SSFS Athletics and Physical Education COVID-19 Policies and Procedures - Published August 27, 2021 | Updated November 9, 2021

Page created by Kimberly Oliver
SSFS Athletics and Physical Education COVID-19 Policies and Procedures - Published August 27, 2021 | Updated November 9, 2021
SSFS Athletics and Physical Education
COVID-19 Policies and Procedures
       Published August 27, 2021 | Updated November 9, 2021
Upper School Athletics | COVID-19 Policies & Procedures (Winter 2021-2022)
•   Masks are to be worn at all times by all players, managers, and coaches regardless of vaccination status. Officials
    will also be masked.
•   With Covid transmission rates improving, we anticipate allowing a small number of spectators to attend indoor
    sporting events during the winter season. The Athletics Department, in partnership with the Covid Response
    Team, is assessing how to best meet safety requirements for these spectators. More information will be provided
    at the beginning of January.
•   All basketball games will be live-streamed and recorded. Access information will be sent out prior to the teams’
    first games of the season.
•   Student-athletes should bring their own refillable water bottles to practices and games.
•   SSFS will provide transportation for student-athletes and coaches for all away games.
•   Outdoor, on-campus, team-only, end-of-season gatherings are permitted.

The campus will be closed November 24 - December 5, 2021, and then again December 18, 2021 - January 9,
2022. To ensure that our players are well-practiced for the season ahead, we will be holding basketball practices after
receiving the results from the Tuesday Covid testing clinics. Please review the following practice schedule informa-

Week of November 22 - 26 (Thanksgiving Week)
•   Practices can be held on Monday, November 22, and Tuesday, November 23, at the discretion of the individual
•   Week of November 29 - December 3, 2021 (virtual learning week after Thanksgiving Break):
•   Teams will practice Thursday-Sunday, December 2-5, 2021. Practice times will be communicated by individual
In order to return to practice, student-athletes MUST:
•   (Preferred Method) Attend the on-campus testing clinic on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, and receive negative
    Covid test results, OR
•   Submit their negative PCR Covid test by Thursday, December 2. The PCR test must be taken no earlier than
    Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021.
•   Please refer to the email sent on October 28 from Rodney and CRT for more testing information.
•   Student-athletes will NOT be allowed to practice without a negative PCR Covid test result.
Upper School Athletics | COVID-19 Policies & Procedures (Winter 2021-2022)

SSFS is excited to welcome back the Upper School Climbing Team for the 2021-2022 winter season. The team will
be participating in the WAICL (Washington Area Independent Climbing League) starting the first week of Decem-
ber. More information, including practice dates and times, will be forthcoming from the coaches in the next few

The climbing wall in the SSFS Athletic Center will re-open for use beginning second semester (January 24, 2022).
Those registered for the in-school Introduction to Climbing Physical Education class should plan on climbing.
Middle School Athletics | COVID-19 Policies & Procedures (Winter 2021)
•   Masks are to be worn at all times by all players, managers, and coaches regardless of vaccination status. Officials
    will also be masked.
•   With Covid transmission rates improving, we anticipate allowing a small number of spectators to attend indoor
    sporting events during the winter season. The Athletics Department, in partnership with the Covid Response
    Team, is assessing how to best meet safety requirements for these spectators. More information will be provided
    at the beginning of January.
•   All basketball games will be live-streamed and recorded. Access information will be sent out prior to the teams’
    first games of the season.
•   Student-athletes should bring their own refillable water bottles to practices and games.
•   SSFS will provide transportation for student-athletes and coaches for all away games.
•   Outdoor, on-campus, team-only, end-of-season gatherings are permitted.

In the Middle School, basketball for boys and girls is the only interscholastic sport offered in the winter. This season,
only vaccinated students (whether eligible or not) will be permitted to play on a team that will compete interscho-
lastically in the league (the PVAC). This policy is in accordance with the league, in that all schools are stating they
will only allow vaccinated students to participate in league play this season. In addition, it is a Montgomery County
and D.C. policy that the schools located in these areas in the PVAC are not allowed to play against any school with
unvaccinated student-athletes on their team. A fully vaccinated student is one who has received both doses of the
Covid vaccine, 2 weeks prior to the start of the season on Monday, November 8, 2021.

To ensure that everyone can participate in basketball this year, SSFS will provide a recreational basketball experience
for those players who want to practice the game but have not been vaccinated.

See below for team breakdowns:

GREEN TEAM (GIRLS AND BOYS) | Vaccinated Middle School Basketball Players:
•   Will practice 4 days a week starting Tuesday, November 9. Practice will take place Tuesday - Friday, 3:10 pm -
    4:10 pm. The team will compete in a league schedule (PVAC).
•   League play will not begin until January, so there will be no games prior to January 10, 2022.
•   SSFS will not compete against any school with unvaccinated student-athletes.
•   No practices will be scheduled during the virtual weeks after Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks.
Middle School Athletics | COVID-19 Policies & Procedures (Winter 2021)

GOLD TEAM (GIRLS AND BOYS) | Unvaccinated Middle School Basketball Players:
•   Will offer a recreational basketball cohort that will practice 2 days a week starting Monday, November 15. Prac-
    tice will take place Mondays from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm and Saturdays, 9:30 am - 11:00 am.
•   An additional practice day will be added after January 10, 2022, and will vary depending on the week in accor-
    dance with facility availability.
•   This cohort team will not practice with or against the Green team.
•   This cohort team will be enrolled in the Electives program offered by the Middle School (Tuesday - Friday, 3:10
    pm - 3:40 pm).
•   No practices will be scheduled during the virtual weeks after Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks.
Upper School Athletics | COVID-19 Policies & Procedures (Fall 2021)
•   SSFS students, employees, and parents/guardians of the players are allowed to attend outdoor athletic events.
    Spectators will not be able to attend indoor athletic games in accordance with the PVAC guidelines. During out-
    door games, spectators must maintain proper social distancing (6 feet apart) and wear face coverings at all times.
    Per our indoor visitation policy which requires vaccination or a negative PCR COVID test, parents/guardians
    will not be able to enter any building on campus and must remain on the athletic fields.
•   Masks will not be worn for all US practices occurring outside (based on MCPS and Montgomery County
    Health Department Guidelines).
•   Masks will be worn for all US practices occurring inside.
•   Competitions with other schools: Masks will be worn in all games, both indoor and outdoor sports, against
    other schools.
•   Cross Country specific: Masks will be worn at the start line of meets and roughly through the first quarter mile
    of the 5k race. Masks should be put on runners' wrist and will be put back on after runners have crossed the
    finish line.
•   3-foot social distancing will be maintained whenever possible when students are not actively engaged in game
    play; including but not limited to team huddles, meetings, drills and stretching/warm-ups.
•   Inclement Weather: If the heat index reaches 91° or greater, masks will not be worn for outdoor sports; including
    during game competitions (unless students are sitting on the bench/not actively playing).
•   The locker room facilities are closed until further notice.
•   There will be no school-issued water bottles for practices or games. Students will be required to bring their own
    water bottles and are asked not to share with other students.
•   All teams will participate in league-only competitions (PVAC).
•   Coaches will wear masks at all times.
•   Health Screenings: Athletes may be required to fill out a health screen form prior to competitions at the request
    of host schools (PVAC League Mandate).
•   Buses will carry full teams to and from away games. All bus riders must wear masks.
Middle School Athletics | COVID-19 Policies & Procedures (Fall 2021)
•   SSFS students, employees, and parents/guardians of the players are allowed to attend outdoor athletic events.
    Spectators will not be able to attend indoor athletic games in accordance with the PVAC guidelines. During out-
    door games, spectators must maintain proper social distancing (6 feet apart) and wear face coverings at all times.
    Per our indoor visitation policy which requires vaccination or a negative PCR COVID test, parents/guardians
    will not be able to enter any building on campus and must remain on the athletic fields.
•   Masks will be worn at all times for both outdoor and indoor sports.
•   (Fall Season: Soccer and Volleyball)
•   Cross Country specific: Masks will be worn at all times in team meetings, stretching, and other team activities in
    which students are not actively running and maintaining distance. Masks will be worn at the start line of meets
    and roughly through the first quarter-mile of the 2-mile race. Masks should be put on runners' wrist and will be
    put back on after runners have crossed the finish line.
•   3-foot social distancing will be maintained whenever possible when students are not actively engaged in game
•   Inclement Weather: If the heat index reaches 91° or greater, masks will not be worn for outdoor sports and stu-
    dents will only participate in drills and activities in which social distancing can be maintained. Students will not
    be engaged in game play in these circumstances.
•   The locker room facilities are closed until further notice.
•   There will be no school-issued water bottles for practices or games. Students will be required to bring their own
    water bottles and are asked not to share with other students
•   Coaches will provide mask break opportunities throughout practices (both indoor and outdoor sports) when
    6-10 foot distancing can be achieved.
•   All teams will participate in league-only competitions (PVAC).
•   Coaches will wear masks at all times.
•   Health Screenings: Athletes may be required to fill out a health screen form prior to competitions at the request
    of host schools (PVAC League Mandate).
•   Buses will carry full teams to and from away games. All bus riders must wear masks.

Physical Education | COVID-19 Policies & Procedures (Fall 2021)
• The indoor climbing wall in the Athletic Center will be closed for the first semester. If your child has signed up
  for the fundamentals of rock climbing in the US, please reach out immediately to Meredith Shankle, US Regis-
  trar and Program Coordinator, to explore other options to fulfill the PE Activity Requirement.
•   Masks are to be worn during PE courses. There will be mask break policies and spaces for students to take a
    break and these specifics will be addressed during class adhering to all school safety protocols.
•   Students will limit shared equipment when possible.
•   Cleaning of equipment will happen daily with a deep cleaning once a week.
•   Water fountains will remain closed. Students should bring their own water bottles.

• All locker room facilities will be locked until further notice, therefore students will not be changing into PE
  uniforms. Bathrooms will be open, but not to be used to change. Because of this, students should come dressed
  ready for physical activity (clothing and footwear). PE Uniform ordering will be held off until further notice.
•   Students need to be prepared for class outdoors with appropriate clothing (jackets, scarfs, hats, etc. for colder
    weather). Outdoors will be utilized when possible.
•   3-foot social distancing will be maintained whenever possible in PE class and students will not participate in
    activities with the potential for physical contact.
•   Masks are to be worn during PE. There will be mask break policies and spaces for students to take a break and
    these specifics will be addressed during class adhering to all school safety protocols.
•   Students will limit shared equipment when possible.
•   Cleaning of equipment will happen daily with a deep cleaning once a week.
•   Water fountains will remain closed. Students should bring their own water bottles.
•   All students will use hand sanitizer entering and exiting the gym.

• 3-foot social distancing will be maintained whenever possible in PE class and students will not participate in
  activities with the potential for physical contact.
•   Students need to be prepared for class outdoors with appropriate clothing (jackets, scarfs, hats, etc. for colder
    weather). Outdoors will be utilized when possible.
•   Students will limit shared equipment when possible.
•   Masks are to be worn during PE. There will be mask break policies and spaces for students to take a break and
    these specifics will be addressed during class adhering to all school safety protocols.
•   Cleaning of equipment will happen daily with a deep cleaning once a week.
•   Water fountains will remain closed. Students should bring their own water bottles.
•   All students will use hand sanitizer entering and exiting the gym.
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