Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church

Page created by Ruth Patel
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
Our Lady of the           434 W. Park Street
                             Arlington Heights, IL 60005

wayside parish
                             Phone: (847) 253-5353
                             Website: www.olwparish.org

                             Pastoral Staff
                             Rev. Arthur Marat
                             Rev. Gilbert Mashurano
                             Associate Pastor
                             Rev. Daniel J. Brady
                             Retired Priest & Resident
                             Deacon Jerry (and Veronica)
                             Deacon Thomas (and Irene)
                             Deacon Dr. Donald
                             Deacon Peter (and Jan)
                             Director of Parish Ministry
                             and Evangelization
                             Deacon Paul (and Lisa)
                             Arielle Joaquin
                             Youth Director
                             Mr. Dan McMahon
                             Director of Music
                             Mrs. Kathy O’Neill
                             Coordinator of Pastoral
                             Ms. Danielle Pitzer
                             Director of Lifelong Faith
                             Mr. David Wood
                             School Principal
                             Parish Office
                             Ms. Patricia Porzezinski
                             Administrative Assistant
                             Mr. Sean Reilly
                             Director of Communications
                             Mrs. Ewelina Sokolowski
                             Operations Director

 December 4, 2022            Vision Statement:
                             We will be a parish who lives
                             the message and mission of
   Second Sunday of Advent   Jesus.
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
              OF TREASURE

                                                                                     k ing Merr
                                                                                  Ma           y
        Sunday Collection for Nov 20 & 27, 2022

                             This Week                Budget     Variance

    Sunday Masses             $19,747

    Mail and Walk-up          $6,315

    eGiving                   $17,831

    Total Sunday              $43,893                 $68,270    ($24,377)

                                        Total Gifts

    Human Develop.                       $2,000
    Thanksgiving SVdP                    $4,794

    School Support           This Week            2022 YTD

    Rebek                        $0                   $27,411

                     Thank you for your generosity!

                                                                             Last weekend, OLW’s Environmental Committee volunteers
                                                                             decorated our church’s entrance and portico. Front row, left
                                                                             to right: Suzanne Finucane, Kathleen McIlwee, Kathy Lannon, John
                                                                             Finucane, Phil Lannon and Ed Dubiel. Back row: Mary McIlwee
    Or... Scan the QR Code with your mobile phone camera.                    and John Supplitt. Not pictured (behind ladder): Brian Bleeker.

                                                                                                               Solemnity of
                                                                                                             the Immaculate
                                                                                                              ursday, December 8
                                                                                                                   Mass Schedule
                                                                                                                     8:30 am
                                                                                                                    12:00 pm
                                                                                                                     7:00 pm

                                                                               Our Parish Office will be
                                                                                  closed on ursday,
                                                                              December 8, in observance
                                                                                of the Solemnity of the
                                                                               Immaculate Conception
2       Second Sunday of Advent                                 			                 		                                   December 4, 2022
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
                        RELIGIOUS                          Second Sunday of Advent - Year A
                       EDUCATION                                                        Today is the second Sunday of Ad-
                          NEWS                                                          vent. Christmas will be here soon.
                                                                                        Today’s responsorial psalm reads:
                                                                                        “Justice shall flourish in his time,
    REP Schedule for the Weeks of                                                       and fullness of peace forever.” And
       December 5 & 12, 2022                                                            this refrain, is a beautiful statement
                                                                                        that connects today’s readings.
Sunday, December 4
• 9:30 a.m. Family Mass                                                                   In today’s second reading from the
                                                              Father Arthur Marat         letter of St. Paul to the Romans,
Tuesday, December 6                                                                       St. Paul encourages his listeners
• 4 pm, 1st through 4th grade classes meet                 to think in harmony with each other by being faithful to Je-
                                                           sus Christ. When St. Paul wrote this, the Judeo-Christians and
• 7 pm, 5th and 6th grade classes meet
                                                           the pagans did not accept each other; for certain reasons there
Tuesday, December 13                                       was conflict among them. The truth is, these indications of
                                                           St. Paul are addressed to us, too. We are no different than the
• 4 pm, 1st through 4th grade classes meet
                                                           Judeo-Christians or pagans. Like them, we experience certain
• 4:45 pm, 1st grade Nativity Play in the church           tensions in the Church, in our parish, at work, in our families,
• 7 pm, 7th and 8th grade classes meet                     at school. Yet, we, like the Judeo-Christians and pagan converts,
                                                           have the same obligation to mutually respect and accept each
The Second Sunday of Advent: The Candle of Faith           other. We must be patient towards each other, just as Jesus is
                             As we light the second        patient towards us.
                             candle, representing faith,   Some of you might be asking yourselves: “How it is possible to
                             we remember the humble        respect, accept, and be patient towards others?” The first read-
                             living conditions into        ing gives us a little hint as to the answer to this question. In
                             which Jesus was born.         the first reading from Isaiah, we hear about the coming of the
                             Because there was no          Messiah, Jesus Christ.
                             place in Bethlehem for
                             Mary and Joseph to stay,      Isaiah tells us that Jesus will have the gifts of the Holy Spirit;
                             they made their home in       He will possess a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a
                             a stable and placed Jesus     spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of
                                                           fear of the LORD. We also hear how Jesus will care for the poor
in a manger when he was born. They had faith that they
                                                           and give the people God’s law. And when the people acknowl-
would receive what they needed.
                                                           edge and follow God, there will be true peace and justice on the
From Advent Week 2 : Activity Guide | Cross Catholic       earth and in their hearts.
                                                           On this second Sunday of Advent, let us remember St. John the
                                                           Baptist’s words and recognize that “the Kingdom of God is at
                                                           hand.” Christ is with us, but Christ will also come again to mer-
Worldwide Women’s Rosary                                   cifully judge us. Therefore, let us strive to be faithful to God by
                                                           being faithful to the Ten Commandments, the teachings of the
Women around the world are uniting                         Church, and the Commandment of Love.
to pray the Rosary on December                             God created all nations and desires to save all peoples. And He
8, the Feast of the Immaculate                             continually creates one people of God; He sanctifies us by his
Conception. Please join us in                              Word, the Holy Spirit, and His Blood. I would like to invite you
our church at 8 am to pray                                 to take some time on this Sunday to pray: “Thank You Jesus
the Rosary with us.                                        for inviting me to be a child of God. Thank You for desiring
                                                           to give me, my loved ones, and even my enemies peace both
   Read more about the                                     here on earth and in Heaven.”
Worldwide Women’s Rosary
 here: http://bit.ly/3TMi8fE                               Yours in Christ,
                                                           Father Arthur

Our Lady of the Wayside								                                                           Arlington Heights, Illinois       3
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
Giving Tree 2022
                                      �is is the final week of collecting gi�ts for of Our Lady of Unity/St.
                                      Mark parish who are in such great need this Christmas. Families are
                                      struggling even more this year than in past years. �e need for warm
                                      clothes and food continues.
                                      If you have not already done so, please stop by the Giving Trees at the
                                      back of church and take a gi�t envelope. Return gi�t envelopes are due
                                      in the boxes near the Giving Trees by no later than December 11, 2022.
                                      �is will allow enough time for our gi�ts to be delivered and distribut-
                                      ed, and for families time to shop.

                  �ank you for joining us in this beautiful expression
                               of the Christmas Spirit!

                 To give electronically via GiveCentral, scan the QR code using
                 your mobile phone camera, or visit: https://bit.ly/30qJNg4

    Our 1st Grade RE P Students Cordiay Invite YO U
               to their Annual Nativity P lay
    4:45 pm, Tuesday, December 13 | Our Lady of the Wayside Church
    Bring your best singing voice and a willingness to join in the wonder
    of the mystery of the birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
    We look forward to seeing you there!

4   Second Sunday of Advent            			                       		                              December 4, 2022
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
Remember In Beauty Your Loved Ones, Living or Deceased
      Our Lady of the Wayside Christmas 2022

 We invite you to honor the name of your loved
 ones with flowers and decorations for our Church
 at Christmas.

 Please fill out the form below clearly, attach your
 check made payable to Our Lady of the Wayside
 Church, and drop it in the collection basket or give
 it to Patricia Porzezinski at the Parish Office no
 later than Friday, December 9th.

 Your loved one’s name will appear in the Christ-
 mas bulletin under “In Memory Of” or “In Honor

     Suggested Donation - $20.00 per name
           *Please make checks payable to
          Our Lady of the Wayside Church

(PLEASE PRINT) First & Last Names Only                  CHRISTMAS FLOWERS 2022

Donor’s Name:

Phone Number:

“In Memory Of ”

“In Honor Of ”

Our Lady of the Wayside								                           Arlington Heights, Illinois   5
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
St. Mark’s Food Collection:
                       December 11
       On Sunday, December 11, we will have our monthly
       food drive for St. Mark’s Parish. Last July, St. Mark’s was
       consolidated with three other parishes who were not
       receiving food donations from sharing parishes.
       We continue to collect and deliver to St. Mark’s per usual,
       but the number of families needing food has increased.
       Your donations are critically important.
       Volunteers will be at the
       parish garage between 9
       am and noon on Sunday,
       December 11.
       Pull up to the garage, where
       large totes will be available
       for your donations, or
       pop your trunk and our
       volunteers will collect the
       Thank you for your past and future generosity in this
       important ministry.
       Non-perishable food is now being accepted during the
       week in the lobby of the Parish Center.

                                       THANK YOU FROM THE SOCIETY
                                          OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL!
                         When you donate to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) at Our Lady of the Wayside, your generos-
                         ity helps people in need right here in our parish community. People like Joan, who lost her job at age 58
                         and suffered a heart attack within the same few weeks. Because of your donations we were able to cover
    her immediate household bills to assure she could work on her recovery with less worry. Or Debbie, who needed a little help to
    buy clothes and school supplies for her children before the start of the school year. And Robert who needed help with a security
    deposit so he could move into a safer apartment complex in his retirement.

    So far in 2022, more than 50 of your neighbors and fellow parishioners found help for themselves and their families from the
    Society of St. Vincent de Paul at OLW. With just one call to SVDP, our neighbors in need find a caring resource to help them
    bridge tough times in their lives. And it’s all possible because of your kind donations.

    In 2022, SVDP at OLW raised funds and awareness through a very successful 5K/1K family
    fun run and walk held on September 24. Special earmarked mass collections on Holy Thurs-
    day and Thanksgiving Day also brought in funds to aid in the SVDP mission. In total, more
    than $10,000 was raised and dispensed from our Parish, in addition to one-time donations
    made to our sister SVDP organizations in Uvalde, Texas and Lexington, Kentucky to assist
    those areas at their times of crisis.

    The SVDP mission is ongoing, and so is the need in our community. Our members thank you
    for your support and pray for you at every one of our monthly meetings. To find out more
    about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and how you can help, please contact the Parish Office
    at (847) 253-5353 and ask to leave your message on the SVDP helpline. We thank you!

6     Second Sunday of Advent                       			                       		                                   December 4, 2022
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
Kai r os 1 1
 The OLW Youth Ministry presents...                                                   A 4-DAY
                                                                                   RETREAT FOR
                                                                                   HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                    JUNIORS &

  Friday, February 17 - Monday, February 20, 2023
   WHY SHOULD PEOPLE GO ON KAIROS? Answers from past OLW Kairos retreatants:
     "because it’s one of the greatest ways to learn to know and love God"
              "It was very meaningful and made me truly feel loved by God and the people around
"It's a great place to meet like-minded people. I met amazingme."
                                                              people on my Kairos retreats that I still talk to today."
  "it is a life altering experience that makes your values the center of your life going forward"

             BISHOP LANE RETREAT CENTER                                                                    Scan this QR code for the
 VENUE:                                                                                                       registration form!
             7708 E. MCGREGOR RD, ROCKFORD, IL. 61102

  COST:      $275* PER PARTICIPANT (cash or checks accepted)
             price includes: transportation, meals, housing, shirt, supplies
   * do not let the price stop you from attending! Contact Arielle about scholarships

   REGISTRATION DEADLINE:                December 31st, 2022
                          Website: bit.ly/olwym | IG/FB: olwym |   Arielle: youthmin@olwparish.org

              vocations panel
   join the young ministries as we
  welcome special guests (priests,
deacons, and religious sisters) to talk
        about their vocations!

    all high schoolers & middle
 schoolers (and their parents!) are
         welcome to attend!

        When: 12/04, 7-9PM
     Where: OLW Gathering Place

Our Lady of the Wayside								                                                                      Arlington Heights, Illinois       7
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
Milk, Cookies and
                              Storytime with Santa
                       School and parish PK and K friends -
                      come in your pajamas and enjoy games,
                     goodies, and stories with special guests.

                              Wed, Dec 7, 6-7:30pm, in the gym
                           The cost is $8/child before the event, or
                    $10/child at the door. The event is meant for 3-6 year
                              olds, but all siblings are welcome.
                      Please use Venmo: @OLW-FSA to make payment.
                      Include your family name and email in the "for."

                                                       i les
                                                    sm fives
    Thanks                                      l l
                                               A hi- r
                                               andor you t!
    for giving.                                    f por
    Nov 29, 2022

8   Second Sunday of Advent         			              		                      December 4, 2022
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
Holiday Tips for Families with Children
      who have Developmental Differences
                                                     The holiday season is a busy time of year. Between time away from school
                                                     and work, gatherings with friends and family and traveling, daily routines
                                                     change. The holidays may be even more busy and hectic than school and
                                                     work. These changes may be experienced differently for families with chil-
                                                     dren who have developmental differences, including autism. If you are a
                                                     parent of a child or adolescent with autism, here are some tips for making
                                                     this time of year easier on everyone.

                                                    Do your research: Learn how autistic adults experience the holidays. Take
                                                    the holidays from a different perspective and understand what your child
                                                    might need to feel comfortable with routine disruptions as well as new nois-
 es, smells, textures and people. This will help you see holidays from their perspective and plan a successful, inclusive and
 positive experience.

 Be safe: For children who wander or run from safe places, make sure you have a safety plan. Communicate this to all people
 at the gathering, and make sure there is a clear schedule for who will be providing 1:1 supervision for kids who wander. Be
 aware of places that may attract them, including bodies of water, train stations and parks. Consider the use of visual stop signs
 and GPS tracking devices such as Apple AirTags or Samsung SmartTags. Refer to National Autism Association’s Big Red Safety

 Be prepared: Reflect on how your child experiences the gathering or activity. Think about the noises, group size, textures and
 smells. Set aside a quiet space that is just for them and include an item of comfort such as a favorite toy or object. Food is a
 cornerstone of many gatherings, and feeding difficulties are often present in individuals with autism. Therefore, not everyone
 derives pleasure from food and mealtimes. Think about bringing preferred foods and placing a non-preferred food on or near
 your child’s plate. This allows and models for your child that they can participate in group events and be empowered to advo-
 cate for themselves.

 Set a schedule: Preparation and maintenance of routines are key to holidays. Consider visual schedules and social stories, de-
 pending on your child’s language level and preferred communication style. Visually communicate who will be at a gathering,
 what the family will do and when it will end. Set a time limit for the event, preferably 30 minutes shorter than your child’s limit
 so they may end well, and build on this success for future gatherings. Let your child know when they will be able to go home.
 Keep consistent sleep schedules and meal times for extended times away, as well. Sleep is a cornerstone of positive behavior
 and mood.

 Consider their preferences: Remember your child’s preferences for social experiences and communication. For example, do
 they tend to observe first and join later, or do they jump right into social experiences? Do they like others to initiate affection,
 do they like to do so on their own terms or not at all? As parents, communicate this beforehand to loved ones so they are aware
 of how to best support your child and create a positive memory. Small adjustments mean a lot and may prevent a difficult day.

 Be their advocate: Until children can advocate for themselves, it’s your responsibility, even when they are under the watchful
 and well-intentioned eyes of extended family. Educate your family on what your child needs and how they can be supportive.
 Prepare and explain what you’re doing and why. By doing so, you’re modeling for your child how to take agency for their own
 emotional and mental well-being.

 Be gentle: With yourself! Parenting is difficult at baseline, and it’s only become harder through the pandemic. Start small, build
 on successful experiences and remember – your emotional and mental health are key to your child’s emotional and mental

 Contributed by: Dr. Sarah Bauer

Our Lady of the Wayside								                                                                    Arlington Heights, Illinois         9
Wayside parish Our Lady of the - Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church
10   Second Sunday of Advent   			   		   December 4, 2022
    The Institute for Diaconal Studies (IDS) invites all men who feel the gentle nudge
    of the Holy Spirit to attend an Exploring the Diaconate session. It is a time to pray,
    discuss, and learn more about the discernment process and the formation program
    that aspirants and candidates pursue. Please join us, with your wives, if married, as
    we explore the potential of a vocation, engage in dialogue and pray in search of the
    next step. All are welcome to attend any of the sessions.

    Contact Sr. Caroline Onuoha, DMMM at 847.837.4563 or conuoha@usml.edu

    7:30–8:30 P.M.
    Tuesday, October 4, 2022            Our Lady of Ransom, Niles
    Thursday, November 3, 2022          Our Lady of Ransom, Niles
    Tuesday, December 6, 2022           Zoom
    Thursday, January 5, 2023           Zoom
    Monday, February 6, 2023            Zoom
    Tuesday, March 7, 2023              Zoom
    Monday, April 24, 2023              Our Lady of Ransom, Niles
    Tuesday, May 9, 2023                Our Lady of Ransom, Niles
    For more information contact Deacon Bob Puhala, bpuhala@usml.edu or
    847.837.4564 or visit us at usml.edu.
    Application deadline for the 2023–2024 Aspirancy Path is July 15, 2023.

Our Lady of the Wayside								                                          Arlington Heights, Illinois   11
Sunday, Dec 04, 2022                                                                     Augustine of Hippo with his preaching and baptized the wayward
Peace to all who enter here                                                              son before his own journey to theological greatness. In this
The holiday season can be full of exciting plans and activities. It                      season of charity, may we all emulate Ambrose’s devotion to
can also be stressful, as social demands increase. Shopping and                          peace and unity on his holy feast.
seasonal food preparation take time—a thing always in limited                                  MEMORIAL OF AMBROSE, BISHOP, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH
supply. And as families and communities gather, opportunities for                              TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 40:25-31; Matthew 11:28-30 (183). “Take

harmony or conflict arise. Francis de Sales offers advice for the                              my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble
                                                                                               of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves.”
harried: "Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm
spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even                       Thursday, Dec 08, 2022
if your whole world seems upset." Commit to Isaiah's peaceable                           Holiness is about more than clean living
kingdom, where calf and lion share the field and childhood                               Older Catholics might smile as they recall the imagery for sin that
innocence leads the way.                                                                 they learned in the mid-20th century. Sin-free meant a clean soul.
     SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT                                                             The dogma of the Immaculate Conception refers to Mary as free
     TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 11:1-10; Romans 15:4-9; Matthew 3:1-12                     from “all stain of original sin.” Rather than emphasize Mary’s clean
     (4). “The calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little              soul, today many contemporary theologians choose to emphasize
     child to guide them.”
                                                                                         Mary’s active faithfulness over a lifetime. That’s something each
Monday, Dec 05, 2022                                                                     one of us can aspire to.
Feed my flock                                                                                  SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE
“Mandela Day” is an annual international day in honor of South                                 BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (PATRONAL FEAST DAY OF THE
African anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela celebrated on his                               U.S.A.)
                                                                                               TODAY'S READINGS: Genesis 3:9-15, 20; Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12;
birthday in July as a call to action to every individual to change the
                                                                                               Luke 1:26-38 (689). “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found
world with acts of service. Today is the anniversary of Mandela’s
                                                                                               favor with God.”
death and also International Volunteer Day, another reminder for
each person to make a positive difference in the lives of others. In                     Friday, Dec 09, 2022
2022, the Nelson Mandela Foundation focused on the intersection                          Don’t lose sight of Mary
of food security and climate change—also themes of Pope                                  After providing a mantle of roses with the image of Mary
Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. How can you and your parish help                        miraculously impressed upon it as proof to the archbishop of
provide nutritious food to all in your community in ways that are                        Mexico City of her appearance to him, Juan Diego spent his days
sustainable? For suggestions, visit mandeladay.com.                                      living as a hermit and guide to pilgrims near a shrine built in honor
     ADVENT WEEKDAY                                                                      of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a title Mary reportedly chose for
     TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 35:1-10; Luke 5:17-26 (181). “We have                      herself. The Mexican bishops define the “Guadalupe Event" as the
     seen incredible things today.”                                                      “beginning of evangelization with a vitality that surpassed all
Tuesday, Dec 06, 2022                                                                    expectations.” The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe now holds
Secret Santa                                                                             the honor of being the most visited Catholic shrine in the world. As
The anonymous generosity of Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra in                            with any Marian apparition, spiritual transformation is Mary’s
the 300s, is legendary. So as not to attract praise from others,                         primary purpose—all in the hope of leading a new generation to
Nicholas performed charitable deeds on the sly—like the time he                          Christ. Draw on the presence of Mary today, as Saint Juan Diego
saved three poor maidens from destitution because they had no                            did centuries ago, to help orient you toward God's boundless love.
                                                                                               MEMORIAL OF JUAN DIEGO CUAUHTLATOATZIN
dowry for marriage. Under cover of night, Saint Nick secretly
                                                                                               TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 48:17-19; Matthew 11:16-19 (185).
dropped three bags of gold down their chimney to ease their plight.
                                                                                               “Wisdom is vindicated by her works.”
The size, shape, and color of these bags of gold gave rise to the
“Christmas orange” traditionally placed in Christmas stockings.                          Saturday, Dec 10, 2022
Consider an anonymous act of charity today—and maybe treat                               Let your spirit soar!
yourself to an orange, too!                                                              The title of Our Lady of Loreto is owed more to a building and a
     MEMORIAL OF NICHOLAS, BISHOP                                                        statue than to a person. The building is the Basilica of the Holy
     TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 40:1-11; Matthew 18:12-14 (182). “It is not                House (Basilica della Santa Casa) in Loreto, Italy. A tradition arose
     the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be                   that the Holy House was the actual house where the Virgin Mary
     lost.”                                                                              lived in Nazareth, which had later miraculously been transported
Wednesday, Dec 07, 2022                                                                  by angels to Loreto. (Crusaders returning from the Holy Land may
Firm stance, gentle hand                                                                 have more plausibly transported it with them, stone by stone.) The
Saint Ambrose of Milan, the esteemed early church theologian and                         statue is a Madonna and Child image, called Our Lady of Loreto,
pastor, was consecrated bishop of Milan on this day in 374, during                       carved in Cedar of Lebanon and enshrined in the basilica.
a trip to the city to quell a succession crisis for the contentious                      Whatever you might make of the miraculous story about Our Lady
church post. Known for his conciliatory demeanor, Ambrose was a                          of Loreto, the next time you embark on a long journey or
staunch defender of orthodox beliefs about the divinity of Jesus,                        relocation, it might not hurt to ask for her protection.
but he was also respected by those who believed Jesus not to be                                MEMORIAL OF OUR LADY OF LORETO
                                                                                               TODAY'S READINGS: Sirach 48:1-4, 9-11; Matthew 17:9a, 10-13 (186).
God, because of his willingness to listen to them. Among his
                                                                                               “Elijah has already come.”
countless contributions to the church, he converted Saint

                                 Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time
                         ©2022 TrueQuest Communications. TakeFiveForFaith.com; mail@takefiveforfaith.com. All rights reserved. Noncommercial reprints permitted with the
                         following credit: Reprinted with permission from TakeFiveForFaith.com. Scripture citations from the New American Bible Revised Edition. For more
                         information about TAKE FIVE and our regular contributors, go to PrepareTheWord.com. Free daily email and app available online at

12    Second Sunday of Advent                               			                                       		                                                December 4, 2022
MINISTERS OF THE LITURGY:                                          SACRED LITURGY:
5:00 pm Saturday, December 10, 2022                               Monday, December 5, 2022
Presider: Father Gilbert Mashurano                                 8:30 am – Deceased Members of Our Lady of the Wayside
7:30 am Sunday, December 11, 2022                                  Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Presider: Father Arthur Marat                                      8:30 am – Nicholas Palmer, Joan Drolet, Nick Tischer,
                                                                             Nick Opels
9:30 am Sunday, December 11, 2022
Presider: Father Gilbert Mashurano                                 Wednesday, December 7, 2022
                                                                   8:30 am – Kyle Tovella, Linda Arrowsmith
11:30 am Sunday, December 11, 2022
Presider: Father Arthur Marat                                      Thursday, December 8, 2022
                                                                   8:30 am – Ray Shields
6:00 pm Sunday, December 11, 2022
Presider: Father Gilbert Mashurano                                 Friday, December 9, 2022
                                                                   8:30 am – Annette Anderson, Lee McCamant
December 4, 2022                                                   Saturday, December 10, 2022
2nd Sunday of Advent                                               8:30 am – Deceased Members of Our Lady of the Wayside
                                                                   5:00 pm – Terri Kern, Frank Greifenstein, Donna Franczyk,
At sixty years of age, Maria and Paul had a beautiful life. High             Kay Moll, Elvino & Josephine Battelli, Peter &
school sweethearts, they had four children, five grandchil-                  Josephine Quattrocchi
dren, a successful business, good friends and a fabulous beach
house. They felt very blessed. Their strong faith in God saw       Sunday, December 11, 2022
them through some difficult challenges. Without warning,           7:30 am – Gus Kozarzewski, Raymond Shields
Paul died suddenly. Maria was devastated. Why did God do           9:30 am – Randy Moe, Bruce Ventura, Martin Finis, Mary
this? Why did God allow this to happen? An indescribable                     Francone
depth of sadness weighed heavily upon her heart. She felt be-      11:30 am – Cy & Rose Farwell, Gene Olivo, Margie Colsant,
trayed by the God she thought was looking out for her. She                    Tony & Florence Jablonski, Gus Kozarzewski
was overwhelmed by despair. Have you ever experienced such         6:00 pm – For the Living and Deceased Members of Our
incredible and deafening sadness? Where is God in all of the                 Lady of the Wayside
pain?                                                              READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 4, 2022
                                                                   Sunday: Is 11:1-10/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17/Rom 15:4-9/
We often want God to fix things or intervene and change na-        Mt 3:1-12
ture’s course. When He doesn’t act as we desire, it shakes our
                                                                   Monday: Is 35:1-10/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14/Lk
faith. We do not always understand or appreciate why things        5:17-26
happen as they do. There is much that is beyond our control.
                                                                   Tuesday: Is 40:1-11/Ps 96:1-2, 3 and 10ac, 11-12, 13/Mt
John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus and Jesus is the way
to God. There is something more going on in life than what we
can see with human eyes. We are on a sacred path, and God is       Wednesday: Is 40:25-31/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8 and 10/Mt
with us. God is with us in our confusion, suffering, doubts, and   11:28-30
intense sadness. Jesus announced God’s vision for humanity         Thursday: Gn 3:9-15, 20/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4/Eph 1:3-6,
and taught people to see God and themselves for who they are.      11-12/Lk 1:26-38
There is a way through and beyond all hardship and suffering.      Friday: Is 48:17-19/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6/Mt 11:16-19
God does not abandon us.                                           Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11/Ps 80:2ac and 3b, 15-16, 18-19/
                                                                   Mt 17:9a, 10-13
God has a clear vision for the future, both for us individually
                                                                   Next Sunday: Is 35:1-6a, 10/Ps 146:6-7, 8-9, 9-10/Jas 5:7-
and for our world. It is a vision of harmony and gentleness
                                                                   10/Mt 11:2-11
where all will live as one and the “wolf shall be a guest of the
lamb.” God is not indifferent. He is the God of “endurance and                          Pray for those celebrating the
encouragement.” In God, we see what we may be, what may                                   Sacrament of Matrimony
                                                                                 III Peter Rubino, Jr. & Brenda Miller – December 10 at 3pm
come and who we can become. When Maria opened herself
to God’s creative presence, she learned to trust. She began to                                    Pray for the Sick
realize that she could endure more than she had imagined.                        Helene Bottalla, Susan Cardinale, Marie DeSanto, Mary
She also discovered a spark of encouragement, bringing her                         Joan Dobson, Mark Gruendl, Fione Hergenreder, Tom
                                                                                    Hopkins, Ken Kramer, Tim Mauren, Delores McCloy,
through the sadness to where she could be. In retrospect, Ma-                    John McGuinness, Meghan O’Malley, Melvin Rotor, Mar-
ria knew that God’s reassuring presence was with her.                              ianne Saas, Stacey Scott, Sue Sloma, Rev. John Topper

@LPI                                                                                          Pray for the Deceased
                                                                                  Alexandra “Sandy” Corcoran, Hiltrude “Trudy” Seitz,
                                                                                   Michelle Weber, Judy Wiebe, Floyd Kaye, Jim Liput

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		                                             For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com		                                                       Our Lady of the Wayside, Arlington Hts., IL.                    A 4C 01-0213
Our Lady of the Wayside
                                                    434 WEST PARK STREET • ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS 60005

                                                       Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
                                                        Wednesdays at 9:00 am – following 8:30 am Mass.

                                                       Holy Communion for the Homebound & Hospitalized
                                                        Please contact Kathy O’Neill at the parish office.

                                                       RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
                                                        Adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith
                                                        in order to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist
                                                        and/or Confirmation, please call the parish office.

                                                       Pray the Rosary
Parish Information:                                     Monday through Saturday at 8:00 am – preceding 8:30
 Website: www.olwparish.org                             am Mass.
 Email: officeservices@olwparish.org
                                                       Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Parish Office and Rectory:                              Homebound or ill wanting to receive this Sacrament and
 Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm           the Eucharist, please contact the parish office.
 Saturday and Sunday, 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
 Phone: (847) 253-5353                                 Sacrament of Baptism
 FAX: (847) 253-9810                                    Contact Deacon Peter LeTourneau at the parish office to
                                                        schedule a baptism. A baptismal preparation session is re-
School Office:                                          quired for your first child.
 Phone: (847) 255-0050
 FAX: (847) 253-0543                                   Sacrament of Marriage
                                                        Contact the parish office at least six months prior to a pre-
Religious Education Office:                             ferred date for necessary preparation.
 Phone: (847) 398-5011
                                                       Sacrament of Reconciliation
Weekend Eucharistic Liturgies                           Saturday 9:30–10:30 am. Or, contact the parish office to
 Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm                                schedule a time.
 Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am and 6:00 pm

Daily Eucharistic Liturgies
 Monday through Saturday: 8:30 am
 Daily and Saturday Vigil Masses are livestreamed
 on the parish YouTube and Facebook pages.

Mr. Bud Trunk
Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council
Dr. Grant Trunnell
Chairperson, Parish Management Council
To Be Announced
Chairperson, Worship & Spiritual Life

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