Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School

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Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
Oundle Chronicle

   REFILL, REPAIR, RECYCLE, RESTORE: GREEN ISSUES                                                                                              10 - 13

 Established 1991                        Best Newspaper 2016 Shine School Media Awards                                            Winter 2019-2020

  Refill Revolution
 aims to change our
   shopping habits
Sunny Woodend
    Refill Revolution's goal is to
make sustainable shopping main-
stream. Refill Revolution was
originally founded in Market Har-
borough by Beth Lambert, a young
mother who was concerned about
reducing the waste that her family
    Camilla Sherwin, a founding
member of Oundle Waste Less,
went to speak to her about her
    “I really wanted to have a sort of
trial, one pop-up shop, but she said
she didn’t do pop-ups.” And so,
although the initial intention was
just to organise a one-off pop-up,
Mrs Sherwin opened the shop once
a fortnight during the summer.
And then, following popular de-
mand, the shop's open hours were
increased to three days a week.
    Refill Revolution, located at
Oundle Wharf, is a packaging-free
shop where customers use their
own containers to stock up on loose         For this year's Remembrance commemorations, purple poppies were displayed at the Oundle and Ashton War Memorial
food items, toiletries and                                          to pay tribute to the animals that have died while in war time service
                Continued on page 12

                                                                                                                         remembrance events.
 Purple poppies inspire tributes to animals in war                               Legion are delighted with the
                                                                                                                            Over the years, they have knitted
                                                                                 positive response to the addition of
Millicant Riordan                            The former director of Animal       the purple poppies to the bollard       elaborate decorations for over
    In November, the Oundle War           Aid, Andrew Tyler, said: “Animals      cover display around Oundle's war       twenty events, some just for fun
Memorial was made ready for               used in warfare are indeed victims,    memorial."                              and some to raise awareness for a
remembrance commemoration                 not heroes. They do not give their        The Knit and Natter group            number of causes. One of the most
events with the addition of a             lives; their lives are taken from      responsible for the display, meet       notable was the Great Oundle Yarn
display of purple poppies alongside       them.”                                 regularly at Fletton House, and         Bomb, when the Market Place was
the familiar red poppies. Although           A menagerie of animals              were inspired to commemorate            completely decorated with fanciful,
little known, the purple poppy            including horses, dogs, pigeons,       the contributions of animals to         bright creations.
has been adopted to pay tribute           elephants, camels, cats, canaries      the two world wars by their own
to the animals that have served in
conflicts around the world.
                                          have contributed to the war efforts
                                          of the 20th century. Over eight
                                                                                 appreciation for animals. Other
                                                                                 displays in towns across the                2019 Election
    The purple poppy was first            million horses died in World War       country encouraged the group to
introduced in 2006 by the charity,        One, alone. In memory of their         do something to honour them.
Animal Aid. Since 2016, animal            service to conflict zones, Oundle         They first began decorating
charities, Murphy’s Army and              included purple poppies in the         the war memorial for the
Blue Cross for Pets have joined the       knitted decorations of the Oundle      Remembrance services around four
purple poppy campaign to raise            and Ashton War Memorial.               years ago. It took two months for
funds, whilst Animal Aid have                Stephen Abbott, press officer       the knitters to create the current          Turn to pages 8 and 9 for full
turned to raising funds with the          for the Oundle British Legion,         memorial display, which will be          coverage of our local candidates
sale of purple enamel paws.               said: "The Oundle Royal British        permanently included in Oundle’s         and the issues they stand for.
Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
2         Oundle Chronicle                                                                                                             ISSUE 51 - Winter

    The                               Opinion: the view from here                                                         What's On
      Chronicle                                                                                                       in the coming months
    		    Team                      Saul Agar Ward
                                        When I originally sat down to
                                                                            has changed.
                                                                                For many moderate Labour
                                                                                                                     January 5, Stahl Theatre:
                                                                                                                     Oundle Cinema will be screening
                                    write this article, I was going to      voters, however, the prospect of         the extraordinary story of Rudolf
                                    urge a vote for the Conservatives.      a Corbyn leadership makes them           Nureyev, a Russian born ballet
                                    I may not like their policies, I        uneasy. But there are other reasons      dancer whose defection to the
                                    thought. I may not like their           to think twice about backing blue.       West at the peak of the Cold War
                                    leaders, I may not like the party,      The Conservative manifesto has its       in the 20th century stunned both
                                    but at least they’ll get Brexit done.   fair share of problems, such as its      the USSR and the world. Opening
                                    However, I have now shifted to          lack of focus on anything not Brexit,    the double bill, will be the recently
                                    what I suspect is a minority view.      as well as its lack of actual policy     released docudrama The White
                                        Let’s look at the Tories and        and beliefs. Helping to secure a         Crow, in which Ralph Fiennes
                                    see why this one string to their        Conservative majority will not just      captures the brilliance of Nureyev.
                                    bow is more of a rubber band.           allow Boris’ withdrawal agreement        This will be followed, by a
                                    Boris Johnson is, if nothing            to be passed, it will open the door      never-before-seen HD restoration
                                    else, untrustworthy. Not only           to five more years of Tory policy.       of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake,
    Gwyneth Angel
                                    did he notoriously write two                What about Labour then? It is        performed in 1966 by Rudolf
    Zac Atkinson
                                    completely opposed articles on          undeniable that in this election,        Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn at
    Alice Blackmore
                                    EU membership for the Telegraph,        Labour is more radical than they         the Vienna State Opera.
    Ben Clayden
                                    and publish the pro-leave one           have been for years. But is Brexit
    Meagan Iu
                                    on what seems like the flip of a        any less radical? The question is        January 15-18, Queen Vic Hall:
    Esme Kroese
                                    political coin, but he also has had     what type of radical change would        Oundle Amateur Theatre
    Millicent Riordan
                                    a less than impressive record in        be better or worse.                      Society will be performing
    Millie Trotter
                                    government. This is the man who,            The constant refrain is that         Sleeping Beauty, The Pantomime
    Sunny Woodend
                                    as Mayor of London, spent £43           Corbyn would “ruin Britain”.             by Peter Denyer. The group has
                                    million of taxpayers’ money on his      But would an actual Labour               been performing a pantomime
    ADVERTISING                     failed garden bridge project, and       government really be all that            annually since 1985. Tickets for the
    Zac Atkinson
                                    his carelessness as foreign secretary   bad? Labour's policies promote a         show are currently on sale at the
                                    set back the case for the detained      compassionate kind of government         Oundle Box Office on New Street.
                                    British citizen, Nazanin Zaghari-       that we haven't seen in this
                                    Ratcliff. He now refuses to release     country for years. Their proposed        January 17: St Peter's Church
                                    a report on Russian interference in     National Care Service and pledge         Poet, playwright and activist
                                    UK elections.                           to build more council housing            Benjamin Zephania speaks candid-
                                        Then there’s his claim that         will do real good. Yes, the charges      ly about his life at the forefront of
                                    he will get Brexit done without         of antisemitism levelled against         social justice campaigns, as part of
                                    any further “dither and delay”.         party members give pause. I              the Oundle Festival of Literature.
                                    Depending on what you mean              would argue, however, that public
                                    by “Brexit”, this is likely not         outrage has done much to force           January 24th: Queen Victoria Hall
                                    true. What Boris has now is a           the party to take action. Let’s hope     VicsGigs presents a rocking music
                                    withdrawal agreement, and while         the Equalities and Human Rights          evening with Pandamoanium,
                                    this could be passed in a Tory          Commission investigation will            winners of the 2018 Visual Radio
                                    majority government, it won’t           shed light on this pressing issue.       Arts poll, and finalists in the Herne
                                    settle the issue. We will still have    Labour is at fault here, absolutely,     Bay Rocks 2019 competition.
                                    years of negotiation before we          but this doesn’t absolve everyone
                                    settle our future relations with our    else of blame. Discrimination and        February 6: Queen Victoria Hall
                                    main trading partners. Leaving          bigotry are not just the failings of     Transition Oundle hosts energy
                                    the EU will actually create more,       Labour, and we should address            industry experts to talk about
                                    not less uncertainty. So a vote for     the problems within all parties.         "Net-zero carbon by 2050? Energy
                                    the Conservatives to get Brexit         The Conservatives have not done          initiatives to keep UK on target".
                                    done, will not actually resolve         anything to stem the growing
                                    Brexit and the UK’s global trading      xenophobia and Islamophobia in           February 7: Amps Wine Merchants
                                    relationships.                          their party, while racism scandals       A tutored tasting by Philip Amps of
                                        Many readers in this                have already surfaced within the         mature vintage ports, accompanied
                                    constituency will be Conservatives,     short life of the Brexit party.          by a selection of pies, nuts, cheeses
                                    and feel that this election will            Corbyn is less popular now           and fruit.
                                    finally be the chance for a Tory        than in 2017, and this time he is
                                    majority government after years in      facing off against the Brexit Party      February 24-29, Queen Vic Hall:
                                    compromised relationships with          and a charismatic Conservative           This year’s Gilbert and Sullivan
                                    the Lib Dems and then the DUP.          leader. Labour will likely not win a     production is The Pirates of
                                    But the Conservative Party is no        majority, but if there was a tactical    Penzance. The Gilbert and Sullivan
                                    longer the party it once was. It        vote to block the Conservatives,         Players’ first performance in 1959
                                    is no longer the party of caution       there might not only be a better         was The Pirates of Penzance. This
                                    and centrism and scepticism and         chance for a proper (delayed)            year’s production will mark their
                                    practicality, but the party of Brexit   Brexit deal, but also a coalition        60th anniversary.
        Oundle Chronicle            at all costs. We have seen the purge    government that will execute
         Cripps Library             of the 21 MPs trying to stop a          the compassionate policies that          March 28-April 4: various venues
         Church Street              no-deal Brexit. These were loyal        distinguish Labour’s platform.           The Oundle Festival of Music and
            Oundle                  Tories, including Ken Clarke, the           I am not yet old enough to vote      Drama presents a competitive
         Peterborough               most loyal of all in his 49 years in    in this election, so my future lies in   festival for amateur performers of
            PE8 4EE                 the Commons, but they were cast         the hands of an older generation. I      all ages. The syllabus is available
                                    out because they refused to be as       have to hope that others will make       at the Oundle Box Office on New
                                    dogmatic with regards to Brexit as      the right decision for the future of     Street.
                                    their leader wanted. The Tory party     all young people.
Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
ISSUE 51 - Winter                                                                                                              Oundle Chronicle            3
         Bike racks improve access for                                                   Work to begin on North Bridge
          cycle parking around town                                               Meagan Iu                               demonstrating a lack of urgency to
                                                                                      The green light to begin            deal with the issue. There has been
Meagan Iu                                   During 2018, the proposals
                                                                                  Oundle’s North Bridge repairs has       concern that various delays will
   After years of planning, in           were shared and supported by the
                                                                                  finally been given. In late October,    drag on as they did with the repairs
September 2019 the council was           council which identified potential
                                                                                  the then MP, Tom Pursglove, wrote       to South Bridge, which had the
able to install new bicycle racks        grant funding opportunities.
                                                                                  that planning permission had been       same weight restrictions imposed
and shelters in locations around         The town council applied to East
                                                                                  granted and that work would begin       for years.
town, including the Market Place,        Northants Communities Facilities
                                                                                  in mid-November.                           Residents have complained
opposite the Greedy Piglet, outside      fund and successfully obtained
                                                                                      The promised start date of          about how frustrating the
Tesco, the Co-op, the Queen              £7000. They also put aside funding
                                                                                  September for the repairs, said to      inconvenience of negotiating the
Victoria Hall, Fletton House, the        for bike parking from a Section 106
                                                                                  take over 100 days to complete, had     bollards is on the width-restricted
Courthouse and at Barnwell Park.         fund that was allocated from recent
                                                                                  been pushed back for months.            bridge, in addition to the increase
                                                                                      The North Bridge on Station         of heavy traffic that has been
                                                                                  Road in Oundle was closed to            diverted through the town’s
                                                                                  heavy goods vehicles in May, after      conservation area.
                                                                                  a 2014 inspection report concluded         The bus routes have also been
                                                                                  that seven of its thirteen arches had   changed, and buses have to take a
                                                                                  structural faults.                      longer route into and around town.
                                                                                      Because of this,                    Businesses have been affected
                                                                                  Northamptonshire Highways               because of reduced access for their
                                                                                  imposed a three-tonne limit, and        vehicles. The increase in heavy
                                                                                  installed bollards to enforce width     goods vehicles through town has
                                                                                  restrictions of 2.1m at each end of     posed risks of damage to buildings
                                                                                  the bridge.                             on the narrow streets.
                                                                                      Despite availability of £1.3m          The planned works to strengthen
                                                                                  funds from the central government,      the arches will be carried out under
                                                                                  the repair work to the Grade II         the bridge, and will not affect road
                                                                                  listed bridge was further delayed       users.
                                                                                  because of planning issues to do           Highways are keeping traffic
                                                                                  with its listed building status.        management to a minimum to
                                                                                      The planning authority at East      reduce disruption. The southern
                                                                                  Northamptonshire Council and            footway will be closed but
                                                                                  Historic England had been accused       pedestrian access will continue on
              Cycle rack outside The Greedy Piglet on North Street                by residents and the local council of   the other side of the bridge.
   This idea was first proposed          housing developments.
by Transition Oundle in the                 The council was approached
2014 plan for transport as part of       by a Corby business, Macmain
the neighbourhood plan, and a            Amstadt, which has experience
proposal for a cycle parking was         in creating architectural street
made by the Oundle Business              furniture. The designs were
Association late in 2017. The            developed to include standard
objectives were to provide more          Sheffield racks and smaller but
parking facilities for local shoppers    stylish loops similarly designed
and town users, as well as facilities    to stand bikes against, which
for groups of cyclists riding            were installed by areas where
through on weekends from local           shoppers visit. Outside the cafés,
cycling clubs. It was also hoped         to accommodate a large number
that this project would encourage        of bikes more efficiently, bar-style
support of local businesses by           racks from which bikes hang from
helping to maintain a vibrant high       the saddle were installed.
street.                                     All racks have now been
                                         installed across town and in
                                         Barnwell Park. There are about
                                         eighty spaces in total. Many look
                                         like traditional bike stands, with
                                         some also providing shelter, and
                                         some are the type of stand more
                                         often found at cycling events where
                                         bikes are hung on the bar by their
                                         saddles, and can be secured using a
                                         bike lock.
                                            Paul Eveleigh, who organised
                                         the installation project, said: “As
                                         part of the neighbourhood plan
                                         there is an aspiration to create cycle
                                         ways so that residents need not
                                         wrestle with traffic for road space
                                         and younger cyclists can feel more                   up to
                                         confident at making a journey                       60% off
                                            "Hopefully, more people will
                                         cycle and alleviate some of the
                                         traffic stress and pollution that we
   New racks outside Fletton House       see at peak times in town.”                       36 Market Place ▪ Oundle ▪ 01832 275414
Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
4         Oundle Chronicle                                                                                                                   ISSUE 51 - Winter

    The future of Fletton Field is still                                                    Elton quarry plans near the
 in dispute by council and community                                                           A605 face objections
    In the face of fierce opposition           “We support the principle           Gwyneth Angel                           gravel and sand over seven years.
from the Oundle community                  of an extra care scheme close to           A recent planning application            Mineral extraction will occur
and the Oundle Town Council,               the centre of Oundle, but from a        for mineral extraction may see a        in four phases, across different
Northamptonshire County Council            housing perspective are not certain     busy new quarry operation off the       sections of the land. Each phase
is continuing its efforts to sell          if this is the right site for such a    A605 near Warmington. In May            will include reclamation of the land
Fletton Field for development.             scheme given the above factors.”        2019, The Elton Estate submitted        and restoration to arable grassland.
    The NCC’s latest planning                  The application does not detail     plans to develop the area by the            The plan may be good for local
application seeks outline planning         how the expected personal care          roundabout, turning 23.2 hectares       building projects and companies,
permission for the development             services or the 24-hour staff support   into a gravel and sand quarry, with     but local residents are unhappy
of 33 extra care apartments for            would be accommodated. The              a working lifespan of nine years.       about the proposed development,
older people, along with associated        planning application also proposes         The area is currently pasture        calling it an “insane plan”.
parking, community green space             that the development could suit         land, with a public footpath                Residents have warned that
and landscaping. The development           specialist support for dementia         enjoying unbroken views of the          it will destroy the “fabric of
would comprise self-contained              care, although such care is usually     countryside towards Fotheringhay.       [their] village forever,” and are
apartments, both for sale and for          provided in a secure care home             The town of Oundle and               particularly worried about the
rent, with 24-hour staff support on        environment, not in extra care          the Northamptonshire area               impact this will have on traffic
premises.                                  units.                                  has a long history of mining.           along the A605. The application
    In 2016 a planning application             The Oundle Recreation and           Northamptonshire is built on            estimates that 25 articulated HVGs
for 13 dwellings was refused by            Green Spaces Group has been             rock formations dating back to          will move in and out of the site
East Northamptonshire Council              campaigning to retain the field as      the Jurassic age, and Oundle itself     every day.
planners. However, ENC did                 a green space for use by the wider      was built on the sedimentary rock           The Council for the Protection
indicate that the planning authority       community. They calculate that if       oolite, making it a perfect area for    of Rural England strongly objected
would look favourably on a                 the site was developed, the town        mining, and is the reason why the       to the plan on grounds of its scale
planning application for extra care        would lose forty percent of its         older buildings in Oundle, such as      and the adverse impact on local
homes.                                     accessible green space. They argue      Cobthorne House, are built from         residents, wildlife, public rights
    The field was designated by the        that the NCC had not submitted          locally sourced stone.                  of way, increased traffic on the
ENC as an Asset of Community               “robust evidence to support                Given the high demand for            A605 and historic and ecological
Value in 2016, for its role in             the assumption that the site is         housing nationwide, a gravel pit        landscape setting.
furthering the social wellbeing of         redundant”.                             will increase production of locally         "The scale of the operation,
the local community.                           Their argument is supported by      sourced material for construction.      covering over 20 hectares, has
    The Draft East                         the Town Council, which points          Northamptonshire is a net importer      the potential to have far more
Northamptonshire Local Plan                out that the site is marked in the      of both sand and gravel and             adverse impact on the historic and
(DENLP) identifies the most                draft Oundle Neighbourhood              crushed rock; imports outweighed        ecological landscape setting than
pressing need facing the district          Plan as a local green space and         exports by 23%. The Minerals and        the existing site. The scope and
is the growth in older person              is not allocated for residential        Waste Local Plan that was adopted       timescale of the proposed extension
households and the need for                development in the existing local       in 2017 identified the Elton site       over the planned nine-year period
retirement housing and extra care          plan. The OTC urged that no             as suitable for extraction. The         will result in irreparable damage
accommodation. The NCC believes            application should be considered        Elton plan is an extension to an        being inflicted on the wildlife
their plan for Fletton Field fulfils       prior to 2021 and the adoption          existing operation, and will help to    that currently enjoy these flood
the DENLP policy requirements              of a new local plan and Oundle          maintain a balance of supply across     meadows, as well as considerable
to meet the needs of an ageing             Neighbourhood Plan. The council         the county. They anticipate a total     disruption to the quality of life for
population.                                also questioned the haste in which      extraction of up to 900,000 tonnes of   local residents.”
    It is not clear that the size of       the NCC is pushing forward
the site would be suitable for an          this application. It wrote: “OTC
extra care facility, however. In           further questions the disposal of       education provision from three          of education, and existing land
comments made to the application,          the land by NCC at the present          tier to two tier in 2016, Oundle’s      registry documents raised
the Housing Strategy Manager said          time and considers that no such         primary school was relocated to         ambiguities about whether the
that a scheme of 33 units might not        assets should be disposed of prior      the former middle school site on        diocese or the county had a claim to
be enough for a viable facility.           to the coming into force of the         Cotterstock Road and the original       the land.
    “Extra Care schemes usually            new Northamptonshire unitary            site on Milton Road was left               Mr Toriati said: “There were a
provide in excess of 40 units              authorities.”                           vacant and surplus to educational       number of interests in this land but
and often between 60 - 80 units.               Fletton Field was sold to the       requirements.                           they were resolved by the vendor
Schemes often provide a number             Guardians of the Poor of the                The NCC appeared to take            satisfactorily prior to sale.”
of related services on site for            Oundle Union in 1899. The NCC           charge of the site, and in 2016 it         In the short term the school will
residents in order to be sustainable.      acquired the land for free, and it      submitted a planning application        need to secure the site from further
However, a larger scheme would             was used by the primary school as       for the conversion of the buildings     deterioration, and conduct a full
require more storeys and may not           a playing field, and by the residents   to a development of townhouses,         survey and review of the property
be sustainable from a planning             of Oundle for a variety of recreation   apartments and mews cottages.           to determine what can be rebuilt or
perspective on a site of this size.        purposes over many years.                   The planning authority              remodelled.
                                                                                   indicated they would grant                 While the school has no firm
                                                                                   permission, and the town council        long-term plans for the site, it
    Milton Road primary site has been                                              at the time raised no comments or       will form part of the strategic
                                                                                   objections. However, the NCC did        development plan for the school.
          sold to Oundle School                                                    not progress the application and it
                                                                                   was dropped by 2017.
                                                                                                                              “We think that this site could
                                                                                                                           potentially unlock a range of
    The former primary school              the town. It represents an exciting         There is no current planning        options. We aim to bring in a
site on Milton Road has been               opportunity for Oundle School, but      permission for the site.                specialist team to help us define
purchased by Oundle School,                we are sensitive to its place within        The sale of the former school       those options over the coming
ending speculation about its sale to       the town and our responsibility to      site was complicated by questions       months,” Mr Toriati said.
property developers.                       move forward with regard to our         about its ownership. The primary           The school’s property adjacent
    Dom Toriati, the School Bursar         obligations.”                           school was established by the           to Abbott House on Glapthorn
said: “It is a strategic site which sits      When Northamptonshire                Church of England long before the       Road is in the process of being sold.
both at the heart of the School and        County Council reorganised its          local authority took on oversight
Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
ISSUE 51 - Winter                                                                                                           Oundle Chronicle              5

  New undertaking for former pub                                                 Controversial planning permssion put on hold
                                                                                    Facing a large audience of         public have submitted 84 comments
Sunny Woodend                           listed status and location in the
                                                                                concerned residents on November        about the site, drawing attention
    Despite some hopes that a long-     conservation area. They estimate
                                                                                13, East Northamptonshire              to traffic issues and the smell from
running pub would find an owner         that three to four funerals will take
                                                                                Council Planning Management            the adjacent Anglian Water sewage
to reopen it, planning permission       place at the venue each week.
                                                                                Committee considered two               works.
has been granted to the Kettering
                                                                                highly contentious applications            In light of residents’ concerns,
firm Averil Phillips to convert the
                                                                                for large housing developments         the decision was made to defer a
building on 4 St Osyth’s Lane to an
                                                                                in Oundle. The applications for        decision until independent traffic,
undertakers. Located next to the
                                                                                sites on Cotterstock Road and St       drainage and odour assessments
Co-op, the building was previously
                                                                                Christopher’s Road were both           could be made.
the Angel Public House.
                                                                                deferred until independent surveys         Planners had expressed
    Between 2009 and 2016 there
                                                                                could be undertaken, and further       reservations about the plan by
were nine tenants who had tried
                                                                                submissions reviewed.                  Persimmon for 65 houses and
to run the pub successfully, but
                                                                                    Plans for the construction by      an extra care unit of 65 units on
struggled to make profit. The pub
                                                                                Gladman Developments of up             St Christopher’s Drive, a site
ceased trading in 2016 and the
                                                                                to 130 homes on a 16-acre site at      which is also not in OTC’s draft
grade II listed property was put on
                                                                                Cotterstock Road had been tipped       Neighbourhood Plan. The planners
the market.
                                                                                for approval by ENC planners. The      raised concerns about the proposal
    In its approval for a change
                                                                                council had written: “The principle    for an extra care facility, which
of use, the planners noted that
                                                                                of developing the site is considered   was offered as an alternative to
its history as a pub was not
                                                                                to be acceptable as there is an        the required affordable housing
inherently significant. It was not
                                                                                identified need for housing in         without demonstrating that an
used as a public house until the
                                                                                Oundle in accordance with the          extra care provision was actually a
1960s, and was reported to have            Before planning permission           adopted Development Plan."             realistic option for the site.
been previously used as a smithy,       was granted, the Oundle Town                There has been strong resistance       At the meeting, Persimmon
grocery and inn.                        Council raised concerns about the       to the plans. The Oundle Town          submitted a 60-page amendment
    Averil Phillips and Family, an      short-term parking that would be        Council has raised objections          arguing they were not required to
independent funeral director, has       required, in addition to the space      because the development                demonstrate viability. They also
been based in Kettering for many        required for the movements of a         does not form part of its draft        said they had contingency plans for
years. The cellar will be converted     hearse and funeral cortege in a         Neighbourhood Plan, which              affordable housing should they not
to a mortuary, and internal work        location adjacent to a supermarket,     calls for smaller developments         proceed with the extra care units.
done on the ground floor to serve       but the planning officers judged        at different sites to satisfy the          The council agreed to review the
the business. The proposed work         that the impact would be relatively     required 172 houses that need to       new submissons before making a
is sympathetic to the building’s        limited.                                be built by 2031. Members of the       decision.

 Future of private schools in debate                                                The impact on the local economy       Legal challenges to
                                                                                is significant. The school employs
Millicent Riordan                       repercussions would be irreversible     more than 750 staff, including           Neighbourhood Plan
   Although rumours have long           and far-reaching.”                      catering, domestic and grounds             Oundle’s Neighbourhood
circulated about Labour’s ideas            The effects of such a move           positions, who find secure             Plan has progressed to John
about the independent school            would impact both the educational       employment and who spend               Parmiter, the independent
sector, the alarm was raised at         system and the local economy of         money in the local economy. Mr         examiner appointed to review
the September party conference,         communities where private schools       Toriati said that on average, £1       whether the plan meets “the basic
when the Labour Party voted in          are based.                              million per year is spent just on      conditions” and other relevant legal
favour of a proposal that would                                                 food, with as much as possible         requirements.
“integrate all private schools into                                             going to local suppliers. Local            An unexpected obstacle to the
the state sector”. According to the                                             craftsmen and tradespeople             plan’s success emerged at the
motion. they intend to “redistribute                                            are employed to help maintain          Examiner’s public hearing on
democratically all endowments,                                                  the school buildings, which are        October 29 when developers with
investments and properties held by                                              maintained and improved at a cost      current planning applications at
private schools”, and dismantle the                                             of £2.5 million per year.              stake sent lawyers to challenge the
Ofsted system.                                                                      Oundle’s activities do not         plan. Lawyers for Gladman and
   Confusingly, John McDonnell,                                                 cease at the end of term when          Persimmon contend that because
the shadow chancellor, played                                                   its boarding pupils return home,       the plan adopted amendments
down the notion that the state             The Independent Schools              generating further trade with local    after the Regulation 14 consultation
would seize private schools’            Council (ISC) said that independent     businesses. During the holidays,       process without further
assets. He said the proposal was        schools save taxpayers £3.5 billion     £1.5 million is turned over by         consultation with the community,
potentially illegal and that he         per year, as well as contributing       Oundle Enterprises, which lets         “the Plan is unlawful and cannot
would not support legislation.          £11.6 billion to the UK economy         school premises to thousands           progress any further”.
   “Everything will be done on the      and supporting 257,000 jobs.            of visitors attending residential          Oundle Town Council’s lawyer
basis of consultation, and often this      The economy of Oundle                holiday camps. Additionally, it        argued in response that “any
isn’t about seizing property, it’s      has been entwined with the              helps to manage use of facilities,     sensible consultee would be alive
about having access to services and     independent school at its centre for    such as the sports centre swimming     to the fact” that given the objectives
facilities,” he said.                   hundreds of years; a relationship       pool, by members of the public.        of a consultation, some changes
   Nevertheless, the proposal has       that has perhaps grown more                 While the town of Oundle           would be made.
spooked the independent sector.         vital in the last half century as       does not depend on the school,             The OTC said: “The objections
Julie Robinson, Chief Executive of      the economic contributions from         any plan to break up the business      raised must be seen in the light
the Independent Schools Council,        traditional market place businesses     would have a profound impact on        of the vested interests of the
said: “Labour’s plan would breach       have declined. Dom Toriati, the         the local economy. It is doubtful      developers who are aggrieved that
the European Convention on              bursar at Oundle School, said the       that the Labour Party will actually    the plan does not allocate their sites
Human Rights on the right to            school spends £37,000,000 annually      pursue such “draconian” measures,      for residential development.”
choose education.                       on wages, goods and services in         but the proposal does sharpen              The Interim Report into the
   “This does not improve               East Northamptonshire and the           the debate about the value of the      Examination is due in early
our education system. The               surrounding area.                       independent sector.                    December.
Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
6         Oundle Chronicle                                                                                                                       ISSUE 51 - Winter

       Keyless car theft leaves                                                                   Police beat
         owners mystified                                                           Millicent Riordan
                                                                                       The summer saw a spike in
                                                                                                                              on the driver’s side on Creed
                                                                                                                              Road by unknown person(s) on
Millicent Riordan                         unlock the car using a recognisable       crime incidents reported, with            September 12th.
   On Friday 19th July, a surprised       signal and drive off while the            an increase from 24 in July to 32             Four counts of shoplifting in
car owner on Ashton Road                  owner is still in possession of the       incidents in August.                      Oundle occurred in October; three
discovered that their BMW M3 had          fob.                                         A winch was removed from a             were reported at the Co-op in
been stolen from their driveway.             A spokesman from the Society of        vehicle on Bellamy Road, Oundle           Oundle and one was reported at
The owner was still in possession of      Motor Manufacturers and Traders           during the week of 18th July. The         Oundle Waitrose. The police have
both sets of keys. The victim posted      told The Times: “Technology can           winch must have been unscrewed,           no suspects at this time.
on social media: “It’s a pretty noisy     only do so much… we call for              as well as having the connecting              A Sprinter van was stolen from
car to start and drive off, so god        action to prevent the open sale of        cables cut.                               King's Road between 11pm on
knows how they did it.”                   devices used by criminals.”                  On July 19th a car was stolen          October 9th and 6am the following
   Such keyless car thefts are the           Simple and inexpensive Faraday         between midnight and 7:20am               morning by unknown means.
wave crime to hit car owners. The         pouches are a sound way to                from Ashton Road. This is believed            There was an attempted
Association of British Insurers           prevent further keyless car theft.        to have been a keyless car theft.         burglary at a house on Wakerley
reported a national rise in keyless       They act similarly to Faraday cages,      Another car was stripped of items         Close during the night of October
car thefts to The Times: 16,000           which block signals from car fobs         that evening just after midnight          27th. A building on Barnwell Road
insurance claims were settled             and contactless cards using special       on St Christopher’s Drive. Further        was burgled on November 4th at
within the first three months of          materials and sewing techniques.          cases were reported during the            14:35.
2019. The cost totalled £108m, an         This means that there is no signal        night of July 23rd and 24th: items            There were three burglaries
increase of 22% from last year.           for criminals to track. Some car          were stolen from a vehicle on             reported in Oundle during
                                          manufacturers have installed              Benefield Road, and from a car on         September and October. A burglary
                                          features that mean a car key will         Wakerley Close.                           on Monson Way was reported in
                                          no longer broadcast after it has not         A woman was approached by              August. However, the suspect was
                                          been moved for a set amount of            two unknown men at 1pm on the             unable to be prosecuted in October.
                                          time.                                     afternoon of August 2 on St Osyth’s           A silver teardrop trailer was
                                             Thatcham Research, a research          Lane. They asked to borrow her            stolen from a private, communal
                                          firm, published findings that             phone and she replied that she did        car park on Glapthorn Road during
                                          Mazda 3s, Volvo V-60s and Toyota          not own one. They then climbed            the week of November 4th.
                                          RAV-4s are vulnerable to thefts           into the passenger side of her                On Oundle Road in Stoke Doyle,
                                          using relays. However, Volvo,             vehicle and stole her handbag. It         an attempted theft of a vehicle
                                          Toyota and Mazda have concluded           was recovered and returned to her.        on November 10th was reported.
                                          that they will invest in higher              Six businesses located in the          The rear window was broken and
                                          security measures, in order to            Oundle Marina suffered thefts of          the boot was damaged, although
                                          protect their customers. Tracker          several items on August 8th. These        nothing was taken.
                                          Security has concluded that BMW           items were located and returned.              On November 18th, two men
                                          X5s, 3 and 5 Series, and Mercedes-        However, the offenders have not           attempted to steal a car from an
                                          Benz C and E classes are the most         been located. The rear headlights         Oundle driveway at 9:30 pm but
Faraday pouches are an inexpensive        likely to be stolen.                      of a car parked on Benefield Road         were chased away when the owner
    option to keep your car safe             In an interview with Whatcar?          were also removed on August 8th.          was woken by the sound of a saw,
                                          Magazine, David Jamieson,                    The crime rate decreased               and shouted from his home. They
   In the last five years, two            police commissioner for the West          dramatically from 32 crimes               proceeded to drive away in another
confirmed keyless car thefts              Midlands said: “Last year, 7452 cars      reported in August to 19 in               vehicle.
involving relay devices have              were stolen in the West Midlands;         September. However, there was an              The police are collaborating with
occurred in East Northants.               that’s nearly three times as many as      increase to 24 reported incidents         National Pub Watch on the Ask for
According to the police, one of the       in 2015.” He has begun a national         in October. During September              Angela campaign, which will help
vehicles was recovered.                   campaign calling for car-makers to        and October incidents of violence         people who feel threatened on a
   Keyless car theft is a new             increase the security they provide.       and sexual offences accounted for         date.
technological approach undertaken            In East Northamptonshire there         the majority of reported crimes.              As part of Operation Snap,
by thieves. Usually two relay boxes       have been three key-less car thefts       Of the seven incidents reported           police are asking drivers to submit
are used to boost the signal of a car     since 2017, and Police have made          in October, one suspect has been          dash cam footage of traffic offences
fob inside a house, so the theft often    two arrests in connection to this         charged, four incidents are still         to their website, as this may be
involves two perpetrators. One            type of car theft. To the relief of the   under investigation, and in two           helpful to take action against
relay box is held near the house          Oundle car owner, two men were            cases, the police were unable to          drivers found to be breaking the
whilst the other is planted near the      arrested by Cambridgeshire police,        prosecute the identified suspects.        law. Police caution that any footage
car door. As the vehicle is started       on 30th July, in connection with the         A car in Lower Benefield               should not be placed on social
with a button, this allows them to        BMW M3 stolen from Ashton Road.           was stripped of possessions on            media as this could affect their
                                                                                    September 16th. A car was keyed           efforts to make a legal case.

    A Mercedes Sprinter van was stolen from a drive on King's Road in October           A silver teardrop trailer was stolen from a private car park in November
Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
ISSUE 51 - Winter                                                                                                                   Oundle Chronicle            7
                                          plan and pledged to maintain full
 Barclays pledges to                      post office services, including cash      North Shoes introduces new clinic
                                          withdrawals, for three years.
 stay open - for now                          Uppingham lost its Barclays           Millie Trotter
                                          branch earlier this year.                     Customers of award-winning
Esme Kroese                                   Barclays says that it is reluctant    footwear store North Shoes will
    Barclays Bank is the last bank        to close local branches due to the        have an extra spring in their step
in town, following the closures           consequences and inconvenience            with the launch of a special clinic
of NatWest and the Norwich and            to local areas, and Barclays is           at the Oundle shop in the Market
Peterborough Building Society.            trialling means by which it can           Place.
However, Barclays has issued a            work with communities, including              The NC Foot Health Clinic
time-limited promise: the company         flexible opening hours, and               will be launched on Saturday 7
will keep open Oundle’s branch            new technologies such as video-           December by 30-year-old Ryan
until at least October 2021 as a          banking.                                  Clements, a qualified foot health
commitment to rural communities               Adam Rowse MD of Branch               practitioner. Mr Clements, who is
and towns where they are the last         Based Banking at Barclays said:           manager of the North Shoes store
remaining bank.                                                                     at Bourne, qualified through the           round one-stop shop for customers,
                                          “We are constantly exploring new
    The bank had announced in                                                       Maidenhead-based Smae Institute.           with our staff as qualified shoe
                                          ways to evolve the role of the
October that customers would no                                                     He holds a diploma in advanced             fitters and the clinic there to
longer be able to withdraw cash                                                     bio-mechanics from the College             address foot health and walking
                                              "By maintaining last in town
from post offices from January                                                      of Foot Health Practitioners and           problems,” Mr Clements said.
                                          or remote branches over the next
2020, which caused widespread                                                       is also a member of the Society of             Mr Clements is also a runner
                                          two years, and working with the
upset.                                                                              Shoe Fitters.                              with five marathons under his belt,
                                          community, we hope to increase
    Within a few weeks, the                                                             The clinic will help people            and with his experienced know-
                                          demand and keep these branches
company stepped back from that                                                      with all sorts of nail problems,           how, offers the clinic service to
                                                                                    plus corns, verrucas and hard              sports clubs and fitness groups.
                                                                                    skin and, using the latest 3D                  All treatments cost £30, a bio-
    First Responders get behind the wheel                                           scanning technology, can also              mechanic 3D scan is £65 and
                                                                                    address foot pain and walking              bespoke footwear insoles can be
Gwyneth Angel                             sent to locations from which 999          problems by supplying bespoke              prepared, if needed.
   In September, Oundle                   has been called within a ten-mile         footwear inserts. It can also speed            Clinics will be held on
Community First Responders were           radius of Oundle, and they treat          up referrals to specialists like           Thursdays and Fridays between
able to upgrade their emergency           the patient as much as possible.          physiotherapists.                          9am and 5pm and appointments
response vehicle to a new estate car.     Mr Brackley said that a first                 “The launch of the clinic at           can be booked in the shop or via
   Local businesses were                  responder’s job involves “keeping         Oundle means we will be an all-            their Facebook page.
approached to raise £3500 a year          the patient alive to the best of our
for three years, and four businesses      ability until the paramedics arrive”.
agreed to donate £500 each for               Becoming a first responder
three years. The responders will                                                                                           ~ Est. 1981~
                                          involves a four-day course to reach
need to continue raising the              the first level, along with a refresher                           Rockingham Landrovers
                                                                                                           18 Main Street, Rockingham. LE16 8TG

                                                                                           Land Rovers have come a long
                                                                                           way since 1948 but no matter
                                                                                         which Land Rover or Range Rover
                                                                                            you drive we can service and
                                                                                             repair it. Our skilled staff, 4
                                                                                            workshop ramps and genuine
                                                                                          Land Rover equipment ensure a
                                                                                               quality service and rapid
                                                                                            resolution to any Land Rover

                                                                                           Here at Rockingham we service and maintain all models of Land
                                                                                           Rover and Range Rover without affecting the vehicle’s warranty.

                                                                                               We offer a free collection and delivery service for all
                                                                                               Land Rovers booked in for Service / MOT and Repair.
With support from local business, First Responders were able to upgrade their car
                                                                                               Land Rover T4 & WDS diagnostic equipment to diagnose
remaining £1500 a year to support         course every year, and meetings                      and re-set faults on Air Suspension, Engine Management,
running the vehicle.                      every month. Mr Brackley has been                    ABS, Gearboxes, Keys & Fobs etc….
   The support from local                 involved for 14 years and is a level
                                                                                               Renovation and refurbishment to suit your requirements.
businesses came from: Barton              3 first responder, along with four
                                                                                               Chassis replacement for all Defender and Series.
Petroleum, Pete Barford                   others in the team of eleven.
Productions, Nene and Welland                 Andy Skinner had his first
                                                                                               Genuine Land Rover and OEM parts available for purchase.
Oddfellows, CI Consultancy, Pest          experience with first responders
Professionals, and MPB Structures         when his father had a serious fall.
Ltd. The new car has more storage         After calling for an ambulance,                           Office & Workshop Opening Hours
for their equipment and is more           the first responders arrived in
robust.                                   minutes. He wrote on the NextDoor            Monday - Thursday : 8.30am – 6 pm & Friday : 8.30am – 4 pm
   “The day after we got the car          platform: “At a time when the
we had a call saying a farmer had         ambulance services nationwide are                           Telephone : 01536 770109 / 770078
been crushed by a cow,” said Paul         stretched to breaking point, with                           Email :
Brackley, a first responder. “We          long waiting times for less serious
                                                                                         A family owned independent Land Rover specialist for over 35 years.
would not have been able to get up        emergencies, Oundle residents
the roadway if it had not been for        are very lucky indeed to have
the new car.”                             this service which certainly isn't
   The first response team are            commonplace for many people.”
Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
8         Oundle Chronicle                                                                                                             ISSUE 51 - Winter

                There's all to play for in Corby and East Northants election
Millie Trotter                            constituents.                       party also saw a 6.3% increase in       or the Brexit Party, raising the
   This election is arguably the             Since 1983, the Corby and East   the share of the vote, while UKIP’s     question of who those supporters
most important one of the last            Northamptonshire constituency has   voter share decreased by 11.2%          will vote for.
decade. Not only are voters               swung back and forth between the    from the 2015 election. The Green          Will voters tick a box for their
choosing the next government,             Conservative and Labour parties.    Party won only 1% of the total vote.    convictions, or vote strategically?
but they are taking a position on            In the 2017 election, the           This constituency voted in           Will voters consider the contentious
how Brexit will be handled. And           constituency had a high turnout     favour of leaving the European          national picture, or vote for a
from a local point of view, voters        of 73%. Conservative candidate      Union, with 64.2% of the vote.          candidate to represent local issues?
are deciding on which candidate           Tom Pursglove won a majority           This election has only three            With a choice between equally
can represent the constituency            by 2690 votes, a change of 6.5%     candidates on the ballot, with no       deserving candidates, it looks like
and act for the best interests of its     for the Conservatives. The Labour   representatives from the Green          many votes could be up for grabs.

                 Beth Miller grew up in Corby               Tom Pursglove has represented              Originally from Romford, Essex,
                 playing football for both                  Corby and East Northamptonshire            Chris Stanbra moved to Corby in
                 Corby Cougars and Rushden                  since 2015. During his time in             1981. Mr Stanbra is an accountant
                 & Diamonds, and values her                 Westminster he worked for the              who has served as borough
                 early work experience in a local           Parliamentary Private Secretary            councillor and a county councillor
                 cafe, hair salon, warehouse and            to the Minister of State for               in Corby. He was elected in 2009
                 McDonalds. For the past six                Immigration at the Home Office             to Northamptonshire County
                 years, she has worked on policy            in 2016, and was appointed as              Council for the Oakley Division.
                 development and campaigns in               Parliamentary Private Secretary            As a member of the council he
                 Parliament, with a recent focus on         to the Secretary of State for              worked on a number of committees
                 implementing post-crisis financial         International Trade and President          and worked closely on local issues,
                 reforms at the Bank of England,            of the Board of Trade. Mr                  including climate change and
                 including measures to improve              Pursglove was also appointed as            library closures. In line with his
                 governance of banks and more               vice chairman of the Conservative          party, he is committed to stopping
                 effective regulation of the financial      Party for the Youth in 2018. In            Brexit.
                 services industry.                         2019 he was appointed Assistant
                                                            Government Whip.

          Remembering Lady Brassey, president of Oundle Festival of Music and Drama
Millie Trotter                                                                attitude and a real passion for         Forces, Bill Howell said: “Lady
   The long-serving president of                                              helping others in the community.        Brassey’s passing has left a void
the Oundle Festival of Music and                                              Her contributions and effort were       that will not easily be filled.”
Drama, Lady Caroline Brassey died                                             appreciated by all those around            Mr Howell said: “She is
aged 74 in August 2019.                                                       her.                                    sadly, but fondly missed and her
   Having joined the Oundle                                                       Known fondly as Midgie, she         kindness, friendliness to all she
Festival of Music and Drama in                                                and her husband, Lord David             met and her support for Fishing for
1991, she was the festival’s longest                                          Brassey, also opened their home in      Forces will be remembered for a
serving president. In 2015 she                                                Apethorpe to Fishing for Forces,        very long time.”
received the 25 years Long Service                                            a charity that provides fishing            Lady Brassey was the former
Award from the Federation of                                                  therapy to war veterans.                Caroline Evill, third daughter of
Festivals.                                                                        As patron, she organised and        Lieutenant-Colonel Godfrey Evill
   Festival Chairman, Gwen                                                    welcomed a huge number of people        and Nesta Herbert.
Radcliffe said: “She showed great                                             to her home, and even placed a             In 1978 she married David
interest in the Festival. We will                                             large selection of her glass and        Henry Brassey, 3rd Baron Brassey
never forget her gracious manner                                              porcelain for sale to raise money for   of Apethorpe, who died in 2015,
and her enthusiasm.”                                                          the charity.                            and is survived by two daughters.
   Lady Brassey had an energetic                                                  The founder of Fishing for
Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
ISSUE 51 - Winter                                                                                                                   Oundle Chronicle             9
      Beth Miller                           prosperity we create, where our
                                            public services provide support
                                                                                          Amongst other things, I am
                                                                                      particularly proud of the work            Chris Standbra
        Labour                              and protection, especially for the
                                            most vulnerable. I believe that,
                                                                                      I did in supporting Fairline
                                                                                      employees when the company ran           Liberal Democrat
                                            ultimately, we all benefit from a         into trouble and it is terrific to see
                                            more egalitarian society.                 the successor company doing so
                                               I will never forget the                well today and regularly taking
                                            opportunities which where                 on new staff. I fought with the
                                            given to me by the last Labour            community to get the emergency
                                            government: the investment in my          funding for the repairs to the North
                                            comprehensive school, and the             Bridge from the Government and
                                            Education Maintenance Allowance           I welcome that the works are now
                                            which allowed me to fund my               beginning. It was fantastic to open
                                            studies. It worries me that so much       the new science block at Prince
                                            progress in education has been            William School, which represents
                                            destroyed in the last nine years          a significant investment in state of
                                            under Conservative governments.           the art facilities to help broaden
                                            I want to see nursery education           educational opportunities for
                                            properly funded to give every             our young people. I campaigned               I want to Stop Brexit. If the
    I grew up and went to school in
                                            child a good start in life. Student       successfully alongside local people      country elects a majority Liberal
Corby, and I would be immensely
                                            finance must be reformed to lift          to keep the Corby Urgent Care            Democrat government on
honoured to represent my home
                                            the burden of debt from those in          Centre open and for East Northants       December 12th, its first action will
area as a Member of Parliament.
                                            higher education. We must support         residents to still be able to access     be to revoke Article 50 to Stop
I have worked at both the Bank
                                            innovation and change in our              first-class care as quickly as           Brexit. In all other circumstances,
of England and in Parliament,
                                            economy by providing for lifetime         possible.                                I will support a People's Vote
contributing to policy development
                                            learning, giving people the means             I have also been pleased             and campaign to Stop Brexit. As
on better banking regulation.
                                            to acquire new and improved               to actively support the Refill           a nation we are better off in the
    I understand the diversity
                                            skills and knowledge throughout           Revolution shop at Oundle Wharf,         EU. We are more prosperous, and
within this constituency and the
                                            their careers. We must also invest        and it was great to be at the launch     safer and stronger because we are
importance of representing all of
                                            in higher quality apprenticeships,        of the Oundle Repair Café. Both          working together with our friends.
its citizens and their interests in
                                            ensuring that these effectively           are important local grassroots           I think it is right to pool some of
every town, village and hamlet. If
                                            combine education and training            initiatives which prove we can           our sovereignty to achieve this. The
elected, I would have an office in
                                            to create the most productive             all do our bit to do right by our        EU isn't perfect, but we can make it
the constituency and hold surgeries
                                            workforce for the future.                 environment at a local, national and     better by working from within.
across the area so that I could meet
people face-to-face and seek to                                                       international level.                         We have a housing crisis. In
help them with problems that they
wish to raise with me. I would
                                              Tom Pursglove                               Moreover, I have always stood
                                                                                      up and been counted when it
                                                                                                                               Corby and East Northants there
                                                                                                                               are over one thousand families
                                                                                      comes to the need to protect             on the waiting list for a council
commit to addressing all issues
that are brought to me, whether                Conservative                           the rural character of Oundle. I
                                                                                      have been vocal on the issue of
                                                                                                                               house. I want to see those council
                                                                                                                               houses built, so that every family
communicated by email, letter or
telephone.                                                                            unwanted over-development and            on the waiting list gets the
    I believe that it is essential that a                                             have opposed the sale of green           chance to have a council house.
local MP works closely with other                                                     open spaces at Fletton Field and         In addition, whilst respecting the
tiers of government. The Tories                                                       at Oundle Primary School on              wishes of local people, we need
drove Northamptonshire County                                                         Cotterstock Road.                        to get housebuilders building, so
Council to the point of bankruptcy,                                                       I am committed to working            that there are more homes to buy
and the county is now planning                                                        alongside other elected                  at a price homebuyers can afford,
for two new unitary authorities to                                                    representatives to ensure the            especially first time buyers.
be set up in its place. As the MP,                                                    concerns are heard. In my view,              We have to deal with the climate
I would maintain regular contact                                                      local people should decide where         emergency. As a Northamptonshire
with councillors on the North                                                         development is acceptable.               county councillor, I proposed
Northamptonshire Unitary, as well                                                         Finally, I am determined to          the motion that declared a
as those on the county, district                                                      follow through on our clear              climate emergency across
and borough councils before                                                           commitments which tie up with the        Northamptonshire, and committed
their abolition. I would also look              Despite the challenging national      key priorities raised in the weekly      the council to becoming carbon
to work closely with town and               political climate, in the last four       conversations I have to put more         neutral by 2030. In September
parish councils, like Oundle Town           and a half years as a Member of           police on the beat, invest more in       I was one of many Liberal
Council, especially on issues like          Parliament, I have always worked          our local NHS services, including        Democrat party members who
house-building and maintaining a            tirelessly on local issues and am         boosting the availability of GP          overwhelmingly approved party
vibrant market place.                       proud to have helped thousands            appointments, and further increase       policy that will mean minimum
    I believe that this General             of local people with all manner of        funding for our local schools to         interim targets of 75% by 2030 and
Election will set our country's             problems and concerns in that time.       ensure that every young person           93% by 2040.
direction for a generation, not                 Throughout, I have been readily       has the very best start in life. As          Other issues that are a priority
just for five years. Boris Johnson's        accessible, as I believe in getting out   someone who went to a local              for me include: creating mental
Brexit deal is bad for business, for        there, listening and campaigning          comprehensive school, that matters       health services parity with physical
employment and for the unity of             hard on the issues that matter. It        to me enormously.                        health; maintaining international
the UK. If passed into law, it will         has been my practise to regularly              I am honoured to have been re-      aid at the 0.7% of GDP we spend;
create further uncertainty and              knock on doors in the town and the        selected as the Conservative Party's     ending the wait for benefits and
risk the catastrophe of a No Deal           surrounding villages throughout           candidate for the General Election,      treating people fairly; giving young
outcome at the end of 2020.                 the year, not just at election time,      and I very much hope that Corby          people the opportunity to attend
    At a time when our society              and I have held my weekly advice          & East Northamptonshire residents        their nearest school and that every
is more divided than it has ever            surgeries across the constituency,        will again put their trust in me         school is a good school; reforming
been in my lifetime, I believe              including in Oundle at No 1 St            and allow me the opportunity             our electoral system; ensuring
that we need to reconsider what             Osyth's Lane, whose kind welcome          to continue to work hard and             that the new system of local
sort of place we want Britain to            and hospitality for me and those          campaign on the issues that matter       government in Northamptonshire
be. I want to work for a future             coming to see me, I have always           most to local people - listening,        works properly - we can't set it up
in which everyone shares in the             greatly appreciated.                      campaigning and delivering.              to fail.
Refill Revolution aims to change our shopping habits - Oundle School
10       Oundle Chronicle                                                                                                                  ISSUE 51 - Winter

Clear and unequivocal demands for change for a sustainable future                                                           Another resident wrote angrily:
                                                                                                                        “Our WHOLE street has been red
Gwyneth Angel                          personally abusive about her             researchers at Oxford University        tagged… THE WHOLE STREET
   Scientists are warning that we      Asperger's syndrome, OCD and             found that the meat and dairy           IN OUNDLE… Not acceptable…
cannot wait to take action to combat   selective mutism. Her response:          industry produces sixty percent         MAYBE WE SHOULD ALL STOP
the climate change crisis. More than   “That basically means I only speak       of agriculture’s greenhouse gas         PAYING OUR COUNCIL TAX.”
11,000 scientists from 153 countries   when I think it's necessary. Now is      emissions and cows produce about            One resident decided to call East
say that urgent change is needed in    one of those moments."                   forty percent of the annual methane     Northamptonshire Council, who
the way we live our lives, and it is       Some adults have attacked her        budget. These factors, as well as       sent a council worker to inspect
the young generation that is joining   for virtue signalling, histrionics       others, such as deforestation and a     the uncollected bin. He explained
them to insist on transformative       and empty rhetoric and they accuse       rapidly increasing population, do       the council’s precautions. “The real
change.                                her of terrifying children with          not just damage our environment,        issue with contaminated bins is
   Sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg     exaggerated claims about the threat      but threaten the planet.                the extra cost involved in sorting
has emerged as a motivating leader     to the planet’s survival. However,          In November, scientists wrote in     them.”
for young people around the world.     Greta doggedly points to the             BioScience: “We declare clearly and         The council replied to residents
After taking solitary strike action    science.                                 unequivocally that planet Earth is      via Facebook, explaining that
outside her school, her convictions        She is not wrong: research           facing a climate emergency."            because of the extra sorting costs,
have mobilised a series of global      indicators show that climate change         Political leaders and                contaminated bins would end
school strikes which have taken        poses a very real threat of rising sea   policymakers around the world           up going to landfill, rather than
place on Fridays in over 2000 cities   levels, increasing temperatures and      have a responsibility to act through    recycling. “We appreciate it can
worldwide. It is estimated that        extreme weather events.                  education, regulation and taxation      be frustrating not having your bin
nearly 1.5 million young people            Terrifying statistics are            to help change behaviour. On a          emptied, but contamination of
from around the globe have             emerging. According to the UN            local level there are many ways         recycling can mean tonnes of waste
participated in these events.          Environment Programme annual             in which individuals can assess         that could be recycled, going into
   In September she spoke at the       report issued in November, global        their habits and make changes           landfill.”
United Nations Climate Summit,         emissions must fall by 7.6% every        that contribute to the global effort.       The council explained that
confronting the inaction of the        year from now until 2030 to stay         Consuming less, reducing waste,         bins occasionally have to be
world’s politicians with a striking    within the 1.5C cap on temperature       and responsible recycling is            checked. In May, the council
condemnation: “How dare you?”          rises necessary to prevent dire and      easy, as is cutting down on meat        carried out district-wide patrols
Her emotional speech provoked          disastrous consequences.                 consumption. Changing habits,           for contamination and stated that
a chain of reactions worldwide.            Meat consumption is one              such as simply switching off lights,    in total 2259 bins were looked at,
While many were very positive,         threatening contributor to climate       walking or using public transport       and 374 were rejected and received
others were critical and even          change. A study last year by             can all make a difference.              a red tag. They also explain that
                                                                                                                        food waste was found to be the
            Supermarkets ramp up efforts to reduce plastic waste                                                        worst contaminant, with 47% of
                                                                                                                        bins not emptied due to it. More
Esme Kroese                            replaced them with clear recyclable      that the practice is part of their      surprisingly, they also found dirty
    Consumers are to object to the     plastics, saving over 17 tonnes of       shopping routine.                       nappies.
over-use of plastic packaging, and     plastic landfill. They have also            Oundle’s other supermarket,              Charlotte Tompkins, Waste
leading retailers are taking action.   created a fibre-based tray as an         The Co-operative has also               Service Manager at ENC, said that
    The reasons for urgent action      alternative to the black plastic         introduced new policies to reduce       the green bin inspections are meant
are compelling. About ten percent      used in microwavable meals - a           plastic waste. They have been           to provide an opportunity for the
of the plastic we use ends up in the   supermarket first.                       carrying non-plastic cotton buds        council to re-educate residents
ocean. This means that per year            They have removed plastic            for eleven years, have banned use       about what should and should not
there are nearly 700 billion plastic   straws and cutlery from all              of micro-beads in own products          go in the bin.
bottles or items in the sea.           their shops and cafes, and have          and eliminated plastic straws. They         While dirty nappies should be
    In the North Pacific Ocean there   replaced all single-use fruit and        have removed polystyrene disks          an obvious item not to put in the
is six times more plastic rubbish      veg bags and carrier bags with a         from pizza bases, and replaced          recycling bin, there is still confusion
than plankton, which marine            home compostable alternative. By         plastic packaging on some ready         about what plastics and packaging
animals accidentally eat, thinking     Christmas 2020, their own-label          meals with a card tray and sleeve or    you can actually recycle, and how
it is food. About 100,000 marine       cards, wraps, crackers, tags, flowers    a foil tray and sleeve.                 can you avoid being “red-tagged.”
creatures die each year from getting   and plants will be glitter-free.            With an increase of recyclable           The council has published a
caught in plastic, while over a            Waitrose is currently conducting     packaging from forty-six percent to     list of plastic items which can
million seabirds die from eating or    a trial called Waitrose Unpacked         seventy-four percent, almost three-     and cannot be recycled. The “No
getting caught in plastics.            in two shops where they have             quarters of the Co-op's packaging is    Thanks!” items include: all black
    In the middle of the North         removed packaging from a range of        now recyclable.                         food trays, pet food pouches,
Pacific Gyre, an area called the       products and introduced features                                                 plastic bags, food packets for crisps,
Great Pacific Garbage Patch is made    such as a dedicated refillable zone                                              sweets, coffee, biscuits, pill blister
up entirely of plastic. This plastic   with dispensers for dried products,       Can your waste be                      packs, plant pots and cling film.
island is the size of India, Mexico,   frozen ‘pick and mix’, coffee, wine                                              Tetra Paks are also not recyclable
and Europe combined.                   and beer refills, as well as detergent        recycled?                          by the ENC because the foil and
    Not only do we use too much        and washing up liquid refillables.                                               plastic layers are too difficult to
plastic packaging, but often the           More than ninety percent of the      Gwyneth Angel                           separate. Removing the thin plastic
packaging is made up of a type of      customers that Waitrose surveyed             There is not only an increasing     windows from paper envelopes is
plastic that cannot be recycled.       said they would continue to shop         momentum these days to reduce           a small detail that helps to reduce
    Waitrose is one of the leading     Unpacked, and Waitrose plans to          our use of plastic, but also concern    contamination.
supermarkets to change its policies    launch Unpacked in two further           about recycling what we do use.             They also emphasise the
in response to this growing crisis     shops from November.                     There remains, however, a lot           importance of ensuring that all
and are committed to removing or           At Oundle’s Waitrose, the shop       of confusion about what sort of         food has been removed, and items
redesigning plastic and single-use     encourages customers to bring in         plastics are actually recyclable.       are rinsed before being recycled.
packaging.                             their own refillable containers to           In July residents of Oundle             Mrs Tompkins said she uses
    One big problem in food            the deli and fish counters to help       took to Facebook to express their       the “scrunch test” to determine
packaging is the use of black trays,   reduce single-use plastic. Few           irritation when their green top         whether a plastic item is recyclable:
which are not recyclable because of    people have taken up this option         bins were given a ‘red tag’ and not     squeeze it and if its springs back
the dark carbon pigments. Waitrose     so far, but as the notion of using       emptied. One resident remarked,         into shape, it is not recyclable;
has swapped all black plastic lids     refillable containers becomes more       “It’s a joke, and not a very funny      if it remains squashed, it can be
on its own-brand products and          mainstream, shoppers will find           one.”                                   recycled.
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