Fall Education Day 2018 - November 17th, 2018: Carleton University, Richcraft Hall

Page created by Beth Flores
Fall Education Day 2018 - November 17th, 2018: Carleton University, Richcraft Hall
November 17th, 2018: Carleton University, Richcraft Hall
 Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors:   Thank you to our Gold Sponsors:
Fall Education Day 2018 - November 17th, 2018: Carleton University, Richcraft Hall
Morning Workshops
                          (9:00 am — 12:00 pm)
  1A National Housing Strategy and      1B Working Together towards
  Your Co-op                            Success
  As the National Housing Strategy is   Affordable Housing Providers in
  implemented, housing cooperatives     Ottawa are working together like
  have unique opportunities to build,   never before. This session will focus
  repair and grow. Come hear more       on the Shared Services Pilot
  about the National Housing            happening in Ottawa, opportunities
  Strategy, so your co-op can take      for partnership, and how your co-op
  advantage of funding opportunities!   can partner to serve your members

2. KAIROS Blanket Exercise
The KAIROS Blanket Exercise is an experiential teaching tool. Participants step
onto blankets representing the land, and into the role of First Nations, Inuit
and later Métis people. The exercise builds awareness and
understanding of our shared history as Indigenous and non-Indigenous peo-
ples in Canada.

3. Working Effectively with Co-op Management
A productive relationship between the Board of Directors and management is
vital to the Co-op’s success. This workshop will focus on best practices in
navigating the relationship with management, from hiring/tendering, to eval-
uation, to day to day interactions - if your co-op has a manager or a manage-
ment company, this is a session you won’t want to miss!

4. Travailler efficacement avec la gestion de la coopérative
La relation entre le conseil d’administration et la direction est essentielle au
succès de la coopérative. Cet atelier est centré sur les meilleures pratiques
pour naviguer les relations avec la direction de l'embauche / l'appel d'offres,
à l'évaluation, aux interactions quotidiennes. Si votre coopérative a un gérant
ou une entreprise de gestion, c’est une séance à ne pas manquer!
Fall Education Day 2018 - November 17th, 2018: Carleton University, Richcraft Hall
Afternoon Workshops
                          (2:30 pm — 4:30 pm)
 1. Building Good Member Service Culture
Co-ops of every kind are organized to provide services to their members. In our
case, the service is housing - which can make a huge difference in the quality of
life of our members. So how do we know if we’re serving our members? And
how can we involve our members in a discussion about what we can do better?
Join us for an engaging discussion on how your co-op can:
•    best meet the service needs of your members
•    communicate in a clear and timely manner and
•    adopt the new Good Member Service Charter.

2. Le développement d’une culture de bon service aux membres
Les coopératives de toutes sortes sont organisées pour fournir des services à
leurs membres. Pour nos membres, le service en question s’agit du logement –
un service essentiel pour une bonne qualité de vie. Alors, comment savons-
nous si nous servons nos membres ? Et comment pouvons-nous engager nos
membres dans une discussion sur ce que nous pouvons améliorer ? Nous vous
invitons à nous joindre pour une discussion engageante sur la façon dont votre
coopérative peut :
· mieux répondre aux besoins de vos membres
· communiquer de manière claire et en temps opportun
· adopter la nouvelle charte du bon service aux membres.

3. The Officers
Most members can name the different titles of Board Members: President, Vice-
President, Secretary and Treasurer… But can most members explain what each
Officer of the Board is responsible for? By the end of this workshop, partici-
pants will be officer experts!

    Easy transit access      Accessible for mobility devices   No scents makes good sense
How to register:
 Youth (under 30)                  $80.00
 Early Bird                       $135.00
 Members                          $180.00             HOW TO REGISTER
 Non-members                      $360.00             To register, please complete the registration
                                                      form on our website. If you aren’t able to
 Registration includes lunch, coffee, and snacks.     register online, please phone us for assistance.

 Bonus Offer - Bring A Friend:                        CANCELLATION POLICY
 Register 2 or more attendees from your co-op         Cancellations will be subject to a $25
 and get 30% off the cost of your registration.       administration fee. Cancellations must be
 The registrations must be the same type (e.g.        received at our office at least 5 business days
 both “Early Bird”), and the offer does not apply     prior to the event in order to get a refund (less
 to Youth rate.                                       administration fee).

 REGISTER EARLY!                                      Please try to find a replacement from your
 Register by November 2nd to take advantage of        co-op in the event of a cancellation: there is no
 our early bird discount!                             charge for registering a replacement.

Day at a Glance:
Registration - 8:30 am to 9:00 am
                                                     Lunch - 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Morning - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Please choose one:                                   Plenary - 1:00pm-1:50pm
1. A. National Housing Strategy Updates;             Moving Forward on our Vision
   B. Working together towards success               Plenary - 1:50pm-2:20pm
2. KAIROS Blanket Exercise                           Housing Outreach Program
3. Working Effectively with Co-op                    Afternoon - 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
   Management                                        Please choose one:
4. Travailler efficacement avec la gestion de        1. Building Good Member Service Culture
la coopérative                                       2. Le développement d’une culture de bon
                                                     service aux membres

              The Cooperative Housing Association of Eastern Ontario (CHASEO)
              Association de l’habitation cooperative de l’est ontarien (AHCEO)
                               311-225 rue Metcalfe St., Ottawa ON K2P 1P9
              t. 613 230 2201 f/télécopieur. 613 230 2231     e/courriel. info@chaseo.coop
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