2012 Report to the Community - Melwood

Page created by Steven Kramer
2012 Report to the Community - Melwood
2012 Report to the Community
2012 Report to the Community - Melwood
VISION               A world where people with
                     disabilities are fully included.

MISSION                    Creating jobs and opportunities for people with differing disabilities
                           so they can have a good quality of life.

  COMMITMENT TO PEOPLE                                          INITIATIVE
  Our first priority is to assist people with disabilities to   Our employees are self-starters. They take pride in
  create full and meaningful lives of their own choosing.       their work, continually looking for ways to improve
  We value our employees´ achievements in                       the services we provide to our clients and customers,
  supporting this priority. We ensure they understand           and for ways to make other employees more effective
  how their responsibilities fit into Melwood´s success,        and productive. They are never satisfied with anything
  provide them with the skills and resources they need,         less than the best for those we serve.
  assess their performance fairly, and recognize their
  outstanding contributions.
                                                                Our flexibility allows us to take advantage of
  QUALITY                                                       opportunities in our constantly changing environment
  Melwood will be a model for other organizations by            to pursue new ideas and creative solutions that help
  providing programs and services that exceed the               us improve the lives of people with disabilities.
  expectations of the individuals and businesses we
  serve, staff, and licensing/certification standards.
                                                                When making decisions that commit Melwood´s
  TEAMWORK                                                      human and financial resources, we consider if the
  Together we are Melwood. We know that to be                   expenditures help to achieve our mission and ensure
  successful we must work across organizational                 our long-term financial viability.
  boundaries. We collaborate, listen, share information,
  and provide mutual support within Melwood and with
  our partners so that we can achieve our goals.                We inspire trust through personal and professional
                                                                leadership, honesty in our relationships, decisions
                                                                consistent with our values, and individual
                                                                accountability for our actions.
2012 Report to the Community - Melwood
                                       Melwood is a leading provider of opportunities for            Melwood’s recreation center, located in Nanjemoy,
                                       people with disabilities. Since 1963, we have remained        Maryland, has made great strides with the innovative
                                       committed to developing employment opportunities and          programs and opportunities for both children and
                                       providing supportive services for people with disabilities    adults. Camp Accomplish, Melwood’s inclusion camp
                                       so that they can accomplish their life goals and pursue       for children of all abilities, had one of its most
                                       what we all want -- and that is to have a good quality of     successful summers to date and offered nearly 600
                                       life.                                                         wonderful camp experiences to youth from
                                       We understand that it’s all about “an opportunity” and        throughout the region. Meanwhile, Access
                                       throughout our rich history of serving the Washington         Adventures, our vacation program, provided more
                                       Metropolitan area -- especially here in Prince                than 300 adults with disabilities with unforgettable
                                       George’s County, Maryland -- we have touched the              travel experiences around the country.
                                       lives of tens of thousands of individuals and their           We take great pride in our legacy of service and our
                                       families. This year, we added to our success life skills      commitment to fulfill our mission. At the heart of every
                                       training for nearly 300 individuals and provided              service or program are our Core Values of Innovation,
                                       employment support services for close to 400                  Initiative, Stewardship, Integrity, Quality, and Teamwork.
                                       individuals. We created over 190 new job                      It is the thread that connects the Melwood family back
                                       opportunities to add, for example, to our landscaping,        to our founders, to the community and to our
                                       administrative, facility maintenance and janitorial           Commitment to People with differing disabilities.
                                       workforce of 1,000. There isn’t a more impactful way          Your support was an essential component to
                                       to affect a person’s life than empowering them to live        Melwood’s success. Thank you for helping us make
                                       independently.                                                these achievements possible.
                                       Our job retention rate of 98%, for those we employ in         Melwood prides itself on providing unique
                                       the community, is further evidence of our success in          opportunities. We invite you to share the story of your
                                       job training and career development. This success was         opportunity on Facebook at
                                       achieved through several initiatives, including our Job       www.facebook.com/MelwoodNews or on our
                                       Readiness Training Program, where we provide the              blog at www.melwood.org/blog.
                                       individualized training and support needed so that
                                       individuals pursue their dream job. This is what our
                                       founders envisioned when they created Melwood; a
                                       place where the possibilities are limitless.

Chief Executive Officer                             Treasurer                                              Shelly Gardeniers, MIA
Janice Frey-Angel                                   George Watkins, CPA                                    Independent Consultant
Chief Financial Officer                             President, Watkins and Associates                      Michael Keppler, MBA
Ronald Stubblefield, MSW, CPA, Ph.D.                Secretary                                              Senior Vice President, Marriott
Chief Program Officer                               Donald A. Donahue, Jr., DHEd, MBA, FACHE               Corporation
Jonathon Rondeau, MA, CPRP                          Managing Partner, Diogenec Group LLP                   Brenda Sheaffer
Chief Development Officer                           Immediate Past Chair and                               Custodian, NEOB
Denise Hyater-Lindenmuth, MA, CHES                  Executive Team Lead                                    Marlon Griffith, JD
                                                    Dana B. Stebbins, MSW, Esq.                            Partner, Griffith & Wheat, PLLC
Chief Contracts Officer                             Proprietor, Cornelius Group
Matthew Scassero                                                                                           Frank A. Nicolai, MBA
                                                    Directors                                              Retired
Chief Human Resources Officer                       Christina Eaglin
Lorenzo Hester, Ph.D.                               Principal, My Marriage Proposal LLC                    Reginald M. Harris
Chair                                                                                                      Proprietor, State Farm Insurance
                                                    Tina Campanella, MA
Andrew Colevas                                      Exec. Dir., Quality Trust for Individuals with
Principal, The Colevas Group                        Disabilities
Vice Chair                                          Joy J. Dorsey, JD
Richard Mahan, CPA                                  Director of Diversity and Supplier
Principal, Reznick Group                            Diversity, Pepco Holdings

2012 Report to the Community - Melwood
Our employees are self-starters. They take pride in their work, continually
                                               looking for ways to improve the services we provide to our clients and
INITIATIVE                                     customers, and for ways to make other employees more effective and
                                               productive. They are never satisfied with anything less than the best for
                                               those we serve.


                                                     has really opened doors for me,” said Jason. “It     COMMANDER’S CALL
                                                     has shown me that I can do more than I ever
                                                     thought I could possibly do.”
                                                                                                          Jason and John were recently presented with
                                                                                                          the Commander's Certificate of Excellence at
                                                     JOHN LOGAN                                           the Fort Meade Commander's Call for their
                                                     John Logan is a perfect example of how much          exemplary work in landscaping and
                                                     one can accomplish through hard work and             construction clean-up. They were awarded the
                                                     dedication. He became employed on                    certificates for going above and beyond their
                                                     Melwood’s total facility management contract         call of duty. The USO complex was in
                                                     at Fort George G. Meade in May of 2011.              preparation for its opening ceremony. The day
                                                     Before that, John was unemployed and                 before the opening, the grounds team realized
                                                     homeless for several years. “I’ve had really         that the complex wasn’t anywhere close to
                                                     good times in my life, I’ve been in the military,    completion. The grounds were covered in
                                                     owned my own business and I’ve traveled the          mud, the sidewalks weren’t yet completed and
                                                     world; then I lost everything.” John said. “Today,   construction debris was scattered around the
                                                     I’m really proud of who I am and that has a lot      entire area that would host 200 dignitaries the
                                                     to do with my work.” Melwood interviewed             next day. Melwood’s grounds team took the
JASON SPAIN                                          John and 14 other veterans for his position.         bull by the horns and
Jason Spain was thrilled to receive a full-time      John said it was a miracle that he got the job       completely rehabbed
position as a Grounds Maintenance laborer            and he wants other veterans to know that there       the site at the very last
on Melwood’s total facility management               is hope out there as long as you keep doing the      minute. John and
contract at Fort George G. Meade. He was             right thing. Todd Gribling says that he wishes       Jason’s supervisor says
hired in 2011, and before that was employed          he had 20 employees like John. “John was             that’s just one example of
with Walmart. A counselor encouraged Jason           originally hired to work in inventory but I kept     his team’s work ethic.
to apply for the job opening on Melwood’s            hearing about this employee who would really         “We strive for
AbilityOne contract . He says Melwood really         benefit from working outdoors.” Todd said. “I        perfection, we want
helped him realize his true potential. “I had no     was eventually able to switch him into a             to be the shining
idea that people would like my landscaping           landscaping position and he immediately              stars and our hard
work so much,” Jason said. “It has really            excelled.” John has been employed with               work will speak for
broadened my horizons.” Jason’s favorite part        Melwood for less than a year and has already         itself.”
of the job is working with the equipment,            been promoted to a lead position. His
especially the weed wacker. “Jason is one of         supervisor says he has come a long way in less
Melwood’s biggest success stories,” said             than a year. “John went from being homeless,
Jason’s supervisor, Todd Gribling, Roads and         to being hired to count nuts and bolts, now he’s
Grounds Maintenance Manager at Ft. Meade.            one of the leaders on my team.” If you ask
“He quickly adjusted to all of the job               John what he wants to do next, his answer is
responsibilities and new equipment and his           very simple. “I take life as it comes and I’m
confidence has improved 200%.” Although              really happy with what I’m doing. This
Jason really likes the job and knows it’s the        job is an opportunity for me to
perfect opportunity for him at the moment, he        do something
has set his sights on pursuing a Commercial          amazing, and get
Driver’s license in the future. He says he           paid for it.”
wouldn’t have ever set that goal if it weren’t for
the training he received at Melwood. “This job
2012 Report to the Community - Melwood
// Employed 604 people with disabilities through the AbilityOne Program
                                         // 387 training and employment opportunities were provided to support people in their career development
                      2012               // 192 new jobs provided

    Highlights                           // 7 Melwood workers were presented with the Ft. Meade Commander’s Certificate of Excellence
                                         // 23 Melwood workers, at various federal sites, received certificates in recognition of their hard
                                            work and dedication

SHANEIKA PARKER                                        CARL JAMES                                           RONNIE BARNES
Shaneika Parker is a true inspiration to her           Carl James has been a dedicated employee             Ronnie Barnes has worked for Melwood’s
supervisor and co-workers at The Federal Law           with Melwood for more than 13 years. He is a         landscaping team for the past 8 years. He first
Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in                 custodial worker at the New Executive Office         came to Melwood after graduating from high
Cheltenham, Maryland. Shaneika was recently            Building in Washington D.C. Before that,             school. Ronnie says that Melwood has helped
promoted to Lead Custodial Worker on                   Melwood employed Carl through a facility             him become a better person. He’s learned how
Melwood’s custodial contract at FLETC. She             management services contract at the Federal          to live independently, remain focused on the
has been an employee at Melwood for almost             Bureau of Investigation. Carl plans to remain in     job and, most importantly, he can be himself.
8 years. Her supervisor says she is her “go to”        his current position because he likes it and         Aside from Melwood’s Dower House
girl. “No matter what you ask Shaneika to do           sees no reason to make a change. Ersel               Campus, Ronnie also assists with the grounds
she is willing to help do it,” says Ms. Dorothy        Coates, Carl’s supervisor for the past 6 years,      maintenance for the NASA Goddard Space
Makle. “Everyone loves Shaneika, she is really         says that she wishes that she had 5 more             Flight Center, The John F. Kennedy Center for
doing a great job in building 13.” Shaneika is         employees just like Carl. “Carl is a great           the Performing Arts, the U.S. Department of
very happy with her recent accomplishments.            worker, he follows instructions very well,” says     Agriculture and the U.S. Department of
But, she would be the first to tell you that she       Ms. Coates. “He is willing to do anything I ask      Housing and Urban Development. Mark
had to overcome a few obstacles to reach this          him to do.”                                          Phillips, Site Supervisor for the U.S.
point in her life. Earlier in Shaneika’s                                                                    Department of Agriculture, says he is very
employment with Melwood she struggled with                                                                  impressed by Ronnie’s proficiency on the job.
her reading. “I didn’t get the help I needed                                                                “Ronnie is a true professional,” Mark says.
when in school,” Shaneika says. “I could do the                                                             “He is assigned several tasks each day, but
basic stuff but I knew that I needed help with                                                              his favorite part of the job is cutting the grass.
my reading and writing.” She decided to sign                                                                This may or may not have something to do with
up for a few classes that focused on improving                                                              the cool lawnmower he gets to drive.”
her literacy skills. “My reading has improved
drastically, I am no longer where I was
yesterday or the day before; and like dust, still I
                  rise to the occasions that come
                      before me.” Shaneika has
                        certainly risen to the
                        occasion both personally
                         and professionally.

2012 Report to the Community - Melwood
Our flexibility allows us to take advantage of opportunities in our
INNOVATION                                             constantly changing environment to pursue new ideas and creative
                                                       solutions that help us improve the lives of people with disabilities.


                                               future. He said his mother wanted her son to
                                               receive the same treatment in the outside
                                               world that he received at home. Chip’s uncle
                                               and his namesake, former Maryland State
                                               Senator H. Winship Wheatley, was an early
                                               advocate for individuals living with disabilities.
                                               Wheatley helped Chip’s mother research
                                               organizations that could provide her son with
                                               services that would allow him to live as
                                               independently as possible. They soon heard
                                               about an organization where Chip would learn
                                               good work habits, gain specific job skills and       opportunities he was placed on a variety of
                                               earn self-generated income: Melwood.                 contracts including the Army Ten Miler,
                                                                                                    Arbitron, Win Win game, and Metro Rails.
                                               After graduating from Bowie Special                  Eventually Chip became interested in other
                                               Education at the age of 19, Chip joined              programs that focused more on building life
                                               Melwood’s Vocational Department in March             skills. Chip said that he enjoyed many of the
WINSHIP (CHIP) FUERST                          of 1974. He worked with Melwood’s custodial
Winship (Chip) Fuerst was born on January                                                           program activities, especially the ones that
                                               team in the community services division. Chip        focused on creative arts, culinary arts, music
18th, 1955. He is one of 10 children born to        remained in that position for several years.
Robert G. Fuerst Sr. and Rosemary Wheatley                                                          and movement and fitness. Basketball was one
                                                              When he later expressed an            of his personal favorites. Recently, Chip had
Fuerst. His father was a chemist at the                                 interest in other job
University of Maryland and his mother was a                                                         the pleasure of attending a trip to Myrtle
teacher in the Prince George’s County public                                                        Beach through Melwood’s community-based
school system. Chip’s younger brother, Mark                                                         vacation program, Access Adventures.
Fuerst, said that their parents were                                                                For 35 years, Chip has been an active
committed, from the moment Chip was                                                                 participant in many of the programs at
born, to him living his life the same as                                                                 Melwood. He embodies the vision
every other member of the family.                                                                           Melwood’s founders have for the
“When Chip was born the doctors                                                                              individuals living with disabilities that
came to my mother, while she was still                                                                           we serve. “Chip is truly one of a
on the delivery table, trying to get                                                                                kind and will now be
her to sign papers to move Chip                                                                                       considered a living legend of
into an institution,” he said.                                                                                         Melwood,” says Brian Harris,
“But, my mother was very                                                                                                Assistant Director of Day
insistent that Chip would                                                                                               Services at Melwood. “He
come home with his family.”                                                                                              is a man of great character
Mark said it was a common                                                                                               who truly enjoys being
practice to institutionalize                                                                                            around people; and as
children born with                                                                                                      everyone knows, Chip loves
disabilities in the                                                                                                     his cheese pizza.” The
50s, but his                                                                                                            Melwood Family wishes
mother had a                                                                                                            Chip Fuerst a happy
different vision                                                                                                        retirement and we thank
for her son’s                                                                                                           you for allowing Melwood
4                                                                                                                      to support you for 35 years.
2012 Report to the Community - Melwood
// 635 people were supported to achieve their goals in employment, independent living, or meaningful day

                     2012                services.
                                      // Over 200 intake meetings were held, helping to provide services and referrals to people needing support
   Highlights                         // 98% of people in independent employment successfully maintained their employment with their employer
                                      // 85% of Community Services employees stated they were satisfied with their work at Melwood

                                                     CATHY SPAUR
                                                     Employee Support Services
                                                     Melwood’s Employee Support Services team
                                                     has played a role in Cathy Spaur’s career
                                                     development for the past 3 decades. One of
                                                     their top priorities over the years has been
                                                     placing Cathy in jobs that are a good match
                                                     for her vibrant personality and active schedule.
                                                     Cathy has worked as a bagger at the Giant in
                                                     Bowie for the past 6 years. Cathy says that she
                                                     has made friends at the store who will help her
                                                     whenever she needs it. Cathy’s co-workers call
                                                     her the veteran employee. In fact, Cathy pre-
                                                     dates many of her supervisors. Her case
LESTER ODEN                                          manager, Donna Robinson, says that Cathy’s         MELBA CHRISTOPHER
Crossroads Program                                   reputation and work ethic are commendable.         Community Support Services
                                                     “There are supervisors at other locations, like
Lester Oden has participated in various                                                                 Melba Christopher gained her independence
                                                     the Giant in College Park, that know Cathy.”
programs in the community services division at                                                          with the help of Melwood and the direct
                                                     Donna says. “She is able to work independently,
Melwood for the past 15 years. He has                                                                   support staff in the community services
                                                     without the need of a job coach or verbal
become an experienced gardener as a result                                                              division. She first came to Melwood 27 years
                                                     prompting. She’s 100% independent and
of the training he’s received in Melwood’s                                                              ago; over time Melba has participated in a
                                                     effective.” Her supervisors at Giant also gave
Horticulture Therapy program. In fact, Lester                                                           variety of programs. She was employed
                                                     her work glowing reviews. “Cathy is very
has become such an expert at his craft that he                                                          through the employee support services
                                                     dependable, she shows up to work on time, is
started his own landscaping business. Oden                                                              division for a large majority of her career.
                                                     helpful with the customers and she works well
Landscaping now has a diverse clientele                                                                 Melba said that she most enjoyed working with
                                                     with everyone.” says Bobby Dudley, Assistant
throughout the Washington Metropolitan                                                                  Melwood’s landscaping team. Learning how to
                                                     Front End Manager at the Bowie Giant. On
area. Lester says he loves the work that he                                                             take care of the plants and cut grass were just
                                                     her days off Cathy enjoys working with
does for his clients and in Melwood’s Garden                                                            a few of the skills Melba picked up. She says
                                                     animals, riding horses, swimming and bowling.
Center. The Manager of Horticulture Therapy                                                             learning to cut the grass on the big lawnmower
                                                     Cathy proudly mentioned that her bowling
Programs at Melwood says that Lester is no                                                              is just one of her fond Melwood memories.
                                                     team, The College Park Wood Choppers, just
stranger to hard work. “Lester loves his work,”                                                         Now that Melba has retired from the
                                                     received a trophy for their high scores.
says Sheila Gallagher. “He loses himself in his                                                         workforce, Melwood assists her with
assignments and we have to remind him to                                                                organizing her day-to-day activities. Stefanie
take a break, he works really hard.” Sheila also                                                        Bradley, her direct support professional, is
says that Lester has taken on the Melwood                                                               happy to see Melba adjust to the new
vegetable garden as his pet project. He grows                                                           responsibilities she’s gained through her
cabbage, tomatoes, squash and green                                                                     independence. “She really does well with
peppers in the garden each year. Lester is so                                                           organizing her schedule and managing her
experienced in gardening that he now helps                                                              household chores; she now washes her own
train some of the novice gardeners in the                                                               clothes and prepares her meals.” Today, Melba
program. Lester’s development coach, Clara                                                              most enjoys volunteering at the local animal
Akinsola, says the Horticulture Program has                                                             shelter, she loves walking the dogs. She also
helped Lester with his time management and                                                              likes taking the bus to St. Charles Towne
listening skills. But Lester’s passion for                                                              Center to participate in the Mallwalkers
gardening is what excites her most about his                                                            exercise program. Melba credits Melwood
development. “Lester is very caring, he loves                                                           with helping her gain the confidence to live her
plants and he enjoys what he does. He knows                                                             best life.
more about our vegetable garden than we do!”                                                                                                          5
2012 Report to the Community - Melwood
Together we are Melwood. We know that to be successful we must

TEAMWORK                                       work across organizational boundaries. We collaborate, listen, share
                                               information, and provide mutual support within Melwood and with
                                               our partners so that we can achieve our goals.


Gerik Babiarz, 10-years-old, has
enjoyed many of the programs at the
Melwood Recreation Center. He
initially signed up for Camp
Accomplish, Melwood’s inclusive
summer camp for children of all
abilities. Gerik had such an
amazing time that he returned the
next year; and is excited to conquer
the high ropes again this summer. “I
love the food, the rock wall, the
high ropes and the art. But I
especially love making friends
with the horses.” Gerik has
become a mainstay at the
Recreation Center and he’s
filled his schedule with
activities such as Unified
Trail Riding, Pony Pals,
New Year’s Camp, and
Day Camp. But, Gerik
says he prefers to
spend his time riding
his favorite horse,
Clementine. Mary and
Paul Babiarz, Gerik’s
parents, love the
atmosphere Melwood’s staff
has created for their son. They believe
that participating in the activities at Camp
Accomplish has helped improve Gerik’s
social skills as well as his academics. “I
can see improvements at the end of each
summer,” said Mary Babiarz. “His teachers
remark on his progress when he goes
back to school.”

// 633 people were given opportunities to camp, travel, ride and/or retreat
                                        // 326 riding sessions were provided
                      2012              // 596 inclusive summer camping experiences were provided

    Highlights                          // 340 adults with disabilities vacationed through Access Adventures
                                        // Inclusive competitive trail riding team competed as a team made up of people of all abilities and skill levels
                                        // 1st Annual Armed Forces Day was held in appreciation of those that have served our country with over 200 in attendance

                                                       Catherine Giese has richly benefitted from
                                                       many of the opportunities at Melwood’s
                                                       Recreation Center. She came to Camp
                                                       Accomplish as a self-admitted hyper kid with
                                                       an affinity for pixy sticks. But as the years went
                                                       on she developed an interest in many of the
                                                       activities at Camp Accomplish, its mission and
                                                       the people. “As the summers passed, I settled
                                                       down and decided to learn more about the
                                                       horses and kids with disabilities.” she says. “I’m
                                                       really big into the equestrian program.” When
                                                       Catherine first signed up for Melwood’s                Doria Fleisher, Director of the Equestrian
JOE & CATHERINE GIESE                                  Therapeutic Equestrian program she had no
Joe and Catherine Giese are both considered                                                                   program, says Catherine has become a
                                                       experience riding a horse. She’s now an avid           dedicated volunteer and role model. “It has
“all-around” Melwood Recreation Center                 rider. This year Catherine signed up as a
participants. The siblings first heard about                                                                  truly been a pleasure watching Catherine
                                                       volunteer for the equestrian program helping           grow into the person she is today; she has
Melwood’s Camp Accomplish in 2004. Their               less experienced riders hone their skills.
neighbors had attended the summer camp                                                                        transitioned from being a camper to a leader
                                                       Catherine also credits some of the more                in our programs.” she says. “When Cat
and told them all about their experience. Joe          difficult camp activities, like the infamous
and Catherine first came to the camp during                                                                   expressed an interest in our volunteer
                                                       high ropes, with helping                                  program, she immediately took on a more
the summer of 2006 when Catherine was 7                her build solid skills in
years old and Joe was 11. “I liked a lot of things                                                                 active role in creating the camp
                                                       teamwork. She says                                            community rather than just living in it,
about Camp Accomplish, like the                        she relies on those
encouragement the staff gives to the campers                                                                          which is amazing.”
                                                       same skills today                                               Catherine and Joe’s mother, Anne
and the positive vibe that’s around there,” Joe        when she is
Giese says, “and how well everyone gets to                                                                             Giese, is grateful for the life skills
                                                       rowing crew for                                                 Melwood’s Recreation Center has
know each other by the end of the week.” Joe           her high school
credits Camp Accomplish with helping him                                                                                instilled in her kids. “There’s a cadre
                                                       team. “If one                                                     of staff that they see, like Doria and
grow to better understand how to resolve               person is off
conflict. The Giese siblings enjoyed Camp                                                                                 Marisa, who have watched them
                                                       then everyone is                                                   grow up. They have really been
Accomplish so much that they returned each             off so
summer. Joe eventually transitioned from                                                                                  able to nurture my kids and as a
                                                       Melwood has                                                        result the kids have developed a
Camp Accomplish to the Terrific Teen                   really
program. Marisa Cucuzzella, Assistant                                                                                     bond with them that they don’t
                                                       helped me                                                                 have with any other adult,”
Director of Melwood Recreation Center, says            learn to
Joe Giese is the very reason that Camp                                                                                                 she says. “They have
                                                       work in a                                                                          seen them in times of
Accomplish was created. “I have had the                team.”
pleasure of watching Joe grow and mature for                                                                                                fun and in times of
the past six summers,” Marisa says. “He truly                                                                                                 stress, so they’ve
embodies what the program was designed for                                                                                                 become their role
and has taken the skills learned at camp and                                                                                            models in navigating
incorporated them into his life in the real                                                                                          through those moments in
world.” Joe now participates in some of the                                                                                        their lives and along the way
activities through Access Adventures. He                                                                                            they’ve helped them
recently attended a weekend retreat with                                                                                              develop very important life
Melwood’s community-based vacation                                                                                                      skills. Both of my children
program and he plans on traveling more with                                                                                              have grown in their own
the group in the near future.                                                                                                             way.”

2012 Statistics                      Melwood will be a model for other
                                     organizations by providing programs and
    of Individuals   QUALITY         services that exceed the expectations of the
                                     individuals and businesses we serve, staff, and
          Served                     licensing/certification standards.

                           Services Provided
                           Camp (Day)                                           404

                           Access Adventures (Vacation/Travel)                  340

                           Community Support Services (CSLA, ISS)                94

                           Rentals & Retreat Groups                              34

                           Camp (Overnight)                                      192

                           Independent Living (Affordable Housing/HUD Homes)     40

                           Equestrian Program                                   326

                           Day Habilitation (Crossroads)                         174

                           Supported Employment (Employee Support Services)     387

                           Day Habilitation (Personal Enrichment Program)        26

                           Camp (Weekend & Winter)                                41

                          Disability Type

                          Developmental                                     58.9%

                          Sensory                                             0.73%

                          Other                                               3.92%

                          Physical                                            0.37%

                          Neurological                                        4.18%

                          Mental                                               1.2%

                          No Disability                                       30.7%

Melwood’s total income for fiscal year 2012 was $86,580,000, and expenses amounted to $85,433,000.
     2012    This marks the third consecutive year of surplus following four years of deficits. It is attributable to aligning
             financial results to strategic objectives, closely scrutinizing financial data at various operating levels and
 Financial   developing budgets that provide sufficient levels of data for proper monitoring and managing of the
             organization. These actions allowed management and the board to identify areas of concern with clarity and
Highlights   implement corrective measures in a timely fashion. As a result, Melwood is now in a position of financial growth
             and increasing the amount of people we serve.

                                             Support and Revenue

                                             Contract Revenue                                              85.8%

                                             Sales Revenue                                                   0.1%

                                             Service Fees                                                   8.8%

                                             Public Support                                                  4.5%

                                             Other                                                          0.8%


                                             Employment Services                                           80.0%

                                             Community Services                                              8.4%

                                             Recreational Services                                           1.8%

                                             Management and General                                           7.1%

                                             Fundraising                                                     2.7%

When making decisions that commit
                                                                                                    Melwood´s human and financial
DONORS                             STEWARDSHIP                                                      resources, we consider if the
                                                                                                    expenditures help to achieve our mission
                                                                                                    and ensure our long-term financial

                                                               Ms. Cora Ioli
Melwood is grateful               Builders:                    Ms. Wanda Jennings-Crowe
                                                                                                Ms. Ronda Riley
                                                                                                Ms. Gloria Roberson
to the individuals,               $2,500-$4,999                Mr. Jay Johnson                  Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roberts        $1,000-$2,499
                                  Mr. Michael Adams            Mr. Reginald Johnson             Mr. Carroll Robertson            Ms. Teresita Abacan
agencies, corpora-                Mrs. Lesley Anderson         Mr. Alphonzo Jones               Mr. Christopher Robins           Mrs. Elizabeth Abiles
                                  Ms. Lucy Appleberry          Ms. Donna Jones                                                   Mr. Arthur Abrams
tions and founda-                 Mr. Guy Arlotto              Ms. Marguerite Jones
                                                                                                Ms. Patricia Rohmiller
                                                                                                                                 Mr. & Mrs. Blake Ainsworth
                                                                                                Ms. Cheryl Rosenblum
tions whose                       Ms. Barbara Ashby
                                  Ms. Jody Ashman
                                                               Mr. Emmett Jordan
                                                               Mrs. Jan Keith
                                                                                                Ms. Rita Saavedra
                                                                                                                                 Mr. Steven Aitkens
                                                                                                                                 Alberta Marilyn White
                                                                                                Mrs. Robin Salanon
financial and in-kind             Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Avila     Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keller
                                                                                                Mr. Bradley Schou
                                                                                                                                 Ms. Elizabeth Alexander
                                  Mr. Reginald Banks           Mr. Steven Kershaw                                                Mr. Steven Altenus
support benefited                 Mr. Paul Barrett             Mr. David Krueger                Mr. & Mrs. Todd Schramm          American Rental Management
                                  Mrs. Ann Beasley             Mr. & Mrs. James Kuhn            Ms. Marva Scott                  Mr. Shawn Anderson
people with disabili-             Mr. Richard Becker           Mr. Robert Kurtz                 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Severin          Ms. Jacquelyn Anthony
ties during 2012.                 Ms. Anne Bielamowicz         Ms. April Lecato
                                                               Mr. Timothy Lee
                                                                                                Ms. Jacqueline Shackleford
                                                                                                Ms. Sheryle Shears
                                                                                                                                 Mr. Javed Anwar
                                  Mr. Jeremy Blum                                                                                Mr. Valentine Anyanwu
                                  Mr. Timothy Bolden           Mr. Benjamin Lee                 Mr. Michael Shover               Ms. Jillian Aranda
                                  Mr. Herbert Bridges Sr.      Ms. Barbara Lerch                Mr. Brian Smith                  Ardmore Enterprises
                                  Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brooks     Mr. Stanley Letcher              Mr. Robert Smith                 Mr. & Mrs. John Argodale
Philanthropists:                  Ms. Essie Brown              Mr. Richard Levinson             Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Smock Jr.       Mrs. Carolyn Arroyo
                                  Mrs. Lorraine Brown          Ms. Debra Logan                                                   Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arvedlund
$25,000-$49,999                   Ms. Cheryl Brummell          Ms. Denise Lomax
                                                                                                Ms. Zoe Stamatakos
                                                                                                                                 Asbury United Methodist
Dr. Francis Chiaramonte                                                                         Stonework By Santo Inc.
                                  Ms. Sally Bucklee            Ms. Andriette Long                                                 Church
United Way of the                                                                               Mr. John Stott
                                  Mrs. Patti Burke             Nielsen Magricia                                                  Mr. Chinett Asimolowo
National Capital Area                                          Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mainzer        Ms. Carol Stotz
                                  Ms. Girtha Burks                                                                               Mr. Darryl Askins
                                  Ms. Robin Carter             Mr. Timothy Manzie               Tricel Stroud                    ASRC Aerospace Corporation
                                  Ms. Andrea Caulfield         Mr. James Markwell               Mr. Charles Talley               Mr. & Mrs. Brian Atchinson
Champions:                        Mr. Michael Charity          Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Maselko       Mr.&Mrs.JackTerraMs.             Mr. & Mrs. Frank Aucella
$10,000-$24,999                   Mr. Colin Chasler            Mr. & Mrs. Hiromu Matsumoto      Michelle Thomas                  Ms. Emily Aumaitre
                                  Ms. Yuren Chen               Mr. & Mrs. Warren Matthews Sr.   Ms. Laurie Thompson              B. K. Miller Meats & Liquors, Inc.
Mr. Wallace Mullin
                                  Mrs. Joni Coleman            Ms. Mary Mccourt                 Ms. Paige Thompson               Ms. Jessica Bacon
Mr. Richard Zoretic
                                  Ms. Betty Coll               Mr. Willie McCoy                 Mr. Sean Thurmond                Ms. Geraldine Bacote
                                  Mr. & Mrs. Terence Cook      Ms. Susan McKay                  Mr. Nathan Tielking              Mr. Benjamin Baldo
Partners:                         Ms. Janice Corazza           Mr. & Mrs. James Mcleod          Mr.JonathanVandorenMr.           Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Barker
                                  Ms. Ruth Cottom              Mr. Mario Mendoza                Alexander Vanegas Ms.            Mr. Jonathan Barksdale
$5,000-$9,999                     Mrs. Patricia Crisman-Hunt   Mr. Thomas Mersch                                                 Ms. Pat Barrett
                                                                                                Rachel Venier
Ms. Joann Anderson                Ms. Leslie Day               Ms. Jean Mesley                                                   Mr. Claude Barrington
                                                                                                Mr. David Walker
Botanical Decorators              Ms. Kristine Deringer        Montgomery Mechanical                                             Ms. Ena Barts
                                                                                                Mr. Michael Ward
Mr. Joseph Brown                  Mr. Albert Dyson III          Services                                                         Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis Bastas
                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Ware
Mr. Michael Cafferky              Mr. Michele Ehrmantraut      Mr. John Moser                                                    Ms. Linda Becker
                                  Mr. Andrew Elligers          Mr. Hugh Mullane                 Mr. George Watkins               Ms. Roberta Bedlington
Ms. Yun Chung                                                                                   Watkins & Associates, PA
                                  Ms. Johnnise Etheredge       Mr. John Murgolo                                                  Mr. & Mrs. Eric Beinhart
Mr. Joseph Daniels                                                                              Ms. Julia Weiss
                                  Ms. Mary Fernandez           Ms. Kathryn Newmeyer                                              Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bellingham
Daycon                                                                                          Ms. Lois Wesly
                                  Ms. Hedi Finger              Mr. Nghia Nguyen                                                  Ms. Pamela Belt
Mr. Francis Glowacki              Ms. Esther Fogwell           Ms. Brooke Nicholas              Mrs. Stephanie Wheeler           Mr. Stephen Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hamilton         Ms. Alice Ford               Mrs. Lisa Nubgaard               Mr. & Mrs. George White          Mrs. Judith Bernhardt
Mr. Horton Heath                  Mr. Thomas Fulginiti         Ms. Priscilla Oredugba           Ms. Ella Wideman                 Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bikowski
Trans-Assure Inc.                 Ms. Heather Goldman          Ms. Mary Oster-Granite Ph.D.     Mr. James Wilcher                Mr. Franklin Blaifdell
Mr. Scott Joftus                  Ms. Kristen Graessle         Mr. Ojo Oyebisi                  Mr. Tony Williams                Mr. Gary Blake
Medstar National Rehabilitation   Ms. Shelley Grant            Ms. Donna Parr                   Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Williams Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. Randall Blue
Hospital                          Ms. Simone Green             Mrs. Janice Peterson             Ms. Charlotte Williams           Ms. Marcia Boardley
Mr. John Normandy                 Ms. Katherine Gruene         Mr. Blair Phifer                 Ms. Benita Wilson Mr.            Ms. Elizabeth Bolton
                                  Mr. & Mrs. Joaquin Gubb      Mr. Ronald Reddon                                                 Mr. Kenneth Bonawitz
Ms. Linda Reichardt                                                                             Norman Wiltshire Mr.
                                  Mrs. Lola Hardy              Ms. Carla Reid                                                    Mr. Don Bonnet
Mr. Leonard Shellman                                                                            James Wine
                                  Mr. & Mrs. John Hershey      Rekwan Tyrell Cooper, Special                                     Mr. David Boone
Ms. Martha Thomas                                                                               Mr. & Mrs. David Witmer
                                  Mr. Albert Hillman           Needs Trust                                                       Ms. Yun Bouquet
Mr. Carl Wherry                   Ms. Anne Hoffmann            Mr. William Richardson           Ms. Loraine Woods                Mr. Robert Bourne
Mr. Edward Wilford IV             Mrs. Mary Hughes             Mr. Donald Rieger                Mr. Michael Yeksigian            Mrs. Margaret Bowen
Mr. Antony Wykes                  Mr. Gregory Huguely          Mr. & Mrs. Charles Riggin Jr.    Mr. Norman Young                 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bowers

Mr. Michael Bowldes              Clarence Stack, Inc.             Mr. Dennis Dixon                  Mrs. Olga Gilbert                 Mr. Minh Ho
Mrs. Angela Bowldes              Mr. Kenneth Clark                Milford Don-Thomas                Mr. Darell Gillespie              Mr. Daniel Hofherr
Ms. Bettye Boyd                  Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Clark Jr.       Ms. Barbara Douglas               Ms. Vilma Giron                   Ms. Debi Holbrook
Mr. William Boyd III             Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clark          Mr. Herbert Douglas               Ms. Linda Glabach                 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Holder
Ms. Loretta Bozarth              Ms. Lily Clark                   Ms. Kanzada Douglass              Mr. Rick Glover                   Ms. Traci Holland
Mr. Todd Bradley                 Clarke Transportation, LLC       Mr. James Dresser                 Ms. Alicia Godfrey                Mr. Burnell Holland Jr.
Mr. Michael Brady                Mr. & Mrs. Donald Close          Mr. Wilbert Duckett               Ms. Joan Goldfrank                Supin Horton
Ms. Rebecca Brandt               Mr. Gregory Coard                Ms. Susan Duke                    Mrs. Carolyn Goldstein            Mr. & Mrs. Wahed Hossaini
Mr. David Brant                  Ms. Aves Coaxum                  Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dunn           Mr. Marc Goldstrom                Mr. Charles Housen
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Brighton      Mr. Stacey Cobb                  Eastern Gardens                   Mr. Osvaldo Gonzalez              Ms. Mary Howard
Ms. Norma Brinkley               Mrs. Patricia Cochran            Mrs. Susann Edwards               Good Hope Union Methodist         Ms. Christine Howe
Ms. Zenobia Brooker              Mrs. Janice Cody                 Mr. Prince Egyir                   Church                           Ms. Jean Hower-Massie
Mr. William Brooks Jr.           Mr. John Cogdill                 Ms. Katherine Ehrle               Mr. Andrew Goodman                Ms. Terry Hsu
Mr. Barry Brown                  Mr. Jeff Cohen                   Mr. Kenneth Eiriksson             Mr. Eugene Goon                   Mr. William Hughes Jr.
Mr. Carson Brown                 Ms. Ethel Cohran                 Ms. Margaret Elehwany             Mr. Peter Gottesman               Mrs. Tammy Humphrey
Ms. Mattie Brown                 Mr. Ronald Cole                  Ms. Catherine Ellis-Perry         Mr. & Mrs. George Grabow          Mr. Gary Hunt
Mr. Mark Brown                   Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Colea          Ms. Sandra Emme                   Mr. Kenneth Granville             Mr. William Huszar
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brown         Ms. Gwendolyn Coleman            Mr. John Epps                     Mr. William Gray                  Mr. Morris Hymes Jr.
Mr. Edwin Brown Sr.              Ms. Helen Combs                  Mr. Nathan Erondu                 Ms. Susan Green                   Ms. Jane Ice
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Browning        Mr. & Mrs. Charles Conaty        Ms. Doris Erouse                  Mr. Michael Green                 IG Plumbing, Inc.
Mr. Robert Bruce                 Ms. Connie Cook                  Mr. Eduardo Espinosa              Ms. Imani Greene                  Ms. Chimela Ikocha
Mr. Jerome Bryant                Ms. Michelle Copeland            Estate of James Franklin Walker   Ms. Betty Greer                   Mr. & Mrs. Efiok Inyang
Mr. Damian Buckley               Mr. Joshua Cordle                Estate of Terrell Irby Greene     Ms. Suzanne Greer                 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Irland
Mr. William Buckley              Ms. Paige Corley                 Ms. Elizabeth Estep               Mr. Steven Gremminger             Mr. Hafstu Iro
Mr. Dennis Buettner              Mr. & Mrs. Guy Corneille         Ms. Shelly Evans                  Mr. Marlon Griffith               Mr. Antonio Irving
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Buinickas   Mr. Michael Cornfield            Mr. Archie Evans                  Ms. Leonie Guehi                  Ms. Catherine Jack
Mr. Jens Bukh                    Ms. Cathryn Cox                  Mr. Ira Fabri                     Ms. Nancy Gunther                 Mr. & Mrs. Preston Jackson Jr.
Reza Bulorchi                    Ms. Stacie Cranford              Faith Tabernacle Of Prayer        Anukrati Gupta                    Mr. Tracy Jackson
Mrs. Amber Burke                 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Creamer Jr.   Mr. Paisal Fakkao                 Mr. Shiek Habib                   Mr. Charles Jackson
Ms. Mary Burnette                Mr. & Mrs. David Creekmore       Mr. Abdou Fall                    Mr. David Hafer                   Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobson
Ms. Laura Burns                  Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Croce III      Ms. Gwendoline Fang               Mr. Assefa Hailu                  Ms. Lillie James
Ms. Sharon Burrell               Ms. Mary Cronin                  Mr. Jeffrey Felten-Green          Mr. Patrick Haislip               Ms. Caroline James
Ms. Marquitta Butler             Ms. Valerie Cseplo               Ms. Pamela Fenderson              Mr. William Hall                  Ms. Mary Jay
Ms. Leslie Butterworth           Mr. & Mrs. William Cunnane       Mr. Gregory Fink                  Mr. Donald Haller                 JBG Commercial
Mr. Lawrence Caddle              Mr. Neil Cuthbert                Mr. Michael Finnell               Ms. Elizabeth Hammond              Management LLC
Mr. Staurt Cadel                 Ms. Bettie Dahlberg              Ms. Amber Flaherty                Mr. & Mrs. Jeramy Hampton         Mr. Mehdi Jbili
Ms. Lethel Caldwell              Mr. Joseph Dailey                Ms. Barbara Fleagle               Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansborough    Mr. Philip Jeffers
Ms. Linda Caleb                  Mr. Jeffrey Daily                Mr. Robert Fleishman              Ms. Sandra Harrington             Mrs. Zenobia Jenkins
Mr. Roger Calhoun                Ms. Susan Dalgleish              Mr. William Fleming               Ms. Maureen Harrington            Ms. Angela Jenkins
Mr. Eugene Callahan II           Ms. Sandra Damadvic              Mr. Randy Flowers                 Ms. Jo Harris                     Ms. Janet Jennier
Ms. Barbara Camp                 Ms. Anika Daniels                Mr. Brian Ford Sr.                Mr. & Mrs. Walter Harris III      Ms. September Jennings
Mrs. Delores Caniglia            Ms. Sandra Danzig                Mr. Michael Foss                  Ms. Lovette Harrison              Ms. Denise Joefield
Ms. Antoinette Cannady           Mr. Robert Dart                  Mr. & Mrs. James Fowler           Ms. Alicia Hart                   Mr. David Johannsen
Mr. Andrew Capece                Mr. Warren Davidson              Ms. Nancy Frank                   Ms. Catherine Harvey              Ms. Anna Johnson
Ms. Deborah Carpentier           Ms. Karen Davis                  Mr. Charles Frank                 Mrs. Shirley Hatton               Ms. Patricia Johnson
Ms. Regina Carrick               Mr. Dennis Davis                 Mr. Robert Franklin               Mr. Kenneth Hawes                 Mr. Michael Johnson
Ms. Valorie Carris               Mr. Henry Davis                  Ms. Sandra Fraser                 Mr. Albert Hayes                  Ms. Pamela Johnson
Ms. Dianne Carter                Ms. Elizabeth Davis              Mr. Steven Fuchs                  Ms. Deana Hayes-Johnson           Ms. Kayanne Johnson
Mr. Johnny Carter                Mr. Bruce Dawson                 G.D. Laminates Ltd.               Mr. Adam Healy                    Ms. Betty Jones
Mr. Peter Carven                 Ms. Cynthia Dean                 Mr. Alfredo Gadia                 Ms. Leslie Hedgepath              Mr. Dwight Jones
Castle Sprinkler And Alarm       Deerfield Run Limited            Mr. Ramesh Gajjala                Mrs. June Heim                    Ms. Mary Jones
Mr. Jose Castro                   Partnership                     Mr. Patrick Gallahger             Mr. & Mrs. James Heller III       Ms. Chanel Jones
Mr. Vernon Caudle                Mr. Kirby Dehre                  Mr. & Mrs. Ali Ganjei             Helping Children Grow Inc.        Mr. Jermaine Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cerkez           Mr. & Mrs. John Deighton         Ms. Shelly Gardeniers             Mr. Debroah Henderson             Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Jones Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey Charter              Mr. Paul Delahunt                Ms. Clarenda Gardner              Valentin Henriquez                Mr. Derrick Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Chenault      Ms. Vanessa Delapaz              Mr. Robert Gardner                Ms. Clio Hermann                  Ms. Jehari Jones
Mr. Curtis Cherry Jr.            Mr. John Denizot                 Ms. Debra Garrett-Wing            Mr. Benjamin Herring              Mr. Lawrence Jones
Ms. Lu Chiang                    Mr. George Dennis                Mr. Jeffrey Gaum                  Mr. Andrew Hershey                Ms. Chesleigh Jonker
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chisholm        Mr. Daniel Devescovi             Mr. Paul Gauthier                 Mrs. Melissa Hess                 Mr. Paul Joseph
Mr. Andrew Chisley               Ms. Ibrahima Diallo              Mr. Tesfai Gebreyohannes          Mrs. Carole Hetrick               Kapusaba LLC.
Mr. & Mrs. Ayesha Chisley        Ms. Rhonda Dickerson             Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gekker            Mr. Tracy Hewitt                  Mr. Darrel Karl
Ms. Yon Cho                      Ricarte Dillanueva               Mr. Fred Genovese                 Ms. Sara Hieny                    Mr. David Kaye
Mr. Robert Chrencik              Mr. Timothy Dillon               Ms. Jeanette Gentry               Ms. Elizabeth Higgins             Ms. Denise Kearney
Ms. Linda Christoforo            Ms. Thea Dillon                  Ms. Leslie George                 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hilderbrandt   Mr. Spurgeon Keeny III
Mr. Jack Chu                     Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Dilts          Ms. Dana Giampetroni              Mr. Michael Hilton                Mr. Daniel Keller
Kwisoon Chung                    Mr. Chapman Dilworth             Mr. George Gilbert                Ms. Robyn Hinchy                  Mr. Edward Kelley
Ms. Sara Kelsey                Mr. Roderick Macjohnson            Ms. Deborah Murphy               Ms. Sandra Reece                Mr. Edward Shock
Ms. Cladoris Kemp              Ms. Diane Macknight                Ms. Carol Murrell                Reggie Harris Insurance         Mr. Gary Shockley
Mr. James Kennedy              Mr. Philip Macneill                H. Myers                         Mr. Garland Reid                Ms. Margery Silberstein
Ms. Renita Kennedy             Ms. Joyce Maduro                   Mr. Danny Neal                   Mr. Kenneth Reid                Ms. Nadine Silva
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keppler     Mr. Alan Magill                    Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Neal            Ms. Inga-Karen Reilly           Ms. Manuela Silva
Mr. Gilad Keren                Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Mahan          Ms. Helen Nee                    Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reingruber   Ms. Irene Simpkins
Seraz Khan                     Mr. & Mrs. Buhay Malabanan         Mr. Resom Negassi                Ms. Rose Renesca                Simpson Of Maryland, Inc.
Mr. Deepak Khatry              Mr. Frank Maldarelli Jr.           Mr. Steven Neugeboren            Mr. Jeshua Reza                 Mrs. Sharon Slade
Mr. Charles Khiel              Mr. Kevin Mallon                   Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Newman          Mr. Jay Ribler                  Ms. Jennifer Sloper
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kimball     Ms. Carrie Mallory                 Ms. Patricia Nichols             Mr. Charles Rice                Mr. Mark Slupek
Ms. Alison Kindler             Mr. Teodoro Mancenido              Mr. Frank Nicolai                Ms. Deborah Richardson          Michel Smith
Caleb King                     Ms. Kathy Mancusi                  Mr. & Mrs. George Niewiadomski   Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Richman       Ms. Chanel Smith
Kiplinger Washington Editors   Mr. & Mrs. James Mannion           Mr. Brett Nigh                   Mrs. Shirley Ricks              Ms. Margaret Smith
Kirkwood Associates-Kay        Mr. Efrain Mark                    NISH National Office             Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rider        Mr. & Mrs. Max Smith
 Management Co., Inc.          Mr. Jamar Martin                   Ms. Yona Nissim                  Mr. Andres Rigo                 Ms. Sheree Smith
Mr. Michael Kitzinger          Mr. Gregory Marzullo               Mrs. Heather Noel                Mr. Ronald Riley                Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith
Ms. Judith Klavans             Mr. Donald Maske                   Ms. Roslyn Norman                Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rindner       Ms. Kisha Smith
Mr. Mark Kneidinger            Ms. Anita Mason                    NOVAD                            Mr. Warren Rizzi                Mr. & Mrs. Samual Smith
Mr. William Knott              Mr. & Mrs. Craig Masstapeter       Mr. & Mrs. Earl Nuckols Jr.      Ms. Quintina Robinson           Mr. Roger Smith
Mr. Paul Koester               Mr. & Mrs. Apurve Mathur           Mr. Thomas Nutton                Mr. Lawrence Robinson           Ms. Lorraine Smith
Mrs. Joan Kosmowski            Mr. Thomas Matthews                Mr. Ngozi Nwanna                 Mr. & Mrs. Marion Rogers        Ms. Bess Smith
Mr. Bienvenu Koumbowo          Mr. & Mrs. James Matthews Jr.      Mr. Roy O’Bryan                  Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rooney         Mr. Dannie Smith
Mr. Robert Kowalyshyn          Mr. Eric Mauck                     Mr. Abimbola Odutayo             Mr. Melton Roper                Mr. Edwin Smith
Ms. Ruth Kraemer               Mr. Quentin Mcbeth                 Mr. Patrick Okita                Mr. Daniel Rose                 Mrs. Deborah Smith
Mr. Neil Kramer                Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mccabe          Ms. Mary Olch                    Ms. Pauline Rose                Ms. Carol Smith-Tucker
Mr. David Krueger              Mr. Brian Mccaskill                Mr. Christopher On               Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rosener       Mr. David Smith-Watts
Mr. Donald Kunz                Ms. Amanda Mcdavid                 Ms. Beth O’Quinn                 Ms. Teresa Rostkowski-Carter    Mr. Adolphe Smoot
Mr. Kenneth Lacey              Mr. & Mrs. John Mcfall             Mr. Francis O’Rourke             Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rotchford    Mr. Robert Sneiderman
Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Lainez       Mr. Clarence Mcgann                Ms. Mary Oster-Granite Ph.D.     Ms. Laura Rousselot-Rodman      Mr. & Mrs. John Sogn
Mrs. Rosemary Lally            Ms. Julie Mcgrath                  Ms. Yetunde Owolabi              Mr. & Mrs. Siegfried Rowe       Ms. Margaret Sonley
Ms. Karen Latson               Mr. & Mrs. Gene Mchale             Ms. Gloria Paredes               RSP Contractors                 Mr. Peter Soyka
Adedamola Lawal                Ms. Delores Mclaughlin             Ms. Christine Park               Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Rubinstein   Mr. Hari Sripathi
Mr. Aubrey Lea II              Mr. William Mcnamara               Mr. & Mrs. Hossein Pashai        Ms. Linda Rueda                 Mr. Ajay Srivastava
Mr. John Lee                   Mr. Richard Meadows                Ms. Shobhanaben Patel            Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Russell       Mr. Rajan Srivatsan
Mr. Sung Lee                   Ms. Elizabeth Meanor               Ms. Verena Pe Benito             Ms. Audra Ryan                  Mrs. Betty St. Cyr
Mr. Ricardo Lee                Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medina           Mr. Donald Perez                 Mrs. Carmia Salcedo             Mr. Billy F. Stamey Jr.
Ms. Kit Lee                    Mr. Kevin Meehan                   Mr. Thomas Perry                 Mr. Gerald Sampson              Ms. Sharon Starr
Lee Funeral Home Inc.          Ms. Cecily Mendie                  Ms. Amber Perry                  Mr. Mario Sanidad               Mr. Michael Stead
Ms. Antonia Lehman             Ms. Ann Messenger                  Mr. Gary Peruzzi                 Mr. Anant Sarma                 Mr. Troy Steinc
Mr. John Leidich               Mr. Joseph Meszaros                Ms. Judy Pervine                 Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Sarmiento      Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stephens
Mr. William Leland             Mr. Cameron Methner                Ms. Cynthia Petersen             Mr. Thomas Savin                Mr. Thomas Stevens
Mr. Christopher Leone          Metro Installation Services Inc.   Ms. Eva Peterson                 Mr. John Sawyer                 Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Steward
Ms. Abra Lerch                 Ms. Beth Mich                      Mr. Robert Peterson              Ms. Clara Saxon                 Mr. Arthur Stewart
Mr. David Leroy                Ms. Martha Michela                 Mr. Quintin Peterson             Mr. Joseph Scallion             Mr. James Stirling
Ms. Marcia Leslie              Ms. Roberta Milberg                Mr. John Pettine                 Ms. Ester Scheibel              Mr. Glen Stonebraker
Mr. George Lewerenz            Ms. Constance Miller               Mr. Daniel Pflum                 Mr. Scott Schellhammer          Mr. Alan Storm
Ms. Debora Lewis               Mrs. Diane Miller                  Mr. David Piazza                 Ms. Susan Schiavone             Mr. Reginald Straughn
Mr. Paul Lewis                 Mr. Thomas Miller                  Mr. & Mrs. William Pieprz        Mr. & Mrs. Alan Schloer         Mrs. Florence Strawser
Ms. Wei Li                     Mr. & Mrs. William Mills           Ms. Henrietta Pike               Mr. Randal Schlosser            Mr. Richard Streett
Ms. Xiaona Li                  Ms. Renee Mines-Pierce             Pilgrim A.M.E. Church            Ms. Sarah Schooler              Ms. Delores Strickland
Ms. Melissa Lieb               Mrs. Vanetta Mingia                Mr. Kevin Pinkerton              Ms. Elanor Schreiber            Ms. Sharron Strothers
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Liller         Mr. Michael Minnehan               Ms. Kandra Pippins               Mr. Stephan Schulz              Mr. & Mrs. Aquiles Suarez
Mr. Guoxiang Lin               Mrs. Tracy Mitchell                Mr. & Mrs. Richard Plunkett      Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schuster       Ms. Vicki Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lindenmuth   Mr. Fred Moezie                    Mrs. Marvona Poff                Mr. Albert Scott                Mr. Deann Sumpter
Mr. Kenneth Lindsay            Mr. Matthew Moore                  Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ponsart       Ms. Sharon Scott                Mr. Kenneth Swann
Ms. Elise Lindsey              Mr. & Mrs. Verence Moore           Mr. James Powers                 Ms. Joslyn Scott                Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sweetin
Mr. & Mrs. John Linsenbigler   Mr. Gary Moore                     Mr. Vincent Price                Mr. Delon Selon                 Ms. Elizabeth Sweet-Nichols
Mr. John Llaneza               Mr. Maurice Moore                  Ms. Barbara Privitera            Seminary Road Hotels            Mr. & Mrs. Michael Swineford
Mr. John Locicero              Mrs. Cathleen Morales              Mr. & Mrs. David Proctor          Associates LLC                 Ms. Kathleen Tan
Mr. Paul Loebach               Ms. Claire Morra                   Ms. Sheldonna Proctor            Ms. Angela Settles              Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Tann
Ms. Rosa Long                  Mr. Edward Morrison Jr.            Mr. Lewis Puller III             Ms. Helen Sewell                Ms. Caroline Tay
Ms. Pamela Lord                Mr. Charles Mosby Sr.              Mr. David Puth                   Mr. David Seymour               Mr. Terrance Taylor
Ms. Janet Louis                Mr. & Mrs. Ambus Moses             Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rabassa        Mr. James Sharp                 Ms. Deborah Taylor
Mr. Owen Lowery                Mr. Charles Moss                   Ms. Antoinette Rausch            Mr. Stephen Shea                Ms. Alice Taylor
Mr. Jim Lucore                 Mrs. Mary Moss                     Mr. Matthew Rechler              Mr. Robert Sheets               Mr. John Taylor
Ms. Maria Maceren              Ms. Renee Murphy                   Mr. Freeman Rediker Jr.          Mr. Richard Sherman             Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Taylor
Mr. Dennis Teachey             Mr. Tracy Webster               Alliance Incorporated           Mr. Joel Birner                    Mr. Richard Campani
Teco HVAC & Home               Ms. Brenda Wedge-Boyd           Arely Alvarado                  Mr. Richard Bischoff               Ms. Beverley Campbell
 Improvement                   Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weisbrodt     Mr. Patricio Alvarez            Mr. John Bishai                    Mr. & Mrs. Gene Campbell
Bethlehem Tekolla              Mr. George Wellington Jr.       Jalilah Alwazir                 Mr. Thomas Bishop                  Mr. Eggerton Campbell
Mr. Steven Teltzman            Mrs. Susan Wells                Mr. Tarek Alwazir               Ms. Shervon Blackwell              Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Campbell
Mr. Frederick Tememu           Mr. Ronald West                 America’s Charities             Mr. Richard Bloom                  Mr. & Mrs. Michael Canavan
Mr. Isaac Templeton Jr.        Westland Enterprises Inc.       Mr. Gerald Anderson             Mrs. Betsy Blount                  Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Carl
Ms. Adrienne Terry             Mr. & Mrs. George White         Mr. Matthias Anderson           Ms. Sherry Bolden                  Ms. Elaine Carle
Mr. Richard Testo              Mr. & Mrs. Tad White            Mr. Benjamin Andrews            Mr. Heyward Bonaparte              Ms. Kammini Carlton
Mr. Devang Thakor              Mr. & Mrs. James White          Mr. Rudolph Anges               Ms. Carolyn Bond                   Mr. Aaron Carr
The Nature Conservancy         Mr. Tyrone White                Ms. Delores Anistead            Mr. Corey Bonds                    Mrs. Jannette Carter
Ms. Courtney Thelen            Ms. Katasha White               Ms. Jane Araujo                 Ms. Joan Bonzon                    Mr. Matthew Carter
Mrs. Beverly Then              Ms. Wanda Whitney               Mr. & Mrs. Allan Arbogast       Mr. Bryan Borlik                   Mrs. Ayanna-Patricia Carter
Mr. Nathaniel Thomas           Mr. David Wight                 Mrs. Peggy Archambault          Mr. Charles Borniger               Mr. David Cartwright
Mr. Willie Thomas              Mr. & Mrs. Harris Wilburn Jr.   Architectural Exteriors, Inc.   Mr. & Mrs. Everett Boston          Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cassidy
Mr. Jamaine Thomas             Mr. Gerard Wilder               Dessalegne Argaw                Ms. Darlene Boston                 Mr. & Mrs. Xavier Castellanos
Thomas Krzenski                Mr. Stanley Wilkerson           Ms. Maria Ariascristo           Mr. Craig Bowers                   Ms. Nydia Castillo
Mr. Harry Thompson             Mr. & Mrs. James Wilkinson      Mr. Jefferson Arrington         Ms. Liza Bowles                    Ms. Leonor Castro
Mr. Norman Thompson            Mr. James Williams III          Ms. Constance Artis             Mr. Fred Bowman                    Catholic Charities-Harry Burke
Mr. Moses Thurston Jr.         Ms. Monica Williams             Mr. Michael Ashley              Mr. Gary Boxley                    Mr. James Chaires
Mr. & Mrs. Cecilio Tiburcio    Ms. Cathy Williams              Ms. Cynthia Ashton-Ahmed        Mr. Raymond Boyden                 Ms. Laverne Chamberlain
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Tipton        Mr. Claud Williams              Ms. Deborah Askew               Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brackett         Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Chandler Sr.
Ms. Yvonne Tolson              Mr. & Mrs. James Wills          Mr. Aaron Assaraf               Mr. & Mrs. Cynthia Brady           Ms. Rhonda Chandler
Mr. Tuan Ton                   Ms. Claire Wills                Ats Holdings LLC                Ms. Monica Brandon                 Ms. Pattiann Chaplin
Mr. Bernard Toomer             Ms. Janis Wilson                Mrs. Sandra Auchter             Ms. Monica Brandt                  Mr. Charles Chapman
Mr. Miguel Torres              Mr. Philip Wirtz                Mr. Michael Austin              Ms. Rose-May Brea                  Mr. & Mrs. John Chen
Mr. & Mrs. John Toth           Mr. & Mrs. Brady Wolcott        Mr. Mark Auth                   Mr. Leslie Breden                  Meng-Sheng Cheng
Ms. Tiffany Towberman          Mr. Getaneh Wondemaghew         Samrawit Ayele                  Ms. Debora Breeden                 Ms. Sai Chiang
Mr. Daniel Trusilo             Mr. & Mrs. William Wood         Mr. Mike Baggarly               Mrs. Catherine Breivis             Mr. Chester Chichester
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Tucker       Ms. Sylvia Wood                 Mr. Brent Bain                  Mr. Conrad Brewer                  Meeho Chin
Ms. Shelia Turner              Ms. Carolyn Woodside            Mr. James Baines                Ms. Felicia Bridges                Mr. & Mrs. Raul Chong
Mr. Justin Turverey            Mr. & Mrs. Carveth Worth Jr.    Ms. Michele Baker               Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Briggs           Mr. Brian Christopher
Mr. Safidi Tyehimba            Ms. Nastasha Wright             Mr. & Mrs. Alan Baldwin         Ms. Vonzella Brisbane              Ms. Petcharat Chuenklin
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Unangst         Mr. & Mrs. Keaton Wright        Mr. Reginald Ballard Jr.        Ms. Maggie Briscoe                 Ms. Elizabeth Chungong
Ms. Marilyn Underdue           Mr. Jason Wu                    Mr. Folorunsho Bamgbade         Mr. Travis Briscoe                 Ms. Sharon Church
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Underland    Mr. Craig Wulf                  Mr. Sadie Barber Jr.            Mr. Phillip Brooks                 Clarence Stack, Inc.
United Way of Charles County   Ms. Amanda Yaun                 Mr. Gregory Barnes              Mr. Kevin Brooks                   Mr. Hugh Clarke
Mrs. Christi Unterwagner       Ms. Crystal Young-Nelson        Ms. Angelica Barreto            Mr. & Mrs. James Brown             Mr. Robert Cleveland
Ms. Anju Vajja                 Ms. Amy Younts                  Ms. Gloria Barron               Ms. Janelle Brown                  Ms. Lisa Clouse
Ms. Ingrid Valentine           Mr. Danny Yuen                  Mr. Eugene Barton               Mr. Darryl Brown                   Rakonda Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. John Vamos          Ms. Matt Zadegan                Mr. & Mrs. John Bassert         Mrs. Debra Brown                   Mrs. Georganne Coco
Mr. James Van Erden            Mr. Gregory Zalewski            Mr. Robert Bassett              Ms. Sara Brown                     Ms. Tracy Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Vance         Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Zappone      Mr. John Batselos               Chionesu Brown                     Mr. John Cole
Ms. Patricia Vandergrift       Mr. Mark Ziner                  Battles Transportation Inc.     Ms. Lacy Brown                     Mr. James Coleman
Mr. John Vandersall            Mr. John Zitko                  Mr. Alan Bauer                  Ms. Rachel Brown                   Ms. Sherlonda Coleman
Mr. John Vanslycke Jr.                                         Mr. Arthur Baxter II            Vatima Brunson                     Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Vereb                                          Ms. Laurel Beall                Mr. Peter Bryan                    Ms. Benita Coles
Mr. Dennis Villagomez
                               Patrons:                        Ms. Bonnie Beavan               Ms. Katherine Bryant               Mr. Gene Colice
Mr. Mark Vivians               $500-$999                       Mr. John Bechtel                Bryant’berry Inc.                  Ms. Madeline Collington
Mr. Jason Vourlekis            Ms. Karin Aaron                 Ms. Theresa Beck                Ebonee Buchanan-Tyler              Ms. Linda Collins
Ms. Chi Vuong                  Mr. Charlton Aaron              Mr. Chad Beckert                Mr. Ray Buckler                    Mr. Norbert Commons
Mrs. Barbara Wagner            Mr. Daniel Abel                 Ms. Tanya Beckett               Mr. Ray Buhagiar                   Mr. John Comtois
Mrs. Jennifer Wagner           Mr. Nicholas Abid               Ms. Denise Beidleman            Mr. Dan Buldansjah                 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Comuntzis
Mrs. Amy Wakefield             Ms. Ramona Abiera               Ms. Sandra Bell                 Ms. Carol Burdette                 Mr. Jermaine Coney
Mr. Kenneth Walker             Ms. Carlene Ackerman            Ms. Pamela Bell                 Ms. Bertha Burgess-Cox             Mr. & Mrs. Michael Conley
Mr. Robert Walker              Mr. Servillano Aclan            Mr. Frederick Bell              Mr. Timothy Burke                  Ms. Anne Connors
Mr. Harry Walker Jr.           Ms. Heather Adams               Ms. Katherine Benner            Mr. Ron Burke                      Mr. Michael Connors
Mr. Anthony Walker             Ms. Eva Addai-Poku              Mr. Craig Benson                Ms. Maria Burns                    Ms. Jenny Considine
Ms. Carman Wallace             Mr. Michael Adebiyi             Ms. Pulak Bera                  Ms. Shirley Bush                   Ms. Mary Cook
Mr. Jeffrey Wallentiny         Mr. Bolaji Adedeji              Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Berard         Mr. Kevin Butler                   Ms. Catherine Corp
Mr. James Warren               Mr. Mahmood Ahmad               Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bergstrom      Ms. Wendy Butler                   Ms. Cora Corry
Mrs. Penny Warren              Mr. Dan Alden                   Mr. Eric Bernazani              C And A Rental Car Services Inc.   Mr. Carl Costley
Washington Square Antiques     Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone Alexander     Ms. Barbara Berry               Mr. John Cabrera                   Mrs. Allene Coston
Mr. Parke Watson               Mr. Syed Ali                    Mr. Lorenzo Biddy               Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Cain             Covenant Building Maintenance
Ms. Gaby Watts                 Mr. Bernard Allen               Mr. Chester Bilbro              Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Liz Calabrese    Mr. Jasper Cox
Mr. Nathaniel Waugh            Mr. Luther Allen                Ms. Kristina Birch              Mr. Charles Calhoun                Mr. & Mrs. David Crawford
Ms. Cherilyn Craytor-Edwards   Ms. Denise Edwards              Mr. John Garner               Ms. Joyce Harris                    Ms. Wendy Jarvis
Ms. Gail Crichlow              Mrs. Susann Edwards             Mr. & Mrs. David Garner       Ms. Katrina Harrison                Ms. Carrie Jasper
Mr. Michael Cruz               Ms. Kathleen Edwards            Mr. Charles Garvey            Ms. Wyvonnie Harsley                Mrs. Marjorie Jean
Mr. Stephen Cruze              Ms. Irene Edwards               Ms. Alison Gary               Mr. John Hartridge                  Mr. Bradley Jeffers
Mrs. Leta Cullinane            Mrs. Tina Edwards-Martin        Mr. Manuel Gaskell            Mr. Matthew Hartwig                 Mr. Charles Jenkins
Mr. Bryan Cunigan              Ms. Rabia El-Amin               Mr. John Gaylor               Ms. Charlene Haskins                Mr. Ronald Jenkins
Mr. Sean Curry                 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ellifritz     Ms. Diane Gee-Torres          Ms. Judith Hathaway                 Mr. Raymond Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daddio        Mr. Kenneth Elliott             General Glass Corporation     Ms. Peggy Hatton                    Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Jennings
Mr. Daniel Dadzie              Mr. Phillip Elliott             Mr. & Mrs. Raymond George     Mr. Leon Hatton                     Ms. Imogene Jensen
Daimler Inc.                   Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Embrey        Mr. Steven Gerald             Mr. & Mrs. Tommie Hawkins           Ms. Norma Jernigan
Mr. Rudolph Dale               Ms. Kristan Emly                Ms. Beverly Gholston          Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Haworth           Ms. Charlene Jhonson
Mr. Charles Danquah            Mr. Joel Endiape                Mr. Frank Giancola            Mr. Daniel Heck                     Mr. Theodore Joel-Ezeanochie
Ms. Karen Darley               Mr. Patrick Eng                 Ms. Kathleen Giroux           Ms. Faith Heilman                   Mr. & Mrs. Daisy Johnson
Ms. Lindsay Daugherty          Mr. Joseph English              Mr. & Mrs. James Glakas       Helping Children Grow Inc.          Mr. Camero Johnson
Mr. Royal Davenport            Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Eppard         Mr. & Mrs. Martin Glatz       Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henchbarger III   Mr. Raju Johnson
Mrs. Heather Davies            Mr. Ernie Erbe                  Mr. Mark Glaudemans           Mr. William Henderson               Mr. Michael Johnson Sr.
Mr. Bruce Davis                Ericsson Inc.                   Mr. Raymond Glenn Jr.         Mr. & Mrs. Karl Henderson           Ms. Charmaine Johnson
Mr. Nathan Davis               Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Esch       Mrs. Charlene Glover          Mr. Kevin Henderson Jr.             Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson
Ms. Shelia Davis               Mr. & Mrs. George Estes         Mr. Bryan Goehring            Mr. & Mrs. Coit Hendley             Mr. Rodney Johnson
Ms. Grace Davis                Mr. Philip Eupler               Ms. Wendy Goetz               Ms. Georgette Hennes                Mr. David Johnson
Ms. Vanecia Davis              Mr. Wayne Evans                 Mr. Joshua Gomez              Ms. Jennifer Herbert                Ms. Annabelle Johnson
Mrs. Darlene Davis-Hoffman     Mrs. Cynthia Evans-Hickson      Mrs. Dulce Gomez-Zormelo      Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Herbig           Ms. Sharon Johnson
Ms. Emma Dawson                Mr. Simon Ezegbunam             Mr. Bruce Goodman             Mr. Steven Hessler                  Mr. Eddie Johnson
Mrs. Patricia Day              Mr. Jihad Faarooq               Mr. & Mrs. Harold Goodrich    Mr. Gary Hevel                      Ms. Diana Johnson
Mr. Napoleon De La O           Mrs. Mindy Fakhoury             Mr. Abraham Gordon            Ms. Robyn Hicks                     Mr. Camero Johnson
Mr. Kevin Deal                 Mr. Joseph Fanelli              Ms. Wendie Gormley            Ms. Pauline Higdon                  Mr. Sydney Johnson
Mr. Richard Dean               Mr. Gary Fee                    Mr. Charles Graham            Mrs. Catherine Higgins              Ms. Tonya Johnson-Garner
Ms. Jacqueline Dean            Mr. Gerard Fegan                Mr. Mark Grandy               Ms. Anjanette Higgs                 Mr. & Mrs. Milford John-Williams
Ms. Catherine Deangelis        Mr. Michael Fegan               Mr. Derek Grant               Ms. Rosemary Hill                   Mr. William Jokela
Ms. Leona Debusk-Collier       Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Felix Jr.    Ms. Deborah Grant             Ms. Gwendolyn Hill                  Ms. Ann Jones
Ms. Carolyn Deckett            Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fenicle         Mr. Warren Grant              Ms. Jennifer Hillert                Mr. Jerome Jones
Mr. Robert Deigh               Mr. George Fenimore             Ms. Danika Grant              Mr. Michael Hines                   Ms. Stephanie Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Delaney      Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Ferentinos   Mr. Raymond Gray              Mr. & Mrs. Todd Hoffman             Ms. Melody Jones
Mr. Miguel Delaya              Ms. Melissa Ferguson            Ms. Sheila Gray               Ms. Sara Holland                    Ms. Tahesha Jones
Mr. James Delorbe              Mr. & Mrs. Rahn Ferguson        Mr. Donald Gray               Mr. & Mrs. David Holley             Ms. Ellen Jones
Ms. Anne Delp                  Ms. Nan Ficca                   Ms. Keisha Gray               Mr. James Holway                    Mr. Ricky Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Demingway      Ms. Trojanna Fields             Mr. & Mrs. William Gray       Ms. Susan Hoover                    Ms. Hilda Jones
Mr. William Dempster           Ms. Megan Finn                  Ms. Jasmine Gray              Mr. William Horkan Jr.              Mr. Wyman Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Devlin       Mr. Jackson Fisher              Mr. Jon Green                 Mr. Boyd Horn                       Mr. Douglas Jones
Samdeep Dhar                   Mr. Sheldon Fishman             Mr. Fleming Green             Mr. & Mrs. Timothy House            Mr. Phinis Jones
Mr. Timothy Dillon             Ms. Jeanne Fitzgerald           Mr. Daniel Green              Ms. Cheri Howell                    Mr. Willie Jones
Mr. Madiaw Diop                Mr. & Mrs. Creede Fitzhugh      Mr. Albert Green              Ms. Su-Cheng Hsu                    Landreth Jones Jr.
Mr. Martin Doane               Ms. Theresa Flanders            Mr. Andre Greene              Mr. & Mrs. James Hunolt             Ms. Crystal Jones
Ms. Gia Donnalley              Mrs. Etta Fleisher              Mr. James Greeves             Mr. Jacob Hurwitz                   Mr. Johndel Jones-Brown
Mr. James Donoghue             Ms. Kristin Floyd               Mr. Darryl Griffin            Ms. Bridget Husted                  Mr. Stephen Joseph
Ms. Claudia Donovan            Mr. Samuel Fondap               Ms. Oteal Griffin             Mrs. Edith Hutchins                 Mr. Nick Jowers
Ms. Joy Dorsey                 Mr. Michael Forry               Mr. Spencer Griffith          Ms. Kimberly Hutton                 Mr. Mohamed Kabba
Mr. Nathan Douglas             Mr. Michael Foulger             Ms. Cassandra Grose           Mr. & Mrs. Gary Idle                Mr. Michael Kalna
Mr. & Mrs. Lennox Douglas      Ms. Latoya Foye                 Ms. Deborah Guadalupe         Mr. Brown Iguodala                  Mr. & Mrs. Leonid Kaminsky
Mrs. Lisa Douglas-Neughton     Ms. Marina France               Mr. Shiek Habib               Ms. Erica Ingram                    Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kapp
Mr. Anthony Dozier             Ms. Susan Franks                Mr. Arlo Haggins              Mr. Merrick Irving                  Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Karlsen
Ms. Angela Drumm               Mrs. Susan Frei                 Mr. David Haigh               Mrs. Charlyn Isaac                  Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Kaufman
Mr. Achal Dua                  Ms. Patricia French             Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Hale       Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Isaacs             Mr. Jack Kaye
Ms. Elaine Dubin               Mr. Jonathan Frey               Mrs. Darlene Hall             Ms. Mary Isaacson                   Mr. Ezzat Kazzi
Mrs. Emily Dudley              Mr. Ratri Friend                Ms. Patricia Hall             Mrs. Luzviminda Isidro              Mr. Clifford Keenan
Mr. J. Dugan                   Mr. Tracey Fung                 Mr. & Mrs. William Hallums    ITC Inc.                            Mr. Michael Kelley
Mrs. Agnes Duker               Mr. James Gable                 Mr. Jamie Hamilton            J.D.N Associates Inc.               Mr. & Mrs. Angeline Kelley
Mr. Timothy Dunkelberger       Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gable        Ms. Linda Handschumacher      J.S. Wagner Company Inc.            Mr. Davon Kelly
Mr. James Dupree               Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gaines        Ms. Cynthia Hanna             Ms. Yvonne Jackson                  Ms. Linda Kelly
Ms. Meskerem Eanchi            Mr. Frank Gaines Jr.            Mrs. Sarah Hardy              Mr. Wesley Jackson                  Mr. Paul Kelly
Mr. Douglas Eason              Mr. Peter Gajary                Mr. Nathaniel Harpe           Ms. Pamela Jackson                  Ms. Elizabeth Kemmerer
Ms. Shannon Easton             Mr. John Gallagher              Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harrigan      Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Jaffke         Mr. Daniel Keneally
Ms. Meredith Eden              Mr. & Mrs. Mearl Gallup         Ms. Ebony Harrington          Mr. Angad Jaggat                    Mr. Rodney Kennard
Mr. Rodger Edmonds             Mr. Ismael Gama                 Mr. Arthur Harris             Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jakubowski       Ms. Gervonde Kennedy
Ms. Shiela Edmonds             Mr. Pedro Gamez                 Mr. & Mrs. James Harris       Mr. Anthony James                   Mr. James Kenney
Ms. Joanna Edwards             Mr. John Gardner                Mr. & Mrs. David Harris Sr.   Ms. Natleen James                   Ms. Dianne Kerns
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