2019-2020 calendar Stoler Early Learning Center - Jewish Community Center of Greater ...

2019-2020 calendar Stoler Early Learning Center - Jewish Community Center of Greater ...
Stoler Early Learning Center

2019-2020 calendar
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                        AUGUST 2019
        Sunday                  Monday                     Tuesday                  Wednesday               Thursday                Friday                  Saturday
                          Noah’s Ark:                                                                                    1                        2                         3
                          Week 7

                                                                                                                                         7:52pm        Havdalah: 8:58pm

                      4   Noah’s Ark:          5                           6                        7                    8                        9                         10
                          Week 8

                                                                                                                                         7:43pm                 8:50pm

 Tisha B’av          11   Noah’s Ark:          12   New Parent            13                        14                   15   Last Day            16                        17
                          Week 9                    Orientation                                                               of Camp

                                                                                                                                         7:34pm                 8:40pm

                     18   SCHOOL CLOSED        19    SCHOOL CLOSED        20    SCHOOL CLOSED       21   SCHOOL CLOSED   22   SCHOOL CLOSED       23                        24

                                                                                                                                         7:24pm                 8:30pm

 Parents’            25   Professional         26    Professional         27    1st Day of School   28                   29                       30   *Rosh Chodesh Elul   31
 Association              Development Day            Development Day
 Welcome Back Pool        SCHOOL CLOSED              SCHOOL CLOSED
 3:00–6:00pm                                                                                                                                                    8:19pm

I/T Infant Toddler         “Emily looks forward to going to school every morning and
PS+ Preschool Plus         actually gets upset when it is the weekend. Swimming is her
PS Preschool               favorite, but she thoroughly enjoys all of the fun activities!”
PA Parents’ Association
                           *First day of the month in the Hebrew calendar,
Community Event
                           marked by the birth of a new moon
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                SEPTEMBER 2019
       Sunday                   Monday                    Tuesday                  Wednesday             Thursday                     Friday             Saturday
                      1   Labor Day            2                         3                     4                           5                        6               7
                          SCHOOL CLOSED

                                                                                                                                          7:01pm           8:08pm

 Grandparents Day     8   PA Breakfast and     9                        10                     11                          12   Grand Friend        13              14
                          Meet and Greet                                                                                        Shabbat

                                                                                                                                          6:50pm           7:56pm

                     15                       16                        17                     18   PA Meeting         19                           20              21
                                                                                                    Back to School Night

                                                                                                                                          6:38pm           7:44pm

                     22                       23                        24                     25                      26                           27              28

                                                                                                                                      7:24 6:26pm          7:32pm

 Erev Rosh           29   Rosh Chodesh        30
 Hashanah                 Tishrei
 JCC closes early         Rosh Hashanah

I/T Infant Toddler        “Both of my kids in Noah’s Ark seem to love going to
PS+ Preschool Plus        camp and seem happy to go. They both talk about the
PS Preschool              activities at home too. The staff, counselors and TNTs
PA Parents’ Association   are great!”
Community Event
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                       OCTOBER 2019
        Sunday                   Monday                    Tuesday                Wednesday                 Thursday        Friday             Saturday
                                                     Rosh Chodesh         1    Days of Awe        2                    3                  4               5
                                                     Tishrei                   Food Drive
                                                     Rosh Hashanah
                                                     SCHOOL CLOSED
                                                                                                                                6:26pm           7:33pm

                      6    In School Tashlich   7    Rosh
                                                     Erev Chodesh
                                                          Yom Kippur      8    Back to School
                                                                               Yom Kippur         9                    10                 11              12
                           for 3 and 4 year          Cheshvan                  Night
                                                     SCHOOL CLOSES             SCHOOL CLOSED
                           olds                      Columbus Day
                                                     AT 12:30pm
                                                     Food Drive Ends
                                                                                                                                6:15pm           7:22pm

 Erev Sukkot         13    Sukkot               14   3s Farm Field Trip
                                                     Sukkot               15   3s Farm Trip       16   Farm Trip       17                 18              19
                           SCHOOL                    SCHOOL CLOSED             Kindergarten            Sukkah City
                           CLOSED                                              Information
                                                                               Session                 PA Meeting
                                                                                                                                6:05pm           7:12pm

                     20    Shemini Atzereth     21   Simchat Torah        22                      23                   24                 25              26
                           SCHOOL CLOSED             SCHOOL CLOSED

                                                                                                                            7:24 5:56pm          7:02pm

                     27                         28   Rosh Chodesh         29   Rosh Chodesh       30                   31
                                                     Cheshvan                  Cheshvan

I/T Infant Toddler        “She loves coming to school/camp every day. We can tell she is
PS+ Preschool Plus        learning as well as having fun. We look forward to great pictures and
PS Preschool              updates about her day through Tadpoles. The teachers are wonderful
PA Parents’ Association   and welcome us as a part of the early childhood community.”
Community Event
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                     NOVEMBER 2019
        Sunday                    Monday                    Tuesday                Wednesday                 Thursday              Friday                Saturday
                                                                                                                                                1    Shalom Shabbat    2
                                                                                                                                                     3:30pm - 5:30pm

                                                                                                                                       5:47pm                 6:54pm

 The Very Hungry      3     Pajama Day           4    Election Day         5                       6                    7                       8                      9
 Caterpillar                Mitzvah Monday
 The Gordon Center
 Daylight Savings
 Time Begins
                                                                                                                                       4:40pm                 5:47pm

 JVC Good             10    Mitzvah Monday      11    Picture Day          12   Picture Day        13                   14                      15                     16
 Neighbor Day:
 Natural Playground
 Clean up
 BSO: Music Box
 The Gordon Center                                                                                                                     4:33pm                 5:41pm

                      17    Mitzvah Monday      18                         19                      20   PA Meeting      21                      22                     23

                                                                                                                                       4:29pm                 5:36pm

                      24    Mitzvah Monday      25    Schoolwide           26   Professional Day   27   Rosh Chodesh    28   Rosh Chodesh       29                     30
                                                      Thanksgiving Feast                                Kislev               Kislev
                                                                                SCHOOL CLOSED
                                                                                                        Thanksgiving         SCHOOL CLOSED
                                                                                                        SCHOOL CLOSED
                                                                                                                                       4:26pm                 5:34pm

I/T Infant Toddler         “My child has greatly enjoyed attending Noah’s Ark Camp. We really
PS+ Preschool Plus         enjoy the weekly themed events/activities and the extensive pool
PS Preschool               time. They are always excited, engaged and enjoying new activities.”
PA Parents’ Association
Community Event
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                   DECEMBER 2019
        Sunday                   Monday                   Tuesday                 Wednesday             Thursday                    Friday                 Saturday
                      1                        2    JVC Casserole         3                   4                          5                       6    Shalom Shabbat    7
                                                    Challenge                                                                                         3:30pm - 5:30pm

                                                                                                                                        4:25pm                 5:33pm

 Chanukah Hot         8    Dreidel Shop:       9                        10                    11   In School Olive Oil   12                      13                     14
 Chocolate 5k              through 12/12                                                           Demonstration

                                                                                                                                        4:26pm                 5:34pm

                      15   Chanukah Light      16                       17    Latke Tasting   18   PA Meeting            19   Maccabee Mayhem    20   Chanukah          21
                           Lab: through                                                            5:30pm                                             at Hunt Valley

                                                                                                                                        4:28pm                 5:37pm

 Chanukah Begins      22   I/T and PS+ Open    23   I/T and PS+ Open    24    Christmas Day   25   I/T and PS+ Open      26   I/T and PS+ Open   27   Rosh Chodesh      28
                                                                              SCHOOL CLOSED                                                           Tevet
 Chanukah at               Preschool Closed         Preschool Closed                               Preschool Closed           Preschool Closed
 Foundry Row                                                                  JVC Community
                                                                              Mitzvah Day

                                                                                                                                        4:32pm                 5:41pm

 Rosh Chodesh Tevet   29   I/T and PS+ Open    30   New Years Eve       31
 Chanukah Wonderland       Preschool Closed         I/T and PS+ Open
 in Park Heights                                    School Closes at 4:30pm
                                                    Preschool Closed
                                                    Noon Years Eve Drop
                                                    Dress to Impress

I/T Infant Toddler         “The teachers are professionals who create a warm and inviting
PS+ Preschool Plus         environment that allows my children to feel safe and be ready
PS Preschool               to learn. The program is individualized and incorporates a
PA Parents’ Association    great mix of being creative and progressive, but is also very
Community Event            structured. The children have a full and enriched schedule that
                           keep them engaged throughout the day.” – Jeri
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                      JANUARY 2020
        Sunday                   Monday                    Tuesday                  Wednesday                Thursday              Friday               Saturday
                                                     New Year’s Day                                 1                   2                      3    Shalom Shabbat    4
                                                                                                                                                    3:30pm - 5:30pm
                                                     SCHOOL CLOSED

                                                                                                                                      4:38pm                 5:47pm

                      5                         6                          7                        8                   9                      10                     11

                                                                                                                                      4:44pm                 5:53pm

 Summer in the       12                         13                        14                        15   PA Meeting     16   Role Model/Hero   17                     18
 Snow                                                                                                    5:30pm              Dress Up Day
 BSO: Music Box
 The Gordon Center

                                                                                                                                      4:52pm                 6:01pm

                     19    MLK Jr. Day          20                        21                        22                  23                     24                     25
                           SCHOOL CLOSED
                           JVC Day of Service

                                                                                                                                      5:00pm                 6:09pm

 Imagination         26    Rosh Chodesh         27                        28    PA Drive in Movie   29                  30                     31
 Movers                    Shevat
 The Gordon Center


I/T Infant Toddler        “Everyday we see pictures of my daughter trying new things! She has
PS+ Preschool Plus        become so independent! I’m impressed with how much knowledge
PS Preschool              she is coming home with. She loves making progress and ‘going in the
PA Parents’ Association   big pool,’ and she talks a lot about what she has learned in nature and
Community Event           healthy choices.” – Tova J.
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                      FEBRUARY 2020
        Sunday                    Monday                   Tuesday                 Wednesday                 Thursday                  Friday                Saturday
                                                                                                                                                         Shalom Shabbat    1
                                                                                                                                                         3:30pm - 5:30pm


 PA Paint and Play:   2                          3                        4                        5                       6    Professional Day    7                      8
 Happy Glaze                                                                                                                    SCHOOL CLOSED
 J Town Take-Over

                                                                                                                                           5:16pm                6:25pm

                      9     Tu B’Shevat          10                       11                       12                      13                       14                     15

                                                                                                                                           5:24pm                6:33pm

                      16    Presidents Day       17                       18                       19                      20                       21                     22
                            P/T Conferences
                            I/T Open
                            PS/PS+ Closed
                                                                                                                                           5:32pm                6:41pm

                      23    Scholastic Book      24   Rosh Chodesh Adar   25   Rosh Chodesh Adar   26   Pajama Day         27                       28                     29
                            Fair: through 2/28        Mis-Match Day                                     Family Fun Night

                                                                                                                                           5:40pm                6:49pm

I/T Infant Toddler         “We couldn’t have picked a better place for Zev! He has so many
PS+ Preschool Plus         opportunities to explore, create, learn, and have fun!” – Ayala
PS Preschool
PA Parents’ Association
Community Event
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                        MARCH 2020
        Sunday                 Monday                     Tuesday                  Wednesday                    Thursday             Friday              Saturday
 Hamantaschen         1   Mitzvah Monday       2                          3                           4                         5               6    Shalom Shabbat    7
 Make and Take                                                                                                                                       3:30pm - 5:30pm
 Laurie Berkner Band
 The Gordon Center

                                                                                                                                       5:47pm                 6:56pm

 Purim Palooza        8   Mitzvah Monday:      9    Purim Parade         10                           11                        12              13                     14
 in Park Heights          Mishloach Manot

                                                                                                                                       6:55pm                8:04pm

                     15   CJE Conference      16                         17                           18   PA Meeting           19              20                     21
                          SCHOOL CLOSED                                                                    5:30pm

                                                                                                                                       7:02pm                8:11pm

                     22                       23    3s and 4s Trip       24    3s and 4s Trip         25   Rosh Chodesh Nisan   26              27                     28
                                                    to the Matzah              to the Matzah               3s and 4s Trip to
                                                    Factory                    Factory                     the Matzah Factory
                                                                                                           J LIVE at the
                                                                                                                                       7:09pm                8:18pm

 JVC Good Deeds      29                       30                         31

I/T Infant Toddler        “The teachers are fabulous, and care so much about the children’s
PS+ Preschool Plus        happiness and well-being. Natan has such a wonderful time playing
PS Preschool              with the other kids and participating in arts, music, and other
PA Parents’ Association   activities. I get detailed reports on meals, naps, and any relevant daily
Community Event           issues, and I’m very happy we picked the JCC.”
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                            APRIL 2020
        Sunday                   Monday                   Tuesday                   Wednesday                   Thursday                     Friday                  Saturday
                                                                                 3 and 4 year old     1    2 year old Passover   2                         3    Shalom Shabbat       4
                                                                                 Seder                     Experience                                           3:30pm - 5:30pm

                                                                                                                                                 7:16pm                    8:25pm

                      5                        6                            7    Erev Passover        8    Passover              9    Passover             10   Passover             11
                                                                                 SCHOOL CLOSES             SCHOOL CLOSED              SCHOOL CLOSED
                                                                                 AT 12:30pm

                                                                                                                                                 7:22pm                    8:31pm

 Passover            12    Passover           13    Passover                14   Passover             15   Passover              16   I/T and PS+ Open     17                        18
                           I/T and PS+ Open         I/T and PS+ Open             SCHOOL CLOSED             SCHOOL CLOSED              PRESCHOOL CLOSED
                           PRESCHOOL                PRESCHOOL CLOSED
                           CLOSED                   School Closes at
                                                    4:30pm                                                                                       7:29pm                    8:38pm

 Passover            19                       20    Yom HaShoah             21   4s Trip to           22   PA Meeting            23   Rosh Chodesh Iyyar   24   Rosh Chodesh Iyyar   25
                                                                                 Pearlstone                5:30pm
                                                    4s Trip to Pearlstone

                                                                                                                                                 7:36pm                    8:45pm

                     26                       27    Yom Hazikaron           28   Yom Ha’atzmaut       29                         30
                                                    Israel Experience
                                                                                 Happy Birthday
                                                                                 Blue and White Day
                                                                                 Israel Experience

I/T Infant Toddler        “Exposure to Nature & Gardening and healthy choices has engaged
PS+ Preschool Plus        my toddler and increased awareness to the world around him! Getting
PS Preschool              the kids involved in so many engaging specials keepings them active
PA Parents’ Association   & loving school! My son is a more confident swimmer, the staff have
Community Event           been friendly & we are already seeing my son’s confidence shine!”
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                   MAY 2020
      Sunday              Monday                   Tuesday                Wednesday                   Thursday                  Friday                Saturday
                                                                                                                          Family Shabbat     1                       2

                                                                                                                                    7:43pm                  8:52pm

               3    Teacher             4                         5                         6                        7                       8                       9
                    Appreciation Week

                                                                                                                                    7:50pm                  8:59pm

Mother’s Day   10                       11    Lag B’Omer         12                        13                        14                      15                      16

                                                                                                                                    7:57pm                  9:06pm

               17   Mitzvah Monday      18                       19    Healthy Choices     20                        21   Yom Yerushalayim   22                      23
                                                                       End of the Year                                    Jerusalem Day
                                                                       Picnic                                             Wear Yellow/Gold

                                                                                                                                    8:03pm                  9:12pm

Rosh Chodesh   24   Memorial Day        25                       26                        27    Erev Shavuot        28   Shavuot            29   Shavuot            30
Sivan               SCHOOL CLOSED                                                                School Closes            SCHOOL CLOSED
                                                                                                 at 4:30pm

                                                                                                                                    8:08pm                  9:17pm

               31   I/T Infant Toddler         “My toddler loves all of the specials and extracurriculars they get
                    PS+ Preschool Plus         at the J. Especially instructional swim and music. He pretend plays
                    PS Preschool               guitar at home now, and this is new.”
                    PA Parents’ Association
                    Community Event
Stoler Early Learning Center

                                                                      JUNE 2020
        Sunday                  Monday                Tuesday                 Wednesday                Thursday               Friday           Saturday
                                             1                        2                       3                   4                       5               6

                                                                                                                                 8:13pm          9:22pm

 7th Annual           7                      8                        9    Pre-K End of the   10   Last Day       11   Professional Day   12              13
 Community                                                                 Year Celebration        of School           SCHOOL CLOSED
 Block Party

                                                                                                                                 8:17pm          9:25pm

                     14   First Day of      15                        16                      17                  18                      19              20
                          Noah’s Ark

                                                                                                                                 8:19pm          9:27pm

 Father’s Day        21   Rosh Chodesh      22   Rosh Chodesh         23                      24                  25   Tot Shabbat at     26              27
                          Tamuz                  Tamuz                                                                 the Owings Mills
                                                                                                                       JCC Pool

                                                                                                                                 8:20pm          9:28pm

                     28                     29                        30

I/T Infant Toddler        “The JCC has become our second home and a
PS+ Preschool Plus        place my children and I enjoy coming to.”
PS Preschool
PA Parents’ Association
Community Event
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year                 A group of rebel Jews, the Maccabees, fought      Passover is the first of the three pilgrim
that falls on the first of the Hebrew month          the Greeks and succeeded in winning back          festivals. In Israel, Passover is the seven-day
of Tishrei. Its observances include synagogue        their land. They went back to their holy temple   holiday of the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
attendance where the shofar is blown, a festive      only to find that the Greeks had almost           with the first and last days observed as legal
meal with traditional foods such as fish, carrots,   completely destroyed it. Once they cleansed       holidays and as holy days involving abstention
a round challah and apples and honey.                the temple, they were ready to light the          from work, special prayer services, and holiday
                                                     temple’s menorah. To their dismay, they found     meals; the intervening days are known as Chol
                                                     that there was enough oil to last only one        HaMoed (“Weekdays of the Festival”).
Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement,             day. They lit the menorah anyway, and to their
is considered to be the holiest day of the           amazement, the oil lasted for eight whole
Jewish year. Its observances include 25-hour         days, until more pure oil could be found.         Yom Hazikaron, Memorial Day, and Yom
fast, synagogue services, the wearing of                                                               Ha’atzmaut, Independence Day, are special
white clothing, and the abstention of wearing                                                          days commemorating events in the national
leather. The solemn day is ushered in with a         Shevat is the rainy season in Israel. It is the   history of the State of Israel. We become
special service called “Kol Nidre” in which a        time when trees begin to form buds that will      one large family as we remember those who
representative of the congregation pleads            eventually blossom and lead to the growth         fell in order that we might have a state. The
with God to release the congregants from             of fruit. And so it was that our rabbis at the    month of Iyar provides us with an opportunity
all vows that they failed to keep. The liturgy       time of the Second Temple decreed that the        to reconnect to the Land of Israel as we think
focuses on personal change, confession of            fifteenth day of the month of Shevat would be     of the special varieties of the land and their
wrongdoings, and asking God for forgiveness.         called the New Year of Trees, TU B’SHEVAT.        connection to the holidays that bracket the
                                                     It was really more of a New Year for the tax      month of Iyar (Pesach and Shavuot) as well
                                                     collector. It was the date used to determine      as the celebration of the birth and existence
Sukkot, the Jewish harvest holiday, falls            how much a person’s tithe would be. Farmers       of the State of Israel and the radiance and
five days after the Yom Kippur. The holiday          and landowners were to give one tenth of          splendor of Jerusalem - Yerushalayim.
commemorates the days when the Hebrew                their trees’ produce.
people lived in the wilderness after their
exodus from Egypt and celebrates the end of                                                            Shavuot is the Hebrew word for weeks. The
the fall harvest. Its customs include dwelling       Adar is one of the happiest months in the         holiday takes place seven weeks after the
in a temporary hut for one week, shaking the         Jewish calendar, and not only because the         second day of Passover. It is one of the three
“four species”, and rejoicing and being happy        holiday of Purim falls within this month.         major pilgrimage festivals (the other two are
in the holiday.                                      The Rabbis say that “When Adar enters, we         Pesach and Sukkot) and has both historical and
                                                     increase joyfulness.” (Babylonian Talmud          agricultural significance.
                                                     Ta’anit 29a.)
Chanukah occurs on the 25th of the Hebrew
month of Kislev, which typically coincides with                                                        Tisha B’Av commemorates the many
late November/early December on the secular          Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates       disasters that have befallen the Jewish people
calendar. A long way back, around 165-168            the saving of the Jewish people from Haman,       throughout history.
B.C.E. to be exact, King Antiochus, Syrian-          who was planning to kill all the Jews. This
Greek emperor of the land, made Judaism a            took place in the ancient Achaemenid Persian
crime punishable by death. He kicked the Jews        Empire. The story is recorded in the Biblical
out of their land, destroyed their holy temple,      Book of Esther.
and tried making them worship Greek idols.
Needless to say, the Jews would not take this
lying down.
Dani Ashendorf                         Christine Schramm               Kimberly Davidson
Director                               Administrative Assistant        Assistant Director and
dashendorf@jcc.org                     eceadmin@jcc.org                Noah’s Ark Director
410.559.3589                           410.559.3556                    kdavidson@jcc.org
Carly Schwartz                         Lynn Benton
Senior Director                        Accounting                      Rabbi Jessica Dressin
cschwartz@jcc.org                      lbenton@jcc.org                 Jewish Life
410.500.5936                           410.559.3516                    jdressin@jcc.org
Mindy Wassel, Lead Nurse               Membership
Nurses’ Suite                          member_services@jcc.org         Fax Number
nursingservices@jcc.org                410.559.3506                    410.559.2473

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                    Check out the Downtown Baltimore JCC in Federal Hill!

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