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RESOURCE RENDEZVOUS A Woolly Good Book HOLLY AMERMAN One of History’s Most Iconic Extinct non-fiction, but, by far, my favorite type Creatures is a page-turning tale of scien- of non-fiction is the type that reads just tists, financiers, Siberian cowboys, and like a novel, weaving you through the incredible characters. It was purchased tale in real-time and driven by charac- by a movie studio but has been “on ice” ters and intrigue, and that is just what (pun intended) since the pandemic be- Ben Mezrich is a genius at. He spent gan, but I, for one, certainly hope this hundreds of hours interviewing the sci- gets made into a movie soon. entists, funders, students, and others in- The premise behind Woolly is the troduced in this book, and managed to story of Dr. George Church, a Harvard weave those interviews into a coherent geneticist, and his lab’s quest to de-ex- novel that puts you in the center of the tinct the Woolly Mammoth. The twists action. I should point out that while this and turns of this journey take you from is a non-fiction book, there are parts of the Arctic Tundra with a young man the story that Mezrich “imagines” into in a decommissioned Soviet Tank, the future, and, as with any noveliza- to a private jet trip in Canada, to the tion of current history, there may be home of a reclusive billionaire willing other liberties taken with the storytell- to spend it all to save the planet. One ing. However, this in no way impedes of the most surprising things about this genuine science. quest is its intersection with the climate Now, I hope that intro encouraged crisis and the unique personality that you, if nothing less, to grab yourself a H Mezrich brings to life while weaving copy, curl up in a chair somewhere over a ello, science teaching friends! the story. Like many of you, I enjoy long weekend, or just every night for 20 This month’s review/recom- mend pick has a little something for everyone and many, many ways in which to use it with your students. I am taking a look at the 2017 Ben Mez- rich book Woolly. While you may not be familiar with the author’s name or the book, no doubt you have heard of the movies based on his other novels, including Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six MIT Students Who Took Vegas for Millions which was adapted into the movie, 21, or Acciden- tal Billionaires: The Founding of Face- book, which was made into the movie The Social Network. Now don’t worry, Woolly has nothing to do with Black- jack, gambling, or eating very inap- propriate mammals (you’ll have to read Accidental Billionaires to figure that one out). But, as with his other books, Wool- George Church at TEDx in 2015: “TEDxDeEx_Mwu4” by TEDxDeExtinction is li- ly: The True Story of the Quest to Revive censed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 www.nsta.org/highschool 11
RESOURCE RENDEZVOUS minutes before bed (my new anti-stress habit attempt for the new year), and en- joy this great book. From a teaching per- spective, this book offers a step into both the content we all love and an essential look into the sometimes very messy world of research science. While the easiest way to use this book is the most obvious—assign the students to read it and write or present about it, there are undoubtedly other ways to use it as well. Let me first say, I do not recommend reading this book in pieces! Honestly, it is too good of a sweeping tale to do that. There are, however, many stories within the book that could be used for multiple purposes in science classrooms, so we will take a look at a few specific ones to HTTPS://PLEISTOCENEPARK.RU/NEWS/ use as you and your students read the en- tire book (hopefully) or if you are short on time, look at just a part. For a good Nature of Science lesson (how real science is done, what a lab is like, the story of a famous researcher), Chapter 3 is an excellent introduction to Dr. Church and his lab at Harvard. For a very different, non-traditional look at science, zoology, etc., Chapter 5 Expedition to bring Yukitan horses to the park, 2019. tells the story of Nikita Zimov, a young scientist bringing a girl home to meet his dad. But, unlike most “meet the ability, and fairness of the world and goals can become barriers to moving parents” stories, this one happens on the the events around them, Chapter 11 forward. Mezrich gives us a peek into edge of Siberia, above the Arctic Circle, could easily be used to help begin a con- a lab in South Korea with similar but at a place his dad calls Pleistocene Park versation about how science is financed alternate plans for the de-extinction of (see the resources below for a link to his in the U.S. and worldwide. This chap- a mammoth. The twisting nature of sci- website—bonus points to students who ter also tells the story of the American ence is on full display as scientists race email him thoughtful questions). For a passenger pigeon and its journey from to find rare samples and be the first to quick overview of the Woolly project, five billion to none as America became succeed in their groundbreaking and, Chapter 9 gives the background of how populated with European settlers with undoubtedly, financially rewarding it began and why Church got involved; modern hunting weapons. The ideas mission. it also offers a unique look at the inter- about conservation, preservation, and Another advantage of this particular section between the press and science, man’s effect on the world around us book is that the resources for looking at and how and why things often go so could all be explored here. For a fan- this story beyond its pages are vast. If poorly on both ends when revolution- tastic look at the discovery of CRISPR you have future veterinarians in your ary science breakthroughs are involved. (and an excellent, understandable ex- classroom, researching Pleistocene Park Venture capital (aka billionaires planation of how it works), Chapter and why the chosen animals can live in with money to spend) plays a promi- 17 talks about the technology and why that environment, and the difficulty in nent role in scientific research and often it is critical to the Woolly project. Fi- repopulating what is essentially an open- in what gets studied and what does not. nally, Chapter 25 can help students un- air zoo, could be a great project. For kids In a growing culture of students who derstand the competitive nature of sci- interested in old Soviet tanks and mas- question the equity, equality, sustain- ence and how sometimes intersecting sive cars, the Pleistocene Park webpage 12 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022
is like an instruction manual on how to on a 9th-10th grade reading level and help show students that there are many drive through the tundra with many an- is available in many languages. Audio- paths into the field (and a little some- imals and get everyone there safely. For books are also available; if you check thing about grit as well). your future scientists, the Woolly project with your media specialist, they may I hope you and your students enjoy website takes off from where the book have a way to connect students to these Woolly as much as I did and that you left off and can bring your students up to for free. While diversity, equity, and in- find this helpful in your classroom! date on where the project is today. They clusion topics are not directly addressed Questions/comments/something you also have several other de-extinction in the book, the story of how Church’s love with your students you would like projects, including the passenger pigeon wife, Ting, is treated differently as a to see reviewed? Contact me at holly. (see Chapter 11), coral, black-footed fer- woman in academia is a good open- amerman@gmail.com. ■ rets, and others. ing into this (Chapter 8). The broad Future marine biologists will also international cast of characters helps RESOURCES find good information about their show science as something other than a https://reviverestore.org/ Ocean Genomics Project, which looks white male-dominated profession. One https://pleistocenepark.ru/ at the 10 most significant threats to our of my favorite stories (Chapter 17) is oceans and how genomics or biotech that of Justin Quinn, a community col- REFERENCE might solve them. There are also many lege graduate who sold used cars to pay van der Valk, T., P. Pečnerová, D. Díez-del-Molino, news reports on the projects, including for his bachelor’s degree that took him A. Bergström, J. Oppenheimer, S. Hartmann, many from 2021, when the project re- more than ten years to achieve. Despite and L. Dalén. 2021. Million-year-old DNA ceived a major donation to continue its the lack of a Ph.D., he is as much of the sheds light on the genomic history of work. And, of course, connecting stu- Woolly team as anyone else and can mammoths. Nature 591 (7849): 265–269. dents to primary source articles from Church, Zimov, Yang, and others from the book is a great way to introduce stu- Test Tubes dents to the “real world” of scientific lit- • DCIs: 5 of 5 (Too many to list) erature. A quick Google Scholar search for any of these scientists will find you • CCs: 5 of 5 (patterns, cause and effect, structure and function) many good papers. Additionally, short- • SEPs: 5 of 5 (asking questions and defining problems, engaging in argument ly before this article went to press, a from evidence, constructing explanations and designing solutions, obtaining, Nature article was released about the evaluating, and communicating information) sequencing on the oldest piece of DNA ever, more than 1 million years. Natu- • Ease of Use for Teachers: 5 of 5 rally, it was from a Woolly Mammoth • Interest to Students: 4.5 of 5 (van der Valk et al., 2021). For accessibility, the book is written Read NSTA’s free online journal, Connected Science Learning CSL explores programs codeveloped by schools and out-of-school organizations, including museums, science centers, afterschool providers, zoos, and aquaria. If you’re involved in program development or want to start STEM partnerships in your community, this is the journal for you. You can view the articles and subscribe at www.nsta.org/ connected-science-learning. www.nsta.org/highschool 13
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