SATURDAY MAY 11, 2019 SUNDAY MAY 12, 2019 - All-Breed Dog Shows Picnic By The Beach Casual Attire Is Encouraged - Jack Bradshaw
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PREMIUM LIST SATURDAY MAY 11, 2019 SUNDAY MAY 12, 2019 All-Breed Dog Shows Picnic By The Beach Casual Attire Is Encouraged VENTURA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS VENTURA, CALIFORNIA National Owner Handled Series CLOSING DATE: NOON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 PT 1
IMPORTANT NOTICE Mail Entries with Fees to Jack Bradshaw P.O. Box 227303, Los Angeles, CA 90022 Make checks payable to Jack Bradshaw FAX SERVICE: (323) 727-2949 E-MAIL ENTRIES: $4.00 per dog per show. $4.00 per cancellation Include MasterCard, Visa or American Express number & expiration date There will be a $4.00 convenience fee charged per dog per show when using a credit card for payment of hand delivered or mailed in entries. Fax machines are available 24 hours a day. Hand Deliveries - 5434 E. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90022 All entries with fees must be in the office of the Superintendent not later than NOON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 PT After which time no entries may be accepted, cancelled, changed, substituted, corrected, completed, or signed and no entry fees refunded. Any change or cancellation must be made in writing and received prior to closing, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the American Kennel Club Dog Show Rules. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE CLOSE OF ENTRY DAY TO FAX OR EMAIL YOUR ENTRIES. IF YOU FAX OR EMAIL YOUR ENTRIES ON A CLOSE OF ENTRY DAY, PLEASE SUBMIT PRIOR TO 9:00 AM. ENTRY FEES First entry of a dog ...................................................................................................... $32.00 Additional class, same dog on the same day ............................................................. $28.00 Puppy (6-9) (9-12), Bred By Classes .......................................................................... $28.00 Junior Showmanship…………………………………………………………………………free Scottish Terrier Puppy Sweepstakes Saturday .......................................................... $10.00 (The above fees include all AKC recording and event fees.) CLASSIFICATION This classification applies to each breed, whose name is listed. Any change in regular or non-regular classes appears under the individual breed heading. REGULAR CLASSES Puppy Dogs Puppy Bitches 6 mos. and under 9 mos. 6 mos. and under 9 mos. Puppy Dogs Puppy Bitches 9 mos. and under 12 mos. 9 mos. and under 12 mos. 12 mos. and under 18 mos. Dogs 12 mos. and under 18 mos. Bitches Novice Dogs Novice Bitches Amateur Owner Handled Dogs Amateur Owner Handled Bitches Bred by Exhibitor Dogs Bred by Exhibitor Bitches American Bred Dogs American Bred Bitches Open Dogs Open Bitches Winners Dog Winners Bitch NON-REGULAR CLASSES, INVOLVING SINGLE DOG ENTRIES Veteran Dogs - For dogs 7 years of age and older Veteran Bitches - For bitches 7 years of age and older BEST OF BREED (VARIETY) COMPETITION Best of Breed (Variety) Competition - "The following categories of dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed competition. Dogs that are Champions of Record. Dogs which according to their owner's records have completed the requirements for a championship but whose championships are unconfirmed. The entry and showing of dogs whose championships are unconfirmed is limited to a period of 90 days from the date of the show where a dog completed the requirements for a championship according to the owner's records. If, at the end of the 90-day period, the championship of a dog has not been confirmed by the American Kennel Club, no further entries of the dog for Best of Breed competition are to be made until its championship has been confirmed by the AKC." JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP CLASSIFICATION Novice Junior Novice Intermediate Novice Senior Open Junior Open Intermediate Open Senior Master No trials at these events 2
THIS SHOW IS HELD UNDER AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB RULES Event # 2019109701 Event # 2019109702 All Breed Dog Shows of the VENTURA COUNTY DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION (Member of the American Kennel Club) Ventura County Fairgrounds Harbor Boulevard & Figueroa Street Ventura, California SATURDAY MAY 11, 2019 SUNDAY MAY 12, 2019 Unbenched – Indoors/Outdoors Show Hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. SUPPORTED ENTRY Scottish Terrier Club of California Bulldog Club of America Div III Golden State Chinese Shar Pei Club Australian Cattle Dog Club of Greater Los Angeles Belgian Tervuren Club of Southern California CERTIFICATION Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under American Kennel Club rules and regulations. Gina M. DiNardo, Secretary RAMP - At the discretion of the judge, the following breeds may be judged on a ramp through all levels of competition: Lagotto Romagnolo, American Water Spaniel, Clumber Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels, Field Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels, Cirneco dell’Etna, Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen Standard Schnauzers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Irish Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Finnish Spitz, Keeshonden, Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, Finnish Lapphund, Norwegian Buhund, Icelandic Sheepdog, Polish Lowland Sheepdogs, Spanish Water Dogs, Norrbottenspets, Mudi. The following breeds may be judged on the ground, table or ramp: Boykin Spaniels, Whippets The following breeds must be judged on a ramp through all levels of conformation competition: Sussex Spaniels, Basset Hounds, Bulldogs, Chinese Shar-Pei, Chow Chows. Junior showmanship judges should follow the above. Ramps may be used in emergency situations to judge any breed. (In all but emergency situations, the exhibitor has no recourse. In an emergency situation, where use of a ramp is not indicated in the premium list, an exhibitor has the option of withdrawing their entry and receiving a refund.) 5/1/19 Superintendents Jack Bradshaw Dog Show Superintendents/Est. 1898 Post Office Box 227303, Los Angeles, California 90022 Telephone: (323) 727-0136; FAX: (323) 727-2949; WEB: Marion Bradshaw / Barbara Bradshaw / Susan Bradshaw MacLyman Julie Bradshaw Draper/John Bradshaw/Eloise O’Donnell/Cindy Marshall/Keith MacLyman One or more of the above superintendents will attend the show 3
OFFICERS Ms. Linda Whisenhunt....................................................................................................President Mrs. Lori Frost ........................................................................................................ Vice President Mr. Jim Scott ..........................................................................................................Past President Mrs. Michele Flickinger ................................................................................................. Treasurer Mrs. Rhonda Todd ....................................................................................... Recording Secretary Mrs. Mary Ann Welch ............................................................................ Corresponding Secretary 11899 Koenigstein Rd., Santa Paula. CA 93060 DIRECTORS Ms. Peri Norman, Mr. Mike Lerchenmuller, Mr. Joe Majzel, Mrs. Connie Brown Mrs. Rhonda Todd, Mrs. Beverly Halpin DELEGATE TO THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Ms. Lorraine Ebdon No officer, director or show chair for Ventura County DFA or member of their immediate family will enter a dog owned or co-owned by them or exhibit any dog at this show. SHOW COMMITTEE Ms. Linda Whisenhunt......................................................................................Show Chairperson 2934 Surfrider Ventura CA 93001 805-558-0500 Assistant Show Chairperson .............................................................................. Ms. Peri Norman CHAIRPERSONS Vendors ........................................................................................................... Ms Laura Thomas Catalog Sales & Information......................................................................Mrs. Michele Flickinger Club Hospitality (Day of Show) ................................. Mrs. Maga Norman & Laura and Ann Losito Grounds ................................................................................................... Mr. Mike Lerchenmuller Emergency Coordinator ..................................................................................Mrs. Connie Brown Ring Services ................................................................... Mrs. Peggy Breckley & Mr. Al Breckley Public Education ...................................................................Mrs. Bobbe Jacobs & Janet Colquitt Day of Show Luncheon ....... Mrs. Shirley Dumas, Mrs. Bobbe Jacobs and Mrs. Mary Ann Welch Event Committee Chairperson ................................................................... Ms. Linda Whisenhunt Event Committee ........................Ms. Peri Norman, Ms. Lorraine Ebdon,Mr. Mike Lerchenmuller, Mrs. Peggy Breckley and Mrs. Rhonda Todd And all the Officers and Directors of the Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association CHIEF RING STEWARD –Mr. Joe Majzel PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM – Bill Vail OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Bettina Bienefeld Rich Bergman Kitten Rodwell Only these photographers are allowed inside the rings VETERINARIAN ON CALL Horizon Veterinary Specialists (24 hours) 5280 Valentine Rd #120, Ventura CA 93003 Phone 805-856-0290 Directions: Merge onto US-101 South from Harbor Blvd. Exit Victoria Ave. Right on Valentine Road. Clinic is on the corner of Victoria Ave and Sperry Rd Ohana Pet Hospital (M – F: 8am to 6pm, Sat: 8am to 5pm, Sun: closed) 4547 Telephone Rd. Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003 Phone 805-658-7387 Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians’ recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations. 4
JUDGES Ms. Sylvia T. Barkey 1658 Townline, Toad Hall, RR #6, Claremont, ONT L1Y 1A3 Mrs. Emily Barnhart* 3419 NE 242nd Ave, Camas, WA 98607 Ms. Marcie S. Dobkin 14558 Topsham St, Poway, CA 92064 Mrs. Sally George 1610 Napa Rd, Sonoma, CA 95476 Ms. Susan Jacobsen 7088 Irish Ave Ct. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Mrs. Robette G. Johns* 6976 Coyote Trail, Oak Hills, CA 92344 Mr. Kerry Lee 1300 Buninyong-Mt Mercer Rd, Greenville VICT, Australia Mrs. Molly Martin 9355 Vaughn Rd, Pike Road, AL 36064 Ms. Peri D. Norman P.O. Box 90400, Los Angeles, CA 90009 Mrs. Madeline Patterson* 4570 N. Moorpark Rd, Santa Rosa Valley, CA 93012 Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer* 7687 Nollar Rd, Whitmore Lakes, MI 48189 Mr. Jerry M. Watson* 130 Carrington St, Savannah, TN 38372 *Judge was Provisional/Permit status for the assignment on the date the panel was approved by AKC. Exhibitor Hospitality The club will be offering exhibitor hospitality including homemade muffins and coffee cake in the morning and homemade cookies in the afternoon. Coffee and Iced Tea will be available all day. PUBLICATION RIGHTS By entering this show, all owners, handlers, breeders and kennels agree that all rights to televise, videotape, photograph, advertise, promote and publicize or otherwise exploit this show, or the persons or animals participating in it or the results of the competition before, during or after the event, shall belong solely to The American Kennel Club and their respective assigns, including the use of the names, likenesses or biographical matter of all dogs, owners, handlers, breeders and kennels participating in the show and no such owner, handler, breeder or kennel shall allow any other party to make commercial use of any videotape or photograph of any person or animal participating in this competition. 11/21/18 5
SATURDAY Greyhounds ........................................... Mrs. Martin Harriers .................................................. Mrs. Martin BEST in SHOW Ibizan Hounds........................................ Mrs. Martin Irish Wolfhounds ....................................Mrs. Martin Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer Norwegian Elkhounds...................... Mrs. Patterson Otterhounds ........................................... Mrs. Martin SPORTING BREEDS Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens..........Mrs. Martin Mr. Jerry M. Watson Pharaoh Hounds....................................Mrs. Martin Plott Hounds .......................................... Mrs. Martin Brittanys................................................. Mr. Watson Redbone Coonhound............................. Mrs. Martin Lagotto Romagnolos ............................. Mr. Watson Rhodesian Ridgebacks.......................... Mrs. Martin Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes ................ Mr. Watson Salukis ................................................... Mrs. Martin Pointer ................................................... Mr. Watson Scottish Deerhounds ............................. Mrs. Martin Pointers (German Shorthaired) ............. Mr. Watson Sloughis .................................................Mrs. Martin Pointers (German Wirehaired)............... Mr. Watson Treeing Walker Coonhounds .................Mrs. Martin Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) ............... Mr. Watson Whippets ................................................ Mrs. Martin Retrievers (Curly-Coated)................... Mrs. Redmer Retrievers (Flat-Coated) ........................ Mr. Watson WORKING BREEDS Retrievers (Golden) ............................ Mrs. Redmer Retrievers (Labrador) ............................ Mr. Watson Ms. Sylvia T. Barkey Open Dogs, Black; Chocolate; Yellow. Same Akitas ..................................................... Ms. Barkey division of classes in bitches. Alaskan Malamutes ............................... Ms. Barkey Retrievers (NS Duck Tolling) ................. Mr. Watson Anatolian Shepherds ............................. Ms. Barkey Setters (English) .................................... Mr. Watson Bernese Mountain Dogs ........................ Ms. Barkey Setters (Gordon).................................... Mr. Watson Black Russian Terriers ........................... Ms. Barkey Setters (Irish) ...................................... Mrs. Redmer Boerboel ................................................ Ms. Barkey Setters (Irish, Red and White) ............ Mrs. Redmer Boxers.................................................... Ms. Barkey Spaniels (American Water) .................... Mr. Watson Open Dogs, Brindle; Fawn. Same division of Spaniels (Boykin)................................ Mrs. Redmer classes in bitches. Spaniels (Clumber) ............................. Mrs. Redmer Bullmastiffs ............................................ Ms. Barkey Spaniels (Cocker) Black ........................ Mr. Watson Open Dogs, Brindle; Any Other Allowed Color. Spaniels (Cocker) Ascob ....................... Mr. Watson Same division of classes in bitches. Spaniels (Cocker) Parti Color ................ Mr. Watson Cane Corso............................................ Ms. Barkey Spaniels (English Cocker) .................. Mrs. Redmer Chinook.................................................. Ms. Barkey Spaniels (English Springer) ................ Mrs. Redmer Doberman Pinschers ............................. Ms. Barkey Spaniels (Field) ................................... Mrs. Redmer Open Dogs, Black; Any Other Allowed Color. Spaniels (Irish Water) ......................... Mrs. Redmer Same division of classes in bitches. Spaniels (Sussex)............................... Mrs. Redmer Dogue De Bordeaux ..............................Ms. Barkey Spaniels (Welsh Springer) .................. Mrs. Redmer German Pinschers ................................. Ms. Barkey Spinoni Italiani ....................................... Mr. Watson Giant Schnauzers .................................. Ms. Barkey Vizslas ................................................... Mr. Watson Great Danes .......................................... Ms. Barkey Weimaraners ......................................... Mr. Watson Open Dogs, Black; Blue; Brindle; Fawn; Harle- Wirehaired Pointing Griffons............... Mrs. Redmer quin; Mantle; Merle. Same division of classes in Wirehaired Vizslas ................................. Mr. Watson bitches. Great Pyrenees...................................... Ms. Barkey HOUND BREEDS Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs ............... Ms. Barkey Mrs. Molly Martin Komondorok .......................................... Ms. Barkey Kuvaszok ............................................... Ms. Barkey Afghan Hounds...................................... Mrs. Martin Leonberger ............................................ Ms. Barkey American English Coonhounds ............. Mrs. Martin Mastiffs .................................................. Ms. Barkey American Foxhounds............................. Mrs. Martin Neapolitan Mastiffs ................................ Ms. Barkey Azawakh ................................................ Mrs. Martin Newfoundlands ...................................... Ms. Barkey Basenjis ................................................. Mrs. Martin Portuguese Water Dogs.......................Mrs. George Basset Hounds ...................................... Mrs. Martin Rottweilers ............................................. Ms. Barkey Beagles (Thirteen Inch) ......................... Mrs. Martin S T. Bernards ......................................... Ms. Barkey Beagles (Fifteen Inch) ........................... Mrs. Martin Samoyeds.............................................. Ms. Barkey Black and Tan Coonhounds................... Mrs. Martin Siberian Huskies....................................Ms. Barkey Bloodhounds.......................................... Mrs. Martin Standard Schnauzers ..........................Mrs. George Bluetick Coonhounds............................. Mrs. Martin Tibetan Mastiffs...................................... Ms. Barkey Borzois................................................... Mrs. Martin Cirnechi dell Etna .................................. Mrs. Martin TERRIER BREEDS Dachshunds (Longhaired) ..................... Mrs. Martin Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 Mrs. Sally George mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division Airedale Terriers...................................Mrs. George of classes in bitches. American Hairless Terriers...................Mrs. George Dachshunds (Smooth)........................... Mrs. Martin American Staffordshire Terriers ...........Mrs. George Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 Australian Terriers................................Mrs. George mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division Bedlington Terriers...............................Mrs. George of classes in bitches. Border Terriers .....................................Mrs. George Dachshunds (Wirehaired)...................... Mrs. Martin Bull Terriers (Colored)..........................Mrs. George Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 Bull Terriers (White) .............................Mrs. George mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division Cairn Terriers .......................................Mrs. George of classes in bitches. Cesky Terriers......................................Mrs. George Foxhounds (English).............................. Mrs. Martin Dandie Dinmont Terriers ......................Mrs. George Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens ............ Mrs. Martin 6
SATURDAY Dalmatians...................................................Mr. Lee Fox Terriers (Smooth).......................... Mrs. George Open Dogs, Black Spotted; Liver-Spotted. Fox Terriers (Wire) ............................... Mrs. George Same division of classes in bitches. Glen of Imaal Terriers .......................... Mrs. George Finnish Spitz ................................................Mr. Lee Irish Terriers......................................... Mrs. George French Bulldogs...........................................Mr. Lee Kerry Blue Terriers............................... Mrs. George Keeshonden.................................................Mr. Lee Lakeland Terriers ................................. Mrs. George Lhasa Apsos ................................................Mr. Lee Manchester Terriers (Standard) ........... Mrs. George Lowchen ......................................................Mr. Lee Miniature Bull Terriers.......................... Mrs. George Norwegian Lundehunds......................... Ms. Dobkin Miniature Schnauzers.......................... Mrs. George Poodles (Miniature)............................. Mrs. Redmer Norfolk Terriers .................................... Mrs. George Poodles (Standard) ............................. Mrs. Redmer Norwich Terriers................................... Mrs. George Schipperkes .................................................Mr. Lee Parson Russell Terriers ....................... Mrs. George Shiba-Inu .....................................................Mr. Lee Rat Terriers .......................................... Mrs. George Tibetan Spaniels ..........................................Mr. Lee Russell Terriers.................................... Mrs. George Tibetan Terriers ............................................Mr. Lee Scottish Terriers........................................... Mr. Lee Xoloitzcuintli.................................................Mr. Lee Scottish Terriers Swp.........................Ms. Jacobsen Sealyham Terriers................................ Mrs. George HERDING BREEDS Skye Terriers........................................ Mrs. George Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers ............. Mrs. George Mr. Kerry Lee Staffordshire Bull Terriers .................... Mrs. George Australian Cattle Dogs .................................Mr. Lee Welsh Terriers...................................... Mrs. George Australian Shepherds ............................ Mrs. Johns West Highland White Terriers .............. Mrs. George Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle; Red. Same division of classes in bitches. TOY BREEDS Bearded Collies ...................................Mrs. George Mrs. Madeline Patterson Beauceron .......................................... Mrs. Redmer Belgian Malinois..................................... Mrs. Johns Affenpinschers ..................................Mrs. Patterson Belgian Sheepdogs................................ Mrs. Johns Brussels Griffons ..............................Mrs. Patterson Belgian Tervuren.................................... Mrs. Johns Cavalier King Charles Spaniels ........Mrs. Patterson Bergamasco Sheepdogs .......................Mr. Watson Chihuahuas (Long Coat) ..................Mrs. Patterson Berger Picard...................................... Mrs. Redmer Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) ..............Mrs. Patterson Border Collies ..................................... Mrs. Redmer Chinese Crested...............................Mrs. Patterson Bouviers Des Flandres .......................... Mrs. Johns Open Dogs, Hairless; Powderpuff. Same divi- Briards ...................................................Mr. Watson sion of classes in bitches. Canaan Dog........................................ Mrs. Redmer English Toy Spaniel Cardigan Welsh Corgis .......................... Mrs. Johns (Blenheim & Prince Charles) ............Mrs. Patterson Collies (Rough) ......................................Mr. Watson English Toy Spaniel Collies (Smooth) ....................................Mr. Watson (King Charles & Ruby)......................Mrs. Patterson Entlebucher Mountain Dogs ............... Mrs. Redmer Havanese .........................................Mrs. Patterson Finnish Lapphund ............................... Mrs. Redmer Italian Greyhounds ...........................Mrs. Patterson German Shepherd Dogs........................Mr. Watson Japanese Chin............................................. Mr. Lee Icelandic Sheepdogs .......................... Mrs. Redmer Maltese .............................................Mrs. Patterson Miniature American Shepherd ............ Mrs. Redmer Manchester Terriers (Toy).................... Mrs. George Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle; Miniature Pinschers ..........................Mrs. Patterson Red. Same division of classes in bitches. Papillons ...........................................Mrs. Patterson Norwegian Buhunds ........................... Mrs. Redmer Pekingese.................................................... Mr. Lee Old English Sheepdogs ...................... Mrs. Redmer Pomeranian ......................................Mrs. Patterson Pembroke Welsh Corgis ........................ Mrs. Johns Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable; Polish Lowland Sheepdogs ................ Mrs. Redmer Black, Brown and Blue; Any Other Allowed Pulik .................................................... Mrs. Redmer Color. Same division of classes in bitches. Pumik.................................................. Mrs. Redmer Poodle (Toy) ....................................... Mrs. Redmer Pyrenean Shepherds .......................... Mrs. Redmer Pugs .................................................Mrs. Patterson Shetland Sheepdogs ............................. Mrs. Johns Open Dogs, Black; Fawn. Same division of Open Dogs, Sable and White; Any Other classes in bitches. Allowed Color. Same division of classes in Shih Tzu ...........................................Mrs. Patterson bitches. Silky Terriers .....................................Mrs. Patterson Spanish Water Dog ................................ Ms. Barkey Toy Fox Terriers ................................Mrs. Patterson Swedish Vallhunds.......................................Mr. Lee Yorkshire Terriers..............................Mrs. Patterson MISCELLANEOUS CLASS NON-SPORTING BREEDS Mrs. Sally George Mr. Kerry Lee There will be a puppy, bred by and open class for dogs American Eskimos................................. Ms. Barkey and bitches in each breed: Barbet, Belgian Laekenois, Bichons Frises ..................................... Mrs. George Dogo Argentino, Dutch Shepherd, Lancashire Heeler, Boston Terriers ............................................ Mr. Lee Mudi, Norrbottenspets, Peruvian Inca Orchid, Portu- Open Dogs, under 15 lbs.;15 lbs. and over. guese Podengo and Russian Toy. Same division of classes in bitches. Bulldogs....................................................... Mr. Lee JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION Chinese Shar-Pei ........................................ Mr. Lee Chow Chows ............................................... Mr. Lee Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer Open Dogs, Black; Red; Any Other Allowed Color. Same division of classes in bitches. Coton de Tulear ........................................... Mr. Lee 7
SUNDAY Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens ............Mr. Watson Greyhounds ...........................................Mr. Watson BEST in SHOW Harriers ..................................................Mr. Watson Ibizan Hounds........................................Mr. Watson Mr. Kerry Lee Irish Wolfhounds ....................................Mr. Watson Norwegian Elkhounds............................Mr. Watson SPORTING BREEDS Otterhounds ...........................................Mr. Watson Mrs. Molly Martin Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens..........Mr. Watson Pharaoh Hounds....................................Mr. Watson Brittanys....................................................... Mr. Lee Plott Hounds ..........................................Mr. Watson Lagotto Romagnolos ................................... Mr. Lee Portuguese Podengo Pequenos............Mr. Watson Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes ................ Mrs. Martin Redbone Coonhound.............................Mr. Watson Pointer ......................................................... Mr. Lee Rhodesian Ridgebacks..........................Mr. Watson Pointers (German Shorthaired) ................... Mr. Lee Salukis ...................................................Mr. Watson Pointers (German Wirehaired)..................... Mr. Lee Scottish Deerhounds .............................Mr. Watson Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) ..................... Mr. Lee Sloughis .................................................Mr. Watson Retrievers (Curly-Coated)............................ Mr. Lee Treeing Walker Coonhounds .................Mr. Watson Retrievers (Flat-Coated) .............................. Mr. Lee Whippets ................................................Mr. Watson Retrievers (Golden) ..................................... Mr. Lee Retrievers (Labrador) .................................. Mr. Lee WORKING BREEDS Open Dogs, Black; Chocolate; Yellow. Same division of classes in bitches. Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer Retrievers (NS Duck Tolling) ....................... Mr. Lee Akitas .................................................. Mrs. Redmer Setters (English) .......................................... Mr. Lee Alaskan Malamutes ............................ Mrs. Redmer Setters (Gordon).......................................... Mr. Lee Anatolian Shepherds .......................... Mrs. Redmer Setters (Irish) ............................................... Mr. Lee Bernese Mountain Dogs ..................... Mrs. Redmer Setters (Irish, Red and White) ..................... Mr. Lee Black Russian Terriers ........................ Mrs. Redmer Spaniels (American Water) ................. Mrs. Redmer Boerboel ............................................. Mrs. Redmer Spaniels (Boykin)................................... Mrs. Martin Boxers................................................. Mrs. Redmer Spaniels (Clumber) ...................................... Mr. Lee Open Dogs, Brindle; Fawn. Same division of Spaniels (Cocker) Black .............................. Mr. Lee classes in bitches. Spaniels (Cocker) Ascob ............................. Mr. Lee Bullmastiffs ......................................... Mrs. Redmer Spaniels (Cocker) Parti Color ...................... Mr. Lee Open Dogs, Brindle; Any Other Allowed Color. Spaniels (English Cocker) ........................... Mr. Lee Same division of classes in bitches. Spaniels (English Springer) ......................... Mr. Lee Cane Corso......................................... Mrs. Redmer Spaniels (Field) ............................................ Mr. Lee Chinook............................................... Mrs. Redmer Spaniels (Irish Water) .................................. Mr. Lee Doberman Pinschers .......................... Mrs. Redmer Spaniels (Sussex)........................................ Mr. Lee Open Dogs, Black; Any Other Allowed Color. Spaniels (Welsh Springer) ........................... Mr. Lee Same division of classes in bitches. Spinoni Italiani ............................................. Mr. Lee Dogue De Bordeaux ........................... Mrs. Redmer Vizslas ......................................................... Mr. Lee German Pinschers .............................. Mrs. Redmer Weimaraners ............................................... Mr. Lee Giant Schnauzers ............................... Mrs. Redmer Wirehaired Pointing Griffons.................. Mrs. Martin Great Danes ....................................... Mrs. Redmer Wirehaired Vizslas ....................................... Mr. Lee Open Dogs, Black; Blue; Brindle; Fawn; Harle- quin; Mantle; Merle. Same division of classes in HOUND BREEDS bitches. Mr. Jerry M. Watson Great Pyrenees................................... Mrs. Redmer Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs ............ Mrs. Redmer Afghan Hounds...................................... Mr. Watson Komondorok ....................................... Mrs. Redmer American English Coonhounds ............. Mr. Watson Kuvaszok ............................................ Mrs. Redmer American Foxhounds............................. Mr. Watson Leonberger ......................................... Mrs. Redmer Azawakh ................................................ Mr. Watson Mastiffs ............................................... Mrs. Redmer Basenjis ................................................. Mr. Watson Neapolitan Mastiffs ............................. Mrs. Redmer Basset Hounds ...................................... Mr. Watson Newfoundlands ................................... Mrs. Redmer Beagles (Thirteen Inch) ......................... Mr. Watson Portuguese Water Dogs...................... Mrs. Redmer Beagles (Fifteen Inch) ........................... Mr. Watson Rottweilers .......................................... Mrs. Redmer Black and Tan Coonhounds................... Mr. Watson S T. Bernards ...................................... Mrs. Redmer Bloodhounds.......................................... Mr. Watson Samoyeds........................................... Mrs. Redmer Bluetick Coonhounds............................. Mr. Watson Siberian Huskies................................. Mrs. Redmer Borzois................................................... Mr. Watson Standard Schnauzers ......................... Mrs. Redmer Cirnechi dell Etna .................................. Mr. Watson Tibetan Mastiffs................................... Mrs. Redmer Dachshunds (Longhaired) ..................... Mr. Watson Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 TERRIER BREEDS mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division of classes in bitches. Ms. Sylvia T. Barkey Dachshunds (Smooth)........................... Mr. Watson Airedale Terriers..................................... Ms. Barkey Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 American Hairless Terriers..................... Ms. Barkey mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division American Staffordshire Terriers ............. Ms. Barkey of classes in bitches. Australian Terriers.................................. Ms. Barkey Dachshunds (Wirehaired)...................... Mr. Watson Bedlington Terriers................................. Ms. Barkey Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 Border Terriers ....................................... Ms. Barkey mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division Bull Terriers (Colored)............................ Ms. Barkey of classes in bitches. Bull Terriers (White) ............................... Ms. Barkey Foxhounds (English).............................. Mr. Watson Cairn Terriers ......................................... Ms. Barkey 8
SUNDAY Coton de Tulear ..................................... Mrs. Martin Cesky Terriers........................................ Ms. Barkey Dalmatians............................................. Mrs. Martin Dandie Dinmont Terriers........................ Ms. Barkey Open Dogs, Black Spotted; Liver-Spotted. Fox Terriers (Smooth)............................ Ms. Barkey Same division of classes in bitches. Fox Terriers (Wire) ................................. Ms. Barkey Finnish Spitz .......................................... Mrs. Martin Glen of Imaal Terriers ............................ Ms. Barkey French Bulldogs..................................... Mrs. Martin Irish Terriers........................................... Ms. Barkey Keeshonden........................................... Mrs. Martin Kerry Blue Terriers................................. Ms. Barkey Lhasa Apsos .......................................... Mrs. Martin Lakeland Terriers ................................... Ms. Barkey Lowchen ................................................ Mrs. Martin Manchester Terriers (Standard) ............. Ms. Barkey Norwegian Lundehunds......................... Mrs. Martin Miniature Bull Terriers............................ Ms. Barkey Poodles (Miniature)................................ Mrs. Martin Miniature Schnauzers............................ Ms. Barkey Poodles (Standard) ................................ Mrs. Martin Norfolk Terriers ...................................... Ms. Barkey Schipperkes ........................................... Mrs. Martin Norwich Terriers..................................... Ms. Barkey Shiba-Inu ............................................... Mrs. Martin Parson Russell Terriers ......................... Ms. Barkey Tibetan Spaniels ....................................Mrs. Martin Rat Terriers ............................................ Ms. Barkey Tibetan Terriers ...................................... Mrs. Martin Russell Terriers...................................... Ms. Barkey Xoloitzcuintli........................................... Mrs. Martin Scottish Terriers..................................... Ms. Barkey Sealyham Terriers.................................. Ms. Barkey HERDING BREEDS Skye Terriers.......................................... Ms. Barkey Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers ............... Ms. Barkey Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer Staffordshire Bull Terriers ...................... Ms. Barkey Australian Cattle Dogs ....................... Mrs. Barnhart Welsh Terriers........................................ Ms. Barkey Australian Shepherds ........................ Mrs. Barnhart West Highland White Terriers ................ Ms. Barkey Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle; Red. Same division of classes in bitches. TOY BREEDS Bearded Collies ................................. Mrs. Barnhart Ms. Sylvia T. Barkey Beauceron ......................................... Mrs. Barnhart Belgian Malinois.....................................Mr. Watson Affenpinschers ....................................... Ms. Barkey Belgian Sheepdogs................................Mr. Watson Brussels Griffons ................................... Ms. Barkey Belgian Tervuren................................ Mrs. Barnhart Cavalier King Charles Spaniels ............. Ms. Barkey Bergamasco Sheepdogs ..................... Ms. Norman Chihuahuas (Long Coat) ....................... Ms. Barkey Berger Picard..................................... Mrs. Barnhart Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) ................... Ms. Barkey Border Collies .................................... Mrs. Barnhart Chinese Crested.................................... Ms. Barkey Bouviers Des Flandres ...................... Mrs. Barnhart Open Dogs, Hairless; Powderpuff. Same divi- Briards ............................................... Mrs. Barnhart sion of classes in bitches. Canaan Dog....................................... Mrs. Barnhart English Toy Spaniel Cardigan Welsh Corgis ...................... Mrs. Barnhart (Blenheim & Prince Charles) ................. Ms. Barkey Collies (Rough) .................................. Mrs. Barnhart English Toy Spaniel Collies (Smooth) ................................ Mrs. Barnhart (King Charles & Ruby)........................... Ms. Barkey Entlebucher Mountain Dogs .............. Mrs. Barnhart Havanese .............................................. Ms. Barkey Finnish Lapphund ................................ Ms. Norman Italian Greyhounds ................................ Ms. Barkey German Shepherd Dogs.................... Mrs. Barnhart Japanese Chin....................................... Ms. Barkey Icelandic Sheepdogs ......................... Mrs. Barnhart Maltese .................................................. Ms. Barkey Miniature American Shepherd ........... Mrs. Barnhart Manchester Terriers (Toy)...................... Ms. Barkey Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle; Miniature Pinschers ............................... Ms. Barkey Red. Same division of classes in bitches. Papillons ............................................ Mrs. Barnhart Norwegian Buhunds .......................... Mrs. Barnhart Pekingese.............................................. Ms. Barkey Old English Sheepdogs ....................... Ms. Norman Pomeranian ........................................... Ms. Barkey Pembroke Welsh Corgis .................... Mrs. Barnhart Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable; Polish Lowland Sheepdogs ............... Mrs. Barnhart Black, Brown and Blue; Any Other Allowed Pulik ................................................... Mrs. Barnhart Color. Same division of classes in bitches. Pumik................................................. Mrs. Barnhart Poodle (Toy) .......................................... Mrs. Martin Pyrenean Shepherds ........................... Ms. Norman Pugs ...................................................... Ms. Barkey Shetland Sheepdogs ......................... Mrs. Barnhart Open Dogs, Black; Fawn. Same division of Open Dogs, Sable and White; Any Other classes in bitches. Allowed Color. Same division of classes in Shih Tzu ................................................ Ms. Barkey bitches. Silky Terriers .......................................... Ms. Barkey Spanish Water Dog ............................ Mrs. Barnhart Toy Fox Terriers ..................................... Ms. Barkey Swedish Vallhunds............................. Mrs. Barnhart Yorkshire Terriers................................... Ms. Barkey MISCELLANEOUS CLASS NON-SPORTING BREEDS Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer Mrs. Molly Martin There will be a puppy, bred by and open class for dogs American Eskimos................................. Mrs. Martin and bitches in each breed: Barbet, Belgian Laekenois, Bichons Frises ....................................... Mrs. Martin Dogo Argentino, Dutch Shepherd, Lancashire Heeler, Boston Terriers ...................................... Mrs. Martin Mudi, Norrbottenspets, Peruvian Inca Orchid, Portu- Open Dogs, under 15 lbs.;15 lbs. and over. guese Podengo and Russian Toy. Same division of classes in bitches. Bulldogs................................................. Mrs. Martin JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION Chinese Shar-Pei .................................. Mrs. Martin Chow Chows ......................................... Mrs. Martin Mrs. Emily Barnhart Open Dogs, Black; Red; Any Other Allowed Color. Same division of classes in bitches. 9
SATURDAY and SUNDAY BEST IN SHOW AND GROUP TROPHIES A Wilton Armetale Serving Piece and Rosette is offered for Best In Show and Group First BEST IN SHOW is offered by Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association SPORTING GROUP is offered by Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association HOUND GROUP is offered by Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association WORKING GROUP is offered by Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association TERRIER GROUP is offered by Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association TOY GROUP is offered by Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association NONSPORTING GROUP is offered by Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association HERDING GROUP is offered by Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - Red and White Rosette BEST IN SHOW OWNER HANDLED – Gift Basket of Dog Themed Items and Rosette Reserve Best In Show Owner Handled - Rosette NOHS Group 1 For Each Variety Groups - Gift Basket or Gift Bag of Dog Themed Items NOHS Variety Groups - Rosettes First through Fourth Place SUNDAY VARIETY GROUP CHALLENGE TROPHIES SPORTING GROUP The Nancy Wallis Challenge Trophy In memory of Mrs. Nancy Wallis, VCDFA life member, the Caring Concessionaires of the Winterfest and Summerfest All Breed Dog Shows offer a perpetual trophy. The original trophy was created by Dannyquest Design for first place in the Sporting Group. To be retired, the trophy must be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The name of the winning dog will be suitably engraved on the trophy. Until its retirement, the Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association will retain possession of the trophy. It is the owner’s responsibility to notify the Trophy Chairperson of the third win. TOY GROUP The Bergum Bowl Challenge Trophy In memory of longtime member, Bill Bergum and his family, The Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association offers the Bergum Bowl for first place in the Toy Group. To be retired, the trophy must be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. Until its retirement, the Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association will retain the trophy BEST JUNIOR HANDLER - $50.00 gift card offered by Mrs. Rhonda Todd Rhonda Todd offers an award for First Place for Novice Junior, Novice Intermediate, Novice Senior, Open Junior, Open Intermediate, Open Senior and Master Class. The Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association offers a rosette to each dog or bitch that completes its Championship or Grand Championship at this show. Awards must be claimed on day of show – no awards will be mailed The Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association will offer rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Best of Winners, Winners, Reserve and Select in the breeds holding supported shows- Scottish Terrier Club of California Bulldog Club of America Div III Golden State Chinese Shar Pei Club Australian Cattle Dog Club of Greater Los Angeles Belgian Tervuren Club of Southern California BREED TROPHIES WORKING BREEDS GREAT PYRENEES– Saturday and Sunday, Linda Whisenhunt offers a colored pencil drawing by Nancy Taber Woods for Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog, Select Bitch, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch and a Pyr pendant for Best of Breed Owner Handled. 10
TERRIER BREEDS SCOTTISH TERRIERS - The Scottish Terrier Club of California supports the entry at Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association both days and offers either glass, silver plate, finished metal, crystal, wood, porcelain, fabric, tapestry, cloth, or lithograph trophies for the following: BEST OF BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX, BEST OF WINNERS, SELECT DOG & BITCH, WINNERS DOG & BITCH SWEEPSTAKES Saturday Sweepstakes Judge: Entries will be open to all eligible Scottish Terriers. Champions of Record may not be entered in the Sweepstakes. All entries in the Sweepstakes MUST ALSO be entered in the regular classes. Sweepstakes entries are to be made as an additional class on the official entry form and be designated as Sweepstakes with age class. Entry fee for the Sweepstakes is $10.00. The Sweepstakes classes will be judged before regular classes. Dogs shown in the Sweepstakes Classes may not be shown by professional handlers, members of their families or their employees unless such person is the owner or breeder of the dog entered. “Professional Handler” includes anyone who has received remuneration for the handling of a dog. Dog classes will be shown first as follows: 6 months - under 9 months; 9 months - under 12 months; 12 months - under 18 months. Winners will compete for Best Puppy Dog. Bitch classes will be shown following the Best Puppy Dog competition as follows: 6 months - under 9 months; 9 months - under 12 months; 12 months - under 18 months. Winners will compete for Best Puppy Bitch. The Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy Bitch will compete for Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes. DIVISION OF PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES ENTRY MONEY AS PRIZES Entry fees will be divided in each class as follows: Four or more in a class: First Place – 40%, Second Place – 30%, Third Place – 20%, Fourth Place – 10%. Three in a class: First Place – 50%, Second Place – 35%, Third Place – 15%. Two in a class: First Place – 67%, Second Place – 33% One in a class: First Place – 100%. Monies from absentees will revert to the STCC Treasury. The Scottish Terrier Club of California offers rosettes and either glass, silver plate, finished metal, crystal, wood, porcelain, fabric tapestry, cloth, or lithograph trophies for BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKES, BEST PUPPY DOG and BEST PUPPY BITCH HERDING BREEDS BELGIAN TERVUREN-Saturday and Sunday, the Belgian Tervuren Club of Southern California will support the entry of the Belgian Tervuren and offers $15.00 gift vouchers for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex and $10.00 gift vouchers for Best of Winners. RIBBON PRIZES The following ribbon prizes will be awarded: First Prize - Blue Ribbon Third Prize - Yellow Ribbon Second Prize - Red Ribbon Fourth Prize - White Ribbon Winners - Purple Ribbon Reserve Winners - Purple and White Ribbon Best of Winners - Blue and White Ribbon Best of Breed & Best of Variety of Breed - Purple and Gold Ribbon Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed or Variety of Breed - Red and White Ribbon Select – Light Blue and White Ribbon Best in Show - Red, White and Blue Rosette Reserve Best In Show –Red and White Rosette Best Junior Handler – Pink and Green Rosette Reserve Best Junior Handler – Pink and Gray Rosette And the following ribbon prizes for all non-regular classes: First Prize - Rose Ribbon Third Prize - Light Green Ribbon Second Prize - Brown Ribbon Fourth Prize - Gray Ribbon 11
AKC Owner-Handled Series The AKC National Owner-Handled Series is a non-titling competition for dogs that are exhibited by their owners that are not professional handlers. Exhibitors must declare their dog is Owner-Handled eligible at the time of entry on the entry form. Dogs entered in the Amateur-Owner-Handler class will automatically be marked as eligible to compete in the NOHS. Eligible dogs will be identified by an asterisk in the judge’s book, steward’s book & the catalog. Dogs must be handled throughout the breed level competition for the regular show by an eligible owner. Professional handlers*, household members and current assistants** to professional handlers may not exhibit the dog in any NOHS competition during the entire show. Owner-Handled Best of Breed will be selected from the dogs that are eligible to compete in the Best of Breed competition including Winners Dog, Winners Bitch and winners of the non-regular classes. o If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is Owner-Handled competition eligible, it will automatically be Owner-Handled Best of Breed/Variety and be eligible to compete in both the regular as well as the Owner-Handled group. o If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is not eligible for Owner-Handled competition and the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety is eligible, the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety will compete against the eligible exhibits of the other sex to determine Owner- Handled Best of Breed/Variety. o If neither the Best of Breed nor the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety are Owner- Handled competition eligible and Select Dog & Select Bitch are both eligible, the judge is to choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the Selects and eligible Winners Dog or Winners Bitch. o If one of the Selects is eligible, excuse all Champions and non-regular class winners of the same sex and then choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the remaining dogs of the opposite sex including the eligible Winners. o If Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Select Dog & Select Bitch are not eligible, the judge may choose any eligible dog remaining in the ring including Winners Dog or Winners Bitch as Owner-Handled Best of Breed/Variety. o If the Best of Winners is eligible, the other Winner is ineligible since it was defeated. o No class dogs other than the Winners Dog & Winners Bitch are eligible to return to the ring. The breed will not be represented in the Owner-Handled Group if there is no eligible dog competing in the Best of Breed or in Best of Winners competition. *Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay within the last five years **A current assistant is defined as anyone employed by a professional handler on a full-time basis, or assisting a professional handler at the show or any time during the cluster/weekend. Current assistants that are eligible to compete in Junior Showmanship (meet age & amateur status requirements) may participate in NOHS. .AKC Revised 5/11/18 Judges Saturday Sunday BISOH Ms. Barkey Mr. Watson Sporting Mrs. Redmer Ms. Norman Hounds Mrs. Patterson Mr. Loller Working Ms. George Mr. Watson Terriers Mr. Lee Ms.Norman Toys Ms. George Mrs.Barnhart NonSporting Mrs. Redmer Mr. Loller Herding Mrs. Johns Mrs. Barnhart 12
JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION Age division counted on the day of the event: Junior 9 and under 12 years; Intermediate 12 and under 15 years; Senior 15 & under 18 years Achievement level: Novice, Open, Master When filling out entry forms: achievement level and age division Example: Novice Junior Novice. This shall be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who at the time entries close have not won three (3) first place awards, with competition present, in a Novice Class. A first place in Novice without competition leading to a Best Junior award with competition would count as one win towards moving to Open at a licensed or member show. Junior Handlers who win a third Novice Class with competition, if a win in Novice leads to a Best Junior with competition present it will count as one win towards moving to Open, after the closing of entries for a show are required to transfer their entry from the Novice Class to the Open Class by notifying the Superintendent or Show Secretary at least one-half hour prior to the scheduled start of Junior Showmanship judging at the show. Open. This class shall be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show, and who have won three first place awards in a Novice Class or if a win in Novice leads to a Best Junior with competition present it will count as one win towards moving to Open in a licensed or member show. Master This class will be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years on the day of the show, and who have won 10 first place wins in an Open class with competition. The calendar for this class will be consistent with the eligibility dates for the AKC National Championship. All Juniors meeting the criteria for this class are required to enter the Master Class and must change their entry the day of the show if entries have already closed. Once the eligibility time frame for that year has passed all participants return to the Open Class to compete for the following year. Each dog must be owned or co-owned by the Junior Handler or by the Junior Handler's father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandfather or grandmother, including step and half relations or by a member of the Junior Handler's household. Every dog entered for Junior Showmanship must be eligible to compete in Dog Shows or in Obedience Trials. BITCHES IN SEASON ARE NOT ELIGIBLE. A dog that has been excused or disqualified by a Breed Judge or by a Bench Show Committee may still be handled in Junior Showmanship if eligible to compete in Obedience Trials. A dog that has been rejected, dismissed, or excused by the Veterinarian for the protection of the other dogs at the show or for the protection of the dog excused may not be handled in Junior Showmanship. Junior Handler's must include their AKC Junior Handler identification number on the entry blank. You may obtain your number by calling the AKC (919) 233-9767. AKC 01/01/18 TRAVEL DIRECTIONS If you are coming from the North on the Ventura Freeway, take the Ventura Avenue offramp, go right on Thompson to Figueroa, then go right on Figueroa to the Fairgrounds. If you are coming from the South on the Ventura Freeway, take the California Street offramp. Go left on California Street, cross over the freeway to Harbor. Then go right on Harbor to the Fairgrounds. 13
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