Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq

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Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq

                 Issue 003 | June - August 2018                                Travel and Tourism Magazine

                                         A World of Wonders. The pleasure awaits!
ISSN 2550-3405

                            Nigeria readies to showcase it’s   Tourism Ministers Discuss     Upgrading Tourism key factor
                            best during UNWTO CAF session      integrated Regional Tourism   in fighting terrorism –
                                                                                             President El- Sisi
Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq
Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq
from the
                                                  Tourism and Digital
                    Travel and Tourism Magazine
                                                  Transformation – Is
                                                  Africa Ready?
Editorial Team
Ben Ohene-Ayeh                                          he United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has identified
Consultant Editor                                       the need for digital transformation of global tourism as the surest way
                                                        to take the industry to its apex.
Kojo Bentum-Williams
Managing Editor                                   In the estimation of the world tourism specialized body, if the travel and
                                                  tourism industry is to attain maximum utilization of its capacity, it needs to
Samuel Obeng Appah
                                                  embrace online strategies in its entirety.
Content Editor

Contributing Writers                              As a media house concerned with the digital development of Africa’s tourism,
Angela Dzidzornu                                  we at Voyages Afriq do agree wholeheartedly with the world body.
Jonathan A. Benaiah                               We could not agree more with this refreshing innovation from the Zurab-led
Marian Ansah                                      UNWTO and call on the African Union (AU) to begin a continental wakeup call
Sarah Gibbens                                     on all member states to take up the digital challenge.
Prof Wolfgang Thome
Agatha Tongzok Forsac Iyok                        According to the UNWTO, “tourism is the world’s third largest export trade after
Dominic Andoh                                     chemicals and fuel. International tourism receipts and arrivals accounted for
                                                  1,442 billion USD in 2016 representing 30% of the world’s services industry and
                                                  7% of overall exports in goods and services:’’ Again according to the UN body,
Jennifer Nyavor
Glaou Eddie Fortune
                                                  tourism represents 10% of world GDP, impacting on exports, job creation
Symphorien Kouabile                               investment and development of infrastructure among others.

Photo Credit                                      But if one looks at Africa’s share in world tourism delivery which is only a
Ken Amoah, UNWTO, WTTC,                           meagre 5%, it looks pitiful and unattractive, a situation which beacons African
Tourism Ministry, Ogun State-Nigeria              countries to diversify their economies if they want to be serious players in the
                                                  global competitive tourism market.
Design and Layout
GP Communications                                 It is general knowledge that tourism provides the magic wand to transform
                                                  most country’s economies especially in Africa.
         Voyages Afriq
         Media Ltd.
Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq
The products from Africa will continue to attract mass traffic and interest.
                                           Products such as wildlife, safari, beach, culture, traditions, untapped natural
                                           resources and history are must-sees but if not marketed with heavy doses
                                           of innovation and transformational digital strategies, Africa will perpetually
                                           wallow at the lower rungs in the world tourism market place.

                                           Africa’s challenges such as outdated legislation and regulation, fear of failure,
                                           lack of awareness, uncooperative as well as lack of communication, strict
                                           border controls, lack of technology and funding have been identified as the
                                           hindrances to its tourism development.

                                           However, the UNWTO thinks adopting the right policies, capacity building,
                                           training and management as well as innovation and technology could
                                           change the Africa tragedy.

                                           A few positive new ideas such as visa relaxation, introduction of seamless
                                           travels and regional cooperation in joint marketing and promotion have
                                           been embarked upon especially in Southern Africa but these are little drops
                                           in the global arena.

                                           We are in the digital age. Global trends in marketing tourism have changed
                                           from what used to be the old order. Let Africa respond and lift its game to
                                           be a big team player in the innovation and digital transformation space to
                                           compete favorably and profitably.

                                           The future is on Africa’s side let its tourism leaders embrace modern trends
                                           for that will maximize the continent’s potential in sustainable economic
                                           growth, job creation, curb rural/ urban migration, reduce antagonism among
                                           rural/urban dwellers and distribute national wealth.

                                           By applying smartness concept to address travellers’ needs before, during
                                           and after their trips, destinations could increase their competitiveness level.

                                           ICT make cities more accessible and enjoyable for both residents and visitors
                                           through interactive service interconnectivity to all local organisations to
                                           provide real- time services and also use data centrally for better coordination.

                                           The die is not cast, Africa can scale the poverty wall, underdevelopment and
                                           low standards of living through serious adaptation to key trends and changes
                                           that will transform its tourism delivery in the short, medium and long term.

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Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq
Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq
06                                                   0620                   10
                        IN THIS ISSUE
                        6.    Africa at ITB Berlin 2018
                        8.    New UNWTO Agenda for Africa moves ahead in Berlin
                        10.   Nigeria Gets ready to Showcase it’s Best during
                              UNWTO CAF session
                        10.   Rwanda Bags Best African Exhibitor Award at ITB 2018
                        12.   WTM Africa 2018 Celebrates Phenomenal Three Days!
                        15.   Tourism Ministers Discuss integrated Regional Tourism
                              at Africa’s Travel Indaba
                        16.   Zurab Pololikashvilli’s 100 Days in office
                        19.   UNWTO Appoints Football Stars as Ambassadors
                              of Responsible Tourism
                        19    Upgrading Tourism Key Factor in Fighting Terrorism –

                   08   20
                              President El- Sisi
                              Malawi Targets 15% Tourism Contribution to GDP by 2020
                        23    Ghana Airport Company to Host Routes 2018 Awards
                        23    New Tourism Minister Envisions Seychelles
                              as a model for sustainable Tourism
                        24    Last Male Northern White Rhino Sudan Remembered
                        27    Outstanding Tourism Players Celebrated at
                              Ghana National Tourism Awards
                        28    Bravehearts Expeditions Redefining Adventure
                              Tourism in Ghana
                        29    New Ghana Tourism Federation Executives
                              pledge to revamp Association
                        31    The Virtual Tourism evolution in Nigeria
                        32    Zimbabwe, A world of wonders
                   44   35    Ghana’s Accra City Hotel Begins Expansion
                              with Multi Complex project
                        35    Arsenal FC & RDB ink 3-year Deal to Promote
                              Rwandan Tourism

Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq
40   32                         31

          37   Doula and Limbe: The Nightlife Sanctuaries of Cameroon
          38   The Quality of Service Standards and Related Factors
                in Ghana’s hospitality Industry
          40    Selling to the Regional Market, a Winner’s Mindset
          42    African Tourism Administrators sign the
                Declaration of Kinshasha
          44    UNWTO and UN Environment join forces to Empower
                media as environment and wildlife defenders
          44    Africa World Airlines adds Freetown to its growing
          45    Accor Hotels Agrees to buy Movenpick Hotels
                for $567million
          45    Rwanda Honoured with the WTTC’S First
                Global Leadership Award
          46    WTTC Members join fight against illegal Wildlife Trade
          48    Kenya Tourism Federation kicks against
                KTB’s International Exhibition withdrawal
          48    Emirates Extends Marketing Agreement with Seychelles
                Tourism Board
          49    Marriott International Debut in West Africa with the
                opening of the Accra Marriott Hotel
          49    Ethiopian Operate Accra- Texas Direct flights
          50    Arabian Travel Market 2018
          52    Travel and Hospitality Trade Blitz
          55    Facts About Africa
          55    UNWTO’s Executive Council Supports the Priorities of
                the Secretary-General
          56    Africa Drum Festival
          57    UGBS Holds 5th Destination Tourism Legon
     37   58
                Tourism Marketing Exhibition
                What’s up Africa?

                                                           VOYAGESAFRIQ | 5
Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq
                                              ITB Berlin 2018
  The 2018 edition of the International Tourism Bourse (ITB Berlin)                Africa’s huge presence was reinforced
  ended successfully with reaffirmation of the exhibition as the                   by the attendance of 28 members of
  world’s leading travel show                                                      the very vibrant African Travel and
                                                                                   Tourism Association (ATTA) based in

                                                                                   London, UK.
      he fair attained 5% upsurge in      The impressive African stands included
      numbers of participation but        Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa,           The rhythmic African Hall also as
      more importantly more deals         Seychelles, Zimbabwe, Namibia,           part of country open days held
closed with an expanded participation     Mauritius and Reunion Islands.           several receptions for patrons of
with enhanced sector portfolios.                                                   the event. East African Tourism
                                          Others include Mayotte, Botswana,        under one umbrella began with their
African countries continue to climb the   Ghana, Gambia, Uganda, Rwanda,           EAC reception with a call for better
global tourism trade ladder. During our   Togo, Mali, Cote D’ivoire and            collaboration among their partner
interaction with many of the African      Swaziland.                               countries. Ghana and Rwanda with
trade exhibitors, they admitted that                                               dancing and drumming attracted
visitations to their respective stands    The rest were Madagascar, Ethiopia,      a host of visitors. The proverbial
had dropped but patronage seem to         Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan,          African hospitality was at its peak
be more of qualitative value which        Tunisia, Cameroon, Zambia, Cabo          with receptions held to promote the
eventually gave them hope for the         Verde , Senegal, Malawi and Sao Tome.    continent’s gastronomy

Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq
Zimbabwe - Travel and Tourism Magazine - Voyages Afriq
New UNWTO Agenda for
 Africa moves ahead in Berlin
   Berlin, Germany, 9 March 2018 – An African ministerial working                     of all its member countries of the
  meeting conveyed by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)                          continent –in the Nigerian capital of
  during this year’s Berlin International Tourism Fair ITB (8 March)                  Abuja (4-6 June).
  agreed to move ahead with a new ten-point UNWTO Agenda                              The following countries were
                                                                                      represented at the meeting at ITB:
  for Africa. The final document will be adopted at the UNWTO
                                                                                      Angola, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Congo,
  Commission meeting for Africa, taking place in Nigeria in June this                 Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya,
  year.                                                                               Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco,

                                                                                      Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan, Zambia,
        gainst the backdrop of             sector that last year attracted more
                                                                                      and Zimbabwe.
        international tourist arrivals     than 62 million international visitors.
        expanding 8% in Africa in 2017,    Issues on the UNWTO Agenda for Africa
and outgrowing the world average           include, connectivity, image and brand,
increase in arrivals, tourism is gaining   poverty alleviation, climate change,
weight as a development opportunity        education and skills development, and
for the whole continent. UNWTO             financing.
Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili     Delegates underscored the importance
stressed “tourism has huge potential to    of educating other economic sectors
generate lasting development activity      on the broad impact of tourism for
in Africa if we manage it in the right     the benefit of societies and its people,
way, through is economic, social and       and promoting tourism as a priority in
environmental sustainability”.             national agendas.

The participants from 17 countries,        The detailed, four-year UNWTO Agenda
including 14 ministers, supported a        for Africa will be approved at the
coordinated approach to seizing the        upcoming 61st Regional Commission
continent’s potential for tourism, a       for Africa – UNWTO’s annual gathering

Nigeria gets ready to showcase its
best during UNWTO CAF Session
  Nigeria has assured the global tourism community about                              “Security, on-site preparations and
  its readiness to host the continent’s commission for Africa                         activities are all in place to stage a very
  conference.                                                                         successful event,” Mr. Lai Mohammed

                                                                                      said. He believes the conference will be
        igeria during the United Nations   body in a closed-door meeting,             a fine opportunity for the West African
        World Tourism Organization         Nigeria’s Minister for Information         giant to pay attention to tourism.
        (UNWTO) General Assembly           and Culture Alhaji Lai Mohammed
in Chengdu, China was awarded the          expressed gratitude to UNWTO for
right to host the UNWTO Commission         granting them the right to host the all-
for Africa’s (CAF) 61st session. The       important meeting.
Government signed the document to
host the event during this year’s Feria    He said, Nigeria is prepared to host
Internacional de Turismo (FITUR ) in       one of the best of the commission’s
Madrid.                                    meeting in June. He added that,
                                           Nigeria would also showcase to the
Addressing colleague African Ministers     world the best of its creative arts
and the leadership of the UN tourism       prowess.

Rwanda bags ‘Best African
Exhibitor Award’ at ITB 2018
  Rwanda may be geographically small in size but certainly big in
  spirit and showcased itself as the judges at ITB 2018 handed the
  country once again the trophy for best exhibitor from Africa.

       p against regional colleagues
       from across Eastern Africa
       and also against the giants in
African tourism, South Africa, Egypt and
Morocco, the Rwandan stand did their
country proud again as their charm
and competence captured the hearts
and minds of trade visitors, the public
and most importantly, the judges from
the Cologne Business School which
conducted the surveys and passed

Notably present at the stand was
their national airline RwandAir,
which presently serves two European
destinations, Brussels and London
besides flying to a growing number of
routes across Africa with Abuja which
joined the list in April wth Cape Town
also launched in May.

Akwaaba…                                                                 nature smiles on Ghana the
                                      and traditional drumming and
Formerly known as Gold Coast,                                            way it does? Could it be the
                                      dancing in the various regions
Ghana gained independence                                                nature-kissed, golden land we
                                      all go to show the diversity and
from Britain in 1957 becoming                                            tread on or the warmth of our
                                      vibrancy of our culture. The
the first sub-Saharan country to                                         smile which is much like the
                                      proverbial Ghanaian hospitality
break the chains of colonialism.                                         sunshine we experience nearly
                                      demonstrated through the
                                                                         all year round?... Oh yes! Most
                                      warmth of our smiles is much
Ghana is considered one of                                               certainly, it is because we are
                                      like the sunshine we experience
the easily accessible and most                                           located at the centre of the
                                      nearly all year round.
stable countries in West Africa                                          world.
since its transition to multi-party   Ecotourists are welcome to
democracy in 1992. No wonder                                             Visit Ghana and experience
                                      experience the essence of life
this West African nation has                                             culture, warmth and rhythm at
                                      by sampling unspoilt natural
increasingly become a first point                                        the centre of the world…
                                      beauty that stretches from the
destination for most tourists         coast, through the forest green
around the world who seek to          to the adventurous savannah.
either get away from the stress       It is thus not our fault that we
of work, spend time with friends      have something for everyone.
and family or change their
natural environments.                 Wondering what keeps our            CONTACT US:
                                      nation shining above all the             GHANA
Ghana’s history binds her             rest? Still wondering why
culturally to Europe and                                                 TOURISM AUTHORITY
Africans in the Diaspora and it
                                                                          P.O BOX GP 3106, ACCRA
is a UNESCO declared World                                                TEL: +233-302-682601/7/8
Heritage Destination where fun
and friendliness abound.                                                  WEBSITE:www.ghana.travel
Ours is a culture that rocks.                                              EMAIL:info@ghana.travel
Colourful traditional festivals
take place countrywide                                                        Ghana Tourism Authority
throughout the year. The
institutions of chieftaincy and
royalty, rich art forms such as                                                Ghana Tourism Authority
kente, fugu, adinkra symbols
                                                                                            VOYAGESAFRIQ | 11
WTM Africa 2018
celebrates Phenomenal three days!

  As a fitting tribute to the potential of tourism in Africa, WTM Africa
  2018 has closed its doors to its most successful exhibition to date,
  with attendees from all over the world. In addition there was a 6%
  increase in pre-scheduled appointments on last year’s event and a
  marked growth in exhibitors on previous years..

       WTM Africa 2018 has been a            importance of WTM Africa 2018 within
       major success with exhibitors         the tourism landscape.
       and buyers alike already
expressing their interest in next year’s     As part of centenary celebrations
edition. We have seen a steady flow          of birth of former president, Nelson
of foot traffic across the exhibition        Mandela, the City of Cape Town
floor over all three days, and record        announced at WTM Africa that it will
attendance at all of our speaker             be developing a multimedia exhibition
sessions,” says Chardonnay Marchesi,         to commemorate the life of the former
South Africa Portfolio Director for Reed     president, his Cape Town connection,
Exhibitions’ Travel, Tourism & Sports        and the democratic movement within
Portfolio.                                   the city.

Key and emerging source markets
                                             Alderman Patricia De Lille, Executive
were represented by buyers and
                                             Mayor City of Cape Town revealed:
travel professionals from 58 countries,
                                             “We will unveil a public artwork of
including the Americas, Asia Pacific and
                                             the former President at the City Hall
Middle Eastern regions from countries
                                             to coincide with his birthday in July
such as United Arab Emirates, Saudi
                                             2018. In 2019, on the anniversary
Arabia, Australia, China, India, Brazil,
                                             of his release and historic address
Canada and Argentina.
                                             to the world on 11 February 1990,
                                             we will open the exhibition. This
 “Travel and tourism are global
                                             will contribute to the rich tourist
businesses with a worldwide market,
                                             experience that already exists in Cape
and it is vital that companies either
                                             Town’s historic central city, the oldest
large or small know and understand
                                             urban area in southern Africa.”
how the market is developing and
how their customers are using online
platforms both for business and leisure.     “WTM Africa has been a really good         “WTM Africa 2018 has
The ETAS discussions give a great            experience for Dream Hotels. We have       been a major success with
snapshot of what is happening globally       met with quality buyers, had busy days
                                             on the stand and have enjoyed good         exhibitors and buyers alike
online for travel and it helps businesses
to think about their online priorities       service from Reed Exhibitions!” says       already expressing their
for the coming year,” surmised Damian        Wayne Neath, National Sales Manager        interest in WTM Africa
Cook, CEO of E-Tourism Frontiers, who        for Dream Hotels.                          2019! We have seen a
facilitated ETAS.
                                                                                        steady flow of foot traffic
                                             More extraordinary innovations for
Once again, WTM Africa 2018 was              an even bigger and better WTM Africa       across the exhibition floor
delighted to partner with the City of        2019, as well as audited statistics and    over all three days, and
Cape Town. The continued support of          numbers around WTM Africa 2018,            record attendance at all of
the city is a key factor in the success of   will be announced in coming weeks.
                                                                                        our speaker sessions,”
the show, and the involvement of the         WTM Africa 2019 will take place in Cape
City of Cape Town is testament to the        Town from 10-12 April 2019
Tourism Ministers Discuss Integrated
Regional Tourism at Africa’s Travel Indaba                                              Africa Region, Mrs. Elsia Grandcourt
  Tourism Ministers from several African Countries have called for                      stated that although it was important
  greater regional cooperation to ensure growth in tourism across                       to recognise the economic gains of
  the continent.                                                                        tourism, it is equally important to

                                                                                        acknowledge the social benefits of
       his emerged at the fifth African      environment that will facilitate synergy   peace and social cohesion brought on
       Ministerial Session hosted by         in the development of regional tourism     by tourism in the continent.
       South African Minister of Tourism     products, and ensure the growth and        “Tourism is bringing us together
Mr. Derek Hanekom in Durban on               sustainability of the African tourism      and breaking down barriers and
the eve of Africa’s Travel Indaba. This      market,” said Minister Hanekom.            stereotypes as it has open up the world
session aimed to lay a foundation for        Tourism Ministers from Angola,             for people to learn about its diverse
an integrated and sustainable tourism        Kingdom of eSwatini, Lesotho,              cultures and heritage.”
framework for the region.                    Mozambique, Namibia, Uganda,
                                             Zambia and Zimbabwe were joined by         “Our communities are a critical
Themed Integrated Regional Tourism           a panel of tourism experts to explore      measure of the success of tourism. As
– A tool for economic development,           potential solutions to the challenges of   we map the way towards an integrated
the session afforded African Ministers       regional integration.                      tourism region, let us ensure that we
and key tourism industry experts and                                                    take our communities with us to ensure
players an opportunity to deliberate on      The discussions emphasized the need        sustainable tourism growth that will
the state of tourism in Africa.              for increased commitment from all          be enjoyed by future generations,” said
                                             African states in implementing the         Grandcourt.
“Tourism in Africa is advancing steadily     bi-lateral and multi-lateral agreements.
and we have been able to leverage            This would encourage governments to        The African Ministerial session took
successfully on our geographical and         ensure that the basic infrastructure and   place on the eve of the official opening
cultural assets to attract tourists to our   regulatory frameworks are in place to      of the 2018 Africa Travel Indaba in
continent.”                                  facilitate regional tourism growth.        Durban South Africa. The trade show
                                             African tourist arrivals increased by 8%   remains the largest tourism-marketing
“With global tourist arrivals predicted      (4 million tourists) to reach 58 million   event in Africa. This year’s event
to reach 134 million by 2030, there is       in 2016, and it supported 8.3 million      received thousands of delegates from
an increased need for us to address the      direct jobs. According to the Word         across the world to witness and share
challenges that hinder the growth of         Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), this      in Africa’s tourism success stories that
tourism.                                     number is expected to increase to 11.6     was shared by the 21 countries who
                                             million jobs by 2028.                      exhibited at Africa’s Travel Indaba, that
                                                                                        took place from 8 to 10 May 2018, at
“This will require that we find ways to                                                 the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Convention
work together to create an enabling          United Nations World Tourism
                                             Organisation (UNWTO) Director of           Centre in Durban.

                                                                                                                VOYAGESAFRIQ | 15
Zurab Pololikashvili’s
100 Days in Office
  Following his election by the Executive Council of the United                                                       From his first official event at the Feria
  Nations World Tourism Organization in Madrid in May 2017 and                                                        Internacional de Turismo ( FITUR)
  his subsequent affirmation by the General Assembly at the 22nd                                                      where he joined the King of Spain
  session in Chengdu, China, the newly appointed UNWTO Secretary                                                      His Majesty Felipe VI to open the
                                                                                                                      exhibition to his first official trip to
  General , Ambassador Zurab Pololikashvili assumed office in the
                                                                                                                      Portugal. We present S-G’s hundred
  first week of January 2018.                                                                                         days in office with a collection of

 The King of Spain, His Majesty Felipe IV (Extreme Left)     Zurab Pololiksahvili (second from left) in a group
 accompanied by Zurab Pololikashvili (Extreme Right)       photograph with the Portugese President during his          SG Zurab Pololikashvili as Guest of Honor of the City
       opened the 2018 FITUR in Madrid, Spain.             trip to Portugal which was his first official trip as SG               of Buenos Aires Legislature

     Zurab Pololikashvili(Extreme Right) joins the
 German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the leadership
  of ITB Berlin during the opening ceremony of this        Zurab Pololikashvili speaking to the media during the       SG Zurab Pololikashvili and President Ilham Aliyev
                   year’s ITB Berlin.                        T20 Ministers Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina                     during his visit to Azerbeijan

  UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili with         Zurab Polokashvili speaking at the Casa Árabe and          UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili with
   EU Parliament President Antonio Tajani during his         the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) jointly             Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of
   maiden official visit to EU Institutions in Brussels.        organized sixth Ministerial forum at FITUR                      Bahrain, H.E. Zayed R. Alzayani.

  Zurab Pololikashvili (Middle) flanked by Elsia Grand-
    court Africa Regional Director of UNWTO, Mr Zhu,                                                                  President Mauricio Macri of Argentina (Left) receiving
  Executive Director at UNWTO during his meeting with       Zurab Pololikashvili speaking at his first UNWTO            a souvenir from SG Pololikashvili during the T20
       African Tourism Ministers at ITB Berlin 2018        Awards ceremony on the sidelines of FITUR, Madrid.           Ministers conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Zurab Pololikashvili with Barcelona and                       Zurab Pololikashvili in a group photo with the President of Argentina H.E Mauricio Macri and
      Argentine Forward Lionel Messi                                                      the T20 Ministers in Buenos Aires, Argentina

                                                                                                                     Zurab Pololikashvili with Ghana’s Minster of Tourism
    Zurab Pololikashvili as Guest of Honor of the            Zurab Pololikashvili signing an MoU between                   Arts and Culture Catherine Afeku at the
          City of Buenos Aires Legislature                         UNWTO and the EU Parliament                              UNWTO Headquaters in Madrid, Spain


                                                                                                                     Zurab Pololikashvili exchanging pleasantries with
  Zurab Pololikashvili at the signing ceremony of            Zurab Pololikashvili with Uganda’s Minster of             German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the
UNWTO’s Global Code of Ethics for Tourism at FITUR          Tourism and Antiquities Prof Ephraim Kamutu                       opening of the ITB Berlin 2018.

   Zurab Pololikashvili naming Former Spain and Real                                                                   Zurab Pololikashvili, Minister of Tourism South
 Madrid Coach Vicente Del Bosque as Sustainable Tourism   Zurab Pololikashvili with Zimbabwe’s Minister of              Africa Derek Hanekom and ICAO SG Fang Liu,
    Ambassador during the UNWTO Awards in FITUR           Tourism and Hospitality Hon Priscah Mupfumira                         during meetings in Argentina

                                                          President of WTTC Gloria Manzo Guevara in a snap             Zurab Pololikashvilli in a group photo after the
                                                          with Zurab Pololikashvili during the T20 Ministers               UNWTO TedQual Meeting in Andorra
                                                                Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina

   Zurab Pololikashvili and Dr. Rania Al-Mashat,
  Minister of Tourism of Egypt during the UNWTO                 Amb Zurab Pololikashvili in a group photograph with African Tourism Ministers at this year’s
            Commission for Middle East                                                   INVESTOUR Conference at FITUR, Madrid

                                                                                                                                                      VOYAGESAFRIQ | 17

                                       REGISTER NOW
Kenya Tourism Board brings you the 8th edition of MKTE. We invite you to join us in October at the KICC in Nairobi for the
                                             African gathering of the trade.
                             See you there: Wednesday 03 to Friday 05 October 2018
               Applications for exhibitors and hosted buyers are now open online, sign up early.

             Network and explore business opportunities at the leading travel trade expo in East Africa.
                                          Benefit from pre-scheduled appointments
                                       Listen to latest industry trends at our seminars
                                       Immerse yourself in culture at the Africa stage
                                        Boost Africa sales from major global markets

                         Please get in touch with us: exhibit@mkte.co.ke or hosting@mkte.co.ke

                 @MKTravelExpo               @MagicalKenyaTravelExpoShow                  #magicalkenyatravelexpo

                                                              Space request: leisure@euroexpo-vienna.com

 11 - 13 September 2018
                                                           Expocentre Fairgrounds/Moscow, Russia

                                                                                                15 000               m² Exhibition area

                                                                                                        861          Exhibitiors

                                                                                                           44        Countries

                                                                                                           40       Regions

                                                                         Organised by:
UNWTO Appoints Football Stars as
Ambassadors of Responsible Tourism
  Having assumed duty as the new Secretary General of the United
  Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on January 2018,
  Ambassador Zurab Pololikashvili participated in his first FITUR
  International Tourism fair held in Madrid, Spain.

        uring the FITUR event, the        Also announced was another pillar
        Secretary General held several    of the game, Fernando Hierro, former
        meetings with international       Captain of the Spanish National Team
companies and many countries paid         and Real Madrid. In a video broadcast    Vicente Del Bosque, World Cup Winning Coach
courtesy call on him. One of the event    at the same event, Hierro pledged        and Amb. Zurab Pololikashvili, SG UNTWO
which brought him together with the       his commitment towards leading the
travel professionals and policy makers    charge towards sustainable tourism.
was the UNWTO Innovation Awards.
It was during this ceremony that he       The latest announcement was the
first announced two greats of the         meeting between Mr. Pololokashvili
game of football. The first was Spain’s   and Argentine and Barcelona’s Iconic
World Cup Winning Coach Vicente Del       forward Lionel Messi when Messi
Bosque who was named ambassador           accepted to join the United Nations
of responsible tourism. Mr. Del Bosque    World Tourism Organization to be a
who was present at the ceremony           champion for responsible tourism.        Lionel Messi, Barcelona’s Iconic forward and
accepted the role and promised to                                                  Amb. Zurab Pololikashvili, SG UNTWO
champion the cause.

Upgrading tourism key factor in
fighting terrorism- Prez El-Sisi
  President Abdel Fattah El Sisi has pressed for action to upgrade                   tourism worldwide. General. Sisi also
  the tourism sector, believing this is a major factor to counter                    updated Pololikashvili on efforts
  terrorism and extremism.                                                           exerted to stabilize security across
                                          ‘’Egypt is looking forward to boosting

      ourism helps to bring people        cooperation with the UNWTO in a            Egypt is keen on effectively
      together. Gen. El Sisi said on      way that would support tourism,            participating in the different
      Monday7th May 2018 during           which is a key sector in achieving         activities of the UNWTO, the
his meeting with Zurab Pololikashvili,    sustainable development goals,’’           President stressed.
Secretary-General of the World            President Sisi said.
Tourism Organization (UNWTO).                                                        Secretary General Pololikashvili
                                                         He told Pololikashvili      said the UNWTO is also seeking
                                                         that his country pays       to upgrade Egypt’s ability to
                                                         big attention to the        rehabilitate its tourism sector.
                                                         travel sector, which is     He told the Egyptian Leader that
                                                         considered one of the       joint cooperation plans should
                                                         pillars of the Egyptian     be outlined so that UNWTO could
                                                         economy.                    share its resources and expertise to
                                                                                     upgrade the Egyptian travel sector.
                                                         The President
                                                         underscored the
                                                         important role played
                                                         by the UNWTO to
                                                         support and activate

                                                                                                                 VOYAGESAFRIQ | 19
15% Tourism Contribution to GDP by 2020
  Malawi is hoping to have its tourism contribute about 15% to
  the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The current figure
  hobbles between 7 and 8% and according to the Minister of
  Industry, Trade and Tourism, Henry Mussa, his government is
  working hard to improve the numbers. The Minister disclosed
  this at a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony
  on the sidelines of this year’s Malawi International Tourism Expo
  - ‘Takulandirani 2018’. The MoU between Malawi and Zambia will
  see the two Southern Africa countries develop and implement
  joint initiatives that are aimed at promoting tourism. Malawi’s
  tourism sector currently employs over 140,000 people in direct
  jobs and an additional 100,000 is envisaged with the 2020
  target which also forms part of the Third Malawi Growth and
  Development Strategy (MGDSIII).

       eiterating the point in an          from the sector to be able to cater
       interview with VoyagesAfriq         for the travel boom the country
       Travel Magazine the country’s       anticipates.
Director of Tourism, Dalton Katopola
said the country wants to shore up         Mr. Katopola said: “The industry is
tourists numbers and receipts in the       growing and we need to build more
coming years.                              capacity in terms of air travel, in terms
                                           of access, visa issues, in terms of new
“It is our intention to increase the       and bigger products to be able to
arrivals from less than 1 million to 1.5   carry the growing traffic. All these are
million visitors. And the government       contained in the Tourism Development
of Malawi has now recognised tourism       Strategy that we have. Malawi is not
in its development plans to be among       yet a mass tourism destination where
the top priorities in the economy which    operators can manage to take groups
if we drive and grow well, will provide    of between 20 and 30 tourists.
huge potential to create wealth for the
people of Malawi.”                         So if we have a group of 50, how do we
                                           manage them in terms of capacity, so
There are plans to develop the tourism     we need to grow even the facilities that
infrastructure and remove bottlenecks      we have so that we can carry a lot more

tourists who can bring in more money
into the country.”

Malawi is promoting its tourism
around five main products including
Lake Malawi (and other lakes), Wildlife
(Malawi has nine wildlife parks) and
Nature (Mountains and Rivers). The rest
are Cultural Heritage (music, food, arts,
etc) and MICE (the Bingu Wa Mutharika
International Convention Centre serves
as a multi-purpose facility capable of
holding any event of any magnitude).

 The second edition of the Malawi
International Tourism Expo –
Takulandirani – attracted participation
from over 25 countries, 130 exhibitors
and 60 buyers and international
media. The event featured two days
speed networking sessions, Business-
to-Business (B2B) engagements,
workshops, exhibitions and a Malawi
Day reception which wrapped up the

                                            VOYAGESAFRIQ | 21
                               ROUTES 2018 AWARDS
                                             Routes Africa, the intra-Africa route development forum, will
                                             return after a two-year hiatus, due to demand from the route
                                             development community.

                                                  he event, which will be the         on its part, has taken the needed
                                                  12th Routes Africa, is the most     steps to expand infrastructure to
                                                  long standing and established       meet the growing demand and is
                                           aviation forum bringing together           poised to provide world-class facilities
                                           leading airlines, airports and tourism     and services for the benefit of our
                                           authorities to discuss air services        stakeholders.”
                                           to, from and within Africa for over a
                                           decade.                                    Routes Africa’s return to the annual
                                                                                      route development calendar sees a
                                           This year’s event will be held in Accra,   number of new innovations as part of
       Mr. John Dekyem Attafuah,
                                           Ghana from 16-18 July and hosted           the event, including a certified route
           managing director, GACL .       by Ghana Airports Company Limited          development accreditation for all
                                           (GACL). Mr. John Dekyem Attafuah,          attendees by Routes’ sister company,
                                           managing director, Ghana Airports          ASM.
                                           Company Limited, said: “GACL is
                                           pleased to play host to the 12th Routes    ASM, which pioneered the concept of
                                           Africa.                                    route development 25 years ago and
                                                                                      established Routes events, will be
                                           “It is a unique opportunity for us to      holding a dedicated version of their
                                           showcase Ghana to the world. The           world renowned ‘Fundamentals of
                                           aviation industry in Ghana, stands         Route Development’ training course as
                                           out as one of the fastest growing and      part of the Routes Africa programme.
                                           most competitive in the region. GACL

New Tourism Minister envisions Seychelles
as a Model for Sustainable Tourism
  The new Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine,
  Didier Dogley, moved into his new office at Botanical House on
  Friday May 4, 2018. Formerly the Minister of Environment, Energy
  and Climate Change, he was assigned the new portfolio in a Cabinet
  reshuffle announced by President Danny Faure on April 26.

         inister Dogley has welcomed       “My vision is to use my knowledge
         his appointment as the new        and experience in environmental
         minister responsible for          stewardship, coupled with a strong
tourism, adding that it provides him       partnership with the trade, to ensure
with an excellent opportunity to shift     that Seychelles becomes a model            Minister Dogley holds a Bachelor’s
his efforts, from taking care of the       for sustainable tourism to the world,      Degree in Landscape Architecture, from
bedrock of Seychelles tourism -- the       enriched by the creole culture and the     the Erfurt University of Applied Science
natural environment -- to ensuring         hospitality of our people,” the minister   in Germany and a Masters Degree in
that discerning visitors get to discover   added.                                     Landscape Management from the
and experience the true qualities of                                                  University of Reading in the United
the Seychelles islands as a world-         Didier Dogley was first appointed          Kingdom. He also holds a diploma
class destination. “In a world where       Minister in February 2015, and assigned    in Management from the Seychelles
unspoiled natural landscapes and           the Environment, Energy and Climate        Institute of Management.
seascapes are becoming a rare asset,       Change portfolio. He had previously
Seychelles still offers a wide array of    held high level positions in that same     Minister Didier Dogley is married with
unique sites with breathtaking beauty      ministry including the post of Director    three children.
and exceptional experiences,” he said.     General, Principal Secretary and
                                           Special Advisor.

                                                                                                              VOYAGESAFRIQ | 23
Last Male Northern White Rhino
“Sudan” Remembered
  On Saturday 31st March 2018, Kenya’s Ol Pejeta Conservancy held                       While Sudan’s death paints a grim
  a memorial service for the famous animal, complete with his                           picture, the conservancy doesn’t want
  favorite food—carrots.                                                                to lose sight of the conservation issues

                                                                                        Sudan brought to the forefront. Rhino
       he world mourned Sudan,                across the world; now the onus is on us   horns, used in some Chinese medicines
       the last male northern white           to ensure that rhino populations thrive   and crafts, are some of the most
       rhinoceros, which died on March        across our planet.”                       lucrative animal parts on the illegal
20 this year. But perhaps few were as         One of the speakers was James             wildlife market.
personally struck as the caretakers who       Mwenda, who was among Sudan’s
had the crucial job of protecting his life.   keepers and spoke about the rhino’s       Just over 29,000 rhinos are left on
A team of veterinarians, conserva-            life, urging the world not to let         Earth, but before the 19th century,
tionists, and armed guards watched            his death be in vain. A carrot—the        they numbered in the hundreds
over the critically endangered animal         rhino’s favorite food—was placed on       of thousands. Rhino poaching has
at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya.        a ceremonial plaque. The guest of         dramatically increased over the past
On the fateful Saturday morning, the          honour, Cabinet Secretary for Wildlife    decade.
conservancy held a memorial service           and Tourism Najib Balala, also spoke at
for Sudan, whose death leaves just            the event.                                “It’s a war,” said Xolani Nicholus Funda,
two of its kind remaining on Earth. The                                                 Chief Ranger at the Kruger National
ceremony, a tribute to his life, began        Poaching Pandemic-Sudan’s health          Park, in a 2016 article. “That’s our
with the Kenyan national anthem, a            began failing early this year. In early   frustration. The rhino war—it’s like
poem, and a minute of silence.                March, he developed an infection          drugs.”
                                              on his back leg that, combined with
“Fare thee well Sudan,” the                   age-related complications, proved         Shining a Spotlight- Last April, Sudan
conservancy posted on its Facebook            too much for the rhino to overcome.       famously helped spread awareness
page. “You have done your work to             The conservancy euthanized him after      about rhino conservation when his
highlight the plight of rhino species         realizing he was barely able to stand.    keepers created a profile for him on a
                                                                                        dating app. Seemingly lighthearted, the
                                                                                        profile was intended to raise money to
                                                                                        fund artificial insemination research.
                                                                                        Sudan’s daughter and granddaughter
                                                                                        are the only two remaining northern
                                                                                        white rhinos. One is infertile and the
                                                                                        other is not able to reproduce on her
                                                                                        own. The genetic material of several
                                                                                        northern white rhinos, including
                                                                                        Sudan’s, has been stored away.
                                                                                        Scientists hope to one day use in vitro
                                                                                        fertilization to breed another northern
                                                                                        white rhino. They’re also considering
                                                                                        making a hybrid with the genetically
                                                                                        similar southern white rhino.

                                                                                        Story by: Sarah Gibbens,
                                                                                        National Geography

Labadi Beach Hotel, Accra’s                                    custom made Spa hydro pool and a relaxation area.
                                                                   The Labadi Beach Hotel Spa offers guests a sanctuary for
    leading premier hotel has led                                  the senses, a place for physical and Mental renewal.
    Ghana’s hospitality industry                                   Labadi Beach Hotel has Consolidated its lead in the
    since its existence.                                           Hospitality industry by winning 5-Star Hotel of the Year
                                                                   Award for four conservative years. (2013, 2014, 2015 and
    Set amidst tropical landscaped gardens, adjacent to one        2016). The award ceremony is organized by the Ghana
    of Ghana’s most popular beaches in the Country’s central       Tourism Authority under the auspices of the Ministry of
    business district, the hotel caters for the business and       Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts.
    leisure traveler.
                                                                   Labadi Beach Hotel is fully owned by the Social Security
    The hotel has 164 rooms including 2 Presidential Suites, 4     and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) and
    Executive Suites, 4 Superior Suites, 4Bars, 2 restaurants, a   Managed by Legacy Hotel Management services from
    600-seater Conference and Banqueting facilities, a Spa, a      South Africa.
    Gym and 2 plush Swimming Pools on a Sprawling Tropical
    landscape garden overlooking the sandy private Beach.          Labadi Beach Hotel; a place for discerning guests who are
                                                                   accustomed to fine food, true hospitality and attention to
    Rejuvenate your mind, body and soul in our magnificent         detail.
    Spa. Whether it is a hot stone massage, or full body
    exfoliation, our professional therapists will simply spoil
    you. The spa houses four Treatment rooms, complete with
    shower facility in each room, a double suite for couples’
    therapies, a designer Manicure and Pedicure lounge, a

Labadi Beach Hotel
No. 1 La Bypass, Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana
Contact Number+233 302 772 501/6
Fax Number+233 (30) 277 2520
Email Address:labadi@legacyhotels.com                                    www.labadi@legacyhotels.com
Outstanding Tourism players
celebrated at Ghana National
Tourism Awards
  The Ghana Tourism Authority at its annual National
  Tourism Awards rewarded outstanding enterprises and
  individuals at the Accra International Conference Centre.
  It was held under the theme “Promoting Responsible
  Tourism.’’ The 14th edition of the ceremony awarded
  twenty eight awardees in total.

      empinski Gold Coast City
      Hotel won the night’s highest
      award , the Five Star Hotel of
the year. Tang Palace Hotel, Golden
Beam Hotel and Zaina Lodge
followed with the four, three and two
star awards respectively. Below are
the scenes and winners at the event.

                                                              VOYAGESAFRIQ | 27
Bravehearts Expeditions Redefining
Adventure Tourism in Ghana
                                            the Ghanaian jungle, where they are          communities to halt the process
                                            deprived of the things they take for         of environmental degradation and
                                            granted in the city; “so we are looking      prevent biodiversity loss.
                                            at cell phones and all electronic
                                            gadgets, make-ups, hair dryers and we         “What we do at Bravehearts
                                            introduce them to life where they sleep in   Expeditions is also to create the
                                            canvas tent with in-built mosquito net.      economic incentives for rural
                                                                                         communities to live their environment
                                            They eat food cooked over camp               as it is. In exchange every year, once we
                                            fires, we lead them to hike and trek         file our taxes, we give ten percent (10%)
                                            across some of Ghana’s breathtaking          of our profits to supporting education
                                            mountain land forms, they abseil cliffs,     in some of our rural locations, in
                                            slush through knee-high rivers, they         providing access to good quality
                                            kayak on the world’s largest man-made        drinking water and sometimes bridges.
  Ghana’s unique landscape                  lake, that is the Lake Volta.”               We’ve also built docks for fishermen
  makes it an easy haven for                                                             along Lake Volta as well. So we do
  tourists who like to push                 Jay Jay Segbefia believes the                this to encourage the people not to
  their adrenaline levels to                adventure they provide does not just         mess up the environment, to prevent
  challenging heights. While                help their clients to put their level        eco-system decline,” Jay Jay Segbefia
  this beautiful natural resource           endurance to the test, but also helps in     explained. The Expedition Leader
  provides real opportunity for             the rediscovery of themselves.               strongly believes that Ghana has
  adventure tourism, only a few                                                          what it takes for the country to reap
  entities are taking advantage             “So in doing this, what we end up            enormously from adventure tourism
  of the huge potential that                doing is to push them beyond their           if properly harnessed, packaged and
  exists.                                   limits of recreational, mental, physical     marketed. With over 10,000 people

                                            and sometimes, spiritual endurance.          having signed on to their adventure
        ut one Ghanaian company,            And get them to stay in touch with both      package in Ghana over the past years,
        Bravehearts Expeditions is          themselves and nature both relaxed           Bravehearts Expeditions hopes to
        changing the narrative, giving      and in an intense way and find within        reach 1 million people in the coming
tourists and adventure seekers the          themselves what we like to describe as       years after which they would spread
chance to experience another kind of        the greatness that resides in them.”         their tentacles to other countries
adventure. The company describes             With highly trained team of explorers       within the West African sub-region and
itself as “West- to Central Africa’s sole   who have discovered massive caves,           beyond.
Outdoor Leadership and Experiential         reached the top of unclimbed peaks,
Learning Expeditions firm. We provide       trekked to the far reaches of the
fun, active and exhilarating experiences    Ghanaian jungle and explored the vast
for people from all walks of life on our    expanse of the Volta Lake. Bravehearts
jungle, mountain, and white water           Expeditions work in teams and develop
and wilderness experiential learning        strong relationships and active
expeditions.”                               processes which cultivate a culture of
                                            change and ability to adapt quickly.
In an interview with Expedition Leader      Mindful of the communities and in the
Jay Jay Segbefia told VoyagesAfriq          spirit of sustainability, Bravehearts
Travel Magazine they take teams of          Expeditions also contribute to
tourists, students, business people and     providing economic, social and
a whole lot more to experience life in      environmental incentives for local
New Ghana Tourism Federation
Executives pledge to revamp Association                                           that government allots parts of the
  The newly inaugurated executives of the Ghana Tourism                           one percent (1%) Tourism Levy to
  Federation (GHATOF) are promising a paradigm shift in their                     help them run the Federation and
                                                                                  its activities as they are usually
  activities toward pushing the country’s tourism agenda. The
                                                                                  constrained by financial needs.
  new leadership believes a new strategy needs to be adopted to
  enhance the Federation. GHATOF is the representative body of                     The new three-man executives would
  the private sector tourism traders and practitioners in Ghana. The              serve a two-year term after which they
  executives were sworn-in at their inauguration at the Coconut                   will be eligible for re-election. They
  Grove Regency Hotel in Accra.                                                   are Bella Ahu, CEO of Trafix Restaurant
                                                                                  – President, Joe Wilson Tetteh, Vice
                                        members, solicit their ideas and inputs   President of the Chefs Association of
                                        in building a strong and formidable       Ghana, Vice President and Nana Opei
                                        body that will drive tourism in the       IV of the Ghana Progressive Hotels
                                        country.                                  Association as Treasurer.

                                        She also added that they will work        The Ghana Tourism Federation is the
                                        closely with government and all           highest organization established to
                                        stakeholders in the tourism industry      champion the cause of the private
                                        to ensure that Ghana improves on          sector in Ghana’s tourism industry.

                                        tourism offering in order to attract      Membership of GHATOF, known as
       he new President of GHATOF,      more tourists and to increase its         the Governing Council, is comprised
       Madam Bella Ahu said her         revenue generation for the country.       of the Presidents of the various trade
       administration would commit      Training, information sharing and         associations engaged either directly
to finding new and innovative ways of   a renewed sense of good and               or indirectly in the tourism industry
making the Federation relevant while    excellent service delivery are some       and meets regularly to discuss issues
building on the successes chalked       of the things the new executives are      confronting the industry and to
by the previous administrations. She    hoping to champion during their           consider possible ways of addressing
said the Federation would engage        tenure. They however are requesting       such issues.

                                                                                                         VOYAGESAFRIQ | 29
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The virtual Tourism
    evolution in Nigeria
  Having seen the gap and opportunities to contribute to Nigeria’s                   Our target is to direct traffic towards
  tourism product and offering, Sky View Communications a brand                     Nigeria in order to benefit from this
  and media communications consult led by its Chief Executive                       massive financial goldmine and
                                                                                    hopefully be part of the movement that
  Officer (CEO) Femi Lawson began what is to become a better
                                                                                    will drive the Nigerian economy from
  way of encouraging policy makers to diversify Nigeria’s tourism                   total dependence on crude oil, as the
  product.                                                                          main source of revenue, but to open up

                                                                                    other revenue potentials like what the
   n an interview with VoyagesAfriq
                                                                                    tourism industry has to offer
   Femi Lawson recall how Nigeria’s
   economy has been on recession and
                                                                                    Amongst the stakeholders who
believes diversification of the economy
                                                                                    received and supported the TIDA
to power an industry like tourism is
                                                                                    conference were government
what can better the lot of the Nigerian.
                                                                                    parastatals and royal fathers like the
                                                                                    Lagos State Government, the Nigerian
Femi began this awareness with the
                                                                                    Tourism Development Corporation
Tourism Innovation and Development
                                                                                    (NTDC), The Ooni of Ile-Ife, His
Advantage (TIDA) Conference which
                                                                                    Imperial Majesty, Oba Adeyeye Enitan
brought together industry players
                                                                                    Ogunwusi endorsed it. They were all
and stakeholders to explore ways of        Nigeria, we hope to present Nigeria as
                                                                                    very receptive to it. It was an amazing
promoting Nigeria as the preferred         a sure tourist destination, and most
destination in Africa.                     importantly influence the negative
                                           perception about the country. We
                                                                                    Skyview Communications Company
‘’We believe that the promotion of         hope to promote Nigerian culture
                                                                                    Limited is a registered strategic brand
positive things about Nigeria is very      and natural resources, promote
                                                                                    development, management and
important, we hope to impact and           entrepreneurial development and
                                                                                    marketing company whose specialty
educate the Nigerian Society on            enlighten the public on the economic
                                                                                    is in turning ideas into brands and
Tourism, Focus and also transfer           advantages of tourism’’ Lawson
                                                                                    make our customer ‘first choice’ in the
attention to the tourism industry in       revealed.
                                                                                    market place.
                                           He said he intends to achieve the
                                           following with the VAR evolution
                                           in Nigeria’s tourism space. The
                                           tourism industry is one of the largest
                                           industries with global turnover of 7.3
                                           trillion dollars as at 2016 (according
                                           to Statista.com) with France and
                                           United States of America being the
                                           most consistent destinations with the
                                           highest percentage in that figure.

                                                                                                           VOYAGESAFRIQ | 31
                                                       A World of Wonders

     MAUYA, SAMUKELE, WELCOME                                                        Harare International Airport –
     Zimbabwe is a song which, once heard, is never forgotten; a                     The biggest and busiest airport
     mood to suit the needs of any soul, any time; a spell that binds                in Zimbabwe situated in Harare.
                                                                                     The airport’s runway, at 4,725
     all those who know her. Her voice brings forth many melodies.
                                                                                     metres (15,500 ft), is one of the
     Welcome to Zimbabwe, a World of Wonders.                                        longest in Africa. It compares with

         imbabwe, (officially the          Runde and Save Rivers - 531 ft. (162m)    OR Tambo International Airport in
         Republic of Zimbabwe and          Land Divisions 8 provinces and            Johannesburg, South Africa, whose
         formerly Southern Rhodesia,       2 cities with provincial status;          longest runway measures 4,418
  the Republic of Rhodesia, and            provinces include: Manicaland,            metres (14,490 ft).
  Zimbabwe Rhodesia) is a landlocked       Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland
  country located on a high plateau in     East, Mashonaland West, Masvingo,         Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo
  the southern part of the continent       Matabeleland North, Matabeleland          International Airport situated some
  of Africa, between the Zambezi and       South and Midlands. Provincial cites      20km out of Bulawayo the city of
  Limpopo rivers and covering 390          include: Bulawayo and Harare.             kings. There are 2 airlines operating
  245 Km2. It is bordered by South                                                   out of Bulawayo Airport which are Air
  Africa to the south, Botswana to the     THE WEATHER                               Zimbabwe and South African Air link.
  southwest, Zambia to the northwest,      Zimbabwe enjoys pleasant temperate
  Mozambique to the east and Namibia       climate with 365 days of sunshine         Victoria Falls International
  to the Caprivi Strip.                    and 10 sunshine hours per day on          Airport – An International Airport
                                           average. The seasons are the reverse      that is located 21 km out of Victoria
  LANGUAGES                                of those in the northern hemisphere,      Falls town the hub for tourism in
  English is the official language while   with midsummer at Christmas and           Zimbabwe.
  Shona and Ndebele are the major          winter lasting from May to August. In
  indigenous languages, with several       winter the days are generally dry and     Charles Prince Airport - formerly
  other minority languages of Venda,       sunny with cold frosty nights in the      named Mount Hampden and
  Tonga, Shangaan, Kalanga, Sotho,         Highveld. In summer temperature           renamed after former airport manager
  Ndau and Nambya.                         average 25-30 degrees Celsius,            Charles Prince (who was a Royal
                                           October being the hottest month           Air Force officer during World War
  LAND STATISTICS                          where temperatures exceed 32              II), is located approximately 8 km
  Coastline 0 (landlocked)                 degrees Celsius. In low-lying areas it    northwest of Harare, Zimbabwe.1973
  Land Area 390,624 sq km (150,820         is much warmer all year than Harare       the airport was converted to civilian
  sq miles)                                and other Highveld centres.               use.
  Landforms The Inyanga and Udizi          The temperatures given are those
  Mountains stretch along Zimbabwe’s       for the main centres and it must be
  eastern border with Mozambique.          realized that it is considerably warmer
  Major bodies of water include Lake       all year round in low-lying areas such
  Kariba on the western border with        as Kariba, Victoria Falls, Hwange,
  Zambia and Victoria Falls on the far     Gonarezhou and the Zambezi valley.
  western border with Zambia.
   Important river systems include the     AIRPORTS
  Zambezi, Limpopo, Runde and Save,        Zimbabwe has a number of airports
  and their numerous tributaries.          located in the various towns and
  Highest Point Inyangani - 8,503 ft.      provinces.
  (2,592 m)
  Lowest Point Intersection of the

Zimbabwe is the only country where
one of the Seven Wonders of the World
the Victoria Falls is super - ceded by
other Wonders of “Our World” We take
                                                               now a world heritage
you through a journey of the seven
                                               site, is evidence of a burgeoning African
wonders of “our world”. Zimbabwe is
                                               civilization which flourished long
indeed a World of Wonders!
                                               before the arrival of European settlers.
                                               Anyone visiting should perhaps spare
Our Wonderful People and Culture
                                               a full day to study and appreciate the
Zimbabwe offers you a unique and
                                               history and grander of this monument.
diverse culture to explore friendly
people and rich culture. No matter
                                               Pristine wildlife and nature
where you go, you will be constantly
                                               Zimbabwe is the home of the
surrounded by warm and hospitable
                                               renowned big seven – buffalo,
people, always wearing a smile and
                                               elephant, rhino, leopard, lion, hippo
willing to lend a helping hand.
                                               and crocodile. Our National Parks
                                               have created viewing platforms near
Rich History and Heritage
                                               popular waterholes, giving visitors
Travel around the country and see
                                               excellent opportunities to see wild
pieces of history few have seen or
                                               game close up.
heard such as hundreds-year old rock
art created by long forgotten San
                                               The Mystique of the Eastern
artists: altogether evidence of rich
history and proud Heritage.
                                               There is nothing as lovely as to wake
                                               up early each morning and watch
The Majestic Victoria Falls, Mosi – oa
                                               the sun slowly crest over the tops of
– Tunya                                                                                    areas are home to a large variety of
                                               the mountains as a new day dawns.
Victoria Falls, one of the natural                                                         bird and animal life, a prize destination
                                               It is extremely relaxing to watch the
Wonders of the World, is the definitive                                                    for the birdlife enthusiast and wildlife-
                                               morning sunlight gently filter through
example of breathtaking power and                                                          cameraman.
                                               foliage, glinting off emerald green
splendid beauty wrapped up in one
                                               leaves and over dew dripping grass.
package – a place which everyone                                                           TEN REASONS TO VISIT
                                               Just sitting and listening to the sound
should see at least once in their life time.                                               » Peace and Tranquility
                                               of a nearby river coursing through
As one walks down a path towards                                                           » Safety and Security
                                               the forest and then crushing over a
the Falls, a veritable tropical jungle                                                     » Wonderful People and Culture
                                               waterfall a few kilometers further on,
hems you in: tall swaying trees, thick                                                     » The Majestic Victoria Falls
                                               or watching as the veil of morning mist
branches and the leaves cutting off the                                                    » Rich History and Heritage
                                               slowly clears from the mountain sides
sunlight trying to sneak its way in.                                                       » Great Zimbabwe The Grand
                                               with the rise of the sun, fills one with
                                               incredible peace and joy. This is the         Medieval Palace
Great Zimbabwe, the Grand Medieval                                                         » The Mystique of the Eastern
                                               Eastern Highlands, Zimbabwe’s Garden
Palace                                                                                       Highlands
                                               of Eden.
It is an awe-inspiring experience                                                          » Pristine Wildlife and Nature
to stand at the base of the Hill                                                           » The Mythical Kariba and Mighty
                                               The Mythical Kariba and Mighty
overlooking the sprawling granite                                                            Zambezi
stonework of this Medieval Palace,                                                         » Our Beautiful Weather
                                               Built along the Zambezi River, this
Great Zimbabwe, the stone work that is
                                               massive water body is one of the
a testament to the ingenuity, resilience
                                               largest man-made reservoirs in the
and strength of the people who lived
                                               entire world. Measuring 280km long
centuries ago. The Great Zimbabwe,
                                               and 40km at its widest, Kariba Dam is
                                               home to around 40 different species of
                                               fish, as well as crocodiles and hippos.
                                               The Lake Kariba and Zambezi River

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