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TEN-YEAR GAS TRANSMISSION NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE 2018 − 2027 PERIOD September 2017 Plinovodi d.o.o, Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 11b, PO box 3720, 1001 Ljubljana; Tel.: +386 (0)1 582 07 00 Fax: +386 (0) 1 582 07 01; Email: info@plinovodi.si; VAT Reg No: SI31378285
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Summary ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5 1 Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 2 Consultations .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 TSO's consultations with stakeholders .................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Activities of the Energy Agency in relation to network development .................................................................................... 6 3 Supply and demand for transmission capacity of Slovenian natural gas transmission system and natural gas supply ...... 7 3.1 Current situation of the natural gas transmission system ..................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Domestic market ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2.1 Supply of natural gas to Slovenia and access to natural gas sources ..................................................................... 8 3.2.2 Slovenian Energy Concept − orientations ............................................................................................................... 9 3.2.3 Existing supply of transmission capacity as of 1 January 2017 ............................................................................. 10 3.2.4 Infrastructure standard and compliance with Regulation 994/2010/EU ............................................................. 12 3.2.5 Supply and demand for transmission capacity – territorial coverage .................................................................. 15 3.2.6 Comparison of the role of natural gas in Slovenia and Europe ............................................................................ 17 3.2.7 Natural gas consumption in the country in the 2008 – 2016 period .................................................................... 20 3.2.8 Demand and anticipated supply of transmission capacity ................................................................................... 21 3.2.9 Forecast of natural gas consumption and booking of transmission capacity for the 2018 – 2027 period ........... 24 3.3 Cross-border transmission capacity and booking ................................................................................................................ 26 3.3.1 Demand for booking at cross-border interconnection points .............................................................................. 27 3.3.2 Booking of transmission capacity at cross-border interconnection points in 2016 .............................................. 28 3.3.3 Booking forecast and estimates ........................................................................................................................... 31 4 Set of planned gas infrastructure for the 2018 − 2027 period ........................................................................................ 34 4.1 Projects to increase operational security............................................................................................................................. 34 4.1.1 "Management Centre" project ............................................................................................................................. 36 4.2 Connection projects ............................................................................................................................................................. 38 4.3 Development of interconnection points with the neighbouring transmission systems ....................................................... 41 4.4 Projects in preparation and planning in the 2018 − 2020 period and projects in implementation ..................................... 45 4.5 Assessment of options for the increase of energy efficiency ............................................................................................... 47 5 European dimension of natural gas supply .................................................................................................................... 50 5.1 Development of exchanges with other countries ................................................................................................................ 50 5.2 Supply of natural gas to EU countries and access to natural gas sources ........................................................................... 51 5.3 REGULATION (EU) No. 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure ................................................. 52 5.3.1 PCI 2015 list .......................................................................................................................................................... 53 5.4 ENTSOG ............................................................................................................................................................................... 54 5.4.1 TYNDP ................................................................................................................................................................... 55 5.4.2 GRIP CEE and GRIP Southern Corridor .................................................................................................................. 56 ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................................................ 77 2
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Preface This is the material of the tenth Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the ten-year period, for the 2018 – 2027 period. It was developed in coordination with the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) and in the process of two regional development plans. Moreover, we are considering the development of neighbouring transmission systems and neighbouring gas markets, we pay special attention to the domestic gas market, the development of natural gas consumption in the country, and thus the necessary development of the transmission system. Moreover, we are continuing with the in-depth analyses of natural gas consumption in the future. The gas market is becoming more and more dynamic and insecure, natural gas flows in the transmission system and the natural gas consumption show growth, while the directions of natural gas flows have become increasingly unpredictable. We have recently used the term "dynamic market" only to describe the growing number of transmission contracts concluded for periods that began to shorten, and now this concept has expanded to all areas of our operations. The vibrancy of the market affects the scope of our work, business operations, and the planning of what the transmission system needs for its operation. The concern for reliable, safe and economical operation of the transmission system is at the forefront and properly covered in this document. We have analysed the presented projects, prioritised them and determined their implementation time line, using the prescribed procedures and tools. Our guiding principles were our assessments of the role and opportunities of natural gas as an environmentally- friendly energy product at the national level and in individual areas of the country. Marjan Eberlinc General Manager Sarah Jezernik Deputy General Manager 3
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Summary The Slovenian gas transmission system is part of the energy infrastructure of national importance that is present in 108 of the total 212 Slovenian municipalities. In the energy balance sheet of the Republic of Slovenia for the year 2016 it was estimated that in the final energy consumption structure the share of petroleum products will stand out with 46.5%, followed by electricity with 22.5%, renewable energy sources with 13.8%, natural gas with 12.1%, heat with 3.7%, industrial waste with 0.8% and solid fuels with 0.7%. As an energy product, compared to the European average, natural gas has a much more modest representation in the national energy balance sheet, with the exception of industrial consumers sector. The transmission system operator (TSO) measures the demand for natural gas transmission in the domestic energy market based on queries, approvals issued and connection contracts concluded with distribution system operators (DSO), industrial users and electricity producers. In 2016, there were 54 queries, 7 approvals for connection were issued and 4 connection contracts were concluded. Regarding the purpose of the gas projects in relation to security updates, development of domestic gas market and harmonisation with international projects, the TSO breaks down the planned infrastructure into 3 groups. Group A contains 18 projects to increase operational security, i.e. loops and adjustments to the pipeline system due to settlement and other circumstances. Group B contains 58 connections. Group C contains 17 projects for the development of interconnection points with the transmission systems of neighbouring countries, which include 4 projects that have been listed as projects of common interest in November 2015 by the European Commission. Regarding the achieved maturity of individual projects, the TSO estimates that it will implement (construct or begin construction on) 18 pipeline projects in the three-year period of 2018 − 2020, 8 of them planned. 4
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Introduction As the TSO in the Republic of Slovenia, the company Plinovodi is obliged in accordance with the provisions of the Energy Act (EZ-1)1 to adopt and submit for confirmation to the Energy Agency a 10- year network development plan every year after consulting the relevant stakeholders. The plan must be based on the existing and expected supply and demand and include efficient measures in order to guarantee the adequacy of the system and the security of supply. The purpose of the Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 – 2027 Period (hereinafter: Development Plan) is to: Determine the main infrastructure for transmission that is to be built and upgraded over the next years for players on the market, Contain all the investments that have already been decided and identify new investments that have to be carried out within the next three years, Provide a time frame for all investment projects. When preparing the development plan, the TSO has formed reasonable assumptions on the development of production, consumption within the domestic energy market and exchanges with other countries. It has taken into account the investment plans for regional networks and EU-wide networks as well as investments for the natural gas storage facilities and liquefied natural gas (LNG) re- gasification facilities. 1 Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 17/2014, 81/2015 5
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period 1 Definitions Unless the meaning of an expression is otherwise defined in an individual section of the development plan, the expressions and units of measurement used have the same meaning as defined in the applicable legislation. 2 Consultations 2.1 TSO's consultations with stakeholders Between 6 April and 1 May 2017, the TSO published a draft of the development plan on its website. Within the public consultation procedure, it has invited all interested public representatives to present comments, suggestions or additions to the draft. During the public consultation process, which lasted for one month, it has received 4 responses. It has researched all of the responses, taken them into account and explained the reasoning to the interested public. All neighbouring TSOs have also been notified of the development plan draft beforehand, and we have received 2 responses. 2.2 Activities of the Energy Agency in relation to network development The Energy Agency carried out a consultation procedure with all actual and potential system users by publishing the development plan on its website and inviting them to submit their remarks. The consultation procedure was concluded on 10 July 2017. 6
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period 3 Supply and demand for transmission capacity of Slovenian natural gas transmission system and natural gas supply 3.1 Current situation of the natural gas transmission system In terms of flows of natural gas in Europe, the geographic position of Slovenia is fairly favourable. It is in close proximity to the transmission routes from north eastern Europe (from Russia through Slovakia and Austria towards Italy and Croatia) and bordering on Italy, where the transmission routes from the Mediterranean Basin and northern Europe converge. Moreover, the Slovenian system is in the vicinity of the existent and newly planned LNG terminals in the Adriatic Sea. The Slovenian gas transmission system comprises 1,156km of pipelines, two compressor stations in Kidričevo and Ajdovščina, and 245 metering and regulation stations or other stations. At key points, the gas transmission system is equipped with devices through which the system can be controlled and maintained. The remote control and monitoring functions are carried out by means of an information and telemetry system. Table 1. Main infrastructure – gas transmission pipelines by pipeline diameter and other facilities and equipment Infrastructure Status as of 1 January 2017 Gas network Total 1,156km Pipelines with a diameter of 167km 800mm Pipelines with a diameter of 162km 500mm Pipelines with a diameter of 197km 400mm Other pipelines of smaller 629km diameters Facilities and Compressor stations, total CS Kidričevo 10.5MW, CS Ajdovščina 9MW equipment power Cross-border stations Ceršak, Rogatec, Šempeter pri Gorici Table 2. Gas transmission network – high and low pressure (as of 1 January 2017) Low pressure (16 Pressure Total bar) bar) Horizontal length (km) 210.9 944.9 1,155.8 Percentage (%) 18 82 100 The gas transmission system connects most of the industrial and urban centres in Slovenia, with the exception of the Obalno-kraška region, Bela Krajina and part of Inner and Lower Carniola. The gas transmission system is controlled and monitored from the dispatch centre that is connected to the dispatch centres of transmission systems operators of neighbouring countries, as well as to distribution network operators and major consumers of natural gas. A major part of the existing gas transmission network is older than 30 years. 7
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Table 3. Gas transmission network − age structure (as of 1 January 2017) less than 10 between 10 and between 20 and more than 30 Age years 20 years 30 years years Horizontal length (km) 204.9 16.6 235.8 698.5 Percentage (%) 18 2 20 60 Figure 1. Gas transmission network in January 2017 The Slovenian natural gas transmission system began its operations in 1978, and was then gradually expanded and upgraded. In 2014, the last major investment cycle was completed with the construction of a pipeline from the Austrian border at Ceršak to Vodice near Ljubljana. In addition to providing additional necessary transmission capacities, the safety and reliability of the transmission system operation were improved. With regular inspections and regular maintenance work, the company Plinovodi d.o.o. as a transmission system operator ensures safe and reliable operation of the transmission system. The status of transmission pipelines is regularly monitored by supervising pipeline routes, by performing internal inspections of gas pipes, by using various methods of external gas pipeline inspection, and by constantly monitoring the operational parameters via the central control system. With the cathodic protection system, transmission pipelines are protected against the development of corrosion damage. Based on preventive inspections and maintenance work, we estimate that the gas infrastructure is in very good operating condition; so far, we have not had any major operational problems that could not have been managed in the framework of the planned maintenance interventions. 3.2 Domestic market 3.2.1 Supply of natural gas to Slovenia and access to natural gas sources Due to the lack of own sources, the supply of natural gas to the Slovenian market depends entirely on imports. The supply of natural gas to Slovenia takes place from Russia and individual hubs of the 8
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period European gas market. From Austria, natural gas flows via the Ceršak entry point, and from Italy, via the Šempeter entry point. Natural gas, located in the trading hubs of the European market, is been pumped out both in Europe, as well as in North Africa and Russia. 18000 Data source: 16000 Energy Agency, Important indicators for the supply of 14000 electrical energy and natural gas 12000 for the year 20162. 10000 GWh 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Russia Algeria Austria Italy Other Figure 2. Sources of natural gas supply to Slovenia 100% Through the interconnection point Ceršak, the TSO can supply 90% all Slovenian consumers, 80% regardless of their location. This 70% is also reflected in the positive 60% trend of increasing the share of 50% supply via the Ceršak point in 40% Figure 3. The suppliers can 30% therefore provide a competitive supply for all consumers where 20% this is not restricted by an 10% interconnection point or a 0% possible bottleneck on the 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 natural gas transmission Povezovalna točka Interconnection Ceršak point Ceršak Povezovalna Interconnectiontočka Šempeter point Šempeter network. Figure 3. Natural gas import routes to Slovenia 3.2.2 Slovenian Energy Concept − orientations The Slovenian Energy Concept (Energetski koncept Slovenije – EKS) is in preparation. In accordance with the Energy Act (EZ-1, Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 17/2014 and 81/2015) and the projection of economic, environmental and social development of the country and along with the adopted national commitments, particularly those related to energy and climate, it will provide a basis for identifying ways for their achievement in the future. 2 https://www.agen-rs.si/documents/10926/38909/Pomembnej%C5%A1i-kazalniki-na-podro%C4%8Dju-oskrbe-z-elektri%C4%8Dno-energijo-in- zemeljskim-plinom-v-letu-2016/82f7747a-e5a4-4955-9db7-3113e6ee067d 9
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period The consultation document presented by the Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI) at the beginning of the consultation process in May 20153 outlines the key elements for directing Slovenia's transition into a low-carbon society, to which RS has already agreed in the past when adopting national commitments within international obligations. As an energy product, compared to the European average, natural gas has a much more modest representation in the national energy balance sheet, with the exception of industrial consumers sector. From responses to the material that the MoI has prepared on the subject of EKS so far and from last year's discussions on energy sources 4 it can be summarised that natural gas will keep playing an important role in the energy sector in the future. In the discussions, natural gas has been recognised as an important energy product that is important for district heating systems and for individual energy systems. Natural gas is classified as low carbon fuel, since it produces a negligible amount of dust particles and substantially fewer emissions (CO, NOx, etc.) than in fuel oil, gasoline and diesel, petroleum gas and biomass5. In order to achieve the national objectives of greenhouse gas emissions6 it will have to replace coal in district heating systems in at least the next five years and gradually replace fuel oil as well. Natural gas plays a special role in transport in two directives 7,8 that describe it as an alternative fuel to fossil fuels in transport. In accordance with the aforementioned directive, a national strategy9 for the required infrastructure should already be prepared in the current year. Development of the transmission system is crucial and directed towards expanding the networks and establishing more efficient connections with distribution systems and the neighbouring transmission systems in the region. There is no doubt that the national energy-climate goals can only be achieved through the efficient use of several energy products, therefore combining the functions of their transmission systems and distribution systems or district heating systems. A higher degree of gasification in the country would contribute to this goal. The TSO is striving to develop and upgrade the system to increase the level of diversification, i.e. obtaining new sources through new routes, including the LNG (liquefied natural gas) terminals and access to natural gas storage facilities. 3.2.3 Existing supply of transmission capacity as of 1 January 2017 The TSO publishes the data on transmission capacity of the gas transmission network for relevant points that are shown in Figure 4 and confirmed by the Energy Agency. Five relevant points are displayed, four of which are cross-border interconnection points and relevant points for the publication of data, while the fifth relevant point is aggregate information on the combined exit/transmission for users in the Republic of Slovenia. 3 http://www.energetika-portal.si/dokumenti/strateski-razvojni-dokumenti/energetski-koncept-slovenije/posvetovalni-proces-eks/ 4 http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/eks/posvetovanje_delavnice/izvlecki_komentarjev_jun_2016.pdf 5 http://www.giz-dzp.si/zemeljski-plin/okoljske-prednosti/ 6 http://www.energetika-portal.si/dokumenti/strateski-razvojni-dokumenti/operativni-program-ukrepov-zmanjsanja-emisij-tpg/ 7 DIRECTIVE 2012/33/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 November 2012 amending Council Directive 1999/32/EC as regards the sulphur content of marine fuels 8 DIRECTIVE 2014/94/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels 9 http://www.mop.gov.si/fileadmin/mop.gov.si/pageuploads/javna_narocila/2016/studija_potrebnih_dodatnih_ukrepih/Obrazec_3_projektna_nalo ga.pdf 10
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period relevant point compressor st. M1 area M2 area M3 area M4 area Figure 4. Schematic map of the gas transmission system with relevant points Table 4 presents data on the capacity of the relevant points as of 1 January 2017, the total contractually booked capacity and utilisation for different periods. Table 4. Capacity of the gas transmission system on relevant points 10 Average Maximum Total Maximum daily monthly monthly Technical contractually utilisation of Relevant point utilisation of utilisation of capacity booked technical technical technical capacity capacity capacity capacity million kWh/day million kWh/day % % % 80.8 (17 November Ceršak − entry 139.757 93.580 45.5 (year '16) 61.8 (Dec. 2016) 2016) 72.4 (24 December Rogatec − exit 68.584 51.381 55.4 (year '16) 69.1 (Dec. 2016) 2016) Šempeter − entry 28.474 4.350 47.1 (25 July 2016) 0.5 (year '16) 6.3 (Jul. 2016) 99.1 (17 November Šempeter − exit 25.885 0 0.7 (year '16) 6.3 (Nov. 2016) 2016) 61,0 (22 December Exit in RS 73.761 61.651 34.6 (year '16) 51.8 (Dec. 2016) 2016) By monitoring the demand for additional capacity on the domestic gas market and the demand for cross-border transmission capacity and in accordance with the requirements for ensuring a secure supply of natural gas, the TSO is obliged to develop the transmission system to ensure all of this. Pursuant to Regulation No. 715/2009/EC, the TSO must provide system users their separate use of transmission capacity at all entry and exit points to the system (as per the so-called system of entry- 10 The capacity data refer to 1 January 2017, while the technical capacity utilisation data refer to the year 2016. 11
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period exit points). To ensure successful operation of the entry-exit points system, the TSO must provide appropriate technical conditions such as the elimination of bottlenecks on the transmission system in order to enable suitable marketing and booking of capacity under this method and to allow the booking of capacity at entry and exit points in various combinations. With the introduction of transmission capacity booking via the auction platform PRISMA and with the implementation of a virtual point in Slovenia, there was greater dynamics of both the booking of transmission at the cross-border interconnection points and the transmitted quantities. 3.2.4 Infrastructure standard and compliance with Regulation 994/2010/EU The Regulation (EU) 994/2010 of the European Parliament and the Council concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply introduces the so-called "infrastructure criterion N-1" stipulating for the subject geographic area that in the event of interruption on an individual largest gas infrastructure there must be sufficient technical capacity available to meet the entire daily demand for gas, even in cases of exceptionally high demand (peak consumption). By 3 December 2014, Member States were obliged to adopt and implement measures to meet the infrastructure criterion N-1. When preparing the Regulation 994/2010/EU, The European Commission has taken into account that the circumstances in Slovenia are rather specific compared to other Member States. Slovenia has no natural gas storage facilities or liquefied natural gas plants and in addition to that, the Slovenian transmission system is connected to foreign transmission systems in only three handover points. For these reasons, Slovenia (along with Luxembourg and Sweden) is an exception and therefore not obliged to meet the criterion N-1. This exception applies as long as Slovenia maintains at least two interconnectors with other Member States, at least two different supply sources and no natural gas storage facilities or liquefied natural gas plants. Under Regulation 994/2010/EU of the European Parliament and the Council, Slovenia is obliged to submit a report to the European Commission by 3 December 2018 describing the circumstances regarding infrastructure criterion N-1. On the basis of that report and as long as the conditions for exemption continue to be fulfilled, the European Commission may decide to extend the validity of the exception. When dealing with transmission capacities at cross-border interconnection points, the analysis of the infrastructure standard was adjusted for the last Risk assessment for security of supply, prepared by the competent authority (Energy Agency), and for the Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2018 − 2027 in the light of analyses in the previous years. When calculating the infrastructure standard, only the firm transmission capacities were taken into account as technical capacities of cross-border interconnection points, without taking into account the possible specific measures of the transmission system operator to provide additional interruptible transmission capacity in the event that supply security is threatened. The technical capacities of the subject cross-border interconnection points are defined on the basis of flow-pressure calculations of the transmission system, taking into account the technical capacities of all the transmission system components included in the transmission (gas pipelines, metering and regulation stations, and the two compressor stations), as well as the operational characteristics and operational boundary conditions of the transmission system as a whole. The estimations of value increments of infrastructure criterion N-1, inter alia, also depend on the estimated growth of the peak load of the system. In the estimation of the development of peak load of the Slovenian transmission system it was taken into consideration that the peak load will increase in the coming years due to the growth of wide consumption. 12
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Based on the analysis of prospective infrastructure projects, the TSO has estimated that the infrastructure standard N-1 will range between 57.4% and 56.8% in the next two years. In the long term, the TSO estimates that it can ensure the development of infrastructure standard N-1 for the Slovenian transmission system in a manner that will allow the system to reach the required level of 100%. 140,0 112,5 116,3 115,2 114,0 112,9 120,0 111,4 111,8 110,7 109,6 100,0 80,0 57,4 56,8 60,0 40,0 20,0 0,0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Figure 5. Estimation of infrastructure criterion N-1 development for the Slovenian transmission system As the TSO, the company Plinovodi will be able to meet the requirements of the infrastructure criterion N-1 in the long term by: 1. establishing entry capacities and therefore enabling physical flow from the direction of Croatia via the cross-border interconnection point Rogatec (planned in 2019); 2. an additional connection of the Slovenian transmission system to neighbouring systems that could be realised within the Hungary connection project (planned in 2021). The development of the infrastructure criterion N-1 in the coming years will be strongly influenced by the development of the peak load of the system, which the criterion defines as "the entire daily demand for gas on a day of exceptionally high demand for gas". In the estimation of the influence of peak load development on the infrastructure criterion N-1 it was taken into consideration that the peak load of the system will increase in the coming years due to the growth of the wide consumption peak. The development of peak load in Slovenia will also depend on the booking of transmission capacities for gas power stations. Pursuant to Article 7 of Regulation 994/2010/EU, the TSOs must implement a procedure for enabling bi-directional capacity or for exemption from the obligation of enabling bi-directional capacity for each cross-border interconnection between Member States: 1. Enabling bi-directional capacity at cross-border interconnection Šempeter/Gorica With the successful completion of the investment cycle on 1 January 2015 the TSO Plinovodi enabled bi-directional capacity at cross-border interconnection Šempeter/Gorica where bi- 13
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period directional booking of transmission capacity and bi-directional operation of the transmission system was taking place in 2015 and 2016. 2. Exemption for reverse flow capacity for cross-border interconnection Murfeld/Ceršak The TSO Plinovodi obtained the exemption from obligation of enabling bi-directional capacity at the cross-border interconnection Murfeld/Ceršak in accordance with the 4th paragraph of Article 7 of the Regulation 994/2010/EU without restrictions. Article 7 of the Regulation 994/2010/EU defines the repeat process for "enabling reverse flow capacity or exemption" on the basis of Risk assessment for security of supply, which is carried out every 2 years in accordance with Article 9 of the Regulation 994/2010/EU. The latest Risk assessment by the Slovenian competent authority for security of supply that was carried out in 2014 in both Austria and Slovenia has so far not indicated the need for enabling bi-directional capacity at the cross-border interconnection Murfeld/Ceršak. 3. Exemption for reverse flow capacity for cross-border interconnection Rogatec Based on the Risk assessment for security of supply, the TSO Plinovodi submitted the application for exemption from the obligation of enabling bi-directional capacity with the possibility of reverse flow from Croatia to Slovenia in 2016. It obtained the exemption for cross-border interconnection Rogatec until 31 December 2018. The risk assessment has taken into account that reverse flow capacity at cross-border interconnection Rogatec could affect the infrastructure standard of the Slovenian gas transmission system, but not before the Croatian transmission system is upgraded with compressor capacities for transmission of gas to cross-border interconnection Rogatec and for ensuring the necessary pressure conditions at this interconnection point, which would according to the time frame for the upgrade of Croatian transmission system be possible at the end of 2018 at the earliest. The technical solution to provide bi-directional capacity with reverse flow in Rogatec depends on the size of the requested transmission capacity. The most basic scenario would require an upgrade of the border metering and control station in Rogatec on the part of Slovenian TSO and an upgrade of the transmission system with compressor capacities on the part of Croatian operator. In the company Plinovodi we actively participate in all activities in the region related to the development of new or existing transmission directions. For the existing transmission direction Austria − Slovenia − Croatia, an analysis and technical design was performed to establish bi-directional capacities in the direction Rogatec − Ceršak (the project of the conceptual solution "Transmission pipeline M1 Ceršak − Rogatec and M1/1 Ceršak − Rogatec, Enabling bi-directional capacities with reverse flow", manufactured by IBE d.d., January 2015). In 2017, the increased capacity for the cross- border interconnection Murfeld/Ceršak is performed in cooperation with the Austrian transmission system operator Gas Connect Austria, via an auction of bi-directional capacities. Other activities for enabling bi-directional flows are also included in the development plan of the company Plinovodi, where the upgrades of the transmission system at the border metering and control station Rogatec, at the compressor station in Kidričevo, and at the border metering and control station Ceršak are planned. We are just awaiting the publication of the new European Regulation 994/2010/EU concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply, which builds on the substance in the preparation of the 14
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Risk assessment, as well as in the field of implementation of preventive measures and measures in the event of an emergency. The requirements of the new regulation will be taken into account in the preparation of the following Risk assessment and Acts for securing the supply of natural gas. 3.2.5 Supply and demand for transmission capacity – territorial coverage As of 1 January 2017, the TSO had transmission contracts concluded with 147 system users, namely 14 DSOs operating in 81 municipalities, 131 industrial or commercial consumers and two power stations. Figure 6. Regional availability of the gas transmission network The connection to natural gas can be performed in 81 Slovenian municipalities, which have an operating gas network and in which 14 distribution system operators provide natural gas supply. Based on the assessment of the potential of natural gas consumption, the distance of the municipality from the transmission system, the estimation of the value of the connection implementation, and the informative calculation of economic viability, the TSO estimates that there are 68 more municipalities where the implementation of the connection is reasonable. In addition to households, for which the DSO would construct a network in densely populated locations, the other critical factor to decide whether to connect a local community to the transmission network is the transition of other industrial and commercial users to natural gas (schools, kindergartens, hotels, hospitals, stores, crafts and the like). The connection projects are divided into municipalities that could connect through existing MRSs, municipalities to which it would be necessary to construct a connection pipeline and a new MRS and municipalities whose connection depends on a previously constructed longer system pipeline. 15
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Table 5. Regional availability of the gas transmission network and local communities with potential connections Local communities with potential connections and infrastructure required Statistical region Municipalities with DSO New constructions: New constructions: Use of longer system existing MRS connection pipelines pipelines, connection and MRSs pipelines and MRSs 1 Pomurska Beltinci, Gornja Radgona, Apače, Črenšovci, Lendava, Ljutomer, UM Križevci, Moravske Murska Sobota, Odranci, toplice, Puconci, Radenci, Turnišče, Razkrižje, Tišina, Velika Dobrovnik Polana, Veržej 2 Koroška Dravograd, Mežica, Muta, Mislinja Muta, Vuzenica, Prevalje, Ravne na Radlje ob Dravi Koroškem, UM Slovenj Gradec 3 Podravska Hoče – Slivnica, UM Maribor, Dornava, Gorišnica, Lenart Miklavž na Dravskem polju, Markovci, Duplek, Ormož, UM Ptuj, Rače – Hajdina, Kidričevo, Fram, Ruše, Slovenska Majšperk, Pesnica, Bistrica, Selnica ob Dravi, Oplotnica, Videm Središče ob Dravi, Starše, Šentilj 4 Savinjska UM Celje, Laško, Polzela, Braslovče, Šmartno ob Prebold, Radeče, Rogaška Paki, Kozje, Ljubno, Slatina, Rogatec**, Nazarje, Mozirje, Slovenske Konjice, Šentjur, Podčetrtek, Šmarje pri Štore, Šoštanj, UM Velenje, Jelšah, Vransko Vojnik, Zreče, Žalec 5 Zasavska Hrastnik, Zagorje ob Savi Trbovlje 6 Spodnje- Brežice, Krško, Sevnica posavska 7 Osrednje- Brezovica, Dobrova – Polhov Borovnica, Horjul, Grosuplje, Ivančna slovenska Gradec, Dol pri Ljubljani, Lukovica, Moravče gorica, Velike Lašče Domžale, Ig, Kamnik, Komenda, Litija, UM Ljubljana, Logatec, Log – Dragomer, Medvode, Mengeš, Škofljica, Trzin, Vodice, Vrhnika 8 Notranjsko- Cerknica, Ilirska kraška Bistrica, Pivka, Postojna 9 Gorenjska Bled, Cerklje na Kranjska Gora Žiri Gorenjskem, Jesenice, UM Kranj, Naklo, Gorje, Radovljica, Šenčur, Škofja Loka, Tržič, Žirovnica 10 Goriška Ajdovščina, Nova Gorica, Miren – Kanal Idrija* Šempeter – Vrtojba, Vipava Kostanjevica, Renče – Vogrsko 11 Obalno-kraška Sežana** Hrpelje – Kozina, Ankaran, UM Koper*, Izola, Piran 12 Jugovzhodna UM Novo mesto Dolenjske Šentjernej, Škocjan Kočevje, Ribnica, Slovenija Toplice, Sodražica, Črnomelj, Straža Metlika, Semič, Trebnje, Mirna Total Existing situation: 81 Possible increase in gas transmission network coverage for 68 municipalities with a potentially connectable municipalities distribution network *The municipality already has a chosen DSO. **DSO is connected to the system in the neighbouring country. 16
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period 3.2.6 Comparison of the role of natural gas in Slovenia and Europe 40% The Slovenian energy market is 35% significantly different from the EU-28 average in three out of five elements, 30% namely: natural gas, renewable 25% sources, and nuclear heat. The share 20% of natural gas in primary energy in the EU-28 countries is 2.3-times higher 15% than in Slovenia, while the shares of 10% renewable sources and nuclear heat 5% are significantly higher in Slovenia. 0% Trdna Solid goriva Oil products fuels Naftni Zemeljski Natural gasplin Nuclear Jedrska heat toplota Obnovljivisources Renewable viri proizvodi Data source: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/e Evropska EU-28 unija 28 Slovenija Slovenia nergy/data/main-tables Figure 7. Primary energy in EU-28 and Slovenia in 2014 40% In Slovenia, the highest share was reached in 2009 − 14.5% and it has 35% been dropping ever since. In the 30% primary energy consumption structure in Slovenia, natural gas 25% represents a 9% share, while the average value for the EU countries is 20% 21%. 15% 10% Data source: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/e 5% nergy/data/main-tables 0% DE AT DK AL HU HR ES NL EE IT NO EL IE SK PT CZ PL CY RO RS SI SE FI UK LT BE LV EU28 LU BG FR MK ME MT Figure 8. The share of natural gas in primary energy in EU countries (data for 2014, refreshed in 2016) 17
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Non-energy Energy sector consumption 0% RES Solid fuels Oil products 1% Heat 10% 3% 7% Other 4% consumption Industry 11% 25% Households 24% Electricity Natural gas Traffic 41% 35% 39% Figure 9. Energy consumption by sector (2016) Figure 10. Energy sources in industry (2016) in in Slovenia (Data source: RS energy balance sheet Slovenia (Data source: RS energy balance sheet 2016) 2016) Solid fuels 0% Oil products Solid fuels 13% 12% Natural gas 10% Natural gas RES 12% 45% Electricity 24% Oil products 76% Heat 8% Figure 11. Non-energy consumption (2016) in Figure 12. Energy sources in households (2016) Slovenia (Data source: RS energy balance sheet in Slovenia (Data source: RS energy balance sheet 2016) 2016) In the year 2016, the largest share of energy consumption was in traffic. Industry and households represent an important segment of energy consumption as well. These three sectors have consumed nearly 89% of all energy, with the remaining 11% in other consumption, non-energy consumption and the energy sector. In Slovenian industry in 2016, natural gas represented 35% of consumption. One of the most suitable uses for natural gas lies in households, since it is easy to use, safe, as well as the most environmentally friendly and competitive. There are several reasons for its small share (10%) in Slovenia, the relatively small geographic coverage In comparison with 2016, the energy distribution by sector in Slovenia in the year 2006 was: industry 25% (last year 33%), traffic 39% (last year 30%), households 24% (last year 23%), other consumption 11% (last year 10%), non-energy consumption 1% (last year 4%). 18
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period 300.000 According to the RS energy balance sheet, the final energy consumption in 250.000 the year 2016 amounted to 198,294TJ, which is 26.3% lower than ten years ago 200.000 (2006): 150.000 reduced by 33.7% in industry, increased by 17.3% in traffic, 100.000 2006 reduced by 4% in households, 50.000 2016 increased by 68.7% in other consumption, 0 reduced by 79.4% in non-energy Traffic Industry Households Total consumption consumption Other Non-energy consumption; one of the biggest reasons is the decommissioning of the methanol plant in Lendava. Figure 13. Energy consumption in 2006 and 2016 Slovenia is comparable to other EU-28 countries when it comes to the 50% consumption of natural gas in industry 45% (with a 32% share). The reduction in 40% energy consumption in the last ten years affected all energy sources, so natural 35% gas retained a relatively high share. 30% 25% Data source: 20% http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/ene 15% rgy/data/main-tables 10% 5% 0% AT AL ES DE DK HR EE NL CZ HU IT PL SK PT EL NO CY SE RO TR SI IE RS FR FI LU BE EU28 UK BG LT LV MK ME MT Figure 14. Share of natural gas among the energy sources in industry (data for 2014, refreshed in 2016) Increasing the share of natural gas consumption in households is a lengthy 80% process. In Slovenia, the biggest competitors are renewable energy 70% sources (mainly wood biomass in various 60% forms) and electricity for heat pumps. 50% Data source: 40% http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/ene rgy/data/main-tables 30% 20% 10% 0% DE AT DK AL HU ES HR NL CZ IE EE SK IT PL PT EL SE NO CY RO SI BE FR LV RS UK LU LT FI EU28 BG MK ME MT Figure 15. Share of natural gas among the energy sources in households (data for 2014, refreshed in 2016) 19
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period 100% In the year 2013, the consumption of 90% natural gas in conventional thermal power stations in Slovenia amounted to 80% 7,674.7GWh, but in the year 2014 it 70% dropped to 788.3GWh (90% drop). 60% 50% Data source: 40% http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/ene 30% rgy/data/main-tables 20% 10% 0% AT HR AL HU DE DK EE ES IE IT PT EL NL NO RO CZ SI CY SK PL SE RS FR LU LT FI LV BE BG UK EU28 MK ME MT Figure 16. Share of natural gas among the energy sources in conventional power stations (data for 2014, refreshed in 2016) 3.2.7 Natural gas consumption in the country in the 2008 – 2016 period The past consumption of natural gas represents one of the indicators used to forecast the booking of transmission capacity. In the year 2014, we have seen a large drop in consumption of natural gas, especially in the electricity production sector. The consumption of natural gas in the industrial sector has stabilised in the period from 2012 to 2014, which suggests that the economic conditions have settled down somewhat, and in 2015 there has been an increase in natural gas consumption in the industry segment of about 6%, and then in 2016 the additional 2.5%. In the other consumption segment, the TSO has been noticing a decline in natural gas consumption until 2014, which the TSO attributes mostly to installation of efficient facade insulations, new energy-efficient windows and other structural elements that contribute to lower consumption of energy products for heating, as well as extremely mild winters, but in 2015 an increase in natural gas consumption has been noticed in the other consumption segment as well, approximately 13%, and the additional 7.5% in 2016. Therefore, a total increase of about 4.5% has been recorded in the consumption of natural gas quantities in 2016 in comparison with the year 2015, and as much as 14% in comparison with the year 2014. Regardless of the annual volume of natural gas consumed, from the TSO's perspective, the key is the capacity booked on the level of daily consumption, required for the transmission of natural gas to supply the network users, which remains at about the same level during peak loads. Table 6. Natural gas consumption in Slovenia in the 2008 – 2016 period (million kWh/year) Sector 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Industry 7,166 6,269 6,611 5,073 4,774 4,774 4,774 5,064 5,187 Other 3,930 3,781 3,845 3,973 3,813 3,546 3,311 3,767 4,058 consumption Electricity 331 758 705 566 619 545 43 38 30 Total 11,427 10,808 11,161 9,612 9,206 8,865 8,128 8,869 9,275 20
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period 12.000 10.000 8.000 mio kWh 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year Industrija Industry Ostala Otherporaba cons. Elektrika Electricity Figure 17. Natural gas consumption in Slovenia in the 2008 – 2016 period (million kWh/year) 3.2.8 Demand and anticipated supply of transmission capacity Connection contracts Table 7 includes the projects for the future users of transmission capacity who have concluded a connection contract with the TSO and are envisaged for implementation in the coming period. Table 7. Connection contracts # Project name Purpose Planned start of operations MRS TE-TOL; B1 M5 Vodice − Jarše, R51 Jarše − Connection of thermal energy plant 2020 TE-TOL MRS Godovič; B2 Connection of DSO in the municipality of Idrija 2018 R38 Kalce − Godovič B9 MRS Lendava/Petišovci Connection to the production of natural gas 2019 B15 MRS Impol Adjustment to the demand characteristics of the 2021 user B17 MRS Knauf Capacity increase for industrial consumer 2018 Connection approvals Table 8 includes projects for users of transmission capacities who were issued connection approvals and their 2-year validity has not expired yet and connection contracts have not been concluded with them yet. Also displayed are the projects for which the users have submitted the application for approval and are in the phase of issuing the connection approval. 21
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Table 8. Connection approvals # Project name Purpose Planned start of operations B11 MRS Nasipi Trbovlje Connection of user and DSO 2019 B12 MRS Golnik Connection of DSO 2017/2018 Adjustment to the demand characteristics of the B13 MRS Brestanica 2018/2019 power station (stage one) B16 CNG MS Celje Connection of CNG filling station 2018 B18 MRS Miklavž na Dravskem polju Connection of DSO 2018 MRS IZ Hoče; B45 Connection of DSO 2018 R13c Miklavž − Hoče B25 MRS Rogatec ŠP Connection of DSO 2017/2018 B40 MRS Šobec Connection of DSO and/or user 2017/2018 B46 MRS Verovškova Connection of DSO 2017/2018 Queries Queries include the initial activities of our company, potential users and existing users of transmission capacities for connections that the TSO recorded as current and were addressed as queries in 2016. This group also includes the previous activities of potential users for which a connection approval had been issued, but has expired for various reasons and, hence, no connection contract has been concluded, yet the TSO still considers them as possible customers. For the following projects, the TSO considers that the potential or existing users have expressed interest for connections. Table 9. Queries # Project name Purpose Planned start of operations B19 MRS Bela 2021 Connection of DSO and industrial users; B20 MRS Halda connection with the system pipeline point 2021 A18 B21 MRS Desni Breg 2021 Connection of DSO; connection with the B47 MRS Kranjska Gora nd system pipeline point A18 Connection of DSO in the municipalities of MRS Sežana, MRS Kozina, MRS Sežana, Hrpelje − Kozina, Koper, Izola, B3 Dekani, MRS Koper, MRS Izola, MRS after 2020 Piran; connection with the system pipeline Lucija M6 MRS Cerklje; Connection of DSO in the municipality of B4 nd R297B Šenčur − Cerklje Cerklje MRS TTPP; B5 Connection of thermal power station nd R25A/1 Trojane − TTPP B7 MRS Cerknica Connection of DSO and industrial users nd Connection of users with CNG filling B8 CNG MS/MRS 2018 − 2027 stations Connection of new users with mobile Supply to users (Table 5) and other systems and adjustment of existing B14 2018 − 2027 connection projects connection points B27 MRS Šmarje pri Jelšah Connection of DSO 2018 B37 MRS Lukovica Connection of DSO nd B42 MRS Horjul Connection of DSO nd 22
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period Connection of municipality Škocjan and B43 MRS Škocjan/Šentjernej 2019 Šentjernej Adjustment to the demand characteristics B44 MS Kandija nd of the consumer Adjustment to the demand characteristics B23 MS Primorje CGM nd of the consumer B24 MS Labore Connection of DSO for industrial consumer nd Connection of DSO in the municipality of B10 MRS Marjeta nd Starše B26 MRS Pesnica Connection of DSO nd B22 MRS Šoštanj Connection of new industrial consumers nd Adjustment to the demand characteristics B33 MRS Štore nd of the user B30 MRS Videm Connection of DSO nd B31 MRS Kidričevo Connection of DSO nd B32 MRS Sveti Tomaž Connection of DSO nd Adjustment to the demand characteristics B46 MRS Verovškova 2017/2018 of the user Adjustment to the demand characteristics B48 MRS Gorenje 2017/2018 of the user and connection of DSO Adjustment to the demand characteristics B49 MRS Trbovlje 2017/2018 of the user Adjustment to the demand characteristics B50 MRS Novo Celje nd of the user Adjustment to the demand characteristics B51 MRS Krško nd of the user Adjustment to the demand characteristics B52 MRS Solkan 2017/2018 of the user B53 MRS Opekarna (Straža) Connection of new industrial consumers 2017/2018 B54 MRS Podčetrtek Connection of users nd B55 MRS Kozje Connection of users nd B56 MRS Vransko Connection of users nd B57 MRS Borovnica Connection of users nd * In addition to the station, each MS/MRS also includes a pipeline connecting the station to the transmission pipeline. Potential connections Potential connections are projects that the TSO estimates will need to be carried out considering the expected development of the transmission system, distribution systems and users' needs for connections to the transmission system in the next ten-year period, but the interest for connection has not yet been expressed by existing or potential users, or has ceased. Table 10. Potential connections # Project name Purpose Planned start of operations Connection of DSO in the MRS Grosuplje, MRS Ivančna Gorica, municipalities of Grosuplje, Ivančna B34 MRS Trebnje, MRS Mirna Peč, MRS Gorica, Trebnje, Mirna Peč, Mirna; nd Mirna connection with the system pipeline M5 MRS Semič nd Connection of DSO; connection with B41 MRS Metlika nd the system pipeline R45 MRS Črnomelj nd B28 MRS Oplotnica Connection of DSO nd MRS TOŠ; B6 Connection of thermal energy plant nd R52 Kleče − TOŠ 23
Ten-Year Gas Transmission Network Development Plan for the 2018 - 2027 Period B36 MRS Komenda Connection of DSO nd B35 MRS Škofljica/Ig Connection of DSO nd B38 MRS Brezovica/Log Dragomer Connection of DSO nd B29 MRS Braslovče Connection of DSO nd B58 MRS Šmartno ob Paki Connection of DSO nd Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure The purposes of Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure are minimising the dependence on oil and mitigating the environmental impact of transport, and it opens up new opportunities for natural gas in road and maritime transport. The natural gas transmission system with the requisite development can represent an important support infrastructure for transport, which is why we are co-developing the national framework in the direction where natural gas in transport is first attributed adequate relevance due to its positive role that is already proving in many cases of good practice to reduce emissions of particulate matter and to a lesser extent CO2, and afterwards, that it becomes interesting for users, if necessary with the help of suitable financial incentives. Projects within the framework of alternative fuels infrastructure are discussed in Point B8 CNG MS/MRS (connection of users with CNG filling stations). The national strategy for the development of alternative fuels infrastructure, dictated by the Directive 2014/94/EU, is currently under preparation and will be adopted by the Government of Republic of Slovenia expectedly in October 2017. 3.2.9 Forecast of natural gas consumption and booking of transmission capacity for the 2018 – 2027 period The forecast of booking of transmission capacity of the system operator is a key element of the review of future development of the natural gas market and it is based on numerous elements that the transmission system operator includes in the preparation of the forecast, namely: the concluded contracts for the connection to the natural gas transmission system and transmission contracts, the demands received from existing and potential network users, past experiences with transmission system users and implementation of TSO's activities in terms of new connections, forecasts for the construction of power facilities, estimated transition of system users to the increasingly higher use of short-term transmission capacity, prepared estimates of transmission capacity booking from the Requirement to issue consent to the regulatory framework, tariff items for network charges and tariff items for other services for the regulative period from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018, and the estimates and forecasts that the ENTSOG prepares and uses in the preparation of the TYNDP (ENTSOG has included various scenarios in the methodology for the last TYNDP 2017, and the company Plinovodi pursued the goal of steady growth in the consumption of natural gas). 24
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