2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE

Page created by Ana Montgomery
2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE

                  SPONSORSHIP GUIDE
Daniel Forster
2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE
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          2022                       RACE DESCRIPTION
                                     AND HISTORY

                            e invite you to join   are often referred to as the Triple          in 1906 by Thomas Fleming Day, who
                            us for the Newport     Crown of yacht racing.                       believed that well-prepared amateur
                            Bermuda Race, the        By Friday, each yacht will be out          seamen could compete effectively
                            635-mile offshore,     of sight of land and self-sufficient         and safely offshore. Until then, it
        sailing yacht race from Newport, RI        for three to four days. Crossing the         was believed that only professional-
        to the tropical island of Bermuda. It’s    treacherous Gulf Stream the next day         ly crewed yachts should be making
        the oldest regularly-sailed, ocean race    will test both sailors and yachts, but       ocean passages. To date, more than
        in the world.                              once through, the tropical weather           5,000 yachts sailed by more than
          The race is organized by Royal           pattern prevails until the finish, off St.   50,000 sailors have competed in
        Bermuda Yacht Club (RBYC) and              David’s Lighthouse.                          this iconic ocean race proving that
        Cruising Club of America (CCA), a            Weather, tactics, seamanship, and          an adventurous spirit, matched with

                                                                                                                                        Daniel Forster
        partnership of more than 90 years.         teamwork are all factors in navigating       passion and preparation, is a winning
        Race management is led by the              this Thrash to the Onion Patch, which        combination.
        Bermuda Race Organizing Committee          attracts leading yachtsmen from the
        (BROC), who provide safe and fair          far corners of the sailing community,
        competition for this iconic, blue-water    including amateur, and professional
        event.                                     sailors. Winning prestigious awards
          On Friday June 17, 2022, approxi-        such as the St. David’s Lighthouse
        mately 200 yachts with 2,000 sailors       Trophy and Gibbs Hill Lighthouse
        are expected to compete in the 52nd        Trophy is the goal of every partici-
        running of the Bermuda Race, that          pant.
        plus Fastnet and Sydney Hobart Races          The Bermuda Race was founded

2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE
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                                                                                                                                                   Nic Douglass
          2022                      WHY SPONSOR YACHT RACING?

                  he men and women who com-            yachts traveling at unprecedented high        to check on their team. They also travel to
                  pete in yacht racing have the        speeds.                                       Bermuda to greet incoming yachts at the                      RACE
                  drive and the economic means           Sailing at the highest competitive level    yacht club docks. The competitive spirit
                  to participate at the highest        requires skill and financial resources to     is alive and well, both on the race course
                                                                                                                                                                  n   Competition and Performance
        level of offshore sailing. Many are return     be effective. The competitive forces that     and on the home front.
                                                                                                                                                                  n   Technology and Innovation
        veterans of this iconic race as the biennial   many sailors possess are also evident in        Sponsors can align their brand with                        n   Self-reliance and Teamwork
        schedule brings them back time and time        their professional lives. Driven to succeed   various aspects of this event, which is                      n   Safety and Risk Taking
        again. Sailing has grown in popularity         is a common thread in the Boardroom           much more than just a four-day ocean                         n   Environmental Impact
        and this race draws from many harbors          and at the Starting Line. There’s no prize    race. As an invitational race, every skip-                   n   Above all – Sportsmanship

        on the East Coast, as well as national and     money for the winners, just the satisfac-     per and crew must demonstrate their
        international ports.                           tion of beating the elements and their        competence and skill to qualify and be                       FOUR DIVISIONS
          Yacht racing primarily used to be a          peers, as recorded on a trophy. A win in      accepted to participate. This takes sig-                     n St. David’s Lighthouse Division
        blue-blazer, yacht club activity reserved      Bermuda will last a lifetime for those        nificant time and financial resources. The                   The largest class with highly moti-
                                                                                                                                                                  vated race/cruiser yachts, sailed by
        for a small group of individuals. That’s no    who have been so fortunate.                   race registration opens up a year before
                                                                                                                                                                  family and friends
        longer the case. Recent events captured          Not only are the participants engaged       the start as crews plan their training and
                                                                                                                                                                  n Gibb’s Hill Lighthouse Division
        the public’s attention with round-the-         in the race, the ‘friends and family’ halo    outfitting 12 – 18 months before the June                    All-out race machine with profes-
        world venues, such as the Vendee Globe,        effect is tremendous. If there are 2,000      start. This extended timeline provides an                    sional sailors as the backbone of
        and The Ocean Race (previously the             men and women in the race every other         excellent opportunity to communicate                         many yachts
        Volvo Ocean Race and the Whitbread             June, there will be an additional 5,000+      sponsor messages to the entire race                          n Finisterre Cruiser Division
                                                                                                                                                                  While speed is paramount these
        Round the World Ocean Race).                   individuals following the race via the        community before the event, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                  yachts are blue-water tested, but
          Investments in technology and market-        Race Tracker during the entire race or in     during and after.
                                                                                                                                                                  not stripped- out racing machines
        ing have yielded greater public interest       person in Newport or Bermuda.                                                                              n Double-Handed Division
        and online engagement. The world tuned           Friends and family set up ‘watch sys-                                                                    A real test of man (woman) and
        in to the 2021 America’s Cup with foiling      tems’ at home, to get up during the night                                                                  machine as there are only 2 crew
                                                                                                                                                                  onboard sailing, 24 hours a day for
                                                                                                                                                                  typically 4 days
2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE
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                                     2022                       PARTNER WITH THE NEWPORT BERMUDA RACE

                                             o align with one of the three great interna-      cess, including race itself. The St. David’s Lighthouse     months before the start.
                                             tional ocean races is to align with prestige,     division attracts the majority of the competitors and         Past surveys indicate that the average yacht
                                             excellence, and accomplishment. The New-          according to esteemed author and yachting lumi-             will spend approximately $34,000 to compete
                                             port Bermuda Race is the oldest and most          nary, Gary Jobson, “It is the most coveted trophy in        in the race. This includes housing in Newport and
                                   prestigious race in North America. Held in Newport          ocean distance racing.” In 2018 (2020 was cancelled         Bermuda and airfare. Typically a delivery crew will
                                   every other even year in June, this race attracts both      due to the pandemic) 31% of the sailors competed in         bring the boats back
                                   amateurs and professionals from around the world.           the race for the first time. Often sailors will share how   after the race. To be       GULF STREAM SOCIETY
                                   It’s a ‘Bucket List’ event for many sailors, who often      many Bermuda Races they have done as a badge of             competitive, new sails,     # of Bermuda Races # of Sailors
                                                                                                                                                                                         15 or more          20
                                   come back every other year.                                 honor. The race recognizes those who have com-              electronics and rigging
                                                                                                                                                                                         10 - 14              52
                                     The skipper, navigator, and watch captains must           pleted five or more races with recognition in the Gulf      are often purchased,
                                                                                                                                                                                         6–9                 115
                                   meet specific requirements to gain entry as this is an      Stream Society.                                             further demonstrating         5                   56
                                   invitation-only event. Pre-race training includes Safety      Not only does the actual Gulf Stream test each            an owner’s desire and         Total              252
                                   at Sea, First Aid, practical lifesaving drills. Challeng-   crew, preparing for this event also requires the            commitment to win.
                                   ing in-the-water training to board life rafts with full     desire, the skill, stamina, and the financial resourc-      Crew dinners and crew gear are often a perk but
                                   foul-weather gear is all part of the preparation and        es. There is no prize money, just the satisfaction of       amateurs are volunteers and are unpaid partic-
                                   precision planning that takes months. Sponsors are          competing, completing, and the goal of winning.             ipants. Partnership offers the opportunity of a
                                   offered the opportunity to communicate with the             The race organizers inspect every yacht and verify          lifetime for sponsors to join the competitors in the
                                   Bermuda Race community during the entire pro-               all crew credentials in a rigorous process that starts      adventure that is the Newport Bermuda Race.
 Dave Cleaveland/Maine Imaging

2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE
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                        2022          SAILORS’ PROFILE
                                                     RACE COMPETITOR PROFILE
                                                     Median Household Income                         $244,100                 BY REGION
                                                     Average Net Worth                              $1,607,100
                                                     Average Age                                            56     12% International

                                                     Male / Female participation                     95% / 5%    4% West Coast
                                                     College Educated                                     95%     2% Midwest

                                                     Owns a Boat                                          90%
                                                     Years on the Water                                    25+                           Northeast
                                                                                                                   25% Mid-Atlantic

                                                     Expected # of Yachts in 2022 Bermuda Race            200
                                                     Estimated ‘First Time’ entries                        40
                                                     Estimated Owners                                     200
                                                     Estimated Crew                                     1,800
                                                     Estimated ‘Friends & Family                        4,500
                                                     Known Bermuda Race footprint                       6,500          NUMBER OF BOATS
                                                                                                                          BY REGION
                                                     AVERAGE COST TO RACE                                                                       1 Caribbean
                                                                                                                                                    1 Russia
                                                     (Minimum Example)                                                                        1 South Africa
                                                     Newport Expenditures                             $28,071                   12                2 Midwest
                                                                                                                            Europe               3 Bermuda
                                                     Dockage, provisions, crew dinner, hotel                                 17
                                                                                                                                                   4 Canada
                                                                                                                                               5 West Coast
                                                     Bermuda Expenditures                              $6,093             Southern
                                                     Dockage, crew dinner, hotel, cars, airfare                              32         Northeast
                                                     Sub Total                                       $34,164
       Denise Bienvue

                                                     First Time Investment                            $29,362
                                                     New sails, electronics, rigging, safety gear
                                                     Total                                           $63,526

2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE
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          2022           RACE AUDIENCE 2021-‘22

                                       onnect with the Newport Bermuda Race community for more than a
                                       year in the lead-up to the June 2022 race start as engagement is
                                       growing steadily. Our social media accounts for more than 1 million
                                       impressions, and our greatest consistent reach is now through
                         Instagram’s visual spotlight and live-streamed Facebook race coverage.
                           We also communicate regularly with our audience through email marketing—
                         newsletters, press releases, competitor bulletins that reach up 7,000 sailors and
                         race fans. Bermudarace.com is home port for our core audience of 2,000 captains
                         and crews preparing for the race and sees a burst of up to a quarter million page
                         views from race fans during the race.
                           Stories often say more than data, so we invite you to visit our social channels
                         to see what our community is talking about. As event organizers, we’re committed
                         to sharing mutually beneficial content, and through digital media we extend your

                                                                                                              Barry Pickthall/PPL
                         organization’s reach.
                           Sponsors can access thousands of sailors and fans online for the year leading up
                         to the race by engaging with our participant and fan base. We aim to help sponsors
                         reach the right audience, by aligning you with things that consumers are already
                         passionate about—the sport of sailing, the ocean, technology and adventure.

                             Facebook           12,833 followers		950,000* impressions
                             Instagram          6,520 followers		200,812** impressions
                             YouTube            235 subscribers		123,000*** views
                             Twitter            1,989 followers		95,000* impressions
                             Website            500,000 page views *               75,000* users (est.)
                             E-News             7,000 fans/sailors		35-55% open rate

                                               *2018 race-cycle data; **2020 race-cycle data; ***lifetime

2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE
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          2022                      SPONSORSHIP                                                                                                           SPONSORSHIP
                                    OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                                         PROVIDES THE BEST
                                    AND VALUE                                                                                                             VEHICLE TO ENGAGE
                                                                                                                                                          WITH THE BERMUDA

                  he dramatic start off the         their class. Everyone has their eye on                                                                RACE CONSTITUENTS
                  Newport, RI coastline is          the overall prize: the St. David’s Light-                                                             THROUGH:

                                                                                                                                    Barry Pickthall/PPL
                  always a sight to behold. No      house Trophy. Unlike other sports, like
                  matter the weather, sponsors      golf, auto racing or sport fishing, there                                                             n Branding
                                                                                                                                                          n Relationship building
        are invited out on the water to get         is no cash purse for anyone. The entry
                                                                                                                                                          n Press and communications
        up close to the action. The Newport         fees do not cover the cost of this event
                                                                                                                                                          n Webinars
        Bermuda Race is a non-profit organi-        and this is where the support of our                    Title Sponsor                                 n Social media and digital marketing
        zation, run by volunteers from both the     sponsors is greatly appreciated.                      Official Sponsor                                n Race signage and on-site activations
        Royal Bermuda Yacht Club - RBYC and           Aligning your brand with an af-                     Race Supporter                                  n Race tracker – logos are linked
        the Cruising Club of America – CCA.         fluent audience who leave comfort                                                                       and highly visible internationally
                                                                                                                                                            during the race
        These dedicated sailors volunteer           behind to sail 635 miles in the open
                                                                                                months out, the extended relationship                     n Print advertising in Race Program
        months before the June start in order       ocean, across the treacherous Gulf
                                                                                                is significant.                                           n Permission to use “Newport Bermuda
        to ensure all sailors are properly pre-     Stream, is a unique and meaningful
                                                                                                                                                            Race” during sponsorship term
                                                                                                  The race organizers view the
        pared for this arduous ocean voyage         association.                                                                                          n Opportunity to distribute product /
                                                                                                Official Sponsors as partners in the
        and every yacht, skipper and crew             Sponsorship opportunities can                                                                         promotional material to all
                                                                                                success of this event and are commit-                       participants
        have the qualifications to undertake        be customized to maximize your
                                                                                                ted to collaborating to support and                       n Recognition during Bermuda Race
        this adventure.                             brand message for the entire race
                                                                                                promote stakeholders. Gifts in Kind                         messaging/coverage
          Skippers make a sizeable investment       cycle, not just the week of the race.
                                                                                                are also encouraged. These contribu-                      n Editorial coverage during sponsorship
        to safely participate and their only        With the race registration opening 12
                                                                                                tions of products or services are fully
        satisfaction is safely finishing the race   months before the start and many                                                                      n Special spectating platforms in
                                                                                                valued in determining the sponsorship
        and hopefully a winning position in         skippers preparing for this race 18                                                                     Newport and Bermuda

2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE
BERMUD        Please contact the Sponsorship Committee to discuss   Bermuda Race Organizing Committee – BROC
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                         how we can tailor your partnership with the 2022      sponsorship@bermudarace.com


                         Newport Bermuda Race to best suit your
                         marketing needs.                                      Will Passano			    Trixie Wadson		   Stephen Kempe
          2022                                                                 Sponsorship Chair		Newport			Bermuda
                                                                               c. 410-804-8554		  c. 401-683-8537		 c. 441-336-6070

2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE 2022 Newport Bermuda Race - SPONSORSHIP GUIDE
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