YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital

YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital

YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           YEAR IN REVIEW
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                                  HH                                                                                                                                                                                                  The 2020 Glens Falls Hospital Year in Review captures the incredible achievements of the Glens Falls Hospital
                                                      h SSt.t.

                 2                   AA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Granville 19
                                                                                                                                                               Queensbury                                                             team during a year that challenged us beyond what we could have imagined. In these pages are countless


                                                                                                     FA L

                                                                                                                                                     10                                                                               stories of how our physicians, nurses and other employees overcame obstacles to ensure that Glens Falls and the
                                                                     G LE N S                                                                                               4
                                                                                                                                                      9               11
                                                                                                                                                                                              149                                     surrounding region had access to high-quality, compassionate healthcare during an incredibly challenging time.

                                                                                                Lake                                            8                12
                                                                                                                                                           Glens 14
                                                                                               Luzerne                                                                                                                                When the world was turned upside down in early 2020 with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
                                                                                     9N                                                                               15                                                              team at Glens Falls Hospital rose to the occasion and worked with the shared purpose of being there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for our community in its greatest time of need. The Glens Falls Hospital COVID-19 response
                                                                                                                                                                   Hudson                                                             encapsulates who we are at our best—a mission and purpose-driven community hospital
                                                                                                                                                                    Falls                                                             with innovative, compassionate people who will go above and beyond to serve our
                                                                                                                                                                            197                                                       friends and neighbors. This has been evident in every area of the hospital, from our environmental
                                                                          14                                       32                           9                    Fort                40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      services team to our lab technicians, physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists and countless others
                                                                                                                                                                   Edward                                                 22
                                                 Corinth                                                                                        13                                        Argyle                                      who have raised the bar for how we care for and protect our patients and the community.
                                                                                               H u d s o n Ri

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      While much of the spotlight has been shone on the response to COVID-19, we have also achieved significant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      milestones in patient care and access, growth and evolution of our system and advancements in technology
                                                                                                                                      Wilton                                                               Salem                      that strengthen our ability to continue providing best-in-class care in a community setting.
                                                                                                                           15                                                                                      18                 Highlights from this past year include:
                                                                                                                                      50                                                                                              • Finalizing our affiliation with the                  • Submitting our Magnet® application, to elevate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Albany Med Health System.                              the practice of nursing at Glens Falls Hospital.
                                                                                                                                      Schuylerville                                           29
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Introducing new models of care, including            • Elevating the status of established programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                          22                             a partnership with Massachusetts General                and our commitment to exceptional patient care
                                                                                                                                                                                16                                                       Hospital to deliver teleneurology services.             through numerous awards and accreditations.
                                                                                    Saratoga                                                                                                     372
                                                                                     Springs                                                                                                               17
                                                                                                                                                                                        Cambridge                                     You can learn more about these accomplishments, and many others, by reading this year’s annual report.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Through it all, we remain grateful for the outpouring of support we have received from donors, community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      members, patients, family members of our healthcare heroes and many others. You all have reminded us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of the importance of a strong community hospital and what we can achieve when we come together,
1.   Glens Falls Hospital                                                                                                        8.    Rehabilitation & Wellness Center                                15. Wilton Medical Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      united by a single mission.
                                                                                                                                       Hearing Center                                                      Hearing Center at Wilton
2.   Physical Therapy at Main Street
                                                                                                                                 9.    Adirondack Cardiology                                           16. Greenwich Medical Center   I am confident that with your continued support Glens Falls Hospital will remain strong no matter the
3.   Adirondack ENT
                                                                                                                                 10. Advanced Imaging at Baybrook                                      17. Cambridge Medical Center   circumstance and continue to positively impact the lives of the people we serve throughout the region.
4.   Orthopedic Specialists of Glens Falls Hospital                                                                                                                                                        and Urgent Care
     Surgical Specialists of Glens Falls Hospital                                                                                11. Hudson Falls Lab Collection
     General Surgery, Thoracic, Urology                                                                                                                                                                18. Salem Medical Center
                                                                                                                                 12. Hudson Falls Medical Center
5.   Lab Services at 90 South Street                                                                                                                                                                   19. Granville Medical Center
                                                                                                                                 13. Medical Imaging and Lab Services                                                                                        Best of Health,
6.   Physical Therapy at Irongate                                                                                                      at HHHN Moreau Family Health                                    20. Whitehall Medical Center
7.   Community Care Coordination                                                                                                 14. Evergreen Medical Center

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dianne Shugrue
                                                                                                                            PHOTO DISCLAIMER                                                                                                                 President & CEO

     The 2020 Annual Report includes a collection of images from throughout the year,
     masked and unmasked. Please understand that the unmasked images were either
          taken before the COVID-19 pandemic or with proper social distancing.
YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital
• In coordination with state guidelines,                     • The FOOD! So many individuals,
                                                 OUR RESPONSE TO THE                                                                   visitation was temporarily closed                             organizations and restaurants

                      COVID-19 PANDEMIC
                                                                                                                                       down. Understanding how important                             delivered meal after meal. We
                                                                                                                                       a loved one’s presence may be for                             cannot thank our community
                                                                                                                                       recovery, the Patient Experience team                         enough for the amazing response.
                                                                                                                                       encouraged virtual visitation via digital
                                                                                                                                       devices to stay in touch with patients.                     • Area businesses, dentists and others donated supplies
    The optimism that greets each new decade is often palpable; New Year’s celebrations                                                The hospital was able to provide iPads                        of masks, hazmat gear, gloves and other PPE to help
    seem more joyous, plans for the future become more urgent and most people look                                                     to those who didn’t have technology                           with the shortage we saw at the onset of the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                       to communicate with loved ones.
     forward to what the new decade will bring in technology and yes, in healthcare.
      To say 2020 has been challenging would be the understatement of any decade.                                                    • In the face of limited personal protective
                                                                                                                                        equipment (PPE), Kenta Kameda, RN,
                                                                                                                                        Clinical Nurse Informaticist, jumped in
    Still, at Glens Falls Hospital your local team of healthcare    Here are a few examples of how Glens Falls Hospital,                with two 3D printers to make custom
    heroes stepped up to take on a frightening virus, stepped       our amazing employees and a grateful community                      shields to help protect our colleagues.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • The artful expressions of support, from the thank you
    in front of the virus to do everything in their power to save   tackled the most severe, world-wide health crisis in more
                                                                                                                                                                                                      messages written in chalk on our walkways, to giant,
    and change lives and stepped over obstacles to provide          than 100 years—the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.                  • Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      painted rainbows, to framed donations of art from
    innovative and cutting-edge therapies.                                                                                             Hillary Alycon, MPH, CIC, Director of Infection
                                                                                                                                                                                                      children have brightened our days during this dark time.
                                                                                                                                       Prevention & Control, has presented multiple,
                                                                                                                                       virtual community presentations on topics
                                                                                                                                       surrounding the virus as well as the vaccine.
                                                                                                                                        Those videos can be found at

    • By the time COVID-19                                           COVID-19. Led by Jim Keeley, Respiratory Care Services         • In December 2020, we established a COVID-19                • Local Marketing and Advertising firm Trampoline Design
       reached the North Country,                                     Manager, the team cross-trained anesthesiologists in              Vaccine Clinic for essential healthcare workers.             partnered with Fountain Square Outfitters to develop a
       Glens Falls Hospital was                                       the use of anesthesia machines as ventilators. The team                                                                        “Quarantine Adventure” line of clothing which they sold
       already prepared. Erin                                         also converted single ventilators into dual ventilators,       COMMUNITY SUPPORT                                               as a fundraiser for the hospital.
       Perkins, Senior Director of                                    so two patients could be placed on a single machine.
       Laboratory Services, started                                                                                                  • Hospital employees                                         • In a remarkable and generous gift to Glens Falls Hospital
       the process to begin broad-                                  • Glens Falls Hospital was one of the first in the country to      were brought to tears                                        and all of our frontline heroes, Behan Communications
       based testing. We immediately                                  be able to offer convalescent plasma as a therapy option.         on multiple occasions                                        wrote, produced, filmed (by cinematographer Cameron
       mobilized teams, converted the Emergency Department            Thanks to the incredible advocacy of a patient’s family,          due to the overwhelming                                      Gallagher) and directed (by Behan Communications
       ambulance ramp and helipad into temporary testing              and the dedication of our clinical pharmacy team, patient         support received from our friends and neighbors,             Vice President John Brodt), the Documentary “Behind
       sites including a specially designed clinical trailer and      Bill Burns received only the second treatment given in the        starting with the amazing—and huge—parade of                 the Masks – Stories of Care, Compassion and
       even made it possible for patients to be tested in parking     Capital District and was able to have a successful recovery.      first responders and community members organized             Innovation at Glens Falls Hospital during
       areas so they did not have to leave their vehicles.                                                                              by Feed the Frontlines founder Jacque Ecuyer,                the COVID-19 Pandemic” to show an exclusive
                                                                                          “The team at Glens Falls Hospital             who was inspired by GFH employee Keri Randall-               look behind the scenes at GFH during 2020.
    • At the onset, one of                                                                was unbelievably amazing, the                Sherman. This was followed by a parade of UPS
       the crucial issues we                                                               nurses even arranged for us to               trucks, a flyover of a U.S. Coast Guard C-130, outdoor          The video can be viewed at
       faced was a shortage                                                                FaceTime with Bill twice a day               holiday dance performances and much more.             
       of personal protective                                                              because we could not visit him.”
       equipment (PPE),
       in particular N95                                                                  – Karen Burns (patient’s wife)
       respirators, like most
       hospitals in the country. Our facilities and engineering
       team, led by Senior Director Frank Cheever, developed       • Our hospital was the first in the United States to
       a method to safely sterilize and reuse our respirator         begin a trial of TD-0903. The sponsor of this study,
       supply. UVC light has been proven to kill the virus. The      Theravance Biopharma Ireland Limited, is developing
                                                                     a new investigational drug to treat Acute Lung Injury           We wish to urge each and every one of you                     We want to assure you that your safety and well-being
       team purchased the equipment and converted a storeroom
                                                                     associated with COVID-19. The aim of this study                 to continue to be vigilant because this deadly                continues to be our number one priority. The policies
       into a UVC light sterilization room, and began sterilizing
                                                                     is to determine whether the drug may help treat                 virus is still prevalent in our communities.                  and procedures we have in place today ensure that
       N95s in less than 48 hours. This allowed us to safely use
                                                                     lung injury and breathing difficulties in participants                                                                        our hospital, outpatient clinics and physician offices
       personal respirators up to five times, with each respirator
                                                                     admitted to the hospital with COVID-19.                         • We encourage everyone to get the COVID-19                  remain a safe place for you to receive care.
       sterilized and then returned to the specific owner.
                                                                                                                                        vaccine when it becomes available to you.
                                                                    • In addition, GFH was among the first to                       • Wear a mask!                                               It’s more important than ever to remain in control of your
    • There was also a concern about the availability of
                                                                      be given authorization to use monoclonal                                                                                     health. Do not delay seeking care if you are feeling unwell.
       ventilators—“breathing machines” that can help a patient                                                                      • Practice good hand hygiene—wash your hands
       survive the terrible pneumonia that can accompany              antibodies for the treatment of COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                        with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
                                                                                                                                       void large crowds and always practice social distancing.
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YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital

                                                                                                                                        BY THE NUMBERS
                                                                                                                                Glens Falls Hospital Year Ended
                                                                                                                                December 31, 2020
                                                                                                                                                                   These numbers represent
                                                                                                                                Salaries, Wages and                unaudited figures

                                                                                                                                Employee Benefits:                 +
                                                                                                                                                                    Figures come from 2021
                                                                                                                                $173,372,094                       HANYS Economic and
                                                                                                                                                                   Community Benefit Report

                                                                                                                                Supplies and Other:
                                                                                                                                $151,689,808                                                                          Allocated nearly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of operating expenses
                                                                                                                                                                                                               to the employees of the
                                                                                                                                $3,562,058                                                                        organization through
                                                                                                                                TOTAL EXPENSES:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    wages and benefits
                                                      OUR STRATEGIC                                                             $347,315,868

                     AFFILIATION UPDATE
                         Glens Falls Hospital officially became an affiliate of the
                             Albany Med Health System on July 1st, 2020.

    The affiliation joins Albany Medical Center Hospital,
    Columbia Memorial Health, Glens Falls Hospital and
                                                                     they also seek easy access to highly specialized
                                                                     services through Albany Med, the region’s only
                                                                                                                                  80 million
    Saratoga Hospital together to form the only locally              academic health sciences center.                           in tax dollars generated to
    governed, not-for-profit health system in the region. With
    over 15,000 employees, 1,520 beds, over 800 physicians           A region is a collection of its communities, and each      stimulate the local economy
    and 125 outpatient locations reaching from the Hudson            community has its own characteristics. The hospitals,      and New York State, with
    Valley to the Adirondacks, the Albany Med Health System          physician practice offices and urgent care centers
    brings an unprecedented breadth of expertise and                 of the Albany Med Health System retain their own
    coordinated care to patients across our region.

    Strong partnerships enhance quality of care. With four
                                                                     unique identities for the communities they serve.
                                                                     Each hospital maintains its own name, leadership,
                                                                     employees, board and fundraising team.
                                                                                                                                3,900 jobs                                                                     $
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 9.2 million
    hospitals working together, the expertise of each forms                                                                     created by Glens                                                             reinvestment back into
    a network, similar to that of large, metropolitan medical        Our patients have helped guide our growth. The
                                                                                                                                Falls Hospital+                                                               facilities, equipment
    centers. In this way, the Albany Med Health System               Albany Med Health System makes access to and
    brings more resources further into our communities. Our          coordination of care easier. Through integration and                                                                                        and technology
    interdisciplinary teams collaborate to elevate standards of      collaboration, we are committed to bringing you our
    care across the system—not just in one place. The strengths      shared skills and compassion. We ensure that the
    of each hospital, along with Albany Med’s advanced care,         level of care you have come to expect endures.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 61 million
    provide powerful and clinically advanced options for patients.
                                                                     Glens Falls Hospital is proud to be a part of the Albany
    The System’s vision for the future is to offer coordinated       Med Health System—and we will always remember
    care in a wide variety of specialties. Our neighbors seek        our promise to you; we will be here and safe through                                                                    in community benefits
    community-based care from providers they know and trust;         it all and even stronger thanks to this affiliation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                and investments+
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YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital
GLENS FALLS HOSPITAL                                                     GFH ADDS DUAL ENERGY SUBTRACTION CHEST X-RAY

                              SYSTEM UPDATE                                                                            Glens Falls Hospital is now the region’s only hospital
                                                                                                                       to offer Dual Energy Subtraction digital imaging.
                                                                                                                                                                                               resulting in better outcomes for patients. Plus, this technique
                                                                                                                                                                                               utilizes lower radiation doses. This is the new elevated
                                                                                                                                                                                               standard of medical imaging at Glens Falls Hospital.
           Each year, we continue to evolve to ensure we achieve our                                                                                    A conventional chest X-ray
                                                                                                                                                        shows the entire anatomy               In addition to this new technology, we also have
          mission and stay strong for years to come. This year, our regional                                                                            superimposed over each other,          installed a new digital C-arm (X-ray machine) for the
            system saw many changes, including new services and programs.                                                                               for example, both the rib cage         Operating Room that produces some of the clearest
                                                                                                                                                        over the lungs, often making it        pictures to help guide surgeons performing surgery.
                                                                                                                                                        difficult to identify certain areas.

                                                                                                                                                        Now, the GE Definium 646 HD
                                                                                                                                                        X-ray machines allow for a much
                                                                                                                                                        more detailed view of either bone
    NOW OFFERING TELEHEALTH                                                                                                                             structures or soft tissue, because
                                                                                                                                                        they use dual energy subtraction
    To ensure that patients can see a provider                                                                         Radiology Operations Manager
                                                                                                                                                        to “subtract” bone structures.
    for many of their primary care needs                                                                                Hal Pike with the GE Definium   The clear, precise imaging allows
                                                                                                                            646 HD X-ray system         for more detailed diagnoses,            Left image is a conventional X-ray; the two right images are dual energy subtraction X-rays
    and specialty care, as well as follow-up
    appointments, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we
    introduced telehealth options in 2020—options that                                                                  Visit for a full list of services at each of our convenient locations.
    are easy to access, with providers you know and trust.
    Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve gone
    from zero telehealth visits to over 1,200 a week!
                                                              GLENS FALLS HOSPITAL AND APTIHEALTH
    Don’t forget—if you are already registered                ANNOUNCE PARTNERSHIP TO DELIVER                          BEHAVIORAL HEALTH UPDATE
    with our Patient Portal you can simply sign in,           VIRTUAL BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE
    view telehealth options and self-schedule an                                                                       Glens Falls Hospital has transitioned outpatient behavioral health services to Behavioral Health Services North. Glens
    appointment. If you have not yet registered with          Glens Falls Hospital partnered with aptihealth, the      Falls Hospital will continue to provide inpatient behavioral healthcare and crisis care in our Emergency Department.
    our patient portal, the process is quick and easy.        leader in integrated behavioral healthcare, to deliver
                                                              rapid access to virtual care to patients at all of our
     Visit               primary care practices. This program has been
     to learn more and to self-enroll.                        shown to decrease symptom severity by over               MEDICAL IMAGING AND LAB SERVICES
                                                              50%, resulting in improved health outcomes.              AT HHHN MOREAU FAMILY HEALTH
                                                              Patients are matched with a behavioral health
                                                              therapist who specializes in their areas of need,        Hudson Headwaters Health Network constructed
                                                              and together develop a personalized care plan.           the 22,000-square foot building designed
    GLENS FALLS HOSPITAL AND                                                                                                                                                                                 Opened
                                                              Working with aptihealth we are able to greatly           with a specific partnership planned from the
    MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL                                                                                                                                                                           January
                                                              enhance our offerings for behavioral health              outset. Hudson Headwaters’ Moreau Family
    PARTNER FOR TELENEUROLOGY SERVICES                                                                                                                                                                        2020
                                                              services in a way that is convenient and safe.           Health Center is located in one portion of the
                                                                                                                       building and Glens Falls Hospital Laboratory
    Glens Falls Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital
                                                                                                                       and Medical Imaging Services are in the other.
    (MGH) have collaborated to offer Teleneurology as part
    of the New York State Stroke Center located at GFH.
                                                                                                                       The Glens Falls Hospital Laboratory allows
                                                                                                                       patients to have samples taken for testing in
    Physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital have over
                                                                                                                       support of both primary care and specialty care
    20 years in the field of teleneurology, diagnosing and                                                                                                                                                                                                          197
                                                                                                                       services. Its medical imaging suite offers many
    managing a spectrum of disease, from the “common”
                                                                                                                       diagnostic services to patients including X-ray,
    stroke to the rarest of cerebrovascular conditions.       LAB SERVICES AT 90 SOUTH STREET                          computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound.
    Using advanced video-conferencing technology,             Glens Falls Hospital opened Laboratory
    patients who present to GFH with stroke symptoms          Services at 90 South Street in April 2020!
    can be quickly and effectively diagnosed by a
    teleneurologist. This program allows for GFH                                                                        Medical Imaging and Lab Services
    Neurologists and Emergency Department staff along          Laboratory Services at 90 South Street                   at HHHN Moreau Family Health
    with MGH Neurologists to visually participate in           90 South Street – Lower Level, Glens Falls, NY 12801     1299 Route 9, Gansevoort, NY 12831
    the patient’s care when they present to the ED with        518.926.3892                                             518.926.1730
    a stroke emergency 24/7—365 days a year.

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YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital
                                        Barbara McDermott, MS, RN, NEA-BC, CCRN-K, RCIS
                                             Director of Critical Care and Cardiac Services

                                                                                                                             TOR | Barbara
                                                                                                                          IBU              M
    The Cardiac Catherization Laboratory opened in 1996 with one                                                       N
                                                                                                                        TR                  c


    single lab, a small recovery room and performed minimal services.


                                                                                                                                                        tt, M
    I had the privilege to be one of the first nurses to work in the lab

                                                                                                                                                     S, RN, N
    and support the development of policies and procedures. It did not

    take long for our lab to grow to meet the needs of our community


    and provide a much-needed service here at Glens Falls Hospital.
                                                                                                                               , RCIS

    By 2020, the Cardiac Cath Lab moved
    to a larger space with additional
                                                 population. In many instances, using
                                                 catheters and stents to restore blood
                                                                                           between when someone presents at
                                                                                           the Emergency Department with a                                                 COMMITTEE ON DIVERSITY,
                                                                                                                                                                           EQUITY & INCLUSION (CDEI)
    procedure rooms with high-resolution         flow to the lower extremities rather      heart attack and when the appropriate
    imaging for diagnostic and                   than a surgical intervention can reduce   intervention is performed. The national
    interventional cases. The cardiology         hospital stay, reduce infection rates     standard door-to-intervention is 90
    team now performs a variety of services      and improve patient quality of life.      minutes or less. In 2019 and 2020,
    including coronary interventions,                                                      Glens Falls Hospital’s door-to-
    implantable defibrillators and               One of the emergency interventions        intervention time was about 61                                                  At Glens Falls Hospital we are committed to achieving an environment of
    cardiac monitors, cardioversions and         performed at the Cath Lab is a            minutes, nearly 30 minutes better                                             inclusion and equity that respects, affirms and leverages the backgrounds
    transesophageal echocardiograms.             Percutaneous Coronary Intervention        than the national standard.
    Electrophysiology studies can also           (PCI), a nonsurgical procedure that                                                                                     and life experiences of our workforce and the communities we serve.
    happen in the Cath Lab, including            improves blood flow to your heart.         That is a testament to the commitment of
    cardiac ablations for arrhythmias. The       Before hospitals began performing          our team. We have strong relationships
    Interventional Radiology team also           PCIs, patients who suffered a heart        with the Emergency Department, EMS
    has dedicated labs within the suite for      attack were given medications that         and cardiologists in our area plus
    interventional cases, as well as ablations   dissolve blood clots. Using the PCI        the interdisciplinary cardiac care and
    to tumors of the liver and kidneys.          method, we are able to restore             Cath Lab team are 110% committed                                        Across our healthcare system, we            The Committee on Diversity, Equity           and, to the extent that one’s individual
                                                 blood flow to the heart quickly and        to providing the best possible care                                     are mindful of all aspects of human         & Inclusion was established in 2020          conscience permits, moving beyond
    As a critical care nurse of over three       have even reduced the average              and outcomes for our patients. I am                                     differences, such as socioeconomic          to help us achieve this vision.              tolerance to embracing the rich
    decades, the changes I have seen in          length of stay for patients who            so proud of the dedicated team I have                                   status, race, ethnicity, language,                                                       dimensions contained in each person.”
    healthcare are amazing. The technology       have suffered a heart attack               the privilege to work with—they are                                     nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual   Diversity, equity and inclusion is also a
    and innovative equipment is such an          from 5-7 days to 3 days.                   some of the most compassionate,                                         orientation, religion, geography,           key priority of the Albany Med Health        At Glens Falls Hospital the CDEI team
    improvement for our patients. Patients                                                  talented and competent staff that                                       disability and age. We recognize that       System. The system Board adopted             has developed several initiatives we
    can have procedures and go home the          Over the years, advancements in science I have ever worked with. There is                                          excellence in all aspects of care and       a “Diversity Definition” in the fall of      believe will further our mission and
    next day or same day in some cases.          along with enhanced care coordination      nothing that we won’t do for our                                        service delivery can only be achieved       2020. It states, “Diversity means            vision, and make diversity, equity and
    Just as we have seen the improvements        has allowed us to do even more for the     patients, and we are always striving                                    when staff, patients and residents          understanding that each individual           inclusion an ingrained part of who we
    for our cardiac patients to restore blood    patients we serve. That work is evident in to be better for the people we serve.                                   genuinely connect and engage across         is unique, and it recognizes and             are. A zero-tolerance policy is being
    flow to the heart, we see the same           our door-to-intervention time, meaning                                                                             cultures to create health equity.           embraces individual differences and          developed that will ensure discrimination
    amazing technology for our vascular          the amount of time that elapses                                                                                                                                abilities. Those differences and abilities   of any kind is not tolerated. An Ally
                                                                                                                                                                    Our mission statement reads, “Guided        can be one, or some of the following:        program is being established; Allies
                                                                                                                                                                    by the needs of our patients and            race, ethnicity, gender (including           are members of the committee and
                                                                                                                                                                    our teams, we support efforts to            gender identity and expression), sexual      others who will receive special training
                                                                                                                                                                    help Glens Falls Hospital deliver           orientation, socioeconomic status, age,      in how to be of assistance to any
                                                                                                                                                                    equitable health care in a culturally       physical abilities, religious beliefs/       who feel marginalized and need a
      Every 40 seconds someone in the United                                                                                                                        responsive, compassionate way; to           values, geographic location, ethical         confidential, safe person or space.
      States suffers from a heart attack. About one                                                                                                                 improve the health and well-being           values or other ideologies. Diversity        We are also working toward designation
      in five of all heart attacks are silent, meaning                                                                                                              of the diverse communities we               explores such individual differences         as a LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader.
      the damage is done but you may not even                                                                                                                       serve; and to educate, engage and           and abilities in a safe, positive and        These are just a few of the many
      be aware that you’ve had a heart attack.                                                                                                                      enhance cultural awareness and              nurturing environment. And, it involves      initiatives the CDEI is working on.
                                                                                                                                                                    inclusion across our workforce.”            humans understanding each other

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YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital

                                                                                                                                       American Red Cross Blood Drive                          Cancer Services Program

                                                                                                                                       In 2020, Glens Falls Hospital hosted five               The Cancer Services Program of Warren, Washington &
                                                                                                                                       American Red Cross Blood Drives and                     Hamilton Counties provides breast, cervical and colorectal
                                                                                                       Volunteers going                was able to collect 260 units of blood.                 cancer screenings at no cost to eligible men ages 50-64
                                                                                                       above and beyond!                                                                       and women ages 40-64 who do not have health insurance.
                                                                                                                                       Lung Cancer Screening
                                                                                                       In 2020, more than 200 adult                                                            In 2020, the Cancer Services Program screened 142
                                                                                                       and junior volunteers along     Glens Falls Hospital provides a Lung Cancer Screening   clients—104 breast cancer screenings, 29 cervical
                                                                                                       with several community          Program for individuals who are at high risk for        cancer screenings and 64 colorectal screenings.
     At Glens Falls Hospital, we are 2,300 team members who                                            helpers, dedicated more         developing lung cancer. In 2020, there were 1,747
     are proud to care for our friends and neighbors. We live,                                         than 6,747 hours to Glens       people screened with 15 cancers diagnosed.                 For more information, please call 518.926.6570 or visit
                                                                                                       Falls Hospital in a variety                                                      
     work and play in this community and our team loves to                                             of different ways, in spite     Skin Cancer Screening
     give back and care for our region in more ways than one.                                          of the pandemic. Although
                                                                                                       volunteers were sent home       At the C.R. Wood Cancer Center’s annual Free Skin
     Check out some of things we’ve been up to this year!                                              to ensure their safety during   Cancer Screening Clinic, a total of 79 individuals
                                                                                                       COVID-19, many continued        were screened, of which 18 individuals were referred
                                                                                                       to work from home making        for a follow-up visit to a primary care provider          SERVING OUR COMMUNITY
                                                                                                       much-needed items for the       or dermatologist for additional inspection.
                                                                                                       hospital. They created:                                                                   Be sure to check out our most recent Community Health
                                                                                                                                       Orthopedic Community Presentations                        Needs Assessment used to identify and prioritize health
                                                                                                         ,241 masks
                                                                                                                                                                                                 needs of the patients and communities within the region
                                                                                                                                       The Orthopedic Specialists of Glens Falls                 on our website at
                                                                                                                                       Hospital hosted multiple community                        HealthNeedsAssessment. We welcome feedback on
     United Way Campaign             Community Support               Health Promotion Center                                                                                                     these plans by mail or through our website ‘Contact Us’ page.
                                                                                                                                       presentations on topics such as hip and
                                                                     at Glens Falls Hospital
                                                                                                                                       knee arthritis, total joint replacements and our
     A very big THANK YOU to         Glens Falls Hospital is
                                                                                                                                       new MAKO® Robotic-Arm Assisted technology.
     all donors who participated     proud to partner with           For over 115 years, Glens         • 476 walker bags
     in this year’s United Way       many local organizations        Falls Hospital has worked to      •O ver 200 teddy bears
     Campaign! Together we           in our region. In 2020, we      create healthier populations        were made by Wings
     raised over $30,500 for our     provided nearly $65,000         through partnerships with           Falls Quilting Guild
     local community and the         through sponsorships and        schools, communities
     organizations that provide      additional support that         and providers. We focus
     essential services to our       benefit more than 20 local      on initiatives to support
     patients and their families!    businesses and communities:     physical activity, nutrition
                                     • Adirondack Theatre Festival   and tobacco cessation
                                     • Adirondack Thunder            through organizational,
                                                                                                       • 200 pillowcases
                                     • Glens Falls Rotary            policy and systems changes.
                                                                                                       •1 00s of holiday masks
                                     • Too Life!                     The COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                                                         for distribution to our
                                     •Z onta Club Foundation        required a shift in priorities
                                                                                                         discharged patients
                                       of Glens Falls                for our region and the
                                                                                                       •B eautiful, warm blankets
                                     • Tri-County United Way         communities we serve. We
                                                                                                         were knitted and crocheted
     Adopt A Soldier                 •A merican Heart Association   have continued to support
                                       Eastern States                health promotion efforts
                                                                                                       We appreciate all our
     The GFH community               •W iawaka Center               by adopting new ways of
                                                                                                       volunteers and community
     participated in Operation         for Women                     addressing wellness activities,
                                                                                                       helpers for bringing joy
     Adopt A Soldier. We were        • West Mountain                 including appropriate
                                                                                                       to our patients and staff
     able to fill a large donation   •S aratoga Performing          precautions to keep our
                                                                                                       during a challenging time!
     box with enough items             Arts Center                   staff and community safe.
     to make dozens of care          • And many, many more!
     packages for our soldiers
     overseas. Thanks to everyone
     for their support!

YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital
                          MANAGEMENT OF                                                                                                                                                          NEW PROVIDERS

                         CHRONIC SINUSITIS                                                                                 TOR | Dr. Sea
                                                                                                                        IBU             nK
                                                                                                                      TR                  e



                                                   Dr. Sean Kennedy, Adirondack ENT

     Do you hate when your nose feels clogged? Or that feeling
                                                                                                                                                                                      Jeffrey Stark, PA       Muhammad Munawar, MD               Stephen Monn, MD
     of sinus pressure? It could be a sign of chronic sinusitis.                                                                                    Stephanie Sauer, FNP
                                                                                                                                                    CAMBRIDGE URGENT CARE         CAMBRIDGE MEDICAL CENTER        INPATIENT BEHAVIORAL           PULMONARY IP CONSULTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HEALTH SERVICES

     The sinuses make thin mucus that             to reduce inflammation, 4) treating the    Sinus surgery is done without any
     drains into the nasal passageway and         underlying condition, such as allergies,   visible incisions. The surgeon uses
     works as a filtration system, keeping        asthma or immune deficiency conditions,    tiny surgical instruments to remove
     the nose clean and free of bacteria.         5) procedural interventions.               unwanted tissue through the nostril
     However, the sinuses can become                                                         or to correct a deviated septum.
     inflamed or infected when they are           Adirondack ENT also offers complete        Endoscopic sinus surgery requires
     blocked—this is called sinusitis.            allergy and asthma care. Services          extreme precision due to the location
     There are several kinds of sinusitis         include allergy testing, medical           of the sinuses near the eyes and
     ranging from acute cases to chronic          management, biologics and                  brain. Because of this, surgeons
     issues. Acute sinusitis typically lasts      immunotherapy (allergy shots) to           may also suggest image-guided
     only a few days. On the other hand,          diagnose and treat even the most           or computer-assisted endoscopic
     symptoms of chronic sinusitis never          severe allergies.                          sinus surgery to allow for an even                   Amine Gebremichael, MD              Travis Smith, DO         Tiffany Tryniszewski, MD             Anna Bass, MD
     really go away for long periods of time,                                                more safe and thorough procedure.                    PEDIATRIC HOSPITALIST PROGRAM        GFH NEUROLOGY              INPATIENT BEHAVIORAL            INTENSIVIST PROGRAM
     resulting in a significant decrease in       Procedural interventions are sometimes     Endoscopic sinus surgery typically                                                                                      HEALTH SERVICES
     quality of life. Chronic sinusitis can be    needed in cases of chronic sinusitis       takes about two hours and does not
     caused by many factors like blocked          that do not respond to medical             require an overnight hospital stay.
     airways from asthma or allergies,            management. Our surgeons at
     infections, abnormal nasal structures,       Glens Falls Hospital and Adirondack        The management of chronic sinusitis
     polyps or a weak immune system.              ENT can correct structural problems        often takes a complex approach. The
                                                  within the nasal passages and              providers of Adirondack ENT are here
     Treatment of chronic sinusitis often         sinuses and remove polyps or other         to identify and address contributing
     requires a multifaceted approach             tissue blocking the nasal passages.        factors of your disease helping define
     to address all the underlying factors        Clearing the nasal and sinus passages      and execute a tailored treatment that
     contributing to the condition. Studies       reduces facial pressure and pain,          is most likely to result in the better
     have demonstrated that the early             restoring your sense of smell and          outcome and improved quality of life.
     referral to Otolaryngology will lead         making it easier to breathe.
                                                                                                                                                    Angela Eggleston, PA           Elizabeth Kaplan, PA       Catherine DelSignore, MD         Rehman Chowdhry, MD
     to better outcomes and improve
                                                                                                                                                      SURGICAL PA PROGRAM              GFH NEUROLOGY          PEDIATRIC HOSPITALIST PROGRAM   PEDIATRIC HOSPITALIST PROGRAM
     quality of life. At Glens Falls Hospital’s   One option—a Balloon Sinuplasty.
     Adirondack ENT we have the ability and       This allows the surgeon to open a
     resources to offer comprehensive care        blocked sinus. This typically takes
     in the treatment of chronic sinusitis,       less than 30 minutes and can be
     among many other ear, nose and               performed in the Adirondack ENT
     throat conditions. Some of the ways          office. If the blockage or symptoms of
     we treat chronic sinusitis is through:       chronic sinusitis are severe, doctors
     1) education of allergies and                may choose to perform this procedure
     environmental triggers, 2) sinus             in combination with sinus surgery.
     irrigations, 3) using medications

                                                                                                                                                                     Michael Dinkels, MD            Gary Volkell, DO         Susan McDermott, PMHNP
                                                                                                                                                                      INTENSIVIST PROGRAM              GFH NEUROLOGY              INPATIENT BEHAVIORAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HEALTH SERVICES
13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            14
YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital
ACCREDITATIONS, AWARDS                                                                                 CDPHP TOP DOCTORS
                                                        AND RECOGNITION                                                                                        Nominated by their patients and their peers for going above and beyond during the
                                                        ACCREDITATIONS                 Intersocietal Accreditation                                             pandemic, CDPHP announced its 2020 Top Doctors celebrating the region’s top-performing
                                                                                       Commission (IAC):                                                       primary care practices. The Glens Falls Hospital practices honored were Evergreen
                                                        DNV GL: Healthcare             Peripheral Venous Testing                                               Medical Center, Greenwich Medical Center, Salem Medical Center and
                                                                                                                                                               Whitehall Medical Center. Congratulations to all!
                                                        American Academy               NYS Department of Health
                                                        of Sleep Medicine:             License: Laboratory
                                                        Sleep Disorders Center         American Nurses
                                                        American Association           Credentialing Center
                                                        of Diabetes Educators:         (ANCC): Practice Transition
                                                        Self-Management                Program with Distinction           PRIMARY STROKE CENTER CERTIFICATION FROM DNV GL HEALTHCARE
                                                        Education Classes
                                                                                       AWARDS AND                         Glens Falls Hospital received certification from DNV GL Healthcare as a Primary Stroke
                                                        American College of                                               Center, affirming the hospital’s readiness to handle a full range of stroke-related
                                                        Radiology, Mammography         RECOGNITION
                                                                                                                          medical problems, from diagnosis and treatment to rehabilitation and education.
                                                        Accreditation Program:                                            We are committed to rapid and effective treatment that can save lives and provide
                                                        The Breast Center              American Heart Association -
                                                                                       Mission: Lifeline: STEMI           the best chance of limiting the extent of long-term damage after a stroke.
                                                        American College of            Receiving Center BRONZE
                                                        Radiology: Breast Imaging      Achievement Award Hospital
                                                        Center of Excellence
                                                                                       Blue Cross Blue Shield -
                                                        American College of            Blue Distinction Center
                                                        Surgeons, Commission           for Maternity Care:                                                       CLEAN FACILITY
                                                        on Cancer, Community           Joyce Stock Snuggery
                                                        Hospital Comprehensive                                                                                   Glens Falls Hospital has earned a Clean Facility Certificate from the Association for the
                                                        Cancer Program:                Centers for Medicare and                                                  Health Care Environment. Glens Falls Hospital has completed the Pathways to Clean
                                                        C.R. Wood Cancer Center        Medicaid Services (CMS):                                                  Certificate Program, led by Jim Morris, Director of Environmental Services, which includes
                                                                                       Carotid Artery Stenting Facility                                          training and education content related to COVID-19, infection prevention strategies, cleaning,
                                                        American College of
                                                                                       Centers for Medicare and                                                  disinfection, sanitation, emerging pathogens and preparedness for biological events.
                                                        Radiation Oncology:
                                                        C.R. Wood Cancer Center        Medicaid Services (CMS):
                                                                                       Comprehensive Primary
                                                        American College of            Care Plus Participant
     GET WITH THE                                       Radiology Accreditation:
                                                                                       National Committee for

                                                        Ultrasound, CT Scanner,                                           UNITED WAY COMMUNITY CHAMPION AWARD
                                                        PET Scanner and MRI            Quality Assurance (NCQA):
                                                                                       Patient-Centered Medical
                                                        College of American                                               GFH was awarded the United Way Community Champion Award being recognized as, “an organization that
                                                                                       Home Recognized (eight
                                                        Pathologists: Laboratory                                          exemplifies the philosophy that their core values reflect an alignment to the overall betterment of the local community,”
                                                                                       regional medical centers)
                                                                                                                          and thanked by United Way Interim Executive Director Peter Aust for our outstanding employee participation.
     Glens Falls Hospital received                      DNV GL: Primary                NYS Department of
                                                        Stroke Center
     the American Heart Association/                                                   Health Designation:
                                                        Intersocietal Accreditation    Center of Excellence for
     American Stroke Association’s                      Commission (IAC):              Alzheimer’s Disease
     Get With The Guidelines® Target:                   Adult Transthoracic            NYS Department of
     Stroke Honor Roll Silver Plus                      Intersocietal Accreditation    Health Designation:
                                                                                       New York State Stroke Center
                                                        Commission (IAC):
     Quality Achievement Award.                         Echocardiography               HANYS Commitment
                                                        Intersocietal Accreditation    to Excellence Award
     The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment     Commission (IAC):              American Heart Association/
     to ensuring stroke patients receive the most       Vascular Testing               American Stroke Association:
     appropriate treatment according to nationally      Intersocietal Accreditation    Get With The Guidelines®
     recognized, research-based guidelines based on     Commission (IAC):              Target: Stroke Honor
     the latest scientific evidence.                    Nuclear Cardiology             Roll Silver Plus Quality
                                                                                       Achievement Award
     Glens Falls Hospital additionally received the     Intersocietal Accreditation
                                                        Commission (IAC):              Association for the
     association’s Target: StrokeSM Honor Roll award.
                                                        Extracranial Cerebrovascular   Health Care Environment:
     We are dedicated to continuously improving
                                                        Testing                        Clean Facility
     the quality of care for our stroke patients.                                                                                    Pictured L-R below are GFH United Way Volunteer Committee members Bates Childress (Senior Development Officer), Noel Harding (Clinical Informaticist),
                                                                                                                                  Tracy Mills (VP, Planning and United Way Board Member), Peter Aust (United Way Interim Executive Director) and Cathleen Traver (Director, Research & Planning)

15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 16
YEAR INREVIEW 2020 - Glens Falls Hospital

                                           AT THE JOYCE STOCK SNUGGERY                                                                                      BREAST CANCER CARE
                                                                                                                                                                            Dr. Steven Scalia, Surgical Specialists of Glens Falls Hospital
         While each birth is unique, the exceptional care moms and babies
          receive at the Joyce Stock Snuggery remains consistent. You’ll be
            supported by a care team that puts you and your family’s needs first.                                                           The C.R. Wood Cancer Center, Surgical Specialists of Glens Falls                                                    TR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TOR | Dr. Stev
                                                                                                                                            Hospital, Radiology Department and Radiation Oncology team


                                                                                                                                            are proud to join forces to provide cutting-edge cancer therapies

     We believe in holding ourselves to the highest
                                                                                                                                            for our community and at large population. This is a remarkable
     standards. That’s why the Joyce Stock Snuggery has                                           “The emotional comfort                    collaborative effort we can all be proud of. Few community-
     been designated as a Blue Distinction Center for
     Maternity Care by BlueShield of Northeastern
                                                                                                   of delivering at Glens Falls             based hospitals can offer this level of care. We are truly blessed.
                                                                                                   Hospital only exists because
     New York. We are proud to be nationally recognized                                            the clinical expertise is there.”
     for our expertise in delivering specialty care according to                                                                            Our comprehensive breast                    many women the option to have breast         Our breast screening programs use
     nationally established standards for quality and safety.                                      -Dr. Marcille Labban                     care program is second to                   conservation, known as a lumpectomy,         the latest state-of-the-art equipment,
                                                                                                                                            none. Physicians, nurses, radiology         and complete their radiation treatment       operated by an elite team of specialized
     We believe that knowledge and confidence set parents up                                                                                technicians, genetic counselors,            in a compressed, 2-week time frame.          technologists. We have a team of
     for success. Before baby comes, we proudly offer virtual                                     Mom to Snuggery baby | Olivia (‘20)       pharmacists and psychologists all           Traditional radiation is still offered to    dedicated radiologists whom have
     class options to prepare for what’s to come—from                                                                                       work in concert to provide a level of       those who do not qualify for this therapy.   taken a special interest in breast care
     understanding the labor and delivery process to how to                                                                                 care expected at most tertiary centers.     For those who qualify, a balloon catheter    and their collaboration with surgical
     change diapers, swaddle an infant and safe sleeping                                                                                    Now with our Albany Med Health              is placed at the time of lumpectomy          providers and other team members
     practices. Once baby arrives, the Joyce Stock Snuggery                                                                                 System affiliation, we have solidified      and radiation seeds are placed in the        ensures a high level of accuracy in
     offers specialized breastfeeding education from three                                                                                  our commitment to our patients and          balloon channels. This requires a highly     diagnosis and treatment of breast
     International Board Certified Lactation Consultants.                                                                                   can be comfortable they are receiving       skilled radiation oncology department        related problems. I see patients from
                                                                                                 “From labor to delivery,                   a big-city experience at their local,       and specialized equipment not usually        many different areas outside of our
     At the Joyce Stock Snuggery, our collaborative team                                          the team provided                         accessible hospital. ‘Here For You’ isn’t   available at a community hospital. We        community and can assure you that
     of providers, midwives, pediatricians, neonatal                                              constant, genuine care                    a catchy hollow phrase—we mean it!          are so fortunate to be able to offer this    our breast screening is praiseworthy.
     nurse practitioners, specially trained nurses and                                            and compassion.”                                                                      treatment to many patients, especially
     respiratory therapists provide 24/7 coverage to                                                                                        For nearly a decade, we have been           those who may live long distances from       I encourage my neighbors and friends to
     all newborns and moms. More than 50% of the                                                 -Laura Parrish-Combs                       offering a radiation alternative to         our hospital. This treatment spares          have their care at Glens Falls Hospital.
     Snuggery nurses have achieved a national specialty                                                                                     select breast cancer patients. This         many women a mastectomy because              In a close community like ours, it means
     certification in caring for moms and babies.                                                                                           technology, called Mammosite, has           they were not able to travel daily for six   people you know are taking care of
                                                                                                               Mom to Snuggery babies       improved over the years and gives           weeks to receive traditional radiation.      you. Doesn’t get any better than that!
     We have a Level 1 Special Care Nursery that is                Landon (‘07), Avery (‘09), Xavier (‘12), Zacharias (‘16), Amelia (‘20)
     equipped with eight beds for newborns requiring
     additional monitoring and support including IV
     therapy, cardiorespiratory monitoring and respiratory
     support. Plus, our recently redesigned space allows
     moms to be present with their babies in the Special
     Care Nursery to ensure that we are fostering a                                              “Kayden came into this world
     strong relationship between mother and child.                                                in the midst of a pandemic,
                                                                                                  but I felt safe through
     The staff of the Special Care Nursery have extensive
     experience in neonatal intensive care units as
                                                                                                  the whole experience.”                       “I trust the radiologists and technicians
     well as pediatric intensive care units to ensure                                            -Staci Oswald
                                                                                                                                               to function at the highest professional
     our babies receive the highest level of care.
                                                                                                                                               level. They have never let me down.”
     Our legacy of providing high-quality,                                      Mom to Snuggery babies | Kaiser (‘17) & Kayden (‘20)
     family-centered care is powered by
     expertise and built upon compassion.
                                                                                                                                               -Dr. Steven Scalia

17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            18
Built on COMPASSION.                                                                                                                  NURSING EXCELLENCE
                       Powered by PRECISION.                                                                                                                                         AT GLENS FALLS HOSPITAL
                                 MAKO® ROBOTIC-ARM ASSISTED TECHNOLOGY

     Starting in August 2020, Glens Falls Hospital began
     offering Stryker’s Mako® Robotic-Arm Assisted Total
     Hip and Total Knee replacement procedures. Robotic-
     arm assisted surgery is a new approach to joint replacement
     that offers tremendous precision for implant placement. The
     technology allows surgeons to create a patient-specific 3D
     plan to create precise cuts for more accuracy in alignment
     with less damage to healthy bone and soft tissue.


     The first step is patient-specific surgical planning.         With the diseased bone gone, your implant is placed into
     Before surgery, a CT scan of your hip or knee is taken        the joint. Then it’s off to the recovery room to begin your                                         THE JOURNEY TO MAGNET® RECOGNITION

                                                                                                                                            WE ARE IN THE HOMESTRETCH
     to develop a 3D-virtual model of your unique anatomy.         journey to recovery so you can enjoy your new joint.
     Your doctor uses this model to evaluate your bone
     structure, disease severity, joint alignment and even the     Clinical studies have shown that surgeries utilizing
     surrounding bone and tissue, so they can determine the        Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Technology yield better
     optimal size, placement and alignment of your implant.        patient outcomes, less post-operative pain, less need
                                                                   for opiate analgesics and decreased length of stay,                     The nurses of Glens Falls Hospital have been on the
     Throughout your procedure, Mako provides real-time            placing patients on the road to recovery faster.                        journey to Magnet® Recognition since 2014. During that time,
     data to your surgeon. This allows your surgeon to
     continuously assess the movement and tension of your          However, surgery is just one piece of the puzzle. The                   our nurses have been committed to shared governance, evidence-
     new joint, and adjust your surgical plan if desired.          Total Joint Program at Glens Falls Hospital provides                    based practice, nursing research and patient-centered care.
                                                                   patients an exceptional experience through all phases
     In the operating room, your surgeon guides Mako’s             of their joint replacement, with a comprehensive                        Our Magnet Program Director and her team wrote a
     robotic-arm to remove the arthritic bone and cartilage.       team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, Nurse Navigator                    700+ page document that chronicled countless examples
     A virtual boundary provides tactile resistance to protect     and physical and occupational therapists who all                        of exemplary patient outcomes and elevated nursing
     soft tissue and help the surgeon stay within the              put your needs first. Total care feels better.                          practice. On July 15th, 2020, Laura Pfeifer, MS, RN,
     boundaries defined in your surgical plan.                                                                                             CGRN, NEA-BC, Director of Nursing Excellence and
                                                                                                                                           Magnet, with Dianne Shugrue, President and CEO
                                                                                                                                           and Donna Kirker, MS, RN, NEA-BC, Vice President
                                                                                                                                           of Patient Services and Chief Nursing Officer looking on,
                                                                                                                                           hit the send button and submitted our document to the
     “I came out of this feeling                                                                     “The Mako® Robotic-Arm                American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) for review.
      so good and my life                                                                             Assisted Surgery was like an
      was so enhanced. It                                                                             immediate fix to something           After four months in review, the ANCC notified Donna and
      just made everything so                                                                         that had been bothering              Laura in December that our document was scored at the level
      easy and painless.”                                                                             me for two years.”                   of ‘excellence’ and our organization was progressing directly
                                                                                                                                           to site visit without the need for additional documentation
     -Barbara Sweet                                                                                  -Timothy Kissane                      or data to be sent. This is a huge achievement and a high
                                                                                                                                           honor for a first-time applicant organization. The nurses
                                                                                                                                           have since completed the three-day virtual site visit that took
     Mako® Robotic-Arm Assisted | Knee Replacement Patient, 2020              Mako® Robotic-Arm Assisted | Hip Replacement Patient, 2020
                                                                                                                                           place in February 2021. The site visit was an in-depth visit
                                                                                                                                           to verify, clarify and amplify the examples of excellence in
                                                                                                                                           our document. Now we are awaiting the final decision.
19                                                                                                                                                                                                             20
NURSING                                                                                                      2020 NURSING

                        BY THE NUMBERS                                                                                     AWARD WINNERS
         It is the belief of the professional nursing staff that every patient and family                                                                  DAISY AWARD

        has the right to holistic, compassionate, competent, ethical, quality healthcare                 The DAISY Award was created in 1999 to recognize nurses for the compassion and skill that they bring
        throughout all stages of illness and health. The quality of that nursing care is                to patients and their families. The award is internationally recognized and very prestigious. Here at Glens
                                                                                                         Falls Hospital, nurses are selected to receive the DAISY Award quarterly. Nurses are nominated by their
       enhanced by community involvement, continuing education, fiscal responsibility                      patients and families, their peers and other colleagues. Congratulations to all DAISY Award winners!
      and evidence-based practice to improve outcomes across the continuum of care.

                                                                                                 Siobhan Frandino              Heather Tierney              Renee Brooks                      Shannon Schraa, RN               Susan Dessaint
                                                                                                    BSN, RNC-OB                   BSN, RN                   BSN, RN, CGRN                           Tower 6                         BSN, RN
                                                                                                 Joyce Stock Snuggery            Tower 5 ICU                   GI Center                                                             Tower 3

                                                                                                 Valerie Parker, RN         Cassandra Hanaburgh             Paula Hanchett                   Xenia Wieland, RN              Karrah Gereau, RN

                                                                                                       Tower 3                       BSN, RN                    RN, IBCLC                            Tower 6                        Tower 6
                                                                                                                               Joyce Stock Snuggery        Joyce Stock Snuggery

                                                         NURSES & NURSE
                        IN 2020 THERE WAS A              PRACTITIONERS
     EXCELLENCE AND                                                                                                            Aaron Lizor, RN          Belinda Spinner, RN                  Michele Harding
     CAREERS AT GLENS                                                                                                              Tower 3                     Tower 3                       MS, FNP-BC, ANP-C

     FALLS HOSPITAL?                                                                                                                                                                       Preanesthesia Testing Clinic

                        BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING                                                                  THE HEART OF HEALTHCARE CAMPAIGN 2020 WINNERS (THE POST STAR)

                                                                                                 Traci Bunting, RN,            Renee Brooks,                 Katie Fowler,                      Gavin Seabury, RN             Kim Trapasso, BSN, RN
                                                                                                 Joyce Stock Snuggery          BSN, RN, CGRN                MS, RN, CCRN-K                     Emergency Department            Emergency Department
                                                                                                                                  GI Center                 Education Services

                        NURSE SENSITIVE QUALITY

                        INDICATORS CONTINUE TO
                        OUTPERFORM                                                                                                      TIMES UNION SALUTE TO NURSES WINNER
                                                                                                                                                          Deborah Streets, RN
                        NATIONAL BENCHMARKS              IN A VARIETY OF DIFFERENT SPECIALTIES                                              Surgical Specialists of Glens Falls Hospital—Urology

21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    22
                                                                                                                                                     HEALING STARTS HERE
                                                                    LOGISTICS                                                                                             AT THE WOUND HEALING CENTER

                                                                    CENTER                                                                                                 Joe Kiefl, Director of the Wound Healing Center

                                                                    In 2020, Glens Falls Hospital opened the Logistics Center. The                                                                                                                              TOR | Joe Kie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             IBU             fl
                                                                    Logistics Center is a central location for coordinating staffing,
                                                                                                                                        Glens Falls Hospital is pleased to announce that our

                                                                    patient movement and patient monitoring. The addition of the

                                                                    Logistics Center has allowed for better care coordination and       Wound Healing Center has been awarded as a Center

                                                                    ultimately provided an elevated patient experience.
                                                                                                                                        of Distinction in 2020 by Healogics®, the country’s
                                                                                                                                        leader in Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine. To
                                                                                                                                        be considered for this prestigious recognition the Wound
                                                                                                                                        Healing Center had to surpass lofty performance metric goals
                                                                                                                                        that included a Heal Rate higher than 92%, a Patient Satisfaction score
                                                                                                                                        higher than 92% and a Median Days to Heal of less than 28 days, which
     PATIENT AND FAMILY                                                                                                                 we achieved thanks to the hard work and dedication of our team.

     ADVISORY COUNCIL                                                                                                                   This award exemplifies the mission the
                                                                                                                                        staff of the Wound Healing Center has
                                                                                                                                                                                 skin substitutes and advanced
                                                                                                                                                                                 specialty wound care dressing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “WE APPRECIATE AND
                                                                                                                                        committed to bring to the communities    Having the recognition as a Center           ARE HONORED OUR
     The Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)                                                                                     of Warren, Washington and Saratoga       of Distinction is an honor for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COMMUNITY MEMBERS
                                                                                                                                        Counties. Opening in 2004, the           Glens Falls Hospital but it’s an even
     at Glens Falls Hospital promotes a partnership                                                                                     Wound Healing Center specializes in      bigger honor for the communities of          ENTRUST US TO
     between patients, families and staff to achieve                                                                                    the treatment of chronic non-healing     Warren, Washington and Saratoga
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RESTORE THE QUALITY
                                                                                                                                        wounds including wounds caused by        Counties. Knowing our community
     compassionate care through education and                                                                                           diabetes, venous, pressure, radiation,   members can stay local to receive the        OF LIFE THAT EVERY
     communication–putting patients first.                                                                                              surgical and traumatic injuries. Over    best wound care in the country is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PERSON DESERVES.”
                                                                                                                                        time, the Wound Healing Center has       burden off the people of these great
     The PFAC is composed of a diverse group of individuals including patients and                                                      become the local leader in Upstate       communities. Studies show that 80%
     family members, physicians, nurses, patient experience team members and more!                                                                                                                                            I want the community to know we
                                                                                                                                        New York at managing and healing         of people with diabetes will develop a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              are here for you. If anything, this
                                                                                                                                        these chronic conditions, and we         wound over the course of their lifetime.
     Involving patients in developing safe and effective hospital programs                                                                                                                                                    past year has shown us, it is that
                                                                                                                                        are proud to do so. We employ a          Having the Wound Healing Center
     and services has proven to be valuable, and we are proud to collaborate                                                                                                                                                  we all need help sometimes. The
                                                                                                                                        group of specialized providers and       ready and able to assist in getting
     with our community members to be the best we can be.                                                                                                                                                                     Glens Falls Hospital Wound Healing
                                                                                                                                        nurses to assess each individual         those affected by wounds, healed and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Center’s mission is just that.
                                                                                                                                        history and create a custom care plan    back in the community is the greatest
                                                                                                                                        tailored to each patient. The Wound      accomplishment we can provide to our
        INTERESTED IN JOINING THE PFAC?                                                                                                 Healing Center is equipped with the      area. A patient’s quality of life is dealt     If you have a wound or need wound
        Visit                                                                                               most advanced technology in the          a significant blow when one develops           care, don’t hesitate to call and make
                                                                                                                                        area including the first Hyperbaric      chronic wounds and we’re here to get           an appointment at 518.926.1500
                                                                                                                                        Oxygen Chambers, bioengineered           them back to living their best life.

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                                                                                                                                           GIVING & THANKS
                                             IRVING CONSUMER
                                             Glens Falls Hospital is extremely grateful for the continued support of Irving
                                             Consumer Products. In 2017, they generously made a pledge of $100,000 to            The outpouring of support from our community for
                                             help fund the renovations in the Joyce Stock Snuggery. Recently, William Hart,
                                             VP of US Business Operations for Irving delivered the final $25,000 to complete
                                                                                                                                 Glens Falls Hospital over the past year has been
                                             their gift. We thank the Irving Consumer Products team for their generosity!        amazing to witness. From the generous contributions of
                                                                                                                                 all sorts to heartfelt displays of solidarity through parades
                                                                                                                                 and rainbows and other gestures has been deeply moving.

                                                                                                                                 At Glens Falls Hospital we often say that we are “Here Through It All.” This past year our community
     GLENS FALLS HOSPITAL                                                                                                        has proven, like never before, that you are here for us. We are so grateful.

     BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2020                                                                                                     Our supporters guaranteed that we were able to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for our
                                                                                                                                 healthcare workers and patients to keep them safe. They also provided needed funding to retrofit areas
     Chair                                       Sean Bain, MD                          Thomas J. Guay                           of the hospital to accommodate COVID-19 patients and for refrigeration units to store the COVID-19
     William G. Powers, Jr.                      President/Medical Staff                William Hart                             vaccine. And they’ve kept our hospital staff well nourished with numerous donations of food.
                                                 Tenée R. Casaccio, AIA                 Gary R. Hicks
     Vice Chair
                                                                                                                                 In addition to COVID-19 support, community philanthropy has enabled the hospital to move
     Mark L. Behan                               Carl Cedrone, AAMS                     Courtney M. Haskins, Esq.                forward on a major renovation in the C.R. Wood Cancer Center, and it helped purchase
                                                 Gregory J. Champion, Esq.              Katherine Herlihy Schwenker, Esq.        3D tomography equipment for our Breast Center, which will have an important impact in
     George A. Ferone                            Kathie L. Duncan                       Chair/GFH Foundation Board               diagnosing and treating breast cancer.
                                                 Steven M. Frisch, MD                   Geoffrey L. Serfilippi, MD
     President & Chief Executive Officer                                                                                         We know that with our community’s ongoing support Glens Falls Hospital will continue to be here
     Dianne Shugrue                              Margaret Gillis, Esq.                  David F. Westfall, MD                    through it all. Please consider supporting your community hospital in 2021 as we continue to fight
                                                                                                                                 COVID-19, bring the latest technology and provide top-quality care for our region.

                                *As of 2021, the board calendar year changed to July 1 - June 30                                                         Sincerely,

     GLENS FALLS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION                                                                                                                     Katherine Herlihy Schwenker, Esq.
     BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2020                                                                                                                              Glens Falls Hospital
                                                                                                                                                         2020 Foundation Chair
     Chair                                       Sean Bain, MD             Christopher Mason, MD        Emeritus Trustees
     Katherine Herlihy Schwenker, Esq.           President/Medical Staff   Michael Mihaly, AFIM         Carl T. Baker
     Vice Chair                                  Jordan Blackwood, MD      Linda Murphy                 James F. Morrissey, MD
     Andrew Brodie                               David J. Caruso           Guild Committee              Ann D. Butler
     Secretary                                   Carl Cedrone, AAMS                                     Thomas J. Ross                                         STICK IT TO CANCER
     Marc Monahan                                Terry Celadon, RN         Mickey Orta, CTFA
                                                                                                        Carmen Della Bella                                     Thank you to the Adirondack                All proceeds raised benefited the Randy’s
                                                 Michael Cruz              Lisa Ostrander
     President & Chief Executive Officer                                                                Robert C. Westcott, MD                                 Thunder and everyone in our                Patient Assistance Fund at the C.R. Wood
     Dianne Shugrue                              Matthew Harrison          H. John Schutze, DDS                                                                community who helped to raise              Cancer Center. This fund is used to
                                                                                                        Kathie L. Duncan
                                                                           Jayne Van Schaick, DDS                                                              $19,048 for the C.R. Wood Cancer           help cover the cost of copayments for
                                                 Joshua S. Koons                                        Michael F. Massiano                                    Center at Glens Falls Hospital             treatments and medications as well as
                                                 Kathleen LaBelle                                                                                              during the “Stick It To Cancer”            transportation costs patients may face.
                                                 Guild Committee                                                                                               weekend on February 7th and 8th.

                                                                                                                                                               Photo courtesy of the Adirondack Thunder
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