Provisionally Certificated Teacher Year Long Programme - Year One and Two PCT's: Years 0-8 Hamilton/Waikato

Page created by Antonio Sharp
Provisionally Certificated Teacher Year Long Programme - Year One and Two PCT's: Years 0-8 Hamilton/Waikato
Provisionally Certificated Teacher
      Year Long Programme

Year One and Two PCT’s: Years 0-8

Provisionally Certificated Teacher Year Long Programme - Year One and Two PCT's: Years 0-8 Hamilton/Waikato
Year One PCT Workshop Dates and Programme
      PLACE             SESSION 1              SESSION 2            SESSION 3             SESSION 4            SESSION 5
   Hamilton Y0-3           20 March               8 May                19 June               30 July              27 August
   Hamilton Y4-8           21 March               9 May                20 June               31 July              28 August

If sessions become over/under-subscribed, The Institute of Professional Learning reserves the right to reallocate session
dates for some teachers. This will ensure all provisionally certificated teachers receive quality professional learning.

Session One (P1):          Classroom Strategies – Knowing Your Learners
Explore strategies and activities including:
          Developing a positive classroom environment
          Effectively managing your classroom
          Self-management
          Relating to others
          Encouraging children’s participation and contribution

Session One (P2):          Getting to Grips with Teacher Registration/ Work Smarter! Use ePortfolios
Explore the requirements towards your practising certificate:
          Practising teacher criteria – what does this mean for me?
          An opportunity to raise any concerns or queries you may have relating to teacher registration
          How to gather evidence in "time-smart" ways to add to ePortfolios

Session Two:               Maths is Just a Total Problem!
In this practical and interactive workshop you will be involved in many hands-on strategies to support mathematical
learning through:
          Investigating how to challenge and extend children’s thinking
          Using a range of assessment practices
          Using explicit mathematical language
          Selecting appropriate equipment and representations to support student learning

Session Three:             Literacy - How Do I Know What My Learners Need and How Do I Plan for It?
This workshop will focus on:
          Strengthening your reading and writing programmes
          Exploring responses to students needs
          Critical reflection on effectiveness of practice
Provisionally Certificated Teacher Year Long Programme - Year One and Two PCT's: Years 0-8 Hamilton/Waikato
Session Four:                Science – With No Time, No Money and Not a Lot of Expertise
Practical and pragmatic, interesting and interactive and mostly using Two Dollar Shop equipment.
          What is science?
          How to move science beyond a literacy research activity to hands-on, minds-on learning
          How can teachers integrate science with other curriculum areas but keep it all explicit?
Opportunities to engage with science, participate in activities and take away ideas for use in the classroom.

Session Five (P1):           Digital Fluency
The digital fluency curriculum is here! Come join us for a hands-on, practical workshop where we’ll put some rhythm
in your algorithm, some digital in your practice, and some fluency in your workflow. Algorithms and programming,
digital tools and devices, humans and computers, virtual reality, and more importantly WHY!
          Demystifying algorithms & programming
          Digital tools and devices - fit for purpose, ePortfolios, VR and more
          Humans and computers - digital citizenship, pedagogy, integration of technology

Session Five (P2):           Sailing into Te Reo Māori
Jump on board as we sail across the Māori seas right into your classroom with reo tips and hands-on activities you
can use tomorrow. We will also explore resources for use, reuse and customisation. Ki te hoe!
This session will include:
          Saying stuff right
          Reo tips
          Engaging activities
          Resource use, customisation and creation

                                     Register online:
Provisionally Certificated Teacher Year Long Programme - Year One and Two PCT's: Years 0-8 Hamilton/Waikato
Year Two PCT Workshop Dates and Programme
      PLACE             SESSION 1             SESSION 2             SESSION 3             SESSION 4            SESSION 5
   Hamilton Y0-3           13 March               15 May               26 June               1 August             29 August
   Hamilton Y4-8           14 March               16 May               27 June               2 August             30 August

If sessions become over/under-subscribed, The Institute of Professional Learning reserves the right to reallocate session
dates for some teachers. This will ensure all provisionally certificated teachers receive quality professional learning.

Session One:               Individualising Learning for Boys and Girls
Learners are individual but until recently we did not know just how unique we all are. In fact, recent neuro research
indicates that our brain is more individual than our finger prints! Some of this uniqueness is a result of gender brain
wiring. Based on top international research, this workshop will challenge some of your beliefs about why males and
females act and learn very differently.

Session Two:               Extending Reading is Fun-damental – It Can Also Be Fun
This workshop will focus on:
          Practical teaching strategies and supporting ideas
          Learning with and from each other.
          Exploring an effective reading programme - shared, guided and independent
          Engaging readers

Session Three:             Breaking the Math Curse!
In this practical and interactive workshop you will be involved in many hands-on strategies to support mathematical
learning. There will be a focus on linking the strands of mathematics to number through:
          Engaging in problem solving activities
          Identifying the big ideas of mathematics

Session Four:              Extending Writing is Powerful – It Can Also Be Terrifying
The focus of this workshop will be:
          Practical teaching strategies and supporting ideas
          Building on student strengths
          Learning with and from each other
          Exploring an effective writing programme - shared, guided and independent
Provisionally Certificated Teacher Year Long Programme - Year One and Two PCT's: Years 0-8 Hamilton/Waikato
Session Five (P1):           Digital Fluency
The digital fluency curriculum is here! Come join us for a hands-on, practical workshop where we’ll put some rhythm
in your algorithm, some digital in your practice, and some fluency in your workflow. Algorithms and programming,
digital tools and devices, humans and computers, virtual reality, and more importantly WHY!
          Demystifying algorithms & programming
          Digital tools and devices - fit for purpose, ePortfolios, VR and more
          Humans and computers - digital citizenship, pedagogy, integration of technology

Session Five (P2):           Sailing into Te Reo Māori
Jump on board as we sail across the Māori seas right into your classroom with reo tips and hands-on activities you
can use tomorrow. We will also explore resources for use, reuse and customisation. Ki te hoe!
This session will include:
          Saying stuff right
          Reo tips
          Engaging activities
          Resource use, customisation and creation

To register for the Provisionally Certificated Teacher workshops in 2018, fill out the Workshop Registration Form
and email to or register online

Enquiries about these workshops should be directed to Sharon Smith, phone 07 838 4655.

Please Note
The organisers will endeavour to ensure that the session programmes will be delivered as advertised but unforeseen
circumstances may necessitate change.

                                     Register online:
Provisionally Certificated Teacher Year Long Programme - Year One and Two PCT's: Years 0-8 Hamilton/Waikato
                     CERTIFICATED TEACHERS Y0-8
Please register your Provisionally Certificated Teachers for programmes in 2018, by writing their names in the
appropriate boxes.

SCHOOL NAME ……………………………………………....................................MoE# .................……

Name (Please print clearly)       Circle        5 sessions          S1        S2       S3        S4      S5
                                 Yr Level*    Package $740        $250      $250     $250      $250    $250
                                  Years 0-3
                                  Years 4-8
                                  Years 0-3
                                  Years 4-8
                                  Years 0-3
                                  Years 4-8
                                  Years 0-3
                                  Years 4-8

Name (Please print clearly)       Circle        5 sessions          S1        S2       S3        S4      S5
                                 Yr Level*    Package $740        $250      $250     $250      $250    $250
                                  Years 0-3
                                  Years 4-8
                                  Years 0-3
                                  Years 4-8
                                  Years 0-3
                                  Years 4-8
                                  Years 0-3
                                  Years 4-8

Making your registration successful:
    Please enter your Year Level above
    Please register your Provisionally Certificated Teacher in the right section, either Year 1 or Year 2
    When registering in sessions tick your preference and we will invoice on a payment per session basis
    Prices do not include GST
    NO REFUNDS for teacher withdrawals from packages after 20 May 2018
    Fill out your Provisionally Certificated Teacher’s PERSONAL school email address below. (Correspondence
     will be sent to this email address).

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

4.   ____________________________________________________________________________________

                           Email Sharon Smith:
                                Register online:
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