Wisconsin's 11 tribes, Evers Administration sign significant consultation agreements

Page created by Kathryn Taylor
Wisconsin's 11 tribes, Evers Administration sign significant consultation agreements
She Looks for News • https://oneida-nsn.gov/resources/kalihwisaks/ • Oneida, WI • December 15, 2021

Wisconsin’s 11 tribes, Evers Administration
sign significant consultation agreements

                                                                                      Kali photo/Christopher Johnson
Leadership from Wisconsin’s First Nations gathered with Gov. Tony Evers’ Administration December 9 at the
Radisson Hotel & Conference Center to sign agreements of consultation between the state and tribes.

                                        Representatives from Wisconsin’s    Tehassi Hill said. “For centuries
                                      Native Nations were also on hand      Indigenous sovereign nations and
                                      for the momentous occasion in-        governments have entered into
                                      cluding Stockbridge-Munsee Pres-      treaties and agreements with fed-
                                      ident Shannon Holsey, Menomi-         eral, state, and local governments.
  Wisconsin tribal leaders met with   nee Nation Chairman Ron Corn            “Today the state reaffirms the
Governor Tony Evers and his ad-       Sr., Forest County Potawatomi         government-to-government        re-
ministration to sign consultation     Chairman Ned Daniels Jr., Red         lationship between the state and
agreements at the Radisson Hotel      Cliff Chairman Christopher Boyd,      tribal governments and requires
& Conference Center December 9.       St. Croix Band of Chippewa Indi-      strengthening of the working re-
Oneida Nation Chairman Tehassi        an’s Michael Decorah, and Lac du      lationship between the two gov-
Hill, Vice Chairman Brandon Ste-      Flambeau President John Johnson       ernments. This initiative is a
vens, Treasurer Cristina Danforth,    Sr.                                   comprehensive program aimed
and Councilmember Marie Sum-            “We are honored to be here with     at increasing ties between the
mers took part in the event which     the governor and his secretaries of   state agencies and tribal govern-
will strengthen the nearly already    the state with the signing of the     ments in order to streamline and
open-door relationships between       consultation agreements between
                                      the sovereign governments here                    • See 2
the Evers Administration and Wis-
consin’s First Nations.               today,” Oneida Nation Chairman            Consultation agreements
Wisconsin's 11 tribes, Evers Administration sign significant consultation agreements
2 • December 15, 2021                                Local                               www.kalihwisaks.com

From page 2/ Consultation agreements
improve the services that our gov-        Wisconsin and our administra-
ernments provide to both tribal           tion to respectful and cooperative
and non-tribal citizens.                  communication in a collaborative
  “Consultation leads to better           manner and to achieving consen-
communication and policy de-              sus to the greatest extent possible,”
velopment in preparing better             Evers said. “These agreements are
guidelines and requirements for           a recognition that there is tremen-     1. Memory loss that disrupts
tribal programs and services ad-          dous potential for our state and            daily life
ministered by the state,” Hill said.      the tribes to work together for the
“I would like to thank the represen-      benefit of everybody.”                  2. Challenges in planning or
tatives of the Tribal Caucus along          Evers acknowledged the sign-              solving problems
with former Oneida Nation Secre-          ing of the agreements is only the
tary Lisa Summers for the years of        beginning. “The real work begins        3. D
                                                                                      ifficulty completing
service she put into developing and       in the months and years ahead in           familiar tasks
drafting this document.”                  living up to these expectations that
  “In 2004 Governor Doyle signed          we’ve set, in growing and devel-        4. C
                                                                                      onfusion with time or place
Executive Order #39 recognizing           oping this relationship together,       5. T rouble understanding
the     government-to-government          and in updating and reviewing our
relationship between the State of         work along the way,” Evers said.
                                                                                      visual images and spatial
Wisconsin and the federally rec-            Stockbridge-Munsee Band of                relationships
ognized tribal governments,” Gov-         Mohican Indians President Shan-         6. N
                                                                                      ew problems with words
ernor Evers said. “In 2019, short-        non Holsey then praised the Evers
ly after taking office, I reaffirmed      Administration for sticking to their
                                                                                     in speaking or writing
that position by signing Executive        promises of working closely with        7. M
                                                                                      isplacing things and losing
Order #18 which recognized tribal         Wisconsin’s First Nations. “On             the ability to retrace steps
nation’s sovereignty and renewed          day one Gov. Evers said he was
our commitment to work collab-            going to succinctly engage trib-        8. Decreased or poor judgment
oratively throughout my adminis-          al nations on issues that mattered
tration.                                  most,” Holsey said. “(This) is en-      9. W
                                                                                      ithdrawal from work or
  “As we know, this sort of collab-       couraging and refreshing because           social activities
oration and partnership doesn’t           we as tribal leaders have never seen
just happen,” Evers said. “It takes       the type of engagement among            10. C
                                                                                       hanges in mood and
intentional work, it takes dedicated      his secretary cabinet as we are see-        personality
individuals showing up and reach-         ing now, which has resulted in so       If you have questions about
ing out, it takes all of us. That’s es-   many positive aspects even during
pecially true as we fought the chal-      a pandemic. We were resilient and       any of these warning signs,
lenges of COVID-19 which made             adaptable, and Gov. Evers always        The Alzheimer’s Association
connecting and collaborating even         answered the call and supported us      recommends consulting physician.
more difficult. Many state and            as we equally supported him.            Early diagnosis provides the
tribal governments turned their at-         “We look forward to continu-          best opportunities for treatment,
tention and efforts to keeping our        ing to work with Gov. Evers and         support and future plans.
communities healthy and safe.”            his phenomenal cabinet and tribal
  Governor Evers then announced           leaders to guide those initiatives
                                                                                  For the entire 10signs and
the signing of the consultation           that will be meaningful to our trib-    description go to
agreements between the state and          al communities and communities          https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-
all 11 Wisconsin Native Nations.          at large,” Holsey said.                 dementia/10_signs
“(This) recommits the State of                                                    or call 877.474.8259

Wisconsin's 11 tribes, Evers Administration sign significant consultation agreements
www.oneida-nsn.gov                         Local                            December 15, 2021 • 3

Remembering Loretta’s Hoyan Doughnuts

                                                                                          Kali file photos

                                community. Hoyan is a Native tra-    long as our elders can remember.
                                dition in which families, friends,     Tekahwasute will not be with us
                                and community members trav-          to make Hoyan donuts this year,
                                eled from home-to-home on New        but her passion and loving spir-
                                Year’s Day and collected donuts,     it for her Oneida Nation, and all
  With the Holiday Season upon bread, apples, and other assorted     things traditional, most certainly
us, many of us are reminded of treats. Oyan (which translates to     will be. Hoyan!
beloved Tribal Historian Loret- “another one” in English and is
ta Metoxen’s annual tradition commonly spelled “Hoyan”) has
of making Hoyan donuts for the been celebrated in Oneida for as
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4 • December 15, 2021   Local   www.kalihwisaks.com

Wisconsin's 11 tribes, Evers Administration sign significant consultation agreements
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                                         2021 In Memoriam
 Archiquette, Gerald P.    Elm, Mildred             Martin, Harry James        Skenandore-Zaffke, Katherine
 Bartel, Jacob             Flores, David Jr.        Matson, Adrian I.          Skenadore, Douglas R.
 Beans, Raymond            Funk, Marilyn J.         Mayer, Derek               Skenandore, Eli R.
 Beilke, Faron             Greendeer, Gregory G.    Mencheski, Leo             Skenandore, Lawrence
 Bowman, Bernard V.        Hayes, Mary E.           Metoxen, Jeffrey S.        Skenandore, Yvonne M.
 Cannon, Shirley Jean      Hill, Jacqueline         Metoxen, Loretta V.        Skendandore, Gwenevere E.
 Cantu, Carlos Gene        House, George B.         Metoxen, Terrance D.       Skinkis, Alger J.
 Chavarria, Benjamin C.    Huff, Janet              Miller, Michael            Smith, Gladys Wilma
 Christjohn, Carl          Jackson, Caroline E.     Nicholson, Paul            Smith, Megan M.
 Cornelius, Clifford D.    John, Shane Owen         Ninham, Bruce O.           Smith, Wesley J.
 Cornelius, Elizabeth M.   Jourdan, Chad E.         Ninham, Joyce DoDo         Stanchik, Kevin E.
 Cottrell, Dolores         Jourdan, Thomas          Pamanet, Landon            Summers Jr., Austin
 Danforth, Jacalyn         Kerker, William          Parker, Lonnie P.          Summers, Debra Ruth
 Danforth, Jason M.        King, Harlan David       Pelkey, Paul J.            Teller, Joseph A.
 Danforth, Terence A.      King, Peter D.           Pero, Michael A.           Thomas, Jacqueline R.
 De Coteau Jr., Simon W.   Kirby, Jeanne F.         Peterson, Ronald R.        Tubby, Dean Sr.
 De la Cruz, Renee         Kulow, Kenneth T.        Powless, Anna Christine    Twinn, Blaine
 Denny, Ralph Jr.          Laitenen, Robert E.      Powless, Eugene Donald     Ulrich, Pat
 Denny, Rickey A.          Laitenen, Rose M.        Powless, Leatrice          Webb (Hill), Leanissa R.
 Denny, Russel S.          Lake, Shawn M.           Quade, Ellen               Webster, Chauncey
 Doxtator, Delphine        LaLande, Ellen Mary      Schuyler, Erwin R.         Wilber, Parnell J.
 Elm (King), Marilyn J.    Luttrell, Allan D.       Shilka, Connie M.          Williams, John F.
 Elm, Donna M.             Lynd, Beverly A.         Simpson, Ian               Zayas, Ruben
 Elm, Douglas Kelly Jr.    Malone, Michelle R.      Skenandore Sr., Reginald

Wisconsin's 11 tribes, Evers Administration sign significant consultation agreements
6 • December 15, 2021                               Obituaries                                     www.kalihwisaks.com

            Hill, Jacqueline “Jackie”                       House, George Bruce            will really miss George too.
          January 31, 1948 - December 3, 2021            May 30, 1949 - December 2, 2021     George was preceded in death
                      Jacqueline                                    George Bruce           by his parents George and Ethel
                      “Jackie” Hill,                                House of Onei-         House; brother Richard House;
                      73, passed away                               da, WI, passed         and sister Diane Theissen; In-laws
                      peacefully on                                 away peaceful-         Ray and Fern Gerlikowski; broth-
                      Friday, Decem-                                ly surround-           ers-in-law Jack Gerlikowski, Tom
                      ber 3, 2021 at                                ed by family           Rasmussen, and Gerald Metoxen;
                      Meadowbrook                                   on Thursday,           and his dogs Bear and Lucy.
                      at    Appleton                                December 2,              A special thank you to Kevin and
Nursing Home. She was born on                   2021. Born in Green Bay, George            Ricky for always being there for
January 31, 1948 to the late Hazel              was the son of the late George and         George. A special thanks to Dr.
Sommers and Irvin Hill.                         Ethel (Charles) House. George was          Flood at the Oneida Health Cen-
  Jackie was a graduate of Bay Port             married to Darlene Gerlikowski             ter, and to Dr. Wienshel, Dr. Nus-
High School. She spent many years               on September 26, 1999, in Las Ve-          rat and the 6th floor ICU staff at
of her life in Colorado Springs                 gas. George was a great person to          St. Vincent’s Hospital for taking
where she was employed at Moun-                 be around-always kind, generous,           such great care of him during his
tain Bell telephone company. Jackie             and full of life. He will be greatly       last days.
was a very talented artist. She en-             missed by his family and friends.
                                                                                                       Skinkis, Alger James
joyed painting, drawing, and ce-                  George’s family has been in the                  July 10, 1959 - December 12, 2021
ramics. She was also a gifted accor-            construction business his entire life.
dion player. Jackie loved spending              Considered a master stone mason                                 Alger    James
time in the outdoors as well.                   by those in his trade, George had                               Skinkis,    62,
  Jackie is survived by her sons:               an what you call “an eye for the                                Suamico,
Shawn (Jill) Hill and Charlie (Cin-             stone”. You can see George’s stone                              passed    away
dy) Gast; her siblings: Bonnie Harl-            masonry work all over the Oneida                                Sunday,    De-
son, Ron Hill, Julie Cornelius, and             reservation, having laid the brick                              cember      12,
Julius Sommers. Jackie is further               and stone on the Oneida Elementa-                               2021. He was
survived by her grandchildren,                  ry School, Oneida apartments, and                               born July 10,
great grandchildren, and numerous               many other structures or fireplaces                             1959, in Mil-
nieces and nephews.                             made of brick or stone. Long re-           waukee to the late Frank and Eth-
  In addition to her parents, Jack-             tired, George and Darlene loved to         el (Wilber) Skinkis. Alger worked
ie was preceded in death by her                 spend their time traveling and visit-      as a groundskeeper at Ft. Howard
step father, Julius Sommers; sis-               ing friends and family. George was         Cemetery in Green Bay. He loved
ters: Cheryl Ault and Diane Hill; a             also a retired member of the Mag-          dogs and spending time with his
niece, Melissa Wade; and a nephew,              neto’s MC.                                 late son, Alex. Alger also cared for
Danny John.                                       George is survived by his wife           his younger brother and mother
  A visitation for Jackie will be held          Darlene; his son Kevin (Diane)             earlier in his life.
on Saturday, December 18, 2021 at               House Sr. and daughter Tina                  Survivors include his 3 siblings:
Newcomer Green Bay Chapel (340                  House. He is also survived by his          Larry (Dianne) Skinkis; Valerie
S. Monroe Ave. Green Bay, WI)                   brother Jerry (Sherry) House, and          (Roger) Sanapaw; and Penelope
from 1 pm to 2 pm. A prayer ser-                sisters Alberta Metoxen, Judy              (Patrick) Borman; one aunt, Rob-
vice will follow at 2 pm. She will be           (Gary) Smits, and Nancy Ras-               in Emmerton; and numerous nieces
laid to rest in the Oneida Sacred               mussen. He is further survived by          and nephews.
Burial Grounds.                                 his grandchildren Richard, Kelly,            In addition to his parents and
  Jackie’s family would like to                 Krista, Kevin, Nicole (Kyle), Josh-        son, Alger was preceded in death
thank the nursing staff at Meadow-              ua, and Tyler; and great-grand-
brook for the great care that they              children Caylee, Elsa, and Leland.                     • See 7
provided.                                       His dogs Lacy and Porter House                  Skinkis, Alger James

Wisconsin's 11 tribes, Evers Administration sign significant consultation agreements
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From page 6/ Skinkis, Alger J.             cousins other relatives and friends.         up his sports activities with golfing
                                             He was preceded in death by his            throughout Wisconsin and traveled
by his long life companion, Jan            brothers  Jeremy Teller and Bran-            with some of his teammates across
Simmons; and 4 siblings: Sharon don Boswell paternal grandfather                        the country to golf in tournaments.
Wilber. Clair Wilber, Victoria Mc- Hugh Teller; two aunts Barbara                       He also frequented the Dancing
Quillin, and Jake Skinkis.                 and Judy Teller of Green Bay WI.             Rabbit golf course on his home-
  A Celebration of life will be held                    Tubby Sr., Dean C.
                                                                                        land of Philadelphia, Mississippi.
January 12, 2022 at 11am at Mead-                November 22, 1935 - December 6, 2021     Dean is survived by his children:
owbrook Church in Howard, 701                                                           Susan (Arlie-Jubie) Doxtator, Mi-
Hillcrest Heights.                                               On December            chelle (John) Nicholas, Dean Tub-
  The family would like to extend                                6, 2021, our           by Jr., and Kristina (Brandon)
a special thank you to the entire                                beloved father         Metoxen. Dean had 17 grandchil-
staff at Heartland Hospice and Bay                               Dean C. Tub-           dren, 22 great-grandchildren, and
Harbor Assisted Living.                                          by, Sr., age 86,       9 great-great-grandchildren. He is
                                                                 passed        away     further survived by his nieces from
              Teller, Joseph Allen                               with his fami-
         March 28, 1994 - December 4, 2021
                                                                                        Mississippi: Beatice Steve, Joanne
                                                                 ly by his side.        Thompson, and Brenda Issac, and
                         Joseph Allen                            Most recently          many nieces and nephews in Mis-
                         Teller Jr., 27, Dean was a resident of Seymour.                sissippi.
                         Green Bay, was He was born November 22, 1935,                    In addition to his parents, Dean
                         called home to to the late Dan Tubby and Lula                  was preceded in death by his grand-
                         join his creator Chitto-Tubby. Dean was born and               son, Jonathon Tubby; his sister,
                         unexpectedly raised in Carthage, Mississippi,                  Mabel (Earl) Billy; his nephew, Al-
                         on Saturday, and was a member of the Missis-
                                                                                        exander Billy; his niece, Rita Steve;
                         December 4, sippi Band of Choctaw Indians. At
                                                                                        brothers-in-law: Frank Figueroa,
                         2021.             the age of 14 he moved to Chicago,
  Joseph attended Preble High Illinois. He met and married the                          Ron Jourdan, Kenny Jourdan, Vir-
School graduated in 2012. He loved mother of his children, Yvonne E.                    gil Jourdan, and James McKenzie;
and enjoyed being around his fa-                                                        sisters-in-law: Patricia Benson, and
                                           Jourdan, and they spent 14 years in          Mildred Figueroa; and his special
ther, family and friends, most of all
                                           Chicago until they made Wiscon-              love, Kathy Berg.
his nieces and nephews who meant
everything to him. He enjoyed sin their permanent home. Dean                              The family extends a special
working with his Father always was employed at Standard Oil                             thanks to the staff of Unity Hos-
going on little jobs here and there, Company in Chicago and retired                     pice for their compassionate care,
and working on cars. He learned a from Steen Macek Paper Company                        as well as to the family of Kathy
lot from his Father. He liked to play in Green Bay.                                     Berg for welcoming our father into
slots, he loved his Father’s cooking         Dean was known for his sports              your family.
and was avid Packer Fan. He will activities throughout Wisconsin,                         Online condolences may be ex-
be deeply missed by his father who Illinois, and Mississippi. He was                    pressed to Dean’s family at www.
raised him.                                an avid baseball player for over             muehlboettcher.com.
  Joseph is survived by his father, 10 years playing for the White
Joseph Sr. Teller of Green Bay; Sox’s minor league in Chicago,
paternal grandmother Jeanette and he also played with the Onei-
Teller of Green Bay, two sisters, da Wisconsin baseball team as
Amber Teller, Ahsaun Adams; two well as teams in Seymour. He en-
brothers Cameron Teller late Jer- joyed coaching the Nichols Nitros
emy Teller; eight nieces Natavia, dairyland baseball team. Dean was
Shonee, Laticia, Nyasia, Emani, very well known for his bowling
Lilly, Ariana and Kahmari; three achievements while in Green Bay
nephews JaQuoi, Zayden, Zion; with numerous 300 games and his
numerous Aunts and Uncles; many perfect series of 900. He finished

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  Oneida Nation High School

What’s Not to                         School Calendar Oneida Civics Class
Like?                                 By Thunderhawk Times Staff                Takes Historic
                                        Keeping track of the school days
By Isaiah Silva                       and vacation days over the next           Oneida Field Trip
Thunderhawk Times                     month can get pretty crazy some-          By Thunderhawk Times Staff
  If you are a Packer fan, you have   times.                                    Part One of a Two-Part Series
to be pretty happy with your team       Here’s a quick look at what lies
right now.                            ahead for days off, half-days, vaca-        It was sunny, but a little bit windy
  After all, the Packers are 10-3     tion days, back to school after va-       and cold when ONHS social stud-
coming off their late-season bye      cation days and so on.                    ies teacher, Jeanne Lillich, took her
week and a Sunday night win over        The second half of the second           Oneida Civics class on a two-and-
the Chicago Bears.                    quarter began on December 2.              a-half-hour trip to historic sites on
  That makes them just a half-game    That means there is about a month         the Oneida Reservation.
behind the Arizona Cardinals for      of class4es left in the first semester.     We started on West Mason Street
the NFC lead. It also puts them in      Winter break for the Christmas          where we visited the historic homes
first place in the NFC North Divi-    and New Year holidays begins              at Salt Pork Avenue and the nearby
sion with games against the Lions     with a 12:30 dismissal on Wednes-         longhouse.
and Vikings still ahead.              day, December 22. School is off             From there, we went to the areas
  Their other two games are against   through Sunday, January 2 with            around the health center and Site
the Browns and the Ravens.            classes resuming on Monday, Jan-          One, then down Freedom Road
  A lot of players are helping the    uary 3.                                   past the historic Episcopal and
Packers win right now including         Mid-Winter Ceremonies are on            Methodist churches to the Oneida
Aaron Rodgers and Davonte Ad-         the school calendar for January           Museum.
ams. Jaire Alexander will be re-      7-10 and school is not in session.          From there, to Chicago Corners
turning to the lineup soon as will    The end of the Second Quarter             and the Buffalo Farm to the Onei-
other key players.                    and First Semester is Thursday,           da Longhouse and Thornberry
  By the way, if they did win the     January 13 with the Second Semes-         Creek. Then, back to “downtown
Super Bowl, they would have 14        ter starting on Friday, January 14.       Oneida” and the Service Road area
NFL Championships, which is the         Looking ahead, February is              before returning to Norbert Hill
most in NFL history. The Bears        less hectic. Watch “Thunderhawk           Center.
are second with 9.                    Times” for details.                         Next issue: Detail on the sites
                                                                                the group visited by Adrian

All I Want for Christmas Is …                                                   House-Cabrera.

Thunderhawk Times staff weighs in on the gift that would make
Christmas complete.
“Shoes” – Raymond Ackley              “Shoes” – Isaiah Silva
“Notebook” – Kyson King               “Flowers” – Shannon Wheelock
“K & M” – Adrian House-Cabrera        “Bookmark” – Adrienne Tinsely
“Gaming PC” – Kyle Denny              “Get to Denver to see my daugh-
“Happiness” – Jeff Martens            ter” – Denis Gullickson
Wisconsin's 11 tribes, Evers Administration sign significant consultation agreements
www.oneida-nsn.gov                               Local                                December 15, 2021 • 9

Brain Power                           My Scoop: The                           ACT Prep
By Thunderhawk Times Staff            Acellus Plan                            By Thunderhawk Times Staff
  “What does mindfulness mean?”       By Loren Sanapaw                          For some ONHS seniors, college
asks Rebecca Wheaton, Brain           Thunderhawk Times                       is right around the corner and there
Power Wellness Trainer.               Regular classes aren’t for me.          is plenty to think about as you get
  ONHS students respond with          Long, boring lectures by teachers       ready for the experience.
“Being in the moment” and “being      and work. Lots of work.                   To help the school’s seniors and
aware of others.”                     As a senior looking to graduate         some juniors, ONHS math instruc-
  And, with that, ONHS students       this year, I tried taking classes and   tor, Jessica Kachur, and guidance
and staff are engaging in various     it just didn’t work for me. I am now    counselor, Sarah Phillips, are as-
activities meant to engage their      working on Acellus courses.             sisting with preparation for the
brains.                               “What’s an Acellus course?” you         ACT test during homeroom.
  Early this school year, Rebecca     ask.                                      I realize some students are see-
met with all ONHS Reading and         It’s a self-contained educational
                                      program done at your own pace           ing it [preparing for and taking the
Homeroom Groups to discuss
                                      online with courses in all subject      test] as hard,” Jessica said. “But we
what “brain power” was all about
and how it could help them focus.     areas.                                  all need to be encouraging these
  Beginning Monday, November          For me, the biggest advantage is I      students to take this huge step to-
29, Rebecca rejoined the groups       get work done with nobody both-         wards their future!”
via Google Classroom. She had         ering me.                                 The test was scheduled for Sat-
staff and students focus and then     Secrets to getting through Acellus      urday, December 11, but had to
do some brain power exercises.        courses are time, patience and lis-     be rescheduled due to the winter
                                      tening to the online instruction.       storm. The regular next test date is
Some were physically active, and
                                      The Acellus courses don’t just take     February 12 and registration must
others were mentally challenging.
                                      the place of some regular classes.
  A second session took place on      Many ONHS teachers with regu-           be completed online by January 7,
Monday, December 13.                  lar class use the Acellus courses to    2022.
  “As we grow in our regularity of    add to or expand what their course
seeing each other,” Rebecca told      covers.
the staff, “Brain Powere will be-
come more of a culture of wellness
in the classroom.”
  She is also making it a point to
combine her Brain Power lessons
with Oneida cultural principles.
  “This is a terrific way to build
community and consistency to
establish more wellness and fun
into our lives. Be well and of one
mind,” she signed off the session
on November 29.
  If you want some fun at home,
                                      Thunderhawk Times Staff –
try this brain power exercise: Put    First Semester 2021-2022
your left and right index fingers
                                      Raymond Ackley, Shoshonee Adams, Leland Cutbank, Kyle Denny, Monse
out in front of you and simulta-
                                      Garcia, Nasiah Hill, Adrian House-Cabrera, Hudson King, Kyson King, Vicente
neously trace a triangle in the air
                                      Ortega-Ortega, Alysia Powless , Loren Sanapaw, Isaiah Silva, Devlin Vaughn,
with one hand and a square with       Hunter Webster, Shannon Wheelock, Advisor: Denis Gullickson, Assistance
the other. Then switch which finger   from Jeff Martens and Adrienne Tinsley
is drawing which shape.
Wisconsin's 11 tribes, Evers Administration sign significant consultation agreements
10 • December 15, 2021   Local   www.kalihwisaks.com

www.oneida-nsn.gov                            Local                               December 15, 2021 • 11

                                         LEGAL NOTICE
                                  Notice of Probate Hearings.
          The following estates are being prepared for probate by the The Oneida Nation,
                                 Land Commission Hearings Body.

 In the Matter of the Estate of           In the Matter of the Estate                   Submit creditor
 Rickey A. Denny,                         of Arleen J. Elm,                                claims to:
                                          2021-LCP-2011                                Diane M. Wilson,
 Case No. 2021 LCP 0009
                                          1. A
                                              n application for probate was        Probate, Oneida Nation,
 1. A
     n application for probate was                                                   Land Management,
    filed.                                                                           PO Box 365, Oneida,
                                          2. T
                                              he decedent with a date of birth
 2. T he decedent with a date of                                                         WI 54155,
                                             of 7/19/1936 and date of death
     birth of 4/22/1960 and date of                                                    920-869-6614 or
                                             11/16/2020, was an Oneida
     death 7/18/2021, was an Oneida                                                        dwilson@
                                             Nation member and domiciled
     Nation member, domiciled on                                                       oneidanation.org
                                             on the Oneida Reservation at
     the Oneida Reservation at N5494
                                             N5641 Shawnee Road, DePere,
     Ray Road, DePere, WI 54115.
                                             WI 54115.
 3. H
     earing scheduled for 4:00
                                          3. H
                                              earing scheduled for 4:30
    p.m., January 24, 2022.
                                             p.m., January 24, 2022.
 4. A
     ll interested persons are hereby
                                          4. A
                                              ll interested persons are hereby

                       LEGAL NOTICE
                           ONEIDA FAMILY COURT
                          ORIGINAL HEARING BODY
                            NOTICE OF HEARING

  Case #12PA175 ONCSA & Anna L. Winters v                                            Inquiries for pleadings
  Elliot K. Skenandore                                                                 and/or additional
                                                                                      information may be
  A diligent attempt was made to notify the above Respondent of a                         directed to:
  Motion for Modification of Legal Custody and/or Physical Placement                     Clerk of Court
  filed by Petitioner. A hearing shall take place on Friday, January 21,              Oneida Family Court
  2022 at 9:00 am in the above captioned case at the Oneida Family                        P.O. Box 19
  Court office located at 2630 West Mason Street, Green Bay, WI 54303.                 Oneida, WI 54155
                                                                                        (920) 496-7200

                                                                                                Úskah Yaw .le
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Téken Yaw .le
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        As you deck the halls this holiday season, be fire smart. A small
        fire that spreads to a Christmas tree can grow large very quickly.

        • Choose a tree with fresh, green needles that do not
                                                                                       After       Christmas
                                                                                       Get rid of the tree after
          fall off when touched.
                                                                                       Christmas or when it is dry.
                                                                                       Dried-out trees are a fire
          PLACING THE TREE                                                             danger and should not be
        • Before placing the tree in the stand, cut 2” from the                        left in the home or garage,
          base of the trunk.                                                           or placed outside against the
        • Make sure the tree is at least three feet away from                          home.
          any heat source, like fireplaces, radiators, candles,                        Check with your local
          heat vents or lights.                                                        community to find a
        • Make sure the tree is not blocking an exit.                                  recycling program.
        • Add water to the tree stand. Be sure to add water                            Bring outdoor electrical
          daily.                                                                       lights inside after the
                                                                                       holidays to prevent hazards
                                                                                       and make them last longer.
        • Use lights that are listed by a qualified testing
          laboratory. Some lights are only for indoor or                                         FACTS
          outdoor use.
                                                                                       !   Almost one third of home
        • Replace any string of lights with worn or                                        Christmas tree fires are caused

          broken cords or loose bulb connections. Read                                     by electrical problems.
          manufacturer’s instructions for number of light
          strands to connect.                                                          !   Although Christmas tree fires
                                                                                           are not common, when they do
        • Never use lit candles to decorate the tree.                                      occur, they are more likely to be

        • Always turn off Christmas tree
          lights before leaving home                                                   !   A heat source too close to the
                                                                                           tree causes more than one in
          or going to bed.
                                                                                           every five of the fires.

              Your Source for SAFETY Information
              NFPA Public Education Division • 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169

                                                    www.nfpa.org/education ©NFPA 2020

                                                                                                                               Ásh Yaw .le
14 • December 15, 2021                               Local                                  www.kalihwisaks.com

                                  Oneida Family Fitness

                                Physical Activity Challenge

                        JOIN THE STRIVE TO THRIVE PURSUIT!
                                      Cost: 10$
                          When: January 3-Feb 25 (8 Weeks)
                       Where to Register: Oneida Family Fitness
                   Top Prizes awarded by most accumulated points!

               1st Place: Cash Prize from Registration
               2nd Place: Percussion Massage Gun and Fitbit Charge 5
               3rd Place: Beats Fit Pro Bluetooth Headphones

                                                HOW TO EARN POINTS
                          Daily Check-ins at Oneida Family Fitness                     1 point/check-in
                          Log Daily Activity Minutes at Front Desk                        1point/day
                          Log between 150-299 Activity Minutes/week                        5 points*
                                                    or                                         or
                          Log 300+ Activity Minutes/week                                  10 points*

                                         *Points for Activity Minutes cannot be combined

                **Participants are responsible for logging Activity Minutes at Oneida Family Fitness
                 Tiebreak awarded to participant with most OFF Check-ins or Activiy Minutes if necessary

               Facebook: @OneidaFamilyFitness
               Phone: 920-490-3730

Kayé Yaw .le
www.oneida-nsn.gov   Local   December 15, 2021 • 15

                                          Wisk Yaw .le
16 • December 15, 2021   Local   www.kalihwisaks.com

Yá.yahk Yaw .le
www.oneida-nsn.gov                          Local                                     December 15, 2021 • 17


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    30 days prior                Submit all files to cjohnson@oneidanation.org
                                 Acceptable File Formats: High Resolution PDF and Jpeg.
     to event for                Publisher files WILL NOT be accepted. Save As PDF (print quality.) Minor edit
                                 available on PDF • No Edits on Jpeg. • Word doc will be reformatted for space.
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  Flyers can be posted               2022 PUBLICATION SCHEDULE
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   online at any time.                           (Friday)                                  (Wednesday)

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  Event Check List                     February 4
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     Contact Info.                    July 8                                      July 13
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  Christopher Johnson                  August 19                                   August 24
  Senior Reporter/Photographer
  cjohnson@oneidanation.org            September 2                                 September 7
  (920) 496-5632                       September 16                                September 21
                                       September 30                                October 5
  Leon Webster
  Press Operator                       October 14                                  October 19
  lwebster@oneidanation.org            October 28                                  November 2
                                       November 10                                 November 16
  Michelle Danforth-Anderson
  Director                             November 25                                 November 30
  mdanfor8@oneidanation.org            December 9                                  December 14
  (920) 496-5624
                                       December 23                                 December 28
                                                                                                         Tsya.ták Yaw .le
18 • December 15, 2021                                      Local                                   www.kalihwisaks.com

                                           The following positions are for Gaming: APPLY ONLINE https://oneida-nsn.gov/
                                           For a complete list of our positions and job descriptions please visit our website at:
                                           Oneida Nation | Job Opportunities and Benefits (oneida-nsn.gov) Or contact the Human
                                           Resources Department at 920-496-7000.

                            Pool Positions – ongoing recruitment                                    Scan the code below
  Position Title                                                      Department                    with your smart phone
  Bartender (5pm-2am)                                                 Food &Beverage
  Bingo Cashier                                                       Bingo                         to apply for any of these
  Cage Cashier                                                        Accounting                    positions.
  Casino Server                                                       Food & Beverage
  Cook (4pm-1am)                                                      Food & Beverage
  Custodian                                                           Custodial
  Drop Count Team Member                                              Accounting
  Oneida Retail Associate (Oneida One Stops)                          Retail Enterprise
  Players Club Representative                                         Marketing
  Slot Representative (2nd and 3rd Shift)                             Slots
  Sports Betting Cashier                                              Sports Betting
  Table Games Dealer                                                  Table Games
  Vault Specialist                                                    Accounting
  Vault Specialist II                                                 Accounting
  Until Filled – no closing date, apply as soon as possible
  Administrative Assistant (Half-Time 20-29 hours) INTERNAL POSTING   Table Games
  Bingo Caller                                                        Bingo
  Custodial Supervisor (3rd Shift)                                    Custodial
  Custodian Roving (2nd Shift) Custodial                              Custodial
  Maintenance Helper (2nd Shift)                                      Maintenance
  Senior Custodian (3rd Shift) Custodial                              Custodial
  Shuttle Driver                                                      Shuttle

                                   Oneida Nation Employment Opportunities
                              The following positions are open to: All Applicants:

Position Title                                              Department                      Job                   Closing Date
Accounting Manager Enterprise/Non Grant                     Central Accounting              03052                 1/3/2022
Administrative Assistant                                    Comprehensive Health            02650                 12/14/2021
Administrative Assistant (SEOTS)                            SEOTS                           02659                 Until Filled
Audio Visual Tech                                           MIS                             02433                 Until Filled
Behavioral Health Supervisor                                Behavioral Health               02402                 Until Filled
Bus Monitor-Half Time (20 Hours)                            Head Start                      03159                 Until Filled
Certified Medical Assistant (Employee)                      Employee Health                 02398                 Until Filled
Certified Medical Assistant (Nursing)                       Nursing                         01101                 Until Filled
Childcare Teacher                                           Oneida Childcare                00109                 Until Filled
Childcare Services Manager                                  Economic Support Services       01810                 Until Filled
Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor                          Behavioral Health               03156                 Until Filled
Community Advocate (Women’s Domestic Abuse)                 Family Services                 03145, 01772          Until Filled
Community Advocate (Women’s Sexual Abuse)                   Family Services                 03085                 Until Filled
Community Education Center Manager                          Community Education             03135                 Until Filled
Co-Teacher                                                  Oneida Nation School            07109                 Until Filled
Data Coordinator                                            Community Health                02968                 Until Filled
Dentist                                                     Dental                          09003                 Until Filled
Dental Assistant                                            Dental                          00168                 12/22/2021

Téklu Yaw .le
www.oneida-nsn.gov                                         Local                                  December 15, 2021 • 19

                                             Oneida Nation Employment Opportunities
                                        The following positions are open to: All Applicants:
Position Title                                              Department                    Job                  Closing Date
Dental Hygienist                                            Dental                        00171                Until Filled
Dietitian Youth Consultant                                  Community Health Services     00007                Until Filled
Dispatcher                                                  Oneida Police                 00757                Until Filled
Dual Diagnosis Therapist                                    Behavioral Health             02186                Until Filled
Driver ll (Half Time)                                       Transit                       02790                Until Filled
Executive Assistant                                         Comprehensive Health          02633                12/15/2021
Food Service Worker                                         ONSS                          00226                Until Filled
Groundskeeper                                               Public Works                  03152                Until Filled
Head Start Teacher                                          Head Start                    00253                Until Filled
Martial Arts Instructor                                     Fitness                       00460                12/15/2021
Medical Benefits Coordinator                                Comprehensive Health          00328                Until Filled
Museum Registrar                                            Cultural Heritage             03176                Until Filled
Patient Account Representative                              Comprehensive Health          00326                12/27/2021
Physical Education/Health Teacher (High School)             Oneida Nation School System   03123                Until Filled
Physician – Internal Medicine                               Medical                       09015                Until Filled
Physician – Family Medicine                                 Medical                       09079                Until Filled
Physician – Pediatrician                                    Medical                       09048                Until Filled
Psychotherapist                                             Behavioral Health             03155                Until Filled
Psychotherapist (Half Time)                                 Behavioral Health Services    00391                Until Filled
Recreation Specialist                                       Recreation                    01739                Until Filled
Registered Nurse                                            Nursing                       01843/01802          Until Filled
Registered Nurse - School                                   Comprehensive Health          02381                12/20/2021
Senior Programmer Analyst                                   MIS                           03130                Until Filled
Social Worker Case Manager (Indian Child Welfare)           Governmental Services         02541/03146          Until Filled
Social Worker (MSW)                                         Behavioral Health             03157                Until Filled
Special Education Teacher                                   Oneida Nation School          07103                Until Filled
Teacher Assistant                                           Head Start                    01025                Until Filled
Triage Counselor                                            Behavioral Health             02023                Until Filled
Y.E.S Specialist (Middle/High School)                       Youth Enrichment Service      00968                Until Filled
Youth/Adolescent Social Worker                              Behavioral Health             02092                Until Filled
The following positions are Open to Oneida Enrolled Tribal Members:
Compensation and Hiring – Post Graduate                     Human Resources               05211                Until Filled
Graphic Artist Post Graduate                                Big Bear Media - Print        05224                12/21/2021
Information Management Specialist                           BC Support Staff Office       02531                Until Filled
Water Waste Water Specialist –                              Utilities                     05223                12/16/2021
The following positions are Open to All Applications (Pool Positions):
Certified Nursing Assistant                                 Nursing AJRCC                 00333         Ongoing Recruitment
Custodian – Roving                                          Custodial                     00160         Ongoing Recruitment
Custodian – Stationary                                      Custodial                     01588         Ongoing Recruitment
Dietary Aide Cook                                           Dietary                       00145         Ongoing Recruitment
Licensed Practical Nurse                                    Nursing                       00311         Ongoing Recruitment
Orchard Worker (Sub Relief)                                 Apple Orchard                 00463         Ongoing Recruitment
Registered Nurse                                            Nursing AJRCC                 00406         Ongoing Recruitment
Retail Associate                                            Operations                    Various       Ongoing Recruitment
Security Officer                                            Internal Security             02798/02799   Ongoing Recruitment
Substitute Teacher                                          Oneida Nation School          07019         Ongoing Recruitment
                                                                                                                  Wá.tlu Yaw .le
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 She Looks for News
   Notice of Paper Shortage
 Oneida Printing’s contracted
 paper supplier has informed
 the print shop of monthly paper
 supply limits. Should BC/GTC
 mailouts occur resulting in a
 paper supply shortage, only a
 limited number of print versions
 of the Kali will be able to be
 produced. This will also impact
 individual department’s printing.
 Yawvko for your understanding.

Like us on Facebook!

Christopher Johnson
Senior Reporter/Photographer
(920) 496-5632

Nicole Hrabik
Graphic Designer
(920) 496-5630

Leon Webster
Press Operator

Michelle Danforth-Anderson
(920) 496-5624
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