4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart

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4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart
01 | 2010               4 Euro   Message
                                 Trade Fairs Congresses Events
Dream destinations

Tourism trade fair
CMT 2010

Dream cars

Trade fair for classic cars

Dream town

Sightseeing tip                    Innovations for world markets
                                   INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010
4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart
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4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart


                   News     04   Popular venue
                                 ICS International Congress Center Stuttgart
                            05   Editorial: „Global network
                                 for new markets“

             Cover Story    08   Global trade fairs
                                 INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010

       Location Stuttgart   12   "Stuttgart always has to make a
                                 great effort"
                                 Armin Dellnitz, new head of tourism in Stuttgart
                            15   Potential and projects
                                 Community portrait: Reutlingen

    Trade Fairs – Markets   16   RETRO CLASSICS                                                          18
                                 The crème de la chrome
                            18   Slow Food
                                 Healthy delights guaranteed
                            21   CMT
                                 Good business
                            28   GELATISSIMO
                                 Ice-cold pleasures
                            33   INTERGASTRA
                                 Variety of water
                            39   INVEST                                                                  xx
                                 Much sought-after event

         Media – People     40   Portrait: Siegfried Wörösch, Manager
                                 Technical Services and General Manager,
                                 New Messe Stuttgart
     Events – Congresses    42   In search for lost time
                                 Stuttgart Kunstmuseum: Elger Esser
                            43   New large event
                                 ICS: Annual Conference of the German
                                 Diabetes Association

    Stuttgart Sightseeing   44   Enjoy history
                                 Esslingen am Neckar
                            44   Hotel highlight for classic car fans
                                 Hotel tip: V8 Hotel in Meilenwerk Stuttgart
                            45   Seasonal and regional
                                 Restaurant Tafelberg

               Opinions     46   Opinions Norbert Weber, President of the                                39
               + Imprint         German Winegrowing Association

                                                                                     Message 1 | 2010
4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart
News – Trends

Since its opening in 2007, the ICS International Congress Center Stuttgart has developed to become a popular location for events.

Popular venue
Two years after its opening, the ICS International Congress Center Stuttgart takes
stock: The ICS has successfully established itself nationally and internationally.

    "Within a very short time, we have           ESV Conference in June 2009, the most            ­ onference with 4,000 visitors. Also for
developed to become firmly established           important international congress for             2010, the ICS can show some important
on the national and international market,        vehicle safety, and the fourth national IT       acquisition successes: The German So­
we are one of the top ten locations and          summit in December. In 2009 the                  ciety for Thoracic and Cardiovascular
are looking forward to a busy year in            number of foreign exhibitors presenting          Surgery is coming to Stuttgart for its
2010", says Stefan Lohnert, Manager of           themselves at an ICS event increased             ­annual conference for the second year in
the ICS International Congress Center            threefold compared with 2008. There               succession, the German Diabetes Asso­
Stuttgart, reviewing two successful              was also a rise in foreign visitors of over       ciation and the German Savings Banks
years since the ICS opened in autumn             15 per cent compared with 2008. Also              Conference are scheduled for May, stb
2007. For 2009 he expects a turnover of          the number of events using the ICS                marketplace 2010 will take place in June,
over 4.1 million Euro. As a location for         without an accompanying exhibition                and the Visceral Medicine Conference
national congresses and events and               will rise by more than ten per cent from          2010 will be held in September. Since it
above all as a destination for interna­          2008 to 2009. "Nevertheless, we too can           has successfully positioned itself in this
tional events, the ICS was quickly able to       feel the recession. Our customers are in          demanding segment over the past two
gain a good reputation and present im­           some cases more reserved with their               years, there is also continuing demand
portant acquisitions, for example the            ­calculations, sometimes recording lower          for annual general meetings in the ICS.
                                                  partici­pant numbers at their events", says      Beside intensive customer support, state-
                                                  Lohnert. Altogether, he explains, the con­       of-the-art congress technology and indi­
                          "Within a very          gress market has declined a little in 2009,      vidual service, in future the ICS will
                          short time, we          which will probably also be reflected in         ­increasingly place the emphasis on envi­
                          have developed          the ICS overall statistics. In addition to        ronmental and climate protection: "The
                          to become one           the international events, the ICS has             theme of 'green meetings' is at the top of
                          of the top ten          made a name for itself in particular in the       our agenda, even though we are already
                          locations".             area of medicine and pharmaceuticals.             setting the standards with Messe Stutt­
                          Stefan Lohnert,         The congress calendar included, for               gart", says Lohnert, referring to the
                          Manager of the
                                                  ­example, Inter­pharm with 3,400 visitors,        28,000 square metres of photovoltaic
                          ICS International
                                                   the 60th anniversary conference of the           modules on the trade fair hall roofs and
                          Congress Center
                                                   German Society of Urology with 4,400             the 7,000 square metres of collector
                                                   visitors, and the German Dentists'               surface on the multi-storey car-park.

Message 1 | 2010                                                                                                                            
4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart
Every three years, Stuttgart becomes the
    Cooperation with Deutsche Bahn
                                                                                      Mecca for the world of wine and fruit juice.
    Special conditions
                                                                                  Roughly 600 exhibitors from over 20 countries
    In cooperation with Deutsche Bahn
(DB), the new Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre                                         present technical innovations and services for the
will offer exhibitors and visitors of inde­
                                                                                  production of wine, fruit, fruit juice and spirits to
pendent events attractive special conditions
in 2010. Up to a distance of 350 kilometers,                                      the expected 40,000 visitors from all continents
the ticket price from any DB railway station
to Stuttgart Airport/Trade Fair will cost                     Thomas Brandl,      at INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA. IVIF is the
139 Euro for first class and 79 Euro for                Company spokesman
                                                                                  most international trade fair of its kind, despite
second class. From 351 kilometres, first                     of Landesmesse
class will cost 219 Euro, second class 139             Stuttgart GmbH (LMS)
                                                                                  strong competition from the two biggest wine-
Euro. The offer applies to all DB trains,
including the ICE high-speed trains. Tickets                                      growing countries Italy and France. 1,500 experts
can be booked via the DB events hotline,
Tel.: +49 (0)1805/311153.                                                         from around the world come to the IVIF congress

                                                 alone. Its very international character is the trump card of IVIF: With smaller

    Messe Stuttgart fire service:                satellite events in South Africa, Chile, Russia, India and Vienna, the flagship

    New fire engine
    The fire service at the New Messe
Stuttgart has recently acquired a new
emergency response fire engine. It is
                                                 "Global network for
equipped with a high-pressure extin­
guishing system and a 160-litre water tank.
Thanks to its compact dimensions, it can
                                                 new markets"
also enter all the car-parks, thus ensuring
rapid firefighting in the event of car fires.
In addition, the new vehicle can be used         trade fair in Stuttgart has built up a global network and thus helps customers
for technical assistance. A fire engine with
a 1,200-litre water tank is also available to    develop new markets. Specifically how this takes place – against the background
the trade fair fire service. Of the 45 mem­
                                                 of a significant shift in power between the New and the Old Worlds – is shown
bers of the trade fair fire service, 20 are
full-time and 25 are volunteers. In the          in the title story of this issue of Message.
event of a major incident, they are sup­
ported by the voluntary fire brigade of              Messe Stuttgart's calendar for the first months of 2010 is already quite full:
                                                 in addition to the again completely booked up CMT, the parade of historic and

                                                 classic cars at RETRO CLASSICS and a still growing INTERGASTRA (for the

                                                 first time with FOKUS HOTEL and the ice cream trade fair GELATISSIMO),

                                                 guest trade fairs such as LogiMAT, Medtec and the new arrival from Munich,

                                                 Photon’s Photovoltaic Technology Show Europe, are on the schedule. We are

                                                 especially looking forward to this newest baby – after all, Messe Stuttgart, with

                                                 35,000 square metres of collector surface, does have one of the largest photo­

                                                 voltaic systems in the world! Our ICS will for the first time host the annual

                                                 conference of the German Diabetes Association, and other important company

                                                 events have also been booked. Despite the economic crisis, we are cautiously
In the event of a fire, the new compact fire
engine can enter any car-park without problem.   optimistic for the new year. We hope you enjoy reading this issue of Message!

4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart
News – Trends

                                                                                                  by side in mirror-image fashion, and
                                                                      The party                   has a gross exhibition surface of
                                                                      conference of the           26,800 square metres, of which 5,900
                                                                      German CDU in               square metres are on the all-round
                                                                      2008 was just one           gallery. By way of comparison: The
                                                                      of several top              Stuttgart TV tower would comforta­
                                                                      events held in the          bly fit diagonally into Hall 1. For
                                                                      ICS International
                                                                                                  events without seating 22,000 people
                                                                      Congress Center
                                                                                                  are admitted to the L-Bank-Forum,
                                                                                                  while 14,000 visitors can be accom­
                                                                                                  modated in rows of seats. The sup­
                                                                                                porting structure of the L-Bank-
                                                                                                  ­Forum is the same as that of the other,
                                                                                                   smaller trade fair halls, and therefore
    L-Bank-Forum: Southern Germany's big event hall                                                offers the same advantages: its sup­
                                                                                                port-free design allows smooth
    Modern and multifunctional                                                                  ­setting up and dismantling, and in
                                                                                                 ­addition emphasises the impressive
    The L-Bank-Forum (Hall 1) of the            and the BW-Bank Jazz Open 2009. It                 size of the roof support structure.
New Messe Stuttgart has been among              was designed as a multifunctional                        When required, Hall 1 can, of
the largest, most modern and best               event location, to provide an optimum              course, be completely darkened. ­During
event halls in southern Germany also            venue for, among other things, con­                the daytime, the partially glazed
in the perception of the wider public           certs, large congresses, company                   ­f acades, the central skylight, and the
at the latest since top events such as          events, political party conferences,                circumferential windows ensure plen­
the party conference of the German              TV productions and sporting events.                 ty of natural light – and additionally
CDU at the end of 2008, the Radio               It is 14 to 24 metres high, is equal to             emphasise the open and transparent
Energy Music Tour in the same year,             two standard trade fair halls placed side           character of the architecture.

  Building site(s)
  by Ulrich Kromer, Spokesman for the management of Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH.

  2009 was a difficult year. After the record   ­precisely as predicted: in 2025 65 per cent   as a platform for relevant suppliers, will be
  figures in 2008 – also for the trade fair     of people will be female, and 59 per cent      able to provide an answer to some, maybe
  business – the sudden change, and, for        of senior citizens will be in employment.      even many of the questions on this topic.
  many companies and people, a time of          Five years later, 28 per cent of the popula-   For already today a large number of the
  ­uncertainty whose end is not yet foresee-    tion will be over 65 years of age, and a       themes affecting society and therefore
  able. We all know that almost all difficult   78-year-old will be as fit as a 48-year-old    also the international economy are some-
  phases come to an end and can be              today. Moreover, we will continue to ex­       times anticipated and considered at the
  ­mastered sometime, but it is equally clear   perience the extraordinary mobilisation        relevant trade fairs. This too shows how
  to see that this time we must recognise       and miniaturisation of technology, and         important trade fairs are in an increasingly
  more long-lasting signs of change.            therefore, among other things, evidently a     fast-changing world.
  The situation is compounded by the immi-      reduction in the volume of traffic (by 2025    Ten years after the turn of the millennium,
  nent change that our society quite evi-       15 per cent of meetings will be held using     I wish for all of us that we will soon over-
  dently faces. Although I believe the many     teleconferencing technology).                  come the second economic crisis of the
  predictions of various 'wise men' only with   Probably one of the most important busi-       past decade. For this purpose – and for
  reservation, some figures and findings        ness challenges facing companies will be       the changes still to come in the future –
  ­presented by the Fraunhofer IAO recently     resource management, for already in 2006       we need patience and a good deal of time
  at one of our press conferences have          we reached a price level that was originally   and creativity. I wish this for you, dear
  ­indeed made me a little pensive – regard-    predicted for 2020. The trade fair business,   readers, as well as much success, personal
  less of whether they in fact come true        with its many highly specialised trade fairs   happiness and good health.

Message 1 | 2010                                                                                                                               
4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart
Wenn Menschen zueinander kommen, um Neues zu erfahren und Meinungen auszutauschen, wenn Unternehmen einladen, um Produkte und
                         Dienstleistungen vorzustellen – dann zählt das perfekte Zusammenspiel von Sprache, Bild und Licht. Wenn Sie Menschen perfekt erreichen
                         wollen – dann sollten Sie auf einen Partner zählen, der Know-how, Erfahrung, Kreativität und Zuverlässigkeit mitbringt: uns.

                         Ihr Vertragspartner der Messe Stuttgart.

www.NeumannMueller.com                                                                                                                          Neumann & Müller
4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart
Cover Story                           Global trade fairs

High-tech: the most up-to-date filling and packaging technology at the Stuttgart INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA.

Global trade fairs
The New Messe Stuttgart is using the INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA
and its satellites to steadily press ahead with internationalisation.

                                                  What would you like today? Caber­          man Riesling and other grape varieties
                                              net from Changyu? Sula Shiraz or Uru­          from German growing areas. Over 20
                                              guayan Tannat? Carménère from Chile,           percent of German wine is exported to
                                              Georgian Tsinandali, Feteasca Neagra           more than 70 countries throughout the
                                              from the shores of the Black Sea? Or           world. Today, the “juice of the grape” as
                                              would you prefer a tasty Sauvignon             an expression of a modern lifestyle has
                                              Blanc from Marlborough, grown in the           spread across the continents and be­
                                              cool climate of New Zealand’s South            come a “Global Business”. Since 1990,
                                              Island? Welcome to the “Global Vil­            exports worldwide have risen by 120
                                              lage”. The world has long since become         percent. Roughly a third of the total an­
                                              a village. And nowhere else has this be­       nual volume of approx. 270 million
                                              come more quickly obvious than with            hectolitres of wine is shipped across
                                              the example of wine. A walk through            borders. It was 14 percent in 1990.
                                              the supermarket is enough evidence.                It is no surprise then that the Messe
                                              Gone are the days when the Swabian             Stuttgart and its partner, the German
                                              bravely and almost exclusively drank           Viticulture Federation (Deutsche
                                              his Trollinger and countries like China        Weinbauverband, DWV), have been
                                              or India had (hardly) even discovered          steadily pushing ahead for years with
IVIF South America in Talca, Chile.           wine consumption. Around the globe,            the internationalisation of INTER­VITIS
                                              wine lovers are able to delight in a Ger­      INTERFRUCTA. Started in 1972, the

Message 1 | 2010                                                                                                                    
4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart
the hinterland around the metropolis of      ­ arket during the one-day conference.
                                            Mumbai? 60,000 hectares are already          Motto: First come, first served. The
                                            planted with vines. The annual growth        “Gargi Agriculture Research and Train­
                                            rates in production are between 20 and       ing Institute”, the first training centre
                                            25 percent, and at the top vineyards of      for wine technology in Asia has been
                                            Sula Wines by 35 percent. Per head           operating in Nashik since 2006. Its
                                            consumption in India, with its 1.1 bil­      ­Director, Rajan Bachhao, and Dr Pra­
                                            lion inhabitants, is little more than a       deep Pachpatil, President of the Nashik
                                            teaspoon. The rapidly increasing mid­         Valley Wine Producers, are planning to
                                            dle classes have long since discovered        come to INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA
                                            wine as an expression of a Western life­      2010 in Stuttgart with a large delega­
                                            style and are renouncing whisky and           tion from the 24th – 28th of March
                                            gin. According to Rajev Samant, ­owner        2010. To increase the number of
                                            of the Sula Winery in Nashik, “30             ­specialist visitors from India even
                                            ­million Indians regularly enjoy wine,         ­f urther, Messe Stuttgart and DWV
                                             however the potential number is at             ­finished the conference in Nashik with
                                             least 100 million!” In order to improve         a large and very well-attended IVIF
                                             the quality of the vintages from the hot,       press conference.
                                             humid subcontinent, the most modern                  India is not currently a significant
                                             technology and expertise “Made in               wine growing country. The extent to
                                             Germany” is needed. IVIF exhibitors             which forces have already shifted in
                                             such as Clemens, Erbslöh, Scharfen­             the global market, can be seen in the
                                             berger or Pall therefore used the 2nd           ­figures. Two thirds of the wine pro­
                                             INTERVITIS India in November 2009                duced globally still comes from Europe,
                                             to make first steps into the Indian              yet the old world has lost six percent

Stuttgart-based Technology trade fair
for the production of wine, fruit, fruit
juice and spirits now has smaller “sat­
ellites” in Cape Town (South Africa),
Talca (Chile), Krasnodar (Russia),
Nashik (India) and Vienna. Ulrich
Kromer, LMS Managing Director, ex­
plains the idea behind it: “We want to
be the global marketing partner for our
exhibitors and help them to open up
important future markets on location.”
Kromer does not see this as competi­
tion to the main trade fair in Stuttgart:
“As is the case with other large trade
fair corporations in Ger­many, the sat­
ellites function very well at attracting
people to the main event. At IVIF
2007, there was a significantly higher
number of specialist visitors from Aus­
tria and Chile, even though, or perhaps
because we launched new events in
these countries in the pre­vious three
years. Recognition of the INTERVITIS
INTERFRUCTA brand is growing
worldwide through these sorts of for­
eign offshoots.”
     India is an example. Who actually
knows that in the subcontinent 200
new wine growers have sprouted up in
recent years, primarily in the state of
Maharashtra, in the higher regions of

4 Euro Message - Innovations for world markets INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2010 - Messe Stuttgart
Cover Story                                 Global trade fairs

Vergelegen Estate: icons of the wine-making industry in South Africa.        Napa Valley: trailblazer in wine and tourism.

of its market share since the year 2000.         complaining that per head consump­             Stuttgart and DWV have become active
France still ranks first in the world with       tion has been decreasing for years, in         in the middle of the largest wine-
50.7 million hectolitres, followed by            “beer countries” such as Ireland, Great        ­growing area in Chile, the Maule ­region.
Italy with 48.1 million and Spain with           Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Po­          In 2004, together with the regional
37.5 million. They are followed by the           land, Czech Republic and Scandinavia,           trade fair organisation Fimaule in Talca,
USA, Argentina, Australia and China.             it is rising significantly. In terms of the     they launched INTERVITIS INTER­
In terms of consumption, according to            share in global wine exports, the trio of       FRUCTA South America. According to
market specialist Dr Klaus Rückrich              Italy, France and Spain continue to hold        Dr Rudolf Nickenig, DWV General
(DWV), “It is only a matter of a few             their top position – but countries like         Secretary, “the beginning was not easy,
years until America overtakes France to          Chile in fifth place, the USA, Argentina        but in the meantime the event is
become the largest market in the                 and South Africa (eighth place) are             ­heading in the right direction. It has
world”. Germany ranks fourth with                gaining ground. Germany, with 3.5                been accepted by the Chilean wine and
consumption at 21 million hectolitres,           million hectolitres, is in a respectable         fruit juice industry as the most impor­
just behind Italy and before China.              seventh place.                                   tant forum for the industry, and also
      So how much vino does the average               There is continuing heavy invest­           enjoys the full support of the Ministry
German enjoy in a year? About 21                 ment in wine-growing countries in the            of Agriculture.” At the beginning of
­litres, plus four litres of sparkling wine,     new world. Chile, with nearly 200,000            September 2010, the biennial event
 which is a favourite here in Germany.           hectares of vineyards, almost twice the          will take place for the fourth time. In
 Germans therefore consume less than             area of German vineyards, has de­                addition, a joint German pavilion is
 the European average of 32 litres. How­         veloped very dynamically. Within a               planned, but France and Italy have an­
 ever, the average German household              few years, the area under cultivation at         nounced to IVIF exhibitors of their
 now spends more on wine than on                 the foot of the Andes Cordillera has             ­interest in a first appearance in Chile.
 beer. Interestingly, while traditional          doubled, the export share of Chilean              Managing Director of Fimaule Hector
 wine-growing countries have been                bodegas today is 70 percent. Messe                Brito would like to expand IVIF South
                                                                                                   America into a trade fair platform for
                                                                                                   neighbouring countries Argentina,
                                                                                                   Peru and Bolivia..
Launch of IVIF Russia with DWV General Secretary Dr Rudolf Nickenig (2nd from right).                  Partners DWV and Messe Stuttgart
                                                                                                   have had a presence in South Africa
                                                                                                   since 1995. Through participation in
                                                                                                   the former “Wine Farmers & Fruit
                                                                                                   Growers Exhibition”, a majority stake
                                                                                                   was acquired three years ago – the name
                                                                                                   was changed to INTERVITIS INTER­
                                                                                                   FRUCTA Southern Africa for the most
                                                                                                   recent trade fair at the end of July in
                                                                                                   Cape Town. It is organised by co-part­
                                                                                                   ner Rocky Swartz, an experienced trade

“To your health”: Georgia is the world‘s oldest wine growing country. Contrasting range from the new world: Vasse Felix wine estate in Australia.

        fair organiser with German roots. Si­             ­almost all wine-growing countries in             wine source, due to political unrest was
        milar to wine growing in Chile, South             Southeastern Europe, who have lost a              hit just like Georgia in 2005 by Russian
        Africa is very much export-oriented.              significant market share. The “Golden             boycotts, and thereby lost its main mar­
        The export of Chardonnay, Chenin                  Age” of Amselfelder and Krimskoje, of             ket. Both countries today are therefore
        Blanc, Pinotage & Co. to Germany for              sweet Mädchentraube and Tokaj is long             turning towards new markets with im­
        example has risen in the last ten years           since gone. After communism ended,                proved wines for export. Technology at
        by 43 percent. Because labour in vine­            the totally outdated technology of the            trade fairs such as the IVIF in Stuttgart
        yards in South America, Chile and Ar­             wine industry in traditional countries            is evaluated and purchased. This is also
        gentina is inexpensive, mechanisation             such as Hungary, Romania and Bul­garia            happening with the most recent IVIF
        still lags behind there in comparison             had to be adapted to changed market­              offshoot in Krasnodar, Southern
        with Europe. However, heavy invest­               ing structures and consumer interests.            ­Russia. This fair is being organised by
        ment will be necessary even in this area          This costs a lot of money, and in many             the local trade fair organisation to­gether
        in future, as well as in wine cellars.            cases only flowed into the country as              with DWV and Messe Stuttgart. In
        Only those who can deliver good quali­            foreign investment after joining the               practically no other country, apart from
        ty at acceptable prices have a chance on          EU. Moldova, with a larger area of vine­           China, have large-scale political deci­
        the global market. If the new world has           yards than Germany, and in Soviet                  sions had such an impact on the condi­
        been the winner for the last two de­              times wine supplier to the huge “red               tions for developments in the wine-
        cades, it has been at the expense of              empire” thanks to its inexhaustible                making industry as in Russia...

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Location Stuttgart

always has
to make a
great effort"
Message interview
with the new head of
tourism in Stuttgart,
Armin Dellnitz.

Message: You have taken over the           Message: One of your messages is:            with all partners. Now we can deal
position as head of the Tourism            Diversity alone is not sufficient to         with the conceptual process. First, we
for the city and region of Stuttgart       make a successful tourism region.            will work through all available market
in a time of crisis. How does the          Instead, the region needs a clear profile.   research data and define our additional
struggling economy affect tourism          How do you think this profile should         requirements in this area. The second
in Stuttgart?                              look like?                                   phase is concerned with the outward
Dellnitz: The overnight stay figures       Dellnitz: When someone in tourism            image of the region. For me, this is not
are currently running at around minus      defines their profile in terms of the di­    simply a question of logo or work/
10 per cent and it looks likely that       versity of their offer, this is for me       picture mark but a question of brand
they will remain at this level until the   nothing but a lot of hot air. Diversity      development. Which image should
end of 2009. That's a relatively hard      cannot be marketed in tourism; it            this region receive? Which facets do
blow. Although overnight stay and          doesn't permit profiling of the loca­        we want to strengthen? Only after
guest figures have fallen in almost all    tion and has a ring of mediocrity.           this has been clarified, can we talk
German cities, the drop in Stuttgart       Nobody can be really good every­             about the target groups we want to
has been above average. I assume that      where. We therefore have to boost            address, about issues and, finally
the recession will be with us for an­      and develop, above all, the tourism          about appropriate tourism offers. We
other one to two years. High growth        image content of the Stuttgart region        expect the new marketing concept for
rates are therefore not to be expected.    to produce a unique profile. This is the     Stuttgart and the region to be in place
Following this, however – in part due      only way potential guests in Germany         by summer 2010. Although it will
to the new form of external presenta­      and abroad can build up an unambig­          probably not come into effect fully
tion and through qualitative improve­      uous relationship. At the same time,         until 2012, by 2011 we will clearly
ment in the overall tourism offer of       we will also have to omit tourism            see the direction we are going in.
city and region – these rates will rise    offers in marketing in order that we         Message: What role does trade fair
again. Tourism in Stuttgart can never      do not dilute Stuttgart as a brand.          and congress tourism play in your
be a self-runner. Stuttgart always has     Message: What practical measures             strategic consideration?
to make a great effort. We always have     do you wish to take?                         Dellnitz: The area of trade fairs,
to offer more quality, infrastructure      Dellnitz: In the last few months, I          conferences and congresses is tremen­
and service than other destinations.       have rearranged Stuttgart Marketing          dously important for Stuttgart and the
And when we do this, we find ourselves     so that we can achieve our new ob­           region and is therefore very high up in
competing at the top of the league.        jectives. I have also become acquainted      my list of priorities. We have an excel­

Message 1 | 2010                                                                                                             12
                                                                                                              u M e s s e-Min
 3 million
                                                                         Up to 2008, the
2.5 million                                                              number of overnight
                                                                         stays in creases
 2 million
                                                                         continuously. In 2009,
1.5 million                                                              the figures fall for
                                                                         the first time.
 1 million

0.5 million

                     2004      2005     2006     2007      2008

lent infrastructure here in Stuttgart -                 be binding. The aim of Messe Stuttgart,
no doubt about it. The target group of                  ICS, Stuttgart Airport, Liederhalle,
classic business travellers has to be                   other congress and conference loca­
addressed by means of more individ­                     tions, approximately ten hotels with a
ualised, improved, high-quality offers                  focal point in this segment, as well as
in order to fully exploit its potential.                Stuttgart Marketing, must be the
This is now the challenge facing,                       preparation of a strategy paper with
above all, the Product Development                      common goals and delimitation of
Department of Stuttgart Marketing.                      responsibilities. My aim is that we
Furthermore, I would like to achieve                    think and operate in a networked
a situation where 25 to 30 big players                  manner. I believe the accompanying
in the area of conferences and trade                    strategies must be set down in writing
fairs in Stuttgart and region operate                   and remain applicable for several years
according to a common concept, the                      after this. This is the only way to create
implementation of which also has to                     a solid basis of trust.

  Three questions to:
                                                                                                       � 139 Zimmer
                                                                                                       � 3 Appartements
  Michael Graf Adelmann                                                                                � 5 Etagen
                                                                                                         mit Klimaanlage
  Owner of the Graf Adelmann wine estates and member of                                                � 5 Tagungsräume
  the board of the Württemberg Winegrowers' Association                                                � WLAN im gesamten
                                                                                                         Haus verfügbar
                                                                                                       � Restaurant mit

     1                                                                                                   internationaler Küche
              Glass, plastic, carton: Where is the best place for a good wine?
              From the perspective of a traditional wine estate, glass is clearly the best             � Parkplätze und
              packaging for a noble wine; less sophisticated wines are also at home in plastic           Tiefgarage
     or cartons. The same applies to closures: For top wines, in particular the best red wines,          direkt am Hotel
     corks are still indispensable. The natural product wine, agrees very well with the                � Shopping Center
     breathable natural product cork, which permits post-maturation in the bottle. Our                   in 2 Gehminuten
     customer expect glass bottles with cork closures. However, what applies today, may be
                                                                                                       � Stadtpark vor der Tür
     different in a few years.

              Globalisation has also arrived on the wine market. Does this internationali­
              sation provide more opportunities than risks?
              The decisive question is how German wine succeeds in positioning itself abroad.
     In the past, cheap wines were sold as quality, which caused confusion among customers.            Schon gebucht?
     In future, it will be important to clearly identify different qualities by, among other things,
                                                                                                       AMBER HOTEL
     vineyard classification. Then I would regard internationalisation as a real opportunity.
                                                                                                       Faire Preise, guter Service, nah zur Messe

              From 24 – 28 March, 2010, INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA will be held in Stuttgart.
              What is the significance of the technology trade fair for the wine trade?
              The trade fair is an absolute must for German winegrowers and their colleagues           � Messe-Mini-Raten
     in Europe. The IVIF is the best technology trade fair we have in the sector. Apart from the       � 3 Minuten zur Autobahn A8/A81
     technical innovations that will be presented at the trade fair, I am primarily interested in      � S-Bahn Anschluss Stuttgart City
     the expert conferences with their interesting and high-class lectures on an extremely wide        � 20 Autominuten zur Messe Stuttgart
     variety of oenological subjects.                                                                  � HBF Stuttgart: 15 km
                                                                                                       � Flughafen-/Messe-Taxi zum Fixpreis

                                                                                                       AMBER HOTEL Leonberg/Stuttgart
                                                                                                       Römerstraße 102 - 71229 Leonberg
                                                                                                       � 07152 / 303-3 • Fax 07152/ 303- 499

13                                                                                  Message 1 | 2010   www.amber-hotels.de
Location Stuttgart

  Stuttgart faces (16): Ruth Sellack, Goldsmith/Jewellery Designer

  "A feel for modern design"

                                                   niques together with modern design and          strasse slowly became a thing of the past,
                                                   individual style elements, the pearls,          along with what was, for many years, my
                                                   stones and other decorative elements            retail shop in the Rathauspassage. Since
                                                   formed, after close collaboration with the      October of last year, I have been working
                                                   customer, unique pieces of jewellery. The       together with my employees in Eberhard-
                                                   question was, what would the people in          strasse 6 in Stuttgart city centre.
                                                   Stuttgart think? In Munich, where I had         That so many of my jewellery-loving
                                                   also worked as an apprentice, jewellery         customers have remained loyal for over
Ruth Sellack, Goldsmith and Jewellery              design was still very much following a          almost two decades and that from
Designer, Stuttgart.                               traditional route. And in Stuttgart?            customer relationships personal contacts
                                                   To my then surprise, the people here met        have been made, sometimes even
                                                   my design ideas with an enormous open-          intense friendships, throws another light
I can honestly say today that when I came          ness. That in Stuttgart there had always        on Stuttgart and its people. They do tend
to Stuttgart from Munich 19 years ago, I           been a feel for modern design in the            to appear reserved and maybe not very
had no idea what would await me, as                visual arts and architecture soon became        sociable at first. However, they have
a Nuremberg native, here in the state              clear to me during a walk through the           plenty of merits which are also of
capital. I had successfully completed my           'Weissenhof Settlement' in Killesberg or        enormous benefit in business. I have
studies in jewellery design and the                during my visits to the New State Gallery,      always considered the Stuttgart people
Masters in Goldsmithery was already in             a building which isn't exactly conventional,    to be extremely fair, honest and authentic.
the bag. At the time, I made my jewellery          built in 1984 by James Stirling. I sensed       There is a Swabian understatement
in a backyard workshop in the south of             back then that I was in the right place         instead of flaunted wealth, more refined
Stuttgart city. It was all done by hand            with Stuttgart for contemporary jewellery       and quiet than flashy and loud. And it
back then too, following designs drawn             design. And I still think it to this day.       is with these positive character traits
on a page and not the CAD programme                Things certainly changed over the years:        that my modern jewellery pieces really
on the PC. Using traditional, craft tech-          The small backyard workshop in List-            sparkle.

    Message Series: Bars in Stuttgart (16)

    Fou Fou
    Where to go after a trade fair or congress? In this series, Message has selected bars for you to try out.

                                                                              There are areas in Stuttgart which still possess the old charm
                                                                              of times gone by. For example, the Leonhardsviertel with its
                                                                              own mix of Swabian wine taverns and the 'Little Paris' red light
                                                                              district. This is where Gianni De Palo, Kai Binder and Joachim
                                                                              Stahl have recently opened the stylish cocktail and champagne
                                                                              bar FOU FOU. A team of professional and experienced bar
                                                                              keepers know exactly what drink the guests are looking for.
                                                                              With a range of drinks concocted by the bar staff themselves,
                                                                              the menu offers a welcome change from the old favourites. The
                                                                              whiskey, gin and vodka selection is also very much up to
                                                                              scratch. Smokers will find a stylish smokers lounge, complete
                                                                              with fire, for a comfortable place of retreat. And since the end
                                                                              of last year, FOU FOU has also added small snacks to the menu.
                                                                              Further information: FOU FOU, Leonhardstrasse 13, 70182 Stutt-
                                                                              gart. Opening times: Mon – Wed 17.00 – 01.00, Thurs – Sat 18.00 –
                                                                              03.00, Closed on Sundays. Fri and Sat: DJ nights.
    Stylish new bar in Stuttgart's red-light district: FOU FOU.

Message 1 | 2010                                                                                                                                  14
                                                                                                                              Wireless LAN
                                                                                                                              in allen Zimmern

                                                                                                  Herzliche Professionalität
                                                                  The historic                    vor den Toren Stuttgarts.
                                                                  centre of                     Drei-Sterne-Komfort-Zimmer
                                                                  Reutlingen,                   und erstklassige Gastronomie
                                                                  with 112,000
                                                                  invites you to
                                                                  take a stroll or
                                                                  go shopping.

                                                                                           Kreuzbrunnenstraße 103 · 73760 Ostfildern
                                                                                              Telefon: (0711) 341 688 -0, Fax: -430

Potential and projects
Many communities in the conurbation of Stuttgart are
important business locations in the state. Message is
presenting them in a series. In this edition: Reutlingen.

     When it comes to the economy,          manufacturer Still Wagner. Also Willi
Reutlingen was always an important          Betz, Europe's largest haulage company,
location. The former 'Free Imperial City'   is located in the 112,000-strong city of
                                                                                         Nur 6 bzw.
is among one of the earliest industrial­    Reutlingen, whose centre is less than 30     7 Kilometer                            Ostfildern

ised towns in Württemberg and is today      minutes away from the New Messe Stutt­       zur Messe!            Neue
the largest economic centre between         gart and Stuttgart Airport.
Stuttgart and Lake Constance. Reutlingen         In Reutlingen, the focus is on the                               Flughafen
is located in the most southern part of     promotion of future-oriented industries
the Stuttgart metropolitan region and       such as biotechnology, nano- and mate­
forms, together with the neighbouring       rials technology, as well as medical engi­
Tübingen, the joint regional centre for     neering. Together with the university
the Neckar-Alb region. Traditionally        town of Tübingen, Reutlingen speci-
involved with the textile industry, today   fically supports young companies and
internationally active electrotechnical     entrepreneurs active in the areas of
companies dominate in Reutlingen, as        biotechnology and medical engineering.
well as mechanical and plant engineering    The Technologiepark Tübingen-Reut­
and the automobile industry, along with     lingen (TTR), Germany's largest start-up
nationally recognised companies such as     centre for biotechnology, is to be found
Robert Bosch GmbH and forklift truck        at its core.

                                                                 Reutlingen at the
                                                                 foot of the
                                                                 Achalm is the                          Verkehrsgünstig
                                                                 largest economic                  Ruhig im Grünen gelegen
                                                                 centre between                Komfortabel ausgestattete Zimmer
                                                                 Stuttgart and
                                                                                              Tiefgarage und Parkplatz kostenfrei
                                                                                                   Restaurant · W-LAN
                                                                 Lake Constance.

                                                                                                         In den Anlagen 1
                                                                                                    73760 Ostfildern-Nellingen
                                                                                              Telefon: (0711) 34 01 95 -0 · Fax: - 55
15                                                                   Message 1 | 2010                   info@filderhotel.de

Trade Fairs – Markets


16. – 24.01. | CMT
Int. exhibition for caravanning, motoring and
tourism with the special exhibitions: Fahrrad- &
ErlebnisReisen mit Wandern und Treffpunkt Kanu,
Golf- & WellnessReisen, Kreuzfahrt- & SchiffsReisen,
Motorfaszination, KulturReisen mit Kongress
Stuttgart CULTURE Open

29. – 31.01. | MEDIZIN
Specialist Trade Fair + Congress

04. – 06.02. | TV TecStyle Visions
Int. trade fair for textile printing, embroidery,
transfers and flocking

06. – 10.02. | INTERGASTRA
Int. trade fair for hotels, restaurants, catering,        Eye-catcher: historic AFM Formula 2 Type 50 racing car for RETRO CLASSICS 2010.
confectionery and café with the special exhibition
GELATISSIMO for the manufacture of hand-made
ice-cream                                                 RETRO CLASSICS 2010:
23. – 25.02. | PFLEGE & REHA
Trade fair for elderly care, nursing and rehabilitation
with accompanying congress
                                                          The crème de la chrome
25. – 27.02. | CEP CLEAN                                  Stuttgart's car show has developed over ten years into
ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE                                     a real highlight on the international classic car scene.
Int. trade fair for renewable energy, energy-efficient
building and renovation with congress
                                                               The fascination with classic cars         restorers and premium dealers. There
02. – 04.03. | LogiMAT                                    has had a name since 2001 in Stutt­            will also be the special show "200
Int. trade fair for distribution, materials handling
                                                          gart: RETRO CLASSICS. Back then,               Years of Peugeot", as well as a unique
and information flow
                                                          the historic vehicles fought for space in      collection of 20 rare cars from Japan on
                                                          the cramped halls of the previous trade        public display for the first time in
09.03. | Sicherheit + Automation
                                                          fair grounds in the Killesberg region.         Germany: the Frey private collection
6th Designers' Conference with Specialist
                                                          In this anniversary year, RETRO                from Augsburg will include approxi­
                                                          CLASSICS will be filling eight halls           mately 20 Mazdas from the late 1950s
                                                          from 12 to 14 March and thus almost            right up to the mid-1970s. Further
12. – 14.03. | RETRO CLASSICS
                                                          the entire new Stuttgart Trade Fair            dealers and restoration businesses will
The World of Classic Automobiles
                                                          Centre, occupying approximately                be setting up their stands in Hall 3.
23. – 25.03. | MEDTEC                                     100,000 square metres of space. It is          This hall will also feature the "Neo
Exhibition and Conference – Components,
                                                          one of the top events of its kind in the       Classics" exhibition with today's luxury
materials, subcontracting services and equipment          whole of Europe. Organiser Ulrich              limousines, special edition cars and
for Europe's medical manufacturers                        Herrmann sums up the rapid develop­            sports cars which, due to their low
                                                          ment: "Here in Stuttgart you have,             numbers, are already deemed to be
23. – 25.03. | R+T Asia                                   accurately described, the 'crème de la         classics. Also in Hall 3, the special
Asian Platform for Doors, Gates & Sun Protection          chrome' of classic cars." Altogether,          show "110 Years of Electric Mobility"
(Shanghai/China)                                          there will be around 2,500 vehicles,           will look back on a history of electric
                                                          both 2- and 4-wheelers, on display at          cars spanning over 100 years.
23. – 25.03. | 3C Contamination                           the trade fair centre. Each hall will have         The increasingly important theme
Control and Cleanroom Products                            its own theme. Hall 1 will be housing,         "Youngtimers", i.e. vehicles which have
                                                          among other highlights, the great car          been "on the road" for at least 25 to 30
23. – 25.03. | SÜDTEC                                     manufacturers and suppliers such as            years, will be presented in Hall 5.
                                                          Jaguar, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Daimler,        In Hall 7, the Country Halls, both
                                                          Peugeot and Bosch, as well as top-class        German and international classic car

              Message 1 | 2010                                                                                                                16
Interview with Ulrich Herrmann, Organiser of RETRO CLASSICS

"A event with plenty of prestige"
? RETRO CLASSICS is celebrating its               acceptance from both exhibitors and the
tenth anniversary in 2010. Did you think          press, some of the most unique collectors'
it would be so successful?                        exhibitions, the establishment of the im-
We couldn't have foreseen this level of           portant Youngtimers and Neo Classics
success in the autumn of 2000 when the            themes, tens of thousands of kilometres
idea for a classic car exhibition in Stuttgart    travelled to make contacts all over Europe,
was first presented. It became a reality          as well as the establishment of a functioning
five months later. However, back then I was       network within the classic car scene.
already pretty certain that we could organise     ? Finally, where will RETRO CLASSICS
such a trade fair successfully in a city and      be in 2020?
region with such a globally unique                It will be the world's leading Youngtimers
automobile tradition.                             and classic car event with Neo Classics as a
? And what do you think of RETRO                  particular niche for special edition cars. It
CLASSICS now ten years on?                        will be a must-see event with plenty of
I think of a trade fair grounds with 100,000      prestige and business success for the
square metres of occupied space, more             exhibitors, as well as a trade fair with ex-
than 1,000 exhibitors, approximately 60,000       traordinary exhibits really worth seeing.
visitors, increasing numbers, international       Something all visitors can look forward to.

                                                                                                  With a little help
clubs will share the limelight. Hall 4
will also be the Mecca for motorsport
                                                   Highlight number two is the two-
                                                   wheeled area, doubled in size on 4,000             from my friends *
enthusiasts in 2010. Two special                   square metres of space, where this year
shows promise to be absolute high­                 the Hockenheim Ring and BMW, as                 Ài՘`ˆV ŽiˆÌÊÛiÀLˆ˜`iÌ]ÊiÀiˆV ÌiÀÌÊ`ˆiÊÀLiˆÌÊ
lights: A world premiere of approxi­               well as all the other brands, will be on        ՘`Ê >ÌÊ Àvœ}°Ê ˆiÊ i>̏iÃʎŸ˜˜i˜Êiˆ˜Êˆi`Ê`>ۜ˜Ê
mately 50 unique legendary Alfa                    display. And for anyone looking to pur­         Ș}i˜°Ê1˜`\ÊÀi՘`ˆV ŽiˆÌʈÃÌÊ}iÃ՘`°Ê ˆV Ìʜ ˜iÊ
Romeo vehicles will be on display                  chase their own classic car, this dream         À՘`ÊÜiÀ`i˜Ê-œ˜}ÃÊ`iÀÊ i>̏iÃÊiÀvœ}ÀiˆV ʈ˜Ê
from the private collection of Corrado             can finally be fulfilled in Hall 6: This is     / iÀ>«ˆi˜Ê}i}i˜Ê-ÌÀiÃÃÊiˆ˜}iÃiÌâÌ°ÊÊ
Lopresto, as well as from the Alfa                 where around 240 vehicles will be               -ˆiʓŸV Ìi˜Êiˆ˜iÊ6iÀ>˜ÃÌ>Ì՘}Ê}B˜âˆV ʜ ˜iÊ
Romeo Museum in Arese near Milan.                  waiting for their new owners.                   -ÌÀiÃÃÊ`ÕÀV vØ Ài˜¶Ê7ˆÀÊ«>˜i˜Ê՘`ʜÀ}>˜ˆÃˆiÀi˜Ê
                                                                                                   `i˜Ê}iÃ>“Ìi˜ÊL>Õvʘ>V Ê Ài˜Ê7ؘÃV i˜°Ê˜Ê՘Ãi‡
                                                                                                   Ài“ÊՓv>˜}ÀiˆV i˜ÊˆiÌ«>ÀŽÊw˜`i˜Ê-ˆiÊ>iÃÊvØÀÊ ÀÊ
                                                                                                    Ûi˜Ì\Ê iÃV >Õ˜}Ã>˜>}i˜]Ê Àœ>`V>Ã̇ µÕˆ«“i˜Ì]Ê
     TRADE FAIR TICKER                                                                             6ˆ`iœ‡Ê՘`Ê œ“«ÕÌiÀÌiV ˜ˆŽÊÜ܈iÊ >Ìi˜‡*ÀœiŽÌœ‡
                                                                                                   Ài˜Ê՘`ʏ>V `ˆÃ«>ÞÃʈ˜Ê>i˜ÊÀŸ~i˜°

     27. – 29.10. |                                                                                iÀ˜iÊØLiÀ˜i “i˜Ê܈ÀÊvØÀÊ-ˆiÊ>ÕV Ê`i˜ÊÕv‡Ê՘`Ê
     COMPOSITES Europe                                                                             LL>ÕÊ`iÀÊiÀBÌiÊ՘`ÊLiÌÀiÕi˜ÊLiˆÊ i`>ÀvÊiLi˜ÃœÊ
     The European trade fair for fibre com-                                                        `ˆiÊ6iÀ>˜ÃÌ>Ì՘}ÊۜÀÊ"ÀÌÊqÊ>iÃʜ ˜iÊ-ÌÀiÃð
     posites saw sensational growth rates with     COMPOSITES
     48 percent more specialist visitors and 15          Europe
                                                                                                          Miet- und Veranstaltungsservice
     percent more exhibitors. A total of 313         saw a visitor
     exhibitors from 24 nations and 6,120           growth of 48                                          Beschallung
     specialist visitors came to Stuttgart for         percent in                                         Planung
     the fourth event.                                     2009.
                                                                                                          Konferenz- und Medienräume
     03. – 05.11. | VISION                         150,000 visitors came to Familie & Heim,               Videokonferenz
     Very little of the economic crisis was to     Hobby & Elektronik, Modellbau Süd,
                                                   Süddeutsche Spielemesse, Kreativ-/
     be seen at VISION 2009. With approxi-
     mately 5,900 visitors, the result was only    Bastelwelt, the Mineralien- und Fossilien-             Videoüberwachung
     5% below the previous year's result and       börse as well as the BabyWelt.
     thus exceeded the rather cautious expec-
     tations of the 293 exhibitors.                22. – 23.11. | hair & style
                                                                                                   * 7B Ài˜`Ê`ˆiÊ / -ʈ“Ê> ÀiÊ£™ÈÇÊ`i˜Ê/ˆÌiÊ¹7ˆÌ Ê>Ê
                                                   management                                      ˆÌ̏iÊ i«ÊvÀœ“Ê“ÞÊvÀˆi˜`úʘˆV ÌÊ>ÃÊ-ˆ˜}iÊÛiÀŸvvi˜ÌˆV Ìi˜]Ê
     06. – 15.11. | Stuttgarter                    The visitor numbers for last year's hair-       ÃV >vvÌi˜ÊiÃÊ}iˆV Ê`ÀiˆÊ œÛiÀÛiÀȜ˜i˜Ê>ÕvÊ`i˜ÊiÀÃÌi˜Ê
     Messeherbst                                   dressing equipment and cosmetics trade          *>ÌâÊ`iÀÊLÀˆÌˆÃV i˜ÊˆÌ«>À>`i°
     With 1,100 exhibitors, the Stuttgarter        fair reached the level of the previous year.
     Messeherbst successfully stemmed the          Around 13,000 hair and beauty experts
     tide of the financial crisis. A total of      came to the exhibition in Stuttgart.

                                                                                                        Servicepartner der Landesmesse
                                                                                                          mevis.tv GmbH · Blumenstraße 40–42
17                                                                             Message 1 | 2010          70182 Stuttgart · E-Mail: messe@mevis.tv
                                                                                                           Telefon: +49 (0) 711 / 2142 - 165
                                                                                                           Telefax: +49 (0) 711 / 2142 - 249
Trade Fairs – Markets

   Slow Food 2010: good, sustainable and fair.

   Healthy delights guaranteed
    The spotlight will be on top-class      from the agriculture, fishing and food                        lights at this event. All of the products
hand-made food at Slow Food, which is       manufacturing industries, as well as the                      featured at Slow Food are tested before­
taking place from 15 to 18 April in         produce cooperatives and delicatessen                         hand by an expert panel. Only when all
Stuttgart. At the "Market of Good           companies. Literature about the theme                         conditions have been met is permission
Taste", companies will be presenting        of "Nutrition" and a varied selection of                      granted for the products to be exhibited
traditionally manufactured products         cooking utensils round off the high­                          at the trade fair. What these criteria are
                                                                                                          will be explained at the information
                                                                                                          points in the trade fair halls. The pro­
                                                                                                          ducts exhibited are to be manually
                                                                                                          manufactured, free from genetically
                                                                          Foodstuffs must
                                                                                                          modified raw materials and as free as
                                                                          meet the strictest
                                                                          of quality criteria             possible from chemical additives. Pro­
                                                                          at Stuttgart's                  ducts with synthetic preservatives or
                                                                          Slow Food trade                 colourings and foods which contain
                                                                          fair in order                   thickening agents are also forbidden.
                                                                          for them to be                       According to the Slow Food Decla­
                                                                          included in the                 ration, high-quality food must be pro­
                                                                          exhibition.                     duced as naturally as possible, as well as
                                                                                                          fairly traded. The promotional sponsor
                                                                                                          of the exhibition is Slow Food Deutsch­
                                                                                                          land. Together with Messe Stuttgart,
                                                                                                          the association works to ensure that the
                                                                                                          strict quality criteria are consistently
                                                                                                          adhered to.

                                                                    Auf Messen zeigen Sie,
                                                                         was Sie können. Wir auch.

                                         Guter Stand, starker Auftritt. – SCHENKERfairs   Schenker Deutschland AG
                                         bietet Messelogistik nach Maß. Damit Ihre        Stuttgart-Messe
                                         Exponate immer Vorsprung haben. Weltweit.        Messepiazza
                                         Mit dem Fullservice der Schenker Deutschland     70629 Stuttgart
                                         AG. An allen wichtigen Messeplätzen sind wir     Telefon +49 711 18560-3300
                                         offizieller Messespediteur.                      Telefax +49 711 18560-3349
                                         Alles eine Frage der Logistik.                   www.schenker.de
Italian flair on the Filder
             Dolce Vita in Stuttgart: All things sweet at the
             lifestyle fair "MondoItalia".

                 Italy will be appearing at its best    in Italy. A particular highlight is the
             at MondoItalia 2010. Whether culi­         culinary delicacies for which Italy is
             nary or artistic, technical or for tou­    famous. Visitors can taste top-qua­
             rists, the variety of products and         lity Italian specialities, purchase pro­
             services presented at the consumer         ducts directly from the stand or take
             fair is massive. From 15 to 18 April       part in the cookery courses taking
             2010, the doors will be opened in          place during the fair. Numerous
             Stuttgart to everyone who appre­           workshops, fashion shows and exhi­
             ciates the top-quality of Italian pro­     bitions will be providing informa­
             ducts and simply can't get enough of       tion and entertainment for all Italian
             the famous Italian flair.                  enthusiasts.
                 The MondoItalia concept is sim­            The colourful framework pro­
             ple: The trade fair wants to bring the     gramme will also be accompanied by
             Italian flair to the rest of Europe and    shows, musical presentations and
             to promote the products and servic­        competitions. Happy Hour is also
             es which are "Made in Italy". It is the    not to be missed where the most
             largest event for the promotion of         popular Italian aperitifs, such as the
                                                                                                     Murano Glas from Venice is just one of the numerous artistic
             quality Italian products abroad and        Venetian Spritz, will be on offer.
                                                                                                     craft products presented at MondoItalia.
             an event which displays almost             Bright orange, a little bit sweet and
             everything that is produced and sold       slightly bitter.
6/139-14/2 AZ_ MessageFe#F8B90 15.01.2008 10:28 Uhr Seite 1


      Wenn Sie zur Neuen Messe Stuttgart kommen, sind Sie schon in Leinfelden-Echterdingen. Und hier finden Sie selbstverständlich auch alles
      andere, was eine Messestadt ausmacht: Hotels, Restaurants, Kultur, Natur, Sport, Erholung ... mehr Info unter w w w . w e l c o m e c i t y . d e
Trade Fairs – Markets


 Im Herzen der Stadt
                                   The Silver Jubilee of INTERGASTRA will be larger and more varied than ever before.

                                       INTERGASTRA 2010: trade fair of superlatives

                                       Record number of exhibitors
                                        "With the Silver Jubilee event in                  The FOKUS HOTEL Pavilion during
                                   Stuttgart from 6 to 10 February 2010, we        INTERGASTRA 2010 will provide the
                                   will celebrate the largest ever INTER­          hotel industry with a unique information
günstige Verkehrsanbindung         GASTRA since its inception in 1985",            and purchasing platform in Hall 6 where
                                   said Ulrich Kromer, Managing Director of        Messe Stuttgart will recreate hands-on
                                   Messe Stuttgart, revelling in superlatives.     hotel areas that have been developed and
   eigene Hotelgarage              Back in 1985, INTERGASTRA was still             designed by the interior architecture
                                   called "Gastlicher Süden“ and was held at       office of Cornelia Markus-Diedenhofen.
                                   the old Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre at the      Other topics will include new fittings
 Gourmet-Frühstücks-Buffet         Killesberg. "A great deal has happened          ideas, technical innovations, purposeful
                                   since then“, continued Kromer, "and we          renovation measures during "construc­
                                   can proudly say that we will present the        tion in existing buildings" and modern
    U-Bahn zur Messe               best ever INTERGASTRA this year with            logistics concepts which prove economi­
                                   the Silver Jubilee event."                      cal either in the short or medium term.
                                                                                           As the first gastronomy trade fair in
                                       Unique information platform                 2010, INTERGASTRA in Stuttgart will
   Business-Zimmer mit                                                             be the main event for the industry in
     Internet-Zugang                    Exhibitors at INTERGASTRA are not          ­German-speaking countries. However, it
                                   letting themselves be swayed by the              will be more than just a pure information
                                   current mood of crisis. On the contrary,         trade fair and product exhibition as it will
                                   the Stuttgart Trade Fair for Hotels,             provide trade visitors with specific
                                   Restaurants, Catering. Confectionery and         ­solutions to problems in the areas of
                                   Cafés has expanded still further after the        ­energy efficiency, personnel deployment
                                   record year in 2009 with the premiere              and kitchen technology, for example,
                                   at the New Messe Stuttgart. INTER-              and through the key topic of restau-
                                   GASTRA 2010 will have more exhibi­                 rant chains.
                                   tors, more visitors and new key top­ics                 INTERGASTRA 2010 will also be
                                   such as FOKUS HOTEL and the special                unique thanks to its first-class interactive
                                   exhibition entitled GELATISSIMO. Kro­              accompanying programme. For example,
                                   mer: "The new topics alone will attract            the German Hospitality Congress – the
                                   over 200 new exhibitors to INTER­                  annual opening event for decision-mak­
                                   GASTRA 2010. Due to the high de­                   ers from restaurants, hotels and catering
                                   mand, the trade fair next year will                – will be held for the first time in Stuttgart
             Hotel Unger           occupy eight exhibition halls covering             with the main topic "Trends for marke­
           Kronenstraße 17         a total area of 80,000 square metres."             ting, service and employees".
           70173 Stuttgart
       Telefon: (07 11) 20 99- 0
      Telefax: (07 11) 20 99-100
     E-Mail: info@hotel-unger.de

www.hotel-unger.de                 Message 1 | 2010                                                                              20
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