ADMISSIONS INFORMATION 2022 - King's School Macclesfield

Page created by Leon Porter
ADMISSIONS INFORMATION 2022 - King's School Macclesfield

            TO KING’S
            We know that the whole procedure of choosing a school and successfully gaining a place,
            whilst exciting, can also be a stressful experience. At King’s, we do all we can to guide you
            through the process to make it as straightforward as possible.

            Infant Admissions                      Pre-School entry                      Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 entry
                                                   Places are offered on application,    Children are invited into school
            Pre-School and Reception places        subject to availability. To apply     to be observed in class to assess
            are being offered for September        for a place, a Registration Form      their readiness to join their year
            2022 and 2023 entry.                   should be completed and returned      group. To apply for a place,
                                                   to the Admissions Team with a non-    a Registration Form should be
            For Pre-School entry, a child must
                                                   returnable registration fee of £50.   completed and returned to the
            have had their third birthday before
                                                                                         Admissions Team with a non-
            1 September and must be able           If you are successful in your
            to meet all of their own personal                                            returnable registration fee of £50.
                                                   application and a place is offered,
            needs to start at school. We offer     we will ask you to complete and       If you are successful in your
            full-time and part-time places:        return our Admission Agreement        application and a place
                                                   with a deposit of £500 to secure      is offered, we will ask you
            Full-time Option:                      your child’s place. Of this amount,   to complete and return our
            5 days per week, term time.            £250 will be deducted from your       Admission Agreement with a
                                                   first term’s fees. The remaining      deposit of £250 to secure your
            Per term: £2,891 /                     £250 will be returned upon            child’s place. For places in
            Per annum: £8,673 annually*            request on completion of your         Reception, the deposit is £500,
            paid termly, or by monthly             child’s school career.                of which £250 is deducted from
            direct debit.                                                                your first term’s fees.
                                                   Readiness to join the Reception
            Notice period: One term
                                                   Class is assessed during the Spring   During the summer term, prior
                                                   and Summer term of the Pre-School     to your child starting at King’s,
            Part-time Option:
                                                   year.                                 families will be invited to
            3 days per week, term time.                                                  transition events to welcome
            Per term: £1,725 /                                                           you to our school and you will
            Per annum: £5,175 annually*                                                  also receive a Welcome Pack
            paid termly, or by monthly                                                   containing uniform requirements,
            direct debit.                                                                holiday dates and other useful
            Notice period: One term                                                      information.
                                                                                         Transfer to the Junior Department
            *We accept Early Years funding. The fees presented are based                 in Year 3 is confirmed following
            on the School receiving up to a maximum of 15 hours of your                  an internal assessment during
            free EYFS entitlement. Should you wish, you are able to claim the            Year 2.
            remaining 15 hours elsewhere.

2   The King’s School in Macclesfield

Junior Admissions                       are provided. We will also contact      Senior Admissions
                                        your child’s current school to ask
                                        for a reference. This forms an          Pupils are normally admitted at
Pupils are admitted to the school
                                        important part of the Admissions        the start of an academic year.
in September but also throughout
                                        procedure and parents usually           Applications at other times are
the academic year, subject to
                                        wish to inform their child’s school     considered, subject to places being
availability of places.
                                        themselves, in advance of us            available.
The main Entrance Assessments           making contact. We will also ask
for September 2022 entry                parents to provide a copy of their      To apply for a place for your child,
will take place during January          child’s most recent school report(s)    you will need to register them for
2022. Assessments are also held         prior to the assessment visit.          the Entrance Examination. Please
throughout the academic year for                                                complete a Registration Form and
                                        If we are able to offer a place, we     return it to the Admissions Team
mid-year entry.
                                        will ask you to complete and return     with a non-returnable registration
To apply for a Junior place, a          our Admission Agreement with a          fee of £50.
Registration Form should be             deposit of £250 to secure your
completed and returned to the           child’s place.                          The deadline for registrations is
Admissions Team with a non-                                                     early January prior to the Entrance
returnable registration fee of £50.                                             Examination, which takes place
                                        Wraparound                              mid-January prior to the September
Children are then invited to join us
                                        and Holiday Care                        of entry. Full details of deadlines
for two full days in school during
                                                                                and dates are on our website.
which they will complete their
assessment papers. This is              Breakfast Club, After-School            When your child is registered, we
a positive experience for children      Care and Holiday Club are               will send you further information
and helps them to perform to the        available for Infant and Junior         about what to expect in the
best of their ability because they      pupils. Sessions must be booked         Entrance Examination, including
are able to familiarise themselves      in advance.                             Examination Guidelines.
with our staff and pupils, enjoy        Breakfast Club from 7.45am              The Entrance Examination is set to
lessons, lunch and play-times           – 8.30am: £5.50 per day                 standards expected of pupils of
and become comfortable in our                                                   above average ability. The table
environment.                            After-School Care from 3.30pm
                                        – 6pm: £9.50 per day                    below shows the papers that
Assessments are set appropriate to                                              each year group is required to sit:
their age to assess the expected        Holiday Club – £32 per day,
standards in literacy, numeracy         £16 for half day. Five full days
and reasoning power. Our aim            are £150 per week.
is to determine a child’s current
level of ability as well as to assess
potential for future academic
development.                             Entry      Verbal      Non-Verbal
                                                                               Maths   English Science Language
                                          to:     Reasoning     Reasoning
When assessing your child, we
are looking to ensure they will be      Year 7        4             4           4        4
able to cope with the academic          Year 8        4                         4        4
demands of our school curriculum
and therefore be happy at King’s.       Year 9        4                         4        4         4          4
Although past papers are not            Year 10                                 4        4        4           4
supplied, Assessment Guidelines

Admissions                                                             Contact the Admissions Team:
            INFORMATION                                                                               tel: 01625 260000

            Interviews and References            Pupils are required to wear their
                                                                                        11+ Bursaries
                                                 school uniform for the interviews.
            An important part of the                                                    A number of means-tested
            Admissions process is an             King’s is a member of the
                                                                                        bursaries are available to pupils
            interview with you and your child.   Greater Manchester Consortium
                                                                                        applying for 11+ admission to the
            This is an opportunity to find out   of Schools, which operates a
                                                                                        School. Please request and return
            more about your child and, of        common system of dates for
                                                                                        a completed a KSB1 Form by the
            course, a further opportunity for    the publication of 11+ offers
                                                                                        deadline of Friday 26 November
            you to visit the School and get      and their acceptance (to avoid
                                                                                        if a means-tested bursary is
            more information. We will also       putting undue pressure on
                                                                                        required. The level of award
            request a reference from your        parents). King’s follows the
                                                                                        is determined by performance
            child’s current school. We wish      agreed Consortium timetable for
                                                                                        in the Entrance Examination,
            to build as full a picture of your   11+ applicants; please see our
                                                                                        parental need, and school
            child as possible and use all of     website for dates of offers and
                                                                                        funds available. Each award is
            this information, in addition to     deadlines for responses. Some
                                                                                        assessed on an individual basis.
            Entrance Examination scores,         local schools that do not belong
            when considering the offer of        to the Consortium may have             The award is tenable throughout
            a place.                             different offer and reply dates. If    the holder’s time in the Senior
                                                 you are asked by a school for a        School, subject to good conduct
                                                 decision before the Consortium’s       and progress, and is reviewed
            11+ Applications                     offer date, please contact the         annually in the light of changes in
                                                 Admissions Team immediately            parental circumstances. It should
            The 11+ Entrance Examination                                                be noted that the number of
                                                 for clarification about your
            will take place on Friday 14                                                applications for bursaries always
                                                 application to King’s.
            January 2022. Candidates                                                    exceeds the funds available.
            are asked to attend King’s for       If your child is successful in being
            the full day. The children are       awarded a place in Year 7,
            provided with lunch and a            we will ask you to complete an         11+ Scholarships
            snack at morning break. (Please      Admissions Agreement and pay
            notify us of any special dietary     a £250 deposit to hold your            Academic Scholarships are
            requirements in advance).            child’s place. Both you and your       awarded in recognition of an
            Candidates are asked to wear         child will be invited to a social      outstanding performance in
            their normal school uniform.         occasion in the summer term to         the 11+ Entrance Examination.
                                                 welcome you to King’s and to           Academic Scholarships are
            If your son or daughter is                                                  tenable throughout the holder’s
                                                 meet other children starting in
            unwell on the examination                                                   time in the Senior Division, subject
                                                 Year 7. A Welcome Pack will
            day, then please notify us and                                              to good conduct and progress.
                                                 also be sent to you containing all
            arrangements can be made for
                                                 relevant information about joining     Music Scholarships are available
            them to attend the Supplementary
                                                 King’s.                                by application and audition.
            Entrance Examination which
            will take place late January                                                Applicants should have obtained
            2022. Interviews will take place                                            a standard of at least Associated
            during the week commencing                                                  Board Grade 3 or its equivalent.
            24 January and invitations will                                             Sports Scholarships and places
            be sent by email shortly after                                              on our Elite Athlete Programme
            the Entrance Examination. Both                                              are available by application and
            you and your child attend the                                               a physical assessment. Please see
            interview appointment.                                                      our website for more details and
                                                                                        application forms.

4   The King’s School in Macclesfield

Sixth Form Admissions                  Music and Organ Scholarships           Fees
                                       are available at the discretion
                                       of the Director of Music. Further      Tuition fees for the academic year
External Candidates
                                       details and application forms are      2021– 2022:
We recommend applicants come           available from the Admissions
to our Sixth Form Open Evening         Team.
                                                                              Infants & Juniors:
and the Subject Options Evening.
                                                                              £3,670 per term / £11,010 per annum
The next step is to complete a
                                       Overseas Applications
Registration Form and return it                                               Seniors & Sixth Form:
with the non-returnable registration                                          £4,530 per term / £13,590 per annum
fee of £50.                            We have considerable
                                       experience of helping families
Candidates will be invited for an      relocating to the area and             A sibling discount of 10% of
interview in December/January,         understand that each application       fees is granted in respect of the
at which time we will contact          comes with its own special             second and subsequent children
schools for a written reference        set of circumstances. Entrance         from the same family attending
and predicted GCSE grades.             assessments are required and           the School concurrently. This
Places are then provisionally          overseas applicants unable to          discount does not apply to pupils
offered, subject to attainment of      visit King’s may sit the papers in     in the Infants.
the entry grade requirements.          their own school under supervised      Fees are payable termly in
Generally, a minimum of two            conditions.                            advance on or before the first day
grade 7s and four grade 6s (or                                                of each term. Fees are reviewed
                                       To apply, we ask parents to
above) are required at GCSE,                                                  annually in the Spring Term for the
                                       complete a Registration Form
plus at least a grade 5 or above                                              following academic year.
                                       and return it with the registration
in English and Maths. Grade 7 or
                                       fee of £50. We will ask you to         If your situation changes after
above is advisable in the subjects
                                       provide a named contact at your        accepting a place in the School
to be studied at A Level.
                                       child’s current school with whom       and the place is no longer
                                       we can liaise regarding the            required, we need to be informed
Sixth Form Bursaries &                 entrance examination papers and        of this as soon as possible*. For
Scholarships                           reference. We also offer help          pupils in all year groups, a full
                                       and advice about the curriculum        term’s notice must be given in
There are a range of means-
                                       and the timing of the academic         writing to avoid a term’s fees
tested bursaries available to
                                       year to help the transition into the   being charged.
provide financial assistance to
                                       English system.                        (*We operate a 14-day
deserving students wishing to
join King’s Sixth Form. These                                                 cancellation policy.)
include QBS Bursaries, Alex
Anderson Bursaries and the
Merchant Taylors’ Bursary (funded                                             School Shop
                                       King’s seeks to be inclusive in its
by the Merchant Taylors’ Livery
                                       approach to prospective pupils.        The School Shop (located in our
Company). Successful applicants
                                       We are committed to providing          Sports Centre) is operated by F.
must be able to demonstrate
                                       opportunities for all pupils
strong academic potential as                                                  R. Monkhouse and stocks school
                                       wherever possible. Pupils with
well as an ability to make a                                                  uniform, sports clothing and
                                       disabilities are encouraged to
contribution to the School in                                                 footwear, sports equipment and
                                       apply and discuss requirements
other areas such as sport and/                                                stationery. Please see the School
                                       with the Admissions Team.
or music.                                                                     website for opening hours and
                                                                              online ordering systems.

Transport to KING’S
            King’s is well served
            by a network of school
            coaches (see table),                   SCHOOL CONTRACT COACH ROUTES
            as well as by local bus                & PROVIDERS
            and train services.                    Route B
                                                   McCarthy Coaches          Chapel-en-le-Frith – B5470
                                                   01625 425060              – Whaley Bridge – Kettleshulme – Rainow
            Prestbury railway station is a
            ten-minute walk from the school        Route C                   Simmondley – Chunal Lane – New Mills
            campus and we provide a                T M Private Hire
            shuttle minibus to Macclesfield        01625 260010
            railway station.                       Route D                   Offerton – Romiley – Greave – Compstall
                                                   Golden Green              – Marple Bridge – Marple – Hawk Green
            Train journey times are quick
                                                   01298 83583               – Silk Road
            and convenient e.g. Congleton
            9 minutes, Poynton 10                  Route F                   Cheadle – Cheadle Hulme – Bramhall
            minutes, Bramhall 13 minutes,          Golden Green              – Poynton
            Cheadle Hulme 16 minutes,              01298 83583
            Stockport and Stoke 20                 Route H                   Nether Alderley – Alderley Edge
            minutes, Manchester Piccadilly         Bostock’s Coaches         – Brook Lane – Davenport Green Post Office
            28 minutes.                            01260 273108              – Wilmslow (Knutsford Road) – Handforth
                                                                             – Wilmslow (Manchester Road) – Mottram
            If your require more information                                 – Prestbury
            please call 01625 260010.
                                                   Route J                   Knutsford (Stanley Road) – Manor Park Road
                                                   Golden Green              – Mobberley Road – Mobberley – Lindow –
                                                   01298 83583               Davenport Green – King’s Arms Roundabout –
                                                                             Alderley Edge

                                                   Route K                   Hale – Bowdon – Altrincham
                                                   Lamb’s Coaches            – Bucklow Hill – Mere – Knutsford
                                                   0161 456 1515             – Ollerton – A537

                     KING’S                        Route L                   Sandbach – Brereton – Holmes Chapel
                                                   Bostock’s Coaches         – Goostrey – Lower Withington – Chelford
                                                   01260 273108              – A537

                                        COACH      Route N                   Box Lane – West Heath – Kwik Fit
                                        Services   Golden Green              – Congleton – The Grove – Eaton
                                                   01298 83583               – Gawsworth Crossroads

                                                   Route O                   Leek – Rudyard – Rushton Spencer
                                                   Golden Green              – Bosley – Lyme Green – Sutton
                                                   01298 83583

                                                   Route P                   Bollington – Tytherington – Prestbury
                                                   Golden Green
                                                   01298 83583

                                                   * LATE COACH SERVICE *
                                                   Departs Macclesfield (5.15pm) – Alderley Edge – Wilmslow (King’s
                                                   Arms) – Mobberley – Knutsford (approx 6.20pm)
                                                   Both Monday – Thursday only.
                                                   Cost approx. £90 per term.
                                                   Please email for further details.

6   The King’s School in Macclesfield



                                               A6            ROMILEY

                                                                        MARPLE BRIDGE
       ALTRINCHAM                             CHEADLE
                     HALE                                                         HAYFIELD
                                                         POYNTON         A6

                 MERE                   WILMSLOW
                                                                       WHALEY           -LE-FRITH
       KNUTSFORD                          KING’S                       BRIDGE



                                         CONGLETON              RUSHTON SPENCER


                          Further information on all aspects of life at King’s can be found on our

                          For enquiries regarding admissions, please contact our Admissions Team
                          on 01625 260000, or email:

                          VISITING US
                          Please contact our Admissions Teams on 01625 260000, or see our

                          The King’s School in Macclesfield              Registered charity number:
                          Alderley Road, Prestbury,                           01625 260000           1137204
                          Cheshire, SK10 4SP                            Member of the Merchant
     Facebook “f ” Logo      CMYK / .eps   Facebook “f ” Logo   CMYK / .eps

                                                                                                     Taylors’ Family of Schools.
8   The King’s School in Macclesfield
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