Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022

Page created by Tracy Hubbard
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022
Welcome to Beacon Academy

     Year 7 2021/2022
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022
Being ready to learn
 Timings during the day
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022
Being ready to learn
 Timings during the day
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022
Timings of the day
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022

Support sessions
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022
                                                                       5 key aspects
                                                                                                          1.   Timetable - you can
                                                                                                               see the next two
                                                                                                          2.   You can see the
                                                                                                               details of each piece
                                                                                                               of homework.
                                         Your child’s                                                     3.   Beacon Credits are
                                          photo                                                              our reward system –
                                                                                                               you can see them
                                           here…                                                               here.
                                                                                                          4.   Behaviour – any
                                                                                                               negative behaviour?
                                                                                                          5.   Absence reporting
                                                                                                               You can report
                                                                                                               absence via the app
                                                                                                              (including future
                                                                                                               absence – like a
                                                                                                              medical appointment)

Other useful areas

                                                            Update information If your phone number or email changes you can let
                                                            us know here. You can also change your consent for photographs.
Documents – this is where we will add your child’s report   Parents’ evening We will inform you when this is “open” so you can
                                                            book for parents’ evening. Is easier to operate on a computer rather
                                                            than a phone / tablet.
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022
Supporting your child

    Space at home
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022
Supporting your child
Welcome to Beacon Academy Year 7 2021/2022
Supporting your child - who to
The concern is subject specific only = Class Teacher or Head of Department for
                                     that subject.
      Your child has friendship issues = Tutor or Assistant Head of Year 7
     Your child is struggling to settle in = Tutor or Assistant Head of Year 7
   Problems with uniform or equipment = Tutor or Assistant Head of Year 7
Problems organising or completing homework = Attend homework clubs either
     in specific subjects or general homework club run by the Year Team
                Medical or attendance issues = Welfare Assistant
 Concerns around progress = if it is one subject, contact the specific teacher or
                    if it is multiple subjects, the Head of Year
Supporting your child
    • Reassure them that their worries about transition are normal and that things WILL get easier
                   • Ensure your child knows who/where to go if there is a problem
             • Encourage your child to set an alarm to wake themselves up in the morning
                             • Buy your child a watch if they do not have one
          • Take a copy of your child’s timetable so you know what they are doing each day
         • Encourage them to have a copy of their timetable on their phone if they have one
                • Let us know if something happens that may affect their day at Beacon
 • Provide a quiet area for homework and set/agree a routine for completing it – there are homework
                            support sessions most nights after school until 4pm
  • Where possible, have a set of equipment at home to complete homework with rather than taking
                                     their equipment out of their bag
                               • Name/label EVERYTHING, including shoes
• Ensure your child is “device-free” at least one hour before they go to sleep to enable them to have a
                                           calm end to their day
 • Ensure they have a reasonable bedtime – an average 11 year-old requires approx. 9 ½ hours’ sleep
How we support your child
      Year 7-only areas
How we support your child
How we support your child
      Year 7-only areas
Key staff
Year 7 Tutors 2021-2022

        Mrs Moodie
Year 7 SEND Team

Mrs Moodie         Ms Evans
  SENCo         Assistant SENCo
                                  Year 7 SEND
Learning Mentors are primarily subject based. This
ensures greater subject knowledge and creates independence
for our students.

We know that our students may require additional support so each
year group has a SEND Co-ordinator to monitor tracking, attendance,
progress and behaviour. They are available at social times should your
child have any concerns or questions.

In addition to this, we run specialised interventions for identified
students, such as Speech and Language, plus we also have dedicated
homework club for SEND students, KS3 anxiety groups and a small,
quiet space at break time for some of our ASC students.

We are always happy to give advice or support and look forward to
welcoming your child to our school.
Start of term:
          Tuesday 7th September
         8:30am main playground
     If wet straight to the tutor rooms

         School day ends at 3:05pm
     Important dates are communicated
via email and our website/Facebook/Twitter
Further information

                     Check the Year 6-7
                  Transition Portal on the
                      Beacon Academy
                    Join us/Year 6 into 7
                      Transition Portal
Responses to submitted questions

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