TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!

Page created by Brad Frazier
TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!


           The Cardinal Newman campus continues
           to grow as new buildings rise up!
TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!
Prayer for our Community
                                                          In this age of anxiety and stress, we ask for your
                                                          Presence to be made clearly amongst us. Be with us as
                                                          we confront illnesses that leave many of us in a state of
                                                          worry for our families, our friends, our colleagues, our
                                                          communities, our nation and our world. As hospitals
                                                          and healthcare providers seek to continue the healing
                                                          ministry of You, may they have fortitude for the road
    TABLE OF CONTENTS                                     ahead, knowing that you are walking this journey with
                                                          them with your mighty Hand. Remind them of both their
    PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                             3     strength and Your strength. May the wilderness of this
    BUILDING PROGRESS                               4     time and the uncertainty we may feel, strengthen our
    FATHER PLASS MESSAGE                            6     resolve to lean on your word, abide in your presence, and
    STUDENT LIFE                                    8     be guided by your enduring and powerful Spirit. Amidst
    GIFT RECOGNITION SOCIETIES 26                         the darkness, the confusion and the storm of worry, may
    SUPPORT                                        38     your Presence be made abundantly revealed so that Your
    CAMPUS NEWS                                    48     light, Your hand and Your strength, gives us steadiness,
    ADMISSIONS                                     51     refuge, clarity of purpose, and hope. – Amen.

                                                          BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                          DAN STEVENS, CN ‘84                                               TED GRAFE, CN ‘94
                                                          Chairman of the Board - All Committees
                                                                                                                            TEEJAY LOWE, CN ‘93
                                                          KEN MOLINARO, CN ‘72
                                                          JOY DURAND, UHS ‘92                                               KIMBERLY WAITE

                                                          KEN LAFRANCHI                                                     FR. JOHN PLASS
                                                          CHRYSTIE PROKOPAKIS, UHS ‘80
                                                                                                                            LINDA NORMAN
                                                          TRACY DUTTON, UHS ‘88                                             Interim President

                                                          Interim President                                                  Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
                                                          LINDA NORMAN                                                       RICH HERRMANN
    MISSION                                               Dean of Student Life                                               Director of Advancement
    Our mission is to educate our students in the         GRAHAM RUTHERFORD                                                  TERRI DERR
    wholeness of mind, body, and spirit through the       Chaplain                                                           Director of Finance
    teachings of Jesus Christ as proclaimed by the        FR. JOHN PLASS                                                     JOLIE’ TROGDON
    Catholic Church. Our students learn to apply
    leadership skills and talents in service to others.    PUBLICATION ADVISOR: Lisa Sousa |
    We challenge each student to work to his or            DESIGN LAYOUT: Kurt West | Kurt West Design Services
    her highest potential in the lifelong pursuit of       PHOTOGRAPHY: Jim Rael Photography | Bella Photography |
    learning and excellence.                                                          Various students and Faculty/Staff Members
                                                           PRINTING AND MAILING: All-American Printing, Petaluma, CA
                                                           On The Cover: Cardinal Newman High School continues it’s rebuilding of the campus
    Cardinal Newman High School                            following the 2017 Tubbs Fire. This is a photo of the new 2-story classroom building set
    50 Ursuline Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95403                 to open in time for classes in August 2021.

    Advancement/Fundraising                                The Trinity is published three times a year by Cardinal Newman High School. Every effort is made to ensure the
    Terri Derr:                    accuracy and completeness of these publications. Please accept our apologies for any errors or omissions and
                                                           report them to Terri Derr at

TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!
Dear Cardinal Newman Community,

                              M     y heart is bursting
                                    with gratitude and
                              appreciation for the
                                                                  In this season of gratitude, and in honor of this issue of
                                                                  Trinity celebrating community support:

                              kindness and generosity I           • I thank our faculty and staff for tirelessly carrying
                              see expressed daily by the            out the Mission of Cardinal Newman High School in
                              Newman Community. The                 collaborative, creative, and constructive ways. COVID-19
                              COVID crisis has caused               shifted our students’ learning environment, yet our
                              terrible disruption, yet I see        educators maintained the integrity of their instruction.
                              our community persevering             Through their hard work, and with God’s grace, Cardinal
                              with faith, strength and              Newman continues to provide outstanding education
                              determination, undeterred from        and Catholic formation for young people as it has done
                              its promising future. Despite         since 1964.
                              the hardships - the extended
                                                                  • I thank our school families for entrusting their sons and
mandated campus closure, the struggling economy, and
                                                                    daughters to us. We consider it a privilege to partner with
health and safety impacts - our students, faculty and staff,
                                                                    you in educating and forming your children to Gospel
families, friends and benefactors have not only stood strong
                                                                    values, academic excellence, and service to
in solidarity with Cardinal Newman High School during
                                                                    the community.
this time, but have contributed selflessly towards building
Newman’s future. I am sincerely humbled by this fact.             • I thank our students, who despite experiencing
                                                                    the loss of many “Newman experiences” due to
This year our Day of Giving was record breaking, achieving
                                                                                     Health Department mandates, have
691 gifts to support student learning
                                                                                      persevered and demonstrated their
and raising over $246,295. I am
                                                                                      grit, perseverance and determination to
inspired by the generosity of our
                                                                                      succeed despite imposed obstacles. It’s
faculty and staff in participating
                                                                                      amazing to see.
in the Day of Giving – 98.6%
participated, by our Board of                                                          I thank our supporters, donors and
Trustees – 100% participated, by                                                       benefactors. Each gift helps Cardinal
our students – our Junior class                                                        Newman stay faithful to its Mission.
had the highest % participation                                                         Each gift builds on our success. Each
among the four classes, and by our                                                      gift shapes the strongest future for
families, alumni and friends – with                                                     Cardinal Newman High School.
higher participation rates and more                                                     Thank you.
donated contributions to our school
this year than last year. What a                                  On behalf of Bishop Vasa, Fr. Moses Brown, Fr. John Plass,
wonderful expression of support! The funds raised provides        the Board of Trustees, and the entire dedicated faculty and
tuition assistance and fills the gap between the cost of          staff of Cardinal Newman, thank you for choosing Cardinal
tuition and the actual expense of educating each student.         Newman High School, thank you for embracing the Mission
This level of participation is a testament to our unity and the   of Catholic education, and let us together thank God for the
enthusiastic support our community has for the Mission of         many blessings He has bestowed upon our school
Cardinal Newman High School.                                      and community.
Our A Call to Lead Campaign, which began in 2018 as               And may God bless you and your family for the many
a $38 million dollar campaign, is down to raising its final       sacrifices you make to support Catholic education at
$100,000. The new Two-Story Classroom Building, which             Cardinal Newman High School.
broke ground on June 22, is on track for students to
occupy its classrooms at the start of 2021-2022 school year.        In the spirit of Cor Ad Cor Liquitor,
Stakeholders are finalizing the design of the new Student
Life Center with hopes for its groundbreaking ceremony to
occur in Summer 2021. Please help spread the word and
encourage to be part of this as we are so close to closing
                                                                   Linda Norman
this campaign – and so eager to celebrate its completion!

                                                                                                            DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   3
TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!

         T    he $17.2M state-of-the-art 2-story Classroom Building
              is well underway! We’d like to thank our Contractor,
         Wright Contracting, Quattrocchi Kwok Architects, and the
                                                                        While construction moves forward on the Classroom
                                                                        Building, planning and design continues on the incredible
                                                                        $16M “Student Life Center”. This building will be the “hub”
         CN Building & Grounds Committee for guiding us through         of student activities and gathering on campus. We are close
         the permit, planning, design and build process! From left      to fully-funding this project with only $73,143 left to raise!
         to right, Doug Marshall, CN ’03; Mike Nonella, CN ’81; Andy    If you’d like to participate in the “A Call to Lead” capital
         Hall; Ken Lafranchi; John Dybczak; Josh Griggs. Not pictured   campaign, please contact the CN Advancement Office,
         is Bishop Vasa and Humberto Reynoza. The goal is to be         707-546-6470 x117.
         able to hold classes in these buildings in August 2021!

                                  STUDENT LIFE CENTER

4   Cardinal Newman High School
TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!
CHAPEL                                                              T    he architect’s rendering
                                                                                                 captures the grandeur and
                                                                                            simplicity of the new Chapel on
                                                                                            the Cardinal Newman campus.
                                                                                            It will be located in the center
                                                                                            of campus, and it’s cupula will
                                                                                            be taller than the adjacent gym
                                                                                            roof, allowing it to be seen
                                                                                            by travelers on Old Redwood

T    he new Student Life Center will be the hub of
     activity for our students. The Center will include a
new food service facility with both indoor and outdoor
                                                                academic-focused activities where study groups may
                                                                gather, at tables or in small work spaces, or on couches
                                                                and comfortable furniture. Additionally, there will be an
covered seating spaces, offices and work spaces for             innovation center, a studio for recording/broadcasting, a
Campus Ministry, the Community-Based Service Learning           learning lounge, a library, and several small work spaces
program, student activities such as preparations for            for group activities. Design work for the facility continues
rallies, dances, Newman News, and will be home for our          under the guidance of Quattrocchi Kwok Architects, with
Chaplain’s office. The first floor will be lively and active,   construction work on the project anticipated to start in
and has been noted as the ‘campus family room for our           the Summer of 2021.
students’, while the second floor will house the more

                                                                                                     DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   5
TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!
        I  t is my honor to provide some words for
           this issue of Trinity and, most of all, to
         have begun serving the Cardinal Newman
                                                               To inspire your prayer during this season,
                                                            please enjoy this traditional Advent hymn, here
                                                                translated by St. John Henry Newman.
         community as Chaplain and Teacher. By way of
         introduction, I was ordained a Priest on March
         7 of this most memorable year, after nearly
         completing my studies for the priesthood. I say        Supernal Word, proceeding from
         “nearly” because, providentially, my ordination
         came halfway through my final semester at
                                                                    The Eternal Father’s breast,
         the seminary and only one week before the                  And in the end of ages come,
         coronavirus restrictions came into force. That
         meant that I had to finish my seminary studies                To aid a world distrest;
         in distance learning mode, something that I
         am now very familiar with from the teacher’s
         perspective! Since then, I have been settling            Enlighten, Lord, and set on fire
         into my new state in life while, at the same
                                                                      Our spirits with Thy love,
         time, learning to navigate these strange times
         along with everyone else. I am grateful for the        That, dead to earth, they may aspire
         patience of faculty, students and families as
         I have made this transition, and I very much
                                                                        And live to joys above.
         look forward to better times when we can be
         together in person.
                                                               That, when the judgment-seat on high
         These have been some very unusual months,
         to be sure, but they have presented us with
                                                                      Shall fix the sinner’s doom,
         a unique opportunity to deepen our longing               And to the just a glad voice cry,
         for our Savior. The extended deprivation of
         familiar and important human activities has                 Come to your destined home;
         accented the truth that we are made for
         communion—not just communion with one
         another, but first and foremost, with God.            Safe from the black and yawning lake
         Christmas presents us with the mystery of
                                                                       Of restless, endless pain,
         Emmanuel, “God-with-us”. We know that God
         is always with us, but do we ever stop to ask if        We may the face of God partake,
         we are with God? During this season, then, let
         us make an effort to cultivate a deeper, more
                                                                      The bliss of heaven attain.
         loving union with Jesus, the Son of God, Who
         is always ready to receive us.
                                                                To God the Father, God the Son,
            In Christ,
                                                                      And Holy Ghost, to Thee,

            Fr. John Plass                                       As heretofore, when time is done,
                                                                          Unending glory be.

6   Cardinal Newman High School
TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!
O     n August 12th and 13th, we welcomed
      students to the 2020-2021 school year
via an in-person drive-through orientation!
It may not be what we envisioned for the
start of the school year or even into the 2nd
semester, but rest assured knowing CNHS
faculty, staff and administration are 100%
committed to getting students back on
campus as soon as possible! T-shirts were
given to all students to wear during the first
day of online classes. This gave a sense of
unity during the first day back to class.

               NORMA PERSON
               T    his issue of Trinity magazine celebrates
                    this year’s outpouring of community
               support for the Mission of Cardinal Newman
                                                                Catholic Church dedicated to the education of
                                                                girls. Norma has served the Ursuline-Cardinal
                                                                Newman community through her time on the
               High School. While we recognize all those        Ursuline High School Board and the Ursuline
               listed in this edition, we wish to highlight     High School Alumni Association. Norma even
               the faithful partnership of Ursuline alumna      taught French at Cardinal Newman in 1969.
               Norma Person who inspires us with her            She expresses her delight in seeing her
               faith, generosity and years of service to our    former students that are now grandparents!
               community.                                       What a wonderful legacy she carries!

               Norma is a 1948 Ursuline High School             We are most grateful for her shared passion
               graduate who has exemplified a life of service   and vision for our school community,
               and a personal devotion to St. Angela Merici,    especially for the young people we are
               foundress of the Ursuline order, the oldest      committed to serve.
               religious order of women in the Roman

                                                                                          DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   7
TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!

        DEAN’S LIST               Sultana, Valerie           Lerma, Mason             Binder, Dakota
                                  Sumabat, joseph            Liu, William             Boisclair, Alex
        4.0 OR BETTER GPA
                                  Walters, Ava               Longton, Dellan          Brown, Sally
        FRESHMEN                  Wedge, Aidan               Marinelli, Giovani       Carinalli, Jacob
        Adan, Santiago            Zewde, Merhawit            Marts, Kira              Clark, Kathryn
        Aguirre, Brydan           Zichichi, Matthew          Mazur, Lauren            Cooke, Lexy
        Assadipour, Mahan                                    McLaughlin, Aidan        Cronin, Haley
        Badhan, Eshaan            SOPHOMORES                 McNamara, Catrina        Cunningham, Abigail
        Barnes, Alexandra         Auslen, Lucas              Mullins, Abigail         Dimauro, Gianluca
        Bickel, Hannah            Avanzi Mesquita, Dora      Munsell, Paul            Do, Meghan
        Boardman, Diego           Beecher, Ava               Mwiti, Ashley            Eaton, Ashley
        Capitani, Mia             Behrens, Owen              Niehaus, Nathan          Elias, Jorge
        Carlson, William          Belmonte, Natalia          O’Connor, Brooke         Erwin, Lilly
        Collins, Kellen           Birk, Briana               Oandason, Charlie        Golden, Liya
        Currie, Liam              Bonzi, William             Passalacqua, Sophia      Gonzalez Lopez, Michael
        Danoff, Jake              Boyd, Brayden              Pezzolo, Joseph          Green, Sophia
        Dennis, Mackenzie         Bradley, Davin             Popkin, Elijah           Groves, Brohnson
        Dougherty, Caroline       Brunetti, Julia            Rodriguez, Daniela       Guerrero, Fabian
        Estrada, Adrian           Brunetti, Siena            Salamati, Soraya         Hall, Katherine
        Farquhar, Natalie         Campana, Violet            Salisbury, Hannah        Hansel, Maguire
        Frampton, Sarah           Carter, Chase              Salisbury, Bridget       Hill, Sophia
        Franklin, Andie           Christian-Menton, Nikyla   Seawright, Kaitlyn       Jacobs, Avery
        Funaro, William           Coleman, Catalina          Sharma, Priyanka         Jacobs, Colbi
        Hiserote, Grace           Cook, Michael              Sheppard, Tyler          Jannicelli, Jacob
        Hunter, Abella            Craig, Teagan              Shockey, Natalie         Johnson, Arianna
        Joerger, Jake             Dahlgren, Georgia          Sichel, Blake            Johnson, Aidan
        Jovanovski, Emma-Marija   Dayton, Lillie             Simon, John              Kelley, Neala
        Lando, Henry              Diehl, William             Simon, Julia             Kohut, Preston
        Laos, Jocelyn             Do, Mia                    Simpkins, Sophia         Kohut, Kooper
        Lashinski, Presley        Doig, Gavin                Simpkins, Samantha       Lafranchi, Dante
        Marotto, Brianna          Dolan, Emily               Sinatra, Gabriella       Leighton, Victoria
        Martinez, Leah            Duenas, Deja               Smith, Kaylin            Lubas, Julia
        Mauritson, Leah           Elder, Carson              Solano, Jordan           McDonell, Eternity
        McCormick, Christell      Esposti, Sofia             Stevens, Olivia          Meyer, Connor
        McIntosh, Riley           Estrada, Lucia             Suard, Venice            Moreno, Paige
        McKeown, Lauren           Farquhar, Alexandra        Velladao, Anthony        Nordby, Audrey
        Moreda, Jacob             Fenske, Samantha           Warnell, Lucas           Olney, Lucas
        Morrison Jr., Johnathan   Freeman, Boston            Wheadon, Katherine       Ong, Alyza
        Murphy, Megan             Grafe, Jack                Yang, Ming               Prendiville, John
        Overholser, Dante         Hansel, Hayden                                      Ratto, Gianna
        Ranney, Theodore          Hargarten, Madailein       JUNIORS                  Rechin, Marije
        Ratto, Maddalena          Hassett, Daire             Bardis, Gabriel          Renfree, Angelina
        Rodnick, Konnor           Jackson, Elise             Bell, Sophia Alexandra   Rognlien, Gavin
        Rosetti, Natalie          Jordan, Vivien             Bellman, Sydney          Salfi, Paytin
        Santos, Marc              Kilcullen, Daniel          Bertoli, Jenna           Santos, Izabella
        Schweid, Raymond          Larson, Jack               Bettinelli, Mila         Solano, Julietta
        Shami, Selena             Lefort, Manuel             Bigattini, Vincenzo      Sweeney, Robert

TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!

Taddei, Aidan               Lamperti, Lucianno         FIRST                    SOPHOMORES
Taylor, Cassie              Lashinski, Reese
Titone, Isabella            LeBlanc, Lauren
                                                       HONORS                   Ayre, Nicholas
                                                                                Black, Hudson
Van Benthuysen, Tanner      Leighton, Abigail          3.5-3.99 GPA
                                                                                Blakely, Isabella
Vaughn, Katelyn             Lim, Moon
                                                       FRESHMEN                 Cantarutti, Cloe
Wagner, Dylan               Line, Shea
Waite, Richard              Liu, O’Callaghan           Aceves, Sophia           Capitani, Jack
Waller, Kimi                Lombardi, Aidan            Ackroyd, Tristan         Castello, Gianna
Wilson, Madison             Loxley, Cameron            Baugnon, Conner          D’Amico, Giovanni
Wojcik, Adam                Martinez, Jenna            Bradley, Tanner          Egan, Laura
Wright, Izzy                McGowan, Lily              Bravo Lopez, Ian         Freeman, Ava
Zichichi, Lily              McKeown, Connor
                                                       Candelario, Tatum        Friesch, Avery
                            Medin, Quinn
                                                       Cervera, Luke            Ganino, Sophia
SENIORS                     Mello, Abigail
Adams, Katie                Miroyan, Nataly            Cunningham, Jordan       Garrison, Tessa
Alvear, Lauren              Nguyen, Victoria           Danley, Kristen          Guy, Cody
Anton, Christiane           Nguyen, Calvin             Duncan, Taliya           Gwin, Alyssa
Batchelder, Shea            Nordby, Tyler              Evans, Jack              Ibanez Arroyo, Carly
Bazzano, Marina             Oandason, Isabelle         Finnerty, Isabella       Jacobs, Ella
Beach, Jordyn               Ostheimer, Alessandra
                                                       Frampton, Jenna          Kelly, Zachary
Belmonte, Gabriella         Perra, Olivia
                                                       Gamino, Celeste          Key, Karina
Bevilacqua, Michael         Prado, Mario
Biehl, Catherine            Retamoza, Jordan           Gartner, Isabella        Lazark, Jack
Bonzi, Jenna                Rico, Isaac                Grant, Katie             Lindeblad, Kassie
Bowen, Spencer              Sandoval, Hunter           Hanlon-Strane, Kenyon    Lopez, Colin
Bowman, Tara                Sarshar, Sofia             Heath, Tenzin            Osmer, Claire
Cai, Qian                   Sharma, Agrataa            Hextrum, Suzanna         Palmer, Cameron
Castaneda, Flor             Shippey, Nathan
                                                       Homan, Zachary           Passalacqua, Mariella
Cavallo, Alacia             Sierocinski, Georgina
Caviglia, Nicole            Smith, Alexander
                                                       Keating, Jack            Reis, Owen
Coleman, Ella               Solano, Aydan              Keshishian, Tyler        Roetter, Memphis
Crawford, Carson            Solley, Hailey             Lightner, Sofia          Sage-Elwood, Vincent
Danley, Ryan                Sullivan, Justin           Logan, Marina            Sanchez, Daniela
Danoff, Katelin             Swenson-Aguirre, Katrina   Meyer, Carson            Sandoval, Evan
DeMarinis, Andrew           Talafili, Annalise         Nazarit, Valerie         Sheets, Ronan
Dural, Aysia                Tannous, Dimitri
                                                       Oliver, Jack             Turbeville, Greta
Feagin, Mason               Taurian, Gina
Gallo, Maximus              Turbeville, Bryce          Reed, Capri              Vaughan, Annabelle
Girimonte, Nicholas         Turko, Noelle              Saunders, Hennessey      Vigil, Ashley
Girolo, Natalia             Turner, Kennedy            Shibeshi, Shawet         Zuiderweg, Trent
Grund, Zeke                 Vice, Peyton               Smits, Abigail
Hafner IV, John             Wall, Brooke               Snyder, Meghan           JUNIORS
Halkovich, Hunter           Wallace Roberts, Sanaya
                                                       Stoesser, Kyle           Alberigi, Isaac
Heidingsfelder, Anneliese   Weiss, Jacob
                                                       Strehlow, Jacob          Bourns, Chase
Hilberman, Cassandra        Woods, Abigail
Holden, Victoria            Woods, Devin               Tamayo Elias, Jeronimo   Carroll, Rachel
Jackson, Hagan              Woods, Emilee              Vice, Alexandra          Coogan, Dallas
Johnson, Hayden             Xiong, Junfei              Wall, Ryan               Cortina, Julian
Kelly, Nicholas             Zakasky, Quinton           Weiss, Juliette          Dang, Thomas
Key, Colin                  Zhu, Junhao
                                                                                Drake, Riley
Kilcullen, Conor            Zielke, Jiana

                                                                                    DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   9
TRINITY - The Cardinal Newman campus continues to grow as new buildings rise up!

         Erwin, Jack               Moran, Zackery         SOPHOMORES          JUNIORS
         Green, Corbin             Moran, Shane           Acevedo, Santino    Bailey, Abigail
         Haley, Olivia             O’Donnell, Kyle        Angel, Lindsay      Beerbower, Albert
         Hart, Francesca           Rodriguez, Fernanda    Bermudez, Celica    Beste, Nicholas
         Hawkins, Kyle             Ruegg, Kayla           Boisclair, Aden     Born, Kenneth
         Hextrum, Kendall          Schmidt, Emily         Brinson, Justice    Butterfield, Rachel
         Joseph, Ruby              Seghesio, William      Cameron, Jayden     Harder, Roy
         Knechtle, Lucas           Smits, Emma            Carinalli, Lily     Hernandez, Kiko
         Mann, Charlene            Spangler, Scarlett     Ceja, Julian        Knerr-Archambeau, Ruby
         Mauritson, Lucas          Wang, Haozhe           Chavez, Keegan      Phelps, Nathan
         McCormack, Matthew        Wilson, Mitch          Fair, Shane         Sasuta, Braxton
         Meihaus, Rose                                    Flint, Chase        Saure, Sydney
         Nowacki, Jessica          SECOND                 Fravel, Jake        Searcy, Reese
         Pratt, Hailey             HONORS                 Geernaert, Kailey   Sieurac, Sean
         Rahhal, Michael                                  Gilardo, Jaxson     Steverson, Nanealani
                                   3.0-3.49 GPA
         Romesburg, Reagan                                Holland, Ella       Thomas, Jocelyn
         Tunev, Adrian             FRESHMEN               Khoury, Sarah       Wilson, Jaysen
         Walker, Kiana             Bello, Ryan            Kolpin, Taiten
         Wood, Shane               Benninghofen, Kadie    Lloyd, Trenton      SENIORS
                                   Bowman, Jack           Mengistab, Amiel    Campos, Matthew
         SENIORS                   Cortina, Caelyn        Mueller, Hunter     Castello, Luca
         Ayre, Bailey              Cronin, Madison        Neal, Fiona         Cvitanovic, Patrick
         Capurro, Nolan            Cvitanovic, Brian      Olibas, Stephen     Gamino, Juan Carlos
         Cooke, Jordan             Kemp, Jasper           Palley, Syris       Greco, Joseph
         Eid, Mercy                Khoury, Ophemia        Rota, Landen        Morehead, Daniel
         Fair, Blake               Natale, Dante          Vivian, Luke        Nelsen, Makayla
         Forcier, Skyler           Pecoraro, Vincent                          Pavitt, Rhett
         Fortman, Henry            Pena, Janelle                              Shockey, Michael
         Frantz, Adeline           Sage-Elwood,                               Talbot, Ewan
         Gallegos, Santiago          Veronica                                 Tekle, Fetsum
         Geernaert, Kenadie        Schmidt, Maximillian                       Titone, Jacob
         Gill, Kevin               Steverson, Kaize
         Hale, Elizabeth           Ward, Tyler
         Hamblin, Owen             Woods, Talia
         Harris, Mariah
         Hassett, Caelan
         Headley, John
         Heredia, Leila
         Hunter, Aiden
         Kelly, Ethan
         Lavin, Myles



O    n Friday morning, November 20, 2020, as we
     headed into Thanksgiving break, more than
100 seniors attended ‘Senior Sunrise Prayer Service’!
                                                        readings. The Parent Association provided a delicious,
                                                        COVID-safe, boxed pancake breakfast for each senior!
                                                        It was beautiful and an amazing morning!
Father Plass and student leaders participated in the

                                                                                         DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   11

         ASB - CLUBS - LINK CREW

         W        hat a year it has been, let alone four years!
                  There has been one thing after another from
         fires, floods, power outages, and now a pandemic.
                                                                  has created me to do Him some definite service . . .
                                                                  I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between
                                                                  persons.” The Link Crew motto is: Created for Service,
         Through it all, student leadership at Cardinal Newman    Link in a Chain and Bond of Connections. The
         remains strong and prospering. Associated Student        purpose of Link Crew is to establish strong links in the
         Body (ASB), class councils, and clubs are organized,     chain that is the Cardinal Newman community. The
         meeting regularly, and coordinating events for our       class of 2024 had a unique experience with Link Crew
         resilient community. Class councils threw a successful   meeting them through Zoom. The Link Crew leaders
         Halloween drive-thru for each grade level and ASB        met with their small group of freshmen prior to the
         assisted with decorations to make the experience         retreat to create a connection. We are calling these
         more spookalicious. We currently have 20 active          small groups “Link Families”. The Link Crew completed
         clubs on campus that meet during Advisory. Thank         a successful freshman retreat on Monday, October 26,
         you to the faculty and staff for making these clubs      2020. The “Link Families” will continue to meet during
         and councils possible; and to the student leaders        Advisory.
         for creating an engaging platform for students to be
         involved. We are hoping to have more events in the       To all the students, faculty, staff, and community at
         future to celebrate our community!                       Cardinal Newman, thank you for being an inspiration
                                                                  and continuing to conquer, support, and thrive through
         The Link Crew is a group of upperclassmen who            all these unexpected challenges. Newman pride is as
         are selected to be mentors and group leaders for         strong as ever!
         the freshmen. St. John Henry Newman wrote: “God



O    ur Sophomore Class Retreat centered on the
     theme of being “Called” – Called to Holiness,
Called to Community and Called to Service. We were
                                                         All retreat participants gathered in a “Main Zoom”
                                                         and listened to a fantastic Catholic speaker, Steve
                                                         Angrisano, as he encouraged them with humor, song,
grateful to bring our retreat to an online platform to   story, and reflection on the retreat theme. In addition
guide our students in their spiritual development and    to small group discussions, sophomores participated
provide time for strengthening connections between       in a group scavenger hunt and learned about service
students as a class community.                           opportunities available during distance learning. The
                                                         retreat culminated in a live-streamed and optional
Before the retreat, sophomores and parents came          in-person, outdoor, socially-distanced Mass at CNHS
to a distribution drive-through at CNHS to pick up       celebrated by our chaplain, Fr. John Plass. Although
their retreat supplies. Our sophomore retreat is         it was an unprecedented experience, we are proud
usually split into two retreats, one for boys and one    of our Class of 2023 for answering the call to grow
for girls. We continued this tradition by keeping the    in holiness, community, and service to others as they
small groups to a single gender. Faculty members         made the best of the opportunity of an online retreat.
and sophomore students reported that they enjoyed
spending time getting to know one another better
outside of class.


                                                                                           DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   13

        O       ur Freshman Class Retreat theme was “Journey
                of Faith” and aimed to help students understand
         that life, and high school, is a pilgrimage, a journey
                                                                   faculty members reported that they enjoyed spending
                                                                   time getting to know one another better.

         in which they experience the presence of God and          All retreat participants, over two hundred people,
         the support of family and friends. We were grateful       gathered in a “Main Zoom” and listened to a fantastic
         to bring our retreat to an online platform to guide our   Catholic speaker, Steve Angrisano, as he encouraged
         students in their spiritual development and provide       them with humor, song, story, and reflection on the
         time for strengthening connections between students       retreat theme. Each freshman student decorated
         as a class community.                                     a tile representing their experience, prayers, and
                                                                   hopes for their journey of high school. The retreat
         Before the retreat, freshmen and parents came to a        culminated in a live-streamed and optional in-person,
         distribution drive-through at CNHS to pick up their       outdoor, socially- distanced Mass at CNHS celebrated
         retreat supplies. Freshmen students also met their        by our chaplain, Fr. John Plass. Although it was an
         Link Crew peer leaders (virtually) a week before the      unprecedented experience, we are proud of our Class
         retreat. The day of retreat, they were guided by the      of 2024 for sharing fellowship with one another and
         Link Crew and faculty members in small group zoom         making the best of the opportunity of an online retreat.
         discussions and activities. Freshmen, Link leaders, and


        — OVERVIEW —
     T     his year marks the launch of the Cardinal Newman
           Human Performance Department. The Human
      Performance Department (formerly the Physical Education
      Department) is dedicated to the development of the whole
      student: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Programs
      within the department are interdisciplinary by nature and
      allow students to explore their sport and physical activity
      experience from a holistic perspective. Human Performance
      classes foster a positive learning environment which
      includes an appreciation of all cultures and respect for all
      persons. Coursework is designed to promote critical thinking,
      creativity, leadership and academic honesty.

      So far the Human Performance Department has rolled out
      two new programs this year: the Human Performance Activity
      Series and the Human Performance Speaker Series. The
      Human Performance Activity Series provides opportunities
      for regular physical activity to our entire Cardinal Newman
      community during our period of remote learning. We offer
      Zoom Activity Classes several days a week, both before
      and after school. Our Activity Classes include Body Weight
      Strength & Conditioning, Flexibility & Core Strength and
      Pilates. Classes are run as a part of our PE Course Curriculum,
      but they are open to all Cardinal Newman students.

      The Human Performance Speaker Series provides
      students with an opportunity to learn from guest speakers’
      experiences with, and reflections on, a variety of topics in the
      field of Human Performance, including Sport & Social Justice,
      Sport & Spirituality, Careers in Sport and more. Our Speaker
      Series Events take place every other Thursday at 7pm via
      Zoom. Like the Activity Series, the Speaker Series is offered
      as a part of the Human Performance Department curriculum
      but it is open to all Cardinal Newman students.

      Students can access our Activity Series and Speaker Series
      Schedules and corresponding Zoom links by visiting our
      Human Performance Department website. We look forward to
      finding new and creative ways to provide our students with a
      deeper understanding of the field of Human Performance!

                                                                         DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   15


         A    new multi-session
              sports conditioning
         camp was created at the
         end of the second quarter
         which allowed freshmen
         students to come onto
         campus. The success
         and enthusiasm shown
         by students and coaches
         with regard to our current
         sports conditioning
         program led to the
         creation of these “Field
         Days” for the freshman

         Freshman Field Days
         seemed like a sensible
         pivot for the class of
         2024, a group who
         hasn’t been able to sit in a Cardinal Newman classroom or
         meet their classmates face to face. The field days allowed
         students to come to campus for exercise, the company of
         their classmates, and fun.

         Teacher and coach Paul Cronin expressed it well . . . he
         said, “Since June, we have witnessed varsity and junior
         varsity student athletes enjoying the experience of being
         together, and thought every freshman would benefit too,
         specifically because they need to be around friends and
         meet their classmates in a safe environment.”

         CN coaches took the lead, along with members of the
         Student Life Committee, in creating a Field Day schedule.
         This looks to be a new tradition of fun for Saturday and
         Friday night events.



         CN CARES!                                                 CN SIGNING DAY
         WELLNESS TEAM                                             WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2020

          C    ardinal Newman High School prides itself on
               providing a strong community of involvement
          and care to our students. Our mission states that it
          is our goal to “educate students in the wholeness
          of mind, body, and spirit”. This year more than
          ever, it is imperative that we maintain this whole-
          student focus to help our students navigate distance
          learning. As a result, the Wellness Team was formed
          to address the social-emotional needs of students
          given our unique circumstances. The team consists
          of administrators, directors, faculty, and staff, who
          meet regularly to discuss and address wellness
          concerns. The team is working to promote a culture
          of physical, psychological, spiritual, and emotional
          wellbeing through many avenues, such as:                 F   ive of Cardinal Newman’s student athletes were
                                                                       honored as they signed their National Letter of
                                                                   Intent. By signing, they are committing to continue
          ADVISORY - A class period that provides students         their educational and athletic career at the collegiate
          with a consistent adult and peer group to connect        level. This is a big milestone in the lives of these
          with. Self-care is also explored and encouraged          students, and one that they have worked tirelessly to
          during this time.                                        achieve. Our socially-distanced event took place on
                                                                   campus and was an exciting time for them and the
          MENTAL WELLNESS SYMPOSIUM - A series of
                                                                   family members who were able to attend.
          workshops provided during Advisory on a variety
          of topics such as peer support, grief, trauma, and       We wish all the best to:
          positive psychology.
                                                                       Carson Crawford, Baseball, University of
          FRESHMAN CONDITIONING CAMPS -                                California Berkeley;
          Conditioning events which provided our new
          students with an opportunity to meet one another             Abby Leighton, Golf, University of California Davis
          and connect in a safe, fun environment.
                                                                       O’Callahan Liu, Soccer, University of California
          The Wellness Team will continue to meet to address           Santa Barbara
          the needs of our student body as they change
                                                                       Shane Moran, Baseball, California State
          throughout the year. We hope to empower all
                                                                       University Long Beach
          individuals, students and faculty/staff alike, to take
          responsibility for his or her wellness and health            Victoria Holden, Soccer, Claremont McKenna
          during these challenging times.                              College.


C    N Campus Ministry seeks to encourage the
     spiritual growth and promote the faith formation
of Cardinal Newman students. In keeping with our
                                                          photos to remember deceased loved ones and the
                                                          saints. As the seasons of Advent and Christmas
                                                          approach, Campus Ministry is planning a distribution
school’s mission, programs are designed to care for       of Advent Calendar goodies and prayer resources for
the whole person and to bring the message of Jesus        all students to reflect on and celebrate the themes of
in a spirit of love to our community.                     joyful anticipation, love, and hope.

This fall semester we adapted to distance learning
and reached out to students and families in a few
different ways. At the very beginning of the year, we
paired new transfer students with a student from
their grade level Campus Ministry Class to act as a
guide and friend. We were blessed to celebrate our
patron saint’s feast day on Oct. 9th with an optional,
in-person, socially-distanced Mass outdoors on
the CNHS campus, celebrated by Bishop Vasa and
attended by families and faculty. In addition to taking
the Frosh and Soph retreats online, we also hosted
our annual “All Saints, All Souls, and el Día de los
Muertos” exhibit in collaboration with the Spanish
Department. Many students and families contributed

D    ue to the pandemic, this has been a challenging
     year for our students and the CN community
as a whole. The SAT and ACT college admissions
                                                          school day, pre-pandemic, we continue to do at a
                                                          distance and online. We have had more than 50
                                                          virtual college visits since September. The College
tests have not been scheduled in Sonoma County            Admissions Representative sets up a Zoom or Webex
since March. Many of the colleges across the              meeting through our college advising calendar and
country have gone test-optional, test-flexible, or test   virtually meets with a group of interested students for
blind for college admissions. Colleges are looking        a half-hour. Students are able to engage and learn
at applications with a holistic approach which            about the college and ask questions to the College
can include reviewing the student’s coursework,           Admissions Representative who is typically the person
reading the student-submitted essays, teacher and         reading the student application.
counselor recommendations, honors and awards, and
extracurricular activities.                               At the beginning of the school year we were able
                                                          to visit the Junior and Senior classes to explain how
Cardinal Newman College Counselors are meeting            we are working to best serve them during distance
with students and their parents via Zoom, answering       learning. We miss seeing our students in our office
questions about the college application process, and      and are looking forward when they are back on
reviewing college applications for students before        campus so we can see their faces in person and not
they submit them. What we typically do during the         on the computer screen!

                                                                                           DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   19


               D    uring times of crisis, it is important to remember each other in prayer. It is
                    also important to reach out in certain ways to offer care for one another. As
               Christians we are called to follow the example of Jesus and serve those who
               are in need and, in so doing, we are sharing our God given gi fts. Our Patron
               Saint, John Henry Newman contemplated this message in his own life and
               meditations; and in so doing he found it in his heart to write the following words:

                   “God has created me to do Him some definite service; He has
                    committed some work to me which He has not committed to
                  another. I have my mission—I may never know it in this life, but
                    I shall be told it in the next. Somehow I am necessary for His
                   purposes, as necessary in my place as an Archangel in his—if,
                 indeed, I fail, He can raise another, as He could make the stones
                  children of Abraham. Yet I have a part in this great work; I am a
               link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not
                created me for naught. I shall do good, I shall do His work; I shall
                 be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place, while
                         not intending it, if I do but keep His commandments
                                       and serve Him in my calling.”
                           Meditations on Christian Doctrine, Hope in God - Creator
                                                March 7, 1848
                                          St. John Henry Newman

               Since March, the Cardinal Newman community of students, parents, teachers
               and staff have been committed to serving one another through acts of charity.
               The graduates of 2020 were an inspirational example of resilience as they
               completed their senior year strong and service projects as well. This source of
               inspiration has motivated our current students to find virtual and safe ways to
               serve their families and communities. Our partnerships in service continue to
               provide opportunities for our community.

               To kick off the year of service for our CN faculty and staff, we participated in a
               Kindness Walk. We chose a day in early September to go out and do a random
               act of kindness to spread love, goodness and joy! We fed neighborhood
               animals, shared baked goods, picked up trash, delivered gifts to our school
               neighbors, assisted with yard work, helped our CN maintenance crew, just to
               name a few. Sometimes it just takes a small act to brighten someone’s day.

Catholic Charities has been a wonderful
connection for our students to Zoom into the
Shaw Center Activity Hour for Alzheimer clients.
Our students have been able to assist in creating
activity bags for the clients and provide musical
entertainment over Zoom. Many of our senior
students have found virtual ways to support
local schools such as St. Rose, St. John’s, Riebli
Elementary, Village Charter and Kid Street Charter
by creating video lessons and sharing them with
classroom teachers and students. This has been
a wonderful way to support elementary school
teachers and students during this challenging time
in education.

Our underclass students have been busy going
above and beyond helping their families with
household chores as well as neighbors. In addition,
they have found creative ways to support their
community by donating to causes, writing letters of
inspiration, supporting their churches, creek and
beach clean-ups and much more.

In September, Ms. Mertle and Mrs. Williams created
an opportunity for the CN community to participate
in a Mental Wellness Symposium. Seniors Aidan
Lombardi and Spencer Bowen, along with Mrs.
Christine Lombardi, were Keynote speakers for a
session on Mental Health Awareness and Suicide
Prevention. Aidan and Spencer spoke about their
                                                                             Farm to Pantry
personal experiences with loss in their lives and                      Apple Orchard Gleaning - Sebastopol
                                                                            Saturday October 17, 2020
the importance of sharing the message about
Mental Wellness issues and where help is available.
We would like to thank the Lombardi, Hilinski,
and Bowen families for their time and efforts in
sharing this important message and resource to
our school community. Please visit the Hilinski’s
Hope Foundation at for resources
available about Mental Wellness.

                                                          THANK YOU TO CN FAMILIES, FACULTY AND STAFF WHO PARTICIPATED
                                                      864 LBS OF APPLES GLEANED (3,456 servings) FOR THOSE
                                                                                                           IN NEED OF SUPPORT!

                                                                                                DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE       21

                                   In October, a group of CN students, parents
                                   and teachers helped Farm to Pantry glean an
                                   apple orchard in Sebastopol. Following all social
                                   distancing protocols, the event was a success
                                   and a much-needed break from Zoom classes!
                                   The group harvested 864 pounds of apples,
                                   which provided approximately 3,456 servings to
                                   those in our local community in need.

                                   Students have also been able to host donation
                                   drives asking our community to donate diapers
                                   for the Child Parent Institute, tie blanket-
                                   making kits for students to create blankets
                                   for children in hospitals dealing with terminal
                                   illnesses. Monetary donations have been made
                                   to a multitude of service projects as well. We
                                   are truly blessed to have a community that
                                   understands and supports the call to service our
                                   world, according to our Church teachings

                                   Another wonderful service event we were able
                                   to host was a Paella Dinner fundraiser. Senior
                                   Flor Castaneda and her family cooked up some
                                   wonderful Paella dinners for CN families who
                                   pre-ordered and drove by to pick up for dinner,
                                   all in support for Flor’s CBSL project working with
                                   the Pad Project, supporting women and young
                                   girls around the world in need of support and
                                   education in the area of feminine hygiene. Thank
                                   you to everyone for their support.

                                   Senior student Peyton Vice worked on a
                                   Christmas Wreath fundraiser to support her
                                   work promoting awareness about Parkinson’s
                                   disease. Peyton’s fundraiser was a huge success
                                   and we thank everyone for their support.

                                   Finally, as the student leaders of our school
                                   community, here are a few quotes from the class
                                   of 2021 regarding the importance of serving our
                                   community during difficult times.


“I think it is important to serve our community
during this time because so many people
are struggling, either mentally or physically.
They’ve either experienced the loss of a
loved one, the loss of a job as people are
losing their businesses, the loss of their
home due to the fires, or even the loss of
hope. Because of all the recent events that
have challenged the well beings of millions
of people, I think it is extremely important to
give back to the community. During these
difficult times, it is easy to give up and focus
on yourself. I have realized that now more
than ever is the time to give back.”
- Peyton Vice

“It’s important to serve our community during
this time and all the time because people will
always need help. Everyone in the community
will always have a time in their lives when
they need help and by doing service work
can help them so much. Positive service work
is infectious, when people work together
more and more want to help. And especially
during these times it’s important to be there
for one another.”
- Lauren Alvear

“It is important to serve our community at
this time because people need support now
more than ever. Service can be a form of
inspiration because it pushes other people to
get up and do good deeds in the community
as well.”
- Aidan Lombardi

“It is more important than ever to serve our
communities during this time because our
work can inspire hope in the hopeless, faith
in the faithless, and love in times where love
is lacking. When things are at their worst is
when we need to be at our best.”
- Hagan Jackson

                                                   DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   23


                                   “It is important to serve our communities
                                   during this time because people need hope.
                                   It inspires us to be good.”
                                   - Emily Talbot

                                   “It is important to serve our communities
                                   because what we get out of our community
                                   is determined by what we put into it. By
                                   volunteering and doing service we give
                                   back to our community so that it will support
                                   us in our time of need. Service brings out
                                   the best in people. In times of need, when
                                   you are strong enough to step up despite
                                   everything going on, it inspires people to
                                   do the same. Volunteerism allows people
                                   to take action and help out in challenging
                                   - Conor Kilcullen

                                   “Now more than ever our world and our
                                   community needs all the support and love
                                   it can get. Those in need especially need
                                   to know that there are people in the world
                                   who care for them and who want to support
                                   them. A way that I have been recently
                                   serving and giving back to my community
                                   is volunteering for the Food Bank once a
                                   week. It may be entirely unrelated to my
                                   CBSL project, however, service is service
                                   no matter what way, shape, or form. Service
                                   creates a sense of hope to people and
                                   during challenging times, it is especially
                                   important to have hope.”
                                   - Shea Batchelder

                                   “Service gives people hope. Now is the
                                   best time and most important time to serve
                                   our communities because there is simply so
                                   much more help needed. As soon as one
                                   does service, it becomes contagious which
                                   allows people to do these acts together.
                                   - Nick Kelly


“I think it is important to serve our
communities during this time because a lot
of people are alone or isolated and need
some sort of connection to their community.
Because of COVID, people can’t do the
social things they normally do and it’s nice
for people to have something that makes
them feel social and connected. Service
can feel like a form of inspiration right now
because currently, the U.S. feels hostile and
very divided so service is a way to bring
people together and find the good in a bad
- Reese Lashinski

“It is important to serve our communities
during this time because as a community
we treat each other with respect because
we are close to being family. A lot of
people in the community need help during
this time because 2020 has been like no
other with tons of stress. Service is a form
of inspiration during challenging times
because if high schoolers can do service to
make the community better everybody can
do service to make the community better.”
- Cami Loxely

“It is important to serve our community
always but especially during these times
because you never know what people are
going through or what their lives are like
during these times. Service is a form of
inspiration during these times because we
always need to help people that are putting
their lives on the line to keep us safe during
these times.”
- Emma Smits

                                                 DECEMBER 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   25

                      JULY 1, 2019 – JUNE 30, 2020
                                    GIFT RECOGNITION SOCIETIES

                                       Merici-Newman SOCIETY          $100,000 and Up

                                         ...our best SOCIETY      $50,000 - $99,999

                                        Heritage Gift SOCIETY      $25,000 - $49,999

                                         Patron Gift SOCIETY       $15,000 - $24,999

                                       Benefactor Gift SOCIETY        $5,000 - $14,999

                                        Gold Circle Gift SOCIETY      $1,500 - $4,999

                                          Cardinal Gift SOCIETY       $500 - $1,499

                                            Friendship Gift SOCIETY       $1 - $499

                    To the following families, individuals and organizations, we express our sincere thanks.
                      We are humbled. You honor us greatly with your gifts of cash, in-kind services, and
                      faithful commitments toward pledges to Cardinal Newman and Angela Merici John
                            Henry Newman Foundation, Inc. To all who support Catholic secondary
                                    education through programs at Cardinal Newman and . . .
                                      our best, Expanding Traditions, we are most grateful.

                   THANK YOU!

Merici-Newman                       Mead Clark Lumber - Destruel    Bennett Lane Winery             Darin and Lori Phelps

SOCIETY                             The Charles D. and Francis K.   Andrew and Geri Biehl           Graham and Lyn Rutherford
                                      Field Fund
Dean and Chris DeBaun                                               Nathan and Carrie Bisbee        Tom and Jackie Schwedhelm
                                    The John Jordan Foundation
Bruce and Eileen Moore                                              Bob and Jenny Boyd              Stefanie Shackelford
                                    Wright Contracting
Suzanne Murphy                                                      Michael and Corrine Brunner     Shapiro, Galvin, Shapiro & Moran

Ron and Eileen Nelson               Benefactor Gift                 Steve and Nicole Carter         Rodney and Holly Sichel

Victor and Karen Trione             SOCIETY                         Jeffrey and Jennifer Castello   Christopher and Leslie Sigler

Michael and Katie Wright            Anonymous                       Timothy and Sarah Chambers      Jim and Coco Silvestri

The Stan Murphy Memorial Fund       Rachael Ayre                    Dave and Heather DeMarinis      Jaime and Stacy Smith

The Dante S. Sarubbi and Ann        Louis and Nicole Bardis         Jim and Terri Derr              Steve and Lisa Sorensen
  Margaret Sarubbi Trust            Jeff and Deena Bellman          Richard and Marilyn Dey         Ken and Lisa Sousa
                                    David and Catherine Buse        Joseph Diehl                    Jason and Nicole Sullivan

…our best SOCIETY                   Kevin and Bernadette Calhoun    E.R. Sawyer Jewelers            VJB Vineyards and Cellars

Anonymous                           Andrew and Carol Carciere       Empire Asphalt & Engineering    Richard and Anna Waller
                                    David and Kelly Carroll           Co. Inc.
Henry and Shelby Belmonte                                                                           Mike and Kathy Weatherby
                                    Scott and Ann Cromie            Escrip
Michael and Kimberly Flowers                                                                        Josh and Peggy West
                                    Meritt and Sadie Dahlgren       Exchange Bank
Rosemary Furlong                                                                                    Ted and Kim Williams
                                    Natalie Foley                   Eye Associates of Sebastopol
Matt and Kathleen Gallo                                                                             Greg and Julie Windisch
                                    Jeremy and Cara Forcier         Father Thomas Fund of
Henry and Marilyn Hansel                                                                            Glenn and Nancy Yamamoto
                                                                      the Catholic Community
Allan and Kimberly Henderson        Jack and Jocelyne Gale            Foundation
Randy and Michelle Lashinski        R. Stephen and Carla Hannahs    Daniel Galvin                   Cardinal Gift SOCIETY
                                    Steve and Marci Jacobs          Tony and Penny Goehring         Wayne and Amy Ahlstrom
                                    John and Tania Kelley           Donald and Maureen Green
Heritage Gift SOCIETY                                                                               Airport Health Club
                                    Ken Lafranchi                   John and Lori Hafner
Jesse and Geri Amaral                                                                               ALPHA Fire Suppression Systems
                                    Gary and Rhonda LeKander        Steve and Jenny Jannicelli
Baldocchi Scholarship Fund                                                                          Carole Alsbury
                                    Ryan Lindberg                   John and Jessica Kilcullen
Biagi Bros., Inc.                                                                                   Charlie and Lucia Amezcua
                                    Costantino and Mary Lucisano    Rich and Cindy Kingsborough
Giancarlo and Gabriela Bianchetti                                                                   Baicon Enterprise Inc.
                                    Shane and Suzanne Pavitt        Knights of Columbus Council
Randy and Shelley Destruel                                                                          Michael and Chandra Barbour
                                    Robert Platt                      No. 4852
Neil and Ana Dougherty                                                                              Megan Basinger
                                    Becky Scrivanich                Bill Kunde
Stephen Hansel                                                                                      Kim and Tracy Batchelder
                                    Theodore Simpkins               Sandra Labrucherie
Skikos Charitable Fund                                                                              Thomas Beecher
                                    The Howard & Betty White        Bernie Lerma and Rebecca Mann
Ursuline Alumnae Association                                                                        Randall and Amber Behrens
                                      Foundation                    Lombardi Wines
Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa                                                                        Greg and Kelly Bello
                                    Paul and Jeanette Tiernan       Brad and Stefanie Longton
                                                                                                    Joseph Beltramini
                                    David and Jolie Trogdon         Michael and Tina Lubas
                                                                                                    Darrell and Laurie Bertacco
Patron Gift SOCIETY                 Douglas and Maria Wilson        Kai and Lindsay Mazur
                                                                                                    Ario Bigattini and Roxanne Maillet
Tim Bolte and Bridgette Pighin      Jay and Kathryn Wright          Paige Mazzoni
  Bolte                                                                                             Boston Scientific Employee Giving
                                                                    Lynn and Billie Meister
Timothy and Mary Louise Bucher                                                                      Gayle Brinker
                                    Gold Circle Gift                Miksis Services Inc dba Rapid
                                                                                                    Father Samuel M. Brown
Shawn Bunger                                                          Rooter
                                    SOCIETY                                                         David and Leslie Brutocao
Ted and Rachel Coleman                                              Jesse and Rosanna Myres
                                    Serge and Lara Anderson
Jim and Bonnie Headley                                              Joseph and Jennifer Pezzolo
                                    Lance and Kathy Badger

                                                                                                            JULY 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   27

       Annemarie Bucher                Douglas and Wendy Hilberman        Robert Perra and Teresa Downs       Sheri Aguada
       Lolita Bunje                    Tom and Kim Hinde                  Peter Michael Winery                Lilah Aguada
       Anthony and Tiffanhy Campana    Timothy Homer                      Platinum Chevrolet                  Richard and Lori Aguirre
       Zachary and Mary Candelario     International Union Of Elevators   Louis and Julie Ratto               Ken Alarcon
                                          Constructors Local No. 8
       Jack Capitani                                                      Redwood Credit Union                Leo and Kathleen Alberigi
                                       Eric Iskin and Leslee Firoella       Community Fund
       John Consiglieri                                                                                       Robert and Tracey Aldridge
                                       Michael Jacobs                     John and Ann Renfree
       John Contreras                                                                                         Alexander Valley Vineyards
                                       Jeff and Janice Jorgensen          Steve and Lee Ann Reuter
       Chris and Stacey Coogan                                                                                Mario and Amee Alioto
                                       Jon Kelly and Tara-Jen Ambrosio-   Paul and Sue Rink
       Ramon and Elizabeth Cortina                                                                            All Good Driving School, Inc.
                                                                          Safari West
       Costeaux French Bakery & Cafe                                                                          Ron and Laura Allen
                                       Rick and Kacy Kohut
                                                                          Paul and Wendy Saure
       Eric and Tori Crawford                                                                                 Terry Allen
                                       Jason and Brittany Kunde
                                                                          Raymond and Claire Savona
       Peter and Beatrice Crumbine                                                                            Jay and Bridget Alvarez
                                       Louise Labrucherie
                                                                          Curtiss Scarritt and Cindy Gentry
       David and Nicole Cvitanovic                                                                            James Alward
                                       Lariat Creek LLC
                                                                          Jeffrey and Cindy Scharfen
       Dads’ Club                                                                                             Jose Amador
                                       Rob Lazark and Valeric Martin
                                                                          Peter and Cathy Seghesio
       John Dayton                                                                                            Amazon Smile
                                       Adam Lee
                                                                          Paul and Megan Segre
       Steven and Niessia Diehl                                                                               Michael Ambrosio
                                       Ryan and Kim Lindeblad
                                                                          Matthew Shippey and Carin Case
       Scott and Kathy Doig                                                                                   Dennis Andersen
                                       Joseph Liu and Maria Cutler
                                                                          Wendell and Jennifer Shirley
       Brian and Deborah Donlon                                                                               Scott and Kyle Anderson
                                       Anthony and Christine Lombardi
                                                                          Shook & Waller Builders, Inc
       Kerry Egan                                                                                             Nate Andreassen
                                       Bruce and Sharon Marts
                                                                          Peter and Felicia Simon
       Elevator Control Service                                                                               Colleen Annen
                                       Eric and Lisa McDonell
                                                                          Nicole Simpkins
       E. John Evand and Kim E.                                                                               Elizabeth Anthony
                                       Christopher and Nicole McKeown
          McEachron                                                       Ryan and Finleigh Sitov
                                                                                                              Jerry and Carla Argenti
                                       John and Noel McLaughlin
       Ralph and Jeannie Evans                                            Peter Sitov
                                                                                                              Mel and Ali Arnerich
                                       Mengler Family Wines
       Anne-Marie Failla                                                  Jason and Jennifer Smits
                                                                                                              Kim Arone
                                       Merriam Vineyards
       John and Dayna Farquhar                                            Stacey Spoelstra
                                                                                                              Steve and Kathleen Arsenault
                                       Gary and Barbara Miksis
       Renee Foster                                                       Brian St. Martin
                                                                                                              Sunni Ashley
                                       Stephanie Moore
       Tracy and Nicole Frantz                                            Sterling CA Properties, Inc.
                                                                                                              Gregg and Katie Auslen
                                       Nancy Moran
       Barry and Heidi Friedman                                           Dan and Katie Stevens
                                                                                                              Kylie Auslen
                                       Charlene Moratto
       William and Susie Friedman                                         Michael and Jessica Sutton
                                                                                                              Todd Axberg
                                       Nathan Mucci
       Fritz Underground Winery                                           Elias and Linda Tannous
                                                                                                              Dave and Laurie Bacci
                                       Tony and Dyan Natale
       Richard Fulkerson Jr.                                              Dominic and Cathie Taurian
                                                                                                              Helen Bachus
                                       National Christian Foundation -
       Allen and Yvonne Garayalde                                         The Farmhand
                                         California                                                           Neil and Andrea Bailey
       Joseph and Julie Golden                                            Christine Trezise
                                       Jon and Jennifer Niehaus                                               Pam Ball
       Sue Goranson                                                       Trione Vineyards & Winery
                                       Erik and Rebecca Nordby                                                Balletto Vineyards & Winery
       Charlene Groom                                                     W Real Estate
                                       Nordby Construction Company                                            Bank of Marin
       Andy and Kim Guy                                                   Randy and Tanya Wagner
                                       North Bay Elite Basketball Club                                        Andy and Helen Barnes
       Hafner Vineyard                                                    George and Loretta Whitesides
                                       Dianna Novy                                                            Dick and Marcia Barton
       Chris and Jenny Hagerty                                            Marc Winters
                                       Thomas and Karen Nunes                                                 Walter and Loye Basinger
       Toby and Andrea Halkovich                                          David Wood
                                       William and Sandy O’Connor                                             Mark Bass
       Justin and Alicia Hansel                                           Jim and Linnea Zakasky
                                       Orangetheory Fitness                                                   Carrie Bastoni
       Joy Hardwick                                                       Zialena Winery
                                       Paradise Ridge Winery                                                  Mimi Batchelder
       Clare and Carla Harris
                                       Partners In Mission                Friendship Gift                     John and Cathy Bazzano
       Mickey and Michelle Head
                                       Pedy’s Petals                      SOCIETY                             Phyllis and John Bazzano
       Laura Held                                                         Rachel Adams
                                       Eloy and Mrs. Pena Pena                                                Bear Republic Brewing Company
       Hennessy Funds                                                     Ludy Aguada


Melinda Beasley                 David and Megan Bowman               Jack Castello                        John and Jean Curran
Linda Beatty                    Linda Bowman                         David Caviglia                       Edward and Karen Curzon
Stephanie Beerbower             Steve and Erin Bowman                Roberta Caviglia                     Doreen Angela Cvitanovic
Al Beerbower and Yesica Arias   Kay Brachna                          Alfonso and Sandra Ceja              Steve Cvitanovic
Ed and Janice Bello             Jason and Kimberly Bradley           Jeanna Cerino                        Julie Cyphers
Anthony and Terry Benedetti     Jonathan and Julie Branch            Josh and Marybeth Chandler           Anthony and Tashana D’Amico
Tom and Jeannie Benton          Kristi Brelsford                     Charlie’s at the Windsor Golf Club   Tracy D’Orta
Gerhard and Huberta Berger      Ken and Marilyn Brenk                Kaung Cho and Hnin Khine             Christopher and Darcie Dahl
Thomas Berger                   Julie Brennan                        Kevin Choice                         Michael and Colleen Daly
Diego Bernal-Skala              Judy Brenson                         John Christopher                     Wesley and Carol Daniels
Chris and Patti Bertoli         Rebekah Brett                        Douglas and Susan Churchill          Cindy Danley
Jeff and Julie Bertoli          Kelly Brockett                       Sheila Ciocian                       Paul and Kim Danoff
Kathryn Besio                   Linda Brodie                         Clarice Wine Company                 Stacey Daprile
Vanessa Best                    Dennis and Marie Brodie              Don and Gina Clark                   Janet Daveiro
David Beste                     Karen Bronder - Reynolds             Frank and Barbara Clima              Ryan Davidson
Sheila Betts                    Tom Brown                            Frank and Maria Clima                Kristy Davison
Troy and Jeanne Bevilacqua      Scott and Kathy Browning             Cold Stone Creamery                  Stan and Gayle de Rutte
Richard and Lorraine Bianchi    David and Judith Browning            Jeffrey and Tami Collins             Pat and Kathy Deeton
Todd and Elsa Binder            Brett and Lorie Bryson               Dave Collins                         Steve DeGrenier
Cindy Bishop                    Michael and Susan Bucchianeri        Julie Collins                        Pia Del Rosario
David and Sue Black             Buffalo Billiards                    Cheryl Collins                       Elisabeth Delaney
David Black                     Lynda Burch                          Dick and Angie Colombini             Meg Delis
Charles and Terry Blagdon       Jim and Dorothy Bustamante           Bill Comstock                        John and Mary DelMonte
Brian Blagdon                   Bob Bustamante                       Sean Conely                          Jim DeMartini
Jeff and Heidi Blakely          Cafe Citti                           James and Guadalupe Cook             Mari Dempsey
Troy Blank                      Cakebread Cellars                    Jennifer Cooke                       Joel and Beth Dericco
Jason Boaz                      Isaac Calderon and Evelia Castillo   Chris Coole                          Alex Derr
Don Bocci                       Timothy and Marlene Callen           Mary and Mark Cooper                 Ralph and Lisa Dexter
Robert and Silvia Boggs         Byron and Cindi Calos                Copper Cane Wines & Provisions       Tara DiCairano
Cindy Bogner                    Grandma & Grandpa Camacho            Steven and Melissa Coppock           Duong Diep
Boisclair Grandparents          Brian and Stacy Cameron              Frank and Sherry Corollo             Joe and Patti Dietzen
Meredith Bojorquez              Al and Beverly Cameron               Alex and Monica Cose                 Dana Dito
Bon Appetit Gifts               Karen Canelis                        Scott and Andrea Courier             Loreen Dold
Thomas Bonfigli                 Brad Cannon                          Richard and Mary Ellen Courier       Rod Dole
Jerry and Sabrina Bonfigli      Michael and Carolyn Cantarutti       David and Jeanne Cousino             Frank and Birgit Dommen
Ned and Heather Bonzi           Kevin Capitani                       Darlene Crabtree                     Paul and Christine Doolittle
Noah and Anna Fay Booker        Allan and Debbie Capurro             Steve Craig                          John Doolittle
Andy and Joanne Botka           Kevin and Heather Carinalli          Dennis and Marcia Crandall           Chad Dorr
Gene and Lora Botteri           Clement and Ann Marie Carinalli      Colin Crawford                       Double Decker Lanes
Bottle Barn                     Eleanor Carlos                       Al and Carleen Crispo                Kelleyanne Dove
Brent Bouchard                  Mark Carlstedt                       Betty Crist                          Deborah Doyle
Doug Boucher                    Duane and Angela Carvalho            Michael and Terri Crosetti           John and Carol Drake
Richard and Margaret Bourns     Julianne Casano                      Gregg and Elizabeth Cummings         Kenneth and Sylvia Draper
Steven and Pam Bourns           Vianey Castaneda                     Jason and Amy Cunningham             Jeff Dreyer

                                                                                                                  JULY 2020 • TRINITY MAGAZINE   29
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