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BURWASH V I L L A G E M A G A Z I N E December 2020 St. Bartholomew’s December 2020 | Back to contents 1
St. Bartholomew’s Church Christmas Services 2020 If allowed under covid regulations Booking a place for services is required due to limited places due to covid social distancing regulations. To book email Vicky Patterson on thymeplace@gmail.com or calling 01435 884135 Sunday 6th December Parish Communion at 10.00 am - Blessing of the contents Church News Church’s Who’s Who Services Page 4 5 Village Life 3Cs Coffee Patients Participants Group Page 6 6 Greetings from Sally Epps 6 Armistice Day 7 crib. Gifts may be left in the porch from 30th Nov - 6th Dec. These much needed gifts will Flower Club 8 be delivered to Family Support Work Features and regulars Burwash Playing Fields Association 8 Christmas Cards 9 Gleanings from the past Throughout Church Roof – job done! 9 Food for Thoughts 10-11 Family Support 12 Sunday 13th December - Said Matins @10.00am Handel’s Messiah 14-16 Mayfield U3A 12 Parish Matters 19 Scouts 13 Limden Brook Organics 20-21 Sunday 20th December - Parish Communion at 10.00am Countryside Notes 22-23 Neighbourhood Watch 17 Village Hall 24 Sunday 20th December - N ine lessons and Carols at 6.00 pm A service of readings and music Christmas Eve - A service of communion will be Get intouch The deadline for contributions for January’s edition is Tuesday 15 December celebrated by Archdeacon Edward Dowler If you know of any activity or event going Please email all contributions to burwashvillagemag@gmail.com. If contributions go to at 8.00 pm on in or around Burwash we should be other email addresses we cannot be sure to receive them. publicising or if you have ideas for feature All contributions may be edited for clarity, brevity and accuracy. articles in the Burwash Village Magazine, Christmas Day - please get in touch with one of the Distribution: Sophie O’Connor. Tel: 882825. Family service with Nativity story and music at 10.00am editorial group: If you’d like to subscribe to the magazine please contact Vicky Patterson on 884135. please feel free to dress in costumes If you’d like to advertise in the magazine, please contact Neil Presland on 884034. Vicky Patterson 884135 Published by St Bartholomew Parochial Church Council. Neil Presland 884034 Designed and produced by Ren Fitch www.intelligent-realities.com. Or email Sunday 27th December - Parish Communion at 10.00am Burwashvillagemag@gmail.com The Churchwardens and PCC would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Safe New Year. 2 BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE December 2020 | Back to contents 3
For baptisms, funerals and weddings please contact a Churchwarden. For all general enquiries relating to church matters please contact the Churchwarden. The church is normally open on weekdays during daylight hours. Anyone who requires who’s who services access to the church outside these times should contact Vicky Patterson. St Bartholomew’s Church Who’s Who Tel Email St Bartholomew’s services in December Rector Sunday 6 December 10.00am Toy and Crib Service Churchwarden Vicky Patterson 884135 thymeplace@gmail.com Sunday 13 December 10.00am Matins Richard Harden 882556 rh@richardharden.co.uk Sunday 20 December 10.00am Holy Communion – Common Worship Assistant Churchwarden David Dunham david.dunham@centurylink.com Sunday 20 December 18.00pm Nine Lessons Treasurer Chris Woodburn 883196 woodburnjes@btinternet.com Thursday 24 December 20.00pm Midnight Communion – Common Worship Sacristan Linda Young 882748 Christmas Eve Tower Captain (bell ringers) Nigel Jarvis 01580 819462 Njarvis2@aol.com Planned Giving Secretary Sally Gomer 882793 sally.gomer@btinternet.com Friday 25 December 10.00am Burwash Nativity (with a difference) Sunday Club Hilary Stewart 883261 merchants@oakside.org.uk Christmas Day Cherry Redhead 882016 Sunday 27 December 10.00am Holy Communion - Common Worship Shirley Viney 882497 Sunday 3 January 10.00am Holy Communion - Common Worship Church Flower Guild Diana Workman 882528 Pew Sheet Shirley Viney 882497 shirley@bowzell.co.uk Hopefully from the 2nd December 2020 will will be able to hold Sunday Friends of St Bartholomews Chris Woodburn 883196 woodburnjes@btinternet.com services, lockdown permitting. The Church will also be open for private prayer Village Magazine Editorial Group Neil Presland 884034 burwashvillagemag@gmail.com on Wednesdays 9.00 - 15.00pm. Vicky Patterson 884135 Due to the safe distancing regulations we are limited as to the number of people we are able to accommodate for the Sunday service. Village Magazine distribution Sophie O’Connor 882825 If you wish to attend please contact the Church Warden, Vicky Patterson thymeplace@gmail.com, in order that we can allocate you a space. If you are a household or bubble please also say how many will be attending. Please look out for e-bulletin updates on services and private prayer during December in the event that Government guidelines on lockdown and other regulations change after this service schedule goes on line. 4 BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE December 2020 | Back to contents 5
FAIRFIELD SURGERY - PATIENT GROUP (PPG) DO YOU KNOW Message from the surgery re Flu WHERE YOUR NEAREST vaccination DEFIBRILLATOR IS? Flu vaccine stock is being issued to the surgery at intervals. More flu clinics will be THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE! held in late November and into December and patients will be invited to attend Locations of our defibrillators: when the dates have been confirmed. Burwash: outside the Burwash • Alternatively, you can ring the surgery to go Village Hall, to the left of the on the waiting list if you are eligible. The entrance. surgery has been told not to vaccinate the newly eligible group of 50 - 65 years Burwash Common: outside the • old yet (unless they fall in a clinically at risk Burwash Common Pavilion to the 3Cs coffee morning group and would normally be eligible for left of the front door. the flu vaccine) Once the surgery has been Etchingham: • In a very brief period of permitted socially- advised by the government on the process - in the telephone box on Market distanced gatherings, the 3Cs coffee for vaccinating this new cohort of patients Square, next to the School. group met in my garden to say goodbye to and provided the flu vaccine we will let you - at the station on the wall outside Rev’d Sally. Although it doesn’t look like it, know more information. the Bistro’s gate. we did keep carefully distanced from each other, mainly because we sat in separate Claudette Neville, PPG Secretary - on the wall at the Post Office. areas of the garden only coming together 01435 883 043 for the photo. ppg.fairfield@gmail.com SOME REFLECTIONS ON Shirley Viney ARMISTICE DAY: 11 NOVEMBER 2020 One hundred years ago today at 10am, every year for the last ninety-nine years a lovely autumn day with the morning and today will be our Memorial’s one mist giving way to mellow sunshine, a gun hundredth Silence. Christmas Greetings from Join the PPG – no work invited to join the Virtual PPG by providing carriage left Victoria station with twelve Rev Sally and David required! their email address. You will then be senior officers including Admiral Beatty, The Westminster Abbey service ended with sent any relevant health information on Field Marshal Haig and General Lord Horne some now rarely heard words of Rudyard Dear Friends In the last 10 months healthcare has a regular basis. I recommend that you acting as pall bearers. The route took Kipling. become more important for all of us than become a Virtual member as it involves them via Constitution Hill, the Mall and We continue to live in challenging times no activity on your part but will keep you The tumult and the shouting dies; perhaps at any other time in our lifetimes. Trafalgar Square to the new stone Lutyens and at the time of writing this David and I, informed. Just email ppg.fairfield@gmail. So, we (the PPG), want to encourage as Cenotaph in Whitehall where it arrived at The Captains and the Kings depart; as I expect you also, are praying that we com to request membership. many patients as possible to be more what has now become the well-known 11th will be able to celebrate Christmas in our Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice, involved, especially at a local level. This The PPG committee represents all the November Armistice ceremony. It pulled churches with our loved ones by our sides. can be at a minimum where you are just Fairfield patients and is made up of up to across Whitehall immediately behind the An humble and a contrite heart. Whilst settling into life in our new home, kept informed via email of any health 12 members. Anyone who would like to be King and he placed a wreath on the coffin Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, we have enjoyed receiving emails and information relevant to Fairfield patients. more involved is very welcome to join the of the Unknown Warrior. As the first note phone calls bringing us news of the church Although, if you would like to join our committee. This only involves a meeting of Big Ben chimed out, the King pressed Lest we forget - lest we forget. and village and, prior to lockdown mark committee, you would be more than every 2 months which is being held via a button and the covering flags fell away (Some of this Burwash history was recalled 2, seeing the occasional visitor. We look welcome. Zoom at present and the minutes are from this empty tomb and the Silence was on “11.11.11” at the closed, ceremony forward to welcoming more of you to published on the Fairfield Surgery website. profound. After the ceremony, the gun at the Burwash War Memorial by the The Patient Participation Group (PPG) Cowfold in 2021. carriage carried on to Westminster Abbey President of the Royal British Legion, is not a familiar organisation to many The local PPG is affiliated to the National Wishing you a blessed and safe Christmas patients so here is some information for where the Unknown Warrior was laid to rest Burwash Branch, immediately before The Association of Patient Participation in soil brought over from France. and praying for a new year full of faith, those who are not familiar with PPGs. (N.A.P.P.) Exhortation and Silence. It is published hope and health for all. Four weeks and two days earlier General with his kind permission for all those Every GP Practice should have a PPG which For more information contact: members of our communities who were God Bless provides a patient voice for the Practice. Lord Horne had been in Burwash to Claudette Neville unveil our own High Street Memorial. So required to observe their Commemoration With love and prayers To find out more about Fairfield PPG go to at home this year.) https://www.fairfieldsurgery.co.uk/ppg. PPG Secretary, 01435 883 043 as a village we can claim that we had a Sally and David aspx?t=2. PPGs work in partnership with email: ppg.fairfield@gmail.com connection with one of the pall bearers on The Civil Parish of Burwash Rolls of Honour practice staff and GPs. This partnership that memorable day. are: here xx between patients and their practices is As the flags fell away from the Cenotaph https://burwashparish.org.uk/wp- essential to achieving high quality and in London and the two minutes Silence content/uploads/2020/10/2020-Sept. responsive care. began, the same two minutes Silence MASTER-On-line-RoH.pdf All patients of Fairfield Surgery are began in Burwash. That Armistice Day potential members of the PPG and are Silence has been held at our Memorial 6 BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE December 2020 | Back to contents 7
Burwash and District marked Christmas Trees. There is also a BURWASH PLAYING FIELD Christmas cards Flower Arrangement Club donation tube inside the Church which you ASSOCIATION can use. Any queries, please ring Maureen The Burwash Brownie leaders are pleased I think we can all agree that Christmas will Jenner on 01435 882 045. (Reg. Charity No. 3051910) to announce that the annual Christmas be different this year but I’m glad to say We can then look forward to 2021 and the card delivery service will be going ahead Swan Meadow, Ham Lane, Burwash that one thing won’t change! Once again, programme we have planned. Obviously, this year, taking in the covid rules. The the B&D Flower Arrangement Club will be this will depend on future restrictions, but Swan Meadow Updates boxes will go out at the beginning of decorating two trees in the porch at St we will adjust it when we need to. December. One in the stores, thank you Bartholomew’s Church. They will be on 100 Plus Club Draw results to them for agreeing. The other one will be display from Friday 11th December ready Here is the updated plan for 2021: in the garden at Violet Cottage, opposite The November draw was made by Lucy to welcome you into the church at the Monday, 8th February afternoon. AGM. Guyll at Steve Bennett’s home as the pubs the Butchers, weather permitting. If the permitted times. are closed due to lockdown. The draw was weather is wet you are invited to put you Wednesday, 10th March, morning. cards the Violet Cottage letter box and Unfortunately, because of Covid 19, St Workshop led by Phyllis Stevens witnessed by Val Bennett and the event was captured on video and sent to BPFA, they will be added. The cost is again 25p Bartholomew’s Fundraising Committee is Monday, 12th April, afternoon. Robin many thanks Steve. per card and this should be put in the box not able to hold a Christmas Tree Festival White, subject TBA. with your cards. this year. The Committee usually raises in 1st ball number 33 Roz Parrott £65 the region of £9,000 every year towards Monday, 14th June, afternoon. Susan Last post will be on Thursday 17th what the Treasurer calls the ‘housekeeping’ Shaw - Chasing Rainbows. 2nd ball number 332 Fred Vigor £40 December at 4pm and sorting will take for the Church, that is gas, electricity 3rd ball number 273 Jane Vereker place on the Friday. Delivery will take place and general running expenses. This fund Thursday, 15th July, evening. Diamond over the next three days depending on the raising is a separate item and should not Anniversary, Michael Bowyer - Summer There were 270 club members in the draw weather and the availability of adults to be confused with the recently held Appeal Delight. this month. Why not become a member help. All proceeds will go to the Brownie’s and have several chances each month Church roof repairs – job have been sprayed to prevent woodworm. to raise funds for the repair of the Church Monday, 13th September, afternoon. funds. A considerable amount of debris was roof. to win a prize and support the Burwash done! Helen Hare, subject TBA Xmas Lunch found between the rafters when the playing field along the way? The two trees in the porch will be lit up Wednesday, 3rd November, morning. The roofing repairs to St. Bartholomew’s existing tiles were taken down and this Watch out for announcements about I am sure most of you will know by now continuously from the 11th December Workshop led by Angela Merryfield are now complete – a project which has has been removed. The contractors also activities at Swan Meadow and the that unfortunately, because of covid and over the Christmas period, and if you taken two months and cost very nearly discovered that the ceilings had been Monday, 8th November, afternoon. pavilion, as soon as we can, we will open the restrictions imposed, we are unable would like to make a donation to Church £100,000. constructed in two layers – the original Michelle King, subject TBA up for the community. In the meantime, to have our usual Christmas Day lunch funds, please send it to Chris Woodburn, and the internal boarding carried out in thank you for your continued support. for those who will be alone. I am really First and foremost huge thanks are owed PCC Treasurer at Oak House, Heathfield Wishing you all have a very Happy 1966. Overall, these improvements will sorry about this, it would have been our to all those who have made it happen, Road, Burwash, TN19 7HN or pay your Christmas and a Healthy and Peaceful Contact - Rod Clifton at 01435 883656 help weather proof the building, offer 15th year. I do hope that those of you who the contractors, the architects, the folk contribution directly to St. Bartholomew’s New Year. or rodneyclifton914@gmail.com. better insulation and reduce heat loss. In normally come will have kind neighbours at Garstons for allowing the delivery of Church PCC, Sort Code 60 10 30 Account addition, a modern lightning conductor Claudette Neville, Secretary, BPFA swanmeadow2019@gmail.com who will make sure you are all ok, that you tiles and equipment and, especially, to Number 11584580 (marked Christmas has been fitted along the ridge of the Nave 01435 883 043 have a meal and maybe some company. those who both donated in anticipation of Trees). Cheques should be made payable roof. Repairs have also been made to the I will keep my fingers crossed that we can the Appeal and responded to the Appeal to St. Bartholomew’s Church, again, nevilleclaudette@gmail.com West Porch. Happily, there have been no come together again next Christmas. when it was launched. So far 49 people accidents Mary Taylor BEM and organisations have given generously; More gleanings from the the PCC is very grateful that as a result we The total cost of the project will be past have been able to embark on the project £98,991 after the final ‘retention’ is with confidence and without draining released in April 2021. To date the Here is a gleaning from a gleaning from the our reserves to dangerous levels. This money has come from The Friends of St. Burwash Parish Magazine! It was originally is particularly important in the current Bartholomew’s, which has passed on printed in September 1936’s magazine, climate in which we have seen lower £60,000, partially out of its own reserves and reproduced in December 1994. collections in Church, fewer fees and no (£14,550), all of the money it has received fund raising. from the Appeal (£25450) and all specific In every Parish the magazine is donations it received prior to the launch undoubtedly a most important part of the The project has seen the replacement of of the Appeal (£20,000). In addition, the parochial machinery. It is desirable that it tiles on the north and south sides of the Curteis Fund has contributed £30,000 should also form a monthly record of the nave and aisle roofs with locally made and the Garfield Weston Foundation has various social activities, etc, not merely ‘Aldershaw’ hand-made tiles. The 1920s pledged £5,000; the remainder will be those which are strictly ecclesiastical. It horsehair roofing felt has been removed drawn from specific donations into the certainly ought to be taken regularly by and replaced with ‘bat friendly’ felt. General Fund. Many donors have agreed to every household of Church people in the Interestingly, it was found that the north Gift Aid their donations so there will be an Parish. As announced in the account side of the roof was only partially covered added bonus for us in due course. of the last Church Council Meeting, it in horsehair. The timbers were, however, has been decided to issue, in future, a found to be generally in good condition Chris Woodburn printed magazine, with a new cover, to (two being replaced due to rot) and they contain not only full particulars of Church Services, but details of all the various local organisations and news of their doings. Amen! 8 BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE December 2020 | Back to contents 9
sugar, eight ounces of suet, one nutmeg, This one is not to be tried! But procure some very old rum, add about So long, farewell… and a quarter-teaspoonful of salt. I thought it interesting from an three tablespoonfuls. Beat the white of historical perspective. If you tried the twelve eggs until very stiff, place this This month is my last month editing the Put the pudding into a well-floured cloth, meringue on top of the eggnog, and you Burwash Village Magazine (BVM). After tie it closely, and boil it for four hours. The giving rotting meat to the deserving may feel reasonably assured that your correspondent to whom we are indebted five years, which included the revamp poor nowadays, you would quickly guests will have no cause to complain of the Broadsheet into the BVM (not the for this receipt says, that the cost of the become the deserving sued! about your mode of entertainment. Blessed Virgin Mary!) and the Covid- ingredients does not exceed half a crown, and that the pudding is of sufficient size for From: The Country Housewife’s Hot Port Wine Punch. enforced and hopefully temporary move a party of sixteen persons. Companion; William Ellis, 1750. to a digital format, I think it’s time to hand Should a hot drink be desired, one may over to others with different skills, new We can vouch for its excellence, but as it How a poor Woman makes palatable always depend upon the “hot port wine ideas and more energy. is rather apt to break when turned out of Mince-Pyes of stinking Meat. punch” that “The Only William” esteemed the cloth, a couple of eggs would perhaps as the most appropriate of Christmas A long time ago I worked at Number Ten, improve it. Sweetmeats, brandy, and This is a poor industrious woman that rents tipples. To prepare it mix a quart of claret which was amazing – both a joy and a spices can be added at pleasure. a little tenement by me of twenty shillings with a quart of Rhine wine and two quarts privilege. Occasionally, though, when a year, who for the sake of her poverty is of port wine, and put them over the fire, things got tough I had to remind myself of Mashed potatoes, 1 Ib.; carrots, 8 ozs.; every week relieved, with many others, that. Through gritted teeth. Like when with two pounds of sugar. Let them heat flour, 1 Ib.; suet, ½ Ib.; sugar, ¾ Ib.; by the most noble lord of Gaddesden Margaret Thatcher started unloading her Let’s start with a recipe from 1553. slowly, for they must not be permitted to Food for thought (but currants and raisins, 1 Ib. each ; nutmeg, Manour; who killing a bullock almost every dishwasher I’d just stacked in a tearing boil, and stir them sufficiently to assure probably not for eating!) First catch your wild boar… 1; little salt: 4 hours. week for his very large family, he has the hurry before returning to a late-night the sugar being dissolved. When the From: The Cookbook of Sabina Welserin; If you believe Christmas cards and offald meat dressed, and is so good as to mixture has become very hot pour it into a speechwriting session, because she As Christmas is going to be rather 1553; version by David Friedman schmaltzy Christmas films, it always snows have it given away to the poorest people tureen in which there shall be the juice of wanted the plates rinsed first. Did I tell her different this year for most of us, at Christmas (when did that last happen in the neighbourhood. But it sometimes four lemons, and half a bottle of the best how to run the country? No. Did I need How to cook a wild boar’s head, also how happens, through the negligence of her turning into a domestic goddess at that I thought we might go the whole in Burwash?). Assuming that will be the arrack; stir for a moment and serve. For a to prepare a sauce for it. careless servants, that this charitable time of night? No! Gritted teeth: “it is a joy hog, so to speak, and look at some case this year, here is a way to incorporate Christmas Eve or Christmas night party no A wild boar’s head should be boiled well the environment into your cooking and meat is apt to stink in hot weather, for want hot drink can be better. and a privilege to work here.” Christmas recipes which have rather of its due cleaning, boiling, and laying it in in water and, when it is done, laid on a improve it. Please note this recipe came Running the BVM has similarly been a joy fallen out of fashion – one or two of a cool place: However, the poor are very In case you were wondering, ‘The Only grate and basted with wine, then it will from what we would now call a health food and a privilege… It has definitely had its them with very good reason! glad of this dole, as it does their families William’ referred to is William Schmidt, a be thought to have been cooked in wine. cookbook, which in 1854 was described moments, but I’ve learned a lot about what considerable service. And to recover such celebrity bartender in Chicago and then I have shamelessly half-inched these Afterwards make a black or yellow sauce as ‘cooking on hygienic principles.’ It also is going on in and around this fabulous tainted meat, this woman, after boiling and New York in the run-up to Prohibition, who with it. First, when you would make a black involves potatoes… village and the great people who live here. recipes from www.theoldfoodie. cleansing it well, chops and minces it very was famed for his ‘elaborate, high-camp sauce, you should heat up a little fat and And the magazine is a brilliant way to com. To be fair, as the blog is little 1854: Christmas pudding made with snow small, and when mixed with some pepper, drinks with inventive, often-florid names.’ brown a small spoonful of wheat flour in highlight these and keep people in touch. more than curation of recipes from (and potatoes). salt, chop’d sage, thyme and onion, she Cocktails and cocktail making has gone the fat and after that put good wine into it Long may it last! a variety of sources, you could argue Mix together a pound and a quarter bakes it: This for a savoury pye. At another in and out of fashion over the years, yet and good cherry syrup, so that it becomes of wheaten flour or meal, half a pint of time she makes a sweet pye of this flesh, one source described him as ‘godfather of No doubt the new editor will introduce that OldFoodie filched them too! black, and sugar, ginger, pepper, cloves sweet cream, a pound of stoned raisins, by mixing a few currants and plumbs modern mixology’. themselves in future editions. For the and cinnamon, grapes, raisins and finely chopped almonds. And taste it, however it four ounces of currants, four ounces of with it. But in either form the taint is so Born into money which soon disappeared, time being, keep the contributions seems good to you, make it so. potatoes, mashed, five ounces of brown lessened that it is hardly to be perceived. he started working as a bartender as coming in to the usual email address: sugar, and a gill of milk. When thoroughly a boy and published two books of his burwashvillagemag@gmail.com If you would make a yellow sauce. Finally, I thought a bit of Christmas worked together, add eight large spoonfuls concoctions to much acclaim. With no Have a jolly Happy Christmas Then make it in the same way as the black of clean snow; diffuce it through the mass cheer was in order, in the form family, when he died of dementia in 1905, sauce, only take saffron instead of the as quickly as possible; tie the pudding of alcoholic drinks. Here are a group of friends and regulars raised the Deborah Knox Watson syrup and put no cloves therein, so you will tightly in a bag previously wet in cold water, two recipes, the first of which is funds for his funeral, so he was not buried also have a good sauce. and boil four hours. definitely not from a Weightwatchers in a pauper’s grave. To quote his own If you thought adding vegetables into The book states that “It is a singular fact cookbook! words: cakes and puddings was a recent trend, that puddings may be made light with From: The New York Times, December 15th ‘A man in my profession should never think again. Carrots, beetroot and snow instead of eggs – a circumstance 1907. forget that he is a gentleman. However courgettes are one thing, but this is of some importance in the winter season, well-mixed a drink is, much of the flavour the first time I’ve come across mashed when eggs are dear and snow is cheap. Eggnog will be lost unless politeness is added. potatoes in a pudding! Two large tablespoonfuls are equivalent to To make a gallon of this eggnog will require A true artist should infuse courtesy and one egg. The explanation is found in the a pound and a quarter of pulverized sugar, quality into all his liquid pictures.’ A vegetable plum pudding from Modern fact that snow involves within its flakes a twelve fresh eggs, a quart of cognac, half Cookery for Private Families by Eliza Acton, Deborah Knox Watson large amount of atmospheric air, which is a pint of champagne, two quarts of fresh 1845. set free as the snow melts.” milk, one quart of rich cream, and about (Cheap and good.) a tablespoonful of powdered nutmeg. Mix well together one pound of smoothly- Mix these ingredients thoroughly, then mashed potatoes, half a pound of carrots incorporate with them the yolks of the boiled quite tender, and beaten to a paste, dozen eggs that have been beaten to a one pound of flour, one of currants, and froth. Stir persistently and steadily until one of raisins (full weight after they are the blend is perfect; pour the result into stoned), three quarters of a pound of the well chilled punch bowl, and if you can 10 BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE December 2020 | Back to contents 11
Family Support Work Mayfield and District U3A challenge. Anxious to preserve a valued, shared interest, we keep in touch by A message of thanks from Lesley Another month passes and still no real phone and work at home on community activity to report upon. We do, at last, have projects. Initially we responded to a call for Woodburn a ray of hope now that a vaccine is near. headbands needed by NHS and care home What a bumper harvest we have had. We staff. By making headbands with added have seen huge generosity from churches During this lull in activity it was considered buttons, masks can be attached and ears and schools from across the Deanery. it might interesting to ask our group protected. leaders if they would like the opportunity to explain to the readers how they are Autumn 2020 and we are making lap quilts organized and a little about their activities. for rooms at the recently opened Cottage THANK YOU VERY MUCH This, we hope, may generate new interest Hospice - Hospice in the Weald at Five and perhaps new members for when times Ashes. Several of us have links with the In particular we had asked for tinned goods are back to normal. organisation and had previously suggested – meats, fruit and vegetables. These that perhaps some additions for the rooms together with milk, squash, tea, coffee, The first group to volunteer were the might be welcome. Our first effort was a cereals, pasta, rice and biscuits, loo Textiles Group. The Group’s committee patchwork lap-quilt which could also be rolls, cleaning materials and toiletries will have written a most interesting piece used as a bed throw. All the rooms are ensure that our families in need of support outlining the good work of the group as set named after trees so another suggestion will not go hungry. out below. was wall hangings reflecting nature. At All of this year’s Harvest offerings were Our members live in Mayfield, Burwash a pre-arranged visit to the hospice to taken to Heathfield as they are the and Heathfield. In normal times we meet discuss ideas with the staff, wall hangings collection point for moving the food twice monthly for a couple of hours. Each were rejected on safety grounds but directly on to FSW. The FSW van was full of us has an on-going personal project more quilts like the one we had already and St. Bartholomew’s and the School and the whole group contributes from time created and taken as an example would be filled the boot of an estate car. From the to time, to a community project. There most welcome. These will certainly keep Deanery there were 12 large supermarket are exhibitions and textile fairs to visit the group active, albeit individually and trays, upwards of 60 carrier bags of tins, too. Some meetings are for sharing and remotely, until we can meet again. including some large bags for life. We learning new skills and techniques. Our December meeting usually revolves received an enormous cardboard box Aside from activities like silk painting, around a Christmas Lunch, but as things full of cereals, boxes of assorted jars and seasonal craft activities, crochet, knitting, are, any possible arrangements are on packets, nappies and baby milk. All of machine and hand sewing, we also hold. However, the committee are still these will find a good home very quickly enjoy tea, cake, conversation and lots of hoping some form of celebration will take as you will see from the latest account of laughter. place. FSW’s work, in numbers, for last month: For a group based on practical activities, Colin Izzard - 242 socially distanced visits and covid-19 ‘lockdown’ and continuing 134 phone calls supporting 49 01435 872601 restrictions have presented a real grandparents, 318 parents and 305 1ST BURWASH & ETCHINGHAM SCOUT GROUP children - 28 supported meetings with other On behalf of our Group we wish you a Merry Christmas and look forward to a bright New Year when agencies hopefully life will return to normal - 16 on line group sessions Keith Lloyd – President and Chair - 265 food deliveries made A quote from one of our families: “This service is truly remarkable and no amount of words can thank you enough for the support you have provided us with.” Very many thanks to you all. It is so good to know that, with everyone’s help, we are making a REAL difference. We carry on this work all year round but in the run up to Christmas it becomes even more important. Lesley Woodburn 12 BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE December 2020 | Back to contents 13
But audiences are fickle, and despite his that, assuming a ten-hour working day for often stored in decanters containing lead, about the oratorio in the Anglican church. fame, he was actually going through a that period, he wrote 15 notes a minute. could have poisoned him. Wig powder, Opera and classical composers were bit of a rough patch, when he wrote the Which is fast. which Handel used for many years, was often the subject of moral outrage in Messiah. His last two operas had bombed also made of lead. Lead poisoning would the 1700s. During a 1727 performance He didn’t get much sleep during those and in 1741 it was rumoured that he faced account for the symptoms he suffered, of one of Handel’s operas, two leading weeks and didn’t eat much either – despite bankruptcy and would leave England. including paralytic attacks, temporary sopranos came to blows on stage, while his reputation as a foodie. It is popularly With the threat of debtors’ prison hanging blindness and his infamous bad temper. the audience rooted them on. Five years supposed that Handel suffered from what over him, Handel was delighted to accept later, Handel’s opera, Esther, infuriated the we now call a binge-eating disorder, but This temper caused a dispute about an invitation to visit Ireland to perform a Bishop of London when it was performed was then referred to as “an inordinate seating in an orchestra pit to turn into a series of concerts. While there was asked by cathedral singers – this mixing of the extravagant hunger.” His friend, artist near-fatal duel with fellow musician Johann by a group of charities to compose a new sacred and secular worlds was something and set designer Joseph Goupy, once Mattheson. Fortunately, Mattheson’s work for a benefit performance, proceeds many objected to. complained that Handel had served him sword thrust was blunted by a metal of which would help free men from debtor’s a very meagre meal; he was then shocked button on Handel’s coat. To try to dodge such controversy, Handle prison in Dublin. to discover Handel had sneaked into the advertised Messiah as “A sacred oratorio”, This temper also led to Handel threatening This prompted him to start work on next room and was secretly gorging himself avoiding using the word ‘Messiah’ and to hurl soprano Francesca Cuzzoni out of the the score for the libretto – a “scripture on all kinds of delicacies he hadn’t shared it’s possible that he chose Dublin for the window during a rehearsal. “I know well that collection on the subject of Messiah” with his guest. Goupy took his revenge by premiere in order to test the work out on you are a real she-devil, but I will have you which his friend and collaborator Charles producing an unflattering caricature of the an audience away from Anglican bishops. know that I am Beelzebub!” he screamed. Jennens had already given him. hefty Handel, sporting a pig’s snout, sitting But even in Ireland there was concern; the astride an organ, surrounded by fowl, Handel wrote the initials SDG at the end dean of St Patrick’s cathedral, Jonathan Jennens was cross to learn the premiere wine bottles and oysters (pictured). Their of his manuscript of Messiah, which Swift – he of 6 inch Lilliputians and 72 foot wouldn’t be performed in London, writing friendship didn’t survive… stands for Soli Deo Gloria – To God alone Brobdingnag giants fame – threatened to a friend “It was some mortification to the glory. Despite this and the sacred publicly to forbid singers from St Patrick’s me to hear that instead of performing it There is some conjecture that his voracious subject matter, there was controversy from taking part in it. here, he was gone into Ireland with it.” appetite for food and wine, which was Nor was Jennens impressed by Handel’s work on his libretto. In a letter to Edward Holdsworth he wrote: “I shall show you a collection I gave Handel, called Messiah, which I value highly. He has made a fine entertainment of it, though not near so good as he might What is Christmas without and ought to have done. I have with great Handel’s Messiah? difficulty made him correct some of the grossest faults in the composition; but he Normally at this time of year you and Germany. But he was too independent retained his overture obstinately, in which cannot move for performances of to remain too closely attached to any one there are some passages far unworthy of benefactor for long. Handel, but much more unworthy of the Handel’s Messiah – in fact this time In 1710, when he was 25, Handel came Messiah.” last year I sang in two performances of it, one with Lux Aeterna in to London and lived in Brook Street Grumpy though that sounds, Jennens and until his death in 1759, aged 74. His Handel were close and Jennens wrote the Etchingham Church. Sadly, this year appearance on the London scene created libretti for many of his works, including is rather different, so in case you are rivalries in the music world which split Saul, L’Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderator, missing it, I thought I’d give you a bit audiences between those who preferred and Belshazzar. He always gave Handel of background to both Handel and the conventional Italian opera style the libretti for free and they were always what is undoubtedly one of the most of composers like Giovanni Bononcini published anonymously. famous and frequently performed (1670 – 1747) and Handel’s new Italian Handel began composing Messiah on operas. In 1725 poet John Byrom (who oratorios. Did you know that Messiah wrote the hymn lyrics Christians Awake!) 22 August 1741 and finished the final has been recorded about a thousand orchestration on 14 September – a mere immortalised this rivalry in verse: times? 24 days later. Some say compared to Bononcini George Frederic Handel was born in Some people think this speed was due 1685 in Halle, Germany into an affluent That Mynheer Handel’s but a Ninny; to divine inspiration, but actually he was family. His father was a barber-surgeon Others aver, that he to Handel just really good at writing quickly. He and originally wanted Handel to go into composed several operas of similar civil law, until persuaded by the Duke of Is scarcely fit to hold a Candle length during the short periods between Weissenfels that the young boy was a Byrom also referred to the sparring theatrical seasons. musical genius. He composed his first pair as Tweedledum and Tweedledee! The score is 259 pages long and although opera, Almira, when he was 18 and spent Whichever camp you are in, Handel quickly I haven’t counted them myself, there are five years as musician, composer and established himself as the pre-eminent roughly a quarter of a million notes. A conductor at courts and churches in Italy composer in England. quick bit of mental arithmetic will tell you 14 BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE December 2020 | Back to contents 15
fundraising concert at Thomas Coram’s act, but it’s quite often moved to the end of you bother with that when you can have a More gleanings from the Foundling Hospital in Bloomsbury, during the concert, as a grand finale. Sometimes ‘robot’ vacuum. past which he included the Hallelujah chorus. a conductor goes for a double whammy, A house in darkness when neighbouring It went down so well that the next year he singing it twice – before the intermission Here’s an interesting snippet I came across premises have lights on is much more performed the entire Messiah for them, and at the end. in the December 1998 Broadsheet likely to attract unwanted attention. and it became an Eastertime tradition at To stand or not to stand, that is the An amazing true story is that Rudyard the Foundling Hospital for some 30 years Christmas question. Argument rages over whether Kipling was taught to play golf by Sir Arthur after that. Who knows what Christmas 2020 will be or not it is good practice to stand up Conan Doyle and that they used to play at Only the first third of the work describes during the Hallelujah chorus. The story is like? Whether or not we will be able to Crowborough with the famed escapologist the events surrounding the birth of Christ. that George 11 stood for it at the London safely spend it with family and friends? But Harry Houdini. Now that’s what you really The second act covers the death of Jesus premiere, but actually there’s no evidence whatever the season brings one thing you call Celebrity Golf! Nonetheless, Handel’s name drew such and the third is about his resurrection. that the king was even in attendance at can rely on is that thieves see the season a crowd that audience members were That, combined with the fact that its that event. First mention of this story was to be jolly much differently to most of us. This little nugget, written by Pam Weaver, advised to leave their hoop skirts and first performance was in April, suggests in a letter written 37 years later. None was gleaned from December 1992 swords at home to ease overcrowding! Please don’t leave shopping and presents it was meant as Easter music and that the less, it’s become a bit of a thing and if on view in your car even on your drive The Christmas cracker arrived in the is when – in the UK at least – it was royalty stands, you stand… Neighbourhood Watch 1940s. In his London sweet shop, Mr But Handel’s reputation wasn’t the only or presents in sight from outside your draw to the first performance in Dublin; traditionally performed for the first 200 property. Similarly, after Christmas don’t Thomas Smith sold sugar almonds There’s no such thing as a definitive Burwash, Burwash Common, Burwash many people came to see the contralto, years or so of its existence. But by the leave any packaging outside your home wrapped in pretty paper. Each small Messiah – even Handel constantly Weald and surrounding areas Susannah Cibber, who was at that time 1960s it had become a firm Christmas that could advertise something shiny and parcel contained a little love motto and revised and rewrote parts to better meet embroiled in a scandalous divorce. When staple, performed hundreds of times all Recent local incidents new inside. his patrons loved them. When he added a the abilities of soloists and available she sang “He was despised and rejected over the world throughout November and little snap which went off as the parcel was instruments. In 1789, Mozart re- There were a number of garages, sheds Stay safe and best wishes for the end of of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted December. pulled apart, the idea proved so popular orchestrated it with the words in German. and outbuildings broken into overnight 2020 and the New Year. with grief”, the Reverend Patrick Delany, One explanation why it has moved But Mozart was humble about his rework, that he had queues stretching right down Tuesday 10th to Wednesday 11th the Chancellor of Christ Church, Dublin, to Christmas could be that there is writing that any alterations he made should Contacting the Police the street. November. If you haven’t checked yours was so moved that he leapt to his feet and relatively little work written specifically not be seen as an effort at improvement. now is the time to do so. At the time of shouted “Woman, for this be all thy sins If you ever find yourself in a situation for Christmas, while there’s loads written writing I don’t know if anything was stolen. where you really feel immediate action; forgiven thee!” for Easter. Another slightly more cynical Messiah was a favourite of Handel’s More gleanings from the and on 6 April 1759, when blind and in If you rely on a padlock to secure property, Ambulance, Fire, Police or Coastguard, is past Messiah was first performed in the New suggestion is that those performing it to necessary you should call 999 or 112 and failing health, he insisted on attending please remember that it is only as strong Music Hall in Fishamble Street in Dublin raise money for charity know that people’s give as much detail as possible to let them a performance at the Theatre Royal as the fixings it is securing and that it is a Of course, Covid may make the likelihood on 13 April 1742, with a ticketed dress spirit of giving is greater at Christmas! determine the appropriate response. in Covent Garden. He died eight days lot stronger to bolt through than screw on. of being able to drive around at Christmas rehearsal the day before. John Wesley The entire Messiah runs for nearly three later. His total estate was £20,000 – a a bit more limited and certainly lots of (co-founder of the Methodist Church) was Current trends For non-urgent matters you can contact hours. There are 20 choruses and much of millionaire by today’s standards. The bulk Sussex Police by email at 101@sussex. office parties will not take place this at the premiere. Wesley, as you may know, it is complicated, although Handel kindly he left to charities, with the remainder This time of year with darker evenings can year. Nonetheless, I very much liked the disapproved of gambling and condemned pnn.police.uk use the non-emergency relegated the most difficult 16-note runs going to friends, servants and his family prove lucrative for burglars and thieves number 101 (101 calls cost a flat 15p from approach Steve Mintram and Charlie gamblers who “made a trade of seizing on for the chorus to first part. It is technically in Germany. Not given to modesty, as a who are looking for properties without Drake took in the 1990s to remind people young and inexperienced men and tricking landlines or mobiles) or online at www. difficult for soloists. Many tenors struggle posthumous present to himself, he also lights. Hopefully 2020, with more people sussex.police.uk which is more user not to drink and drive. Here is December them out of all their money.” Perhaps in to reach the high A on ‘dash’ in ‘Thou shalt bequeathed £600 to pay for his own working from home due to Covid, might 1995’s contribution: part this aversion was based on his own friendly now. break them’, and for sopranos, singing monument at Westminster Abbey. be different. If your property is going to be inability to spot a winner. In his journal Please remember Police often seek dash Better Sleigh than Slay… ‘Rejoice greatly’ in the original 4/4 version empty after dark please use a light or lights following the premiere, he wrote “there I’ll end with the words of the Dublin cam footage after a serious crash or is challenging. Everyone has their own on a timer, if you are a technophobe like Our Christmas message is full of cheer, were some parts that were affecting, but Journal’s reviewer talking about the first criminal incident and you may be able to personal favourites, of course, but it’s me, or to switch lights on and off, open or To all of you and your near and dear; I doubt it has staying power.” How wrong ever performance. help even if you didn’t notice anything, probably true to say that for most singers shut the curtains. can you be? their favourite chorus is ‘Surely he hath “Words are wanting to express the something may be recorded. We wish you joy and lots of fun, borne’ in part 2. So for both performers exquisite delight it afforded to the admiring I used to suggest recording household 142 people were released from debtors’ noises such as a vacuum cleaner and then Steve Mintram A safe and peaceful time for everyone. prison after the premiere and the and audience, it is a marathon and that’s crowded audience. The sublime, the leave it playing on a loop but why would remainder of the £400 profit from that why it’s rare that anyone performs the grand and the tender adapted to the most There is a serious message too, performance was used to support a entire thing. It’s just too long for modern elevated, majestic and moving words, conspired to transport and charm the To keep our roads safe for all of you; hospital and infirmary in Dublin. audiences. ravished heart and ear.” When you party, if you over imbibe, The second performance profits went to The Hallelujah chorus is easily the best Handel – I haven’t been able to find out known and most popular chorus, and Deborah Knox Watson Make sure there is someone sober to drive. how much he made! Handel himself is said to have loved it. Christmas is a time for lots of sharing, When he completed the chorus, Handel Messiah was performed for the first allegedly told his servant “I did think I did Not for accidents, injuries and car time in London in 1743 at Convent see all Heaven before me and the great repairing. Garden Theatre. It was not well received. God himself seated on his throne, with his Eventually Handel cancelled six further So as the end of ’95 draws near, company of Angels.” performances scheduled for that year and Enjoy your Christmas and New Year. it wasn’t performed again in London until The Hallelujan chorus can provide 1749. conductors with a dilemma when thinking about cuts – where to put it? In the full Then Handel was asked to perform at a score it comes at the end of the second 16 BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE December 2020 | Back to contents 17
More gleanings from the constructive it may be an idea to form an Burwash Parish Matters, not the money available to spend on this These poppies were collected together past action group to co-ordinate and maintain December project at the moment and it is has been and Val Palmer-Bennett has spent many pressure – having clearly identified the vandalised. Rather than remove it, we are hours sewing them onto a net. The first Given the current work going on to try main problem areas faced by the parish. Burwashparish.org.uk going to encase it in a wooden box until one was completed last year and given to manage and reduce the amount of such time as we have the resources to to St Bartholomew’s. The second net More gleanings from the parishclerk@burwashpc.org.uk speeding traffic coming through the village, bring it back to life. was completed this year and was proudly past By now you should I was interested to come across an article displayed on the junction of the A265 and There has been a suggestion that the in the December 1991 edition (29 years have received the Stonegate Road. In the December 1990 edition, Geoff wooden box should then be painted or ago!), extracts below: through the post Turner writes: decorated in some form. If you have an The Burwash Internet Hub which was due a letter from the Roughly 42,000 vehicles traverse Burwash Goodwill starts here! idea as to what this might be, and have the to launch on Wednesday 4th November Council with details High Street every week… If one per cent artistic creativity and necessary skills to has been postponed: a new date will It is strange the power that what we of the Traffic Calming of these vehicles are driven at a recklessly carry it out, please let us know. hopefully be given in the January magazine. say has over what we think and do. As Measures being high speed, it means they total 400 per We will offer support and guidance across Christmas draws near we start saying nice developed by the week or more than 20000 each year… a wide range of devices(laptops, tablets things to people by way of greetings and Parish Council. It and smartphones) as well as operating The only practical way to stop speeding farewells. For most of the year we can contained a questionnaire which we hope systems (Windows, IOS, Android) and through the village is to install physical get by with a grumbled ‘morning’ or ‘bye’. you have had time to consider and return advice on how to load applications onto deterrents such as sleeping policemen But in those last few days we start to say to us either in print or online. a tablet or smartphone. You can either or chicanes. A few drivers might ignore ‘Happy Christmas,’ ‘Have a good day,’ Full details are in that letter and on the bring in your own or you can use one of our them, but not many and we should have a ‘God Bless’ and so forth. What is more, we Burwash Parish website burwashparish. laptops or tablets. We also offer guidance cheap and efficient answer to the problem, start to mean it. We actually do feel that org.uk. The closing date for your on safely using the internet to help you with twenty-four hours a day… we wish people well, that we want them to questionnaire to be returned is (or was your day to day activities and also have a Let us for the moment forget bureaucratic have a good time and be happy. depending on when you read this) 28th facility to print or copy. However due to the quibbles about finance and this and that Somehow we commit ourselves to a November and the results will be published restrictions placed on us by the continuing type of highway. If public opinion wants different way of looking at things – the on the website shortly after that. pandemic we need to put the face to face something done, the sooner its voice is Christmas way. We commit ourselves by Some have already contacted us as a service advice on hold for a while. From time to time, the Council is allocated heard the better. We have all seen what apparently trivial things, the way we greet consequence of our September letter and additional funding for specific purposes. When we are able to return then we will people power can do, haven’t we? Please people, the way we respond. And because those letters and emails will be added Rother District Council have allocated just put measures in place to operate and get in touch if you are keen to act. we all do it, somehow the nature of the to the responses from this more formal over £3200 for infrastructure in Burwash, ensure a Covid-safe environment. If you Ted Dowman world changes. questionnaire. You may have responded and we have decided to pass this on to the are currently in need of help or advice you I would just like to suggest then, that if to other surveys on the issue of Traffic Primary School as they have to replace the can call or email the parish clerk who will Next, I don’t know who wrote the ‘Burwash Calming in the past: please don’t ignore playground surface below the outdoor play then pass on your details to a volunteer Bits’ section of the Broadsheet in the we really want to see a better future, it has more to do with small changes in a this one which is part of East Sussex equipment. who will offer you telephone or email late 1990s, but I love their no-nonsense Highways formal process in evaluating the support. All requests for help/advice will approach. I came across the following in lot of people than big decisions by a few We are very proud of the staff and pupils at powerful ones. And just as there has to scheme. need to be pre-booked by either calling December 1998, continuing the theme of the School and the hard work of all those be someone to give the first Christmas We know that money or emailing the parish clerk, who will then the battle to reduce traffic and speeding in who have managed to keep the school greeting so there has to be a first someone doesn’t grow on pass on your details to a volunteer who will Burwash: open and the children and staff safe during to take the first step to a better world. trees which is why, meet you at your allotted time in the Parish what has been a very traumatic time. Speeding the Parting Guest – Mr Tuck, the despite the pressure Room. Contact details are at the top of Area Highways Manager for East Sussex So I wish you all a very merry and joyful this article. Christmas. There I’ve done by bit! Now on the Parish County Council bravely faced a packed Council’s finances Thanks also to those for decorating Parish Council meeting on the 10th whose turn is it next? to extend the Traffic their own pubs, shops and houses. The November. However all he could do was to Calming Programme traditional Christmas Tree Festival at St clearly state that his department’s budget throughout Burwash Bartholomew’s has had to be put to one was NIL and cry that the government and other projects side this year so it is good to see that the criteria for lower speed limits and traffic we would like to pursue, the Council has spirit of Christmas is alive and well in our calming made it impossible to do anything limited the increase in the precept (the communities. about the problems of Burwash. So quite amount of tax that can be raised by the why he has a department at all is very The Parish Council hopes that you have Parish) to 5% in the next financial year. hard to understand. To even consider a peaceful Christmas, however it is to be We would like to do more and indeed there slowing traffic at Burwash Common is celebrated. It will certainly be one to be is much to be done but the Pandemic has not possible as the houses to one side talked about in future years. hit many families hard and we could not of the road face the wrong way to qualify justify increasing the precept more than With best wishes against the said criteria! Large and even that at this time. We still compare well with larger lorries can thunder down the A265 In 2018 a number of people from the Cllr Brian Newman other villages of a comparable size. with impunity with the blessing of the parish of Burwash, plus their friends and government and the EEC. Once again the One of the projects that has gone, but is family from across the world, knitted and boys with the clipboards, rule books and not forgotten is the abandoned telephone crocheted hundreds of poppies which were paper mountains win, little or nothing can box by Oakley’s Garage. We have had hung between the trees in Burwash village be done and Burwash residents young many suggestions as to what use it might for Remembrance Day. Some people have and old will continue to be at risk. To be be put – mostly helpful! - but there is wondered what became of their efforts. 18 BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE December 2020 | Back to contents 19
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