Y7 Catch Up Premium Funding King Edward VII School Sheffield How do King Edward VII School allocate funds?

Y7 Catch Up Premium Funding

                  King Edward VII School Sheffield
                  How do King Edward VII School allocate funds?
                  For 2020-2021, the School receives additional funding to support students with their transition to Key Stage 3, from Key
KING EDWARD VII   Stage 2. The total cost of this, is £ 14,035.
                  Catch Up Premium students may be allocated School interventions administered by teaching staff. They also receive
                  interventions from a number of pastoral support staff and outside agencies. This cost can be calculated for students
                  who receive this funding. Students may be also entitled to bespoke packages of support throughout their time at School.
                  Whilst in most cases interventions are looked at in a favourable way by students, it is not always the case. They may
                  wish to access this support but some may decline the offer.
                  The funding has been used for staff training, purchase of equipment and to deliver interventions and bespoke packages
                  of support for students. When staff leave or are unable to deliver the interventions, staff are retrained to maintain
                  capacity. Funding has been spent on literacy and numeracy interventions, resources, teaching time, plus a range of
                  interventions for students who may need additional help with emotional and social interactions.
                  The interventions are quality assured and, in turn, are assessed. The School creates and maintains an ‘Impact and
                  Intervention Document’ throughout the year to assess the quality of provision and demonstrate impact.
                  The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not
                  achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2)
                  Background The catch-up funding is additional funding that should be used to support pupils who did not manage to
                  meet the expected standard in year 6 – scaled score below 100. It is up to schools to decide how this money should be
                  spent as they are best placed to assess the additional provision that is necessary for pupils in their school, as they are
                  aware of their backgrounds, needs and experiences.
                  Responsibility for Catch Up Premium Funding All members of the Leadership team have a key responsibility for
                  raising the attainment, achievement and aspirations of all pupils, and within that, catch-up pupils. Key members have
                  responsibility to ensure that these pupils make rapid and sustained progress in Maths and English during Year 7, given
                  their starting points.
Curriculum Leaders It is expected that Curriculum Leaders will complete progress monitoring and QA of teaching and learning so that
effective tracking of pupil progress can take place and interventions can be modified where appropriate.
Key Stage Leaders The progress of pupils is shared with the Pastoral Managers so that they are aware of key characteristics and are
able to track and monitor the progress, behaviour and attendance of their pupils.
Teachers All teachers are expected to use data that is made available to them, and through regular formative assessments, marking
and feedback to ensure that lesson planning is completed and effective in order to meet the needs of all learners. They are expected to
have identified pupils who belong to key groups so that initiatives can be appropriately targeted. They are also expected to ensure that
feedback is consistently used to improve pupil outcomes and to accelerate progress.
Identifying any Gaps: Pupil progress data is entered into SIMS according to the assessment calendar. Pupils are monitored through
this so that intervention that may be necessary can be identified and actioned in order to close any attainment gaps. Progress review
meetings also highlight pupils who are underachieving and intervention strategies are discussed at these meetings and through line
management meetings. In addition to this, attendance and behaviour data is being tracked in order to identify pupils who are causing
concern so that appropriate interventions can be actioned. Attendance meetings are used to discuss key pupils and weekly safeguarding
meetings are also in place to discuss any specific needs or necessary actions
Interventions The intervention sessions usually run during school time. All interventions are tracked through the School Provision
Map and Intervention and Impact documents. This document is regularly updated by the School each time interventions are
implemented and scores and results are measured.
Y7 Catch Up Premium Funding

Strategy                       Time              Annual     Impact                                      Success                   Lead

Transition programme for       25 hrs in total   £2,400     100% students coped with transition to      Success varies due to    KIP
Y.6 - Y.7 with most                                         secondary School and are being closely      changes in circumstances
complex needs.                                              monitored                                   throughout the year      PC

                                                                                                        Information to provide    CA
                                                                                                        effective support for
Identify transition package                                 Increased knowledge & understanding         students with SEND.
                                                            of student needs
                               Meetings with

Additional nurture provision   4 hours per       Variable   Students use facilities in the music        Increased engagement in   KIP
through Music.                 week                         department for therapeutic work and         attitudes to learning.
                                                            also because they love music. DT liaises    Improvement in            Music
Beats and Bars, Choir,                                      with the Head of Department to facilitate   attainment levels and     Hub
Keyboard Lessons, Guitar                                    interventions and opportunities             progress.
Lessons, Trips and Visits                                                                                                         CM

Nurture Provision for          X2/3 hrs per      X2/3       To support student skills necessary to      Improved engagement       CA,
students who struggle to       week              hours TA   access mainstream education in a            with learning, better     TA’s
access a MFL and would                           support    secondary school                            developed social &
benefit from Lego Therapy,                                                                              communication skills,
SALT input, Emotional                                                                                   better understanding of
Literacy etc.                                                                                           how to work with peers.
Baseline assessment for      X3 lessons per    TA          Ability to identify students who require   Improved access to             CA
Reading, Spelling &          class             support x   further small group intervention to        reading activities in class.
cognitive ability.                             3 hours     develop reading skills so they are able                                   TA’s
                                               per class   to access the curriculum.

Use of data and focus on     Strategy                      Improvement in review data in 2/3          Reduction in behaviour         KIP
attainment for students at   meetings with                 subjects.                                  incidents and
KS3 with targets set for     Pastoral                                                                 improvement in MLOs in         PM’s
each review point            managers and                                                             core subjects
                                                           Reduction in number of behaviour points
                             vention                                                                                                 PC
                                                           and improved attitude to learning.

Bespoke rewards for PP       Half termly                   Students are rewarded for achievement      Improvement in attitudes       PC
students                     rewards                       and conduct scores. Students access        to learning
                             identified                    School and enjoy being at King Edward                                     KIP
                                                           VII School. They feel rewarded for
                                                           working hard.

Corrective Reading           5 x 2hrs p/w                  87% of students reached their              Reading Ages of students CA
                                                           chronological target of 10+ months         improve
Group x 5                                                                                                                      LD

Literacy withdrawal groups   4 x 1hr p/w       £4,680      Attainment in English Improves. Small      Attainment of English          AWE
for English                                                group teaching and support by Above        grades improved and
                                                           School Standard staff                      increased in line with

Numeracy withdrawal          3 x1hr            £4,680      Attainment in Maths Improves. Small        Attainment of Maths            Maths
groups for Numeracy                                        group teaching and support by Above        grades improved and            Dept
                                                           School Standard staff                      increased in line with
TA support in lessons -      20 lessons        £13.12       Students supported to varying degrees     Supported access to        CA
TPAs for specific students   approx p/w x 7    p/h          depending on needs PLS available too      Curriculum for students
                             TA’s                                                                     who are identified as      MCO
                                                                                                      Pupil Premium

Homework club for targeted 2hr x p/w           £1,368       Students are able to complete             Improved attainment and    CL’s
students                                                    homework = reduction of behaviour         achievement for students
                                                            points and detentions                     and reduction of
                                                                                                      behaviour points for non
                                                                                                      completion of homework

Pastoral mentoring           2 x 60 mins       £685         Students are able to access the           Improved attainment and    KP
programme                    p/w                            curriculum and cope further with          achievement
                                                            personal barriers to learning

Strategy meetings - target   1 x p/w                        100% students are reviewed during the     Assess, Plan, Do, Review KIP
attainment performance                                      weekly strategy meetings                  targets for pupils

30 min weekly 1:1 session    30 mins per       Cost as      Students are able to share their voice                               CJA
with C Corker – Senior       week ( cycle of   per          and speak to CCO confidentially about a
Learning Mentor –            students varies   Locality     range of subjects at allocated times                                 CCO
Safeguarding and CLA         )                 Funding

                                               £25.10 p/h
Boxing / Fitness Club   1hr x per week   £25 per       Fitness session for students run by a   Engagement through           CM
                                         session (     professional coach                      sport.
                                         cost split)                                                                        RT

Access to Alternative   3 days per       £2,800        Alternative to exclusion                Improved engagement in       KP
Provision               week                                                                   education
                                         £120 per                                                                           AR

Heely City Farm         1 day per        £70 per       Additional Curriculum enrichment and    Student engagement with      AR
                        week             day           support                                 activities outside School.
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