5 September 2021 Weekly News Sheet - Waikanae Anglican

Page created by Jay Griffin
5 September 2021 Weekly News Sheet - Waikanae Anglican
Weekly News Sheet
5 September 2021
Father’s Day and first Sunday of Spring!

                                                          Say to those
                                                           with fearful
                                                           “Be strong,
                                                          do not fear.”
                                                             Isaiah 35:4 (NIV)

                      Spring has sprung! New Things. New beginnings.
                      New life. The list goes on. We read over the page
                      that Jesus transformed the lives of two people—not
                      only with healing but with valuable lessons learned to
                      bring them closer to their God. Scriptures to remind
                      us that God is in control so we, too, may learn new
                      things as we navigate our way through life:
John 13:34—”A NEW commandment I give to you that you love one another,
even as I have loved you…”
2 Corinthians 5:17—”Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creature;
the old things passed away; behold NEW things have come.”
Ezekiel 11:19—I will give them one heart, and put a NEW spirit within
Let Spring-time bring healing and lessons learned—and give HIM thanks
for it all.
5 September 2021 Weekly News Sheet - Waikanae Anglican
Prayer Point
Sunday: 5 September:                               Isaiah 35:4-7a
(Father’s Day)                                     Mark 7:24-37
The Sentence of the Day: So speak and so act as those who are to be
judged by the law of liberty. (James 2:12)
Collect: God the strength of all who believe in you, increase our
faith and trust in your Son Jesus Christy, that in him we may live
victoriously, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sunday: 12 September:                              Isaiah 50:4-9a
                                                   Mark 8:27-38

                Something to Think About...
Our gospel reading today comes like a club sandwich; two layers of filling,
different but each complements the overall.
 In the first we read about a Greek woman, falling at the feet of Jesus,
   urgently begging him to drive a demon out of her young daughter. She is a
   Gentile, an outsider, but, unlike the Jews who are still arguing over the
   authority of Jesus she recognises him as the way to her salvation and humbles
   herself before him.
 In the second story Jesus heals a deaf and mute man. In Matthew’s
   version of this event we read that “great crowds came to him, bringing the
   lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute …and he healed them.”
             Jesus healed broken lives - and still can and does.
There is a powerful message to us in these stories. Yes, we see Jesus’s power and
compassion at work but this is about his Kingdom, a realm where the brokenness
of the world is reversed …the deaf can hear; the mute can speak; evil spirits are
cast out; chaos is conquered.
               Jesus is the presence of God in the “world”
          which brings healing, peace, justice and righteousness.
So, how might we respond? Three ideas:
a) pray for healing for someone you know, believing that God heals broken lives
b) if, like me, you have been spending less over lockdown, send a donation to
   bless those who are providing for others, e.g., our parish foodbank or the
   City Mission
c) drop a message to a neighbour - that you are thinking of them.
Nga mihi
Wes Brown

Send your notices to parishoffice@anglican.co.nz by 9am Tuesday for inclusion
in the following Sunday’s News Sheet.
5 September 2021 Weekly News Sheet - Waikanae Anglican
Normal Weekly Programme
               Notices                                  [Only in COVID Levels 2 and 1]

                  COVID-19                      Sept         St Luke’s kitchen and bathroom
Under Alert Levels 3 and 4 our regular                       renovations continue. [Contact
                                                Mon 6
activities and services are suspended.                       Hazel]
See our website www.anglican.co.nz for
more information on each of the alert           Tue 7 L1     10am       Wellspring Exercise
levels. Our Foodbank is considered an                                   Group, St Luke’s
essential service so Friday Food Share
will still operate and food will be delivered     L1         10:45am    Holy Communion,
direct to car boots.                                                    Charles Fleming
                                                  L2         7:30pm     Parish Choir
                                                                        Rehearsal, St M’s
FOODBANK: Our foodbank is considered
an essential service so Friday Food Share       Wed 8 L2     9:15am     Morning Prayer, St
will still be operating under Levels 3 and                              Luke’s Chapel
4. Those picking up a food parcel are             L1         11am       Holy Communion,
asked to wear their masks and remain                                    Parkwood Lodge
in their cars. Food parcels will be deliv-
ered directly to the car boot where possi-        L1         11am       Holy Communion,
ble. Non-perishable donations can be                                    Winara House
dropped off at St Luke’s on Fridays               L3         1:30pm     AAW, Zoom
between 8am-10am or donations can
be made direct into our bank account.             L2         3pm        LIFE on Wednesday,
01 0731 0019880 00, put ‘foodbank’ in                                   after school drop-in
the reference. Contact: Pippa on
021 090 85652.                                  Thur 9 L2    10:30am    Holy Communion, St
                                                                        Luke’s —come for a
ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN WOMEN                                           cuppa at 10am
(AAW) - Our September meeting, will
be on Zoom! Join us at 1:30pm on 8th              L2         4pm        Flipside+
September. Zoom link, or phone in on 04                                 Intermediate Youth
886 0026: meeting ID: 980 9677 2591,                                    Group, St Luke’s
passcode: 588790. Contact Rosemary                L2         6:30pm     WAC Youth, St
Hurd 905 4384.
HOUSE FOR RENT: Three bedroom
home with garage in Waikanae Beach              Fri 10 L2    11:15am    Friday Prayers for
available to rent from early September,                                 local and over-seas
(depending on lockdown) $590 p.w.                                       missions, U/Room
Contact Amanda on 022 350 5320 or               All Levels   11:30am    Friday Food Share,
                                                                        St Luke’s
TO NOTE: (more info nearer the time)
                                                Sun 5        10am       L3 or L4: Click to
25 September—Quiz Night at St Michael’s                      online     join Zoom Service or
3 October—Day of Giving                                                 phone: 04 886 0026
23 October—Church Fair, Memorial Hall                                   and enter meeting
                                                                        ID 975 5086 6905,
                                                                        followed by the #
                                                                        key when asked for
                                                                        participant pin.
                                                [All         9:15am     Holy Communion, St
                                                Church                  Andrew’s
                                                Services     9:30am     Eucharist, St
                                                resume                  Michael’s
                                                at L2]
                                                             10am       Connect Family
Parish Information
The church office is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9am
and 12noon. If you need to talk to Colleen or Hazel outside this time, please
call or email them—they will still be working. To speak to one of our associate or
retired priests, contact the office or your Pastoral Care team leader.
Church office
St Luke’s, Corner of Elizabeth and Pehi Kupa Streets, Waikanae
Rev Dr Mark Harris             04 904 3018                 markh@anglican.co.nz
Parish Manager
Hazel Nugent                   021 122 1886        parishmanager@anglican.co.nz
PA to the Vicar | Parish Administrator
Colleen Primrose            021 032 8467              parishoffice@anglican.co.nz
Youth Workers
Matt Bakker                    022 464 8791                mattb@anglican.co.nz
Emma Bakker                    021 236 1207               emmab@anglican.co.nz
Wes Brown (Vicar’s)            027 444 4846
Keith Hansen (People’s)        04 298 7638
Pippa Hinton                   021 0908 5652            foodbank@anglican.co.nz
Prayer Chain
Perdita Bentall                04 293 4289 or 021 147 3773
Allison Chappell               027 904 1860        prayerchain@anglican.co.nz
Parish website: www.anglican.co.nz
Facebook: facebook.com/waikanae.anglican
Pastoral Care
If you require assistance, please contact the following people:
St Luke’s Thurs                Iris Miller                  027 463 6456
Holy Communion
St Luke’s                      Allison Chappell             027 904 1860
Connect 10am                   Val Read                     04 904 0433
St Michael’s 9:30am            Barbara Parker               04 904 6614
St Andrew’s 9:15am             Rev Dr Dalice Sim            022 070 3880

Contact Hazel for enquiries about giving and envelopes. We encourage you to give
to the Parish by direct credit. Bank account details are: Parish of Waikanae, ANZ,
   01 0731 0019880 00. Put ‘Offering’ or specify the purpose in the reference.
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