee of pa-          (360) 754-4667.

Small Groups                                                       Financial Peace University
A blessed Easter to you all!                                       Easter Sunday comes at the end of 40 days of prayer, fasting,
                                                                   and almsgiving known as Lent. Through spiritual struggle and
Hopefully your Lenten journey has been fruitful and your
                                                                   self-denial, we have prepared ourselves to die spiritually with
Easter is filled with true joy. One joy that stands out is our     Christ on Good Friday, the day of His Crucifixion, so that we
ability to attend Mass in person this year. Fr. Jim requests all   can rise again with Him in new life on Easter.
small groups continue meeting for 5-6 weeks after Easter to        Do you tell others of your journey with FPU? Are you will-
participate as a group in the Three Conversations. After that      ing to share your story to help others understand the steps,
your group may choose to continue to meet weekly, every            challenges and rewards of this program? The FPU Core Team
two weeks or monthly. Your group can continue with Lectio on       would love to hear your stories. Please submit your testimoni-
the upcoming Sunday Gospel, you can borrow materials from          als to fpu@saintmichaelparish.org. Your stories provide a light
Michaela (DVD series, etc.) and using FORMED is another            to those seeking financial peace.
great option.
If you have not yet joined a small group it is never too late!     Info at saintmichaelparish.org/financial-peace-university
There are groups that meet year-round that have openings.          FPU Alumni Meeting: Join us on April 24, 10am–noon via
Contact Michaela to borrow materials or to find a spot that        Zoom. Sign up for alerts in SMP Connect (Group: Financial
works for you!                                                     Peace University). Anyone who has completed the course is
CONTACT                                                            welcome!
Michaela Moreau at (360) 292-7104 or mmoreau@ saintmi-             Facebook: Saint Michael Parish, Olympia—FPU Alumni Closed
chaelparish.org                                                    Group

                                                                      Visit archseattle.org/about-the-archdiocese-of-seattle/

Pray. Serve. Hike                             Although our cold weather shelter           Are you carrying a heavy heart? This has
Saturday, April 24 at 10am                    has closed for the season, there are        been a difficult year and we invite you to
Join us as we kick-off the spring and         still opportunities for you to help the     join us for an 8-week grief support group
summer hiking season!                         vulnerable in our community.                beginning Saturday, April 10 from 10–
                                              If you are interested in helping assemble   11:30am. We'll meet in person at Saint
We'll attend the 9am Mass, followed                                                       Michael Parish.
by our spring warm-up walk on the             hygiene kits for those on the streets,
nature trail around the parish. All ages      please leave them in the donation cart
                                                                                          CANCER SUPPORT
and abilities welcome. We will use this       outside of the church office. The list of
                                              items are located at saintmichaelparish.    The next 6-week Cancer Support series
first warm-up walk to discuss ideas for
                                              org/kits-for-the-homeless.                  begins on April 29. Dr Patti Kwok and
upcoming hikes this summer.
                                                                                          Patti Carey who run the Swedish Cancer
What is a Pier Giorgio Frassati Group?        NFP CLASSES                                 Institute Survivorship program and
Prayer. Prayer was central to the Blessed     Are you looking for a safe and effective    facilitate their cancer support meetings
Pier Giorgio’s spirituality. Together         natural method to avoid or achieve          will present to our group. Please join us
we will pray the Frassati prayer—The          pregnancy? Come find out more from          for this very special series on Thursdays
Courage to be Great—and commit to             our certified FertilityCare practitioner    at 2pm via Zoom. Free and open to all.
praying it daily.                             trained to teach the Creighton Model.
Service. Serve the community and meet         More info:                                  Interested in joining either group?
others with similar interests.                Kim Kondrat at (360) 878-4613 or            Contact Bene Reece at (360) 292-7143
Hiking. From nature walks to mountain         kkondrat@saintmichaelparish.org.            or breece@saintmichaelparish.org.
climbs, we will have options for all
experience levels.

Living Your Strengths
“The important thing is that each believer discern his or her own
 path, that they bring out the very best of themselves, the most
 personal gifts that God has placed in their hearts, rather than
 hopelessly trying to imitate something not meant for them.”
– Pope Francis
You need to find what is genuinely yours to offer the world before
you can make it a better place. Can knowing your talents really
help you find the perfect job? Relate better to those closest to
you? Choose the extra-curricular activities that suit you best?
Find out from fellow parishioners how they have benefited from
knowing their talents and how those talents are turned into
strengths. Zoom in to find out more!
Information sessions on Saturday April 17 at 10am or Tuesday
April 20 at 7pm.
Holly Jurica at smpstrengths@saintmichaelparish.org

                                                  To pray with your entire being—physically, mentally, spiritually,
                                                  emotionally—is giving your whole self to God. Why does taking
                                                  care of your body as a gift from God matter? How do we
                                                  practice physical wellness as a follower of Christ? “Placing God
                                                  first in all things” can definitely apply to your stretches!
       Pope John Paul II High School has had a
       busy start to the second semester with     Faith and fitness are not only more connected than expected,
       the continuation of in-person learning     but each also benefits from incorporating the other. Like
       for its 102 students and the start of      a supportive gym buddy, faith and fitness are fine alone but
       athletics. Applications are still being    better together! A gentle exercise class may be helping boost
       accepted for the 2021-22 school year.      your heart rate, but doing so while honoring the strong and
       Learn about these topics and more in the   able body that God has given us boosts our spiritual heart as
       latest newsletter:                         well.
       popejp2hs.org/the-steward-newsletter       Join us for light stretching and prayer every Tuesday at 1pm
                                                  beginning April 13 in the Gathering Space. With masks and
                                                  social distancing, of course.
                                                  Contact: Bene Reece at (360) 292-7143 or breece@

                                 youth ministry

                                  LET THAT INCLUDE YOU.

Youth ministry resumes next week.

                              Youth Ministry contact: Brandon Jones
                       at (360) 292-7108 or bjones@saintmichaelparish.org
FORMED PICK OF THE WEEK                                                  STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE
                                                                                           July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
                                                                                   Donations Received as of March 21, 2021

                                                                         Sunday Stewardship                                  $34,151
                                                                         Online Giving                                     $ 2 7 ,0 1 1
                                                                         Sunday Loose Donations                                $360
                                                                         Holy Days                                             $160
                                                                         Youth (Little House)                                    $26
                                                                         Total Offertory                                  $61,708

After His Resurrection, Christ told His disciples to "go into            Total Year-to-Date                          $2,338,394
all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation"
(Mk 16:15). To continue this evangelical work today, we
have to adapt to diverse audiences. In this series, Dr. Ben
Akers and Taylor Kemp discuss how to reach millennials.
Sign up for free at formed.org/signup

                                                    please pray for:
Thomas Hruska                       Karen, Jim & family               Tani & Gerry                       Jacob Dyson
Sarah Baxter                        Phyllis & Jim Neff                Rita Turner                        Lisa & Jolane Zander
Lisa Keith                          Neva Leons                        Lisa Zander                        Antoinette Wilcoxson
Paul & Beverly Kehoe                Catherine Ann                     Jolane Zander                      Tom Hackstadt
Thi Nguyen                          Clare Haris                       AJ Zander                          Kathy Catterson
Bob Kelly                           Elliana Harris                    Lynne Fischer                      Bonnie Stover
Christine Pool                      Roman Gallegos                    Catie Shuster                      Helga Natterer
Carol & Ray Grothe                  Bernie Nolan                      Micah & Amy Hilario & fam.         JCA & Raoul Titus
Diana Weber                         Margaret Bunnell                  Jan Putnam                         Sue Holt
Sadie Neely                         Mary Morgan                       Bob Falkner                        Suzanne Heaps
Cara, Ian & Evangeline Barkis       Joshua Mekelburg                  Ed Tobacco                         George Domonique
Rosemary Barkis                     Kathryn Trafton                   Bridget Golson                     Deonne Clesi
Mark A.                             Rick Kranz                        Alice Baldo                        Pat Pickett
Molly Walker Shave                  Melissa Petruzz                   Yutrina Umu                        Bill Batstone
Edward Moore                        Russell Owens                     Stan Brandt                        James Sharp & family
Mary Monaghan                       Donald Dillarrubia                Deb Stoeffel                       McCarthy Family
Marge Basler                        Brian Barkis                      Jen R. & family                    Leonard & Vanessa Brammeier
Corine Villarrubia                  Bill Eldridge                     Russell & June Hendrick            Lou Miller
Jim & Bev Heggie                    Walt Johnson                      Fr. Jerry Villarrubia              Valorie Kolarik
Matthew McConnell                   Johanna Gregorios                 Kayla Bishop                       Debbie
Leo Volk                            Nancy Cosgrove                    Vic & Liz Kaufman                  Steve & Eileen Durspek
George Grothe                       Peggy Lynch                       Jeanne Wittman                     Ramon S. Borromeo, Sr.
Lucas Oakland                       Andrea Bell                       Pauline Nault                      Tom Hinchcliffe
Dan Neuhauser                       Audrey Finnigan                   Heather Brooks                     Ilias Murr

     To submit prayer requests, call the parish office at (360) 754-4667 or submit your request via our website. If you or someone
     you know is homebound and wishes to receive regular calls to check on their welfare and even pray with them during this crisis,
     please call Benedetta Reece at (360) 292-7143.
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