Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

Page created by Annie Porter
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                      Francis Scott Key Post No. 11
Official Bulletin Vol. XXXX No.10
APRIL — 2023

 Francis Scott Key Post 11’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism.

                                    COMMANDER’S ROLL CALL                   BY   OTIS SMITH
                Spring is here!!! Warmer weather is our new friend. Mother Nature is bringing back all the
                blooms, blossoms and green. Summer is on the horizon, so put your winter items away and
                get ready for a wonderful fun filled summer ahead.
               I want to thank the numerous volunteers that help around our Post to make all our events so
 successful. Post 11 wouldn’t be able to accomplish as much as we do without these wonderful people who
 give so generously of their time and talents.
 Our Post is always busy and April is no exception. We will be having our Annual Children’s Easter Party
 on April 1st. The Auxiliary does a great job hosting the Children’s parties. This is always a fun day for the
 Remember that the Legion will be CLOSED on Easter Sunday. Hope this gives our staff and members time
 to enjoy a wonderful day with their families.
 Scholarship applications are due to the admin office by April 15, 2023.
 On April 20th, we will be having our Annual Lebanon/Grenada, Panama, Persian Gulf, War on Terror and
 other conflicts era dinner. The dinner will be from 6:00-8:00 PM. Please be sure to get your reservations in
 to our administrative office if you plan to attend.
 We had an amazing turnout for our Vietnam era dinner that was held on March 30 th. This is always a won-
 derful time for our Veterans to get together.
 At the Post meeting held in March, it was approved to replace the carpeting and flooring at the back en-
 trance in the lounge. Help will be needed clearing out the lounge of tables and chairs once the items are
 ready to be installed. We hope to keep the disruption to the lounge business to a minimum.
 We will be asking for nominations for Post officers at the May Post meeting, so if you are interested in any
 position please let Adjutant Joe Rizzo know.
 Convention time in Ocean City will soon be here. We look forward to another year of learning, sharing, and
 enjoying the friendships we have made with other Posts during convention.

                         C                        Attention 26 Club Members
                         L      Due to scheduling conflicts with the Chef and the availability of the Banquet
                                Hall, we will hold our next dinner and drawing on Sunday, July 16. Sign up
                                forms will be available a few weeks prior. Thank you for your understanding.
                         B      Wayne Fox, 26 Club Chairman
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

              AMERICAN LEGION
           FRANCIS SCOTT KEY POST 11                             FSK Post 11 Business Hours
         Elected Officers—2022-2023
                                                            Monday - Thursday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm*
  Otis Smith                        Commander @*
                                                                 Friday 11:00 am - 11:00 pm*
                                                                Saturday 12:00 pm - 11:00 pm*
  Kimberly Davis     1st Vice Commander @*
                                                                 Sunday 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm*
  Charles Davis      2nd Vice Commander @*
                                                        *If no customers in lounge, bar manager may close early.
  James Burdette     3rd Vice Commander @*
  Joe Rizzo, PC      Adjutant @*                        Lunch served Monday - Friday 11 am – 2 pm
  Wayne Kaikko, PC   Finance Officer @*                 Monday night pizza 5 pm - 7 pm (except on SAL
  Steve Garrahy      Sgt. At Arms *                     Steak Night)
  Don Blakey         Chaplain *
                                                        Lite Fare: Tuesday – Friday 2 pm – 4 pm
                     Historian *
  William Bigelow    Service Officer                    Dinner served:
                                                        Tuesday - Thursday & Saturday 4 pm – 8 pm
  William Lach, PC   Judge Advocate *
                                                        Friday 4 pm - 9 pm
               Executive Committee
 PC Keith Clevenger, PC Willie Jenkins, Tom R. Pryor,
  Oscar Shankle, George Smith III, PC Matt Staden,
                PC David Winpigler
               Operations Committee                                Post Everlasting
  PC Willie Jenkins (Chairman), PC Bill Lach, David                     Service
Quin, Wayne Crum, Oscar Shankle, George Smith III,           Thursday, May 11, 2022 at 7:00 pm
  PC David Swiderski, Wayne Fox (SAL), Maggie
    Stinson (AUX), Patricia Swiderski (Riders).             To Honor and Remember our Legion Family
                                                                      members who passed.
*Indicates member of the Executive Committee.
@ Indicates member of the Operations Committee                  Please be seated prior to 6:45 pm.
Copies of the Post Constitution and By-Laws are
available to Legion Members from the Post Adjutant.             Bar to be closed during the service.
Cindy Shriner ……....………. Auxiliary President
Jeffrey Seiler……….….…….. S.A.L. Commander                               RSVP to front office.
Tim Smith …..………....…..… ALR Director
                                                        FSK Post 11 is proud of our heritage and honored to
Newsletter Staff: Patricia Swiderski, Jami Clevenger,
Maggie Stinson                                          have the following individuals as members:
Webmaster: Michael Duears                               Past Department Commanders
Bus: 301-662-9345 - 301-662-6941
                                                        D. John Markey, 1923 - 1924
Fax: 301-662-8664
Banquet Manager: 301-662-8042                           Charles S. Houck Jr, PC 1935-1936
                                                        David Winpigler, PC, 2003-2004
This Official Bulletin is published for and about
members of the American Legion                          Past Department Auxiliary Presidents
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11                           1st Dept. President, Frances H. Birely, 1922-1923
1450 Taney Avenue
Frederick, MD 21702
                                                        Susie I. Ramsburg, 1928-1929
                                                        Cornelia Rodock, 1940-1941
Comments may be forwarded to our e-mail:                                   Bonnie Lamson, PP, 2006-2007
Web Site:                                 Patti Lach, PP, 2010-2011
Facebook Page :                                         Past Department Detachment. S.A.L Commander
Francis Scott Key Post 11 American Legion               Jeffrey Seiler, PC, 2015-2016
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

              by: Kimberly Davis                              CHAPLAIN’S CORNER
             1st Vice Commander
                                                        The following Comrade of FSK Post 11 was
American Legion Post #11 welcomes the following         transferred to Post Everlasting:
new members:
     Angela Blevins; Wesley A. Eans; Gwendlyn                             Clarence E. Jewell, Jr
     English; Ronald W. English; Carlos Herrera;                               February 20, 2023
     Zachary Phillips; Angela Pittman; Calvin H.
     Pittman, Jr; Lyle R. Tweedy; Gerald Crepezzi.                   May his soul, through the Mercy
                                                                     of God, rest in peace.
                  Dues structure:
NEW MEMBERS—1ST YEAR ……………….……. $25.00                               Don Blakey,
ACTIVE DUTY 1ST YEAR…………….……………….. FREE                              Chaplain
RENEWALS 2ND YEAR & BEYOND…………...…$35.00
You may pay your dues online (preferred method) -
(, by mail, or by stop-                    Legion Closed
ping by the Membership Office. Please make check
                                                                        Easter Sunday
payable to “FSK Post 11”.
                                                                         April 9, 2023
Thanks to all who have brought members on board
or have renewed already.
Goal: 1549 Renewed for 2023 - 1376 (88.83%) as of              Need help filing a VA Claim?
March 17, 2023. Includes the Paid-Up-For-Life.        The Post Service Office works with Veterans,
Please contact the Membership Office if you change    spouses and family members of a Veteran to file a
your address.                                         claim with the VA. Appointments can be sched-
                                                      uled by calling Judy, at 301-662-9345 extension
                                                      117 or by email to
  Top Recruiters for 2023 Membership
     19 New members: Patricia L. Swiderski
                                                                               Frederick County Community
       7 New members: PC Wayne Kaikko                                          Blood Drive. The American
                                                                               Red Cross holds a monthly
       3 New members: PC Willie Jenkins,                Blood Drive at the Frederick Donor Center located
             Maggie Stinson (Aux)
                                                        at 141 Thomas Johnson Drive, Frederick. The date
 2 New members: John Bongard, Jr, James V.G.            varies each month, call 1-800-733-2767 for an ap-
Brown, Rob Ricketts, PC Joseph Rizzo, Otis Smith,       pointment and date for their upcoming drive.
             PC David Swiderski.
 1 New member: Tyler Bennett, Jayne Bongard;                          Free 2024 Dues
Joan Boon; Ron Butts; Altonia Chatman, PP Jami         Recruit five new Legion members (Veterans) be-
Clevenger (Aux), PP Deb Cline (Aux), Cliff Cool,       fore June 1, 2023 and your 2024 dues will be paid
Harold Dorsey, Drew Ewing, Rick Graf (SAL), PC         by the Post. You can also win a free membership
 Curtis Jones, Kevin Joyner, Margie Kelly (Aux),       by attending the monthly post meeting held at
PC Bill Lach, Ronald Lewis, Tommy Long (SAL);          7:30 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
 Missy Metzer (Aux); Luciano Muniz, Jr., Patrick
Pierson, Alecsander Princler, Steve Radkte (SAL),
         Andrew Smalley, Mark Spurrier,                      Top Recruiters for March 2023
                Travis Thompson.                                4 member: Patricia L. Swiderski
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                               Auxiliary News By Cindy Shriner, President

              Greetings American Legion Auxiliary and Legion Family,
            Welcome “Spring” as we move forward with all our hard work for Veterans, our
            communities, our military, and their families. As always, we continue to serve our
Legion Family and our Veterans, Military, their Families, our Communities and Children & Youth.
Please remember and pray for our active military in harm’s way that they return to us safely.
Now that the time has changed, and we have more daylight hours what better way than to spend them with our Veter-
ans and families. Visit a Veteran to lift their spirits now that the weather outside is delightful. Treat them to a lunch,
or visit them and sit on the porch and talk. What better way to make them feel needed and wanted. After the cold
and damp weather this would surely make a difference to them.
Upcoming events and dates to put on your calendar are listed below for April.
    •   April 1, 2023 – April FOOLS Day
    •   April 1, 2023 – Children’s Easter Party Noon – 2:00 pm
    •   April 2, 2023 – Palm Sunday
    •   April 7, 2023 – Good Friday
    •   April 9, 2023 – Easter Sunday
    •   April 18, 2023 – ALA Unit # 11 Meeting 7:00 pm
Reminder April is Children and Youth Month.
Do something nice for our youth as they are our up and coming future. We need to embrace them and teach them
values so they become model citizens and leaders.
We are always looking for any new ideas and projects for the Unit to support our Veterans, our Military, their fami-
lies, our community and our children and youth. You can attend a meeting to share your ideas or email your ideas to We are also looking for volunteers to help with the Post Bingo on Wednesday evening and Sun-
day Bingo on the first Sunday of the month. If you prefer you can help on one of our many programs and projects by
chairing the committee or co-chairing. Please let us know if you would like to help in this way.
We are diligently collecting MEMBERSHIP gems for the new year. Dues are $30.00 and $7.00 for Junior members
(17 & younger). You can renew FOUR ways.
    1. Stop at the Legion and pay your dues at the office or drop them at the bar.
    2. Mail your dues (check payable to FSK Unit 11) to the Post home at 1450 Taney Avenue, Frederick, MD
    3. Renew online at
    4. Calling National Auxiliary Organization Monday thru Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm EST at 317-569-4570 to pay
       over the phone.
You must have your membership ID available if you pay online or over the phone.
If you pay your 2023 dues now that will ensure you are a member in good standing. Let’s make our goal of 100%
early. We currently need 121 members to reach our goal for 2023. If you have not paid your 2023 dues please try
to pay before the end of April 2023.
Your membership is very important and matters greatly to us and our organization.
Our unit meetings are the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm and we look forward to our members attending to
see and or learn what we do and the great work we have done. If you cannot attend in person you can join via
ZOOM. Watch your email for the invite from
If you have a friend or relative who is not a member and is eligible, give them an application to join. Maybe pay their
dues for the first year and let them experience what this great organization does.
Yours in service

Remember to like our page on Facebook - Francis Scott Key Unit 11 American Legion Auxiliary.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                          S.A.L. News by Jeffrey Seiler, Commander
                We would like to thank all the cooks of Francis Scott Key Post 11 family that participated in our annu-
                al Chili Cook-off. Fun was had by all. I think everyone enjoyed all the different chili’s and the fun
                names of the chili’s. Again, congratulations to all the winners who now have bragging rights. Thank
Dues, what can I say? If you have not paid your dues, they are now overdue. We have approximately 67 members
that have not paid their dues yet. Wayne Fox is doing a tremendous job collecting dues and getting our members
their cards. The Sons of The American Legion membership calendar year is from July 1st, 2022, to June 30th, 2023.
The dues are $35.00 per member and $15.00 for junior members. If you have NOT PAID your dues this is a remind-
er that your dues are now PAST DUE. Please stop by the post and PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES. Thank
We are doing a cruise to Bermuda on June 25 th – July 2nd. Bon Voyage. Full steam ahead. It is upon the Celebrity
Summit, and it is leaving out of Cape Liberty New Jersey. We are providing transportation to and from Cape Liberty
back to the Legion. This is a 7-night cruise. Please contact Jeff Seiler if you are interested in going. Thank you to all
the members that attended the meeting in March regarding the cruise. Jayne Bongard is doing a fantastic job coordinat-
ing it. Thank you, Jayne!
Also, we will be looking to book a fishing trip for Rockfish soon.
When traveling this Easter, please take some time to reflect on the real meaning of Easter. Think of our military and
their families and the men and women that are in harm’s way. Say a personal and special prayer for all our men and
women who are serving and those who have served and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
With Spring in the air, if you have some extra time or want to volunteer, the Post has some activities that they could
use some help with. Please contact Patricia Swiderski at the office for any information.
The Sons of The American Legion continue to support the children and youth programs. Squadron 11 offers a scholar-
ship and applications are available behind the bar. I would like to provide the following information for the George
Grossnickel Memorial scholarship offered by the Detachment of Maryland. The application can be found at and needs to be submitted by May 1, 2023.
In accordance with its Americanism Program, the Detachment of Maryland Sons of The American, has established four
$2,000.00 Memorial Scholarship Grants to assist youth in furthering their education beyond high school.
The scholarships shall be offered to young men and women who are:
        A citizen of the United States of America who appreciates the value of education and is willing to work hard to
        achieve success; and
        A graduating senior or a high school graduate, by the prescribed application submittal date, who plans to attend
        an accredited college, university or trade school on a full-time basis; or
        A previous scholarship winner attending college full-time may re-apply (There is no implied guarantee of re-
These scholarships will be awarded with preference given to a recipient in the following order:
        A Detachment of Maryland, Sons of The American Legion member in good standing.
        A descendant of a deceased or living Department of Maryland, American Legion Legionnaire.
        The son or daughter of a Military person on active duty or of an honorably discharged, separated, or retired
        U.S. Military veteran.
        A student from the state of Maryland environs.
Our next meeting will be on May 1st, 2023 at 6:30pm. Please put this on your calendar and plan to attend. This is the
meeting to attend if you are interested in holding a position within the SAL. Please come out and run for an office.

Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                           Legion Riders By Tim Smith, Director
              Happy Spring! I hope we have fully adjusted to our daylight savings change. With Spring
              comes more and more motorcycles on the road, and my annual reminder to please look twice
              for motorcycles. Even though we have lights and other signaling devices, we sometimes can be
hard to spot. Please look twice, save a life. I want to thank the SAL for a wonderful chili cookoff. These
events are a bonus to our Post and are great fun to attend. Our Post hosted the semi-annual State Riders
Meeting in March and many great ideas came from this. I will be sharing these and our own Rider’s activi-
ties and fundraising soon. April marks the 15th anniversary of our Chapter of the Legion Riders and I am
grateful for the support we have received from the Legion family over the years. We are working out the de-
tails of a cooler and meat raffle, so look for details on this soon. We hope to have a few more fundraisers
forthcoming and we so appreciate our legion families’ participation. Until I see you again at our Post…do
you know which of the following celebrities has founded his own brand of motorcycle? Keanu Reeves, Mi-
chael Jordan, or Kanye West...Keanu Reeves, wonder if it has as much “firepower” as his John Wick movies.
If you would like to become a member, or supporting member, please attend our meetings. You can also con-
tact our Membership Chairman (Jami Clevenger) at or go to our website. Mem-
bership is free, but you must be a Legionnaire, Auxiliary, or SAL member with dues paid up to date. You do
not need to own a motorcycle to become a supporting member. We meet on the 1st Thursday of every month
at 7:00 pm sharp in the meeting bay. You must renew your membership annually to stay an active member
and continue to receive emails. For all members, please contact our Membership Chairman with any changes
to your contact status to continue receiving up to date information.
Please visit our website WWW.ALRFSKPOST11.ORG for all scheduled rides, events, applications, etc., and
more information on the American Legion Riders. Please also check out our Face Book page, The American
Legion Riders of FSK Post 11, and give us a like. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or 301-704-4947.

                                          ACE OF SPADES
                          Estimated Value $2,473.00 as of March 28, 2023

Rules are available in the lounge. Tickets are $1.00 and the drawing takes place every Tuesday Night at 7:00
pm. (Except the 3rd Tuesday of each month when it is drawn at 6:50 pm). You do not need to be present to
win. Make sure that you have your current membership card before playing. Good Luck!

    Sunday - April 2, 2023                                            Every Wednesday
                                                       Doors open at 4:30 pm. Bingo sales start at 5:00 pm.
Doors open at 11:30 am - Lunch
                                                                      Games start at 7:00 pm.
served at noon.
                                                     GAMES: Early Bird, Winner Take All, Quickie, 50/50,
Games start at 2:00 pm - Twenty (20)                   Specials, Regular Bingo, Senior Jackpot, Grand Slam
games - $500.00 payout per game.                               (Jackpot $2,000). 30 games in total.
Two $1,000.00 Jackpot Games. One
progressive Jackpot worth $3,400.                    Players receive a Loyalty card and earn a free 6 pack
                                                               of regular games with a filled card.
       $60.00 Advance Ticket
         $70.00 At The Door                         Ball Games prior to Early Bird games. Tip Jars available.
                                                    Snack bar (candy, chips, soda) open 4:30 - 7:00 pm and
Reserve seating available for advance               at halftime. Kitchen open 5:00 - 7:00 pm only.
ticket sales. Advance tickets availa-
                                                          Payout is determined by the number of players.
ble in the lounge - 1450 Taney Ave.
                                                                     Minimum payout $60.00
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

  Gun or Cash Raffle & Dinner                                          FSK Post 11 Library
                                                         The Library is available for the enjoyment of Post 11
     Francis Scott Key American Legion Post 11           American Legion Family Members, and it is an Honor
           1450 Taney Avenue, Frederick                  System Library. Books may be taken out, or read in the
       Saturday, April 29, 2023                          Library.
       Doors open at 4:00 pm.                                             Post 11 Library Hours
                                                                          Monday – Friday
          Meal at 5:30 pm.                                               11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  $40.00 per ticket (includes 1 Guest)                                  Saturday & Sunday
   Tickets available at the bar, or admin office.                         2:00 pm - 5:00 PM
       Must be 21 years or older to attend                       We request that you check in with the
One ticket raffled off day of event guaranteed to be            Bartender before and after you go to the
              in the top three winners.                                     Library Area.
Losers Drawing – Savage Axis XP 308 Win or $200 -                   Check Out/Return Procedure
               must be present to win.                               Sign Out Procedure:
*Prizes available at time of printing. Equal substitu-       Books may be borrowed as long as needed.
   tion may be made. All regulated firearms to be              Sign Out Books in Library Binder.
picked up at Skeeters (2 E. Water Street, Smithsburg,                     Return Procedure:
MD 21783) after background check. IAW All Firearm          Sign In Books in Library Binder when Returned.
                     Regulations.                             Placed returned book in Return Box.

            Tip Jars and 50/50 available.
 Ticket               Rifle* / Cash Option
    1       Stevens 301 Turkey Camo 410 ga /$100
   25       Vortex Crossfire II 4-12x44 scope /$100
                                                                 SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2023
   50      Stevens 320 Home Security 12 ga /$100                   12:00 PM TO 2:00 PM
   75        Rossi RS22M Semi Tan 22 Mag /$150                 FSK POST #11 BANQUET HALL
                                                         FOOD, FUN, GAMES, TREATS AND SURPRISES
  100       Savage Mark II Minimalist 22LR /$150
                                                               Here comes Peter Cotton Tail hopping
  125      CVA Optima V2 SS/RT Camo 50BP /$200                        down the bunny trail….

  150        Winchester Hybrid Camo 20 ga /$200
  175      HiPoint 4595 Grand Union 45ACP /$200
  200           Ruger American 17HMR /$200
  225      Mossberg Patriot Syn 350 Legend /$200
                                                                     Ace of Spades Winner
  250       Iver Johnson 600LW O/U 12 ga / $250
  275           Ruger American 7mm-08 /$300
  298           Remington 783 270 Win /$350
  299      Savage 110 Eng Hunter XP243 Win/$350
                                                         Congratulations to Tom Fitzgerald for winning $2,772
  300       Weatherby Vanguard 6.5CR Cmp /$400
                                                         on 28 February 2023. No photo available.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
                              TO THE FOLLOWING POST #11 LEGIONNAIRES
                                  CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS IN APRIL*
William Ahalt Jr        Edward S Anderson       William J Barci         Robert J Barnes         Larry E Biehl
Hunter P Black          A. R Boyer              Jeffrey S Brand         Walter E Brandt         Daniel S Braucher
Wayne E Braunstein      Francis N Brown         George W Brown          Harold E Brown          Sandra L Burns
Robert C Carpenter      Eugene E Clark          Alonzo G Coley Jr       Leslie J Connell        Clifford J Cool
Jonathan Covell         Samuel L Davies Jr      Ida Davis               John T Davis Jr         Richard E Delauter
Chris S Delgado         David D Denton          Philip A Dockendorf     Joseph W Dombek         Reuben Doornink
Irving J Duhart         James T Dungan          Richard J Duthoy        Erik Engle              Robert J Evans Jr
Randolph L Everhart     Drew C Ewing            Henry B Fairchild       Michael R Fitts         John F Fleischman
Inez D Foley            Timothy A Foosness      Lewis B Gannon          Robert P Garland Jr     Samuel D Giles
David L Haller          James Hamilton          Ronald A Hart           Raymond S Helsley       Clyde A Henman
John T Hildebrand       Franklin S Himes        James A Hoffman         Hans Hoffmeyer          William J Hogel
Eugene V Holahan        Leslie U Hutzell        William L Irwin         Joseph C Jacobs         George R Jae
Willie L Jenkins        Neal F Jerrell          Edward M Johnson        Donna A Kalteyer        Jacob E Karlsson
Edward A Kefauver       Nancy Landreville       Clyde E Law             Amber S Linde           Richard W Linden
James E Main            Donald Manning Jr       Albert H Manus          Frank C Marinoff        Thomas A Martin
Patrick May             Timothy S May           Robert A McGinnes       Dan McKee               Terry L McMichael
Harry R Melvin          Paul F Mercer           Diana L Miller          Terry Morgan            John B Munns
Jeffrey L Nelson        Paul J Offutt           David Ouellette         Woodrow W Palmer        Ronald M Partyka
Charles R Paschal Jr    Gunnar G Pedersen       Jimmie Pennywell Jr     Harry D Perkins         James E Prince
Ronald R Printz         James W Quinn           Bryan L Rice            Russell L Rice          Danny Richardson
Clarence R Ricketts     Eugene F Rinehart       Edgardo Rivera          John F Rogers Jr        Kathryn Sauter
James L Schley          Michael W Shrank        Edmund J Siekierski     Norbert Skowronski      Ai B Smith II
William R Spake         Brian S Stakes          David C Stender         James T Stinson         Andrew Stumpf
Patricia L Swiderski    Thomas M Tarpley        Telford W Thomas        Christopher Treib       James C Ulmer
Douglas R Ventura       Dennis L Vernon         Charles H Vogler        James G Wathen Jr       Randy E Weddle
Gary Wiley              James E Willett         Jason M Williams        Patrick Williams Sr     Keith Womack
James A Woods IV        Gary L Yost             Daniel A Zoberbier

*If you are a Legion Member (Not SAL or Auxiliary) and your name is not listed and your birthday is this
month, please contact the front office (301-662-9345) to update our records.

                                                 Wreaths Across America
            Fundraising has begun for Wreaths Across America. With last year fundraising, we were able to reach
            our goal of 4370. We hope to do it again this year. Purchasing wreaths is easy. Order online through this
            direct link to the WAA page: or scan the
QR code. Forms may also be picked up in the administrative office.
Any questions contact Keith Clevenger @ 301-514-6641. Please leave a message if no answer or email
Goal 4370, wreaths purchased so far: 303 as of March 20, 2023.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                                  Bake Sale
The Junior members of Francis Scott Key Unit #11, with the help of junior members of the SAL #11, held a very suc-
cessful Cake Raffle/Sale on March 5, 2023, during Sunday BINGO. As you can see by the pictures below, our auxiliary
members donated two tables worth of cakes for the event.
The Juniors thank those who helped with the event by baking goodies and those who participated by buying chances
on the cakes and purchasing those cakes we did not have time to raffle.

                                                          Thank you for all
                                                           your support!!!
                                                                  FSK Unit #11

                The Clifford Yinger Scholarship
                                The American Legion, Francis Scott
                                Key Post #11, and the estate of Past            The Auxiliary and SAL have a
                                C                                               scholarship program for high school
                                                                                seniors. These are two different
                                                                                applications in addition to the
Graduate students are not eligible for scholarships.                            Yinger Scholarship that is sponsored
Applications are available in the lounge or in the Admin Office. The            by the Post. You may apply for all
                                                                                three scholarships, but you must
scholarship will be in the amount of $2,000 per year for two years.
                                                                                provide a separate transcript for
The second year’s award is contingent upon the Post receiving a letter          each scholarship you apply for. Ap-
of acceptance/continuation from your scholastic institution along with          plications are available in the lounge
a transcript of your grades from the previous year. Overall GPA must            or in the office. Please turn them in
be 2.5 or higher. Applications are due back in the Admin Office by              at the Admin office by April 15,
April 15, 2023.                                                                 2023.

                         American Legion State Baseball Tournament
                                      Help needed!
                     Francis Scott Key will be hosting the American Legion State Baseball Tournament July 21 - 25,
                     2023 at McCurdy Field on Jefferson St. To make this tournament a success, help is needed
                     from our Legion Family. Help is needed for ticket takers, concessions and PA announcers. You
                     do not need to commit to the whole time, but if you can help during a game or two, it would
                     be greatly appreciated. If you are available to help, please contact the office at 301-662-9345.

The Baseball Committee will be mailing out letters and a tournament pass to all members. The ticket you receive will
allow you to attend all 5 days of the tournament. We are asking for a donation of $15.00 to help offset the cost of
the event. You can make checks payable to the Frederick American Legion Baseball Program. Tickets purchased at
the gate will cost $6.00 per day. If members need extra tickets, these can be acquired at the lounge. Payment can be
mailed to the Legion (address below) or dropped off at the bar in the Legion. Hope to see everyone at the tourna-
                                               Program Books
Looking for sponsors who would like to put an ad in the tournament program book. There are five (5) sponsorship
Single - quarter page ad - $50.00.
Double - half page ad - $75.00
Triple - full-page ad, plus sponsor organization or company will have their name announced during every game of the
tournament - $150.00.
Home Run - full-page ad, sponsor organization or company will have their name announced during every game of the
tournament and your banner (provided by sponsor) will be hung on the “Field Fence”, plus 2 Tournament passes for
all games - $200.00.
Grand Slam - full page ad, name announced during every game, banner (provided by sponsor) hung on the “Field
Fence, 4 Tournament passes for all games, plus one of your ticket holders will be able to throw out the “First Pitch”
at one of the games. Game to be determined by the baseball committee - $250.00.
Please call Tom Long at 301-676-5378 if you have any questions.
You can mail your information for your ad space and check to:
                      F.S.K Post 11 American Legion Baseball Program
                                      ATTN: Tom Long
                                      1450 Taney Ave.
                                    Frederick, MD. 21702

                                                                            New Member Orientation
                                                                   Six new members of FSK Post 11 attended
                                                                   the New Member Orientation held on March
                                                                   9th. Seated left to right: William Cole, Wal-
                                                                   lace Sally, Andrew “Eddy” Arnold, Sr., D. Scott
                                                                   Bianchi, Bruce Finch, Edwin Lopez. Standing
                                                                   left to right: Chaplain Don Blakey, PC David
                                                                   Swiderski, 2nd VC Charles Davis, Adjutant Joe
                                                                   Rizzo, 1st VC Kim Davis, PC Wayne Kaikko,
                                                                   and PC Matt Staden.

                                        CASH BLAST 2023 WINNERS
    Last Ticket drawn ($10,000) Otis Smith
    2nd to last ($1,500) George A. Smith III
    3rd to last ($1,000) Erin McNally
    4th to last ($750) Kevin Putman
    5th to last ($500) Tim Smith
    6th to last ($300) Dale Lowman
    7th to last ($250) Jim Burdette
    8th to last ($200) Mike Jackson
    9th to last ($150) George A. Smith III
    10th to last ($100) Pat Joy                            Commander Otis Smith receives his Cash Blast check from
    1st ticket drawn ($1,000) Megan Adame                  Past Commander Willie Jenkins. Congratulations Otis!

                                                     $500 Winners
                            Carolyn Bell     Jack Bowersox Jamie Zayas       Jeff Seiler
                            Mary Stabler     Nancy Hayes       Paul Woodin William E Shiflett

                               Ocean City Condo (4000th Ticket Drawn) - Betty Gaskill
                                                      $25 Winners

Alan Garrett           Amanda Maloney             Andrew Radcliff Jr              Anna Smith          B. Swearinger
Betty Tucker           Carol W Hovermale          Carole Werking                  Charles C Barnhouse Charley Davis
Chase Haught           Cliff Geisbert Jr          Cody Corum                      Dan & Mary Giles    Dan Atias
Dani Gurrie            Dave & Wendy Giles         David Beall                     David Harshman      David Swiderski
Dawn Shankle           Debra Kmieciak             Don Blakey                      Donna Sunshine      Donnie Barber
Dorothy Green          Doug Sims                  Elaine Pitts                    Gary W Perry        Greg Glover
Greg Nickens           Gregory & Nancy Trout      Harry Swope                     Hubert Winpigler    Jack Ensor
James Earp x3          Janet Williams             Jeff Harding                    Jeff Seiler x2      Jennifer Coyle
Jessica Lafferty       Jim Burdette x2            Jim Young                       Jimmy Franklin      Joe Ganley
John Boyce             Joyce Smith                Karen Rinehart                  Kathy A Shiflett    Kay Adams
Ken James              Larry Staton               Lenny & Missy Melpigrano        Lily Berrios        Linda Dutrow
Lisa Johnson           Lorah Macmillan            Luke Spurrier                   Mark Dutrow         Matt Danner
Michael Winpigler      Michael & Lisa Freeman     Mid MD Tag & Title              Nick Whims          Norb Skowronski
Otis Smith             Past Commanders            Patti Lach                      Paul Stull          Richard Grimes
Richard Jackson        Rob Monko                  Roland Ray                      Rose Graf           Samantha Smith
Sean Eaton             Stephen Haller             Steve Stoyke                    Teri Cecil          Tiffany Auguillard
Tom Covell             Tony O'Donnell             Wes Whetstore                   Wesley Lewis        William Nichols
Willliam E. Shiflett

                                          Francis Scott Key Post 11

Chicken Tenders (4)            $6.50    Wing Dings Breaded (8) $10.00 Basket Fries             $3.50
Hot Wings Breaded (10)         $13.00   Mozzarella Sticks (6)  $5.50 Basket Curly Fries        $3.50
Thai Wings Breaded (10)        $13.00   Haddock Bites (10)     $8.00 Basket Sweet Potato Fries $3.50
Naked Wings (7)                $10.00                                  Extra sauce              $0.50
      Side Salad $3.25           Grilled Chicken Salad       $9.00     Tuna Salad Platter        $9.00
      Chef Salad $8.00           Chicken Salad Platter       $9.00      Extra dressing           $0.50

     Soup of the Day                                 Cup—$3.50                       Bowl—$4.50
                                             Sides Items - $1.75
 French Fries (FF), Curly Fries, Sweet Potato Fries, Cole Slaw, Onion Rings, Mashed Potatoes, Apple Sauce
                   All sandwiches are served with chips and pickles except where noted.
                              Topping choices: Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo, Onion
                    Add cheese for an additional $0.50 (American, Swiss, or Provolone)
  Tuna Salad     $6.50 Chicken Salad            $6.50 Turkey           $6.50 Ham & Cheese               $6.50
  Ham Wrap       $7.75 Turkey Wrap              $7.75 Ham Club         $8.00 Turkey Club                $8.00
  BLT            $8.50 Ham & Turkey Club        $8.75

Hamburger w/FF         $7.50     Cheeseburger w/FF        $8.00      Bacon Cheeseburger w/FF             $9.00
Cheese Steak w/FF      $9.00     Hot Dog                  $3.25      Turkey Rueben w/FF                  $9.00
Rueben w/FF            $9.00     Tuna Melt (Rye Bread)    $7.50      Haddock w/FF & Coleslaw             $9.00
Patty Melt w/FF        $8.50     Hot Turkey (1 side)      $9.00      Grilled Chicken w/FF & Cole Slaw    $9.00
Grilled Cheese         $3.50     Grilled Cheese & Ham     $5.00      Grilled Cheese & Bacon              $6.00
                                                                     Shrimp Basket w/FF & Cole Slaw      $9.25

                  Tuesday - Thursday & Saturday 4:00 - 8:00 pm, Friday 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
                           All dinners served with 2 side items and a small salad.
               Chicken*                                                    Seafood
  4 pc All White or Mixed Fried Chicken      $12.00                Haddock (fried or broiled) $14.00
  2 pc White or Dark Chicken                 $10.00
* Chicken dinners must be ordered 30 minutes prior to the kitchen closing.
Sundaes (Vanilla ice cream, Chocolate sauce, Whipped topping, Nuts & Cherry) Small / Large
Shooters (Chocolate Brownie Mousse, Peanut Butter Cheesecake Mousse or Strawberry Shortcake)

Lunch: Monday - Friday 11 am - 2 pm
Lite Fare: Tuesday - Friday 2 - 4 pm
Dinner: Tuesday -Thursday & Saturday 4 - 8 pm, Friday 4 - 9 pm

   SUN.           MON.               TUES.                   WED.                  THURS.            FRI.        SAT.
                                                                                                              Easter Party

     2               3                   4                      5                       6             7             8
 Operations                    L) Taco Salad w/       L) Pulled Pork Sand-    L) 2 pc. Fried Ckn.,
MTG 9:00 am    Pizza 5 -7 pm   Spanish Rice           wich w/ Steak Fries     M. Potatoes, Gravy,
                                                                              Veg. & Roll
               SAL MTG         Ace of Spades 7:00
   Bingo                       pm
  11:30 am     6:30 pm
                               Executive MTG 7:30     Bingo 7 pm              Riders MTG 7:00 pm

     9              10                  11                     12                      13             14            15
                               L) Grilled Ckn Cesar   L) Spaghetti w/Garlic   L) 2 pc. Fried Ckn.,
 Easter Post                   Salad                                          M. Potatoes, Gravy,
                                                      Bread & salad
   Closed                                                                     Veg. & Roll
               Pizza 5 -7 pm   Ace of Spades 7 pm
                                                                              New Member
                               Post MTG 7:30 pm       Bingo 7 pm              Orientation 7 pm

     16             17                  18                     19                      20             21            22
                               L) Fish & Chips        L) Sloppy Joes w/       L) 2 pc. Fried Ckn.,
                                                      Tater Tots              M. Potatoes, Gravy,
               Pizza 5 -7 pm   Ace of Spades 6:50                             Veg. & Roll
                               pm                     Bingo 7 pm
                                                                              War Era Dinner
                               Aux MTG 7:00 pm                                6 - 8 pm

     23             24                  25                     26                      27             28            29
                               L) Fish Tacos w/       L) Meatball Sub w/      L) 2 pc. Fried Ckn.,
                               Fries                  Chips                   M. Potatoes, Gravy,
               Pizza 5- 7 pm                                                  Veg. & Roll

                               Ace of Spades 7:00     Bingo 7 pm

MTG 9:00 am

  Dates to Remember:                                                           April 9 - Easter - Post Closed
  April 1 - Children’s Easter Party Noon - 2 pm                                April 11 - Post meeting 7:30 pm
  April 2 - Operations meeting 9 am
                                                                               April 13 - New Member Orientation 7 pm
  April 2 - Bingo 11:30 am
                                                                               April 18 - Auxiliary meeting 7 pm
  April 3 - SAL meeting 6:30 pm
                                                                               April 20 - War Era Dinner 6 pm - 8 pm
  April 4 - Executive meeting 7:30 pm
                                                                               April 30 - Operations meeting 9 am
  April 6 - Legion Riders meeting 7 pm
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