Welcome Back, Blue Jays! - Eanes ISD

Page created by Kristen Moody
Welcome Back, Blue Jays! - Eanes ISD
Welcome Back, Blue Jays!
Dear BCE Families,

Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! We are so excited to begin this year despite how unorthodox it is. We know
that everyone, including our students, has been faced with challenges we never could have imagined and our
summers likely looked quite different than they have in the past. We hope that you were still able to find some time
for rest and relaxation. The Phelps household really enjoyed weekends away “glamping” in our new travel trailer. It
was fun getting to see different parts of Texas within the safety of our own “hotel on wheels”. Bryson (4th grade) and
Brooklyn (Kindergarten) are looking forward to another year with their BCE friends. The Coaxum family spent their
time relaxing at home, swimming, and walking/biking outdoors whenever it wasn’t too hot.

We know that returning safely is at the forefront of everyone's mind. Our Maintenance and Operations (M&O) staff
members have been working all summer to create a safe environment for students and staff in preparation for our
eventual return. We are using all of our resources including our focus groups, local and nationwide facility operations
leaders, contractors, vendors, engineers, and architects to help us through this process. Some of the changes will be
easy to spot. There is additional signage, single touch, timed shut-off faucets, wipes, and hand sanitizer galore. Some
of the changes that won’t be as obvious are the antimicrobial coating that will be applied to hand railings and door
handles and the addition of new HVAC technologies.

Beyond the new safety improvements, we also had a fabulous new cafeteria floor installed. This is highlighted
beautifully alongside the gym floor that was updated over winter break last year. These much needed upgrades are
a result of our bond dollars at work...thank you!

Our return to school will undoubtedly look different this year. You’ll notice a few typical events missing from our back
to school schedule. While we will miss traditions like lemonade social and back to school mornings, we have other
opportunities planned to connect with our students and families that we hope will be just as treasured. We look
forward to seeing you all soon during our scheduled grade level drive-thru distribution days (more information
below). Please remember to complete the 3 question survey to confirm your choice for returning to school. The
survey is NOT time stamped but will close on Monday, August 10th at noon. Thank you in advance for providing us
with this crucial information as we work diligently to solidify classes. In an effort to make sure you have all the
information you need to make a decision, please consider attending the virtual Elementary Community Q & A with all
campus principals TOMORROW at 4PM.
Zoom link: https://eanesisd.zoom.us/j/98543150650?pwd=STltZ0FDMUhMS01EYmpJWVVkVFNadz09
Webinar ID: 912 4692 5363
Passcode: 2222

Thank you in advance for your patience, grace, and support as this will undoubtedly be an interesting and
unforgettable year. We will thrive because of our partnerships with you. We’d like to leave you with a little something
that we hope will make you smile. This video shows one of the ways our staff members have been keeping busy
during the quarantine. We are all trying to find joy everyday and focus on opportunities over obstacles!

Tiffany Phelps, Principal
Laura Coaxum, Assistant Principal
Welcome Back, Blue Jays! - Eanes ISD
Back to School Events
     Date               Time                                    Event

                                       Kindergarten families pick up student supplies &
Aug. 14, 2020       2:00-4:00 pm
                                       iPads from BCE.

                                       K-5 grade class placements will be released on Family
 Aug. 17, 2020        10:00 am         Access/Skyward followed by a parent orientation
                                       video to watch from your teacher.

                                       FIrst grade families pick up student supplies at BCE.
 Aug. 17, 2020    11:30 am - 1:30 pm   New to Eanes ISD first graders will pick up iPads at this

                                       Second grade families pick up student supplies at
 Aug. 17, 2020    2:00 pm - 4:00 pm    BCE. New to Eanes ISD second graders will receive
                                       their iPads at this time..

                                       Third grade families pick up student supplies at BCE.
 Aug. 17, 2020    4:30 pm - 6:30 pm    New to Eanes ISD third grade students will receive their
                                       iPad at this time.

                                       Fourth grade families pick up student supplies at BCE.
                   8:30 am - 10:30
 Aug. 18, 2020                         New to Eanes fourth graders will also receive their iPad
                                       at this time.

                                       Fifth grade families pick up student supplies at BCE.
                                       New to Eanes ISD fifth grade students will receive their
                                       iPad at this time.
 Aug. 18, 2020    11:00 am - 1:00 pm
                                       K-5 grades: charge those iPads tonight to be ready
                                       for tomorrow!

                                       First Day of School
 Aug. 19, 2020    8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                       (Remote Learning)

                  Important Material Pick-Up Notes                                              for
                                                                                      Click raphic
Follow our normal car drop-off/pick-up route (back of school).                         info

Have your child’s first and last name written on a sheet of paper
on your dash. Please only come during your student’s
scheduled time. We realize this could result in multiple trips to
BCE for families with kids in several grades, but we appreciate
your understanding as we work to make this efficient and safe
for all. If you can’t make this work, please ask a friend with a
student in the same grade level to pick-up on your behalf. We’d
love to see the kids, so bring them along for the ride!
Welcome Back, Blue Jays! - Eanes ISD
Staffing Changes
   We are excited to welcome several new staff members to BCE this year, and we
 know you will love them as much as we already do. You may even recognize a few
 names of some returning staff members. We are grateful to the board to have our
  fourth section of third grade restored to help keep class numbers reasonable. We
have also added a fifth section in first grade as our enrollment has increased in that
           grade level. Please join us in welcoming our new staff members!

         Grade                Name                Position             Change

First                Maria Valero          Spanish Immersion   New to BCE

First                Karli Burgess         Teacher             New to BCE

Second               Karen Diaz            Spanish Immersion   New to BCE
                                           Spanish Immersion   Moving from traditional
Second               Rachel Quigley        (Eng)               to SI

Third                Ellie Cross           Teacher             New to BCE
                                                               Moving from Permanent
Third                Carley McNicholas     Teacher             Substitute to 3rd

Third                Gretcehn Knape        Teacher             Moving from 4th to 3rd

Fourth               Kristin Isaacks       Teacher             Moving from 3rd to 4th

Fourth               Kyndra O'Neil         Teacher             Returning to BCE
                                           Student Support
Office               Heather Blankenship   Counselor           New to BCE
                                                               Moving from Student
                                                               Support Counselor to
Office               Jennifer Cheatham     Counselor           Counselor

Office               Sarah Sansom          Permanent Sub       Returning to BCE

         ***Please note, we do not accept teacher requests.***
Welcome Back, Blue Jays! - Eanes ISD
Partnerships & Communication
                                PARENT SUPPORT - TECHNOLOGY

                                To further support families
                                through remote learning, Eanes
                                ISD has created technology
                                workshops to provide supports
                                and resources about digital
                                tools that students use as part
                                of their learning. Each
                                technology session is designed
                                to provide an overview of the
                                functions and features of the
                                digital tools and how families
                                can best support students while
                                using the resources as part of
                                their instructional day. Please
                                see the link to the technology

                                If you have questions about the
                                technology workshops, contact
                                Dr. Kristy Sailors, Director of
                                Educational Technology at

                              Be sure to check our campus
                                 website bce.eanesisd.net
                                regularly for updates. For
                              information from the district
                             about the reopening of schools
                                       please visit

       If you ordered a 2019-2020 yearbook and were
             not able to pick it up, please contact
Welcome Back, Blue Jays! - Eanes ISD
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