Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack

Page created by Gloria Cohen
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack 1
Choose a reading, writing and maths challenge a day- plus one from the wider curriculum. Tick them off as you go! It is okay to revisit or repeat things if it
helps you to practise core skills.
Reading 1                                        Reading 2                        Reading 3                                        Reading 4
                                                 Create a quiz                    o-develop-reading-for-pleasure-74v3cd            Create a piece of
                                                 devising your own                                                                 artwork
                                                                                  Watch the lesson from Ms Madden and have a
                                                 questions about a                                                                 representing a
                                                                                  go at the learning activities
                                                 book you’ve read.                                                                 character or
                                                 Ask a                                                                             an event from
                                                 friend/family                                                                     the book you
                                                 member to have a                                                                  are reading
Try the reading comprehension – one is fiction
                                                 go at your quiz!                                                                  presently.
and one is non-fiction

Writing 1                                        Writing 2                        Writing 3                                        Writing 4

                                                 Twisted tales:                                                                    Take your favourite
                                                 turn a fairy tale                                                                 character and make
                                                 into a horror                                                                     your own, new story
                                                 story. Does                                                                       with them in it.
                                                 Cinderella go
                                                 feral? Do the
                                                 three bears gang
                                                 up on Goldilocks?
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Maths 1                                   Maths 2                                  Maths 3                                     Maths
Place Value                               Place Value                              Place Value                                 Place Value
Learn how to recognise numbers up to a    Learn how to recognise numbers up to     Learn how to recognise numbers up to a      Learn how to recognise numbers up to a
million.                                  a million.                               million                                     million
                                                                                   jjdcmn                                      Start with Task 4a and move on to task
                                                                                   Visit the website below:                    4b and 4c if you feel confident
Visit the website below:                  Start with Task 2a and move on to task
                                                                                         Watch the tutorial
     Try the quiz                        2b and 2c if you feel confident
                                                                                         Try the practise sheet – Task 3       Top tip
     Listen and learn from Mr P
                                                                                         Play Guardians: Defenders of         To compare numbers we use
     Play Guardians: Defenders of                                                                                             these three symbols:
         Mathematica                                                                                                           > more than                                                                                        < less than
/zfjgf82                                                                                                                       = same as
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Wider Curriculum
Science/DT                                   RE                                          Art                                           Wellbeing
                                             Christianity- Easter                                                                      Create a gratitude jar
Forces                                                                                   Matisse and collages
                                             Visit this BBC Bitesize page about Easter                                                 Think about different people, things and
You will have previously learnt about                                                    events you are grateful for.
                                                                                         Have a look at the works of Matisse on the
forces. This activity will recap the topic   ztkxpv4/articles/z4t6rj6                                                                  You can make your own jar, like the
                                                                                         Tate Kids website:
and gives you a fun opportunity to create Watch the video and read the                                                                 ones below (decorate it too if you
your own Rube Goldberg machine!              information about the holy week. Take                                                     wish!) or you can write in the gratitude
                                             notes on ten facts about Easter,                                                          jar in the resources provided.
Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist and                                                       -is/who-henri-matisse
                                             including at least one fact for each day
inventor. He was well known for designing of the holy week.                              As you can see, he uses bold, bright,
complex machines that did very simple                                                    contrasting colours to build up eye-
                                             Put these notes into your own
                                             sentences and present them in a way of      catching collages.
                                             your choosing.                              It says on the website, “He used brightly
    1. Using the forces information
                                                                                         coloured paper and scissors to cut out
         sheets, identify the forces used to Remember that when you take notes,
                                             you only write down the key details.        shapes, animals, leaves, dancers and
         make the actions that make the                                                  flowers and then arrange them.”
                                             When you write up your notes, you put
         machine work in this video. It      these details into your own sentences.      Your task is to create a Matisse-inspired
         might be hard to get them all so    We do not want ten sentences copied         collage based on the shapes of natural        Gratitude jars are great for when you
         try and find as many as you can!    straight from the website!                                                                are feeling a little low and need a lift.
                                                                                         objects. You can use coloured paper if you
                                                                                                                                       Every now and then, take one out and                                                     have some, or you can colour paper
                                                                                                                                       re-read it. The happy memories will
UsJQo                                                                                    yourself with paint or pencils before you
                                                                                                                                       help put a smile on your face.
    2. Complete the sheet identifying                                                    cut out the shapes. You could also            You could get all of your family involved
         the forces in the machine shown.                                                experiment with using pages from old          and then read through them at the end
    3. Design your own Rube Goldberg                                                     newspapers or magazines. You could use a      of the year!
         machine that has lots of different                                              range of different objects and shapes, like
                                                                                         in The Horse, the Rider and the Clown, or
         parts to it. It could be a dog
                                                                                         you could try repeating the same shape in
         feeding machine, a machine to
                                                                                         a range of colours and sizes, like Matisse
         turn on the TV, a machine to put
                                                                                         did in The Sheaf.
         on your shoes or a machine to
         make a cup of tea. Draw and label
         the diagram with the forces.
    4. If you are able, have a go at
         making it and send us a video!
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Writing Task 1
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Writing Task 3
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Reading Task 1
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Maths Task 2 Place Value - Learn how to recognise numbers up to a million.

Task 2a
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Task 2b
Year 6 Autumn Term 2021 Pack
Task 2c
Task 3
Maths Task 4

Task 4a
Task 4b
Task 4c
You can also read