Working together to be the best we can - Stamford Green Primary School

Working together to be the best we can - Stamford Green Primary School
Working together to be the best we can
Working together to be the best we can - Stamford Green Primary School
Welcome to Year 3
• 3K (Ms James)

• 3J (Miss Jenkins)

• 3S (Mrs Spooner)

• To contact your child’s class teacher,
  please email:
Working together to be the best we can - Stamford Green Primary School
 Labelling is really important!
 Please read and refer to the uniform information on the website.
 We encourage the children to be able to tie their laces independently – if
  they are not yet confident, we recommend Velcro school shoes.
 Please ensure children have a named coat in school every day.
 P.E. kits will be sent home on a Friday to be washed and should be
  returned to school on Monday.

 Weekly Information
 School Newsletter
 Dates for Diaries
 All letters and relevant information can be found on the school website
  and are emailed to you.

 You can also follow us on Twitter. @StamfordGreen
 PTA Facebook page is useful for event information
Working together to be the best we can - Stamford Green Primary School
Safe parking and driving
Don’t forget the one way system –
keeping the school on your left

 Please park in a Community spirited way

 Please don’t leave your engine idling

 Please make use of the scooter and bike racks

 Lovely area to walk in so why not make
  the most of it and leave the car at home?
• Year group cave art
Inspiring     in the playground.

            • Children often
              choose how to
              present their work
              as part of our
              learning without
              limits approach.

            • Values are pivotal to
              our learning.
Lots of opportunities for us to
all work together this year

• Communication between teachers, school and parents is
  important to us so please contact us if we can support in
  any way.
• Lots of whole year group activities will be happening this
  year – traditional dancing, glockenspiel as will as
  opportunities to be taught by the other Y3 teachers
  sometimes as well as year group assembly.

         Autumn Term Spring Term   Summer Term   Enrichment in
Year 3   Dino Dome   Sikh          The Golden    • In the Studio
         visitor     Gurdwara      Hinde           Day
                     visit         residential   • Cave art
                                                 • Performing at
                                                   ‘Mince Pie
                                                   Thank You’
                                                 • Traditional
                                                   Dance –
                                                   Summer Fun
          Happy children will succeed

 Through the PSHER curriculum children will focus
    on the happiness of themselves and others.
 Mind up and brain breaks
 E-safety
 Class book
 Positive relationships between children and
  adults throughout the school community.
You can support your child to achieve in Year 3 by:

• Reading every day at home.

• Practising reading and spelling the words on the Y3 list.

• Practising the skills from ‘Speedy Maths’ that are included in the
  weekly information email and using the Times Tables Rock Stars
  website or app.

• Helping them practise telling the time on an analogue clock. In Y3
  we would love parents to support their children’s learning at school
  by providing an inexpensive learning analogue watch for them to
This year’s themes are:

• A Long, Long Time Ago

• In The Studio

• Building a Village

• Explorers
English and Maths
Sometimes linked to theme.
Speedy maths
Times Tables Rock Stars

Reading Activities
Reading comprehension is taught as a whole class. There will also
be opportunities to read with the class teacher on a 1:1 basis.

We will be developing our investigation skills so that we can work
scientifically. Our topics will include; magnets, rocks, light, animals
and plants.
   Our values
 underpin the
school day and
   we will be
  focusing on
 kindness and
  caring in the
 autumn term.
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