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École Sir William Osler April 2021 Newsle er Principal: Dominique Ostermann 204-488-3569 1600 Grant Avenue ADMINISTRATOR’S GREETING W During the month of April, the learning will con1nue. Students and staff are excited about taking learning elcome back everyone! What a outdoors whether it be a community walk or taking difference from last year when we were advantage of the beau1ful weather to study outdoors. unable to return a+er the break! We are so happy to be We are excited to have FortWhyte Alive come back and back. We hope you had a relaxing Spring Break with lots do more outdoor learning sessions with our students! of family 1me. It is hard to believe that it is already April Wednesday, April 14 is “Interna1onal Day of Pink”, a and spring has sprung! The year has gone by so quickly day to focus on the importance of an1-bullying and and we are into the last stretch of the school year. inclusiveness. We are invi1ng all children and adults to wear pink on that day. Friday, April 16 is a non- Report cards were sent out electronically just before instruc1onal day. the break. The teachers and I are extremely pleased with every students’ progress and hope you were able The Parent Advisory Council Playground Commi>ee has to celebrate your child’s learning during the virtual been hard at work behind the scenes, from grant student-led conferences. Our dedicated teachers did a wri1ng, to mee1ngs with the school division, and fabulous job preparing the students. What a wonderful landscape architects. Due to some unavoidable celebra1on of learning and the students were so circumstances, there have been addi1onal excited to showcase their work and explain all the administra1ve costs in geDng our project underway learning that has taken place. that were not an1cipated so stay tuned for some extra fundraising. The Glenlea plant fundraiser orders are due As the pandemic stretches on, we have no1ced that Thursday, April 15. All orders must be placed online at students are facing more mental health challenges. On h>ps:// Our spring Monday, March 8, our staff was trained in Project 11. We will be launching Project 11 school-wide this month. 50/50 will also be up and running this month. Also, Project 11 is an engaging cross-curricular proac1ve don’t forget, there is a dona1on bu>on on the school mental wellness program that targets Manitoba’s website under playground news where you can make a Health Educa1on and Language Arts outcomes for dona1on at any 1me and receive a tax receipt! Stay students in kindergarten to grade 8. With a stronger tuned for more informa1on! sense of wellness, students will have a greater ability to Con nued on next cope with life’s challenges in a posi1ve and healthy way. page... Project 11 is a program to support mental health awareness for students from an early age and aims to help them develop the understanding that they can posi1vely influence their own mental wellness by learning skills and adop1ng healthy coping strategies into their lives. To find out more please visit the website at h>ps:// APRIL 2021 NEWSLETTER
Administrators Gree&ng Parent Council Con&nued The Parent Council’s spring fundraiser is partnered with Registra1ons for the 2021-2022 school year con1nue to Glenlea Greenhouses this year! Orders are due be accepted for nursery - grade 6. As we begin to plan Thursday, April 15, 2021. for next year, we are compiling informa1on to use in Our École Sir William Osler Parent the class forma1on process. Great care and Council is always looking for new considera1on goes into the make-up of all classrooms in members! Please consider joining us to consulta1on with our classroom teachers. Our help support school programs and classroom teachers know the students well and have ini1a1ves. school-based knowledge about the following criteria: Next Mee&ng: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 girl/boy ra1o, class size, social dynamics, academics, 6:00 p.m. friendships and parent informa1on. We rely on the professional judgements of our teachers to assist us with the process of determining class makeup for the 2021-2022 school year. If there are special Social Media circumstances that may impact your child’s learning and Remember to follow all the learning and fun on our you would like us to consider them in our class social media accounts! forma1on process, please share these with me in wri1ng by Friday, April 30. The informa1on we receive Instagram: from you may be considered in the context of the above PAC account: @ecolesirwilliamoslerpac criteria. We are fortunate to have very skilled teachers Facebook: in all our classrooms. The classroom placement PAC account: Parents of École Sir informa1on will be part of the final report card which William Osler French Milieu will be sent home on Thursday, June 24. The final Website: decision on student placement will be made by school administra1on, based on the best interests of all our students. Mme Ostermann Important Dates for the 2020-2021 School Year *All Dates Subject to Change* May 3 - No Classes: Admin Day May 10 - Grade 6 Immuniza1ons May 18 - PAC Mee1ng 6:00 p.m. May 20 - Glenlea Plant Pick-Up May 24 - No School: Victoria Day Jun. 24 - Report Cards Sent Home Jun. 25 - No Classes: Admin Day Jun. 30 - Last Day of School Page 3 APRIL 2021 NEWSLETTER
2021-2022 School Year French Ac&vi&es We are now accep1ng registra1ons for the 2021-2022 Do your kids like to watch movies? school year. Registra1on forms are available on our Why not watch some en français? school website. There are lots of fun kids movies in French. Here are some of our Nursery students must be four years of age by favourites: December 31, 2021 (born in 2017). Kindergarten students must be five years of age by Le coq de St-Victor Ernest et Céles1ne December 31, 2021 (born in 2016). Grade 1-6 students must be born between 2015 and 2010. To register your child, the parent/guardian is required to present a copy of the birth cer1ficate, Manitoba health card and proof of address (either rental agreement or property tax bill). Registra1ons will be taken on a La mystérieuse La guerre des tuques first-come, first-serve basis. If mademoiselle C. you are registering your child for kindergarten - grade 6 and live outside the Winnipeg School Division you will be put on a waitlist and advised as soon as possible if space is available. Nursery students living outside the division must pay a fee and are accepted if there is space available. Most of these movies can be found on NeRlix or even Please Note YouTube. You can also go to the St. Boniface public library and rent them there. Please note that some of If your child already a>ends École Sir William Osler you these movies have been translated in English. Just do not have to register them again for the following remember to choose the French op1on. year. They will automa1cally be pre-registered for the next school year (2021-2022). Please no1fy the school office if you are leaving our school for the 2021-2022 school year. Page 4 APRIL 2021 NEWSLETTER
Suppor&ng Regular What can Families Do to Support Good A endance? Daily A endance • Par1cipate in school events and ac1vi1es to What Parents Can Do To demonstrate your support for school and educa1on. Support Learning in Manitoba Schools • Talk to your kids about the importance of Since 2009, Manitoba Educa1on has undertaken a a>endance, star1ng at an early age. number of ini1a1ves to support improved a>endance in • Communicate regularly with the school if there is a schools. In 2012, Manitoba Associa1on of Parent problem or a concern and find ways to work Councils (MAPC) entered into a partnership with together to solve it. Manitoba Educa1on to promote awareness to parents • Help your child with preparing and planning for the about the importance of regular daily a>endance for upcoming school day to lessen anxiety. Manitoba students. • Plan with other families in your neighbourhood to Daily a>endance is important for all students. Students have children walk to school together. who a>end school regularly are more engaged in learning, have a greater sense of belonging in their • Plan appointments around the school day whenever communi1es, and are more likely to graduate. possible. Did you know… • Plan vaca1ons and ou1ngs around the school year whenever possible. • A>endance in school is mandatory in Manitoba— not op1onal. • Talk to your school about star1ng a Walking School Bus. • If your child is 10 minutes late every day, they will have lost 6 days of instruc1on by the end of the Your ac1ons speak louder than words! Be on 1me and school year. show that you value regular a>endance and educa1on! • If your child misses only 2 days per month of school, What can Schools Do to Provide Support for Good they will have missed 1 month worth of instruc1on A endance? by the end of the school year. • Work to ensure that each child has a trusted adult in • If your child misses 15 days of school every year, the school to whom they can speak when a problem they will have lost 1 year of instruc1on by the end of occurs. grade 12. • Communicate regularly with families about special • Individuals without a high school diploma are twice events and promo1ng family involvement at the as likely to experience unemployment and earn a school. lower income than high school graduates. • Create a welcoming environment so both students Learning to Age 18 Regula&on: In September 2012, and families feel valued in their school community. Manitoba Educa1on introduced the Preparing Students for Success Act, which raised the compulsory school age for a>endance from 16 years to 18 years. The goal of this regula1on is to ensure that Manitoba enjoys higher gradua1on rates and learners are offered more opportuni1es to be successful in life. Page 5 APRIL 2021 NEWSLETTER
Easter Egg Decora&ng Ideas Kool-Aid Tie-Dye Easter Eggs Whipped Cream Dyed Eggs Need: • Hard boiled eggs Need: • Hard boiled eggs • Different flavours/ colours of Kool-Aid • 1 container of whipped cream • Water • Neon food colouring • Disposable gloves • Vinegar Direc1ons: • Toothpicks 1. Empty contents of 2 drink mix envelopes into a • Disposable Gloves container. Add 2 tbsp. of water, s1r un1l mix is completely dissolved. Repeat with all colours. Direc1ons: 1. Soak hard boiled eggs in vinegar for about 10 2. Place eggs on cooling rack in sink; rinse with tap minutes. water. 2. Add your whipped cream to a cookie sheet. Spread 3. Spoon Kool-Aid mixture, 1 colour at a 1me, over cream to cover en1re pan. wet eggs to create 1e-dye pa>erns. 3. Mix 2 tbsp. of vinegar into each colour you decide to 4. Pour small amount of tap water over each egg to use. Add dots of the colouring on the top of the set colours. Use tongs to transfer eggs to paper whipped cream leaving an inch in between. towel-covered baking sheet to dry. 4. Swirl the colours using a toothpick or a knife. Nail Polish Marbled Eggs 5. Dry off your eggs that were soaking in the vinegar. Need: Then roll the eggs in the whipped cream. • Hard boiled eggs 6. Let them sit for 30 minutes then wash them off with • Nail polish water and dry with a paper towel. • A plas1c cup or a bowl filled Melted Crayon Easter Eggs with room temperature water. This is very important. Need: If the water is too cold or too • Hard boiled eggs hot, the polish won’t work. • A colourful collec1on of • Toothpicks crayons • Disposable gloves Direc1ons: 1. Carefully remove the eggs from the pot you boiled Direc1ons: them in (to make hard boiled eggs) and let them 1. Drop lots of nail polish into the water. If it sinks, stand for about 1-2 minutes (the eggs will be very the temperature isn't right. You want it to spread hot, so be sure to use tongs when removing them out over the top of the water. from the pot). 2. Then take a toothpick and swirl the colours a bit. 2. Using crayons, start drawing on your egg. Because 3. Hold your egg between your fingers so that you of the hot exterior of the egg, the crayon will melt cover the least amount of surface area on the egg. on the egg’s surface. Then dunk straight down into the water, hold for a 3. Once finished place the egg into the original egg second underwater and then bring it up. carton and place it into the fridge. A+er a few 4. Sit the egg in a carton and let it dry. minutes they will be cool. Page 6 APRIL 2021 NEWSLETTER
Visit our website: 1600 Grant Avenue Dominique Ostermann Principal April 2021 Winnipeg, MB R3N 0M5 Phone: 204-488-3569 Fax: 204-488-1441 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 Good Friday Day 1 BREAK 5 Day 3 6 Day 4 7 Day 5 8 Day 6 9 Day 1 Day 4 Classes Resume 12 Day 2 13 Day 3 14 Day 4 15 Day 5 16 Day 6 Interna1onal No School Glenlea Greenhouse Day of Pink Admin Day Orders Due 19 Day 1 20 Day 2 21 Day 3 22 Day 4 23 Day 5 Parent Council Mee1ng Earth Day 6:00 p.m. 26 Day 6 27 Day 1 28 Day 2 29 Day 3 30 Day 4 Page 7 APRIL 2021 NEWSLETTER
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