Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022

Page created by Phillip Tate
Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022
Catholic Churches of
St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle
                January 2, 2022
Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022
The Epiphany of The Lord                                                                                   January 2, 2022

                Liturgical Minister Schedule                      Please pray for the repose of the soul of
                        January 8/9                                            Joyce M. Viau,
                                                                       St. Thomas the Apostle Parish,
St. Anthony Mass                                                    who recently passed into eternal life.
Sunday 9:00 AM                                                    Our deepest condolences are extended to
Altar Servers: Isabel Kobasic                                     her family and friends. Eternal rest grant
Lector: Diane Kobasic                                               to her, O Lord, and let perpetual light
Eucharistic Minister: Diane Kobasic                                shine upon her. May she rest in peace.
Ushers: John Kroll & Paul VanDamme

St. Thomas Masses
Saturday 4:00 PM                                                                 ST. THOMAS BREAKFAST
Altar Servers: Carter & Addisyn McDonough
Lector: Gayle DeShambo
                                                                                     Please join us for
Eucharistic Minister: Char Rousseau                                                    Breakfast at
Ushers: Jay & Sarah DeShambo                                                      St. Thomas Parish Hall
Sunday 11:00 AM                                                            on Sunday, January 9th,
Altar Servers: Bailey Barron
Lector: Karen Bougie                                                          9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Eucharistic Minister: Karen Bougie                                   Eggs, Pancakes, Sausage, Potatoes,
Ushers: Dave Wils & Tom Hurthibise                                   Toast, Coffee & Juice will be served.
                                                                              $8.50 ages 13 & up
                                                                               $5.50 ages 6-12
                                                                            5 and under are FREE!
                                                                  Breakfast will continue on the first
                                                                       Sunday of each month.
                                                                            See you there!
St. Anthony
Sanctuary Candle: For Vocations
Altar Candle: An end to abortion                                       St. Thomas Pasty sale
Bread & Wine: Young adults
Tabernacle Candle: For Peace                                         January 12th & 13th
                                                                    Pick up at St. Thomas
St. Thomas                                                        Parish Hall, 2:00 - 5:00 PM.
Sacred Heart Lamp: John Fisher by Judy Fisher
St. Theresa Lamp: Tom & Mary Nault by Mary Little & family                $5.50 each
Sanctuary Candle: Clarice & Art Messier by Judy Fisher              plain or with rutabaga.
          Memorial Candles are available for 2022.                         To order,
             Call the Parish Office 786-4627                           please call Debbie, 399-4259.

                      Weekday Mass
        Tuesday: 5:15 PM - St. Anthony Church*
        Wednesday: 8:00 AM - St. Thomas Church
        Thursday: 5:15 PM - St. Thomas Church                                                  St. Anthony Spring
         Friday: 8:00 AM - St. Anthony Church*                                                    50/50 Raffle
*If school is canceled due to snow and poor driving conditions,                               St. Anthony of Padua’s Annual Raffle
  weekday Mass at St. Anthony Church will also be canceled.
                                                                    will begin soon—a 50/50 drawing again with five prizes! The
                     Weekend Masses                               drawing will be held on Easter weekend of 2022. Full details will
        Saturday: 4:00 PM - St. Thomas Church                       be published in the bulletin. Help will be needed to sell raffle
        Sunday: 9:00 AM - St. Anthony Church
                11:00 AM - St. Thomas Church
                                                                    tickets at both parishes after Masses. Please contact Randy
                                                                    Strasler now to help with the sale of tickets: 789-9587 or text
     Holy Days (Except Christmas & New Year’s)                     906-399-1057. It takes 15 minutes or less to sell tickets after a
                12:10 PM - St. Thomas Church
                 5:15 PM - St. Anthony Church
                                                                  Mass, and Randy will give you full details. Also, Snowbirds don’t
                                                                  want to miss out, and are eligible to win, so please make sure to
                  Sacrament of Penance                               make arrangements with the parish office to get your tickets
        Saturday: 2:30-3:00 PM - St. Thomas Church                                        as soon as printed.
        Daily: 1/2 hr. before daily Mass at each Church
                  or anytime by appointment                               Proceeds go to St. Anthony Parish improvements.
Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022
Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Churches
            Our friends in need of prayer                                             Fr. Rick L. Courier, Pastor
                                                                                         1820 Ninth Avenue North
Active, Inactive & Fallen Military Men & Women,                                            Escanaba, MI 49829
Young Adults & Parishioners in College, Rick Rudden, Richard Johnson,
Mark Rose, John & Everell Verbrigghe, Tony Vandermissen, Jerry                 
Steele, Adelore Gerou, Karen Wils, Sharon Dlugas, Pat Engdahl, Brian
Johnson, Aubree Couillard, Scott Aker, Frank Beauchamp, Sue Miles,
Rachel Strasler, Barbara, Steve Rouse, Bruce Radloff, Rita Breitzman,                             Churches
Tabitha Brunette, Harold & Carol Plouff, Dave Truax, Rita Taylor, Jean    Office/Rectory …………....……786-4627
Anderson, Leanne Vandermissen, M.P., Leon Sovey, Leone Ziemba,
John Robinette, Mary Winchester, Loyola Gardner, Alliyah Dupey,           St. Thomas Parish Hall………..786-3506
Angela Smith, Dave Pepin, Sally Rae, Ethelgine Way, James Therrian,       St. Anthony location: 6596 N 3rd St, Wells
Carol Hahn, Brian Rippi, Scott Macfarlane, Joe Bernier, Rebecca Robins,
Steve Davidson, Hunter Bowman, Mary Demerse, Sandy St.Ours, Ken           Administrative Assistant: Beth Sviland
LeDuc, Shawn Boyle, Jessica Stevenson, Theresa Kolich, Alyce              Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9:00-12:00, 12:30-3:30
Grabowski, Tony Guay, Allie Grenier, Gary Casey, Bill McGovern,
Marie Sundberg                                                            Email:
                                                                          Bookkeeper: Travis DuBord
                                                                          Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
                                                                          Church Custodian: St. Thomas: Bryan Bizeau
                                                                          Escanaba Tri-Parish Catholic Faith Formation:
                                                                          Office at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Escanaba
                                                                          Rena Richtig, Director Phone: 906-233-9566
                                                                          Holy Name Catholic School, 409 S 22nd St., Escanaba
                                                                          Principal: Mr. Joseph Carlson Phone …...786-7550
                                                                          Website …
                                                                          Prayer Line/Rosemary Nevala…………………...786-7854
                                                                          Right to Life/Carol Carlson……….…………….786-4795
                                                                          Pregnancy Services………………..……………..786-7474
                                                                          UP Friends of Honduras/Dennis LaMarch…..786-3000
                                                                          Fatima Statue St. Anthony/Carol McInnis...786-3717
                                                                          Fatima Statue St. Thomas/Mary Gierke……786-7053
                                                                          St. Anthony Get Well Wishes/Bev Evans……….786-4009
                                                                          St. Thomas Get Well Wishes/Carole Boucher….786-8656

                                                                                To Register for FORMED:
    Holy Name Nifty Fifty Crusader Cash Raffle
          Tickets: $25 each or 5 for $100                                 1) Go to (must be lowercase)
    Drawings to be held at Holy Name Catholic School                      2) Enter Escanaba and Select St. Thomas the Apostle
    —————-$550 Early Bird Drawings————
     February 9, 2022 & March 9, 2022 1:00 PM EST                         3) Register with your name and email address
        ——————Final Drawing—————                                          4) Check your email account for a link to begin using
       April 30, 2022 8:00 PM EST (Spring Fling)
                     1st Place: $5,050                                                        FORMED
              2nd - 5th Places: $1,050 each
   Tickets are available at the Holy Name Office and at
                                        Please thank our sponsors who bring you the weekly
                                                                                     bulletin by using their services!
                          FORMED Pick of the Week:
                        Dr. Scott Hahn - one of the most                                                            Breakfast
                        eminent Catholic theologians in our                                                          Lunch
                        country today- reveals what                                                                  Dinner
                        scholars now know about the
                        shepherds, the mysterious Magi,                                                             Take-outs
                        and King Herod. This illuminating                                                           Available
presentation is sure to help you grow in appreciation of
the greatest gift ever given to mankind - Jesus Christ.                   701 N Lincoln RD, Escanaba           906-789-0508
Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022 Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022 Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022 Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022 Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022 Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022 Catholic Churches of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle January 2, 2022
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