Director of Learning Summer 2021 - Name: Kensington Aldridge Academy

Page created by Wesley Goodwin
Director of Learning Summer 2021 - Name: Kensington Aldridge Academy
Director of Learning

   Summer 2021

 Name: ……………………………
Director of Learning Summer 2021 - Name: Kensington Aldridge Academy
Dear Students,

We are very pleased to introduce you to your Director of Learning Challenge.

In this booklet you will find an array of challenges to complete over the summer
holidays. The challenges will all support you in preparing to join Kensington Aldridge
Academy in September.

You will find two types of challenges:
                                  Reading Challenge
                                  Subject Challenges

Reading Challenge
This challenge must be completed by every student. The completion of this
challenge will be checked by your form tutor on your first day at KAA,
Thursday 2nd September.

Subject Challenges
You must complete at least 5 subject challenges from the options in this
booklet – however, we encourage you to complete as many challenges as possible.
Your work will also be checked by your form tutor on your first day at KAA and
rewards will be given for your efforts. There will be an opportunity to share your
work with parents and carers later in September.

We wish you a wonderful summer; enjoy completing the Director of Learning
Challenge and we look forward to welcoming you to KAA in September.

Yours sincerely,

Ms Cockell and Mrs Vines
Co-Directors of Learning Year 7
Director of Learning Summer 2021 - Name: Kensington Aldridge Academy
Reading Challenge

   The Reading Challenge

                                  You must read 1 book from ‘The Reading
                                 Challenge’ list in your booklet and complete
                                                 1 book review.

       Would you like to earn some house points?
   If you read 3 books from ‘The Reading Challenge’ list in your booklet and
 complete a book review for each one over the summer holidays, you will be
                         awarded 250 house points.
If you read all 6 books from ‘The Reading Challenge’ list in your booklet and
  complete all book reviews before the end of year 7 (July 2022), you will be
                         awarded 500 house points.
Director of Learning Summer 2021 - Name: Kensington Aldridge Academy
Subject Challenges
     Remember, you must complete a minimum of 5 subject challenges from
                    the options on the following pages:
                             be Intrepidus!

           Endangered mammals
 Research and find out about one of Britain’s endangered
Make a poster about it and be ready to present your work
                   to your form group.

                                                Learn how to say hello in 10
                                             languages and make sure that you
                                                know where that language is
                                             spoken. Be ready to discuss this in
                                                     your first lesson.
Director of Learning Summer 2021 - Name: Kensington Aldridge Academy
Memorise the names and
                                                locations of the world’s
                                              continents and oceans and
                                              label the map of the world

Create a poster that uses words and images to explain
 the following musical key words: rhythm, pitch and
Director of Learning Summer 2021 - Name: Kensington Aldridge Academy
Find out the definitions of the
                                   following drama rehearsal techniques
                                     and write them in the table below.

Rehearsal technique                    Definition

     Thought track

  Marking the moment

Find out what the 5 main dance
 actions are and write them in
  the table below. Be ready to
   physically show your dance
   teacher in your first lesson.

                        Main Dance Action
Director of Learning Summer 2021 - Name: Kensington Aldridge Academy
History option 1
Create a model of or leaflet about a Motte and Bailey castle

                  History option 2
      Make or draw a Norman knight and/or shield.

                             You have been tasked to design the way
                               we will move around in the future.
                               Looking to the year 2090, create 5
                                conceptual modes of transport.
Create a piece of artwork
   that shares a fact about
you. Your art work cannot
use any words or writing. It
 can be a drawing, painting,
 sculpture, photograph etc.

                                Research a new piece
                               of technology that you
                               are excited about. You
                                   must produce a
                                  newspaper article
                               explaining why you are
                                   excited about it.
Research and create a poster about one
    Use these questions to guide you:
What is the name of the religions holy building?
    Does the religion have a holy book?
  Does the religion have a religious leader?
 Does the religion celebrate festivals? How?
     Does the region have any symbols?

 To guide your research, use the website to help you.
Consecutive Numbers Challenge
                      Write down any 4 consecutive whole numbers
                             You could choose: 4, 5, 6 and 7
                                      1, 2, 3 and 4
                                 100, 101, 102 and 103

             Now place + and – signs between them in any order and work out
                       the result. Try this in lots of different ways.
                       What do you notice about all the answers?
                           Can you explain why this happens?

1) Spell out your forename and surname, completing the exercises for each
2) Note down what you noticed about the following:

      Your temperature
      Your breathing
      Your heart rate

*Challenge – Time how long it takes you to complete this routine and then
repeat it for 3 days in a row. Do you become quicker?

Department                          Reading Challenge: Compulsory                                   Complete?
  English    I have read one book from the ‘Year 7 Reading Challenge’ list and completed a book
                                           review in my booklet.

Department     Subject Challenges: you must complete at least 5 from the list below                 Complete?
  Science     I have researched and found out about one of Britain's endangered mammals and
             made a poster about it ready to present to my form group on my first day at KAA.

   MFL          I have learnt how to say hello in 10 languages and know where that language is

 Geography   I have memorised the names and locations of the world’s continents and oceans and
                                labelled the map of the world in my booklet.

   Music     I have created a poster that uses words and image to explain what rhythm, pitch and
                                                harmony mean.
  Drama       I have researched the drama rehearsal techniques and written the definitions in the
  Dance          I have discovered what the 5 main dance actions are and written them into the
             I have created a model of or leaflet about a Motte and Bailey castle, OR I have made
  History                           or drawn a Norman knight and/or shield
Design       I have created 5 modes of conceptual transport that we might use in 2090.

   Art                I have created a piece of artwork that shares a fact about me.
                             My art work has not used any words or writing.

Computer          I have researched a new piece of technology that I am excited about.
 Science            I have produced a newspaper article explaining why I am excited.

   R.E.                 I have researched a created a poster about one religion.

  Maths                   I have completed the consecutive numbers challenge.

   P.E.      I have completed the ‘spell your name’ challenge and noted down what I noticed
                            about my temperature, breathing and heart rate.
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