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                                                 WICKLOW                                                                                         WE DELIVER!- for 30 years                              SOUTH EDITION

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                                                                                                                                                TINAHELY LIGHTS                SUDBURY SCHOOL               WICKLOW TO HOLLYWOOD
                                                                                                                                                       page 4                          page 5                          page 11
     Tuesday 5th November 2019                           5 Eglinton Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow                           Tel: 01 - 2869111                          E-mail:

At a time when there's a surge in drug offences in County
Wicklow new figures reveal a significant reduction in the
number of Gardaí assigned to the Wicklow divisional drugs
unit. There are now just four Gardaí working in the unit.

  The figures were             attached to the drug unit      resources to Specialist
released to Fianna Fail        in Wicklow has continued       Bureaus such as the Garda
after the Party raised a       to remain critically low       National Drugs and
question in the Dáil           despite accelerated Garda      Organised Crime Bureau
regarding the number of        recruitment and a surge in     for next year.
Garda' assigned to each        drug related crime," Pat          "Extra resources are
divisional drug unit in        Casey TD said.                 badly needed in these
2011, 2017, 2018 and to          "These cuts are unac-        divisions and not reduc-
date in 2019. In Wicklow       ceptable particularly when     tions like we have been
in 2011 there was a total      we see high levels of drug     seeing over the past few
of 11 Garda' in the unit,      crime continuing and also      years. Garda drugs units
this dropped to 3 in 2012,     see how the rapid increase     are mainly detectives and
and now in 2019 there are      in drug use is damaging        undercover         Gardaí
just 4. Neighbouring           communities in every           assigned to deal with
counties Wexford and           village and town in            illicit drugs, movements
Kildare each have 9            Wicklow.                       and seizures.”
gardai in their drugs unit.      "In response to our             Responding to the
  In the last year there has   question, the Minister has     figures last week, Stephen
been a 57% increase in         said he has been informed      Donnelly TD said that an
crimes relating to drug        by the Commissioner that       increase in drug crime
sales and supply in the        the additional resources       outside Dublin is proof
Wicklow Garda Division.        coming on stream have          that Wicklow needs more
  "The number of Gardaí        enabled him to assign          Gardaí.

                                                                                                Pictured are Sarah, Bojin, and Orgil Manson at Michelle Harton’s exhibition in the Visual Arts Gallery
                                                                                                in Arklow last week.

                                                                                                Deputy           Donnelly      work, crime figures have
                                                                                              explained, "The number           been on the rise here. I
                                                                                              of drugs offences recorded       have written directly to
                                                                                              in the first half of this year   the Garda Commissioner
                                                                                              at 10,900 is 20% higher          to explain the urgency for
                                                                                              than the first six months of     our county to get more
                                                                                              last year. What this says to     Gardaí and I will keep the
                                                                                              me is that it's becoming         pressure on until he starts
                                                                                              more important than ever         listening," concluded
                                                                                              to have a visible Garda          Donnelly.
                                                                                              presence on the street. We         Responding to Fianna
                                                                                              know that this would act         Fail's    Parliamentary
                                                                                              as a deterrent and help          Question, Minister for
                                                                                              reverse this upward trend.       Justice Charlie Flanagan
                                                                                                "I was so worried about        said     "The       Garda
                                                                                              the rise in crime rates in       Commissioner is statutori-
                                                                                              Wicklow that I held a            ly responsible for the
                                                                                              public meeting on the            management of An Garda
                                                                                              issue in Bray in                 Síochána, including per-
                                                                                              September. That night, I         sonnel matters and
                                                                                              called on the Government         deployment of resources.
                                                                                              to dramatically increase         As Minister, I have no
                                                                                              the number of Gardaí on          responsibility for these
                                                                                              our streets.                     matters. Garda manage-
                                                                                                "We're lucky to have           ment keeps the distribu-
                                                                                              such dedicated and hard-         tion of resources under
                                                                                              working Gardaí in                continual review in the
                                                                                              Wicklow. Unfortunately,          context of crime trends
                                                                                              their      numbers        and    and policing priorities so
                                                                                              resources have been              as to ensure that the opti-
                                                                                              depleted in recent years.        mum use is made of
                                                                                              So, despite their hard           resources."
Times     WICKLOW

2 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                              Tuesday 5th November 2019

                                                                                                                       Wicklow Dementia Support needs volunteers
                                                                                                                       Wicklow Dementia Support is currently in need of volunteers for its Meet
                                                                                                                       and Eat program.
                                                                                                                         Meet and Eat is a project that aims to target older adults who are socially isolated, living alone and in particu-
                                                                                                                       lar those who are vulnerable due to physical, mental, or cognitive impairment. It covers the Arklow area and
                                                                                                                       from Aughrim to Glenealy. Twelve volunteers (male and female) are to be recruited to assist with preparing sim-
                                                                                                                       ple nutritious meals and providing companionship at mealtimes once a week in the older person’s home.
                                                                                                                       Volunteers will receive training and Garda Vetting.
                                                                                                                         “If you know of any vulnerable adults in the target area who would benefit from this intervention or if you
                                                                                                                       know a suitable volunteer please get in touch with us,” said Wicklow Dementia Suport.
                                                                                                                         Volunteer recruitment & training will take place with the programme being rolled out in November.
                                                                                                                         Please contact Jenny at Wicklow Dementia Support if interested; 089 428 6928 or info@wicklowdementia-
                                                                                                                         Wicklow Dementia Support is a local charity, supporting people with dementia and their families. They aim to
                                                                                                                       support the person with dementia to stay at home in their own community for as long as possible. As well as the
                                                                                                                       Meet and Eat Program, WDS runs a befriending program (AlzPals), social clubs (AlzClubs) for the person with
                                                                                                                       dementia and their carer, Memory Lane Music Group, Carer Support Groups, and organizes cultural outings and
                                                                                                                       other social get-togethers throughout the year.
                                                                                                                         “Volunteers are the heart and soul of WDS but funds are needed to train them and to pay for all other supports
                                                                                                                       and social gatherings provided throughout the year. Fundraising is crucial for our ability to provide the best ser-
                                                                                                                       vices we can and to further expand into Wicklow County.”

                                                                                                                        Square One Theatre      Phelim Drew Band in
                                                                                                                          Group present:     Music, Songs and Stories
 Riona, Martha, Eleanor, Stella, and Pierce Shanley were at the Halloween Spooks Parade at
 Bray Retail Park. Led by costumed characters, local children went from store to store on a                            Rumours by Neil Simon Celebrating the music that he grew up on, and
 spooky adventure, listening to ghost stories and collecting vouchers for treats. A fancy-dress                                                                                     reinterpreting the songs of his late father Ronnie
                                                                                                                       Ken Gorman and his wife Chris arrive at the                  Drew and The Dubliners, Phelim brings a Drew
 competition rounded off the event as treats were given out.
                                                                                                                       tastefully decorated London townhouse, but                   house session to Whale Theatre for one special
                                                                                                                       all is not as it seems.....                                  night.
      Arklow road closure                                Laragh Active Retirement                                        The host, the Deputy Mayor of London, appears to             Having established himself as one of the country’s
                                                                                                                       have just shot himself. His wife Vivian, is nowhere to       most in-demand actors and voice-over artists,
Wicklow County Council proposes the temporary            The group meets every Tuesday morning                         be found and the kitchen staff are gone. Guests will be
closure of the following road in Arklow from             at 11am in the Brockagh Centre and for                                                                                     Phelim Drew has always held a special place in his
                                                                                                                       gathering for the Deputy Mayor’s tenth wedding               heart for music, performing with numerous collabo-
10:00am to 4:00pm on 2nd and 3rd December 2019;          lunch once a month at various local                           anniversary, as he himself lies bleeding in the other
L-2902-10 Castlepark. Alternative Routes: Diversion                                                                                                                                 rators and bands over the decades. And now, finally,
                                                         venues (new members welcome).                                 room.                                                        he’s happy to embrace those early influences, the
via Back Street, Lower Main Street, South Green,                                                                         Panic and confusion ensue. Ken and Chris must get
South Quay, Bridge Street and Main Street, Arklow.         Their next monthly          left, call Denise 0404                                                                       music that resounded through the Drew home on
                                                                                                                       their ‘story’ straight before all the other guests arrive.   Killincarrig Road.
This closure is to facilitate Gas Main Installation      lunch will be in Lynhams      45600 asap for further          As the absurdity and commotion escalate, the play
Works. Any person wishing to object to the proposed      on the 12th Nov. Their                                                                                                       So, get ready for a sort of homecoming, as Phelim
                                                                                       info. Our Christmas lunch       culminates in classic farcical comedy.
road closure must lodge their objection in writing       Christmas Tea Dance is                                                                                                     Drew takes a bunch of classic, much-loved songs,
                                                                                       will be in the Wicklow            Maeve Miller directs Square One Theatre Group in
with the undersigned not later than 12:00 noon on        on      Sunday        17th                                                                                                 and makes them his own.
                                                                                       Heather on 17th Dec. We         Rumours by Neil Simon. Square One Theatre Group                Full Bar, Wicklow Farmhouse Cheeseboards,
Monday 11th November, 2019.                              November from 3-6pm,          are currently organizing        have been stunning Wicklow audiences with high-
                                                         music is by the Wicklow                                                                                                    Fresh Popcorn and Confectionary available to buy
                                                                                       our breakaway for next          quality theatre productions for over 40 years, staging       on the night.
     Aughrim and District                                Man.
                                                           “We are looking for
                                                                                       year, further details to fol-   two full productions per year. This Winter we wel-             Friday 27th December and Saturday 28th
                                                                                       low. If anyone would like       come Square One back to Mermaid for what is sure to          December at 8pm (Doors 7pm) Tickets €24/€22.
      Active Retirement                                  prizes for our raffle so if
                                                                                       to offer their services or      be another wonderful show.                                   See or call the booking office
                                                         anyone has any unwanted                                         Mermaid Arts Centre, Tuesday 5th - Saturday 9th
Chair yoga continues on Tuesday mornings. Line                                         share their skills with the                                                                  on 01 2010550.
                                                         gifts that they would like                                    November, 8pm. Tickets: €18/16
Dancing takes place on Friday mornings at 11am in        to donate it would be         group please contact the
the Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome to join. The        greatly      appreciated.     centre. For more infor-
speaker at the November meeting is Emer Meighan          Annual Christmas shop-        mation on the group or
from SAGE which is an advocacy group represent-          ping trip, Wed 20th Nov.      outings/trips call Denise
ing vulnerable and older people.                         also the Christmas party      on 0404 45600, email
                                                         is on Tues 10th Dec in
   Bohemian Rhapsody at                                  Co. Meath. There are a        m or drop in to the cen-
                                                         limited number of places      tre.”
      The Courthouse
A film that needs no introduction, Bohemian                       Rathmichael
Rhapsody comes in all its glory to the Courthouse in
Tinahely this month.
Though receiving mixed reviews, Rami Malek’s por-
                                                                Historical Society
trayal of Freddie Mercury was a virtuoso perfor-         Local historian and author Rob Goodbody
mance of this talented and troubled man. Its recre-      will be the guest speaker for the Wednesday
ation of Queen’s performance at Live Aid, which          November 6th meeting of the Rathmichael
some people call the best live performance in the        Historical Society.
history of rock, is one of the highlights of the film.
As the Rolling Stone says, ‘Screw the film’s flaws,        Rathmichael Historical Society is the local history
you don’t want to miss Rami Malek’s performance’.        society for Shankill, Ballybrack, and the surrounding
Friday 15th November 8pm €6/€5                           area, at 8pm in Rathmichael National School,
                                                         Stonebridge Road (Dublin Road end), Shankill, at
                                                         which he will cover the history of ‘Howth Harbour’
   Córde Chamber Choir                                   All welcome - admission €5.
   seeking new members
This Greystones Choir welcomes all vocal ranges.
Weekly rehearsals are on Fridays. Singing music by
choral masters new and old. Singing in harmony
under the direction of Kevin O’Sullivan. Kevin will
                                                                                            Vevay Rd, Bray
place your voice range in the choir. Learning
resources provided so that you can practice during
the week. Good singing and learning takes place at                                     • Free Fitting
rehearsal. All welcome. Details from
                                                                                       • Free Measuring
                                                                                                                         Alison Lynn, Diana Ladio, and Kian Byrne are pictured at the Moxie Stings Halloweeen Concert
 Bray guided meditation                                                                • Free In Home                    in the Asgard Theatre in Arklow
                                                                                         Advice & Design
Learn and practice advanced guided meditation
techniques to help enhance physical, mental and                                          Service                                                                                                  Contacts:

emotional wellbeing, reduce stress and feel calm and                                   • No Obligation                                WICKLOW

in control of your thoughts and emotions. Open to all                                                                                                              Shay Fitzmaurice, Managing Editor -
over the age of 18. The October session will take                                         Quote
                                                                                                                                                                   Ian Colgan, News Editor -
place in Ballywaltrim Community Centre, Boghall
Road, Bray, 7-8 PM on the last Tuesday of the
                                                          *12 Month Guarantee on ALL Blinds*                                       is published by                 Erika Doyle, Features Editor -
month. No fee to attend (donation box only). For          Tel: 286 5057 Fax: 201 4335                 Wicklow Times, 5 Eglinton Road, Bray.
details ring/text Shideh on 0876710903.                              email:                                    Tel: 01-2869111                 General enquiries -
Times     WICKLOW

Tuesday 5th November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                           NEWS 3

   First phase of
 development at old
 Dell site approved
An Bord Pleanala has granted permission for the first phase of a development at the old Dell
site in Bray. The initial phase will consist of construction of a four storey 205 bedroom nursing
home with resident and staff facilities, a plant area at roof level, totalling a gross floor area of
over 10,000 sq ft. The proposal includes internal courtyards and terrace areas, and adjacent
landscaped amenity space. The development also includes a four-storey office building, with a
ground floor café. Vehicular access will be from the existing entrance at Vevay Road.

  An Bord Pleanala ruled     is considered that subject   acter of the area, be       residential units of the
that having regard to the    to compliance with con-      acceptable in terms of      rest ofthe site.
nature design, scale of      ditions, the proposed        traffic and pedestrian        Councillor Steven
the proposed develop-        development would not        safety and would consti-    Matthews (GP) told
ment, the location of the    seriously injure the resi-   tute an appropriate form    Wicklow Times that he
site on lands zoned          dential or visual amenity    of development at this      had submitted an amend-
mixed use, in an area        of the area or property in   location.                   ment to ensure that over-      Pictured in Bray Town Hall for the signing of the formal renewal of the Partnership Pledge
well served by public        the vicinity. They say the     It is expected that a     looking is minimised.
                                                                                                                     between Bray and Wurzburg, Germany, were Matthias Flenkenstein, Cathaoirleach of Bray
transport and close to       development        would     further planning applica-     He said, “The local
services and amenities, it                                                            area plan proposed four        Steven Matthews, Chairman of the Irish-German Society of County Wicklow George Jones,
                             respect the existing char-   tion will seek to build
                                                                                      storey       development       Marion Schafer-Blake, and Cathaoirleach of Wicklow County Council Irene Winters
                                                                                      throughout this site. I
                                                                                      submitted an amendment       would include reduction        managed public open          overlook their homes and    fact, almost one third of
                                                                                      that was agreed by coun-     in heights to the north        spaces for amenity.”         restrict their views of     projects announced in
                                                                                      cil that 4 storey would be   and east.                        Deputy         Stephen     Bray Head. Amendments       2016 have missed their
                                                                                      limited to the south and        “The          developer     Donnelly (FF) said he is     were submitted to An        completion date. It is
                                                                                      west of the site, with       responded by reducing          very happy that a slightly   Bord Pleanála and the       absolutely essential we
                                                                                      heights to the north and     heights to 3 storey at         altered version of the       new design will now         provide high quality
                                                                                      east being more consis-      these points and I think       new design has been          stretch to only 3 storeys   accommodation for peo-
                                                                                      tent with existing resi-     this is a better outcome.      accepted by the planning     in the north and east of    ple at every stage in their
                                                                                      dential, protecting views       “I fully support higher     authority.                   the site.                   life. We know many pre-
                                                                                      of Bray Head and min-        density and mixed use            Deputy       Donnelly        “In my role as Health     fer to remain in their own
                                                                                      imising overlooking of       development and it is          added, “The latest plans     Spokesperson I can per-     home, but when that isn’t
                                                                                      existing residents.          something we are going         will see a mix of residen-   sonally say I’m very        an option we absolutely
                                                                                        “In this application the   to see more of in future       tial and commercial          relieved to see a brand-    have to provide top notch
                                                                                      Council planners called      throughout Bray and            properties erected. Part     new nursing home com-       alternatives. We already
                                                                                      into question whether the    other parts of Wicklow. It     will be designated for a     ing into the area. My       have many fine nursing
                                                                                      proposal adequately          is of vital importance that    nursing home and part        party has recently          homes in Wicklow, hope-
                                                                                      addressed my amend-          these developments are         will be used as an office    exposed serious delays in   fully this new nursing
                                                                                      ment and sought further      well designed, consider-       block. Some locals had       the project to upgrade      home will be prove to be
                                                                                      information and suggest-     ate of existing amenity        been worried that the        existing nursing homes to   a great addition”, con-
An image of what the completed nursing home will look like                            ed a redesign which          and provide proper well                                     acceptable standards. In    cluded Donnelly.
                                                                                                                                                  planned 4 storeys would

                                                                                                                                                   Open all year round
                                                                                                                                                 (except Christmas Day)
   No matter what your taste is, we                                                                                                              WHATEVER the weather!
   have something for everyone
   to enjoy in a fun, supervised
   exciting atmosphere.

Times    WICKLOW

4 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                         Tuesday 5th November 2019

                                                                                          COPD Support Ireland
                                                                                        Bray Support Group to Host
                                                                                             Information Point
                                                                                        To mark World COPD Day 2019, COPD Support Ireland’s Bray Support Group is to host an Information Point at
                                                                                        Tesco Shopping Centre, Vevay Road, Bray, on Wednesday November 20th from 10am to 1pm.
                                                                                           COPD, or Chronic Obstructive                   “My advice to anyone who has a persis-        tured, safe and controlled way, is one of
                                                                                        Pulmonary Disease, is a lung condition          tent cough with phlegm, shortness of            the best ways to improve breathlessness. It
                                                                                        that makes it hard for people to breathe        breath, and recurrent winter bronchitis, is     helps to strengthen muscles, promotes
                                                                                        due to obstruction of the airways and           to visit their GP. I would also encourage       good sleep and contributes to an improved
                                                                                        incorporates two well-known conditions -        people who are over 35 years, who are           feeling of well-being. Join a local COPD
                                                                                        emphysema and chronic bronchitis. 883           current or former smokers, or who have a        Support Ireland exercise class near you -
                                                                                        people from Wicklow Hospitalised due to         family history of lung conditions to talk       visit for details.
                                                                                        COPD between 2016 and 2018.                     their doctor too. If appropriate, your GP       5. Eat well. A balanced diet provides the
                                                                                           COPD Support Ireland is the national         can organise a spirometry test. This is a       energy needed to breathe, promotes a
                                                                                        umbrella body for COPD support groups           very simple procedure where the patient         strong immune system to help fight infec-
                                                                                        nationwide and works to raise awareness         simply blows into a device to determine if
                                                                                                                                                                                        tions and helps maintain a healthy weight.
                                                                                        of the condition, to advocate on behalf of      they have COPD. The key thing to
                                                                                                                                                                                        6. Know your medicines. Make sure you
                                                                                        patients and their families, to enable peer     remember with COPD is that the earlier it
                                                                                        support and self-management, and to sup-                                                        are familiar with how they work and how
                                                                                                                                        is caught, the better. It means that we can
                                                                                        port research and educational initiatives.      make sure that a person receives the            and when to take them. Have your inhaler
                                                                                           Representatives from the Bray Support        appropriate treatment and care, and have a      technique checked regularly and make
                                                                                        Group will be on hand to provide informa-       much better outcome. Put simply, you will       sure you have enough of your medicines
                                                                                        tion on the condition and general health        be able to live your life better, for longer.   so you don’t run out.
                                                                                        and well-being advice, as well as point to      This World COPD Day, I would encourage          7. Breathe easier. Use controlled breathing
                                                                                        the resources available locally, including      people to take a moment to say hello to         techniques and chest clearance to help get
                                                                                        peer support meetings, information talks        the members of the Bray Support Group at        rid of phlegm and aid relaxation.
                                                                                        and exercise programmes. COPD Support           their information point. It could make a        8. Get vaccinated. People with COPD are
 Ellen Fox-Lanigan and Ann O’Neill invite you to have a cuppa and                       Ireland is supported in its awareness activ-    real difference to your life, or to that of     more at risk of catching the ‘flu and pneu-
 help raise funds for Tinahely’s Christmas lights.                                      ities for World COPD Day 2019 by A              someone you love.”                              monia - both of which can be very serious
                                                                                        Menarini, GSK and Novartis.                                                                     and affect your breathing. Seek advice
                                                                                           Smoking is the most common cause of
  Have a cuppa and                                                                      COPD but prolonged exposure to environ-
                                                                                        mental toxins, fumes and dust, is also a
                                                                                                                                        Top Tips - How to Live Better with
                                                                                                                                        1. Early diagnosis is key. This is the first
                                                                                                                                                                                        from your healthcare professional.
                                                                                                                                                                                        9. Mind your head, as well as your lungs.
                                                                                                                                                                                        The demands of living with COPD can

help light up Tinahely                                                                  risk factor. According to most recent infor-
                                                                                        mation from the Department of Health1, it
                                                                                        is estimated that almost half a million peo-
                                                                                                                                        step to living better with COPD. If you are
                                                                                                                                        experiencing symptoms such as persistent
                                                                                                                                        cough, wheeze, phlegm and difficulty
                                                                                                                                                                                        lead to feelings of stress, anxiety and
                                                                                                                                                                                        depression. It is important to recognise
                                                                                                                                                                                        these responses and seek help in finding
                                                                                        ple aged 40 years and over in Ireland have      breathing, talk to your GP.                     ways to cope with the mental as well as
Christmas is still several weeks away but the preparations to have                      COPD, of whom over 200,000 have mod-            2. Know your COPD. Get to know your             the physical challenges of COPD.
Tinahely sparkle for the festive season are well underway.                              erate or severe disease and only half are       symptoms, monitor them and watch out
                                                                                                                                                                                         People who have questions about how
                                                                                        likely to be diagnosed. COPD is the most        for things that can trigger flare-ups. For
   The 2018 Christmas lights display was most impressive and showed Tinahely                                                                                                            best to manage COPD, and who wish to
                                                                                        common disease-specific cause of emer-          example, avoiding smoky environments,
at its very best.                                                                                                                                                                       speak to a specialist respiratory nurse for
                                                                                        gency hospital admission among adults           dust, smog, foggy weather and high
   There was major investment in rewiring and maintenance of the lighting               with Ireland having the highest hospitali-      pollen, can help keep flare-ups at bay.         information and advice, can telephone the
infrastructure throughout the village, along with the installation of new lights,       sation rate for COPD of all OECD coun-          3. If you smoke, stop. This is the most         national COPD Advice Line on Freefone
trees and accessories.                                                                  tries in 2015, the last year for which inter-   important thing that you can do to help         1800 83 21 46. This is a call-back service
   To help with the upgrade and maintenance works, a coffee morning fundrais-                                                                                                           and an appointment will be made for a
                                                                                        national data is available.                     your lungs. Support is available through
er will be held on Saturday 9th November in Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely,                                                                                                           nurse to return the call at a convenient
                                                                                           For Prof. JJ Gilmartin, Consultant           the National Smokers Quitline on 1800
10am - 1pm.                                                                                                                                                                             time. The line is open Monday to Friday,
   The setting up, testing and taking down of the Christmas lights is carried out       Respiratory Physician and Chair of COPD         201 203 or at Talk to your
                                                                                        Support Ireland, it is important to get the     GP or pharmacist for advice on nicotine         from 9am to 5pm.
by a willing group of volunteers. It is the generous support of the community
and businesses that make the Christmas lights projects possible.                        message out that COPD can be managed            replacement therapy or other medications           For more information on COPD and the
   Coffee morning organiser Ellen Fox-Lanigan said “You’re invited to come              and treated effectively, especially if          that can help.                                  COPD Support Ireland Bray Support
along to this fundraiser and help us light up Tinahely this Christmas, and              caught early:                                   4. Shake a leg. Exercise, done in a struc-      Group, visit
continue with the lovely family tradition of the lights switch-on event. The

                                                                                            Fishers host fashion show
committee is extremely grateful for your valued support. Let’s do our village
proud again at Christmas.”
   The Big Switch On and the arrival of Santa will be held on Sunday 8th
December at 4:30pm.

                                                                                        fundraiser for Cups Against Cancer
                                                                                        Customers and locals gathered in Fishers
                                                                                        of Newtownmountkennedy for their
                                                                                        Cups Against Cancer Event recently.
                                  Tel: 01 276 1330 Fax: 01 276 1336                       Guests were treated to    to support this really
Riverview House
                                  Web:                          a gorgeous display of       worthwhile cause,”
Seapoint Road,                                                                          the Autumn collections      Rebecca Harrison of
Bray, Co. Wicklow                 E-mail:                       modelled brilliantly by     Fishers speaking after
                                                                                        the Fishers team. These     the event.
 Personal Injury Lawyers*                                                               ‘real people’ of all
                                                                                        shapes, sizes and ages,
                                                                                                                      Fishers has been cele-
                                                                                                                    brating      its    40th
                                                                                        looked fabulous in the      Anniversary and has a
   Medical Negligence* Catastrophic Injuries*                                           autumn looks. Prizes        programme of events in
  Workplace Accidents* Road Traffic Accidents*                                          were donated by Fishers     store. A Wire Art
                                                                                        Boutique Department         Workshop with Susie
                Trips and Falls*                                                        Store, Food at Fishers      Kenny was held on
                                                                                        Café, Beds of A             Wednesday           30th
   For professional, confidential and expert legal advice regarding
                                                                                        Feather,            The     October and there will
     Personal Injuries suffered, please do not hesitate to contact                      Schoolhouse Studio and      be a Wine Tasting &
                Brian Robinson or Clare-Ann Temple.                                     Anne Duffy Flowers          Rugby Evening with
                                                                                        and the crowd raised        rugby legend Ollie
                                                 Rory P. Benville B.C.L.
                                                                                        €509 (so far) from the      Campbell and wine
                                            Brian Robinson B.B.L.S., L.L.M.             raffle for the Irish        Expert Peter Crosse on
                                          Eilish Bradshaw B.A., L.L.B., L.L.M.          Cancer Society.             Wednesday            6th
                                                Clare-Ann Temple L.L.B.                   “Thank you so much        November. To book a
                                                                                        to all those who attend-    spot and for more info
   *In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a   ed and gave so gener-       visit      Jean Harris, Sandrine Lemmonier and Elizabeth Graham at the Fishers
                percentage or proportion of any award or settlement                     ously, we were thrilled     or call 01 2819404.          Cups Against Cancer Fashion Show Coffee Morning
Times    WICKLOW

Tuesday 5th November 2019                                                                                                                                                                          NEWS 5

Sudbury School ‘falling through the cracks’ with no
access to educational buildings
Ireland’s first democratic school for self-directed learning, Wicklow                        able, safe place for          Since then over 50
Sudbury School, says it is “falling through the cracks”. The school                          children to learn, play and   Sudbury model schools
has just started its fourth year, but is without a permanent building,                       explore. The school will      have been set up around
and will hold a public meeting this week seeking a solution.                                 have a democratic struc-      the world. Basics subjects
                                                                                             ture with each child and      like reading, writing, and
   For the past two years,     November. The meeting          no set curriculum. At our      each staff member having      maths are learned ‘when
the school was located in      is for families (current       school equal importance        an equal vote in decision     the child is ready and
a house in Kilpedder, but      and future), friends, and      will be given to all activi-   making and in the cre-        willing’, and if students
the property was sold at       supporters of the school,      ties and interests.            ation of the rules and reg-   wish to sit the Leaving
the end of last school         to come together and con-      Practical skills, the Arts     ulations of the school.”      Cert then this will be
year. The school commu-        tribute their collective       and Academics are held            The school says it is      facilitated. The school
nity has searched exhaus-      knowledge and experi-          equally.                       inspired by the Sudbury       says that 80% of Sudbury
tively for another suitable    ence to help Wicklow             “Wicklow Sudbury             Valley School set up in       graduates get into the col-
property and have found        Sudbury find a home.           School will be a comfort-      Massachusetts in 1968.        lege of their first choice.   Wicklow Sudbury School needs a new home
two educational buildings        “We know what needs
that they say would be         to be done, and every
suitable in the short to       small contribution of time
mid-term, Ravenswell           and effort will help us get
and Colaiste Raithin in        to where we want to go,”
Bray, but the school says      said staff member Ciara
it has run into difficulties   Brehony.
due to the Department of         “We have a big vision
Education’s lien on edu-       for our little school, a
cational buildings.            vision that is outward
   Wicklow       Sudbury       reaching and inclusive,
claims that the owners of      that can offer a solution
these properties have          to the almost 100 families
expressed that they would      (and growing) that are on
be happy for Wicklow           our waiting list who are
Sudbury to occupy their        looking for an alternative,
buildings,       however       but also that can help
Wicklow Sudbury says           change the landscape of
that the Department of         education in Ireland for
Education will not release     many more than just our
either of the properties,      students.
even for just one year.          “If you believe Irish
“The result is that two        children deserve to have a
suitable, educationally        choice, deserve a posi-
zoned buildings are sit-       tive, nourishing, healing
ting empty,” Wicklow           educational experience, if
Sudbury School says.           you are inspired by what
“Both are apparently           Wicklow Sudbury is
being held for a local sec-    doing, then please come
ondary school.”                along to see how you can
   Wicklow Sudbury is          help. Ireland cannot
currently being held in a      afford to let schools like
community centre for           Wicklow Sudbury fall
three days, a yoga studio      through the cracks.”
for one day, and parents         Sudbury Schools fol-
have volunteered their         low the philosophy of
houses for one day per         ‘self-directed learning,
week. The school says          responsibility, freedom
that this arrangement          and age-mixing’, with no
“severely limits the activ-    fixed curriculum, home-
ities the school can do        work or schedules. Staff
and prevents its students      serve as ‘facilitators’
from settling into their       rather than traditional
learning space. Wicklow        teachers, and practice
Sudbury has been in            ‘non-interference as much
touch       with      local    as possible’. Children
Councillors and TDs,           aged from 5 to 18 can
who have shown great           attend the school and are
support and have submit-       mixed together with no
ted        Parliamentary       grade/class levels.
Questions to the Minister        It is a not-for-profit
of Education on the            organisation and regis-
school’s behalf. The           tered charity, and receives
Department has respond-        no State funding. It’s a
ed by saying that the          fee-paying school with
school is not in their         fees going towards the
remit. Wicklow Sudbury         running of the school
has received a similar         (rent, staff pay, utilities,
response from the office       etc.). Fees are on a sliding
of the Minister for            scale based on an income
Children and Youth             assessment. The annual
Affairs.                       tuition fee for one child is
   “Wicklow Sudbury is a       12% of the Gross
registered independent         Household Income. If the
school and has been            GHI is €20,000 or below
approved and endorsed          then the fee is €2,400 for
by the child welfare agen-     one child, and some
cy TUSLA. There is             families may qualify for
clearly an appetite for        subsidies if payment of
change to Ireland’s edu-       the minumum fee isn’t
cational system, evi-          possible.
denced by the recent             On its website, the
review of the leaving cert     school states its core prin-
and by studies like ‘So        ciples:         “Wicklow
How       Was      School      Sudbury School is a place
Today?’”                       where children can play
   Wicklow Sudbury will        and learn by following
hold a public meeting in       their passions and inter-
the Glenview Hotel at          ests, where there are no
7pm on Thursday 7th            compulsory classes and
Times     WICKLOW

6 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                           Tuesday 5th November 2019

                                                                                                                   Funding boost for social
                                                                                                                   enterprises in Bray and
                                                                                                                       North Wicklow
                                                                                                                   Bray Area Partnership is inviting applications from local social enterprises
                                                                                                                   operating in the Bray and North Wicklow area for the Small Capital Grants Scheme.
                                                                                                                      The scheme will pro-      Partnership.                   Dormant Accounts Fund         to download at www.bra-
                                                                                                                   vide grants of between          CEO of Bray Area            and will be of particular, or
                                                                                                                   €2,000 and €15,000 for       Partnership,         Peter     interest to smaller or        call 01 286 8266. Bray
                                                                                                                   equipment, repairs or        Brennan, said “Our staff       start-up social enterprises   Area Partnership can
                                                                                                                   refurbishments, which        have been supporting           which do not necessarily      provide assistance with
                                                                                                                   will enable social enter-    social        enterprises      have the capacity to          the application process to
                                                                                                                   prises to improve their      through SICAP and other        compete for larger
                                                                                                                                                                                                             any group that wishes to
                                                                                                                   service.                     programmes for many            grants.”
                                                                                                                      Social enterprises aim    years and this new fund          The Minister contin-        apply.
                                                                                                                   to achieve a social, soci-   will give the sector a sig-    ued:                            All applications must
                                                                                                                   etal or environmental        nificant boost, particular-      “I am pleased that the      be received by Bray Area
                                                                                                                   impact by trading            ly by assisting early          Local      Development        Partnership by 3pm on
Darren Darker from A Plus Service Centre picking up the Tyre Champion Award, from Bill Collins,                    through the provision of     stage projects that have       Companies have agreed         Monday, 11th November.
CEO of Repak ELT.                                                                                                  goods or services and        huge capacity for posi-        to partner with my            While      Bray       Area
                                                                                                                   reinvesting surpluses        tive social impact.”           Department to deliver         Partnership will adminis-
                                                                                                                   back into achieving             Announcing          the     this scheme. The Local
Bray company wins a national environmental                                                                         social objectives.
                                                                                                                      The scheme is an ini-
                                                                                                                                                scheme, Minister Ring
                                                                                                                                                said “One of the main
                                                                                                                                                                               Development Companies
                                                                                                                                                                               provide grassroots sup-
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ter the fund, all decisions
                                                                                                                                                                                                             on grant awards will be

       award at 2019 Pakman Awards                                                                                 tiative under the National
                                                                                                                   Social Enterprise Policy
                                                                                                                                                                 of    the
                                                                                                                                                                               port to social enterprises
                                                                                                                                                                               all around the country
                                                                                                                                                                                                             made by the Department
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of Rural & Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Development. It is
Bray business A Plus Service Centre has been named as the winner of the 2019 Tyre                                  for Ireland 2018-2022,       Enterprise Policy is to        and are well placed to
                                                                                                                                                grow and strengthen                                          expected that applicants
Champion Award at the 2019 Pakman Awards.                                                                          which the Minister for                                      administer the fund.”
                                                                                                                   Community & Rural            social enterprises. The          Full details of the         will be notified of the
   The Pakman Awards is a national environmental awards programme that recognises outstanding work in              Affairs published in July,   new small capital grants       Small Capital Grants          results of their applica-
recycling, sustainability and waste management by businesses, organisations, individuals and community groups      and will be administered     scheme will support over       Scheme for Social             tion by the Department
in Ireland.                                                                                                        through            Local     100 social enterprises         Enterprises, including        of Rural and Community
   This year’s ceremony saw 400 representatives from leading community groups and businesses come together         Development Companies        through funding of             Applications Forms and        Development by 11th
to recognise excellence in waste management, sustainability and recycling. Bray based tyre company, A Plus         such as Bray Area            € 1 million from the           Guidelines, are available     December.
Service Centre provides a range of motoring services to residents in the locality. The Pakman Awards judging
panel singled out A Plus Service Centre for its work over the past twelve months supporting Repak ELT in the
rollout of the scheme’s various initiatives that have promoted tyre safety and recycling as well as actively
disposing of its waste correctly through an accredited waste collection operator.
   A Pakman Award is one of the highest environmental accolades that a company, community group or individ-
                                                                                                                      Megazyme leads the world
ual can win for their waste management and recycling efforts in Ireland. All 14 category winners were automati-
cally put forward for the overall Pakman Award on the night, which was won this year by the Aran Islands
Co-op Recycling Project (Athchursail Árann).
                                                                                                                      on measurement of lactose
   Speaking on A Plus Service Centre’s win at the Pakman Awards, Séamus Clancy, CEO of Repak said “I would         A team of scientists from Megazyme, headquartered in Bray, has developed an new analytical
like to congratulate A Plus Tyre Service Centre on winning the Tyre Champion Award at the 2019 Pakman              test “K-LOLAC Enzymatic Low Lactose Assay” that offers a rapid, novel, and sequential
Awards. A Plus Service Centre has demonstrated time and time again to its customers how important it is to have    measurement of free glucose and lactose in conventional, low-lactose and lactose-free dairy
healthy car tyres when driving on the road. Any tyres that have reached the end of their life span must be         products.
changed and disposed of correctly to ensure safe driving and a better environment.“With more vehicles on
Ireland’s roads than ever before, it is perhaps more important than ever to ensure your tyres are safe to drive.      The global accreditation body, Association of            of the six methods submitted, only Megazyme’s
Companies like A Tyre Service Centre play a crucial role in championing this and protecting Ireland’s environ-     Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) International           LOLAC procedure was currently suitable to progress
ment for our future.”                                                                                              approved LOLAC for Official Methods of Analysis             to AOAC Official Method First Action Status. This
                                                                                                                   First Action during a meeting of the AOAC INTER-            now triggers an interlaboratory validation study which
                                                                                                                   NATIONAL Expert Review Panel for the Stakeholder            will take place in a number of countries around the
                                                                                                                   Panel on Infant formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPI-        world over the next few months and hopefully pave the
                                                                                                                   FAN) Nutrient Methods in Denver last month.                 way for LOLAC to achieve AOAC Official Method
                                                                                                                      Lactose Intolerance is a condition that affects almost   Final Action Status. This is Megazyme’s 11th validat-
                                                                                                                   70% of the population of the world. Though only 15%         ed method from AOAC with research ongoing with
                                                                                                                   of Northern Europeans suffer, it affects close to 100%      other products.
                                                                                                                   of the population in parts of Asia and Africa.                “This is a major step forward for the team, as a key
                                                                                                                      Lactose, the most abundant sugar in dairy products,      element of the method being accepted globally is
                                                                                                                   is normally hydrolysed during digestion by the enzyme
                                                                                                                                                                               AOAC validation” said Barry McCleary, CEO and
                                                                                                                   lactose-phlorizin hydrolase. Any person deficient in
                                                                                                                                                                               Founder of Megazyme.
                                                                                                                   this enzyme can experience gastrointestinal symptoms.
                                                                                                                                                                                 “International customers from 25 countries have
                                                                                                                   LOLAC promotes public health by allowing greater
                                                                                                                   precision in measuring the remaining lactose.               already driven sales of LOLAC and Megazyme is con-
                                                                                                                      The global accreditation body AOAC recently asked        fident that this latest AOAC recognition will further
                                                                                                                   analytical scientists around the world to propose meth-     position LOLAC as the number one global analytical
                                                                                                                   ods for the measurement of lactose in lactose-free          method for the measurement of lactose in lactose-free
                                                                                                                   products.                                                   products,” he added.
                                                                                                                      LOLAC, presented to the AOAC Expert Review                 Megazyme has recently launched new test kits for
                                                                                                                   Team Panel by R. Ivory, E. Delaney, D. Mangan and           the measurement of available carbohydrates and
                                                                                                                   B.V. McCleary of Megazyme, was launched in                  digestible starch to help address the global obesity and
                                                                                                                   October 2017 as the result of a major R&D investment        Type ll diabetes challenge. Additional new products to
                                                                                                                   over the previous 18 months. Five other methods were        be scheduled in 2019 include assay kits for the mea-
                                                                                                                   also put forward from companies across the world.           surement of phosphate, for water quality analysis, and
                                                                                                                   The Expert Review Panel of AOAC recommended that            histamine to accurately identify fish spoilage.
Times      WICKLOW

Tuesday 5th November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                   NEWS 7

   Council seeks
funding for Arklow
  Transport Study
Wicklow County Council has made an application for funding to the
National Transport Authority to carry out an Arklow Transportation Study.
   John Brady TD wel-                                       siderable number of new          “When I published my
comed the news and said                                     houses under construction     Unlocking Arklow’s
that two key areas need to                                  on the Vale Road, and         Potential document I con-
be included in the study -                                  more large planning           tacted the Minister for
the need to develop a slip                                  applications are due to be    Transport and asked him
road on and off the M11                                     submitted soon. Its criti-    about funding for the con-
to the Vale Road, and the                                   cally important that the      struction of the slip road.
development of a new                                        right infrastructure is in    The Minister informed
port access road.                                           place. One of the most        me that no application for
   Deputy Brady said “I                                     logical things to address     funding has been forth-
welcome the fact that an                                    the issue of traffic is to    coming from the local
application for funding to    John Brady TD                 construct the new slip        authority for the project        Kathleen Kelleher, Christiane Potschka, Jean Kelly, and Cristof Potschka at the Wurzburg
carry out a transportation                                  road to take cars out of      and that a feasibility study
study in Arklow has been                                                                                                   photography exhibition by Boris Albert, in the Civic Offices in Bray
                              negative impact on the        Arklow. This was one of       should first be carried
made. Arklow is a fantas-     development of the town.      the main proposals in my      out.”
tic town with massive
amounts of potential that
needs to be unlocked.
                                 “I believe that key to
                              addressing the traffic
                              problem would be the
                                                            Unlocking Arklow’s
                                                            Potential document which
                                                            was published last year.
                                                                                             Deputy Brady conclud-
                                                                                          ed “The council is cur-
                                                                                          rently engaging with the
                                                                                                                            Harris urges commuters to make
Unfortunately, traffic in
the town is still a major
problem and it needs to
                              construction of a new slip
                              road on and off the M11
                              to the Vale Road.
                                                            Earlier in the year Sinn
                                                            Féin launched a campaign
                                                            for the development of
                                                                                          NTA to secure the neces-
                                                                                          sary funding allocation to
                                                                                          carry out the study. In the
                                                                                                                             submissions on second draft
be addressed to ensure
that the town’s potential
can be fully unlocked. I
                              Currently people travel-
                              ling to Woodenbridge or
                              Aughrim must come
                                                            this vital slip road and
                                                            several thousand people
                                                            signed a petition looking
                                                                                          meantime, the Roads
                                                                                          Directorate is preparing a
                                                                                          brief for consultants to
                                                                                                                                    of Bus Connects
met the CEO of Wicklow        through Arklow. This is       for its development too.      carry out the transporta-      Minister Simon Harris has urged Wicklow Commuters to make submissions on the second
County Council Frank          unnecessarily bringing           “I also believe that the   tion study. I have also        draft of Bus Connects network proposals for new bus routes.
Curran last year and I        cars into the town and        construction of a port        been in contact with the
asked him to look at hav-     adding to the congestion.     access road to Arklow         NTA in support of the          Minister Harris said “I would urge all commuters to examine the draft bus network published by the NTA as part
ing a study carried out, so   It’s unbelievable that this   harbour should also be        application which I hope       of the Bus Connects proposals. Submissions have been invited by the NTA from members of the public and the
I’m delighted that action     slip road wasn’t con-         explored. This would          is considered favourably.      deadline for submissions is Tuesday December 3rd.
is now finally being taken    structed in the 1990’s        allow for the removal of      However, the council           “The new draft of the Bus Connects network is a considerable improvement for Wicklow commuters on the
to have a study carried       when the Arklow Bypass        heavy goods vehicles          must give priority to car-     original draft but there are still significant outstanding issues relating to connectivity to hospitals. If you would
out, so measures can be       was being constructed.”       from the town centre and      rying the study out with       like to examine a map of the proposed new routes go to or please contact my office directly.
put in place to address the      Deputy Brady contin-       allow the harbour area to     or without the funding         “I too will be making a submission to the NTA on the revised draft and I would welcome any further additional
problem that is having a      ued “There are also a con-    develop.                      from the NTA.”                 feedback on Bus Connects from constituents”.
Times     WICKLOW

8 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 5th November 2019

                                                                                                                       Harris publishes first
                                                                                                                    Climate Change Adaptation
                                                                                                                       Plan for health sector
                                                                                                                    Minister for Health Simon Harris TD has published the first Climate Change Adaptation Plan
                                                                                                                    for the health sector (2019 - 2024).

                                                                                                                       The plan was developed by a joint Department-HSE team of officials and doctors following a public consulta-
                                                                                                                    tion. The plan identified six main climate scenarios with the most profound health implications. Two of the six
                                                                                                                    scenarios relate to slow onset climate effects over time (UV radiation and air pollution) and four scenarios
                                                                                                                    concern acute, severe weather events (windstorms, extreme heat and heatwaves, high precipitation and flooding,
                                                                                                                    and extreme cold snaps).
                                                                                                                       Following the publication of the plan, Minister Harris said; “Without decisive adaptation action, climate
                                                                                                                    change will have profound impacts on the health and well-being of our people, on the smooth delivery of our
                                                                                                                    health and social care services, and on our critical infrastructure.
                                                                                                                       “Crucially, the health effects of climate change will be felt particularly by our most vulnerable citizens,
                                                                                                                    including the elderly, children, those with pre-existing conditions, the urban poor, farmers and those living in
                                                                                                                    coastal areas.
                                                                                                                       “Clearly, many of the negative health impacts of climate change originate in other sectors, and continuing
                                                                                                                    strong cross-governmen collaboration will be required to effectively address these.”
Noelle Moran (Teaching Council), Dr Jason Comerford from Blacklion School, Greystones, with                            The Minister announced a Climate Change Oversight Group will be established for the health sector. Its role
their Biotechnology through Inquiry stand at the the 8th annual FÉILTE event which took place at                    will be to drive and oversee implementation of the plan; will closely collaborate with relevant stakeholders in
                                                                                                                    the health sector; and will monitor and review progress, including any unintended consequences that may arise.
NUI Galway. Three (non-Dublin) Leinster schools including Blacklion School in Greystones, were
                                                                                                                       Minister Harris added: “I am establishing a Climate Change Oversight Group for the health sector, led by the
selected to showcase projects at the 8th annual FÉILTE event. Organised by The Teaching Council,                    Department of Health. This new group will oversee implementation of the actions set out in the plan, and will
FÉILTE is the largest annual educational event in Ireland. The unique gathering celebrates the                      adopt an inclusive and collaborative approach to addressing the health impacts of climate change.”
wonderful work that teachers do every day in their classrooms

 Climate Action Charter introduced Operation WildNation aims
      for all Local Authorities    to protect some of our under
The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Richard
Bruton, T.D., and the Minister of State Sean Canney T.D. last week signed a
                                                                                                                              threat wild bird species
Charter with all 34 Local Authorities, committing local government to driving                                       ONE of Ireland’s biggest garden centres is on a mission to drive primary
forward meaningful climate action in their communities, through the actions set                                     school pupils across Wicklow absolutely wild.
out in the Climate Action Plan.
                                                                                                                      CountryLife Garden          ist, author and broadcast-
                                                                                                                                                                    Centre. The prize also               visiting schools,” she said.
    Minister Bruton said “The public sector leading          Minister of State Canney said “The local authori-      Centres want to educate       er, Éanna Ni Lamhna. The
                                                                                                                                                                    includes a fun peanut but-              CountryLife Garden
by example is a central pillar of the Climate Action      ties through their various roles, including spacial       the nation about wild bird    fun initiative, which is
                                                                                                                                                                    ter and seed roll-making             Centre’s Jess Kelly said:
Plan. I am determined that government, both at cen-       planning, forward planning and engagement with            conservation through its      already gathering momen-
                                                                                                                                                                    session as well as vouch-            “It’s never been more
tral and local level, will lead the way in our            communities through the Local Community                   exciting and engaging         tum, aims to engage thou-
                                                                                                                                                                    ers, a wild bird survival
response to the climate challenge.”                                                                                                                                                                      important to care for our
                                                          Development Committees (LCDCs) and the Public             new            Operation      sands of primary school
                                                                                                                                                                    kit for the school and
   The Climate Action Plan, published earlier this                                                                                                                                                       native wild birds, so we’re
                                                          Participation Networks (PPNs) are ideally placed to       WildNation initiative.        children country-wide on
year, is the government’s plan to ensure we meet                                                                                                                                                         really thrilled to launch
                                                          help deliver effective Climate Action in our commu-       Ultimately they’re helping    the importance of looking
                                                                                                                                                                      Éanna Ni Lamhna said
our 2030 climate commitments, putting us on a tra-                                                                                                                                                       this campaign with a
                                                          nities.”                                                  to protect some of our        after nature’s wildlife.
                                                                                                                                                                    young people are the best
jectory to be net-zero emissions by 2050. The                Welcoming the adoption of the Charter, Michael                                                                                              focus on educating the
                                                                                                                    under threat wild bird           The campaign includes
                                                                                                                                                                    possible people to educate
Charter being signed today is a key action in the         Walsh, Chair of the County and City Management                                                                                                 children of Ireland, who
                                                                                                                    species - among these         an exciting Operation
                                                                                                                                                                    their parents and the wider
Plan and will ensure every local authority embeds         Association (CCMA) and Chief Executive of                                                                                                      can so often become the
                                                                                                                    thrushes and finches - dur-   WildNation colouring
                                                                                                                                                                    community about the
decarbonisation, sustainable development and cli-         Waterford City and County Council, said: “Local           ing the tough autumn and      competition focusing on                                conduit for great progress
                                                                                                                                                                    importance of wildlife and
mate resilience into every aspect of the work they        authorities have huge ambitions for what we can           winter months.                children from first to third                           in this space.
                                                                                                                                                                    wild bird conservation.
do.                                                       achieve in the area of climate action. We are already       The group, which has        class with templates and                                  “Following on from our
                                                                                                                                                                    “Children are the ones
    Minister Bruton said “Local Authorities are           making significant progress; councils around the          14 CountryLife Garden         full competition details
                                                                                                                                                                    leading the charge on cli-           Operation PolliNation ini-
uniquely placed to drive forward effective climate        country are cutting the carbon footprint of our inter-    Centre outlets across the     available       now      on
                                                                                                                                                                    mate change and protect-             tiative earlier in the year,
action at both the regional and local level. Given        nal operations, making our housing stock more             country,        including
                                                                                                                                                                    ing our environment.                 we’re excited to continue
their pivotal role across the key sectors of planning,    energy efficient, prioritising climate considerations     Wicklow centres in            mewild.             “Anyone with a garden              to support our customers
housing, transport and waste and their close rela-        in development planning and actively engaging our         Rathdrum and Ashford,            The winning child or
                                                                                                                                                                    can get great enjoyment              with the right information
tionship with the community, they have a crucial          communities on climate issues. With support from          along with an online gar-     school will receive an
                                                                                                                                                                    and fun out of watching              and product options, such
role in implementing the step change that is needed       central government we can do even more and pro-           dening            website     interactive talk with
                                                                                                                                                                    out for wild birds. If there         as berry trees and bird
and influencing many more to address this chal-           vide the on-the-ground leadership needed to make and        Éanna and an expert horti-
                                                                                                                                                                    are berries in your garden,          feed, in order to make
lenge.”                                                   Ireland a global leader in climate action. The Local      has teamed up with            culturalist from their local
                                                                                                                                                                    if there’s ivy on your               their garden a wild bird
   Minister of State Canney said “The key to achiev-      Authority Climate Action Charter is the blueprint         renowned environmental-       CountryLife        Garden
                                                                                                                                                                    walls, if you’ve prickly             friendly environment.”
ing our Climate Action targets is to bring everyone                                                                                                                            hedges or if                 CountryLife Garden
                                                          for future progress in creating an Ireland that is sus-
with us. Local authorities are a focal point for our                                                                                                                           you introduce             Centres are intent on mak-
                                                          tainable for future generations, and councils around
communities, villages, towns and cities and their                                                                                                                              bird      boxes,          ing it easier for all the
                                                          the country are ready to take the lead in this vital
support for this charter reflects the whole of society                                                                                                                         some bird seed
                                                          work.”                                                                                                                                         family and the wider pub-
approach we need to take to transform our economy                                                                                                                              and invest in a
                                                             The Green Party welcomed the announcement                                                                                                   lic to join in and have
from brown to green.”                                                                                                                                                          good wild bird
                                                          but says that local authorities are not prepared nor                                                                                           invested in attention-grab-
   The Charter commits Local Authorities to several                                                                                                                            book and a pair
actions that will ensure that they play a key leader-     resourced for the challenges that climate change and                                                                                           bing and easy to under-
                                                          biodiversity loss will present.                                                                                      of binoculars             stand promotions, brand-
ship role locally and nationally in delivering effec-                                                                                                                          there’s endless
tive climate action. Among other commitments, all            Green Party Spokesperson for Local Government,                                                                                              ing and assistance from
                                                          Cllr Malcolm Noonan, said "We warmly welcome                                                                         pleasure to be            their expert horticulturists
local authorities will: Put in place a process for car-                                                                                                                        had.
bon proofing major decisions, programmes and pro-         this commitment by the City and County Managers                                                                                                when choosing the right
                                                          Association (CCMA) towards addressing the cli-                                                                          “It’s fun, its         berry and bird-friendly
jects on a systematic basis, including investments in                                                                                                                          where lifelong
transport and energy infrastructure; Deliver a 50%        mate and biodiversity crisis but we remain deeply                                                                                              plants, shrubs and trees in
                                                          concerned that local government is simply not fit                                                                    memories are
improvement in energy efficiency by 2030; Ensure                                                                                                                                                         its 14 outlets nationwide.
                                                          for purpose to deliver and inspire the change                                                                        made and it
all suppliers provide information on their carbon                                                                                                                                                           The campaign is being
                                                          required."                                                                                                           requires focus -
footprint and steps they plan to reduce its impact;                                                                                                                            you can’t press           championed by staff in
Build local citizen engagement, particularly with            He said that the charter makes no reference to the                                                                                          CountryLife’s Garden
                                                          biodiversity emergency and that including the line                                                                   pause or rewind
young people; Partner & collaborate on climate                                                                                                                                 if you miss that          Centres, which are open
action initiatives with local community groups,           ‘in so far as is practicable’ with reference to mea-                                                                                           year-round. Friendly staff
                                                                                                                                                                               robin          or
local enterprise and local schools and higher level       sures to reducing carbon emissions, is a get out                                                                                               and in-store horticultural-
                                                                                                                                                                               goldfinch. But
institutions; Monitor, evaluate and report annually       clause from making difficult decisions.                                                                                                        ists are keen to guide both
                                                                                                                                                                               it’s so worth-
on the implementation of activities under the                "Ultimately we have a serious governance and                                                                                                aspiring and experienced
                                                                                                                                                                               while.       I’m
Charter.                                                  resourcing issue to making this charter a reality. We                                                                                          gardeners through their
                                                                                                                                                                               delighted to be
   Minister Bruton said “Last year’s emissions fig-       have the most centralised and underfunded local                                                                      championing               wide range of quality,
ures show that we do not have time to waste. We           government system in Europe. Politically it is clien-                                                                 Operation                wild bird-friendly plants,
must drive forward the actions in the Climate             telist in structure and the skills do not exist within                                                                                         as well as the most appro-
Action Plan. Only through consistent, sustained           local authorities to build participative democracy        Pictured are environmentalist and author Eanna Ni W i l d N a t i o n
action, can we deliver the step change that is            and support young people in particular to be agents       Lamhna, with Fergal Joy, CountryLife horticulturist, and and getting out             priate feeders, seed and
                                                                                                                                                                                and meeting              other wild bird foods for
needed.”                                                  of change," he said.                                      Sofia No Mhaoldomhnaig, Colour Me Wild mascot
                                                                                                                                                                                children and             each and every garden.
Times     WICKLOW

Tuesday 5th November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                             NEWS 9

 ‘Urgent transport plan needed
    for Greystones District’
Social Democrats Councillor for Greystones Jennifer Whitmore has called for Wicklow
County Council to develop a Transport Plan for the Greystones Municipal District. Cllr
Whitmore says a ‘real-life’ representation of the traffic and public transport patterns for
residents is urgently required to enable the sustainable development of the area, and to ensure
that whatever new housing is being built is met with sufficient transport infrastructure.
   Cllr Whitmore said                                      improvements.                 County Council to devel-
“For years now, residents                                     “In the meantime, sig-     op a Transport Plan, that
in the Greystones                                          nificant housing devel-       will look at the lands that
District have had to suf-                                  opment is happening in        are zoned for develop-
fer from public transport                                  the district, and in areas    ment, and the travel
and road infrastructure                                    like Newtown and              demand that is associated
that cannot meet the                                       Wicklow Town, bringing        with this land usage.
demand placed on it by                                     more and more new resi-       There also needs to be a
residents commuting on                                     dents and commuters
                                                                                         review of the current
a daily basis. As a public                                 into the area. Whilst new                                     Phylis Kavanagh and Delores Heatley of the Royal Bridge Club present a cheque for €770 to Wicklow
representative for the                                     homes are welcome, they       public transport and traf-
                                                                                         fic patterns, and recom-        RNLI. The donation was from the proceeds of a club competition held recently at Wicklow Sailing
area, I have raised this                                   must be matched with                                          Club. Speaking after the presentation, Lifeboat Operations Manager Des Davitt thanked the members
issue repeatedly with the                                  the required correspond-      mendations made as to
                             Cllr Jennifer Whitmore                                      what interventions are          of the club for the donation and the support over the years. Pictured are Des Davitt (RNLI Operations
National       Transport                                   ing infrastructure. A
Authority (NTA), Dublin                                                                  required to enable the          Manager), Phylis Kavanagh, (Royal Bridge Club), RNLI Lifeboat volunteers Ger Kennedy and Ian
                                                           recent submission from
Bus, Bus Eireann and         least 4 years before they     Cairns for over 400 hun-      sustainable development         Heffernan with Delores Heatley (Royal Bridge Club). Photo credit: RNLI Wicklow
Irish Rail. The response     were available to be used     dred units in Farrenkelly     of the area. This infor-
has always been the          because of manufactur-        talked about how the          mation should be used to
same - that there has
been      a    lack    of
                             ing lead-in times.
                               “The much-heralded
                                                           development was close
                                                           to the N11, a Dublin Bus
                                                                                         inform planning deci-
                                                                                         sions and the next round
                                                                                                                        ‘Wicklow commuter misery to continue
Government investment
in public transport but
that investment is
                             BusConnects proposal
                             won’t be finished until
                                                           service and the Dart.
                                                           However, everyone that
                                                                                         of the local area plans to
                                                                                         ensure that we have sus-
                                                                                                                             as old plans re-announced’
                             2023, assuming it all         uses public transport or      tainable development of       Fianna Fáil TD Pat Casey says there is nothing new in the announcement from the Minister
planned for the future.      goes according to sched-      the N11 knows that these
However, this funding                                                                    the district. I got full      for Transport last week regarding new rail carriages.
                             ule. And there are still no   services are full to
never seems to materi-                                                                   support       from      my
                             firm plans or funding         capacity and that they                                         Minister for Transport Shane Ross announed in a press conference last week that the Government is ordering
alise, despite the many      available for the signifi-    could not take any addi-      Councillor colleagues for
                                                                                         the motion, and I hope        an extra 41 rail carriages at a cost of €150 million. However, they are not expected to be fully in use until
promises over the years.     cant upgrade to the N11       tional demand.                                              mid-2022
   “In fact, in the last     that has been talked             “At last night’s month-    that the proposal is met
                                                                                                                          Deputy Casey commented, “Yesterday’s press conference is largely another media engagement to announce
couple of weeks, the         about now for years. So,      ly meeting of the             favourably by the offi-
                                                                                                                       what we already have heard before from the Minister for Transport regarding rail capacity. The earliest these 41
NTA has admitted that        in a best-case scenario,      Greystones District           cials in Wicklow County
                                                                                                                       rail carriages will be delivered is in two years’ time. That’s assuming they are ordered in the coming days.
even if an order for new     we are looking at 4 or 5      Council, I raised this as a   Council. I will certainly        “The urgent expansion of the rail fleet is needed particularly in Wicklow. The services are overcrowded and
carriages was placed         years before we will start    significant issue. I have     continue to push for this     approaching dangerous levels. Safety rather than comfort is now a real concern for Wicklow commuters.
today, it would be at        seeing any transport          called for Wicklow            critical issue.”                 “The Minister must immediately outline contingency plans he intends to put in place to accommodate
                                                                                                                       Wicklow commuters while these new carriages are on order. He cannot tell people to wait two years while
                                                                                                                       demand outstrips capacity at an increasing rate.”
Calls for ‘dedicated transport police’ to                                                                                 “The Minister’s suggestion to stagger journey times, and proposals to introduce pre-booked only services are
                                                                                                                       an insult to hard working and long-suffering commuters.
                                                                                                                          “We need less photo calls from Minister Ross and more hands on and proactive actions to deal with today’s
 tackle anti-social behaviour on trains                                                                                problems. Running our public transport system on the never never is no longer a viable possibility. We cannot
                                                                                                                       allow this capacity crisis to continue without credible contingency plans to facilitate commuters in Wicklow,”
  Fianna Fáil TD Stephen Donnelly has said that a ‘zero tolerance’ approach is needed to                               concluded Deputy Casey.
  deal with anti-social behaviour on trains, and has called for the establishment of a
  ‘dedicated transport police’.

     Deputy Donnelly explained, “Commuters travelling to or from our stations in Bray and Greystones
  need to know that they will be safe on their journey. They are entitled to travel in peace and comfort
  without being annoyed, threatened or sometimes even disgusted by the conduct of fellow passengers. I
  had a woman in my office tell me that a group of young men were urinating into bottles on her recent
  trip from Greystones into Dublin.
     “Fianna Fáil got a breakdown of the stats from the Transport Minister which showed that there have
  been 785 incidents of anti-social behaviour on Irish trains so far this year - that’s a rise from 572 in 2018
  and a 14 percent increase on 2017. Now this shows a trend. It’s clear that there’s more anti-social
  behaviour happening than ever before.
     “I believe what’s necessary now is a dedicated transport police to tackle the problem. We need to crack
  down on the culprits to send a strong signal that it will no longer be tolerated”, concluded Donnelly.
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