AIA SUMMER SCHOOL British Romanticism Then and Now: Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture.

Page created by Greg Hartman
AIA SUMMER SCHOOL British Romanticism Then and Now: Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture.
British Romanticism Then and Now:
Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture.

                                    The first edition of the AIA Summer School
                                    will be held in Viareggio, at Palazzo Paolina,
                                                from 4 to 9 June 2018 .
                             The School is dedicated to British Romanticism, examined
                             and discussed from a variety of perspectives - theoretical,
                                    aesthetic, literary, cultural and linguistic -
      ADDRESS                    and through different kinds of didactic activities:
                                       lectures, seminars and close readings.
 Viareggio, Palazzo             The full immersion in Romantic poetics, culture and
                             languages aims at suggesting the participants new lines of
      Paolina                      research for their present and future career -
  4-9 giugno 2018                             in academia or at school.
                                       Maximum number of participants: 30
     CONTACT                     The Summer School is open to: PhD students (with
                                admission priority), Doctors of Philosophy without a
                                 permanent position at University, research fellows
       Registration:                  (assegnisti), researchers (RTD A and B),
 Prof. Massimo Sturiale at                     and school teachers.
                             Registration fees (including: hotel accommodation for 6
                                nights in a standard double room, buffet lunches,
       Info & details                  1 social dinner and cultural events)
  about the programme:
  Prof. Gioia Angeletti at            Early-bird registration fee (by 15 March)
                             300 euros (PhD students without scholarship and Doctors    of Philosophy without a permanent position at University)
                                 400 euros (PhD students with scholarship, research
                                        fellows, researchers - RTD A and B -,
                                                   school teachers)
                                      Registration from 16 March to 30 April
                                                     500 euros
                                                (for all positions)
                                      Daily fee with no hotel accommodation,
                                       FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS ONLY 50 euros
                             Teachers interested in participating for more than one day
                             yet not for the entire Summer School week, should contact
                                     the AIA Secretary Prof. Massimo Sturiale at:
                             At the end of the Summer School participants will obtain a
                                              Certificate of Attendance.
                               Full attendance will grant participants 6 credits (CFU).
AIA SUMMER SCHOOL British Romanticism Then and Now: Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture.
Viareggio, Palazzo Paolina
4-9 giugno 2018

British Romanticism Then and Now:
Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture.

            Monday             Tuesday             Wednesday Thursday                      Friday
           9.30          9-10.30                   9-10.30             9-10.30             9.30-11        10-11.30
           Summer School Theory class              Lecture             Lecture             Theory class   Lecture
           Inauguration  Fulford                   Crisafulli          Saglia              Bradshaw       Crook
Morning    11-13               11-13                                   11-13               11.30-13.30    11.30-13
           Lecture             Seminar             Seminar             Seminar             Seminar        Reading from
           Rawes               Coronato            Spandri e           Agorni              Sandrelli      Frankenstein by
                                                   Ferreccio                                              Angelo Tonelli
                                                                                                          and Susanna Salvi

          15-17                15.30-17            15.30-18.30         15.30-17            15-16.30       14.30-17
Afternoon Seminar              Lecture             2 Seminars          Theory class        Lecture        Sightseeing of
           Rawes               Dellarosa           Kucich              Gibson Church       Dossena        Lerici
           18.30-20.30         19.30-20.30         19.30-20.30         18.30-20            21.30-23
           Festival Shelley,   Festival Shelley:   Festival Shelley,   Festival Shelley,   Reading and
           conferenze          Sinclair De         Conferenza          conferenza          performance
           Angeletti           Courcy Williams,    Saglia              Crisafulli          Guy Lydster
Evening    Ferrari             Poesia a
           22.30                                                       21
           Film                                                        Social dinner
AIA SUMMER SCHOOL British Romanticism Then and Now: Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture.
Didactic programme
SCHOOL                     Lectures
                           Lilla Maria Crisafulli, Bologna, Italy: Reading Shelley's Poetry: the
British Romanticism        Language of Music and the Arts
Then and Now:              Nora Crook, Cambridge, UK: Mary Shelley and Shakespeare:
                           Frankenstein and Theatricality
Poetics, Language(s),      Franca Dellarosa, Bari, Italy: Teaching and Researching Romanticisms:
Translation and Culture.   Race, Slavery and Abolition
                           Marina Dossena, Bergamo, Italy: Ideologies of Linguistic
Viareggio, Palazzo         Representation in Late Modern Times and Beyond
                           Alan Rawes, Manchester, UK: Romantic Poetry: An Introduction
Paolina                    Diego Saglia, Parma, Italy: The Gothic Orient and the Global: Telling
4-9 giugno 2018            Romantic (Hi)Stories
                           Mirella Agorni, Milan, Italy: Translating Science in the Early Romantic
                           Period and the Birth of the Female Reader
                           Serena Baiesi, Bologna, Italy: Varieties of Romantic Fiction and Prose
                           Writing: Gothic, Sentimental, Historical and Political
                           Rocco Coronato, Padua, Italy: Thoughts on Translating Coleridge’s
                           Giuliana Ferreccio, Turin, Italy and Elena Spandri, University of Siena,
                           Italy: “Unknown modes of being”: Wordsworth reinventing the sacred
                           in The Prelude and in Memorials of a Tour in Italy
                           Greg Kucich, Chicago, US: Romanticism and Women's Historical Drama
                           Alan Rawes, Manchester, UK: Lord Byron: Passion, Politics and
                           Annalisa Sandrelli, Rome, Italy: Adapting Jane Austen’s Pride and
                           Prejudice for the screen: a challenge for Italian dubbing
                           Key-note lectures
                           Pamela Church Gibson, London, UK: Romanticism, Film, New Media
                           Michael Bradshaw, Worcester, UK: Disabling Romanticism
                           Tim Fulford, Leicester, UK: Romantic Masculinities and Heroic Science
AIA SUMMER SCHOOL British Romanticism Then and Now: Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture.
Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture.
                                                                                                                                     6.30-8.30 p.m.                                7.30-8.30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                     Gioia Angeletti:

                                                                                             LAVITSEF EHT HTIW NOITAREPOOC NI
                                                                                                                                                                                   Sinclair De Courcy
                                                                                                                                     Naufragi                                      Williams:
                                                                                                                                     Romantici                                     Poesia a Viareggio
                                                                                                                                     Roberta Ferrari:
               British Romanticism Then and Now:

                                                                                                                                     Percy e gli altri:
                                                                                                                                     inglesi in Toscana
                                                                ANILOAP OZZALAP ,OIGGERAIV
                                                                                                                                     nel primo

                                                                                                         OIGGERAIV FO YELLEHS
                                                                                                                                     10.30 p.m.

                                                                                                             STNEVE LARUTLUC
                                                                           8102 ONGUIG 9-4

                                                                                                                                                                                                          5 NUJ / YADSEUT
                                                                                                                                                                  4 NUJ / YADNOM

7.30-8.30 p.m.                                                                       6.30-8 p.m.                                    9.30-11 p.m.                                   11.30-1 p.m.
Diego Saglia:                                                                        Lilla Maria                                    Guy Lydster and                                Angelo Tonelli
Jane Austen:                                                                         Crisafulli:                                    Danilo di Maggio:                              and Susanna
un'autrice                                                                           Frankenstein di                                Because the Four                               Salvi read from
disobbediente                                                                        Mary Shelley dal                               horsemen:                                      Mary Shelley’s
                                                                                     testo alla scena:                              Eclipsing Blake's                              Frankenstein
                                                                                     suggestioni,                                   Apocalypse
                                                                                     rifacimenti teatrali
                                                                                     e cinematografici
                                                                                     9 p.m.                                                                                        After lunch
                                                                 6 NUJ / YADSENDEW

                                                                                                                                                                                                        9 NUJ / YADRUTAS

                                                                                     Social dinner                                                                                 Sightseeing of
                                                                                                                      7 NUJ / YADSRUHT

                                                                                                                                                          8 NUJ / YADIRF
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