Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church

Page created by James Gardner
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Saint Edna
                                        Catholic Community
                                         Saint Edna Catholic Community desires to live as
                                             a reflection of who Christ calls us to be by
                                           welcoming all in Charity, Justice, and Hope

 Weekend Mass Schedule
 Saturday evening - 5:00pm
 Sunday - 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am
 Weekday Masses
 Monday - Thursday 8:00am
 Communion Service
 Monday - Friday: 6:45am
 Morning Prayer and
 Communion Service
 Friday: 8:00am
 Eucharistic Adoration
 and Benediction
 First Friday of the Month
 Office Hours
 Mon-Thurs: 8:30am - 8:00pm
 Friday:      8:30am - 5:00pm
 (closed 12 - 1pm weekdays)
 Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm
 Sun: 9:00am - 1:00pm

 Sharing Sunday.................2
 Faith Formation................7
 Parish Life....... ...............10
 Human Concerns............12
 In Our Community..........14
 Take Five for Faith.........15
 Kids Page........................16

May 27, 2018                                                           The Most Holy Trinity
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Sharing Sunday                                           

                                      A Visit with the Counters
In every parish there are groups of dedicated parishioners who labor behind the scenes for the parish. One of
these is a group I call the “Counters”. They meet every week to open envelopes, count the money and add up
the checks from the weekend’s collection. And, although we see the results of their work in the financial report
in the weekly bulletin, their labors are largely unseen and unnoticed.
There was a time in the past when only the priests opened and counted the collection but that was usually the
job of the assistants, not the pastor. When I was a young priest one of my classmates and his two fellow
associates had to do the counting every Sunday before they could go home to their families. When they
finished they would put the money (mostly cash in those days) into a gym bag and bring it to the pastor. He
would then place the bag in his car trunk for his sole trip to the bank early Monday morning.
Fortunately, my first pastor did not require his associate to count the collection, but he did stop in to visit the
volunteer counters occasionally. He taught me that this was a good practice – not only to show appreciation for
their labor but to “get the pulse” of the parish. There are few venues where parishioners openly share their
thoughts and reflections about the Church, their faith and life in general.
So, I’ve been visiting with the Counters off and on since I became a pastor in 1991. As a priest and pastor, I
find their conversations intriguing. In some ways it is as though I am a fly on the wall; as I experienced it, they
seemed to take no notice of me, but they freely stated their opinions about everything in a fairly free ranging
conversation. Sometimes they talked about parish issues but mostly the everyday stuff which friends discuss as
they labor on a common task. As I began to listen more carefully, I learned a lot!
When I came to St. Edna I also began visiting with St. Edna’s Counters every now and then. Lately I had the
idea to share a sample of some of their discussion topics and comments. This sort of reporting will be
challenging since I have not taken any notes and I am not sure I remember everything accurately; but no names
will be revealed to protect their innocence!
Safe Confessions – what would it be like if the priest could read your mind when you came to confession?
There was a story on TV which highlighted a machine that could help read a person’s mind. This would make
it easier to go to confession, some thought, because you would not have to explain your sins to the priest. A
“safe” confession is when you can have confidence that the priest you go to confession to will be
compassionate and understanding, and not yell or give a lecture to you.
Homilies at St. Edna’s – in their travels to other parishes in the Chicago area and elsewhere, the priests’ and
deacons’ homilies here compare pretty well. This includes our visiting priests. It is not unusual for the counters
to share the gist of some of the homilies they heard at different Sunday masses St. Edna’s and elsewhere but
their further comments will be withheld to protect the innocent.
New Building – not all of the volunteer counters supported the idea of building the Parish Life Center. But, as
they have seen an increasing number of blue envelopes for donations to the St. Edna Parish Life Center in the
collections, most are now supportive. “As long as it is going to be built, we might as well support it!” Since
the blue envelopes were sent with the regular collection envelopes in the fall they have brought in
approximately $112,882, most of it from people who did not donate originally.

  2                                                   May 27, 2018
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Sharing Sunday                                          

Collections – they noticed that the number of envelopes as well as the total amounts of collection dollars is
generally down. Some have noticed that the numbers of people attending weekend masses at St. Edna’s has
declined. The issue is not only that not as many people are coming here; the fact is we are also
an aging community. Older parishioners are getting ill or dying or moving to condos and the younger people
who are moving into their homes are not Catholic or are not church going families. Today there are so many
things for families to do on Sundays – it’s very difficult for younger parents to find the time in the lives of
their very scheduled children for church!
Sunday Sharing – they liked the idea of having various staff members write articles for the Sunday bulletin.
They have gotten to know our staff members better because of what they share in their articles. I said that if I
had to write something every week you would be totally bored in less than a month!
The counters’ plea to our parishioners – please do not use scotch tape on the flap of the envelope; it makes
them much harder to open. Also, please no staples!
Conclusion - there are many behind the scenes volunteer ministry groups here at St. Edna’s (for example the
volunteers who serve at the Outreach ministry in the office, those who keep the food pantry stocked, those who
bring Holy Communion to the sick and visit the Hospitals, those who Garden for God, etc.). I want to take this
occasion to thank all of you for your dedication and ongoing commitment.

                                    Parish Life Center Progress
After much anticipation we received our permit from the Village of Arlington Heights so you should see some
steady progress in the next few weeks. Tree removal took place on May17 and excavating equipment arrived
this week. You might notice that the side of the Hurley Center has been boarded up, that is only to protect our
windows—and the people behind them. We will keep you updated with the progress. Thank you to everyone
for your patience—and prayers.

        Welcome St. James Parishioners – Happy Memorial Day Weekend
I want to take this occasion to warmly welcome the parishioners of our sharing parish – St. James. I remember
the sister parish connection with St. James was alive and well in the 1980’s, when I was an associate at
St. Edna’s. So this is a long lasting and strong relationship. We are honored that you have joined us for the
11:30 Mass Sunday.
And to all, happy Memorial Day weekend. Let’s pause to say a brief prayer for all our service men and women
who have given their lives for our nation over the years.

                                                                                          Fr. Bob

Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
This Week At St. Edna                                      

    Bulletin Deadline:
       Articles for the                                      MEMORIAL DAY MASS
       June 10, 2018
  bulletin may be dropped
                                                              AND OFFICE HOURS
 off in the Parish Office or
         e-mailed to                                                Sunday, May 27                                           No 5:30pm Mass!
         no later than
     Tuesday, May 29
Please indicate the topic in
                                                              Monday, May 28 - Memorial Day
     the subject line.                                            Mass at 9:00am
                                                                 Parish Office Closed

                                         Sunday, May 27
                               11:30am   St. James, Our Sharing Parish, visit - Church
                                         Reception, immediately following Mass - Doherty Center

                                         Monday, May 28 - Memorial Day
                                         Parish Office Closed
                               9:00am    Mass - Church

                                         Tuesday, May 29
                                8:30am   Grandparents Prayer Time - Hurley Center
                                7:30pm   Rosary Group - Church

                                         Wednesday, May 30
                                4:30pm   Options Ministry Team - Teen Center
                                7:00pm   Adult Faith Formation - Community Room

                                         Thursday, May 31
                                7:00pm   Peer Ministry Team - Teen Center

                                         Friday, June 1
                                8:30am   Eucharistic Adoration - Church
                                9:30am   Benediction - Church
                               10:00am   Adult Faith Formation - Doherty Center
                               11:00am   Vicariate 1 ACCW - Hurley Center

                                         Saturday, June 2
                               9:30am    SPRED - Hurley Center

                                         Sunday, June 3
                               11:30am   SPRED Mass - Church
                                         Reception, immediately following Mass - Doherty Center
                                1:00pm   Baptisms - Church
                                6:30pm   St. Edna Community Table - Doherty Center

  4                                               May 27, 2018
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Worship Commission                                                   

                                                                                          Worship Commission
                         Mass Celebrants - June 2-3                                           cultivates the
                                                                                       liturgical life of the parish
               5:00pm—Rev. John Canary & Deacon Jim Pauwels                           by fostering full, active and
                                                                                       conscious participation of
               7:30am—Rev. Rodolfo Ramirez & Deacon Joe Yannotta                             the community.

               9:30am—Rev. Rodolfo Ramirez & Deacon Joe Yannotta                                     Co-Chairs:
                                                                                                     Gary Daigle
             11:30am—Rev. Robert Heidenreich & Deacon Greg Beeber                                   Marie Schalke
               5:30pm—Rev. Bill Zavaski & Deacon Jim Pauwels                                           Members:
                                                                                                    Justin Abbink
                                                                                                        Phil Bares
                                                                                             Deacon Greg Beeber
                                                                                                      Moira Burdi
     With                                                                                           Peg Connolly

   Sympathy                                            Just Married                                Lorie Crepeau
                                                                                                      Kelly Fagan
                                                                                                     Evelyn Getty
                                                     Alison Calica & Greg Berk                        Anne Mura
Herminia Lopez,                                                                                   Camille Murray
            wife of Mario,                                                                   Deacon Jim Pauwels
            mother of Sandy                                                                      Therese Pauwels
                                                                                             Paula Pollman (rec.)
James Carver, husband of Elaine                                                              Fr. Rodolfo Ramirez
                                                     ROSARY GROUP                                    Ann Rymsza
                                                                                                       Mary Salm
Marilyn Schwartz,                                  Meets: Monday –                                 Frank Starshak
            mother of Linda Paris                Thursday 7:20am and
                                                 Tuesday at 7:30pm in
                                                      the church
                                                 All are invited to join
                                                 us to pray the Chaplet
   MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY                           of the Divine Mercy
                                                     and the Rosary.
If you would like to remember a deceased
relative or friend in a special way, here is
your opportunity.       We are accepting
donations for the altar breads and wine
that are used at Mass for that week. Every
week in the bulletin we will post who the
bread and wine was donated in memory                    Altar bread and wine
of. Suggested donation is $25. You can              will be offered in memory of
drop off or mail your donation to the                     Corinne Davis
Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread                     donated by James R. Davis
Memorial.” Make sure to include your
name and the name/s of whom you would                    during the week of
like to be remembered. Requests are                        May 27, 2018
published in the bulletin in the order that
they are received.

Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Worship Commission                                                     

    Worship Commission
        cultivates the
                                     Policy Regarding the Dona on of Religious Items to the Parish
 liturgical life of the parish
by fostering full, active and    It is the policy of St. Edna Parish that parishioners wishing to donate religious
 conscious participation of      items such as statues, pictures, and/or liturgical items, must submit a le er of
       the community.            request detailing what they want to donate, which will then be submi ed to the
                                 Pastor, Parish Staff, Parish Pastoral Council, and Worship Commission. A picture of
                                 the item with a descrip on including exact dimensions will be necessary. The
                                 Pastor and three leadership bodies will discern the appropriateness of the gi and
                                 where it will be located or used.

                                           Mass Intentions for the week of May 27, 2018
Celebrated the 1st, 3rd &
5th Sunday of the month          Weekend of May 26-27
at 1:00 pm.                      5:00pm—Eugene Wisniewski, Genevieve Dziekanski, Ted Dziekanski,
Parent preparation class:                 Paul Horabik
2nd Thursday of each
month, 7:30 pm. Please call       7:30am—George Tokarczyk, Tadeusz Koziol, Salvatore & Anna Tamburo (A)
to register.
                                  9:30am—Rose Burke Vogt, Magdalen Torchalski, Grace Amodeo, Jim Root (A)
Arrangements for
                                 11:30am—Anna D’Andrea, Benedetto Gumino, Marcee Lehmann,
celebration of marriage                  Jimmy, James, and Papa Sabaini
should be made at the
Parish Office at least six       Monday, May 28 - Memorial Day
months in advance.                9:00am—
Reconciliation/Confession        Tuesday, May 29
Available first and third         6:45am—Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service
Saturdays of each month
8:00am until all are heard.       8:00am—The Souls of the Faithful Departed of St. Edna,
                                           Mercedes & William Fulstick
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the Parish           Wednesday, May 30
Office to have a family           6:45am—Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service
member who is seriously ill      8:00am—Eugenija Maria Mironova, Nicholas Weinrauch (A)
or elderly receive the
Sacrament of Anointing.
                                 Thursday, May 31
                                  6:45am—Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service
                                  8:00am—For Parishioners of St. Edna
                                 Friday, June 1
                                  6:45am—Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service
                                  8:00am—Morning Prayer & Communion Service
                                  8:30am—Eucharistic Adoration
                                 Saturday, June 2

   6                                                     May 27, 2018
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Faith Formation Commission                                    

                                                                                                         Our Faith Formation
                                                                                                      Commission fosters the
                                             SPRED Invites You                                     life-long growth, of all, in
                                                                                                           the Catholic Faith.
                     At SPRED we, the catechists, are not teachers to our friends but
                     experience themes and concepts together. Our SPRED sessions
                     (our parish is entrusted with the 6-10 age group) are bound deeply to                           Chair:
                     every liturgical and sacramental action. Then, when our friends join the               Heather Daudelin
                     St. Edna Community for Mass, they feel more welcome, are more in
                     tune with the liturgy, and have an awareness they belong to a larger                       Steve Jabek
                     "home."                                                                                Cynthia Jochum
                                                                                                               Tom O’Neill
                      Please join the SPRED participants on June 3 at the 11:30am Mass.                        Katie Pisello
The careful preparations by our friends with different abilities are a beautiful reminder of the             Camille Ponski
dignity and respect of all members who yearn to know God's Love!                                           Michelle Stuercke
                                                                                                          Ann Marie Thomas
There will be simple adaptations to the Mass to honor our SPRED friends with special
challenges. These ritual actions do not add length to the liturgy, but bring richness to our
worship. They intensify our awareness of Christ's presence in the sacrifice of the Mass, in the
Word, in the bread and wine, in the celebrant, and in the people gathered. The careful pacing,
sacred gestures, reverent attitude, and simplicity of spirit draw all gathered into a deeper
sense of the sacredness of the Eucharistic celebration. Our SPRED friends are delighted to be
included in the liturgical celebrations of this parish community.

As a gesture of our gratitude to all, we welcome and encourage you to join us for an agape, a
     simple sharing of food and fellowship, in the Doherty Center following the Mass.

                                            Have You Ever Considered
                                         Spiritual Direction?
 Are you hungry for a deeper relationship with God?
 Is your prayer inviting you to grow your love for God?
 Do you have an inner yearning for MORE?
 Are you seeking the countless ways God meets you?

Spiritual Direction is the ancient practice of Holy Listening to how God
speaks through your life. A Spiritual Director is a trained companion who
creates a safe space to plumb the depth of God’s interaction in your life so
you can tell that sacred story in a one-on-one confidential meeting.

Spiritual direction is not counseling. Its focus is your relationship with God. Counseling focuses on practical
skills, like learning coping skills needed within transitions in life.

                                      If God is calling you deeper, Andrea Hug,
                        a spiritual director for over 10 years, is available to walk with you.
                        Andrea can be reached at 847-852-6286 or

Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Faith Formation Commission                                    

   Our Faith Formation
 Commission fosters the
life-long growth, of all, in
    the Catholic Faith.
                                       Youth Ministry Summer News
                                    Cup Cakes for Camp                            Introducing “CMT”
                               Thank you to all the Par ishioner s        We are adding a new team to our Youth
                               who shopped at our fundraiser. Our         Ministry groups.    CMT stands for
                               goal was $2000 and we are joyful to        College Ministry Team.
                               have exceeded that goal.
                               2018 will be the 20th year that St.        At a recent meeting of area Youth
                               Edna Parish has sent teens on a            Ministers, the discussion was about the
                               Mission Trip with Catholic Heart           college students home for the summer
                               Workcamp. This year we are going           and what we needed to do for them..
                               to be serving the poor, elderly and        CMT is St. Edna’s answer.
                               marginalized in Champaign, IL.
                                                                          All college students are invited to drop-in
                               The money raised from all those            at the Teen Center on Wednesday
                               delicious baked goodies will help          evenings at 7 PM.
                               defray the cost of our transportation
                               and other expenses for the Mission         This will be a time for you to reconnect
                               Trip we will take the week of June         with you friends from St. Edna, and again
                               17th—22nd.                                 be part of our very active parish.

                                      OMT = Youth group                        PMT = Peer Ministry Team
                                        for 6-8th Graders                         for High School students

                               On Wednesday afternoons from 4:30          Our High School, Thursday night drop-in
                               until 5:45 we have a drop-in for           is great group of teens who are from 6
                               Middle School students. This lively        different high schools. They gather at 7
                               group meets to socialize, listen to        PM every week. Most weeks we have
                               and discuss the upcoming Sunday’s          between 18—30 young people who come
                               Gospel, share prayer intentions, and       together to be with like minded teens.
                               then socialize some more with board        Like the OMT group, we socialize, pray,
                               games or such                              and eat snacks with no nutritional value.
                               If you are or will be in Middle School     Stop in and see what all the Good Buzz is
                               in the Fall, stop by and see what this     about! It’s about PMT!
                               group is all about. You will be glad
                               you did!

  8                                                     May 27, 2018
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Faith Formation Commission                       

Baptized Unto the Lord...

             Harper Margaret Fink,
    daughter of Sharon (Pfligler) & Ryan Fink                        Liliana Maria Mule,
                                                        daughter of Nancy (LaMarca) & Vincenzo Mule

                                                                     Arbela Sara Beblis,
                                                        daughter of Sara (Sanaat) & Alexander Beblis

                                                                   Robert Reid Hogan ,
                                                          son of Laura (Skertich) & Robert Hogan
           Isabella Terese Packowitz,
  daughter of Anna (Caputo) & Brian Packowitz                      Nickolas Javier Perez,
                                                           son of Suzanna Boyso & Miquel Perez

Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Parish Life Commission                                               

        Parish Life
   Commission fosters a
  sense of parish unity by                                                       UPCOMING EVENTS
      organizing and                YOUNG AT HEART
     welcoming all to                     FOR SENIORS                                  Sunday, June 24
community-building events
                                                                                 Fr. Bob’s Farewell Reception
                              June 6—           Year-End Luncheon
                                               11:30am—Jameson’s                         Friday, June 29

                                          Stewardship Bulletin Reflection
                                                  May 27, 2018
                                                   The Most Holy Trinity
                             On this Sunday, the week after Pentecost, we celebrate The
                             Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity in the Church. We have
                             celebrated this particular weekend in the Church for more than 700
Co-Chairs:                   years. Depending on your age, you may recall St. Pope John XXIII
Sue Jackson                  who organized and oversaw Vatican II. Interestingly, it was Pope
Kathy Romza                  John XXII (1316-1364) who made this celebration official in the
Sandy Bialek                 We consider the Holy Trinity to be one of the great mysteries in the Church. It is the
Dawn Finn                    mystery of the identity of God. Who is God? God is one God in three Divine Persons —
Kathie Galvani               the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Whether we are aware of this consciously or not,
Jackie Lapetino              this is something each of us acknowledges in a number of ways, especially when we go to
Anne Mura
Denise Swanson
                             Mass. Every time we make the Sign of the Cross, we are making a statement about the
Theresa Watkins              Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
                             That statement is made often. At minimum it is made when the celebrating priest opens
                             Mass with a sign of the cross. Just prior to the Gospel Reading we do an older version of
                             the sign of the cross by making a small cross on our forehead, our lips, and our chest. The
                             priest concludes the Mass with a blessing, and we all make a Sign of the Cross.
                             There are so many other times before, during, and after Mass when we make the sign or
                             the cross, and there may be other times in our daily lives when we do it. Pope Francis has
                             said, “Every time we make the sign of the cross, we draw closer to God.” Perhaps we
                             should do it even more often.

                                                                   Become a Member at St. Edna!
                                                                    Have you been here a few times and want to
                                                                     become a fully registered member here?
                                                                         We would love to welcome you!
                                                               We are not holding Welcoming Sessions at this time,
                                                                       but please come to the Parish Office
                                                                    anytime during Office Hours to register.
                                                                         We look forward to meeting you!

  10                                                    May 27, 2018
Parish Administration

                                                  Pastoral Council
                       ALMS                            Co-Chairs:
                                                 Ann Marie Thomas
           Our Alms this weekend will benefit         Daryn Waite
              St. Edna Community Table
            Our Alms on June 3 will benefit            Justin Abbink
            St. Edna Community Outreach                Phil Blomeke
                                                 Dominic Fernandes
            Thank you for your generosity!            Kathie Galvani
                                                         Steve Jabek
                                                     Emily Kopetsky
                                                        Tom O’Neill
                                                Fr. Rodolfo Ramirez
                                                         Ethan Salm
                                                      Marie Schalke
                                                    Denise Swanson
                                                    Theresa Watkins
                                                Deacon Joe Yannotta

                                                   Finance Council
                                                       John Pelican
                                                       Wayne Fritz

                                                        Jim Perkins
                                                   Theresa Stoklosa
                                                      Jim Williams

Human Concerns Commission                         

                                                 “Pray for Our Sick”
    Human Concerns
Commission will witness,
  support, and promote                            New additions as of May 23, 2018
  efforts in all areas of
  Ministry of Care and                                   Nellie Doherty
Social Outreach to further
   Christ’s mission to
   serve one another.

Diane Yannotta

Members:                                             WELCOME
Bob Amend                                   to our friends from St. James
Paquita Bares
Phil Blomeke                 TODAY, May 27, parishioners from St. James, Our Sharing Parish,
Evelyn Getty                 will be joining us for the 11:30am Mass. Following Mass, there
Tarry Hoskins                will be a buffet lunch for everyone at the liturgy. We hope you can
Emily Kopetsky
Karen Korabik                join us for prayer and fellowship with our friends from St. James
Bob Rokos                    on Wabash.
Mark Rymsza
Deacon Joe Yannotta

                                      Pray for Our Troops
  For a number of years, St. Edna has had a bulletin board dedicated to those who are serving
  in the military. We would like to thank our volunteers who have kept the board up-to-date.
  From now on, we are going to publish a prayer list in the bulletin for our parishioners who
  are currently serving in the military.

  We ask all of our parishioners, if you have a loved one serving in the military, to please
  contact the Parish Office at 847-398-3362 to give us the name of the soldier, so the whole
  parish can pray for your loved one.

  12                                            May 27, 2018
The Clothesline Project
The Clothesline Project is a visual display that bears witness to the violence against women. It originated in
Hyannis, Massachusetts in 1990 when a member of the Cape Cod Women’s Defense Agenda learned that
during the same time that 58,000 soldiers were killed in the Vietnam War, 51,000 U.S. women were killed by
the men who claimed to love them.

For those who have been affected by violence, this project is a means of expressing emotions by decorating a t
-shirt which is then hung on display. In our area, the Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault (NW CASA)
has been educating and raising awareness of the issue of violence against women by visiting high schools,
such as Hersey High School in Arlington Heights, and working with survivors to create a display as witness to
their own abuse. Sadly, the t-shirts created by some of the students are a reminder that violence against the
human person can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time.

This weekend and next (May 26/27 and June 2/3), the St. Edna Domestic Abuse Ministry (SEDAM) is
sponsoring a Clothesline Project in the Narthex to raise awareness of the extent of the problem of violence
against men, women, children, and the elderly. The colors of the t-shirts represent the different types of
violence people have experienced:

              White:                Victims who have died from violence
              Yellow:               Victims who have been battered
              Red, Pink, or Orange: Victims of sexual assault
              Blue or Green:        Survivors of incest and/or child sexual abuse
              Black or Grey:        Victims of verbal abuse or bullying

The comments on the t-shirts may be disturbing to read. But they are real. Let us pray for the victims who
have shared their stories and for their perpetrators:

                                               For the victims…
                              Gracious God, You created us in Your image and
                                breathed life into us, a life You want us to live
                           abundantly. We ask You to free those living with abuse
                          physically, mentally or spiritually, from their oppression,
                            so that they may walk in peace and enjoy a life full of
                                    Your blessings. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

                                              For the abusers…
                             Loving Savior, touch the hearts of those who abuse
                           others. Heal their thinking so that they may turn to You
                             and seek Your ways. Help them to know that every
                            human being is a treasure to You. Help them to know
                            that You are a forgiving God and can lead them on a
                                   path to new life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

                If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, you are not alone.
                            Help is available through local and national resources:

Arlington Heights Police Dept.       National Domestic Violence                     WINGS
Victim Services                      24-Hour Hotline                                24-Hour Hotline
847-368-5361                         800-799-SAFE (or 800-799-7233)                 847-221-5680
                                     800-787-3224 (TTY)
In Our Community
                                         Northwest Suburban Catholic Senior Network
        The “In Our
     Community” page                               19th Annual Senior Day
       is dedicated to               Sponsored by Vicariate 1DEF Ministry Commission
     showcasing events
   that are happening in
  St. Edna’s surrounding                 “St. Thomas Aquinas: Freedom of Conscience”
         community.                                    Presented by Father Fred Licciardi

                 “Aquinas considers conscience the act of applying our knowledge of good and evil in the exercise of
human freedom. Join us as we learn to define good actions or bad actions to help understand the proper role of the free-
dom of conscience.”

Where:            St. Zachary Church
                  Enter at School Entrance Circle Drive
                  567 W. Algonquin Rd
                  Des Plaines, IL 60016

When:             Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Time:             Doors open at 9:30am
                  Presentation from 10:00—11:15am
                  Box lunch to follow
                  Coffee, juice & donut holes served at 9:30am
Cost:             $10.00, non-refundable
                  (please make the checks payable to St. Edna Parish).
                   Final deadline is June 4, unless all seats are filled before June 4
                                         No reservations taken after June 4, 2018
                       Fill out the form below and submit with your check to the Parish Office,
                                                        Attn: Senior Day
                             Contact Mary Schulze at 847-398-2583 if you have questions.
                   Northwest Suburban Catholic Senior Network -- 19th Annual Senior Day


Phone: ___________________________

Mike Small will run sessions of his popular fundamental camps, at several locations
throughout the Chicagoland area for boys and girls Grades: K – 6.
For dates, mes and loca ons go to website www.mike‐ The emphasis will be on fundamentals with game experience
and various contests. All students will be separated according to age and ability. If you have any ques ons contact Mike or Tina
Small 847.635.8437

  14                                                         May 27, 2018
Take Five for Faith

                     Sunday, May 27, 2018                           train can choose which side of the window to observe, you also
           S                   M        H     T                     have that same choice in your daily life. Where will you focus
                 Blessed are the single-hearted                     your attention today?
One Beatitude we routinely misinterpret is the one about being      T       ’ R        : 1 Peter 1:18-25; Mark 10:32-45
“pure of heart.” Purity of heart isn't about sex but rather about
loyalty and fidelity, what we call single-heartedness. From                             Thursday, May 31, 2018
Moses to the prophets to Jesus, fidelity to God alone has been        F               V                   B        V       M
the ideal. We worship a Triune God with a solitary heart. We                                 You visited me
can’t afford to divide our loyalty or it will be no more than a     Where is the presence of God? In celebration of the Eucharist,
farce. Houseclean your heart from competing loyalties.              certainly, in the transformed bread and wine, the word
T      ’ R          : Deuteronomy 4:32-34; Romans 8:14-17;          proclaimed and preached, the people gathered. When we pray,
                      Matthew 28:16-20                              yes, God is there, too. And each of us bears the image of God,
                                                                    our creator, so we can “see” God in another, even in the
                     Monday, May 28, 2018                           hungry, thirsty, sick, naked, imprisoned, and stranger. In all of
                            Be happy!                               creation we can see the traces of God’s intricate handiwork.
“How happy is our sacrament of water!” This enthusiastic            Today we recall the story of the pregnant Mary’s visit to her
appraisal of Baptism comes from church Father Tertullian            cousin Elizabeth, who was expecting John the Baptist. It is
around 203 A.D. The first epistle attributed to Saint Peter         through the presence of Jesus in Mary that we have our faith.
certainly agrees. It is sometimes described as a homily             Remember Mary, who visits us with the presence of God.
delivered to cheer on a first-century baptismal class               T      ’ R          : Zephaniah 3:14-18a or Romans 12:9-16;
“graduating” to full Christian initiation. It includes a hymn of                          Luke 1:39-56
thanksgiving, encouragement for holy living, instructions for
the Christian household, urging to persevere in hard times, and                            Friday, June 01, 2018
the duties of members to the community as a whole. Take time                        M                J       ,M
to read 1 Peter this week, and give thanks for the happy                                        Life lessons
sacrament.                                                         “There are three kinds of people,” wrote Blaise Pascal, the
T       ’ R         : 1 Peter 1:3-9; Mark 10:17-27                 famous religious philosopher: “Those who have sought God
                                                                   and found him . . . these are reasonable and happy. Those who
                     Tuesday, May 29, 2018                         seek God and have not yet found him . . . these are reasonable
                       In praise of mission                        and unhappy. And those who neither seek God nor find him . . .
There was a time when mission work was about “saving the these are unreasonable and unhappy.” Justin Martyr appealed to
heathen” and “converting the pagans.” Contemporary Catholic reason, trying to persuade Roman rulers that it was pointless to
missionary work has undergone profound change since the persecute early Christians. He kept stressing the lessons of
Second Vatican Council, and today those in mission work are Jesus, most notably: “Love your enemies. Do good to those
much more conscious of issues of social justice and the dangers who hate you.” Which of Jesus’ lessons do you quote the most?
of cultural imperialism in the guise of religious conversion. T            ’ R           : 1 Peter 4:7-13; Mark 11:11-26
Many modern missioners speak of “reverse mission”—of being
converted by the generosity and wisdom of those they serve,                              Saturday, June 02, 2018
who may be poor in material goods but rich in spirit and                 M                 M                   P      ,M
tradition. Invite a returned missioner to your parish or faith                            Gone but not forgotten
community to share his or her stories. It can be an eye-opening We hardly know the names of Marcellinus and Peter from the
experience.                                                        early fourth century (d.304), who were persecuted during the
T       ’ R         : 1 Peter 1:10-16; Mark 10:28-31               reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian. But in their day, these
                                                                   men were honored by poems and feast days, and over their
                   Wednesday, May 30, 2018                         tombs a church was built. Their bones were prized relics as late
                        What do you see?                           as the ninth century and miracles were attributed to them. The
When the light is right, usually around dusk, the glass on a train gift of our lives is the greatest gift we can offer to God. Though
acts as both a window and a mirror. Depending upon where our names may be all but forgotten on earth, our fidelity is
you focus your eyes as a passenger, you can see either the eternally rewarded.
relatively motionless interior of the car or the scenery outside T         ’ R           : Jude 17, 20b-25; Mark 11:27-33
passing by in a blur. This “double vision” reflects the duality of
time and your human experience. There is the unchanging,
eternal now where God resides and the rush of encounters and
experiences in which you usually live. Just as passengers on the

Just for Kids

                              Children’s Stewardship Corner
                                            May 27, 2018

                    The children gave thanks to God for the blessings in their lives
                                    Helping at St. Edna.

                    In addition to their good deeds, the children donated $5.30 to
                    Saint Edna Parish. May God continue to bless each of you!

                               I feel good when I thank God!

16              May 27, 2018
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000555 St Edna Church (A)                                                                                              For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
St. Edna Catholic Church
2525 N. Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004

                                      The Staff of St. Edna
Rev. Robert Heidenreich    Parish Administrator             
Rev. Rodolfo G. Ramirez    Associate Pastor                     

Permanent Deacon Couples
Greg Beeber & Debbie       For Baptismal Preparation Information
Jim Pauwels & Therese      For Outreach Ministry               
Joe Yannotta & Diane       For Ministry of Care               

Pastoral Associate
Lorie Crepeau              Adult Faith Formation, RCIA—x325    

Faith Formation
Heather Daudelin           Director of Religious Education K-7—x307
Nancy Holpuch              Director of Youth Ministry—x341     

Gary Daigle                Director of Music & Liturgy—x322     
Allison Blomeke            Children’s Choir Director—x342     

Human Concerns
Deacon Jim Pauwels         Outreach Ministry                    
Deacon Joe Yannotta        Ministry of Care & Bereavement Ministers

Parish Operations
Pat Freeman                Parish Manager—x338                 
Laura Kniskern             Operations Manager—x305            
Helene McNicholas          Bookkeeper—x310                  
Tom Walters                Maintenance Engineer—x317            

                            St. Edna Catholic Church
                               847‐394‐5226 (fax)
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