All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton

Page created by Sara Norman
All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton
         Sacred Heart       LADY’S
                      and Our           COLLABORATIVE
                              Lady’s Collaborative

                               NEWTON, MA

                        ~ A l l A r e We l c o m e ~

                          September 6, 2020
                  2 3 rd S u nd a y i n O rd i n a ry Ti m e

        Sacred Heart Church                        Our Lady Help of Christians Church
1321 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02459            573 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02458
            617-969-2248                                     617-527-7560
                  Instagram @sholnewton
All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton
Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative
                                                 From Fr. Dan, Pastor
Dear Friends,                                                            More broadly, the purpose of life is about “thy
       Happy Labor Day! Special thanks to First                          kingdom come,” – that God’s way of living will grow
Responders, Essential Workers, and—as schools open                       in the world – the way of love, justice, compassion,
– Teachers! May all who have lost their job to the bad                   courage, cherishing life, caring about future
economy be given the assistance that God would want                      generations, service, and care for the vulnerable and
to give them and also access to good jobs soon.                          needy. Our own particular life’s purpose is to discern
       What is the purpose of life? Many scholars                        what role(s) God is calling each of us to play in
say American culture in the decades before 1965                          bringing about his way in the world, and then
would have said we live to make a difference for the                     embracing those roles with enthusiasm. Also,
better in the world, in our nation, in our communities,                  combine this with knowing that God’s effort, which
in our families, and in the lives of others. This view                   we work for, will achieve complete success in
was seen in the famous words of the inaugural address                    transforming all of creation, when Jesus comes again,
of President Kennedy: “Ask not what your country                         and we will eternally share in that perfect love and
can do for you – ask what you can do for your                            joy.
country.” In the last 50 years or so, American culture                          Thank you for cooperating with the seating
has radically changed so that many believe the main                      guidance of the ushers, especially at the 9AM and
purpose of life is “self-fulfillment.” The question is                   10AM Masses – that are around capacity attendance.
not: “how can I make the world better?” but “what                        (The 4PM and 6PM are not in danger of hitting
will make me happy?” For Jesus, the purpose of life is                   capacity.)
implied in his words: “The greatest among you will be                            Sports: (As of 8/23) – The Bruins and Celts
the servant of all.” Like the first option above, life is                have a solid chance to go all the way! The Pats with
about what we can do for others. (By the way, in                         Cam Newton will be fun to watch.
serving others, happiness will come as a by-product.                                         Love & God bless you!
Giving leads to happiness and selfishness to sadness.)                                          Fr. Dan

                                                 Resuming Public Masses
WEEKEND MASSES: Our TEMPORARY Mass Schedule is:                          and also because it will key to have your own in the pew with you.
        Saturday: 4pm @ Our Lady’s
        Sunday: 9am @ Sacred Heart, 10am @ Our Lady’s,                   For safety, we can only seat as many people as can be kept 6 feet
              11am @ Sacred Heart (ASL), 6pm @ Our Lady’s                apart. The church will be marked to ensure your safety and fellow
The 4pm Mass @ Sacred Heart will resume Sat., September 12.              parishioners, and staff/volunteers will graciously guide you.

We continue to work incrementally toward expanding in the direc-         If we learn that someone at Mass tests positive for COVID-19, we
tion of the pre-COVID Mass schedule. The huge number of tasks            will post this on the collaborative website, while keeping the per-
involved in doing this safely during this once-in-a-century pandemic     son’s name confidential.
is the reason we are doing this so carefully and incrementally.          VOLUNTEERING AT MASS: We request that you consider giv-
Thank you for your patience and understanding.                           ing crucial and much needed help in furthering God’s work in our
WEEKDAY MASSES: The weekday Mass schedule is:                            two parishes by volunteering to be a member of the people assisting
     Monday, Friday, and Saturday 9am @ Sacred Heart                     with the very many tasks that go with holding public Masses during
     Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7am @ Our Lady’s                   the pandemic. We really need the help of a lot of people! You can
CONFESSIONS: TEMPORARY: they are Saturday 2pm-3pm. In                    At Sacred Heart: Nick Frega at
August, they will be at Sacred Heart, Upper Church. In September,        At Our Lady’s: Maribeth Scott at
they will be at Our Lady’s, Main Church.
                                                                         Please keep safety front and center. We strongly encourage you,
WHO SHOULD COME TO MASS? The dispensation from the                       especially if you are at risk due to age or a medical condition, to
Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable fu-             limit your involvement to what is safe for you. For some, that may
ture—for EVERYONE. Cardinal Sean strongly encourages people              mean connecting by phone, internet or mail, instead of face to face,
in vulnerable populations, especially the elderly and those with         at this time.
complicating physical conditions, to continue to worship virtually       THE VIRTUAL MASS will be continuing as usual since the pan-
from home. I find this question helpful: “Would my doctor want me        demic began, and it will go at least until the virus is totally gone,
to worship from home or at church?” If you are unsure about the          and maybe even continue after that. Those of you not able to be at
answer, may I suggest she would be happy to get a call from you          Mass in person are especially important to us. By 8am on Sundays,
with that question. Please be safe!                                      we send out an email like this with a link you can click on. At a
SAFETY AT MASS: Please come with your own mask; they are                 similar time, you can also find our Mass on YouTube at https://
required for all those over age 5 who do not have a medical condi-
tion that precludes a mask. Please also bring your own hand sanitiz- WE ARE SO HAPPY TO BE REOPENING. We are grateful to
er so you can use it frequently while at Mass. While we have some God and to all of you. Special thanks to our staff and the many vol-
hand sanitizer at the entrances to the churches, given the scarcity of unteers who make a safe reopening possible.
supplies, we request you help make it last by bringing your own,

All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton
Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative
                              New & Ongoing in Our Community
         September Book Club Selection                                                    We estimate that it will cost about $175 to purchase items
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi is the                                          for each basket. You can help us by contributing anywhere
September Book Club selection. Widely praised and                                         from $5 to the full cost of a basket; we will safely assemble
chosen by numerous book clubs, Dr. Kendi is today’s                                       and deliver the baskets using your donations. Checks can
visionary in the enduring struggle for racial justice. We will                            be sent to either parish office, Attn: Mike Bliss, Business
discuss the book using Zoom on Thursday, September 24,                                    Manager, payable to the parish with “Bridge Fund” in the
7:00pm. If you don’t currently receive Book Club emails                                   memo line. If you have any questions, contact Cathy
and want to join, contact Jim Allaire at                                                  Schneider at                                                                                      Bringing Communion to
    Bridge Over Troubled Waters Project                                                                        Others in Your Home
For many years, parishioners at Sacred Heart have                                         We are happy to report that bringing Communion to those
supported the Maternal Home at BOTW by providing bed                                      in your household is allowed by Archdiocesan safety
and bath linens for moms and their children entering the                                  guidelines. Simply continue the practice of bringing a pyx
program. Recently, we were asked if we would participate                                  (Communion Carrier) with you to Mass and hold it out
in a new Bridge initiative, Welcome Baskets for the Rapid                                 when you are receiving Communion. If you do not have a
Rehousing program. RRH connects youth who can live                                        pyx, see a staff member and we will be happy to give you
independently with affordable housing opportunities and                                   one. Bringing Communion to those not in your household
provides ongoing support with a Bridge case                                               is temporarily not allowed due to the pandemic. We look
manager. Because of Covid-19, Bridge hopes to move                                        forward to when it will be safe to resume that practice, and
youth who would otherwise be in temporary group housing                                   we will let you know when that day arrives!
(such as the space that Bridge rented from Emerson
College after students left last spring) into individual
housing units as quickly as possible. Since June, 50 young                                                          Marriage Banns
people have moved into their own units, and Bridge                                         Sacred Heart & Our Lady’s Collaborative is pleased to announce
expects this effort will continue through the fall. For many,                                            the following upcoming marriage:
it is the first time they have had their own space and so are                                              Sarah Lavalle and Scott Giusti
without many basic household items. The Welcome Home
                                                                                                        Monica Paolino and Robert Mazzola
baskets will help fill this void.
                                                                                                         Candace Shaw and Steven Conroy
                                                                                                        Kathleen Conway and William Miller

                                                      The Year of the Eucharist
The Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist: sus Christ and the Holy Spirit (cf. 1 Cor 1:18-25, 2:6-
                Questions and Answers                   10; Rom 16:25-27; Rev 10:7).
                                                        The Eucharist is a mystery because it participates in
15. Why do we call the presence of Christ in the Eu- the mystery of Jesus Christ and God’s plan to save
charist a “mystery”?                                    humanity through Christ. We should not be surprised
The word “mystery” is commonly used to refer to         if there are aspects of the Eucharist that are not easy to
something that escapes the full comprehension of the understand, for God’s plan for the world has repeated-
human mind. In the Bible, however, the word has a       ly surpassed human expectations and human under-
deeper and more specific meaning, for it refers to as- standing (cf. Jn 6:60-66). For example, even the disci-
pects of God’s plan of salvation for humanity, which ples did not at first understand that it was necessary
has already begun but will be completed only with the for the Messiah to be put to death and then to rise
end of time. In ancient Israel, through the Holy Spirit from the dead (cf. Mk 8:31-33, 9:31-32, 10:32-34; Mt
God revealed to the prophets some of the secrets of     16: 21-23, 17:22-23, 20:17-19; Lk 9:22, 9:43-45,
what he was going to accomplish for the salvation of 18:31-34).
his people (cf. Am 3:7; Is 21:28; Dan 2:27-45). Like- Furthermore, any time that we are speaking of God,
wise, through the preaching and teaching of Jesus, the we need to keep in mind that our human concepts nev-
mystery of “the Kingdom of God” was being revealed er entirely grasp God. We must not try to limit God to
to his disciples (Mk 4:11-12). St. Paul explained that our understanding, but allow our understanding to be
the mysteries of God may challenge our human under- stretched beyond its normal limitations by God's reve-
standing or may even seem to be foolishness, but their lation.
meaning is revealed to the People of God through Je-
      Produced by the Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and approved by the full body of bishops at their June 2001 General Meeting.

All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton
Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative
                                                       Fr. John Sassani
                                              Homily Given on September 4, 2011
                                                23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                       Liturgical Year A
This is, like all the others!, a challenging portion of the gospel. The words of Jesus at the end of the pas-
sage are about us - “Where two or three gather in my name, there I am in their midst.” It is not just
where only two or three gather; it is the whole community here. The whole parish, the Archdiocesan
Church, the worldwide Church.
But life at every level of the Church is different - one thing that’s mean to be standard is forgiveness
and growth. Challenging bad behavior is part of living life in common with others. If I were sitting
around doing nothing but watching movies, Dennis Sheehan would be challenging me, then the staff…
then the Cardinal! If you were doing something wrong, same thing - but, before it would get too far,
you’d be registering at St. Bernard’s!
So it may seem like a challenging and impractical teaching. Steve Covey, the author of Seven Habits of
Highly Effective People, says that priorities are determined by context. So what is the context of this
gospel passage? The two stories on either side of it are
         The parable of the lost sheep and the shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine to go ϐind the one
                 - and -
         The unmerciful man who owed someone a huge debt and, when he begged for mercy, had the
         debt wiped clean - but then went out and held a fellow servant accountable for a tiny amount.
The message, in context, is: Blessed are the merciful. Mercy is a gift, given as forgiveness, as support, as
guidance, as challenge. Mercy is at the heart of the Gospel because Christ’s heart is merciful.
Think about the ways you have beneϐited by mercy - I know I have. Let’s ask the Lord to help us grow
in mercy, as individuals and as a community. That way, we can help reveal that Christ’s purpose in
coming is our purpose being in the world - to make it a more merciful place.

                             Homily reϐlections are also available each week online at

                                          Collaborative Photo Album
                                      Do you follow us on Instagram? Find us @sholnewton

     Congratulations and
      many blessings to
    all the girls and boys
  who received Jesus in the
  Eucharist for the first time.

All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton
Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative
                   COVID-19: Food & Financial Resources in Newton
            SNAP (Food Stamps)                            Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen                         Waltham Mobile Market
Do you need help buying nutritious foods? You               545 Moody St, Waltham                             50 Prospect St, Waltham
may be eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition       Free takeout meals, Daily 4:30-5:30pm                   No eligibility requirements
 Assistance Program (SNAP). Apply online or                                                           Fresh produce, dairy, soups, proteins, etc.
              call 877-382-2363.                     Commodity Supplemental Food Prgm                        Upcoming: Sep 19, 1-2pm
                                                  CSFP is a once per month food distribution for
     Through the Newton School System              eligible individuals age 60+. Contact Emily                Do You Need Emergency
 3 days of breakfast and lunch items, both pre-           Kuhl at 617-796-1672 for info.                    Assistance with Utility Bills?
  pared/perishable and non-perishable foods.        Senior Grocery Store Shopping Hours              If your household has been impacted by the
        ALL Newton residents eligible.                 Whole Foods: Daily 8:00-9:00am                COVID-19 pandemic and you have low-to-
          Mon-Fri, 10:00am-12:00pm                   Star Market: Tue & Thu 7:00-9:00am              moderate income, you may be eligible to re-
     Newton North (Auditorium Entrance)                Stop & Shop: Daily 6:00-7:30am              ceive financial assistance. The Horace Cousens
                Newton South                           Trader Joe’s: Daily 8:00-9:00am             Industrial Fund has received a Community De-
    Early Childhood Prgm, 150 Jackson Rd            Market Basket: Tu, Wd, Th 5:30-7:00am          velopment Block Grant to help with utility bills.
                                                         Wegmans: Daily 7:00-8:00am                   You can get an application online at http://
        Centre Street Food Pantry                                                                 
           11 Homer St, Newton                               Newton Mobile Market                    cousens_fund.asp, or you can call 617-796-
          Tuesdays, 2:30-6:00pm                             American Legion Post 440                  1324 to have an application mailed to you.
   Every first Saturday, 11:30am-2:00pm                     295 California St, Newton                Residence & income eligibility rules apply.
 617-340-9554,                  No eligibility requirements
                                                    Fresh produce, dairy, soups, proteins, etc.                   Questions?
           Newton Food Pantry                                                                                    617-796-1420
    1000 Commonwealth Ave (City Hall)                     Upcoming: Sep 18, 10-11am
                                                  To register, call 617-244-0440 and leave your
         Wednesdays, 1:30-5:30pm
   2nd & 4th Wednesdays open till 7:30pm                    name and phone number.

                                                     Beyond Our Walls
      Care for Creation: Mass Save Audits                                 appointment will be scheduled with an installation specialist by the
                                                                          end of November.
Until September 30, homeowners can get 100% off the cost of a
Mass Save-approved home insulation project after having a virtual         Call 781-305-3319, choose option 2 and say you were referred by
no-cost energy audit using a smartphone to take photos of some are-       Green Newton or visit
as of your home. In addition to potentially great financial savings,      neighbors/greennewton. Learn more at
this will help to improve the energy efficiency of your home and
reduce your carbon footprint. Other incentives include air-sealing,                   FIAT for Discerning Women
rebates off up to $2,750 on energy-efficient upgrades, no-cost LED        Fiat is a discernment group for single women considering a vocation
light bulbs, shower heads, and power strips. Homeowners are eligi-        to religious life in the Catholic Church. For information, contact Sr.
ble for an energy assessment every three years. If opportunities are      Marian Batho, CSJ at Check out their
found to weatherize or insulate your home at no cost, a follow up         Facebook page at

                                                    Gospel: Jesus is teaching the disciples about the Church.
                                                                  The Church isn’t just the building—
                                                       it’s all of the people who worship God, including you!
       Psalm: Trace the
        words and learn
       to pray like Jesus!

      Learn at Mass
  The candles in church are
  made from beeswax. How
  many candles would you
  guess are in your church?
                                                                        5                                                  ©2020 TJB
All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton
Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative

                                             Sacred Heart News
                            Sacred Heart Religious Education Plans for the 2020-2021 Year
We are excited to be able to provide an online version of our Reli-        less of grade level. The dates and times of these meetings will be
gious Education Curriculum to Sacred Heart families this fall.             decided in September.
Each student/family will be able to choose to have access to                  The deadline for registration is September 13, with classes
either the online textbooks or use the hard copy textbook at                               beginning on Tuesday, October 6.
home. Some grades will be led by a catechist remotely with                 Please consider registering your child early with the online regis-
parents guiding the curriculum from home. Other grades will                tration form on the Collaborative website. Volunteers are needed
be led by parents at home with bimonthly or monthly Zoom                   to be catechists, especially in the upper grades! Contact the Reli-
meetings with a catechist. In-person Retreats for Sacramental              gious Ed office if you want to know more!
Preparation for Eucharist and Confirmation will be decided
on as guidelines allow during the school year.                             We look forward to working with your family in this new and
                                                                           more collaborative way to grow in our Catholic faith together! If
Parent Meetings (Zoom) are an important aspect of your child’s
                                                                           you have any questions, please contact: Michelle Solomon at
faith formation and will be required for all CCD parents regard-
                                                                  or 617-969-2248 x126.
              4pm Mass Volunteers Needed                                                      Prayer Shawl Ministry
As you know, on Saturday, September 12, the 4pm Mass at                    Despite COVID-19 and social distancing, the Prayer Shawl
Sacred Heart is returning! To ensure this goes as safely and               Ministry continues to work. We have had prayer sessions via
smoothly as possible, a team of 8-10 volunteers will be needed.            Zoom, and everyone has been working on projects – shawls,
If you are willing to act in this role, ushering people to seats and       blankets, or scarves. Just last week, baby blankets were sent out
helping ensure mask-wearing, we would need you to arrive 20                to some new arrivals despite their baptisms not taking place
minutes prior to Mass. For more information or to volunteer,               right now. We are a caring, supportive community even when
please contact Nick Frega at 617-969-2248 ext. 111 or                      we cannot physically be with each other. We look forward to the Thank you in advance!                               day when our Sacred Heart & Our Lady’s Collaborative can
                                                                           celebrate together in person without concern for safety. Until
            Mother Caroline Academy Drive                                  then, our prayers continue for all the sick, hospitalized,
It’s almost back to school time! Mother Caroline Academy is a              bereaved, and isolated parishioners and their families. Our hands
tuition-free private school for low-income girls in Grades 5-8 in          continue to create items to comfort and embrace. Do let the
Dorchester. Each fall, parishioners have been very generous in             office know if you know of someone who would benefit from
donating school supplies for the 70 students and 8 teachers                one of our hand-crafted shawls.
at MCA. School will open virtually in the fall and remain so
until it is safe for students to return in person. This year, due to             A Note from Fr. Dan about Online Giving
COVID-19, donations will be made in the form of Amazon or                                                   Continued ministry in these
Staples gift cards, which will certainly assist the students and                                            challenging times is made
their families. 40% of MCA students have been directly                                                      possible by the ongoing and
impacted by the virus through the illness or death of a family                                              generous financial support of
member. COVID rates in the school’s neighborhood are almost                                                 parishioners like you. If you
6%, much higher than most of the rest of the city. Our drive                                                are able to make your regular
begins this weekend and runs through September 12/13. You                  contribution online, we urge you to consider doing so. At all
can mail a plastic gift card to Carrie Coughlin, Director of               times, and especially during this crisis, online giving is both
Development, Mother Caroline Academy and Education
                                                                           easier for you and better for Sacred Heart.
Center, 515 Blue Hill Ave, Dorchester, MA 02121. Another
option is to email an e-card to Carrie at             To give securely online to Sacred Heart, visit https://
If you prefer, you may make a monetary donation for school       
supplies by mail to Mother Caroline Academy or online
at                                                         Paper checks can be mailed to the parish office:
                                                                           Sacred Heart, 1321 Centre St, Newton Centre, MA 02459
Your generosity and support make a difference every day!
                        —Margaret LeBlanc and Jane McGuire                                        Thank you! Fr. Dan

                                         News from the Guild for Fall & Winter 2020
After consideration by the Guild of St. Francis officers and in        them for 2021.
discussion with the Sacred Heart Parish staff, we have decided to      Normally, we host the Fall and Winter “gently used” clothing
cancel the Fall schedule of the Guild, including the Holly Harvest     drive for the clients at St Francis House in Boston, but those
Fair, for 2020.                                                        drives are postponed.
As much as we wanted to continue on, we realized the many              We hope to find new and creative ways to fundraise for our par-
rules from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the possibil-         ish. If you have any ideas, let the Guild know. We certainly ap-
ity of medical danger to volunteers and visitors to our fall activi-   preciate the support that parishioners have given in the past.
ties would be beyond our control. We are sorry to make this an-
nouncement and, we thank everyone who has supported the                We wish you health, sanity, happiness and peace at this difficult
Guild over the years.                                                  time.
We will not be accepting any donations at this time and will be        Guild members should expect to receive a copy of the Annual
unable to accept material for storage until the pandemic is            Report before summer ends.
past. Please retain them at home until such time as we can accept                                            —Pat Acton, Guild President

All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton
Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative

                                             Our Lady’s News
                    Announcing Plans for the 2020-2021 Religious Education Year
Religious Education for the 2020-2021 school year will be almost exclusively online via Zoom, with hopes that we may
be able to gather in person for sacramental preparation retreats next spring.
                  The gist of the program is that we are asking families to participate in and commit to
                   daily prayer, weekly worship and at-home lessons, and a monthly online gathering.
  There are additional obligations for children preparing for the Sacraments of First Penance and First Communion and
                             for young people preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Registration is online at
l_hjA3mTlvEtNuU2Bo4fC7OxUMzhKNjc3VkJLMTBPT0lKRzlZUDJKR0RVVi4u, and tuition can be paid online at You can also find these links on our website at
education-at-our-ladys. If you have limited Internet access and need a paper registration form mailed to you, please con-
tact Ginny, and she’ll be happy to do so. Please register by Sept 13.
Although this program is online, we do still need volunteers to serve in a variety of roles—some familiar and some new
with this new model. Please contact us if you would like to learn more.
We are excited for all the potential of the year ahead and hope you are too! THANK YOU again for your patience, un-
derstanding, and partnership. We are grateful for all our parents, students, catechists, and volunteers!
With any questions, please contact:
Kristina Preman                               Kate Neal                                         Ginny Arpino, x216        , x219              , x221

                                          Congratulations to Our First Communicants!
   Let us extend our congratulations and prayers to the following girls and boys who received their First Holy Communion at Our
    Lady’s over the summer. May their friendship with Christ grow every time they receive his Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
          We look forward to more First Communion celebrations, delayed because of the pandemic, in the coming months!
     Lily Bunton, Bailey Carrillo, Christopher Carrillo, Elizabeth Cedrone, Vivian Cottone, William Currid, Nathaniel Daly,
   Ava D’Angelo, Tessa De Santis, Christian DiDuca, Joshua Falchuk, Brian Farmer, Kailyn Girouard, Nathan Graf, Cara Healy,
  Charlotte Kuronen, Joseph Leone, Rebecca Matthews, Michaela McAllister, Hunter McClean, Aiden McIntyre, Alexis Mitchell,
       Annabel Moore, Charles Moruzzi, Maeve Pelis, Giovanna Proia, Ignacio Sambade, Lucille Shanahan, Lily Shanshiry,
             Annabelle Spillane, Andre Toossi, Daniel Toossi, Ella Utano, Tessa Virgilio, Abigail West, Reese Weston
            Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. Jඈඁඇ 6:54

                  Invitation to Serve:
           Ministers Needed and Welcomed!
As we cautiously reopen, many people have stepped forward to
help us celebrate Mass safely—and we would be grateful to re-
cruit more. Please consider serving!
Eucharistic Ministers: Eucharistic Ministers go out into the con-
gregation to serve people in their pews. Masks are worn and hand
sanitizer is readily available.
Ushers: Ushers seat people in specific pews as they arrive. Dur-
ing Communion, ushers make hand sanitizer available to the Eu-                 A Note from Fr. Dan about Online Giving
charistic Ministers. Finally, ushers control the dismissal of the                                       Continued ministry in these chal-
congregation at the end of Mass, ensuring that social distance is                                       lenging times is made possible by
maintained. The usher is a friendly face to all those who join us.                                      the ongoing and generous financial
                                                                                                        support of parishioners like you. If
Counters: Since we currently have a limited capacity in the                                             you are able to make your regular
church to ensure social distancing, counters monitor the attend-          contribution online, we urge you to consider doing so. At all
ance at each Mass, using a clicker counter.                               times, and especially during this crisis, online giving is both
Lectors: We are seeking new lectors at all Masses. Lectors partic-        easier for you and better for Our Lady’s.
ipate in the Mass in a particular way, proclaiming the Word of            To give securely online to Our Lady’s, visit https://
God in the assembly.                                            
Ministers in all roles are scheduled according to their preferences
and availability, whether that’s every week or once a month.              Paper checks can be mailed to the parish office:
Contact Maribeth Scott at 617-469-8110 or               Our Lady’s Parish, 573 Washington St, Newton, MA 02458
                                                                                               Thank you! Fr. Dan

All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton
Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative

                                   Our Collaborative
                                                                            Our Lady
                                   Sacred Heart                         Help of Christians
                                      1321 Centre Street                     573 Washington Street
                                     Newton Centre 02459                        Newton 02458
                                       617-969-2248                             617-527-7560
                                     Fax: 617-965-7515                         Fax: 617-527-1338
                              Office: Mon-Fri 9:30am-2:30pm             Office: Mon-Fri 7:45am-3:45pm

             MASS TIMES See opposite page for current schedule                                     SACRAMENT OF
Saturday Vigil                                Weekdays including Legal Holidays                   RECONCILIATION
 4:00pm Our Lady’s                            Mon, Fri, Sat: 9:00am Sacred Heart,                       Temporary Schedule
 4:00pm Sacred Heart                                                Upper Church
                                                                                            Saturdays, 2:00-3:00pm, or by appointment
                                              Tue, Wed, Thu: 7:00am Our Lady’s
Sunday                                                                                      Month of September: Our Lady’s (Main Church)
 8:00am Our Lady’s                            Holy Days of Obligation
                                               7:00am Our Lady’s                            Month of October: Sacred Heart (Main Church)
 9:00am Sacred Heart
10:00am Our Lady’s                             9:00am Sacred Heart
11:00am Sacred Heart (ASL)                    12:00pm Our Lady’s
                                                                                            EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
                                               7:30pm Sacred Heart                          Saturdays at Sacred Heart, immediately following
12:00pm Sacred Heart, Lower Church                                                          the 9:00am Mass
 6:00pm Our Lady’s

                                           COLLABORATIVE STAFF
                CLERGY                         LAY PASTORAL LEADERSHIP                                SUPPORT STAFF
Fr. Dan Riley, Pastor                         Anne Marie David, Music Director (OL)      Ginny Arpino, Asst. to RE (OL) & Pastoral Team, ext. 229     , ext. 227 , ext.221
Msgr. Dennis Sheehan, Senior Priest in Res. Nick Frega, Pastoral Associate               Michael Bliss, Finance & Operations, ext. 239 , ext.111     , ext. 226
                                            Erica Johnson, Liturgy & Music Dir. (SH)     Ed Desmond, Admin. Assistant (OL)
Fr. Bart Geger, S.J., Assisting Priest                                         , ext. 250
                                  , ext. 120
Deacon Bill Koffel, Deacon                                                               Gerry McGrath, Facilities (OL)                      Kate Neal, Rel. Ed. (OL), Past. Assoc.
                                  , ext. 219
                                                                                         Sioux Mont, Admin. Assistant (SH)
                                            Kristina Preman, Rel. Ed. (OL), Past. Assoc., ext.110
                                  , ext. 216
                                                                                         David Nahabedian, Facilities (SH)
                                            Michelle Solomon, Rel. Ed. (SH)    , ext. 127
                                  , ext. 126

New to our Collaborative? Welcome! Please introduce                  Michelle Solomon at Sacred Heart or Kristina Preman at
yourself after Mass or at the parish offices. We want to             Our Lady's; for older children to be baptized or to receive
know and serve you! We hope you will participate in our              Holy Communion, contact Michelle Solomon at Sacred
parishes with your prayers, presence, talents, and steward-          Heart or Kristina Preman at Our Lady's.
ship according to your means.
                                                                     Infant Baptisms: Infant Baptisms are celebrated at Mass
Pastoral Care of the Sick: We are most eager to help                 or on special Sundays throughout the year. Parents are
anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in church. If               asked to call the parish office to begin the process. A pro-
you or a loved one wishes to receive the Sacraments of               gram of preparation is offered to all parents. For more
the Anointing of the Sick, Eucharist, or Reconciliation,             information, please visit our website.
please call the parish offices. The Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick is celebrated after all vigil and Sun-         Sacrament of Marriage: Please contact the parish offic-
day Masses on the first full weekend of each month.                  es at least 6 months in advance. A preparation program is
Please also notify us of hospitalizations, so that we may            offered to all couples. For more information, please visit
be of help.                                                          our website.

Sacraments of Initiation: For adults interested in Bap-    Saint Vincent de Paul Society: For more information,
tism, Confirmation, or joining the Catholic Church, please email or call 617-527-7560 ext.
contact Nick Frega; for high school Confirmation, contact 255.
All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton
Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative
                              Mass Schedule and Intentions
                                            Priests’ schedule is subject to change
Saturday, September 5
9:00am - Sacred Heart - For All Parishioners                          Friday, September 11
Immediately following Mass: Exposition & Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament, abbreviated due to COVID-19                    9:00am - Sacred Heart - For A Special Intention of
                                                                                              Tina Quagliato
4:00pm - Our Lady’s (Msgr. Dennis Sheehan)
      Barbara DeRubeis                                                Saturday, September 12
      Egidio DiBona—10th Anniversary                                  9:00am - Sacred Heart - For All Parishioners
                                                                      Immediately following Mass: Exposition & Benediction of
Sunday, September 6–23rd Sunday                                       the Blessed Sacrament, abbreviated due to COVID-19
                       in Ordinary Time                               4:00pm - Sacred Heart (Fr. Dan Riley)
9:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Dan Riley)
                                                                            For All Parishioners
      Hannah-Mary O’Connell                                           4:00pm - Our Lady’s (Fr. Bart Geger, S.J.)
10:00am - Our Lady’s (Fr. Bart Geger, S.J.)
                                                                            John, Lucia & Orazio DiMambro
      Maria Bonyhay
                                                                            Frank LaPorta—22nd Anniversary
      Jeanne Hogman
                                                                            Mary Palumbo
11:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Shawn Carey)
                                                                            Ruth Fitzsimmons
      For All Parishioners
                                                                            David Berkeley
6:00pm - Our Lady’s (Fr. Dan Riley)
                                                                            Conchita Gil
      For All Parishioners
                                                                      Sunday, September 13–24th Sunday
Monday, September 7
                                                                                             in Ordinary Time
9:00am - Sacred Heart - For All First Responders
                                                                      9:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Dan Riley)
Tuesday, September 8                                                        For All Parishioners
7:00am - Our Lady’s - Joseph Galia                                    10:00am - Our Lady’s (Msgr. Dennis Sheehan)
Wednesday, September 9                                                      Frank & Ann Cammarata
7:00am - Our Lady’s - For All Military Personnel                      11:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Shawn Carey)
                                                                            For All Parishioners
Thursday, September 10                                                6:00pm - Our Lady’s (Fr. Dan Riley)
7:00am - Our Lady’s - For All Victims of Abuse                              For All Parishioners

   Resumption of Full Weekend Mass Schedule, Scheduled Confessions, and Weekday Masses
                Weekend Mass Schedule                                         Weekday Masses—NEW Schedule
The 4pm Mass at Sacred Heart resumes next Saturday, Sept. 12.     Weekday Masses have resumed, and we have begun a new, year-
In the future, we hope and plan to resume our full weekend Mass   round schedule for daily Masses, similar to the summer schedule
schedule across the Collaborative, adding back the Sunday         we have used for a few years now.
8:00am Mass (Our Lady’s) and 12:00pm Mass (Sacred Heart).               —Mass is celebrated at Sacred Heart in the Upper Church
                                                                        at 9:00am on Monday, Friday, and Saturday only.
              Scheduled Confession Times                                —Mass is celebrated at Our Lady’s at 7:00am on Tuesday,
Confessions will be heard every Saturday, 2pm-3pm.                      Wednesday, and Thursday only.
      —In September, this will be at Our Lady’s only, Main
      Church.                                                          Thank you for your patience as we proceed carefully and
      —In October, this will be at Sacred Heart only, Upper                   with safety at the forefront of our minds!

                                                                         Scripture Readings for the Week
            In your prayers, please remember                                       (Also found at
                      Lucy B. Jordan                              6     SUN Ez 33:7-9/Rom 13:8-10/Mt 18:15-20
                      Nancy Cooper                                7     Mon 1 Cor 5:1-8/Lk 6:6-11
                                                                  8     Tue Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or
                   and all who have died.                                   1:18-23
                                                                  9     Wed 1 Cor 7:25-31/Lk 6:20-26
             May they experience the new life                     10    Thu 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13/Lk 6:27-38
           promised by Christ’s Paschal victory.                  11    Fri 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27/Lk 6:39-42
                                                                  12    Sat 1 Cor 10:14-22/Lk 6:43-49
                                                                  13    SUN Sir 27:30-28:7/Rom 14:7-9/Mt 18:21-35

All Are Welcome - September 6, 2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - SHOL Newton

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  182 Main Street, Watertown MA 02472
          Elder Law                                                Due to the COVID-19 outbreak,
      Probate and Trusts                                         businesses and consumer behavior
 Asset Protection • Real Estate                                      are significantly impacted.
                                                                                       Please consider supporting the
                                                                                     sponsors on the back pages to help
                                                                                       keep the local economy strong.

                                                                Also, visit their websites to see how they
                                                                can assist you with any of their services
                                                               you may need through these difficult times.

                                          Take you
                                         FAITH ON
   Catholic Cruises and Tours

  Catholic Cruises and Tours and The Apostleship of The Sea of the United States of America
                                      Mass is included with all of our tours!
                     Catholic Cruises and Tours to Worldwide Destinations
   Holy Land Discovery • Fatima, Lourdes and Shrines of Spain • Grand Catholic Italy • Footsteps of
        Apostle Paul • Shrines of Alpine Europe • Pilgrimage to Lourdes • Scottish Highlands
                               • Camino, A w
                                           walking journe
                                                         ey ffor the soul

    Calll us today
               day att 860-399-1785
                         0 399 1785 o
                                    or emai
                                                                        dTours c
For Advertising call 617-779-3771                     Pilot Bulletins                                                Our Lady Help of Christians, Newton, MA   4676
104 School St., Watertown
                                                                841 Main Street
                                                                Tewksbury, MA 01876
                                                                                                             Maria’s                          617-926-5144
                                                                (978) 851-9103

                                            Rosaries from Flowers
                                              “Handmade from the Flowers
                                                 of your Loved One”

                                                                                                                                       Sam Nickles - Owner
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  325 Watertown St.     241 Adams St.
       Newton              Newton
     617-244-7633        617-332-1384            “God is Love” 1 John 4:8

            781-444-0121 • Email:                                          781-284-8747
Carl Jonasson    1729 Central Avenue, Needham, ma 02492 Travis Jonasson

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                                                                                     Newton native. Raised and educated in Newton with an
                  Michael Mahoney                                                 unsurpassed knowledge of the real estate market, a large network
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                  Licensed in MA and NH •                         investors, and a large family presence within the community.
                  617-306-2190 (Cell) •                      “Honored to be 2019 Top Producer”
For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                              Pilot Bulletins                            Our Lady Help of Christians, Newton, MA       4676
     Janet Edsall                                                                                                                                                        DISCOUNTS!             24 HOUR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MA Lic. #7525
                                                                           P.O. Box 66192
                                                                           Newton, MA 02466
               Hammond Real Estate                                         508-958-2196
                                                                                                                                                                                        254 Adams St., Newton, MA
                      (617) 438-9862                                                                                                         617-527-2345                     
                     Sales     Rentals
                     Lifelong Parishioner                                                                                                                          TRETHEWEY BROTHERS INC.

                        CRB, CRS, CBR, GRI                                                                                          For all your cooling needs.
                   Serving Newton and vicinity
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                                                                                                                                                                                              For Real Estate Sales & Rentals,
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                                                        Burke Family Funeral Homes
                                                                An independent Family-Owned Business
                                                Serving the Our Lady - Sacred Heart Communities for Generations
56 Washington St., Wellesley Hills                                                                                                                                                  1479 Washington St., West Newton
        781-235-1481                                                                                                                                617-527-0986
For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                          Pilot Bulletins                                                Our Lady Help of Christians, Newton, MA                       4676
Union Pharmacy
                                            Xiaoyan Qin
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                                            Fax: 617-928-8456
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        Apostle Paul • Shrines of Alpine Europe • Pilgrimage to Lourdes • Scottish Highlands
                               • Camino, A w
                                           walking journe
                                                         ey ffor the soul

    Calll us today
               day att 860-399-1785
                         0 399 1785 o
                                    or emai
                                                                        dTours c
For Advertising call 617-779-3771                     Pilot Bulletins             Sacred Heart, Newton, MA   1099
Burke Family Funeral Homes
                                                          An independent Family-Owned Business
                                          Serving the Sacred Heart - Our Lady Communities for Generations
56 Washington St., Wellesley Hills                                                                                                              1479 Washington St., West Newton
       781-235-1481                                                                                         617-527-0986

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                          841 Main Street                         SCHOOLS FOUNDATION
                          Tewksbury, MA 01876
                          (978) 851-9103             BUILDING MINDS & CHANGING LIVES
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                                                         4,000 need-based scholarships for
  Rosaries from Flowers                                 students at 85
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    “Handmade from the Flowers                                 Archdiocese of Boston                     182 Main Street, Watertown MA 02472
       of your Loved One”
                                                                                Make an Impact
         AD SPACE                                                               in a Child's Life
                                                                                  Today, Visit
                                                                                                                Elder Law
             617-779-3771                                                                                   Probate and Trusts
                                                            “Jesus Wept.” John 11:35                   Asset Protection • Real Estate
                                Paul M. Schreier, Financial Advisor

    07-1012© The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (Northwestern Mutual).

        Healthier Priests. Stronger Communities.                                                                781-284-8747
              SUPPORT OUR PRIESTS IN SEPTEMBER                                                                  GIVE TODAY
                   DONATE AT                                SCAN HERE for                         
                                                            Venmo, Google/
           CLERGYTRUST.ORG                      OR          Apple Pay, PayPal
                                                            via Givebutter.

                                                                                                                   PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING
                                                                                                                  781-444-0121 • Email:
                                                                                                      Carl Jonasson    1729 Central Avenue, Needham, ma 02492 Travis Jonasson
For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                             Pilot Bulletins                                 Sacred Heart, Newton, MA      1099
                                          TRETHEWEY BROTHERS INC.                                       SAL ANGELO, II, DMD The Maureen Walsh Team
                                                                                                                                                                                          For All of Your Real Estate Needs

                            For all your cooling needs.                                                        FAMILY DENTISTRY
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                                                                                                               1280 Centre St., Suite 200                                                        Member of the Parish since 1968
                                                                                                                    Newton Centre                                                        Hammond Residential Real Estate

                                                                                                                                                    AD SPACE

                                                                                                                                                                                        Sam Nickles - Owner
                                                    Seven convenient locations.
                                                         Equal Housing Lender | Member FDIC
                                                         Member SIF | NMLS# 408536                      Landscaping & tree services                                                  Serving the Boston Area & Beyond
 Dan Demeo
 2I¿FH                                               Handyman Al
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                                                                      Busy Bee Florist, Inc.
                                                                       Flowers for All Occasions
                                                                          Wedding Specialists
                                                                      337 Watertown St., Newton, MA
                                                                      (617) 332-1909 • (800) 886-1961
                                                                                                                      Karen Giovannucci                                               Buy 4 Pizzas
                                                                                                                                                                                       Get a 5th
    (617) 527-8080                                     Sales Associate
       1280 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02459              Heidi

                                                                                                                      Commonwealth Real Estate
                                                                                                                      1089 Great Plain Avenue
 ‡ %HGURRP                                                                                                    Needham, MA                                                         437 Centre St. Newton
   6LQJOH/HYHO$SDUWPHQWV                                                                                            617-510-4688 Cell                                               617-244-5150 •
 ‡:HHNO\+RXVHNHHSLQJ                 APARTMENTS IN NEEDHAM                                                          781-410-2482 Fax
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 )RULQIRUPDWLRQRUVFKHGXOH   A$$ISTED LIVING                                                                                                                                         “Be a Servant” Matthew 20:26
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 P.E. Murray - F.J. Higgins                                   
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     (617) 325-2000                      (781) 235-4100                    (781) 326-0500                         (781) 444-0687
For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                             Pilot Bulletins                                                                             Sacred Heart, Newton, MA                          1099
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