Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi

Page created by Sarah Matthews
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi

                  Servant of God Mother Annammal                                  Human fraternity
                                                                                  May the Lord give us the grace
                16                                    35                          to live in full fellowship with
                                                                                  our brothers and sisters of
                Cathedral Christmas                  Chetanalaya-Upcycling
                Celebration                          Project
                                                                                  other religions, praying for one
                                                                                  another, open to all.
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi
P R AY E R I N T E N T I O N F O R J A N UA RY 2 0 2 1
                         Human fraternity

 May the Lord give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our
 brothers and sisters of other religions, praying for one another,
                            open to all.
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi
Contents                                                 from the editor

5 The Shepherd’s Voice
8 We Drink from Our Own Wells - XXXXX
9 Musings of the Month                                   Human Fraternity
10 Theology & Christian Life - 14
11 Special
14 Parish Roundup                                                          fr. sTanley Kozhichira

24 School Snippets
31 Diocesan Digest
39 Calendar of Feasts
                                                                            We are in New Year 2021. In January 2020 editorial,
                                                                            I had written that the year 2020 would fly like
                                                                            Twenty20 cricket match. The match is fast, it ends
                                                                            with great excitement and enthusiasm. Yes indeed
patron                                                                      the year Tewnty20 ended, but not definitely on great
Archbishop Anil J.T. Couto                               note, and not at all with enthusiasm, as we were trailing, snarling
Fr. Stanely Kozhichira                                   through the year and mostly house bound. And now that we are
editorial board                                          entering into the new year 2021, are we going to jump from Covid to
Augustine Kurien                                         Covaxin? We are getting ready with the vaccine. But the new strand
Deepanjali Rao
                                                         in the virus has shown up already.We are fighting against a virus,
Divya Joy
finance and circulation manager                          self-mutating RNA, but whether these vaccines will be effective is left
Fr. Francis Prasad                                       again in the hands of God. Hopefully the year would bring some happy
                                                         news. Turning our grim faces to some bright light.
Tency Thomas
Design concept                                           Amidst the gloomy side of the world Holy Father went ahead with a
printed and published by
                                                         happy news by publishing the “Fratelli Tutti” on social friendship.
Fr. Januario Rebello                                     Archbishops has brilliantly summarised the core contents of the
on behalf of Delhi Catholic Archdiocese                  encyclical. He talks about giving emphasis on dialogue, which is ‘The
DESIGN & printed at
                                                         Point’ in building social friendship. So Holy Father also wants us to
Bosco Society for Printing & Graphic Training,
Okhla Road, New Delhi - 110 025                          pray this month, for Human fraternity, he says, “May the Lord give
Tel.: 26839864, 26910729                                 us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of
Published by Delhi Catholic Archdiocese
                                                         other religions, praying for one another, open to all’.
1 Ashok Place, New Delhi - 110001
Tel.: (+91-11) 23343457, 23362058                        Adding to this joy is His declaration of the year 2021 as the year
Fax: (+91-11) 23746575
Email:                       dedicated to St. Joseph. With his the Apostolic Letter “Patriscorde”
Facebook: Voiceofdelhi Archdiocese Delhi                 (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis recalls the 150th anniversary
Website:                        of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church.
                                                         Surely St. Joseph who protected the Holy Family, who continues to
annual subscription
`150 (by post); US $ 25 (abroad); UK £ 15                protect the Universal church, will also continue to protect the world
(abroad); Europe € 13 (abroad)                           from all the issues that we face currently.
By Local cheque/bank draft favouring
“The Voice of Delhi”                                     Let us begin the new year with a new hope and place our complete
Contributions for publication may be sent to             trust in the Lord. We actually have experienced the oneness of human
the above address by post or by email to:
                                                         being during this pandemic. Now let us pray together as one human
Editor’s mobile: 9868353289                              family in this year for the Lord to take control of the current situation.

The articles, news reports and other materials           Let us always look for the silver lining in the darkest cloud in faith.
published in this magazine (other than the
Shepherd’s Voice) reflect the views of the authors       Have a blissful New Year.
and not of the Archdiocese of Delhi and VOD does
                                                         Celebrate life.
not take any responsibility or liability for the same.

Total Page No. 44
                                                                                                                    January 2021      3
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi
thank you for writing to us, we're
sharing it here for aLL to read!

thank you for writing to us, we're
sharing it here for aLL to read!welcoming and refreshing. It has                            if an international magazine of
                                             been given a VERY INTERNATIONAL
                                             LOOK. May God bless the team
                                                                                            magnificence. Really incredible! It
                                                                                            is indeed endearing. All of us at St.
                                                                                               WRITE TO US
                                             in bringing forthcoming issues                 Michael’s     Church, Prasad Nagar
                                                                                               We look forward to communicating
                                             Father Stanley
                                             successfully.                                  congratulate      youourand   the entire
                                                                                               more often with          readers.  Feel team
                                             My  best awishes
                                                        lot for the regular supply of       at free
                                                                                                VODtofor   such
                                                                                                       write      a marvelous
                                                                                                              to us,  with the kindmake
                                                  evenFather,    gratefulThrough
                                                        in PDF format.   to you for
                                                                                  the          ofDear
                                                                                            over        Editor,
                                                                                                   in the         I happy
                                                                                                  information   you          to
                                                                                                                          of like
                                                                                                                      would          the
                                                                                                                                  us to year
                                             the    Biju
                                             diocesan    Mathew
                                                          Parish Iroundups.
                                                      magazine     am able toItknow
                                                                                is          changes
                                                                                            ofinclude   in
                                                                                                publishing. the Voice    of Delhi   and
                                                                                                        and your views on the content!
                                             such  a beautiful
                                             the news
                                             SHAHBAD    even inway   of sharing and
                                                                Australia.                     Together
                                                                                            With   teams  weeffort
                                                                                                    respects  are
                                                                                                               and the
                                                                                                                     to Voice
                                                                                                                      regards,     look
                                             getting inspired through the activities           Email:
                                                                                                     and   readable. Kindly pay
                                             of     Miranda
                                                various  Parishes. Thanks for the           C.M.   Thomas
                                                                                            attention    to the the language and
                                             efforts  put in to
                                                 I liked the    get us
                                                              entire newupdated  with
                                                                           look of the      spellings.
                                                                                            PRASAD nAGAR
                                             everything   happening    in various
                                             Voice of Delhi - January 2017 edition.
                                             The  change is very much appreciated           Shreedhar
                                             Deardraws     an instant
                                                   Editorial    Team, attraction.             Laxmi Nagar
                                             The  quality
                                                      send of
                                                            our paper
                                                                 specialand  printing is to Mr. Collville to the regular updating of the
December 2020                                importance of the month,cover
                                                high   standard    and   the        design
                                                                              through   the months musings. God Bless you.
JANUARY  2017                                deserves special applauds. Articles are
                                             Sheena George giving people insightful
                                             informative                                          WRITE TO US
    It was a pleasant surprise to all            Thanks
                                             Palam Vihar a that
                                             perspectives     lot for  the to
                                                                    allow   beautiful
                                                                              adapt the           we look forward to communicating
of us to see January issue of the Voice      Voice of Delhi
                                             spiritual   needs.every   month
                                                                 Wishing     youwith  a lot
                                                                                 all the          more often with our readers, feel
of Delhi in a new shape with quality         of creativity
                                             best and mayand   thenewness.I     would like
                                                                    coming editions     be        free to write to us, with the kind of
inputs for readers. Your efforts to          to say  the  “well
                                             of great reflections.issue”   by Fr. Maxim           information you would like us to
October 2017                                                                                      include, your views on the content!
make the VOD classical magazine              Pinto  is
                                             With bestToreally
                                                                                                Together we are the Voice of Delhi.
of the Archdiocese has borne fruit.                                                          email:
                                                       First of all congratulations for the efforts you put towards bringing the
Please    Editor,
        accept our“Discovering
                    congratulations          William Herald
                                             Philamin   Philip magazines on time. I just wanted to point out a few mistakes
Identity”  by Professor  Dean
and gratitude for the initiative   put in    Rohini
                                             AlAknAnDA of the last edition. There were some words in the article by Abhilasha,
by you and your team inread
      Like many
                  a great
              it the
                                I also
                     readers' delight.
                                                                               The heavens
                                                       which seems to be used differently. Hope you would take care of this in
                                                       the future.
have  such
Regards,    confusions  in mind    about
identity. The article did really help        makeover  Sr.of
                                                             VOD. Roshni
                                                                               are telling the
                                                 Congrats on the very impressive
    to realize a great line of thoughts.
                                                                               glory of God; and
                                             polished and professional, the article
                                             layout very well done, as also the
Zen Johnson Ayyanad                                                            the firmament
                                             quality of the printing. Clearly a lot of
Gurugram                                     thought and effort has gone into this St. Anna
                                                                               proclaims    his
     While congratulating you for the        remodeling and the result is there
new look VOD, I wish I am 50 years                                                 and Joachim
                                             for all of us to appreciate. Once again
younger    to readRev  Fr.script.
                    your   Stanley           congrats to you, and the team of VOD
Kozhichira,    Prayerful
Love and prayers           greetings! For    and Mustard Tree.                     presented
                                                                               to day  pours forth
and on behalf of Parish Priests and                  "Mary having co-operated in our redemption with
KC  Jacob
parishioners    of St. Michael’s Church,     Audrey Carvalho Daver
                                                     so much glory to God and so
                                                                               speech,   andMary
                                                                                  much love    night
                                                                                             for us, Our
PITAMPURANagar,   I take this opportunity
to express gratitude to your goodself                                              to the
                                                                               to night
                                                     Lord ordained that no one shall       temple.
                                                                                       obtain  salvation
and the Editorial Board for publishing               except through her intercession."
                                                 It is with a stunning surprise
     I take and
                  opportunity toin the       to our eyes we all at our parish
                                                                                   Mary Presented
                                                                        -St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
wish VOD A Very Happy Newissue
Voice   of Delhi,  October  2017
on the
and      following: the
     congratulate     "Celebration
                                    of St.
                          team on the
                                             received the Voice of Delhi January
                                             2017 issue having fascinating
                                                                                                      in the Temple,
                                                                                                PSALM 19:1-2
4    The Voice  ofAnd
Thomas     Feast       SCC  Annual
NEW LOOK given to VOD. It is very
With respects and regards, Yours
                                    Day"     design, style, composition and as
                                                                                                      Pray for us.
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi

          The Little
        We Are All Sisters And
        Brothers Of One Another
                        he negative side of Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly dampened our spirits but
                        the positive side certainly lifts up our spirits. We have seen how the pandemic
                        has united the whole world as one human family above nationalities, languages,
                        cultures and religions. We have realized that the problems of one person are
        the problems of all, that we are part of one another, that we are sisters and brothers of one
        another, that no one is saved alone but we can only be saved together.
                  As we make our entry   into or
                                    in Christ thelife
                                                   New    Year
                                                      in the   2021
                                                             Spirit is we   have
                                                                       a life     for our
                                                                              of virtue.   meditation
                                                                                         The           some
                                                                                             New Testament

        radically profound thoughts offered to us  by Pope  Francis   in his  most  recent encyclical
                                    constantly calls us to repent and lead virtuous lives if we are   Fratelli
        Tutti promulgated on Octobertruly
                                     3, 2020, the vigil
                                          disciples of of the feast
                                                        Christ and of St. Francis
                                                                    members       of Assisi,
                                                                              of his         because
                                                                                      Body the       the
        expression “fratelli tutti” (all          arecall
                                                The    sisters  and brothers)
                                                           of Christian      life iscomes
                                                                                       to have directly
                                                                                                   “the from
                                                                                                          mindthis     great saint
                                                                                                                  of Christ”     (cf.
        and his radical spirituality based            on  the  Gospel.    The    love   that   St. Francis    of
                                                1Cor. 2:14-16; Phil. 2: 5-7) which leads us to “empty ourselves”  Assisi  spoke of
        transcends the barriers of geography    as Christand   distance;
                                                            emptied         its essence
                                                                        himself     so that consists
                                                                                              we becomein a fraternal    openness
                                                                                                              joyful people.
        that The
               allowsbeautiful words of St. Paul to the Philippians: Finally, brethren, whateverphysical
                         us   to  acknowledge,        appreciate      and   love    each    person     regardless     of    is true,
           whatever   and  place of birthwhatever
                        is honourable,         as well asisabode.
                                                             just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever
                    It is Christ
           is gracious,    if there Ouris Lord   who has taught
                                           any excellence,             us this
                                                                if there          love firstworthy
                                                                           is anything         and foremost,
                                                                                                        of praise, being
                                                                                                                     think  himself
        God’s      things.
                 love         What If
                       incarnate.     youour have
                                               lovelearned   and is
                                                     for Christ     received
                                                                       genuineand      heard
                                                                                   it will      and seen
                                                                                            influence     allin  me,
                                                                                                               our    do; and and
                                                                                                                    attitudes    the
           God of peace
        relationships     andwillflow
                                   be with
                                        into you”
                                               every(Phil.    4:8-9).
                                                       thought,     word and deed. This is what happened with St.
                       Assisi whoofwas    thesoCatholic     Church begins
                                                  totally immersed                the section
                                                                          in Christ                on “Virtues”
                                                                                         that nothing      else could  by emanate
           the him
        from    above    words
                     except        of St.
                               love,  joy Paul.    Virtues
                                            and peace.       are divided
                                                          Wherever            into “Human
                                                                        he went,     he sowed Virtues”         and “Theological
                                                                                                   seeds of peace     and walked
        alongside       “Human
                            poor, the virtues:    are firm
                                           abandoned,      theattitudes,
                                                                 infirm and  stable
                                                                                  the dispositions,
                                                                                       outcast, the least habitual
                                                                                                                 of hisperfections
        andof sisters.
               intellectHeandonlywill,  that govern
                                    wanted      to spreadourthe
                                                                  love oforder      our passions
                                                                            God which        entails and     guideand
                                                                                                       humility      ourcomplete
        renunciation of the desire to wield power and authority over others. He became oneleading
           according     to  reason    and    faith. They    make    possible:     ease,   self-mastery      and   joy  in   of the
           a morally good life. The virtuous man is he who freely practices the good” (CCC 1804).
        poor and sought to live in harmony with all.
           It is in the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments that give us the divine teachings
                    The encyclical Fratelli Tutti articulates in eight chapters a call for all human persons
           on virtues. The Wisdom literature of the Old Testament is particularly filled with moral
        to recognize and live out our common fraternity which is being threatened by the trends of
           teachings pertaining to human behaviour. Human virtues are “acquired by education, by
        today. There are many factors that are holding humanity back from the development of a
           deliberate acts and by a perseverance ever-renewed in repeated efforts”, but they are also
        universal fraternity and move towards justice, peace and unity. The Pope calls these trends
           “purified and elevated by divine grace” (CCC 1810).
        the ‘dark clouds’ that are gathering over a world that is ‘closed’ – in other words trends that
               Four human virtues play a pivotal role in our moral life, hence they are called “cardinal”
        run contrary to seeing each other as brothers and sisters according to the vision of the Gospel.
           virtues. All other virtues are grouped around them. The cardinal virtues are:- Prudence “is
                    If we look at the world today, the sense of belonging to a single human family is
           the virtue that disposes practical reason to discern our true good in every circumstance
           and to and   the dream
                     choose            of working
                               the right      meanstogether       for justice
                                                       of achieving      it” (CCCand 1806).
                                                                                       peace seems
                                                                                                 Justice an
                                                                                                                the moral utopia  as
        proved    by  tendencies     such    as  aggressive    nationalism       that   marginalizes
           that consists in the constant and firm will to give their due to God and neighbor” (CCC        sections    of people   in
        a country,     throwaway       culture    based   on  feverish    consumerism,          economic
           1807). Fortitude “is the moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in       globalization     that
        creates   more poverty
           the pursuit              and injustice
                          of the good.                than it purports
                                             It strengthens                to bring
                                                                 the resolve            in prosperity,
                                                                                 to resist    temptations unequal    distribution
                                                                                                                and to   overcome
        of obstacles
            wealth between
                        in the moral life. The virtue of fortitude enables one to conquer fear, even fearfor
                                   the   rich   and  the   poor    through      exploitation      of the   poor,    disregard     of
                    and toandfacehuman
                                   trials dignity    especially of
                                            and persecutions.         women, religious
                                                                   It disposes     one evenpersecution,
                                                                                                to renounce and  disdain   towards
                                                                                                                      sacrifice  his
        migrants,     misuseofofadigital
           life in defense                    media(CCC
                                    just cause”       for purposes      contrary to
                                                           1808). Temperance         “ismoral    values,
                                                                                           the moral       etc. that moderates
                    Yet,  despite    the   dark   clouds   which    cannot     be  ignored,
           the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods.        there   are  new paths      of hope
                                                                                                                   It ensures    the
        because     God never
           will’s mastery          ceases
                                over          to sow
                                       instincts    andabundant      seeds within
                                                          keeps desires        of goodness       in our
                                                                                        the limits        human
                                                                                                      of what     is family.
        hasThe   temperate
              been   proved by  person     directs the
                                   the Covid-19          sensitive
                                                      pandemic        appetites
                                                                    crisis  whichtoward        what is of
                                                                                      saw hundreds        good,   and maintains
                                                                                                              frontline   warriors
           a healthy discretion” (CCC 1809).
               The human virtues are rooted in the theological virtues “which adapt man’s faculties
                                                                                                                January 2021 5
           for participation in the divine nature: for the theological virtues relate directly to
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi
the shepherd’s

God” disposing Christians “to live in a
relationship with the Holy Trinity” (CCC
1812). The theological virtues are:- Faith
which “is their
             the lives  on the virtue
                  theological     line for
                                            whichsake of the
                                                               There are many factors that are holding
other  - doctors,
we believe    in Godnurses,    pharmacists,
                        and believe    all thatstorekeepers
has said
and        and revealed
      supermarket          to us, and
                        workers,        that Holy
                                     cleaning     personnel,   humanity back from the development of
Church proposes
caretakers,            for our
               transport          belief, men
                               workers,   because & women      a universal fraternity and move towards
he is truth
working    toitself”
               provide(CCC    1814). Faith,
                          essential         which
                                      services   and public
is indeed
safety,     a gift of God,
          volunteers,           is “dead”
                          priests,          if it is … We
                                     and religious             justice, peace and unity. The Pope calls
not allied
began       to works
        to realize   that(cf.
                          ourJames    2:26).
                                lives are     Hope
                                          interwoven   with    these trends the ‘dark clouds’ that are
“is sustained
and  the theological      virtuepeople
                  by ordinary       by which     we shaping
the     the kingdom
     decisive   events of ofheaven    and eternal
                               our shared    history. They
                                                               gathering over a world that is ‘closed’ –
life as our happiness, placing our trust in
have epitomized the teaching of Our Lord in the                in other words trends that run contrary to
Christ’s promises and relying not on our
parable of the ‘Good Samaritan’ (cf. Lk. 10:25-37)
own strength, but on the help of the grace                     seeing each other as brothers and sisters
on being ‘neighbour without borders’ to the most
of the Holy Spirit” (CCC 1817). Charity “is
vulnerable.                                                    according to the vision of the Gospel.
the theological virtue by which we love
           What is the core message of this parable in
God above all things for his own sake, and
which the Lord actually sums up his entire Gospel
our neighbor as ourselves for the love of
when he says “You go, and do likewise” (Lk. 10:37).            forms, indifference and, ultimately, a life closed to transcendence
God” (CCC 1822). This is what Christ has
It is none other than the Great Commandment                    and entrenched in individual interests.
taught us in the new commandment of
he                                                                       This brings us to the role of the family which is the first
lovehas   given
      at the  LastusSupper.
                      to love God with all our heart,
soul and mind and our neighbour as we love                     place where the values of love and fraternity, togetherness and
ourselves (cf. Mt.above
                    22: 35-40).     Theonsame   theisLord     sharing,   concern   and like
                                                                                        caretofor others are lived out and handed on
                         catechesis        virtues    of a classical nature.  I would           also
has described, after
‘new commandment’
another as he hasare

                           us (cf.

                                                              as  flowing   from  our
                 mention the “Little Virtues” which Fr. Denis Pereira of Mumbai had
                                                              Next   in line  come  the
                 spoken about during a clergy retreat 19 years ago. The Little Virtues
                                                   Love,      training   children  and

                      as important to our Christian life of discipleship as the two mainyouth
                                                                                                        Christ our Lord and Saviour.

                                                                                                         in their challenging task of
                                                                                                   schools  and other settings, should
the Holy Father  says,  is
categories mentioned above.more    than  just a series of     be  conscious    that their responsibility   extends SiMPLiCiTy,
                                                                                                                   also to the moral,
benevolent actions. Our love for others moves us
to  seekARe
          the The
               best LiTTLe
                      for theirViRTUeS?
                                   lives. It makes possible
                                                              spiritual and social aspects of life.
                                                                                  We have to aspire and toil for a world that provides land,
a  social friendship
� Sometimes                thatindulgence,
                 it is a little   excludes no        one easily
                                                  which               housing
                                                           and apardons          and work
                                                                            the faults  of others,    In order thisSWEETnESS
                                                                                             for all.without        to happen we mayOF  have to
the least desire
� Sometimes
             that isofopen
                        a little
                              to consideration
                                  all. It impels us
                it is a holy dissimulation,
                                Hence true love
                                                               for theoneye  to the patent
                                                                           ‘rights  withoutfaults  of one’s
                                                                                                                   ASPECT, OF ACTiOn,
                                                                      re-envisage the social role of property and begin to reflect seriously
                                                                                                          The Holy Father is conscious that
       societiesand   which
                               is entirely
                preen themselves
                                       everyone            as is apparent,
                                                    as brothers
                                         on discovering       the secret
                                                                             from that
                                                                      his radical
                                                                          faults of that
                                                                                          petty vanity
                                                                                                                   OF MAnnERS,
                                                                                                        with unrealistic
                                                                                                may sound                                 OF
                                                                                                                          but he is also firmly
and   sisters              love acknowledges          the worth       convinced            the path to lasting peace will only be possible
� At
of    times
   every      it is aperson
           human       tenderand compassion,        whichwhich
                                      his/her dignity        takes to on
                                                                           thethe  taskofofa mitigating
                                                                                basis        global ethicthe
                                                                                                                   WORDS, SuCh ARE,
                                                                                                           of solidarity, interdependence and
is         of the unfortunate,
   a fundamental
of the fortunate.
                       right. The and      it is individualism
                                      radical     a joy which spends     itself increasing
                                                                      cooperation            the happiness
                                                                                      in the whole   human family. TO RESuMé, ThE
that is promoted in the world today will never lead                               A heart   open  to  all will welcome, protect, promote and
� Sometimes also it is a certain elasticity of spirit which recognizes spontaneously and
to true liberty, equality and fraternity; it cannot                   integrate the migrants and not discriminate  PLEASAnT         LiTTLE
                                                                                                                        against them. A healthy
without the effort the worth of an idea which another has had before us, applauding it
make us more free, more equal, more fraternal but
as a discovery, and in no way being envious of the author of it.
only pave the way for the ultimate destruction of
                                                                      openness to the other is never a threat to one’s own identity but a
                                                                      way to mutual cultural enrichment which is necessary to understand
� Now it is a solicitude which anticipates another’s need, desirous to spare the pain or
humanity.                                                       the inexhaustible richness of human life and even of ourselves and
humiliation of asking for help.
          When we pursue the good of others and                 our native land. The achievement of this universal vision certainly
� Again it is a generosity of heart which does anything in its power to oblige, and which
of the entire human family we help individuals                  demands a better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the
when it can do but little, would wish to be able to do more.
and societies to mature in the moral values that                common good and not one that hinders the progress towards a
� Finally it is a sweet quiet affability which listens to the troubles of another with
foster integral human development. These values                 different world. True politics will help the world to advance towards
no apparent weariness, instructing the ignorant without the bitterness of reproach or
are the fruits
reprimand;    orofitthe
                     is aHoly  Spirit
                          certain     as described
                                   politeness   whichbyfulfills
                                                        St.     a civilization
                                                                all            of love, of
                                                                     the requirements     a love  that integrates and unites and not the
not only interiorly, as happens in the world which makes show of these graces, butleader must make this principle the
Paul  in his  letter  to  the Galatians   (Gal.  5:22-23).      other  way  round.  Every   political
These  valuesand
with artless    need   to be passed
                     Christian       on from generation
                                cordiality.                     touchstone of his/her political genuineness.
to Affability,
                   otherwise what   simplicity, kindliness, sweetness There
                                       is  handed    down                         is oneofword
                                                                           of aspect,           thatofis indispensable in building a world
manners, of words, such are, to resumé, the pleasant Little Virtues. However, the Little It sums up everything contained
are selfishness,    violence,  corruption   in its various      of  love and this word   is ‘dialogue’.
Virtues are by no means of a lesser degree than the virtues expected of a Christian as
6 The Voice of Delhi
taught by St. Paul in his letter to the Colossians:
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi
against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must
      forgive. And above all these (virtues) put on love, which binds everything together in
      perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were
      called in the one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as you
      teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and as you sing psalms and hymns and
      spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word
      or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord        Put on Jesus, then,giving     thankschosen
                                                                                    as God’s          to God the ones, Father
                                                                                                                           holy and beloved, compassion, kindness
      through him” (Col. 3:12-17).                      lowliness, meekness, and patience, forbearing one another and, if one has a complain
                                                        against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also mus
              would like to end with a little story        that may
                                                        forgive.    Andwell  abovefit into    our Lord’s
                                                                                       all these     (virtues) teaching
                                                                                                                    put onon   love, which binds everything together i
                                                                                                   Hence true love calls
       i      going the “extra mile” (cf. Mt. 5:41):
              with him paint
      in approaching,
              asked   him.
                                  and brushes
                                    painting,   he
                                                            A man
                                                                      was asked
                                                                     the one
                                                                            the to
                                                                                          a And
                                                                                                     a boat.ofHe
                                                                                               the peace
                                                                                                  be red,
                                                                                               another     and
                                                                                                   for open societies that
                                                                                                             as theLet
                                                                                                                all wisdom,
                                                                                                                           rule in your hearts, to which indeed you wer
                                                                                                                           the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as yo
                                                                                                                              to and as you sing psalms and hymns an
      understand one another, and to find common ground. Dialogue opens the
      repair  it. When    finished  painting  he  received   his
                                                        spiritual money
                                                                     songs     and
                                                                                 withleft.  The
                                                                                                   integrate everyone
                                                                                         thankfulness      day,
                                                                                                              in the
                                                                                                                  your owner
                                                                                                                         hearts    to God. And whatever you do, in wor
      door to healing of open wounds and to building peace among nations and
      of the  boat   came   to the  painter and  presented
                                                        or     him
                                                            deed,     with
      communities. But there is also need for peace makers, men and women      a  nice
                                                                           everything    cheque,
                                                                                             in    as brothers and
                                                                                                 the  much
                                                                                                       name    higher
                                                                                                                of   the than
                                                                                                                          Lord    Jesus, giving thanks to God the Fathe
      the payment for painting. The painter was           surprised:
                                                        through     him”
      prepared to work boldly and creatively to initiate processes of healing (Col.    3:12-17).
                                                                                                   sisters because love
          -You’ve already paid me for painting the boat! he said.
      and renewed encounter.
          -But this is not for the paint job. It’s for having   would repaired
                                                                            like tothe end hole
                                                                                              with acknowledges the
                                                                                                  in athe   boat.
                                                                                                         little  story that may well fit into our Lord’s teaching o
                  Since much of our conflicts have to do with religious differences,
          Ah! But it was such a small service… certainly
      amount for something so insignificant! My dear with  i    going it’sthe
                                                                   the boat,
      the different religions, based on their respect for each human person as
                                                                 friend,     you
                                                                                    do not
      a creature called to be a child of God, contribute significantly to building
      you what happened. When I asked you to paint                         him. IWhile
      fraternity and defending justice in society. Inter-faith dialogue is not for
                                                                                                   worth of every human
                                                                                              paying  (
                                                                                                brushes and
                                                                                                to mention
                                                                                                                       a high
                                                                                                                          A man was asked to paint a boat. He brough
                                                                                                                       me tell
                                                                                                   person and his/her
                                                                                                                  about the
                                                                                                            he realized
                                                                                                                              to paint the boat a bright red, as the owne
                                                                                                                              there was a hole in the hull and decided t
      hole. When the boat dried, my kids took the           boatit.and
                                                        repair       When
      the sake of diplomacy but to establish friendship, peace and harmony,
                                                                           went     on a fishing
                                                                                finished           dignity which is a
                                                                                              painting trip.
                                                                                                           heThey     did not
                                                                                                               received      his money and left. The next day, the owne
      know that there was a hole. I was not at home     of the at   that    time.  toWhen      I returned      and noticed
      and to share spiritual and moral values and experiences in a spirit of
      they had taken the boat, I was desperate the      because     I remembered
                                                                                       the painter
                                                                            for painting.   thatThe
                                                                                                   fundamental right. The
                                                                                                        and presented
                                                                                                         boat had was
                                                                                                                               him with a nice cheque, much higher tha
                                                                                                                       a surprised:
      Imagineandmy love.
                      relief and joy when I saw them returning
                                                            -You’ve already from fishing.
                                                                                     paid meThen   radical individualism
                                                                                                          I examined
                                                                                                   for painting             the he said.
                                                                                                                      the boat!
      boat and foundthese
                  With    that sublime
                                you had thoughts    to inspire  andsee,guide us let       us enter
      joyfully  into  2021 determined
                                         repaired the
                                         to build  a new
                                                            -But   this isnow,
                                                                  of pay
                                                                               not forwhat theyou  that is promoted in the
                                                                                                paintdid?   You
                                                                                                         job.     saved
                                                                                                               It’s         the
                                                                                                                     for having     repaired the hole in the boat.
      life of my    children!  I do not have  enough    money     to
                                                            Ah! But           yourequality
                                                                         it was      “small”
                                                                                    such        and
                                                                                            a smallgoodservice…
                                                                                                           deed. certainly it’s not worth paying me such a hig
          So, no in   every who,
                    matter   small when
                                                our lives.
                                                      Just  continue
                                                        amount             to help, sustain,
                                                                   for something                   world today will never
                                                                                                      wipe tears,
                                                                                           so insignificant!        Mylisten
                                                                                                                         dear friend, you do not understand. Let me te
      attentively and carefully repair all the “leaks”  you what youhappened.
                                                                         find, because    When     lead to true liberty,
                                                                                               youI never
                                                                                                      asked know
                                                                                                               you towhen paint the boat, I forgot to mention about th
      God has a pleasant surprise for us to be helpful          and important
                                                        hole. When        the boat dried,to someone.
                                                                                                 my kidsYou   tookmay thehave
                                                                                                                           boat and went on a fishing trip. They did no
      repaired numerous “boat holes” along the             way,
                                                        know       of several
                                                                that    there was   people
                                                                                        a hole.
                                                                                                   equality and fraternity;
                                                                                                   I was realizing
                                                                                                             not at home  howat that time. When I returned and notice
,     many lives you’ve saved.                                                                     it cannot make us
                                                        they had taken the boat, I was desperate because I remembered that the boat had a hole

      + Archbishop Anil Couto
                                                                                                   more free, more equal,
                                                         Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing. Then I examined th
                                                         boat and found that you had repaired the hole! You see, now, what you did? You saved th
      archbishop of delhi                                life of my children! I do not have enough more
                                                                                                    money tofraternal      butgood
                                                                                                             pay your “small”     only
                                                             So, no matter who, when or how. Just  pave the way for the tears, liste
                                                                                                      continue  to help, sustain, wipe
                                                         attentively and carefully repair all the “leaks” you find, because you never know whe
                                                                                                   ultimate destruction of
On,                                                      God has a pleasant surprise for us to be helpful and important to someone. You may hav
                                                         repaired numerous “boat holes” along the  humanity.
                                                                                                      way, of several people without realizing how
                                                         many lives you’ve saved.

RE,                                                      + Archbishop Anil Couto
                                                         archbishop of delhi



                                                                                                      february 2017 7


                                                                                                                                       January 2021        7
                                                                                                                                                          february 2017
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi
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              fr. MaxiM PiNTO

The Mystery


       oday, there is a genuine need to emphasize              other words, to know Jesus might mean we seek out simpler yet far

      that caring for the environment must be our       more fulfilling pleasures, like a walk in the woods or encounters
          uman being is a complex being, an eternal enigma. The more we
      first priority. Of course, small efforts have     with friends or enjoying the arts. Also, as we continue to participate
          know, the less we understand! Thinkers down the ages, whether
been made in some quarters but that’s not enough        in the economic reality of our times, Pope Francis challenges us
          philosophers, psychologists or others, have tried their best to decode
to save the
              natureWe   need tobeings,
                      of human    pull together  all little
                                        but met with    to success.
                                                            see every‘Iact
                                                                       knowof him/
                                                                              consuming as a moral act that involves gifts
resources of theisworld
          her’     but aboth
                          whitehuman   andmay
                                 lie. One    otherwise      of creation
                                                  have stayed  together (air,   land, as
                                                                          for years    and water) and the dignity of workers and
so that wein
           protect  ourof
             the case   ‘common     home’
                           a marriage,   or, for
                                                   may have local
                                                             been cultures.
                                                                  a friend forIt isyears,
                                                                                     this kind of awareness and the small, daily
who has pouredIn out
                  his his/her
                                heartLaudato    Si, themay tempt
                                       to the other,        gestures
                                                                   onethat  flowthat
                                                                        to say      from‘I it that create the “culture of care” that
knowhimself   makesbut
      that person,’  some    relevant
                          this         suggestions
                               is far from           to human
                                              truth. For,   Pope being
                                                                  Francisis aadvocates
                                                                               dynamic transforming our world. Pope Francis
restore the pristine
being and              beauty S/he
             ever evolving.    of ouriscommon    home.
                                         not a thing  toInbe known
                                                               ends or
                                                                     this encyclicaltowith
                                                                        a problem       be an important section translating some
the final
solved    chapter
        but         of Laudato
              a mystery   to be Si, he speaks
                                 lived         directly
                                        with all        to     deeply
                                                 its complexities  andtraditional  aspects
                                                                        beauties. In  this of our faith into relevant guidance for
this very it
context,  local  reality:
             is good      our own particular
                      to remember              lifestyles,
                                      Gabriel Marcel,          us to live
                                                        an existential    out this Christian
                                                                       philosopher,  who     spirituality in our everyday lives. Two
attitudes, and convictions.
makes a distinction  betweenAs    he putsand
                               ‘problem’  it in the
                                              ‘mystery.’ prime examples
                                                         A problem        arewhich
                                                                    is that   the centrality of the Sacraments, especially the
presents paragraph,  “Many things
         its data objectively       haveone
                              and which  to change       Eucharist,
                                             can solve either       andexperience
                                                              by sense   the model of the Sabbath. The former shapes our
course, but it is we human
or by experiment.     Thus, beings above
                             there are   all who need
                                       problems             awareness
                                                  in the scientific and to see God
                                                                         social     through our material, created world, and
to change”. In
gravitation,      other words,
              imposition       Pope demonetization,
                           of taxes, Francis ends thisetc. the latter in carving out a day of rest and celebration to renew our
encyclical with acannot
    The mystery     very challenging  message
                          be completely        –if webecause
                                         objectified,       relationship  with our neighbour, Creation, and God. In the end,
                                                               one’s own subjectivity
don’t  personally    changeplace
                             our attitudes
                                    the data and   lives, the      this
                                                                     of God,    whomThere
                                                                                        we believe
                                                                                              are remains deeply present to us, united to
                                                                                                      Young man,
is involved.  We cannot                       completely    outside     ourselves.
solutions to our global ecological crisis will never
mysteries    of knowledge,     of  love,  of freedom,    of evil,  our earth in love, will give
                                                                  of body-mind       relation  of us strength and light needed to find our

                                                                                                      I don’t have
incarnation,    etc. Human    being    as a mystery
really arrive. In fact, the pope even uses traditionalis also corroborated     by  present-day
                                                                   way and “impel us to find new ways forward.” We need to heed to
religious      One may
           language        recall ‘Johari
                       to describe   what’sWindow      Model,’ a technique
                                             most needed:          such propheticto understand
                                                                                       voices and lend our hands generously to restore our

                                                                                                      problems but
one’s  relationship     with  oneself    and
an ecological conversion. What aspects of our others.   This  was  proposed     by
                                                                   ‘common home.’   Joseph Luft
and Harrington
lives               Ingham (hence
       need this conversion?            ‘Johari’),
                                     Pope   Franciswhich
                                                      beginsspeaks of unknown area of the
                                                                   Epilogue: I had asked Mr. Jose Abraham, the former editor of ‘Voice
right away with how easily we “get caught up in self nor by others. Hence, a
                                                                                                      onlY persons In
self. The  `unknown      area’  is neither   known    by  the
                                                                   of Delhi’ in one my meetings with him, whether I could write a
a        being of
   whirlwind     cannot   be fully
                     needless        known,
                                buying     andeither   by him/herself or by others.
                                                                   series of articles for our diocesan magazine, to which he had readily
                                                                                                      mY dIocese.
Rather           we must
          than acting     askeep   in mind that
                              unconscious           a person is never a problem, contrary
to our riddled
often   day-to-daywith thinking.
                         a feelingOnce      a journalistand
                                       of emptiness        asked aagreed.
                                                                     bishop, Unfortunately,
                                                                                whose diocese   it was not materialized. When Fr. Stanley
was   mired    with    many    complex      problems:     “You     Kozhichira
                                                                 seem    to  have took   over as
                                                                                     myriad    of the new editor of Voice of Delhi, I made a
anxiety, the pope challenges us instead to adopt a
problems    in  your   diocese,”    to  which   the  wise  bishop  similar
                                                                    replied: request
                                                                               “Young   toman,
                                                                                           him and
                                                                                                 I   he gladly agreed. I thank him and the
lifestyle that conveys greater sobriety, namely less
don’t  have  problems     but only   persons   in my   diocese.”   editorial
                                                                  At times,    team
                                                                              for     for regularly
                                                                                  reasons   both     publishing my articles and the readers
obsessiveness, more moderation and inner peace,
known and unknown, a person might create a problem.                forInpatiently    reading them. Many readers have appreciated the
                                                                          our inter-personal
and ultimately greater fulfilment. “Less is more”
relationships, we must be wise enough to distinguish between       contentsaof     the articles
                                                                                problem    and aand some have told me that those articles
is a biblical mantra, Pope Francis even suggests. In
person. Mixing them up would dent human inter-personal             have gone     above theirThe
                                                                           relationships.     heads. All the same, thank you to one and all.
heads of institutions and communities must be careful not to equate problem
8       Voice ofRemember
     a person.   Delhi    the famous one-liner: hate the sin but not the sinner.
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi
             of the month

             cOlVille De sOuza

The Gifts from the Magi

       he feast of the Epiphany in January, commemorates the
       visit of the three Kings, who followed the Star that led them
       to the child Jesus. This mysterious group is also known as
the “Magi,” or more commonly called the “three wise men.”.”
The word Epiphany means “manifestation” or “revelation”.
So, the Three Wise Men are honoured on Epiphany because they
represent the revelation of Jesus to the world.
The story of the Three Wise Men or the Magi is given in the Gospel
of Matthew wherein he describes three Wise Men as those from the
East. Tradition tells us that the names of the three Wise Men were
Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. Talk about diversity! The Three         The Magi were willing to travel and go beyond their
Magi, the three are of different ethnicities. There is an Armenian     comfort zone. We can only imagine what they must
tradition identifying the “Magi of Bethlehem” as Balthasar of          have faced in their long journey in search of the
Arabia, Melchior of Persia, and Gaspar of India. It reinforces the     Newborn king, and yet they were tenacious. They
idea, that Jesus has come for all. Race means nothing to God: what     didn’t give up. They saw everything as a lesson and
matters is one’s relationship with Him, and skin colour is a non-      as a part of their search for the Newborn King. In
starter. The whole idea of Jesus is to bring us together .             this way, the Magi model the journey of faith for us.
The Three Wise Men were told of Christ’s birth and set off,            After paying homage to the new Messiah they were
following the Star of Bethlehem, in search of the new born child.      miraculously warned in a dream not to go back to King
Although they are often called the ‘Three Kings’, the Bible does       Herod, as he planned to kill Jesus. So, they returned
not say that they were kings. The gospel however tells us that these   to their home by an alternative route and so as not
men from the East who visited the Christ child were sages, or wise     to betray him to Herod. After this the Three Kings
or learned. They found Jesus in the humblest of circumstances,         vanish from history and not were not heard of again.
but even in this infant, they recognized something royal, divine        During the 4th century A.D, St. Helena, the mother
and saving. They saw the child Jesus, and they were conquered,         of the Roman emperor Constantine, embarked on
overwhelmed, and overcome, by the grace and dignity of this            a quest to locate the sacred relics the three Kings as
humble child born of common parents. On seeing the child Jesus,        Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar were venerated as
they “fell “ before Him and offered gifts that seem quite strange      saints in the middle ages. The cathedral at Milan
to give to a baby - gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.             claimed to have their relics, brought from the imperial
What is the significance of the gifts of gold, frankincense and        city of Constantinople in the 5th century. These
myrrh that these Wise Men offered to the child Jesus? It is            relics were taken to Germany by Emperor Frederick
reasoned that these gifts are symbols of who the baby was. Gold        in 1162 and are now enshrined in Cologne Cathedral.
is considered a gift for a king. It represents power and wealth and    A large gilded sarcophagus was built to house these
a symbol of Divinity. The child Jesus is royal and kingly. He is the   remains. This reliquary, known as the Shrine of the
King of Kings. Frankincense is a sweet perfume which was often         Three Kings, is the largest reliquary in the Western
burned in the temple to worship God. It is a sign that Jesus would     world, and even today, draws pilgrims from all over
be worshipped because this baby is God come to earth. Myrrh was        to Cologne Cathedral.
used in embalming the dead. It indicated the child’s humanity and      The Star of Bethlehem is the word of God which,
foreshadowed his suffering and death as Saviour of the world. It       amidst of the uncertainty of human discourses, gives
showed that Jesus would suffer and die.                                us the immense splendour of the Divine Truth. The
Pope Francis said the Magi’s gifts to Jesus teach us three things.     Magi saw the star in Bethlehem because they were
“Gold “, he said means, “God must be given first place “and that       constantly searching for something. They were
we must adore him. Frankincense symbolizing our relationship           seeking. If we keep seeking, it’s written that we will
with the Lord, is an invitation to “burn” some time in prayer.         find God and He will use whatever means necessary to
And Myrrh, which will be used to perfume Jesus’ dead body in the       communicate to us, so we can hear and understand.
tomb, shows us the importance of helping our suffering brothers        God has blessed us richly with so many gifts. It is
and sisters.                                                           for us to best utilize our time, talents, and material
                                                                       possessions to benefit others.

                                                                                                            January 2021    9
Human fraternity - Archdiocese of Delhi
Theology & Christian Life - 14

              Sch. Wesley D’Costa SJ

To Foster a Culture of Encounter – A Message
from Fratelli Tutti
  n his new encyclical Fratelli Tutti (FT – 3 October
  2020), Pope Francis invites humanity to foster a
‘culture of encounter’ as opposed to the culture of
clashes that is prevalent today. In India the word
‘encounter’ often brings to our mind the many
instances of extrajudicial killings of ‘suspected
criminals or terrorists’ by the police. In a positive
sense, the word encounter signifies a beneficial
meeting between two persons, two groups, two
religions, or two cultures, which results in better
understanding, more friendly relationship and
increased cooperation between them.
To speak of a “culture of encounter” means that we, as   comfort them. This culture of encounter is in contrast to the ‘throw
a people, should be passionate about meeting others,     away culture’ or the ‘culture of indifference’ we see all around.
seeking points of contact, building bridges, planning    Isolation and withdrawal into one’s own interests are never the way to
a project that includes everyone [FT 216]. Pope          restore hope and bring about renewal. Rather, it is closeness; it is the
Francis constantly encourages the church to be a         culture of encounter. Isolation, no; closeness, yes. Culture clash, no; culture
church that goes out to others. He emphasizes that       of encounter, yes” [FT 30].
the church should not close in on itself; it should
                                                         The Pope places before us the image of a polyhedron to help us
rather take risks, go out into the world and meet
                                                         appreciate the beauty of unity with differences. He says: “I have
with others. God is present in other people, other
                                                         frequently called for the growth of a culture of encounter capable of
religions and other cultures in different ways.
                                                         transcending our differences and divisions. This means working to create
Therefore, when we go out and encounter others,
                                                         a many-faceted polyhedron whose different sides form a variegated
we encounter God in new ways. We are often
                                                         unity, in which the whole is greater than the part” [FT 215]. He invites
tempted to build a culture of walls—walls in our
                                                         the world to propagate a culture of encounter. The way to do this is
hearts and on our lands. The pope encourages us
                                                         through dialogue. There may be many differences between persons,
to move beyond the walls of our churches and our
                                                         cultures and religions. Yet when we learn to coexist in society in an
parishes in order encounter others out there. In the
                                                         amicable manner, it turns out be a truly wonderful and enriching
encounter we discover more clearly that we are all
                                                         experience. We learn from each other in spite of our differences and
children of one God, all brothers and sisters!
                                                         disagreements. The Pope emphasizes the need to include those on
As disciples of Jesus, we must imitate him who           the periphery or on the margins of society in our encounter. There
constantly   crossed    boundaries     to   encounter    is a lot that we can learn from them too, because they are able to see
others. We must first encounter Jesus Christ; it         things from a perspective that those at the centre may not notice.
will lead us out of ourselves to encounter others. In
                                                         Fratelli Tutti invites us to create a new culture in which people are
the encyclical Fratelli Tutti, the Pope presents the
                                                         filled with a deep sense of care and concern for each other, in which
parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of
                                                         people who are indifferent to each other and may be divided on the
encounter. When we become part of the culture of
                                                         basis of various conflicting issues learn to resolve their conflicts.
encounter, we do not just see but look, not just hear
                                                         To cite one example close to us, the Karwan-e-Mohabbat led by
but listen, not just pass by wounded people but stop
                                                         social activists Harsh Mander, John Dayal and others, which aims
and wait on them. In the gospels we find that when
                                                         at healing the wounds of division between different communities,
he encountered the poor, the suffering and the
                                                         is a movement which seeks to promote such a culture of encounter.
oppressed, Jesus was filled with compassion. His
                                                         The task is difficult and goal is distant. What is important is to create
encounters with them were marked by tenderness
                                                         processes of encounter, processes that build a people that can accept
and fruitfulness. As in the case of Jesus, Genuine
                                                         differences. Let us arm our children with the weapons of dialogue! Let us
encounter with the poor and suffering people will
                                                         teach them to fight the good fight of the culture of encounter! [FT 217].
fill us with compassion and we will be moved to

10 The Voice of Delhi
speCiaL                                        Saint of the Month

                         Servant of God Mother Annammal
                    The Foundress of the Sisters of St. Anne of Tiruchirapalli.

Fr. Arokiya Raj J

     ervant of God Mother Annammal is the foundress
     of religious congregation, the Sisters of St.Anne
     of Tiruchirapalli. Being a widow, she founded the
congregation with nine widows on 2nd February 1858. The
sole aim and unique purpose of Rev. Mother Annammal
was uplifting the social status of poor, weak, marginalized
and destitute young women, particularly widows from the
unethical and evil forces of the society. The Congregation
which was founded by her, canonically erected as a
Diocesan Congregation in 1880 and elevated to Pontifical
Status in 1977, has grown into a worldwide organization of
Religious Women in the Catholic Church.

Mother Annammal was born in 1836 at Varaganeri in
Tiruchirapalli in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The parents
of Annammal were devoted Catholic and she was brought up
in staunch Catholic faith. After her elementary education
in the village school, she expressed her desire and ambition
to become a nun to her parents. Her parents were initially
reluctant to accept the idea of their daughter to become a
nun however they, conceded to her desire and ambition. At
the age of 14 Annammal was admitted in a congregation
in Pondicherry to become a nun. In spite of her good will,
spirit, piety and obedience, she was not allowed to continue
at the convent to become a nun. Because of her vicious and
vibrant character, she was asked to leave the convent. She
had to return home after two years of her active life in the
novitiate and the convent in Pondicherry. She was not at all
interested and showed no inclination to marry. However,
her parents continued to persuade her to marry.Annammal
                                                                out boldly to break away the shackles of widowhood and face
finally got married at the age of 17. She started to live her
                                                                the society courageously. Annammal went about begging to
married life with her husband happily which unfortunately
                                                                give some succor to the poor and the sick in the hospital. she
did not last long. He died after six months of married life
                                                                went to the church of Sakkiliars (cobblers), a group of people
with Annammal. She became a widow and could not bear
                                                                who were considered untouchable and looked down upon in
the painful loss of her husband within a short period. She
                                                                the society as they belonged to the low outcast, to attend to
had conceived at the time of her husband’s death and that
                                                                their prayers and to mingle with them freely and brought
was her only consolation. As a widow, she lost all her
                                                                the little children there together to instruct catechism. She
respect and rights in her family and in the society. In the
                                                                started to create awareness among the young widows and
meantime, Annammal bore a girl child whom she named
                                                                appealed to them to join her to serve the poor and breaking
                                                                the evil customs and orthodox conventions of the society.
When she was at the age of 20, she inspired to become an        Because of the act, she was mocked, ridiculed subjected
instrument to work for the mission of God and to spread         to severe criticism by the people of her place. However,
his kingdom on earth. Leaving her little daughter Teresa        Annammal continued her charitable work that inspired four
in the house under the care of her parents and against          other young widows they joined with her. She organized the
tradition and custom that forbade the widows to come out        four widows and they prayed together and doing service to
of their homes into the society openly, Annammal came           the people of Dharmanathapuram, a slum in Tiruchirappalli

                                                                                                            January 2021 11
where the Sakkiliars lived. They
taught religious truth and prayed with
                                           YOUTH CORNER
them and helped them begging. They
cared and nursed the sick and old at
homes and in the hospital and prayed       Dear Fear, Get Out of Here.
for them. Soon the people of the town
started to appreciate Annammal and         Nikhil George
her companions for their work and          Fear.
service to the poor. The missionaries      You stop me when I am on my way.
working in Tirchirappalli and the          You come knocking on my door when I beginning to step out. You chase me
entire mission also came to know of        around.
their service.                             Many times, you bring me to my knees.

Inspite of the success in her service to   Fear.
the poor and the oppressed, Annammal       Of not being good enough.
thought of nothing else but a convent      Of falling short.
for the widows. She along with the four    Of being laughed at.
widows approached the then Bishop          Of being ridiculed.
Alexis Canoz and requested to permit       Of being judged.
them to form into a community and          Of being disrespected.
establish a convent for themselves.        Of not being accepted.
Bishop Alexis Canoz explained to her       Of being different.
the financial and other difficulties       Of being a hypocrite.
to start a convent in Tiruchirappalli.     Of being too loud.
Annammal promised that she would           Of being too silent.
never ask any financial support the        Of being too slow.
Bishop and stated that “no money           Of being too fast.
but only the permission”. Bishop           The fear of yesterday.
was greatly impressed by her request       The fear of tomorrow.
and finally gave her permission.
Thus, the convent for widows was           But He’s got my back.
established in Tiruchirappalli on 2
February 1858. Mgr. Alexis Conoz           The one who was laughed at.
named it, the Congregation of St. Anne     Who was spat on.
for widows under the patronage of          Who was ridiculed.
St. Anne. Annammal sowed the seed          Who was mocked.
for founding the congregation for          Who was disrespected.
widows for liberating them from the        Who was slapped.
shackles of inhuman and irrational         Who was nailed.
evil customs and social practices and      Who was stripped.
for empowering them. Annammal              Who was killed.
and her companions supported               Who rose again.
themselves and to the poor by what         Who defeated it all.
little they earned by pinning of paddy.    With His Word.
They never hesitated for any hard          With His love.
work and prepared for any sacrifice.       With His life.
Mother Annammal worked hard since
1877 to rejuvenate and direct the          I know, I am in safe hands.
congregation into the right direction.
She was seriously ill in 1883 and died     Fear may come in my way.
on 8 June 1883 at the age of 47.She was    But I just need to let my refuge takeover.
declared Servant of God on 22nd April      His peace wash over.
2017.                                      His joy spill over.
Servant of God Mother Annammal, Pray
for us.                                    With Him on my side, I know I can say,
                                           “Dear Fear, get out of here!”

12 The Voice of Delhi
Poulose Mangai, SJ

         n December 8 Pope Francis surprised us with the           like those of Mary at the Annunciation and Jesus in the
         proclamation of the Year of St. Joseph from 8 Dec         Garden of Gethsemane.
         2020 - 8 Dec 2021. The special Year will mark the
                                                                   4. An accepting father: Joseph always accepted God’s plan
150th anniversary of the Declaration of St. Joseph as Patron
                                                                   for him. He accepted Mary unconditionally, trusting in the
of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX on 8 December 1870.
                                                                   angel’s words. He set aside his own ideas in order to accept
According to the Vatican decree, the Year was proclaimed “in
                                                                   the course of events and make them part of his own history.
order to perpetuate the entrustment of the whole Church to
the powerful patronage of the Custos (Guardian) of Jesus.”         5. A creatively courageous father: St. Joseph was the man
                                                                   chosen by God to guide the beginnings of the history of
On the occasion Pope Francis has written for us an Apostolic
                                                                   redemption. God acted by trusting in Joseph’s creative
Letter entitled Patris corde (“with a father’s heart”). The
                                                                   courage. Several times the Gospel tells us that Joseph got up,
Pope begins the Letter by saying that WITH A FATHER’S
                                                                   took the child and his mother, and did what God commanded
HEART, St. Joseph loved Jesus. He quotes the memorable
                                                                   him (Mt 1:24; 2:14, 21).
words of Pope St. Paul VI, who pointed out that St. Joseph
concretely expressed his fatherhood “by making his life a          6. A working father: Saint Joseph was a carpenter who earned
sacrificial service to the mystery of the incarnation and its      an honest living to provide for his family. From him, Jesus
redemptive purpose. … He turned his human vocation to              learned the value, the dignity and the joy of what it means
domestic love into a superhuman oblation of himself, his           to eat bread that is the fruit of one’s own labour. The Pope
heart and all his abilities, a love placed at the service of the   asks us to pray to Saint Joseph the Worker so that no young
Messiah who was growing to maturity in his home.” These            person, no person at all, no family should be without work.
words actually way sums up the role he played in God’s plan
                                                                   7. A father in the shadows: In his relationship to Jesus, Joseph
of salvation. The Pope offers some beautiful and inspiring
                                                                   was the earthly shadow of the heavenly Father: he watched
reflections on St. Joseph, some of which are presented
                                                                   over him and protected him Joseph never made himself the
                                                                   centre of things. He did not think of himself, but focused
1. A beloved father: St. Joseph is a beloved father and the        instead on the lives of Mary and Jesus. He found happiness
Christians have always venerated him as a father.                  not in mere self-sacrifice but in self-gift. Our world today
                                                                   needs fathers like Joseph, not tyrants.
2. A tender and loving father: St. Joseph was a tender and
loving father to Jesus who saw in him the tender love of           The Pope hopes that this Apostolic Letter will increase
God. He teaches us that faith in God includes believing that       our love for this great saint and encourage us to implore
God can work even through our fears and our weaknesses.            his intercession and to imitate his virtues and his zeal. He
He also teaches us that amid the tempests of life, we must         concludes it with a short prayer to St. Joseph: Hail, Guardian
never be afraid to let the Lord steer our course.                  of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God
                                                                   entrusted his only Son;in you Mary placed her trust; with you
3. An obedient father. “When Joseph awoke from sleep, he
                                                                   Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a
did as the angel of the Lord commanded him” (Mt 1:24). St.
                                                                   father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy
Joseph was always obedient to God whatever the hardship
                                                                   and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen.
involved. In every situation, Joseph declared his own “fiat”,

                                                                                                                  January 2021 13
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