The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS

Page created by Miguel Joseph
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS
The Road to Kindergarten

 The Office of Early Childhood Programs
   Howard County Public School System
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS
Information brought to you by the
               Howard County
    Transition to Kindergarten Workgroup

•Educational            •HC Office of Children
consultants             and Families
•HCPSS Office of Early   •HC Family Child Care
Childhood Programs      Association
•HCPSS Pre-K and        •The Judy Center at

Kindergarten teachers   Cradlerock
•HC Office of Children   •Variety of
& Families              community-based,
• HC Library System     private child
                        care/preschool programs
• HC Head Start
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS

▣ School Readiness
▣ HCPSS Kindergarten Program
▣ Registration/Transition Information
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS
Our workgroup believes...
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS
All families want
what is best for their
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS
As a child’s first
teacher, parents and
    families play a
  significant role in
education, beginning
at birth and beyond.
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS
Going to
kindergarten is a
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS
The transition to
kindergarten is not a
  one-time event.
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS
Not all children have
the same readiness
 for kindergarten.
The Road to Kindergarten - The Office of Early Childhood Programs Howard County Public School System - HCPSS
Schools must be
ready for children
  and families.
Kindergarten is an
    important step
 towards success in
 college, career, and
life upon graduation
  from high school.
Welcome to the Class of 2035
HCPSS is here to support your family during your child’s
educational journey.

The following is
county-level information
that is relevant for all 42
elementary schools.
Once you register, you’ll
learn specific information
about your child’s school
and eventually, their
What does
“Ready for School”
“Ready for School” means...
Real-life experience
Early vocabulary and literacy exposure
Areas of competence and strengths
Developmentally appropriate activities
Young, curious minds
“Ready for School” means...
Real-life experience
▣ Take advantage of places in the area to visit!
    ○   The Howard County Library, hiking trails, zoos, farmer’s markets,
        aquarium, and more.
▣ These experiences will give your child something to draw upon and
  relate to during lessons in kindergarten and make the learning more
▣ Children have plenty of opportunity to share “background knowledge” -
  that is, what they already know or have experienced related to a topic.
▣ Sparks curiosity for new learning
“Ready for School” means...
Early vocabulary and literacy exposure
▣   Back and forth conversation, combined with quality words, supports brain
    development and helps sets the stage for readiness.
▣   Use authentic vocabulary related to those real-life experiences.
    ○   When you visit the grocery store, explain you are buying “golden
        delicious apples”. Discuss what golden and delicious mean. Can you
        think of or find other things that are golden or delicious? What other
        words mean the same thing?
▣   Your lap is the best app! Read real books and give your child a chance to
    turn the pages, predict what will happen, discuss the story, etc. Point out
    simple words in the text. Select books and subject-matter of high interest
    to your child.
“Ready for School” means...
Areas of competence and strengths
▣   Growth does not happen as a straight, upward arrow. It is better to
    visualize growth as an upward spiral.
▣   Remember there will be areas of strength and areas of need, and those are
    unique to every child. Teachers use this approach to support learning and
    move each child forward along their own unique developmental path.
“Ready for School” means...
Developmentally appropriate activities
▣   Workbooks and flashcards are not needed to support readiness. Instead,
    capitalize on your child’s interest and their everyday world.
    ○   Use magnetic letters to spell their name. Practice the names and
        sounds of the letters in their name. Spell the names of family
        members and friends. Find other things in the house that start with
        the same letter as their name.
    ○   Play with the sounds in words. Change the first letter to a new letter.
        What is the new word?
    ○   Count the number of steps it takes to get from the car to the front
        door, the front door to their room. How many rungs on the ladder at
        the park?
    ○   And more!
“Ready for School” means...
Young, curious minds
▣   It’s ok to ask questions!
▣   Demonstrate asking questions about things you are curious about. Say
    things like, “I wonder…”. Read books about the things you wonder, visit
    related places, practice using new words you learn, etc.
“Ready for School” means...

Children don’t have to come to school knowing
      everything. It means they have the
foundational skills, knowledge, and behaviors
     that help them access new learning.
Support Readiness
Find resources and additional links on our website!
▣ Kindergarten Family & Community Resources
▣ Early Childhood Beginnings
Kindergarten Program
Our Vision
The Office of Early Childhood Programs strives to ensure that
instruction at the kindergarten level:
▣   prepares students for success as lifelong learners by developing the
    academic, social and emotional knowledge, strategies, and skills needed
    to participate responsibly in a diverse and changing world;
▣   utilizes a child-centered approach to ensure that each child develops a
    love of learning;
▣   nurtures a positive school experience where all students contribute as
    members of the classroom community; and,
▣   supports an individualized approach so each student successfully
    acquires, demonstrates, and applies the skills and knowledge of the
Every day in
▣ Developmentally
  Appropriate Practices

▣ Expressive Language

▣ Social / Emotional /
  Behavioral Skill

▣ Interdisciplinary
▣ Hands-on learning

▣ Mix of learning
  preferences: auditory,
  kinesthetic, visual, etc.

▣ Manipulatives (magnetic
  letters, dice, counters, etc.)

▣ Learning occurs in
  age-appropriate chunks of
Expressive Language
▣ Ability to communicate
  using language
   ○ Learning to ask for help
   ○ Asking questions
   ○ Back and forth
   ○ Staying on topic in a
   ○ Expressing an opinion
   ○ Etc.
Social Emotional Skill
▣ Skills for life
   ○ Turn-taking
   ○ Working memory
   ○ Ability to control
   ○ Putting off favorite
     activities to prioritize
     important tasks
   ○ Friendship skills
   ○ And more!
▣ Apply subjects and learning
  across the day
   ○ Listen to a read aloud
     about counting in math
   ○ Write an alphabet book
     about healthy habits in
   ○ Use the Engineering
     Design Process to create
     structures in block
     center during play time
   ○ Etc.

                     Arrival / Morning Work

               Opening / Morning Meeting or Circle

What Might a              Language Arts

   Day in        Science / Social Studies / Health

Kindergarten             Recess & Lunch

 Look Like?           Quiet Time / Take Ten


                           Related Arts

                   Student-Selected Activities
Arrival /
Morning Work

       Image Courtesy of Howard County Library System • Kindergarten Here We Come!
Arrival /
    Morning Work

▣ Children arrive by car, bus,
  or as a walker
▣ Enter with other students
▣ Learn to participate in
  arrival routines (e.g.,
  unpack, gather materials)
  with independence
Opening /
Morning Meeting
Opening /
  Morning Meeting

▣ Build classroom community
▣ Talk about the day to come
▣ Share stories, songs,
  updates, etc.
Language Arts
Language Arts

▣ Daily
▣ Mix of whole group (lessons
  with the entire class
  together), small group, and
  independent opportunities
▣ Children work in small
  groups on lessons targeted
  to meet their needs.
▣ Reading, writing,
  foundational skills, and
Social Studies
    Social Studies
▣ 30-45 minutes, depending
  on the unit
▣ Specific unit of study for
  each subject area.
▣ Learn more at the
  Kindergarten Family &
  Community Resources site.
Lunch & Recess
Lunch & Recess

▣ 30 minutes each
▣ Lunch available at school or
  bring from home
▣ Staff members support
  children with making
  choices, opening
  containers, purchasing, etc.
▣ Go outside for recess as
  much as possible, so send
  children to school in
▣ Practice opening containers
  with your child.
Quiet Time /
 Take Ten
Quiet Time /
      Take Ten
▣ Quiet Time is not nap, but a
  chance to calm after high
  energy moments.
   ○ It is important for
     children to have down
     time and an opportunity
     to rest their brains.
▣ Take Ten is movement,
  usually set to music.
  Includes dancing, songs,

▣ Daily
▣ Whole group (lessons with
  the entire class together),
  small group, partners, and
  independent opportunities
▣ Children work in small
  groups on lessons targeted
  to meet their needs.
▣ Lots of games and
  hands-on materials like
  dice, dominoes,
  animal-shaped counters,
▣ Art

               ▣ Music

Related Arts   ▣ Physical Education

               ▣ Library Media

               ▣ Technology
Related Arts

▣ Daily
▣ Range from 30-60
  minutes, depending on
  the subject
▣ Go to other classrooms
  (Art Room, Gym, etc.),
▣ Have different teachers
  for each
▣ Daily
▣ 30-40 minutes
▣ Time to play, make
  choices, bring learning
  to life
▣ May include blocks,
  painting, dramatic
  play, science table, etc.
 Designed to meet each child’s
academic needs in each subject,
 moving them forward through
 individualized instruction and

▣ Check out the School System Calendar for early dismissals,
  closures, etc. so you can plan ahead!
▣ Parents/guardians of enrolled HCPSS students DO NOT
  need to sign up for, or manage an HCPSS News account.
▣ If your oldest/only child is starting school in the fall, you
  will be automatically signed up for HCPSS News messages
  in early August from HCPSS and the school your child will
  be attending.
▣ Subscription information comes directly from the Family
  File information parents/guardians complete in the HCPSS
  Connect system.
▣ Community members or any non-HCPSS parent must sign
  up to receive email and/or text messages from the district
  and/or specific schools.
▣ Follow HCPSS on various social media platforms.
▣ Find your assigned school using School Information from the
  homepage. Look for School Locator.
▣ Children attend the school to which they are assigned.
▣ Bus service available if you live more than one-mile from school.
▣ Once you use School Locator to find your school, use the School
  Directory to learn more.
▣ Access the School Directory from the main page using School
  Information OR from the Schools option in the navigation bar.
▣ View school profiles, find contact information, etc.
▣ School times are unique to each school - this is important to
  know so you can arrange before and after-care, if needed.
▣   Find out Transportation information via Supports in the navigation
▣   On the first day, it is recommended to send your child to school the way
    they will travel every day. Plenty of adults will help guide them and
    they get to experience the “newness” - and excitement, nerves,
    anticipation - with their classmates.
▣   Find Food Services information via Supports in the navigation bar.
▣   Information includes nutrition, pricing, online payment, etc.
▣   Find Before and After Care information via Supports in the
    navigation bar.
▣   If you need before and/or after care, sign up early (check with agencies
    for specific dates) - programs fill up quickly!
▣   Find information about academics, look for resources, etc.
▣ Visit Early Childhood Programs for Birth to Five information,
  including kindergarten readiness and more!
▣ Find out more about readiness, what you can do the year before
  kindergarten, registration, and more.
▣   Access Enrollment information here or from the homepage.
▣   For students who are the right age but parents feel aren’t ready and
    want to wait, there is an option for a waiver.
▣   The early admission
    application process is designed
    for students born within a
    designated window.
▣   Those seeking school
    enrollment one year early can
    find application information
▣   Required documentation for registration is listed here.
▣   Specific, updated information related to health documentation
    (immunizations, medication, allergies, etc.) can be found at the link.
▣   After gathering the required documents, begin the online registration
    ○   Parents/guardians without access to a computer should call their
        child’s designated school for more information.
▣   Finalize registration with your assigned school. This final step confirms
    area residency, guardianship of the child and ensures that the
    registration process is completed correctly.
Kindergarten Registration Begins
               March 7-11, 2022
You will need:
▣   Picture I.D. (driver’s license, passport, MVA identification or other legal form
    of photographic identification.)
▣   Signed original, current complete lease or complete deed with your address,
    valid dates, signatures.
▣   Current utility bill with name and address
▣   Child’s evidence of birth (birth certificate, passport/visa, physician’s
    certificate, baptismal or church certification, hospital certificate, parent/s
    affidavit or birth registration)
▣   Student’s current proof of immunizations signed by physician.

▣ Proof of parental relationship, custody, or guardianship.
Kindergarten Registration Begins
              March 7-11, 2022
▣   Language support is available at the International Student Registration
▣   Children already enrolled in a HCPSS school as a prekindergarten student
    DO NOT need to re-enroll for kindergarten. Parents will receive
    information from child’s current school and records will be transferred.
▣   If you are buying, building or leasing a home in another attendance area
    than where you live, contact the office that handles out-of-district
    requests at 410-313-6997.
▣   For any questions regarding residency, multiple family living
    arrangements, homeless students, or custody/guardianship issues, please
    contact the Office of Pupil Personnel at 410-313-6646 or 410-313-6822.
Kindergarten Registration Begins
           March 7-11, 2022
▣ If you cannot register March 7-11, that’s ok, but you are
  encouraged to register early to receive information about
  upcoming kindergarten transition events, etc.
Sample of School
                   Events for Parents
                    and/or Children*
                 ▣ Visitation / Tours
                 ▣ Parent Information
Events At YOUR     Session
  School May     ▣ Spring Picnic
                 ▣ Summer Playdates
                 ▣ Orientation
                 ▣ Back-to-School Night

                 *Not all events listed occur at every
                 school. Information about events specific
                 to your child’s school will be shared
                 when you register.
Read Stories About School
    With Your Child!
Advice for Kindergarten Parents
▣ Become involved in your school - find ways to
  volunteer, join the PTA, go to school events, etc.!
▣ Sign up for email or text alerts!
▣ Get to know other parents!
▣ Never be afraid to ask questions!
▣ Know that it’s normal to feel a wide range of emotions!
▣ Share your excitement and curiosity with your
  child...but not your anxiety!
Have a great next stop in
Any Questions?

          Please call the
Office of Early Childhood Programs
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