Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

Page created by Don Scott
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                      Francis Scott Key Post No. 11
Official Bulletin Vol. XXXIX No.6

                             Masks not required if you have been vaccinated
 Francis Scott Key Post 11’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism.
                                             COMMANDER’S ROLL CALL
                 December 7th, 2021 is another day that is memorialized by paying tribute to Service Mem-
                 bers of the Armed Forces. The Veteran's Day service held at Memorial Park was very nice
                 and well attended as it was a beautiful day. Thank you service members and your families for
                 your service to the country. Thanks to all American Legion Post 11 Retired and Active ser-
                 vice members and their families for their service to the country and the Frederick community.
 Legionnaires, SAL, Auxiliary and Rider members are doing some amazing things representing Post 11 and
 the Community. It takes strong leadership, commitment, membership and those willing to volunteer their
 time to provide these services to our community. American Legion Post 11 has more than 1500 members
 and currently just over a thousand have renewed their annual membership. If you have renewed your annual
 membership, thank you. If you have not, why not? It is as easy as stopping by Post 11 and the office staff
 will square you away. You may also renew your membership online. If financially, it is not a good time to
 renew, contact the office staff and we may be able to assist.
 As I mentioned last month, we are quickly into the season, you know, "The Most Wonderful Time of the
 Year." We will be decorating the lounge to make it fitting for the season. We can always use some help do-
 ing so, along with fresh new ideas. Christmas is in the air and a time for giving and often the simple act of
 giving time goes a long way.
 In closing, there will be parties and celebrations all throughout the season. I ask that we all please, please
 remain vigilant in our efforts to combat the ongoing pandemic. Wear a mask, social distance to your comfort
 level and wash your hands frequently.
 I would be remiss in my duties as Commander if I failed to mention the annual competition that will take
 place on the gridiron, December 11, 2021. All are welcome to come to the Post and cheer for your favorite
 team. GO ARMY - BEAT NAVY!!!

 FSK Post 11 Legionnaires are made                Christmas Greetings from Chaplain Don Blakey
 up from:                                         Dear members, as we approach this sacred time of the year,
 44 WWII Veterans                                 I wish to extend to you and your loved ones a Heartfelt
 98 Korean Veterans                               Christmas Greeting and Best Wishes for the upcoming New
                                                  Year! While we might recall difficult times and frustrations
 849 Vietnam Veterans
                                                  in the past years; we will preserve with faith, love, joy, and
 181 Lebanon/Grenada Veterans                     hope in 2022. Glory to God in the Highest and peace
 66 Panama Veterans                               on earth to all men.
 292 Persian Gulf/War on Terror Veterans          Godspeed,
 23 Other conflicts Veterans                      CH Don Blakey
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

              AMERICAN LEGION
           FRANCIS SCOTT KEY POST 11                     FSK Post 11 Temporary Business Hours
         Elected Officers—2021-2022
  Willie Jenkins                    Commander @*           Monday - Thursday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm*
                   OFFICERS                                     Friday 11:00 am - Midnight*
  Otis Smith         1st Vice Commander @*                     Saturday 2:00 pm - 10:00 pm*
  Kimberly Davis     2nd Vice Commander @*                      Sunday 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm*
  Charles Davis      3rd Vice Commander @*             *If no customers in lounge, bar manager may close early.
  Joe Rizzo, PC      Adjutant @*                       Lunch served Monday - Friday 11 am – 2 pm
  Wayne Kaikko, PC   Finance Officer @*
                                                       Monday night pizza 5 pm - 7 pm (except on SAL
  Steve Garrahy      Sgt. At Arms *
                                                       Steak Night)
  Don Blakey         Chaplain *
  Sheldon Shealer    Historian *                       Tuesday Night Lite Fare 5 pm - 7 pm
  Otis Smith         Service Officer *                 Lite Fare: Wednesday – Friday 2 pm – 4 pm
  William Lach, PC   Judge Advocate *
                                                       Dinner served:
                                                       Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday 4 pm – 7 pm
                   Executive Committee
                                                                    Friday 4 pm - 9 pm
PC Keith Clevenger, PC Mike Harbaugh, Curt Harper,
   Tom R. Pryor, Oscar Shankle, George Smith III,
                  PC Matt Staden
               Operations Committee                            Need help filing a VA Claim?
   Oscar Shankle (Chairman*), Wayne Crum, PC Bill      The Post Service Officer, Otis Smith is available, by
Lach, David Quin, Matthew Moy, PC David Swiderski,     appointment, to meet with Veterans, spouses, or
        Patricia Swiderski, Wayne Fox (SAL),
                                                       family members of a veteran to help file a claim with
                Maggie Stinson (AUX).
           ________________________________            the VA. Appointments may be made by calling Otis
*Indicates member of the Executive Committee.          at 301-662-9345 extension 109.
@ Indicates member of the Operations Committee
Copies of the Post Constitution and By-Laws are
available to Legion Members from the Post Adjutant.
Debbie Cline ……....………. Auxiliary President
Jeffrey Seiler………….…….. S.A.L. Commander               FSK Post 11 is proud of our heritage and honored to
Tim Smith …..………...…..… ALR Director
             ___________________                       have the following individuals as members:
Newsletter Staff: Jami Clevenger, Patricia Swiderski   Past Department Commanders
Webmaster: Michael Duears
                                                       D. John Markey, 1923 - 1924
Bus: 301-662-9345 - 301-662-6941
Fax: 301-662-8664                                      Charles S. Houck Jr, PC 1935-1936
Banquet Manager: 301-662-8042                          David Winpigler, PC, 2003-2004
This Official Bulletin is published for and about      Past Department Auxiliary Presidents
members of the American Legion
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11                          1st Dept. President, Frances H. Birely, 1922-1923
1450 Taney Avenue                                      Susie I Ramsburg, 1928-1929
Frederick, MD 21702                                    Cornelia Rodock, 1940-1941
Comments may be forwarded to our e-mail:               Bonnie Lamson, PP, 2006-2007
Web Site:                                Patti Lach, PP, 2010-2011
Facebook Page :                                        Past Detachment. S.A.L Commander
Francis Scott Key Post 11 American Legion              Jeffrey Seiler, PC, 2015-2016
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                 membership                                     CHAPLAIN’S CORNER
                by: Otis Smith                            The following comrades of FSK Post 11 were
             1st Vice Commander                           transferred to Post Everlasting:
American Legion Post #11 welcomes the following
new members:
                                                                           William F. Phelps
  Salvador A. Chavez; William E. Lacey; Brett W. Loeh-                          October 28, 2021
  mann; Ryan McCulley; Stephen E. Meyer, Larry L.
  Wachter; Charles Wallace; Earl Corrigan; Wayne                            Robert L. Keyser
  Critzman; Robert E. Lebron; Wesley G. Lewis; Allen                           November 10, 2021
  Newman; Norman M. Stonesifer, Jr.; Harry T. Wed-                   May their souls, through the Mercy
  lock; Douglas Nathan; James T. Dungan; Brandon                     of God, rest in peace.
  M. Swisher.
                  Dues structure:                         Don Blakey,
NEW MEMBERS—1ST YEAR ……………….……. $25.00                    Chaplain
RENEWALS 2ND YEAR & BEYOND…………...…$35.00
                                                                  Ace of Spades Winner
You may pay your dues online (preferred method) -
(, by mail, or by stop-
ping by the Membership Office. Please make check
payable to “FSK Post 11”.
Thanks to all who have brought members on board
or have renewed already.
Goal: 1533 Renewed for 2022 - 1112 (72.54%) as of
November 18, 2021. Includes the Paid-Up-For-Life.
Please contact the Membership Office if you change
your address.

            Top Recruiters for 2022                      Congratulations to Roxanne Feaga winning Ace of
      5 New members: Patricia L. Swiderski               Spades on November 9th. She won $4,350.00.
   4 New members: Kevin Joyner, PC Joe Rizzo
      3 New members: PC Howard Hoy, Willie                               ACE OF SPADES
   Jenkins; George Smith III, PC David Swiderski                       Estimated Value $3,870.00
                 1 New Member:                                          as of November 23, 2021
  Kim Davis, Harold Dorsey, Wayne Fox (SAL),                 Updated rules are available in the lounge.
   Charles Johnson, PC Curtis Jones, PC Wayne
                                                         Tickets are $1.00 and the drawing takes place
 Kaikko, Roosevelt Kemp, Clyde Law, David Quin,
                                                         every Tuesday Night at 7:00 pm. (Except the
    Oscar Shankle, Pat Williams, David Wirtz.
                                                         3rd Tuesday of each month when it is drawn at
                                                         6:50 pm). You do not need to be present to win.
                                                         Make sure that you have your current member-
                 Free 2023 Dues                          ship card before playing. Good Luck!
Recruit five new Legion members (veterans) before
June 1, 2022 and your 2023 dues will be paid by the
  post. You can also win a free membership by at-           Top Recruiter for November 2021
 tending the monthly post meeting held at 7:30 pm             4 New members: Patricia L. Swiderski
         on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                    S.A.L. News                 by: Jeffrey Seiler, Commander
                  The Sons of The American Legion would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas
                  and a Happy New Year.
                  We hope everyone that attended The American Legion Veteran’s Day Service on November 11th,
                  2021, at Memorial Park enjoyed the wonderful program.
 Dues are NOW being collected for the year 2021-2022. Dues run from July 1st to June 30th. The dues are $35.00 per
 member and $15.00 for junior members. Please stop by the post and pay your dues and hopefully we can reach our
 goal of 100% again.
 Congratulations to all the winners of the Cash Blast for our Detachment Commander Mark Fayer. We were able to
 contribute $2,500.00 to his Commander’s project which is Casey Cares.
 Thank you to all of you that made contributions to Charlotte Hall. This was a true family effort. The VFW, VFW
 Auxiliary and Sea Cadets did an outstanding job. A special Thank You to New Market Elementary school for their
 support of Charlotte Hall along with all of the students that wrote thank you cards to the veterans. United Health also
 made contributions to Charlottes Hall. Thank you to all who made contributions to Toys 4 Tots.
 On December 11 during the Army vs Navy game The Sons of The American Legion will go around and collect contri-
 butions for Toy’s 4 Tot’s and will match up to $500.00 for the program. On Sunday we will then go shopping for
 Toy’s 4 Tot’s.
 On December 16th The Sons of The American Legion, Auxiliary and American Legion Riders will be having a Christ-
 mas party. There will be a sign-up sheet and the cost will be $10.00 per person. We will be providing the meat (ham
 & turkey) and we are asking people that are coming to bring salads, sides, and desserts. Please sign up by December
 10th if you are planning to attend.
 Have some fun and enjoy Christmas and have a wonderful New Year. Remember to give thanks and reflect on the
 things we are thankful for. Remember our troops in harms way and those that can not be with their loved one this
 Christmas and New Year.
 Our next meeting will be Monday January 3 rd, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the lounge.
 Here are some important dates in December:
 December 7th Armed Forces Flag Day                        December 11th Army Navy Football Game 3:00 pm
 December 25th Christmas day                               December 31st New Year’s Eve
 Sons Continuing the Tradition of Caring!!

                                              Legion Riders By: Tim Smith, Director
                  The Holidays are upon us, and I cannot believe how quickly the year is passing. I hope all had a won-
                  derful and safe thanksgiving and that you will be safe during your Holiday gatherings. The Riders
                  participated in our Veteran’s Day ceremony by providing the color guard. It was a beautiful day and
                  we had a great turnout. It was nice to ride the motorcycles to the ceremony. The Post and its officers
                  did a wonderful job with the program. We have pictures up on the various FB pages. Our joint SAL/
Aux/Riders Christmas get together will be December 16 th at 5:30 pm. Details will be up by the time you are reading
this, we hope to have a great turnout. Those that are still riding this time of year, please be safe and enjoy.

If you would like to become a member or supporting member, please attend our meetings. You can also contact our
Membership Chairman (Jami Clevenger) at or go to our website. Membership is free, but
you must be a Legionnaire, Auxiliary, or SAL member with dues paid up to date. You do not need to own a motorcycle
to become a supporting member. We meet on the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm sharp in the meeting bay. You
must renew your membership annually to stay an active member and continue to receive emails. For all members, please
contact our Membership Chairman with any changes to your contact status to continue receiving up to date information.
Please visit our website WWW.ALRFSKPOST11.ORG for all scheduled rides, events, applications, etc., and more in-
formation on the American Legion Riders. Please also check out our Face Book page, The American Legion Riders of
FSK Post 11, and give us a like. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
or 301-704-4947.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                      Auxiliary News By Deb Cline, President
              I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. With the Holidays fast ap-
              proaching we all need to remember those in need and those that are alone over the holiday
              season. May it be with giving to Toy’s for Tots, Food Banks, or just a short visit to a neighbor
              that is alone. This could make a big difference for someone.
As always if you have any ideas for our Unit please contact me or a Unit Officer. If you have anytime you
can help with our Bingo’s on Wednesday evening or the first Sunday of the month, please come by. We
need volunteers for these great fundraisers to support our Post. Please remember to document everything
you volunteer to do for others. This could be for schools, church, neighbor, etc.
We will not be having a regular meeting in December. We will be having a joint Christmas Party with the
Sons of the American Legion, and American Legion Riders. Please look for signup sheet in our lounge or
call the office to let us know if you are coming. We look forward to seeing many of our Legion Family and
having a great time for all.
I would like to thank everyone that helped make our Veteran’s Day Service a great success. It was well at-
tended by the community. With always thinking of our Veteran’s don’t forget our lost ones by supporting
“Wreaths Across America”. See information on page 7 of this newsletter to help with this great cause.
A few reminders to everyone we have containers in lobby to the Post lounge for the Frederick Food Bank
and clothes for the Homeless Shelter. Also, our National Security Chairman Norma Smith collects manufac-
tures coupons to send to our troops overseas. She works in the Office of the Post part time and would be
grateful for extra ones you may have. Our Juniors are collecting for “Casey Cares Foundation” and “Our
Military Kids Foundation”. See page 6 for more information on our Juniors.
Auxiliary Department of Maryland membership theme for this year is “LEAVE NO VETERAN BE-
HIND”. So, this brings us to Membership, and you should have your annual renewal notice from National
for 2022. Please don’t wait for it come just pay them as soon as you can! The way our postal service has
been you may not receive yours. Your membership matters! Dues are $30.00 and $7.00 for junior mem-
bers (17 and younger). You can renew FOUR ways – 1) Stop at the legion and pay dues at the office or drop
them at the bar. 2) Mail your dues (checks payable to FSK Unit 11) to the Post home at 1450 Taney Ave.,
Frederick, MD 21702. 3) Renew online at 4) Call National Auxiliary Organization
(Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm EST) at 317-569-4570 to pay over the phone. You must have your
membership ID available if you are paying online or calling National.

 Remember to like our page on Facebook - Francis Scott Key Unit 11 American Legion Auxiliary.

                                     Post Home Holiday Hours                          Friday Night
                                     December 24 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
                                                                                 FSK Lounge 7:00 pm
                                     December 25 Closed
                                                                             December 3     Vantastics
                                     December 31 11:00 am - 1:00 am
                                                                             December 10 Poverty Ridge
                                     January 1 - 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
                                                                             December 17 Inside Out
                                                                             December 24 No Band - Post
                   ARMY vs NAVY Game                                                     closes at 7:00 pm

                       December 11, 2021                                     December 31 DJ Marvin
                        Kickoff at 3:00 pm.                                              Karaoke
                      Limited food available,
                       No Dinner Available
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                Junior Activities       By Patti Lach, Chairman
   •   The Department Junior Project this year is “Our Military Kids Foundation”. Donations will support
       military children ages 3-18 by funding extracurricular activities while the parent (or parents) is de-
       ployed or recovering from a severe injury. The goal is $2,000. Our Military Kids website is if you are interested in finding more information.
   •   The Department Junior Service Project is Homeless Care Kits for Shelters and those homeless in our
       communities. They are collecting items from the list below.
       Toothpaste                  Toothbrushes          Q-Tips/Cotton Ball          Floss
       Paper Towels                Tampons               Wet Wipes (Alcohol Free) Panty Liners
       Disposable Washcloths       Lip Balms             Hand/Body Lotion            Toilet Paper
       Hand soap/Sanitizer         Deodorants            Nail Clippers & Files       Tissues
       Petroleum Jelly             T-Shirts              Laundry Detergents          Body Wash
       Rain gear                   Bandage               Pens                        Gloves
       Garbage Bags                Books                 Disposable razors (Men & Women)
       Regular & Leave in Shampoo/Conditioner            Socks (Most asked for by homeless)
       Large and ex-Large Ziploc Bags (Needed to Pack Items In)
   •   Casey Cares Foundation is our Metals for Miracles Project once again this year. This means they will
       be collecting P.J.s throughout the year so they have a large donation to make. All sizes are needed.
       Also, through “Hammy’s Heart”, which is part of Casey Cares, they will be collecting Gift Cards from
       grocery and drug stores. These are presented to families in need of assistance. Any amount is appreci-
After the first of the year, we will have a box for donations of items for the Homeless Care Kits and one for
PJs (all sizes) for Casey Cares. Any donations of gift cards for grocery stores or drug stores can be left in the
Post office with Tricia or Norma.
Thank you for any assistance you can give the Juniors.

                                    The Clifford Yinger Scholarship
 The American Legion, Francis Scott Key Post #11, and the estate of Past C

 All descendants of 1 thru 3.
 Graduate students are not eligible for scholarships
 Applications will be available in the lounge or in the Admin Office beginning on January 3, 2022. The
 scholarship will be in the amount of $2,000 per year for two years. The second year’s award is contingent
 upon the Post receiving a letter of acceptance/continuation from your scholastic institution along with a
 transcript of your grades from the previous year. Overall GPA must be 2.5 or higher. Application are due
 back in the Admin Office by April 15, 2022.

                                 Frederick County Community Blood Drive. The American Red Cross holds a
                                 monthly Blood Drive at the Frederick Donor Center located at 141 Thomas
                                 Johnson Drive, Frederick. The date varies each month, call 1-800-733-2767
                                 for an appointment and date for their upcoming drive.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

With only 1,692 sponsored wreaths last year and over 4,000 veterans buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery not
every veteran was honored with a wreath on Wreaths Across America Day. Mt Olivet had to select specific
areas of the cemetery to cover fully with the wreaths available. Post 11 is asking for your help to ensure that
we reach our goal to place a wreath on every veteran’s grave at Mt Olivet Cemetery. Please sponsor one or
more wreaths in honor of or in memory of an American hero. For each purchase of a $15 wreath, $5 will be
returned to Post 11 for use in our many Legion programs including purchasing flags for placement on Memo-
rial Day at Mt Olivet.

Purchasing wreaths is easy. Order online through this direct link to the WAA page:

Click the red button that says ‘Sponsor Wreaths’.

Select the # of wreaths to sponsor AND the location you want them delivered to (Location ID MDMOCF).

Click ‘Review My Sponsorships’. To complete the checkout process with a credit/debit card, Google Pay, or
Paypal. Be sure to verify that your group ID and location ID are listed next to the items in your shopping cart
PRIOR to submitting your order.

You can also fill out the form below and mail along with a check made out to WAA and mail to WAA-Post11,
1450 Taney Ave, Frederick, MD 21702.



City:___________________________ State:______ Zip:________


Quantity ________ x $15.00 = Total______________

Group ID: MD0490P             Location ID: MDMOCF

Any questions contact Keith Clevenger @ 301-514-6641. Please leave message if no answer or email

LET’S DO THIS - Remember, Honor, Teach. Remember the fallen. Honor those who serve and their families.
Teach the future generations about the sacrifices made to preserve our freedoms.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

The following Post Home Rules were amended and adopted by the General Membership at the Post Meeting
on March 12, 2019.
                          FRANCIS SCOTT KEY POST 11 HOME RULES
Francis Scott Key Post 11, The American Legion is committed to providing our members and employees with
a non-hostile Post Home environment. Be aware that conversations and remarks made on our premises are
easily overheard and even if made in jest may be misunderstood. Please honor our commitment when you are
patronizing our facility.
The following shall be admitted to the Post Home:
    a)   All members of The American Legion
    b)   All members of the American Legion Auxiliary
    c)   All members of The Sons of The American Legion
    d)   Guests, if accompanied by members of The American Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of The American
         Legion. Members are responsible for their guests and may not leave before guests.
All non-Post 11 Members must sign the guest book located at the front entrance.
 1. Direct threats, threatening remarks or gestures, whether overt, implied, or veiled, will not be tolerated on
    the premises of Francis Scott Key Post 11, The American Legion.
 2. Persons are expected to dress appropriately. Attire such as muscle shirts and swimwear are not acceptable
    in the social quarters (lounge and game room).
 3. Legionnaires and guests are kindly requested to help keep Post Home clean and tidy.
 4. The senior employee on duty shall have the full authority to enforce home rules and may eject any person
    for misconduct or violation of the home rules. Any Executive Committee member may do the same.
 5. If suspended, only members have a right to execute the appeal process if they so choose but will remain
    suspended until the appeal is resolved.
 6. No member or guest shall reprimand an officer or an employee of The American Legion. Any suggestion
    or criticism of the lounge or Legion operation shall be in writing, dated and signed, and submitted to the
    Operations Committee or Executive Committee, where it will be given due consideration.
 7. The employees or attendants on duty may refuse service to anyone.
 8. Any member or guest of member, removing, damaging or destroying any property of The American Le-
    gion shall pay for such damage.
 9. No intoxicated members or guests will be served on the premises.
10. No alcoholic drinks of any kind may be taken from or brought onto the premises at any time.
11. No alcoholic drinks are to be served to minors under any circumstances.
12. No one under the age of 21 may sit at the bar.
13. Dogs or other pets will not be allowed on the premises except service dogs.
14. Loud, boisterous or profane language will not be tolerated in the Post Home.
15. Tip jar players must be 18 years of age.
16. Do not remove tip jar “playbacks” from the Post Home. Playbacks that leave the premises will not be
    cashed. Playbacks will not be honored after the jar is closed.
17. Winning tip jar holders must be claimed within 30 days or the money will be forfeited to the Post.
18. Members must be 18 or older to be eligible to sign the daily/weekly jackpot books.
19. Jackpot books must be signed legibly or printed by the member the same as it appears on your membership
20. No one is allowed to sign the jackpot books for any other member.
21. In the event the ATM is not available, checks will be accepted in the lounge from Post 11 members only.
    Prior to writing a check, members must ask the bartender if funds are available. Checks may be cashed up
    to $200.00 per check at the bartender’s discretion.
22. No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the game room unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
23. Minor children visiting the lounge area must be seated at a table. Parents/Guardians must be seated with
    the children at all times. No minors are allowed to play the video Lottery games.
24. Anyone under the age of 17 must not be in the lounge after 9:00 p.m.
Continued on Page 9
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

             FRANCIS SCOTT KEY POST 11 HOME RULES (continued from page 8)
25. Remote controls for the bar televisions will be operated solely by the bartenders. Customers may only re-
    quest channel selection on one television, unless other customers in the area agree with the changes. Chan-
    nels may not be changed if others are watching current programs.
26. Jukebox may not be played when a major event is being televised (i.e., Army/Navy game, Super Bowl, Fi-
    nal Four, etc.) or while band is performing. The bartender will control the volume after checking with cus-
27. Members must exit the building within 30 minutes of last call.
28. Slot machine play will be cash out within 15 minutes of last call.

                                                      Children’s Christmas Party
                                                              December 11, 2021
                                                               12:00 - 2:00 pm
                                                 Join us for some Holiday crafts and games.
 The US Marine Corps Reserves are col-                         Visit with Santa.
 lecting new, unwrapped toys. A dona-            Sign up sheet posted in lounge. Please
tion box is located in the lounge. Dona-         provide the full name, age and sex of each
   tions to be picked up December 11,            child along with a gift suggestion. Due to
2021. Monetary donations to be collect-          the limited budget, please note that gifts
    ed during the Army - Navy game.              will not exceed $20.00 per child.

                                                 Wanted for Museum display
                                                 Medium Long Sleeve Marine Corps khaki shirt with tie
                                                 and clip. Needed to complete a Marine Uniform. Please
                                                 contact the office if you have one to donate.

             January 1, 2022                                              Notice: December 13, 2021
      Ham, Cabbage, Potato and Roll
           11: 00 am - 4:00 pm                                    Post to close at 6:00 pm for the Employee
   No Dinner Served. Closing at 7:00 pm                           Christmas Party . No Pizza served

           Sunday Bingo -                                             Every Wednesday
          December 5, 2021
                                                          Doors open at 4:30 pm. Bingo sales start at 5:00 pm.
 Doors open at 11:30 am - Lunch served                                  Games start at 7:00 pm.
 at noon.                                                   GAMES: Early Bird, Winner Take All, Specials,
 Games start at 2:00 pm - Twenty (20)                       Quickies, Regular Bingo, Senior Jackpot, Grand
                                                                        Slam (Jackpot $2,500).
 games - $500.00 payout per game.
 Two $1,000.00 Jackpot Games. Two                                          30 games in total.
 50/50 Games.                                              Players receive a Loyalty card and earn a free 6
                                                              pack of regular games with a filled card.
         $50.00 Advance Ticket
          $60.00 At The Door                                     Ball Games prior to Early Bird games
                                                                           Tip Jars available.
 Reserve seating available for advance                    Concession open 5:00 - 6:45 pm and at halftime.
 ticket sales. Advance tickets available
                                                              Payout is determined by the number of players.
 in the lounge - 1450 Taney Ave.
                                                                         Minimum payout $60.00
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                  American Legion Oratorical Contest
Do you know a high school student who is interested in Government and the Constitution?
Scholarships are available at the Post, County, District, State, and National levels through the American Le-
gion Oratorical Contest.
About the Oratorical Contest “A constitutional speech contest”
The American Legion Oratorical Contest exists to develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S.
Constitution among high school students. Since 1938, the program has presented participants with an aca-
demic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nation’s laws, the
ability to think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges
of American citizenship. The program has featured numerous politicians and prominent contestants over the
years, including former president candidate Alan Keyes and CNN anchor Lou Dobbs.
Young orators earn some of the most generous college scholarships available to high school students. Over
$138,000 in scholarships can be awarded each year. The overall national contest winner gets an $25,000
scholarship. Second place takes home $22,500, and third gets $20,000. Each department (state) winner who
is certified into and participates in the national contest’s first round receives a $2,000 scholarship. Those
who advance past the first round receive an additional $2,000 scholarship. The American Legion’s National
Organization awards the scholarships, which can be used at any college or university in the United States.
High school students (all grades) under age 20 are eligible. Competition begins at the post level and advanc-
es to a state competition. Legion department representatives certify one winner per state to the national
contest, where department winners compete against each other in two speaking rounds. The contest caps
off with a final round that decides the three top finishers.
Speaking subjects must be on some aspect of the U.S. Constitution, with some emphasis on the duties and
obligations of citizens to our government and speeches are eight to ten minutes long; three- to five-minute
speeches on an assigned topic also are part of the contest.
FSK Post 11 will hold its contest on January 29, 2022, at 10am. Prizes will be 1stplace $500, 2nd place $300,
3rd place and beyond $100. Winner will advance to District competition in February. State Competitions will
follow in March.
To get involved Contact: Tony Driebelbies or Wayne Kaikko
Or call or email Post 11 at 301-662-9345 or

                  Post Christmas Party
                                                                           New Year’s Eve Party
                   December 19, 2021                                           7:00 pm - 1:00 am
                     1:00 - 5:00 pm
                                                                Please bring a dish to share. Limited appetizers
                Tickets $5.00 per person.                       to be provided by the Post. Karaoke provided by
                  Available at the bar.                         DJ Marvin. No charge.

                                                   military life
           FSK Post 11 is looking for stories and memories of your service time for our Military Life section
           of the newsletter. Stories are also welcome from the children or spouse of a veteran. Send your
           articles by e-mail to: or by letter to FSK Post 11, 1450 Taney Ave,
           Frederick MD 21702. Please include your Name, Branch of Service (if applicable) and a phone
           number (in case we have a question).

                                   HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
                               TO THE FOLLOWING POST #11 LEGIONNAIRES
                                 CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS IN DECEMBER*

Jerome J Albright      Joseph G Alexander     Norman Apperson Jr    Douglas J Baker        Joseph W Baldi
Charles D Beall        Clay H Beard           Torrance Beck         Don H Belote           Dennis P Bendorf
M. Gene Bennett        Tyler N Bennett        Charles L Bishop      C. R Bitler            Thomas J Bonner
Terry R Bowie          Michael G Bradley      John J Brewer         Barry K Brouse         James W Brown Jr
Jeffrey F Brown        Robert R Burns         William D Burrows     Clyde T Burwell        Steven G Campbell
Jim Canella            Richard C.T. Casabar   William C Chambers    George W Cook III      Norma C Day
George Delaplaine Jr   Michael J Depies       Jose O Diaz Luquis    William F Discher      James Dobbs
George L Dodge         Paul T Doody           George F Dunn         Timothy R Dye          Lionel R Eichelberger
William E Eisentrout   Samuel Eng             David S Fish          Michael W Fitzgerald   Daniel M Fleming
John E Foor            John T Forino          Oren L Freeman        Carol A Garrand        Steven Gibson
Ryan Giles             James M Gorman         Richard W Graham II   Raymond Greenberg      William M Greene
Paul C Gressling       Gia Gries              Eugene R Hale         William E Hall         Edward E Hallein
Edward L Harbaugh Jr James D Hart             Robert W Henderson    Eric W Hill            Max B Hite
Donald M Hodge         Robert J Hoffmeister   David T Houck         Raymond Hummer III Mitchell D Jackson
Shirley L James        Bruce E Jett           Michael T Johnson     Clyde Jones            Curtis L Jones
Justin Kirkland        Ronald P Kleczek       Donald L Klingler     Jeffrey J Krause       Alfred J Kudirka
Mary S Lankford        Martin S Lapera        Patricia M Laqiri     Robert E Lebron        Louis J Leto
Julius Levine          Harry A Lippincott     Birgit B Lister       Jeff Lister            Brett W Loehmann
Andrew D Longmire      Steven Maloy           Amon W Manning        Thomas J Manson        Robert P Marendt
John T Mason III       Philip Mattson         Paul D Mauss Jr       Ryan McCulley          John L Merson
Floyd Mills            Guy W Mills Jr         Gary T Monahan        Charles E Morris       John A Morris Jr
John W Mullican        Lee B Nelson           Bernard J Nestor      Robert R Ordonio       Alan Phillips
Larry P Poole          Ralph R Putman         Shaun A Quinney       Camille Reddick        Eldon Rhodes
Mark S Rice            Melvin L Rice          Russell E Rice Jr     Ronald W Rinehart      Brandi Ritter
Jason F Ruth           Richard L Schading     Donald J Schelin      Stanley L Schlepp      Michael A Shanahan
Donald W Shankle       Robert O Sharpe        Ronald L Shaut Jr     John V Sherwin         Douglas A Sims
James C Singler        Arlene F Smith         Simon P Smith         Larry C Spencer Sr     Thomas A Starkoski Jr
Juan L Stull           Richard L Stup         C. W Swomley          Harry A Swope          Robert Tobery Jr
Thomas B Trott Sr      Gregory M Trout        Megan Turcios         Daniel Tuzzolo         Carl J Urban
James J Valdez         Dewayne Veenhuis       Matthew J Villa       Nicholas G Walker      David H Wallace
Thomas O Warfield      Katrina White          Glenn W Wienhoff      Stacey L Wilcom        Kathleen Williams
Richard L Wise         Robert E Wolpert       Paul B Woodin         Ward D Wright          Lorenzo C York
Jerry Zillion

*If you are a Legion Member (Not SAL or Auxiliary) and your name is not listed and your birthday is this
month, please contact the front office (301-662-9345) to update our records.

  Lunch: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday - Friday
  Lite Fare: Wednesday - Friday 2:00 - 4:00 pm
  Dinner: Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday - 4:00 - 7: 00 pm
           Friday - 4:00 - 9:00 pm

                    MON.             TUES.               WED.              THURS.               FRI.              SAT.
                                                            1                   2                  3                   4

                                                    L) Meatloaf w/ M.   L) 2 pc. Fried
                                                    Potatoes, Gravy,    Ckn., M. Pota-
                                                    Veg. & Roll         toes, Gravy, Veg.
                                                                        & Roll

                                                    Bingo 7 pm                              Vantastics
                                                                        Riders Mtg 7pm

     5                 6                7                   8                   9                 10                11
Operations                                          L) Spaghetti w/     L) 2 pc. Fried
 Mtg 9 am                                           Meat sauce & Gar-   Ckn., M. Pota-                         Children’s
                                                    lic Bread           toes, Gravy, Veg.                    Christmas Party
                                                                        & Roll                                Noon - 2:00 pm
 11:30 am                        Ace of Spades 7    D) Fried Chicken                                           Army -Navy
                                 pm                 Buffet 5-7 pm                                                 Game
               Pizza 5 - 7 pm                                                                                Kick-off 3:00 pm
               SAL Mtg 6:30 pm      Executive       Bingo 7 pm                              Poverty Ridge
                                   Mtg 7:30 pm                                                                  No Dinner

    12                13                14                  15                 16                 17                18
                                                    L) Meatloaf w/ M.   L) 2 pc. Fried
               Employee                             Potatoes, Gravy,    Ckn., M. Pota-
               Christmas                            Veg. & Roll         toes, Gravy, Veg.
               Party                                                    & Roll              Past CMDR
               Post Closed at                                                               Christmas
               6:00 pm                              D) Fried Chicken                        Party
                                 Ace of Spades      Buffet 5-7 pm
                                 7:00 pm
                                                                        Christmas Party     Inside Out
                                 Post Mtg 7:30 pm   Bingo 7 pm
                                                                        5:30 pm

    19                20                21                  22                 23                 24                25
                                                    L) Spaghetti w/     L) 2 pc. Fried      Christmas Eve    Christmas
                                                    Meat sauce & Gar-   Ckn., M. Pota-      Post Closes      Post Closed
   Post                                             lic Bread           toes, Gravy, Veg.   At 7:00 pm
Christmas                                                               & Roll
party 1:00 -
                                                    D) Fried Chicken
  5:00 pm
                                                    Buffet 5-7 pm
                                 Ace of Spades
               Pizza 5 - 7 pm    7pm
                                                    Bingo 7 pm

    26                27                28                  29                 30                 31              Jan 1
                                                    L) Meatloaf w/ M.   L) 2 pc. Fried      DJ Marvin &      Ham & Cabbage,
                                                    Potatoes, Gravy,    Ckn., M. Pota-      Karaoke          Potatoes & Roll
                                                    Veg. & Roll         toes, Gravy, Veg.                    11:00 am - 4:00
                                                                        & Roll              7:00 pm - Mid-   pm
                                                    D) Fried Chicken                        Post closes at
               Pizza 5 - 7 pm                       Buffet 5-7 pm                                            Legion Closed at
                                                                                            1:00 am          7:00 pm
                                 Ace of Spades
                                 7pm                                                        New Year’s Eve
                                                    Bingo 7 pm                                               New Year’s Day

                                         Francis Scott Key Post 11
                                   Temporary Menu (updated 8/15/2021)

  Chicken Tenders (4)                          $6.50        Mozzarella Sticks                       $5.50
  Hot Wings Breaded (10)                       $9.00        Wing Dings Breaded (8)                  $7.50
  Thai Wings Breaded (10)                      $9.00        Naked Wings (7)                         $8.00
  Haddock Bites (10)                           $8.00


 Side Salad                               $3.25            Grilled Chicken Salad                    $8.00
 Tuna Salad Platter                       $8.00            Chicken Salad Platter                    $7.50
 Chef Salad                               $8.00

     Soup of the Day                                   Cup - $3.50                   Bowl – $4.50

                                               Sides Items - $1.75

         French Fries (FF)       Curly Fries             Sweet Potato Fries           Cole Slaw
         Onion Petals            Onion Rings             Mashed Potatoes              Applesauce

                                                Sandwiches - Cold
                             All cold sandwiches are served with chips and pickles.
                               Topping choices: Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo, Onion
                 Add cheese for an additional $0.25 (American, Cheddar, Swiss, or Provolone)

Ham & Turkey Club                           $8.75               Ham Club                             $8.00
Turkey Club                                 $8.00               Ham Wrap                             $7.75
Turkey Wrap                                 $7.75               Tuna Salad                           $5.50
Chicken Salad                               $5.50               BLT                                  $5.50
Turkey                                      $4.50               Ham & Cheese                         $4.50

                                                                                                      Page 1 of 2

                                              Sandwiches - Hot
                    All hot sandwiches are served with chips and pickles except where noted.
                                Topping choices: Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo, Onion

 Hamburger w/FF                       $7.25           Bacon Cheeseburger w/FF                         $8.50
 Cheeseburger w/FF                    $7.75           Cheese Steak Sub w/FF                           $8.50
 Hot Dog                              $3.25           Turkey Rueben w/FF                              $8.25
 Rueben w/FF                          $8.25           Tuna Melt (on Rye Bread)                        $7.00
 Patty Melt w/FF                      $8.25           Haddock w/FF & Cole Slaw                        $8.25
 Grilled Cheese                       $3.50           Grilled Chicken w/FF & Cole Slaw                $8.25
 Grilled Cheese & Ham                 $4.50           Hot Turkey (1 side)                             $8.25
 Grilled Cheese & Bacon               $4.75           Shrimp Basket w/FF & Cole Slaw                  $9.25

                           Dinner                                Lunch: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday - Friday
  All dinners served with 2 side items and a small salad.        Lite Fare:
                              Chicken                            Tuesday 5:00 - 7:00 pm
 4 pc All White or Mixed Fried Chicken $14.75                    Wednesday - Friday 2:00 - 4:00 pm
 2 pc White or Dark Chicken               $ 11.00                Dinner:
                                                                 Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday
                                                                                 4:00 - 7: 00 pm
 Haddock (fried or broiled)              $14.00
                                                                 Friday 4:00 - 9:00 pm
 Fried Shrimp (7)                        $13.25
   Please ask your server for the list of desserts.                                           Page 2 of 2

Dates to Remember:                                                            Friday Night Specials*
December 2 - Riders meeting - 7:00 pm                                                 4:00 - 9:00 pm
December 5 - Operations meeting - 9:00 am
                                                                            Nachos Supreme                  $8.75
December 5 - Bingo - Doors open at 11:30 am
December 6 - SAL meeting 6:30 pm                                            Hot Roast Beef Sandwich
                                                                            with 1 side             $9.00
December 7 - Executive meeting - 7:30 pm
December 7 - Armed Forces Flag Day                                          Shrimp
December 11 - Army - Navy Game - 3:00 pm                                    1/2 pound                       $7.00
December 14 - Post meeting - 7:30 pm                                        1 pound                         $14.00
December 25 - Christmas - Post Closed
                                                                            * Limited Availability
December 31 - New Years Eve Party 7:00 pm - 1:00 am
January 1 - Ham & Cabbage 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
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