Prevention of Drowning - American Academy of Pediatrics

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Prevention of Drowning - American Academy of Pediatrics
POLICY STATEMENT                Organizational Principles to Guide and Define the Child Health
                                                           Care System and/or Improve the Health of all Children

                           Prevention of Drowning
                           Sarah A. Denny, MD, FAAP,a Linda Quan, MD, FAAP,b Julie Gilchrist, MD, FAAP,c Tracy McCallin, MD, FAAP,d,e
                           Rohit Shenoi, MD, FAAP,e,f Shabana Yusuf, MD, Med, FAAP,e,f Benjamin Hoffman, MD, FAAP,g Jeffrey Weiss, MD, FAAP,h COUNCIL ON
                           INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND POISON PREVENTION

Drowning is a leading cause of injury-related death in children. In 2017,                    abstract
drowning claimed the lives of almost 1000 US children younger than 20 years.
A number of strategies are available to prevent these tragedies. As educators
                                                                                              College of Medicine, The Ohio State University and Nationwide
and advocates, pediatricians can play an important role in the prevention of                 Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; bSchool of Medicine, University of
drowning.                                                                                    Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington; cUS
                                                                                             Public Health Service, Rockville, Maryland; dChildren’s Hospital of San
                                                                                             Antonio, San Antonio, Texas; eBaylor College of Medicine and fTexas
                                                                                             Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas; gOregon Health and Science
                                                                                             University and Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, Portland, Oregon; and
                                                                                              College of Medicine, University of Arizona and Phoenix Children’s
BACKGROUND                                                                                   Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona

Drowning is the leading cause of injury death in US children 1 to 4 years of                 Dr Denny led the authorship group; Drs Quan, Gilchrist, McCallin, Yusuf,
age and the third leading cause of unintentional injury death among US                       and Shenoi contributed sections; Dr Hoffman provided significant early
                                                                                             review; Dr Weiss authored the previous policy statement that formed
children and adolescents 5 to 19 years of age.1 In 2017, drowning claimed                    the basis of this document; and all authors approved the final
the lives of almost 1000 US children. Fortunately, childhood unintentional                   manuscript as submitted.

drowning fatality rates have decreased steadily from 2.68 per 100 000 in                     This document is copyrighted and is property of the American
1985 to 1.11 per 100 000 in 2017. Rates of drowning death vary with age,                     Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors have filed
                                                                                             conflict of interest statements with the American Academy of
sex, and race and/or ethnicity, with toddlers and male adolescents at highest                Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through a process
risk. After 1 year of age, male children of all ages are at greater risk of                  approved by the Board of Directors. The American Academy of
                                                                                             Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any commercial
drowning than female children. Overall, African American children have the                   involvement in the development of the content of this publication.
highest drowning fatality rates, followed in order by American Indian and/or                 Policy statements from the American Academy of Pediatrics benefit
Alaskan native, white, Asian American and/or Pacific Islander, and Hispanic                   from expertise and resources of liaisons and internal (AAP) and
                                                                                             external reviewers. However, policy statements from the American
children. For the period 2013–2017, the highest drowning death rates were                    Academy of Pediatrics may not reflect the views of the liaisons or the
seen in white male children 0 to 4 years of age (3.44 per 100 000), American                 organizations or government agencies that they represent.
Indian and/or Alaskan native children 0 through 4 years (3.58), and African                  The guidance in this statement does not indicate an exclusive course
American male adolescents 15 to 19 years of age (4.06 per 100 000).1                         of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking
                                                                                             into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
Drowning is also a significant source of morbidity for children. In 2017,
                                                                                             All policy statements from the American Academy of Pediatrics
an estimated 8700 children younger than 20 years of age visited                              automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed,
a hospital emergency department for a drowning event, and 25% of                             revised, or retired at or before that time.

those children were hospitalized or transferred for further care.1 Most                      DOI:
victims of nonfatal drowning recover fully with no neurologic deficits, but                   Address correspondence to Sarah A. Denny, MD, FAAP. E-mail: sarah.
severe long-term neurologic deficits are seen with extended submersion              
times (.6 minutes), prolonged resuscitation efforts, and lack of early
bystander-initiated cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).2–4                                      To cite: Denny SA, Quan L, Gilchrist J, et al. AAP COUNCIL
                                                                                                 ON INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND POISON PREVENTION. Prevention
The American Academy of Pediatrics issues this revised policy statement
                                                                                                 of Drowning. Pediatrics. 2019;143(5):e20190850
because of new information and research regarding (1) populations at

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PEDIATRICS Volume 143, number 5, May 2019:e20190850                                     FROM THE AMERICAN                   ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
increased risk, (2) racial and                        POPULATIONS WITH INCREASED                       contributing to 30% to 70% of
sociodemographic disparities in                       DROWNING RISK                                    recreational water deaths among US
drowning rates, (3) water                             Certain populations, because of                  adolescents and adults.13
competency (water-safety knowledge                    behavior, skill, environment, or
and attitudes, basic swim skills, and                 underlying medical condition, are at
response to a swimmer in trouble),5,6
                                                                                                       UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS
                                                      increased risk of drowning.
(4) when children are in and around                                                                    Epilepsy
water (the need for close, constant,                  Toddlers                                         Drowning is the most common cause
attentive, and capable adult
                                                      For the period 2013–2017, the                    of death from unintentional injury for
supervision and life jacket use in
                                                      highest rate of drowning occurred in             people with epilepsy,14 and children
children and adults), (5) when
                                                      the 0- to 4-year age group (2.19 per             with epilepsy are at greater risk of
children are not expected to be
                                                      100 000 population), with children 12            drowning, both in bathtubs and in
around water (the importance of
                                                      to 36 months of age being at highest             swimming pools.15 The relative risk
physical barriers to prevent
                                                      risk (3.31). Most infants drown in               of fatal and nonfatal drowning in
drowning), and (6) the drowning
                                                      bathtubs and buckets, whereas the                patients with epilepsy varies greatly
chain of survival and importance of
                                                      majority of preschool-aged children              but is 7.5- to 10-fold higher than that
bystander CPR (Table 1).
                                                      drown in swimming pools.8 The                    in children without seizures15,16 and
                                                      primary problem for this young age               varies with age, severity of illness,
CLASSIFICATION OF DROWNING                                                                             degree of exposure to water, and level
                                                      group is lack of barriers to prevent
In 2002, the World Congress on                        unanticipated, unsupervised access to            of supervision.15–17 Parents and
Drowning and the World Health                         water, including in swimming pools,              caregivers of children with active
Organization revised the definition of                 hot tubs and spas, bathtubs, natural             epilepsy should provide direct
drowning to “the process of                           bodies of water, and standing water              supervision around water at all times,
experiencing respiratory impairment                   in homes (buckets, tubs, and toilets).           including swimming pools and
from submersion/immersion in                          The Consumer Product Safety                      bathtubs. Whenever possible,
liquid.” Drowning outcomes are                        Commission (CPSC) found that 69%                 children with epilepsy should shower
classified as “death,” “no morbidity,”                 of children younger than 5 years of              instead of bathe17 and swim only at
or “morbidity” (further divided into                  age were not expected to be at or in             locations where there is a lifeguard.
“moderately disabled,” “severely                      the pool at the time of a drowning               Children with poorly controlled
disabled,” “vegetative state/coma,”                   incident.9                                       epilepsy should have a discussion
and “brain death”). The drowning                                                                       with their neurologist or pediatrician
process is a continuum that can be                    Adolescents                                      before any swim activity.
interrupted by rescue at any point in
                                                      Adolescents (15–19 years of age)
that process, with varying sequelae                                                                    Autism
                                                      have the second highest fatal
from no symptoms to death. Terms                                                                       Children with autism spectrum
                                                      drowning rate. In this age group, just
such as wet, dry, secondary, active,                                                                   disorder (ASD) are also at increased
                                                      less than three-quarters of all
near, passive, and silent drowning                                                                     risk of drowning,18 especially those
                                                      drownings occur in natural water
should not be used. The 2002 revised                                                                   younger than 15 years of age18 and
                                                      settings, and this age group makes up
definition and classification is more                                                                    those with greater degrees of
                                                      half of childhood drownings in
consistent with other medical                                                                          intellectual disability.19 Wandering is
                                                      natural water.10 In 2016, Safe Kids
conditions and injuries and should                                                                     the most commonly reported
                                                      Worldwide reported that the natural
help in drowning surveillance and                                                                      behavior leading to drowning,
                                                      water fatal drowning rate for
collection of more reliable and                                                                        accounting for nearly 74% of fatal
                                                      adolescents 15 to 17 years old was
comprehensive epidemiological                                                                          drowning incidents among children
                                                      more than 3 times higher than that
information.7                                                                                          with autism.20
                                                      for children 5 to 9 years old and twice
TABLE 1 Top Tips for Pediatricians                    the rate for children younger than
                                                      5 years of age.11 The increased risk             Cardiac Arrhythmias
    Assess all children for drowning risk on the
    basis of risk and age and prioritize              for fatal drowning in adolescents can            Exertion while swimming can trigger
    evidence-based strategies:                        be attributed to multiple factors,               arrhythmia among individuals with
    -   barriers;                                     including overestimation of skills,              long QT syndrome.21 Although the
    -   supervision;                                  underestimation of dangerous                     condition is rare and such cases
    -   swim lessons;                                 situations, engaging in high-risk and            represent a small percentage of
    -   life jackets; and                             impulsive behaviors, and substance               drownings, long QT syndrome, as well
    -   CPR.
                                                      use.12 Alcohol is a leading risk factor,         as Brugada syndrome and

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2                                                                                                           FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
catecholaminergic polymorphic                    include water-safety awareness, basic            these water-survival skills, usually
ventricular tachycardia, should be               swim skills, and the ability to                  learned in a pool, is affected by the
considered as a possible cause for               recognize and respond to a swimmer               aquatic environment (water
unexplained submersion injuries                  in trouble. Swim lessons and swim                temperature, water depth, water
among proficient swimmers in low-                 skills alone cannot prevent drowning.            movement, clothing, and distance),
risk settings.22                                 Learning to swim needs to be seen as             and demonstration of skills in 1
                                                 a component of water competency                  aquatic environment may not transfer
                                                 that also includes knowledge and                 to another. There is tremendous
                                                 awareness of local hazards and/or                variability among swim lessons, and
There continue to be significant racial           risks and of one’s own limitations;              not every program will be right for
and socioeconomic disparities in                 how to wear a life jacket (previously            each child. Parents and caregivers
drowning rates among children. For               referred to as “wearable personal                should investigate options for swim
many, cultural beliefs and traditions            flotation device”); and ability to                lessons in their community before
may prevent children from                        recognize and respond to a swimmer               enrollment to make sure that the
swimming.23,24 Furthermore, for                  in distress, call for help, and perform          program meets their needs and the
some religious and ethnic groups,                safe rescue and CPR.5                            needs of the child. High-quality swim
single-sex aquatic settings are                                                                   lessons provide more experiential
required,25 and clothing that protects           Evidence reveals that many children              training, including swimming in
modesty according to religious norms             older than 1 year will benefit from               clothes, in life jackets, falling in, and
may not be allowed in some pools.                swim lessons.28 Swim lessons are                 practicing self-rescue. Achieving basic
Socioeconomically, the multiple swim             increasingly available for a wide                water-competency swim skills
lessons required to achieve basic                range of children, including those               requires multiple lessons, and
water competency can be costly or                with various health conditions and               acquisition of water competency is
difficult given limited access and                disabilities such as ASD. A parent or            a protracted process that involves
transportation. Moreover, decreased              caregiver’s decision about when to               learning in conjunction with
municipal funding for swimming                   initiate swim lessons must be                    developmental maturation. There is
pools, for swimming programs, and                individualized on the basis of                   a need for a broad and coordinated
for lifeguards has limited access to             a variety of factors, including comfort          research agenda to address not only
swim lessons and safe water                      with being in water, health status,              the efficacy of swim lessons for
recreational sites for many                      emotional maturity, and physical and             children age 1 to 4 years but also the
communities.                                     cognitive limitations. Although swim             many components of water
                                                 lessons provide 1 layer of protection            competency for the child and parent
These barriers may be surmounted
                                                 from drowning, swim lessons do not               or caregiver.
through community-based programs
                                                 “drown proof” a child, and parents
targeting high-risk groups by
                                                 must continue to provide barriers to
providing free or low-cost swim
                                                 prevent unintended access when not               DROWNING-PREVENTION STRATEGIES
lessons, developing special programs
                                                 in the water and closely supervise               The Haddon Matrix paradigm for
to address cultural concerns as well
                                                 children when in and around water.               injury prevention is used to identify
as developing swim lessons for youth
with developmental disabilities,                 In contrast, infants younger than                interventions aimed at changing the
changing pool policies to meet the               1 year are developmentally unable to             environment, the individual at risk,
needs of specific communities, using              learn the complex movements, such                and/or the agent of injury (in this
culturally and linguistically                    as breathing, necessary to swim. They            case, water).31 Experts generally
appropriate instructors to deliver               may manifest reflexive swimming                   recommend that multiple “layers of
swim lessons, and working with both              movement under the water but                     protection” be used to prevent
health care and faith communities to             cannot effectively raise their heads to          drowning because it is unlikely that
refer patients and their families to             breathe.29 There is no evidence to               any single strategy will prevent
swim programs.25–27                              suggest that infant swimming                     drowning deaths and injuries. The
                                                 programs for those younger than                  Haddon Matrix (Table 2) reveals
                                                 1 year are beneficial.                            examples of interventions before the
WATER COMPETENCY, SWIM LESSONS,                                                                   drowning event, during the drowning
AND SWIM SKILLS                                  Basic swim skills include ability to             event, and after the drowning event
Water competency is the ability to               enter the water, surface, turn around,           at the levels of the individual,
anticipate, avoid, and survive                   propel oneself for at least 25 yards,            environment, and policy. Five major
common drowning situations.6 The                 float on or tread water, and exit the             interventions are evidence based: 4-
components of water competency                   water.30 Importantly, performance of             sided pool fencing, life jackets, swim

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PEDIATRICS Volume 143, number 5, May 2019                                                                                                 3
lessons, supervision, and lifeguards                         drowning are discussed in detail in                           parental supervision is emphasized,39
(with descending levels of evidence).                        the accompanying technical report                             and a study in Bangladesh revealed
                                                             (available online soon).                                      that adult supervision, in addition to
Installation of 4-sided fencing (at                                                                                        the physical barrier of playpens,
least 4 ft tall) with self-closing and                       Inadequate supervision is often cited                         significantly reduced the risk of
self-latching gates that completely                          as a contributing factor for childhood                        drowning in children ages 1 to
isolates the pool from the house and                         drowning, especially for younger                              5 years.27 Supervision should include
yard is the most studied and effective                       children.11,37,38 Adequate                                    being capable of recognizing and
drowning-prevention strategy for the                         supervision, described as close,                              responding appropriately to a child in
young child, preventing more than                            constant, and attentive supervision of                        distress. Supervision is critical for
50% of swimming-pool drownings of                            young children in or around any                               safety in children with ASD and other
young children.32,33 Life jackets are                        water, is a primary and absolutely                            disabilities. The National Autism
now also well proven to prevent                              essential preventive strategy.27 For                          Association’s Big Red Safety Box40
drowning fatalities. Some data reveal                        beginning swimmers, adequate                                  contains information for parents,
that swim lessons may lower                                  supervision is “touch supervision,” in                        schools, and first responders and
drowning rates among children,27                             which the supervising adult is within                         suggests a safety plan in public places
including those 1 to 4 years of age.28                       arm’s reach of the child so he or she                         where there is a handoff of
Lifeguards and CPR training also                             can pull the child out of the water if                        supervision so that children with ASD
appear to be effective.2,4,34–36                             the child’s head becomes submerged                            and other disabilities do not
However, data regarding the value of                         under water. Evaluated interventions                          wander off.
other potential preventive strategies,                       shown to increase the quality of
such as pool covers and pool alarms,                         supervision include swim lessons in                           Although supervision is an essential
are lacking. Interventions to prevent                        which the need for continued                                  layer of protection when children are

TABLE 2 Haddon Matrix for Drowning-Prevention Strategies
                                          Personal                            Equipment                      Physical Environment                   Social Environment
    Before the event         Provide close, constant, and           Install 4-sided fencing that        Swim where lifeguards are             Mandate 4-sided residential
                                attentive supervision of               isolates the pool from             present                               pool fencing
                                children and poor                      the house and yard
                             Clear handoff supervision              Install self-closing and            Attend to warning signage             Mandate life jacket wear
                                responsibilities                       latching gates
                             Develop water competency,              Wear life jackets                   Swim at designated swim sites         Adopt the Model Aquatic Health
                                including water-safety                                                                                          Code
                                knowledge, basic swim
                                skills, and ability to
                                recognize and respond to
                                a swimmer in trouble
                             Evaluate preexisting health            Install compliant pool drains       Remove toys from pools when           Increase availability of
                                condition                                                                 not in use to reduce                   lifeguards
                                                                                                          temptation for children to
                                                                                                          enter the pool
                             Know how to choose and fit              Install door locks                  Empty water buckets and               Increase access to affordable
                               a life jacket                                                              wading pools                           and culturally compatible
                                                                                                                                                 swim lessons
                             Avoid substance use                    Enclosures for open bodies                         —                      Close high-risk waters during
                                                                      of water                                                                   high-risk times
                             Know the water’s hazards,              Promote life jacket–loaner                         —                      Develop designated open-water
                               conditions                             programs                                                                   swim sites
                             Swim at a designated swim site         Role model life jacket use by                      —                      Enforce boating under the
                                                                      adults                                                                     influence laws
                             Learn CPR                              Make rescue devices                                —                                     —
                                                                      available at swim sites
                             Take a boater education course         Phone access to call for help                      —                                     —
                                            —                       Ensure functional watercraft                       —                                     —
    Event                    Water-survival skills                  Rescue device available                            —                      EMS system
    After the event          Early bystander CPR                    AED                                                —                      Advanced medical care
                             Bystander response                     Rescue equipment                                   —                                  —
The Model Aquatic Health Code provides guidelines and standards for equipment, for staffing and training, and for monitoring swimming pools. Bold indicates the most evidence-based
interventions. AED, automated external defibrillator.

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4                                                                                                             FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
expected to be in or around the water,           (EMS) personnel, is the most effective            3. Whenever infants and toddlers
barriers must be in place to prevent             means to improve outcomes in the                     (or noncompetent swimmers)
unintended access of children to                 event of a drowning incident.2,3                     are in or around water,
water during nonswim times.                      Prompt initiation of bystander CPR,                  a supervising adult with swim
Drowning is silent and only takes                with a focus on airway and rescue                    skills should be within an arm’s
a minute. Those children with highest            breathing before compressions43 and                  length, providing constant touch
drowning risk are 12 to 36 months of             activation of prehospital advanced                   supervision. Even with older
age. Developmentally, they are                   cardiac life support for the pediatric               children and better swimmers,
curious and lack the judgement or                submersion victim, have the greatest                 the eyes and attention of the
awareness of the dangers of water, so            impact on survival and prognosis.4,44                supervising adult should still be
barriers, such as 4-sided fencing and            Current guidelines recommend that                    constantly focused on the child.
door locks, are critical in preventing           drowning victims who require any                     This “water watcher” should not
access when the caregiver is                     form of resuscitation (including only                be engaged in other distracting
distracted by other children, meal               rescue breaths) be transported to the                activities that can compromise
preparation, etc.                                emergency department for evaluation                  this attention, including using the
                                                 and monitoring, even if they appear                  telephone (eg, texting),
The Model Aquatic Health Code,41
                                                 alert with effective cardiopulmonary                 socializing, tending chores, or
developed by the Centers for Disease
                                                 function at the scene.43                             drinking alcohol, and there needs
Control and Prevention (CDC), is
based on science and best practices to                                                                to be a clear handoff of
help guide policy makers and aquatic                                                                  responsibility from one water
                                                 PREVENTION OF DROWNING                               watcher to the next. Supervision
leaders on pool and spa safety. The              RECOMMENDATIONS
Model Aquatic Health Code provides                                                                    must be close, constant, and
guidelines and standards for                     Parents and Caregivers                               attentive. In case of an
equipment, for staffing and training,                                                                  emergency, the supervising adult
                                                  1. Parents and caregivers should
and for monitoring swimming pools.                                                                    must be able to recognize a child
                                                     never (even for a moment) leave
Similar attention and effort are                                                                      in distress, safely perform
                                                     young children alone or in the
needed for open-water swim sites.                                                                     a rescue, initiate CPR, and call for
                                                     care of another child while in or
                                                     near bathtubs, pools, spas, or                   help. Parents need to recognize
                                                     wading pools and when near                       that lifeguards are only 1 layer of
DROWNING CHAIN OF SURVIVAL                                                                            protection, and children in and
                                                     irrigation ditches, ponds, or other
The drowning chain of survival                                                                        near the water require constant
                                                     open standing water.
(Fig 1) refers to a series of steps that,                                                             caregiver supervision, even if
when enacted, attempt to reduce                   2. Parents and caregivers must be
                                                                                                      a lifeguard is present.
mortality associated with drowning.                  aware of drowning risks
                                                     associated with hazards in                    4. To prevent unintended access,
The steps of the chain are as follows:                                                                families should install a 4-ft, 4-
(1) prevent drowning, (2) recognize                  the home.
                                                                                                      sided isolation fence that
distress, (3) provide flotation, (4)                   • Infant bath seats can tip over,               separates the pool from the
remove from water, and (5) provide                      and children can slip out of                  house and the rest of the yard
care as needed. The chain starts with                   them and drown in even a few                  with a self-closing, self-latching
prevention, the most important and                      inches of water in the bathtub.               gate. Detailed guidelines for
effective step to reducing morbidity                    Infants should always be with                 safety barriers for home pools
and mortality from drowning.42                          an adult when sitting in a bath               are available online from the
Rescue and resuscitation of                             seat in a bathtub.45
                                                                                                      CPSC.46 Families of children with
a drowning victim must occur within                   • Water should be emptied from                  ASD or other disabilities who are
minutes to save lives and reduce                        containers, such as pails and                 at risk for wandering off should
morbidity in nonfatal drownings and                     buckets, immediately after use.               identify local hazards and work
underscores the critically time-
                                                      • To prevent drowning in toilets,               with the community on pool
sensitive role of the parent or
                                                        young children should not be                  fencing and mitigation of
supervising adult.
                                                        left alone in the bathroom, and               hazards.
                                                        toilet locks may be helpful.               5. Although data are lacking,
IMPORTANCE OF BYSTANDER CPR                           • Parents and caregivers should                 families may consider
Immediate resuscitation at the                          prevent unsupervised access to                supplemental pool alarms and
submersion site, even before the                        the bathroom, swimming pool,                  weight-bearing pool covers as
arrival of emergency medical services                   or open water.                                additional layers of protection;

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PEDIATRICS Volume 143, number 5, May 2019                                                                                                5
Drowning chain of survival. (Reprinted with permission from Szpilman D, Webber J, Quan L, et al. Creating a drowning chain of survival. Resuscitation.

       however, neither alarms nor pool                  Parents should be reminded that                    fences with closed gates in good
       covers are a substitute for                       swim lessons will not drown                        working order, and ensure that
       adequate fencing and adult                        proof a child of any age. It is                    supervision will be consistent
       supervision. Importantly, some                    critical that swim instructors                     with the preceding
       types of pool covers, such as thin                stress this message as well as the                 recommendations.
       plastic solar covers, should not                  need for constant supervision                 10. All children and adolescents
       be used as a means of protection                  around water. Swim ability must                   should be required to wear US
       because they might increase risk                  be considered as only 1 part of                   Coast Guard–approved life
       of drowning.                                      water competence and                              jackets whenever they are in or
    6. Parents, caregivers, and pool                     a multilayered protection plan                    on watercraft, and all adults
       owners should learn CPR and                       that involves effective pool                      should wear life jackets when
       keep a telephone and rescue                       barriers; close, constant, and                    boating to model safe behavior
       equipment approved by the US                      attentive supervision; life jacket                and to facilitate their ability to
       Coast Guard (eg, life buoys, life                 use; training in CPR and the use                  help their child in case of
       jackets, and a reach tool such as                 of an automated external                          emergency. Small children and
       a shepherd’s crook) poolside.                     defibrillator; and lifeguards.                     nonswimmers should wear life
       Older children and adolescents                    Children need to be taught never                  jackets when they are near water
       should learn CPR.                                 to swim alone and never to swim                   and when swimming. Parents
                                                         without adult supervision.                        and caregivers should ensure
    7. Children and parents should
       learn to swim and learn water-                8. Parents should monitor their                       that any life jacket is approved by
       safety skills. Because children                  child’s progress during swim                       the US Coast Guard because
       develop at different rates, not all              lessons and continue their                         many do not meet safety
       children will be ready to learn to               lessons at least until basic water                 requirements. Information about
       swim at exactly the same age.                    competence is achieved. Basic                      fitting and choosing US Coast
       There is evidence that swim                      swim skills include ability to                     Guard–approved life jackets is
       lessons may reduce the risk of                   enter the water, surface, turn                     available at the US Coast Guard
       drowning, including for those 1                  around, propel oneself for at least                Web site.47 Parents should not
       to 4 years of age. A parent’s                    25 yards, float on or tread water,                  use air-filled swimming aids
       decision about starting swim                     and exit the water.                                (such as inflatable arm bands,
       lessons or water-survival skills              9. Any time a young child visits                      neck rings, or “floaties”) in place
       training at an early age must be                 a home or business where access                    of life jackets. These aids can
       individualized on the basis of the               to water exists (eg, pool, hot tub,                deflate and are not designed to
       child’s frequency of exposure to                 open water), parents and/or                        keep swimmers safe.
       water, emotional maturity,                       guardians should carefully assess              11. Jumping or diving into water can
       physical and cognitive                           the premises to ensure that basic                  result in devastating spinal
       limitations, and health concerns                 barriers are in place, such as                     injury. Parents and children
       related to swimming pools.                       sliding door locks and pool                        should know the depth of the

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6                                                                                                      FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
water and the location of                      poorly controlled seizures should                “near drowning”) when speaking
     underwater hazards before                      discuss water safety with their                  to families and the media to avoid
     jumping or diving or permitting                physician before swim activities.                confusion and misconceptions
     children to jump or dive. The first          3. Counseling parents and                           associated with the other terms
     entry into any body of water                   adolescents about water safety                   previously used. There has been
     should be feet first.                           provides an opportunity to stress                much misinformation circulated in
12. When selecting an open body of                  the problems related to alcohol                  recent years regarding dry
    water in which their children will              and drug use during any activity.                drowning and secondary
    swim, parents should select sites               Specifically, the discussion should               drowning.49 Pediatricians should
    with lifeguards and designated                  include a warning about the                      educate caregivers that dry and
    areas for swimming. Even for the                increased drowning risk that                     secondary drowning are not
    strongest of swimmers, it is                    results when alcohol or illicit                  medically accurate terms.
    important to consider weather,                  drugs are used when swimming or                  Pediatricians can address
    tides, waves, and water currents                boating. Because male adolescents                parental concerns by providing
    in selecting a safe location for                have high risk of water-based                    reassurance that nonfatal or fatal
    recreational swimming.                          injuries, they warrant extra                     drownings do not occur at a later
    Swimmers should know what to                    counseling.                                      time in patients with no previous
    do in case of rip currents: swim                                                                 symptoms.
                                                 4. Pediatricians should help facilitate
    where there is a lifeguard, and if              a conversation between caregivers             3. Pediatricians should partner with
    caught in a rip current, remain                 and their children about levels of               community groups to increase
    calm and either swim out of the                 water competency to decrease the                 access to life jackets through life
    rip current parallel to the shore               frequency of children or parents                 jacket–loaner programs at
    (do not try to swim against the                 overestimating swimming skills                   swimming and boating sites.
    current) or tread water until                   and equipping older children with             4. Pediatricians should work with
    safely out of the current and able              the ability to make informed                     community partners to provide
    to return to shore or signal for                decisions when not in the                        access to programs that develop
    help.48                                         presence of their parent or                      water-competency swim skills for
13. Parents and children should                     guardian.                                        all children, especially those from
    recognize drowning risks in cold             5. Pediatricians should support the                 low-income and diverse families
    seasons. Children should refrain                inclusion of CPR training in high                and those with developmental
    from walking, skating, or riding                school health classes.                           disabilities. Pediatricians can
    on weak or thawing ice on any                                                                    identify and support programs to
    body of water.                                                                                   increase the access to high-quality,
                                                 COMMUNITY INTERVENTIONS AND                         culturally sensitive, and affordable
Pediatricians                                    ADVOCACY OPPORTUNITIES                              programs.26
1. Pediatricians should know the
                                                 Pediatricians                                    Pool Operators
   leading causes of drowning in
   their location so they can                    1. Pediatricians should work with                1. Community pools should have
   appropriately tailor their                       legislators and serve as a voice                 certified lifeguards with current
   prevention guidance to caregivers.               for children to pass policy that                 CPR certification.
   Pediatricians can provide specific                decreases the risk of drowning,               2. Pool owners and operators should
   targeted messages by age, sex,                   including, but not limited to,                   adopt the Model Aquatic Health
   high risk of drowning, and                       policy on fencing, boating, life                 Code to ensure that best practices
   geographical location.                           jackets, safety of aquatic                       are being used to keep the pool
2. Children with special health care                environments, boating under the                  and spa environment safe.
   needs should have tailored                       influence, and EMS systems.                    3. Owners of private pools and spas
   anticipatory guidance related to                 Pediatricians should partner with                and managers of public pools
   drowning risks. Children with                    public health and policy leaders to              should be made aware of
   epilepsy, ASD, and cardiac                       address the issue of childhood                   entrapment and/or entanglement
   arrhythmias are at particular risk.              drowning by implementing                         risks and of the laws mandating
   When swimming or taking a bath,                  effective evidence-based                         drain covers and filter pump
   children of any age with epilepsy                interventions.                                   equipment needed to prevent
   should be supervised closely by an            2. Pediatricians should use the term                these injuries that primarily
   adult at all times.15 Children with              “nonfatal drowning” (rather than                 involve children.50,51

                                    Downloaded from by guest on April 10, 2021
PEDIATRICS Volume 143, number 5, May 2019                                                                                               7
Policy Makers                                7. Because we lack a robust evidence                other barriers, drain covers, and
1. Policy makers should pass                    base, a coordinated research                     CPR. It also includes information
   legislation or building codes to             agenda must be established to                    about the Virginia Graeme Baker
   mandate 4-sided isolation pool               inform future policy, and federal                Pool and Spa Safety Act and a list
   fencing for new and existing                 funding should be secured to                     of manufacturers of approved
   residential pools at the local and           advance this research.                           drain covers and safety vacuum
   state level. Local governments                                                                release systems. The publications
   should inspect and strictly                                                                   section contains safety-barrier
   enforce pool fencing requirements
                                             APPENDIX: RESOURCES FOR                             guidelines for home pools and
                                             PEDIATRICIANS AND FAMILIES                          a family education brochure about
   because this has been shown to
   be effective in reducing                  1. The American Academy of                          preventing childhood drowning.
   drowning.52                                  Pediatrics Web site (http://www.                 Specific information on fencing
                                       contains educational                    can be found online.46
2. Policy makers should work with
                                                materials for parents from the The            5. The US Coast Guard Web site
   recreation and boating agencies to
                                                Injury Prevention Program about                  (
   support legislation mandating that
                                                home water hazards for young                     contains detailed information and
   life jackets be worn by adolescents
                                                children, life jackets and life                  tip sheets about life jackets, vessel
   and by caregivers of children when
                                                preservers, pool safety, and water               safety checks, approved online
   boating.53 When adults model
                                                safety for school-aged children. It              boating-safety courses, and beach
   appropriate behavior by wearing
                                                also has links to water-safety                   safety. It also has links to sites
   life jackets, children and
                                                information from the CPSC, the                   with information about safety and
   adolescents are more likely to do
                                                CDC, and Safe Kids Worldwide.                    boating regulations as well as links
   so as well.53
                                             2. The Safe Kids Worldwide Web                      to statistics, research, and surveys
3. States and communities should
                                                site55 contains information about                about boating and boating crashes
   pass legislation and adopt
                                                pools and hot tubs, drain covers                 and injury. Specific information on
   regulations to establish basic
                                                and safety vacuum release systems                the right-fit life jacket can be found
   safety requirements for natural
                                                to prevent entrapment, and safety                online.47
   swimming areas and public and
                                                checklists (in English and Spanish)           6. The American Heart Association
   private recreational facilities (eg,
                                                about pools, spas, open-water                    Web site57 contains information
   mandating the presence of
                                                swimming and boating, and home                   on CPR courses for the community
   certified lifeguards in designated
                                                water safety. It also has links to               and health professionals.
   swimming areas).54
                                                a national research study about
4. States and communities should                                                              7. The National Autism Association
                                                pool and spa safety. It has some
   enforce laws that prohibit alcohol                                                            Web site40 contains many
                                                nice materials for children,
   and other drug use by all                                                                     resources for families of children
                                                including boating-safety coloring
   watercraft occupants, not just                                                                with ASD, including a Family
                                                pages. One can download a color
   operators.                                                                                    Wandering Emergency Plan,
                                                water watcher badge from
                                                this site.                                       MedicAlert tools, wireless window
5. State and local EMS personnel,
                                                                                                 and door alarms, and many other
   medical examiners, health                 3. The CDC Web site (http://www.                    helpful tools to keep children safe.
   departments, and child-             contains a water-related
   death–review teams should use                injuries factsheet, CDC research              8. The Water Safety USA Web site
   consistent systematic reporting of           and information on water safety                  (
   information on the circumstances             and water-related illnesses and                  ) contains information on water
   of drowning events. Periodic                 injuries, and a link to the Web-                 competency, water watchers, and
   review of these data is critical in          based Injury Statistics Query and                water safety.
   the development of drowning-                 Report System. The CDC Childhood
   prevention strategies appropriate            Injury Report contains state-                 LEAD AUTHORS
   for the geographic area.                     specific information about
                                                                                              Sarah A. Denny, MD, FAAP
6. Local governmental agencies                  drowning and other injuries.56                Linda Quan, MD, FAAP
   should adopt the Model Aquatic            4. The CPSC Web site (https://www.               CAPT Julie Gilchrist, MD, FAAP
   Health Code for swimming pools,                                                            Tracy McCallin, MD, FAAP
                                       has pool-safely
                                                                                              Rohit Shenoi, MD, FAAP
   with better inspection and                   materials for parents,                        Shabana Yusuf, MD, MEd, FAAP
   enforcement of swimming-pool                 grandparents, and caregivers,                 Benjamin Hoffman, MD, FAAP
   safety standards.41                          including supervision, fencing and            Jeffrey Weiss, MD, FAAP

                                Downloaded from by guest on April 10, 2021
8                                                                                                  FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND                       Jonathan D. Midgett, PhD – Consumer Product          prevention and policy and for her
POISON PREVENTION, 2018–2019                           Safety Commission                                    commitment to the American
                                                       Bethany Miller, MSW, Med – Health Resources
Benjamin Hoffman, MD, FAAP, Chairperson                                                                     Academy of Pediatrics.
                                                       and Services Administration
Phyllis F. Agran, MD, MPH, FAAP
                                                       Alexander W. (Sandy) Sinclair – National
Sarah A. Denny, MD, FAAP
                                                       Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Michael Hirsh, MD, FAAP
                                                       Richard Stanwick, MD, FAAP – Canadian
Brian Johnston, MD, MPH, FAAP
                                                       Pediatric Society
Lois K. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAP                                                                                    ABBREVIATIONS
Kathy Monroe, MD, FAAP
                                                       STAFF                                                  ASD: autism spectrum disorder
Judy Schaechter, MD, MBA, FAAP
Milton Tenenbein, MD, FAAP                             Bonnie Kozial                                          CDC: Centers for Disease Control
Mark R. Zonfrillo, MD, MSCE, FAAP                                                                                  and Prevention
Kyran Quinlan, MD, MPH, FAAP, Immediate                ACKNOWLEDGMENT                                         CPR: cardiopulmonary
Past Chairperson
                                                       We write this article in memory of                          resuscitation
LIAISONS                                               our friend and colleague, Ruth                         CPSC: Consumer Product Safety
Lynne Janecek Haverkos, MD, MPH, FAAP –                Brenner, MD, FAAP, and in                                    Commission
National Institute of Child Health and Human           appreciation for her significant                        EMS: emergency medical services
Development                                            contributions to the field of drowning

PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2019 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: No external funding.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Dr Quan has provided expert witness testimony in a drowning case in 2018; the other authors have indicated they have no
potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 143, number 5, May 2019                                                                                                      11
Prevention of Drowning
Sarah A. Denny, Linda Quan, Julie Gilchrist, Tracy McCallin, Rohit Shenoi, Shabana
Yusuf, Benjamin Hoffman, Jeffrey Weiss and COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE,
                         AND POISON PREVENTION
                              Pediatrics 2019;143;
     DOI: 10.1542/peds.2019-0850 originally published online March 15, 2019;

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                              Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention
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Prevention of Drowning
Sarah A. Denny, Linda Quan, Julie Gilchrist, Tracy McCallin, Rohit Shenoi, Shabana
Yusuf, Benjamin Hoffman, Jeffrey Weiss and COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE,
                         AND POISON PREVENTION
                              Pediatrics 2019;143;
     DOI: 10.1542/peds.2019-0850 originally published online March 15, 2019;

  The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
                         located on the World Wide Web at:

 Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
 has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by
 the American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Avenue, Itasca, Illinois, 60143. Copyright © 2019
 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.

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