Events Guide - October 2019 - March 2020 - Love Hoddesdon

Page created by Perry Sanders
Events Guide - October 2019 - March 2020

october                           NTL presents
                                                              2019                              One Man, Two Guvnors
                                                                                                The Spotlight, Wednesday
                                                                                                2 October, 7pm
                                                              The Rugby World Cup

                                                                                                National Theatre live
                                                              The White Swan                    presents One Man, Two
                                                              Throughout October to             Guvnors broadcast live to
                                                              Saturday 2 November               our cinema screen. All tickets
                                                              Various times                     £15
                                                              The Best Place to watch the       uk/thespotlight Call. 01992
                                                              Rugby World Cup. Catch the        441946
                                                              action on our Large HD TVs
                                                              and soak up the atmosphere
     WE LOVE HODDESDON                                        that the White Swan has to
                                                                                                Legends of the Lane
                                                                                                The Spotlight, Thursday 3
                                                              offer. Rub shoulders with         October, 8pm
    So come and join in the vast array of events and          other excited rugby fans as we    Join us to see the Tottenham
 activities that the town has to offer! We are convinced      open early for all the Home       Hotspur true Legends of the
 that once you have visited Hoddesdon, you will return        Nation, Irish, Scottish & Welsh   Lane and the Club’s Hall
                      again and again.                        Games. Check our website          of Fame members Steve
                                                              for Fixtures. Free www.           Perryman, Ossie Ardiles and
WELCOME TO THE LATEST EDITION                                                                   Graham Roberts. Tickets
                                                                                                £29.50, VIP tickets £65
OF THE LOVE HODDESDON                                         Placido Domingo
                                                              50th Anniversary
                                                                                                thespotlight Call. 01992
EVENTS GUIDE.                                                 Concert                           441946
                                                              The Spotlight, Tuesday 1
                                                              October, 7pm                      Hoddesdon Charter Fair
Love Hoddesdon BID Ltd represents each and every one          Placido Domingo’s 50th            Hoddesdon town centre,
of the businesses in Hoddesdon town centre.                   Anniversary Concert will          Friday 4 October – Sunday
                                                              be broadcast live to our
We know that many of our members provide an array of                                            6 October 1pm – 9.30pm
                                                              cinema screen. All tickets        (Fri); 11am – 9.30pm
events and activities for all of the family, across all age   £15
groups, but this information has not been available in one                                      (Sat), 11am – 7.30pm
                                                              uk/thespotlight Call. 01992       (Sun)
simple guide. So, we made the Love Hoddesdon Events           441946                            Traditional fairground rides
Guide – we hope you find it useful!
                                                                                                will fill the High Street offering
If you are new to Hoddesdon - it is a historic market town                                      all the fun of the fair! Most
in south east Hertfordshire with ancient charters granted                                       rides £2 per person
by Henry III in 1253 for both a weekly market and an
annual fair. Large parts of the town form a conservation
area comprising numerous beautiful, historic buildings
and inns. The town centre is located close to the A10 and
has good transport links, a good range of supermarkets
and independent retailers, including numerous
restaurants and cafes, as well as ample public parking. It    My Kind of Music (BArts)
                                                              The Spotlight, Wednesday
also has street markets every Wednesday and Friday.
                                                              2 October 12pm
                                                              Free Piano Concert with
                                                              Barbara Manning. Light
                                                              classics, show and film Music.
 2                                                            Free                                                            3
visit https.//www.eventbrite.
Hot Flush! The Musical             local communities. (http.//                                          stage tours, lighting display.
The Spotlight, Friday 4   Free                                              Free Entertailment. Free
October, 7.30pm                                                       tickets-64177207756
Starring British TV legend         Grandparents Day                                                     NTL presents
Su Pollard, Helen Pearson          Paradise Wildlife Park,                                              Fleabag
                                                                      Harvest Festival
(Hollyoaks and Emmerdale),         White Stubbs Lane,                                                   The Spotlight, Thursday
                                                                      St Catherine’s and St
Melanie Gutteridge (The Bill),     Broxbourne, Sunday 6                                                 10 October, 7.40pm
                                                                      Paul’s Church, Paul’s
Matt Slack (Eastenders and         October 2019, 9.30am –                                               National Theatre Live presents
                                                                      Lane, Hoddesdon, Sunday
Casualty) and Ruth Keeling         6pm                                                                  Fleabag broadcast live to our
                                                                      6 October, 10.30am
(Doctors). More fun than           Grandparents can enter                                               cinema screen. All tickets £15
joining a gym and cheaper          Paradise Wildlife Park free*                               
than botox! So wipe away the       (With one full paying child, on                                      thespotlight Call. 01992
Brexit blues and grab your         the gate only). Why not buy                                          441946
girlfriends together for this      your Grandparent something
not to be missed night out. All    special from Paradise. With                                          Complete Madness
tickets £26 www.broxbourne.        gifts to suit every budget, you                                      The Spotlight, Friday 11 Call.          can make sure every animal-                                          October, 7.30pm
01992 441946

Charter Fair Community
Day                                                                   Come along and join in with
Hoddesdon town centre,                                                our annual celebration of
Saturday 5 October,                                                   Harvest, to give thanks for the
11am-5pm                                                              food we enjoy. Donations of
The Community Day,                                                                                      Featuring the amazing talents
                                                                      non-perishable food will be
alongside the Charter                                                                                   of this 5-piece band who will
                                                                      passed on to the Broxbourne
Fair, will provide street          lover can enjoy a gift they will                                     take you on a musical journey
                                                                      Foodbank. Free
entertainers, historic engines/    love. Day entry fees apply –                                         through the story of one of
vehicles and an array of craft     valid at the gate only.                                              Britain’s most memorable,
                                                                      Charter Fair Showtime
and charity stalls. Free. For                                                                           visual and fun bands.
more information email town.       Pilates Mind, Body & Soul                                            Complete Madness invite
                                                                      Hoddesdon town centre,          Gathering                                                            you to their ‘House of Fun’
                                                                      Sunday 6 October, 11am –
visit        The Spotlight, Sunday 6                                              featuring all the favourites...
or callephone 01992 785655         October, 10am – 5pm                                                  Baggy Trousers, One Step
                                                                      Local entertainers will provide
                                   A celebration of all things                                          Beyond, It Must Be Love,
                                                                      an afternoon of fun for all
Fun Palace                         Pilates, health & wellness.                                          Driving In My Car.....
                                                                      the family, including the
Hoddesdon Library,                 Pilates & Yoga Masterclasses,                                        All tickets £22.50
                                                                      ever popular ‘Hoddesdon’s
Saturday 5 October, 11am           Meditations and mindfulness                                
                                                                      Got Talent’ Free. For more
– 3pm                              workshops, local health                                              thespotlight Call. 01992
                                                                      information email town.
Fun Palaces are an ongoing         and wellness experts.                                                441946
campaign for culture at the        Free Demonstrations.               visit
heart of community and             Tickets £10 - £50 Spotlight                                          Let’s Do Lunch – A
                                                                      or callephone 01992 785655
community at the heart of          Box Office 01992 441946 or                                           Different Drum (BArts)
culture. We have an action                                                                              The Spotlight, Friday 11
                                                                      The Artful Badger
packed programme of                                                                                     October,12pm
organisations taking part,                                                                              Eccentric, non-conformist
                                                                      The Spotlight, Wednesday
these include – arts, craft,                                                                            people may charm or irritate,
                                                                      9 October, 7pm
children’s activities, heritage,                                                                        but some change the world!
                                                                      Open Evening of The
bee keeping and much                                                                                    £15 including lunch and a
                                                                      Broxbourne Arts Forum.
more – run by, for and with                                                                             glass of wine 01992 441946
                                                                      ‘Mellow Fruitfulness’
                                                                      exhibition, displays, back
  4                                                                                                                                  5
The London Cup                   10.30am – 12.30pm                  Public meeting for Friends        Howl-o-ween
Rye House Kart Raceway,          A fun relaxed session using        of Barclay Park and anyone        Spooktacular Paradise
Rye Road, Saturday 12            leaves and natural forms           interested to hear about          Wildlife Park, White
October & Sunday 13              to make your own creative          current activities and future     Stubbs Lane, Broxbourne
October, 9am – 4pm both          compositions for cushion           plans for the park. Includes      Saturday 19 October –
Days                             covers, bags and t-shirts.         Green Flag presentation.          Sunday 3 November,
As the longest established       Printing fabric will be supplied   Free                              9.30am – 5pm
major kart competition at Rye    but you’re very welcome to
House, the London Cup has        bring your own items. £15          The Hits of George
seen some of the greatest        per person. More information       Michael and Wham!
drivers in the sport stood       at          Nonna’s Kitchen,
on the podium! If you are        leisure                            Brewery Road, Tuesday
a motor sport fan then kart                                         15 October, 7pm
racing is always an exciting     Big Fish, Little Fish Family       Rob Lamberti performs the
event to watch! With fast,       Rave                               hits of George Michael and
bumper-to-bumper action,         The Spotlight, Saturday            Wham including Careless           Ready for something that
commentary, live timing and      12 October, 2pm – 4pm,             Whisper, I’m Your Man, Faith      will make you and the kids
great facilities, then why not   Dragons, unicorns and              and many more                     scream with excitement this
put the date in your diary!      phoenixes assemble! Join the       £35 pp (includes 3 course         October half-term? Visit
Spectators Free. For more        Big Fish Little Fish family rave   set meal) To book call 01992      Paradise Wildlife Park for our
information Call. 01992          crew in this Mythical Beasts       801841                            Howl-o-ween Spooktacular!
460895                           themed family event featuring                                        Howl-o-ween promises
                                 DJ Slipmatt Godfather of Old       The Illegal Eagles                to be scarily brilliant at
Reptile Weekend                  Skool. Adults £10, Children        The Spotlight, Thursday           Hertfordshire’s Number 1
                                 £7, pre-walking infants free       17 October, 7.30pm                outdoor attraction! Day entry
                                 but still require a ticket.        Featuring the very best           fees apply –
                                    from the Eagles’ repertoire
                                 thespotlight Call. 01992           including Hocall California,      NTL presents
                                 441946                             Take it Easy, Lyin’ Eyes,         A Midsummer Night’s
                                                                    Desperado and plenty more!        Dream
                                 That’ll Be The Day                 All tickets £26.50                The Spotlight, Wednesday
                                 The Spotlight, Sunday 13             23 October, 7pm
Paradise Wildlife Park,          October, 7pm                       thespotlight                      National Theatre Live presents
White Stubbs Lane,               Featuring smash hits from          Call. 01992 441946                A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Broxbourne, Saturday             the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s                                            broadcast live to our cinema
12 October & Sunday 13           this is a throwback evening        Wolf Weekend                      screen. All tickets £15
October, 9.30am – 6pm            of brilliant entertainment         Paradise Wildlife Park, 
Come and join us and enter       that guarantees to have you        White Stubbs Lane,                thespotlight
our reptile raffle with the      on your feet and dancing in        Broxbourne, Saturday              Call. 01992 441946
chance to win an experience!     the aisles before the night        19 October & Sunday 20
Face your fears, lots more       is over! All tickets £27.50,       October, 9.30am – 6pm             Toddler Thursday – Old
promotions, games, gifts         Spotlight Friends 10% off.         Hand feed our wolves for just     Mother Hubbard
and a few scrummy treats.             £20! (First come, first served    Lowewood Museum,
Day entry fees apply – www.      thespotlight                       basis and participants must be    Thursday 24 October,                       Call. 01992 441946                 16 years or older). Guess the     10am – 11am
                                                                    name of our large wolf toy,       Join in our fun, friendly
Adult Art Workshop –             General Open Meeting               special talks each day, plus      session and help your child
Fabric Printing                  High Leigh Conference              enrichment and health check       develop essential school-
Lowewood Museum,                 Centre, Tuesday 15                 at the wolf enclosure, and lots   ready skills through rhymes,
Saturday 12 October,             October, 7pm -8.30pm               more! Day entry fees apply –
  6                                                                                                                              7
stories and craft. Toddlers        through to Madness and The         Kids Halloween Party              Daily (Late club available ‘til
must be accompanied by a           Specials and many more!            Sun Public House,                 5pm)
responsible adult. Up to two       Free                               Amwell Street, Sunday 27          Team games and
toddlers per adult. Booking                                           October, 2pm                      creative play activities.
essential. Call the Museum         Respect – The Aretha                                                 Bring your friends or come
on 01992 445596 or email           Franklin Songbook                                                    along and make new ones!
museum.leisure@broxbourne.         The Spotlight, Saturday                                              Join us for a ‘Spooktacular’ £2 per child.               26 October, 7.30pm                                                   week of Halloween themed
More information at www.           An amazing live concert that                                         fun!          pays tribute to the Queen of
                                   Soul! Featuring sensational                                          Half Day Club (age
Germaine Greer ‘On                 lead vocals from Cleopatra                                           4-12yrs)£12pp 8.30am-
Rape’                              Higgins, Tanya Edwards, Stacy                                        12.00pm / or 12.30pm-
The Spotlight, Thursday            Francis and Cleo Stewart           Kids Fancy dress party with       4.00pm – Full Day (Age
24 October, 7.30pm                 accompanied by the Urban           lots of fun and games for         5-12yrs) £20pp 8.30am-
It’s time to rethink rape. One     Soul Band and Gospel Choir.        the little ones £5. For tickets   4.00pm – Full Week ONLY
woman in five will experience      All tickets £26 www.               contact 01992 463125              £80.00!
sexual violence. Very few                                                   To Book call . 01992
rapes find their way into court.   thespotlight Call. 01992           Kidz Klub playscheme              465100 or visit www.
The crucial issue is consent,      441946                             The John Warner Sports  
thought by some to be easy                                            Centre Monday 28
to establish and by others         Wedding Fair                       October to Friday 1               Junior Development
impossible. All tickets £15        Paradise Wildlife Park,            November 8.30am to                Sessions             White Stubbs Lane,                 5.30pm each day (early            Rye House Kart Raceway,
thespotlight                       Broxbourne, Sunday 27              drop-off and late pick-up         Rye Road, Monday 28
Call. 01992 441946                 October, 11am – 4pm                options available                 October and Wednesday
                                                                      Ofsted registered holiday         30 October, 11am –
Schools Tennis Festival                                               playscheme for children           2pm
Day                                                                   aged 4*-12. Stimulating           This exciting format allows
Hoddesdon Tennis Club,                                                programme including               juniors (8-15yrs old) to
Beech Walk, Barclay Park,                                             sports, creative activities,      compete in a fun & friendly
Friday 25 October, From                                               wacky science, dance and          environment. On the day,
12 noon                                                               educational visits from police    our coaches aim to deliver
Local Primary School children      A simply wonderful wedding         & fire service.                   an ‘insight’ into competitive
& parents are invited to           fair featuring informative                                           racing by instructing all
come along for fun tennis          exhibitors held in the beautiful   * only children born before       racers on format, racing
competitive skills and drills      Marquee Suite. You can             1/9/2015 can attend               lines & most importantly;
sessions with prizes for           see the latest bridal gowns        £21.50 per day if booked          safety rules! https.//www.
winning schools. Equipment         and bridesmaid dresses             in advance. £25.50 per  
provided. Refreshments             together with menswear             day (on the day). Childcare       driver-development-2019/
served. Free / Schools can         and many more. We have             vouchers accepted., Book via      £39.99pp To book call 01992
book via Mike 07956 324540         knowledgeable staff available      John Warner Sport Centre          460895
(limited spaces!)                  to discuss your wedding ideas      on 01992 445375 or online
                                   and to offer advice. Free to       at         British Pantomime
The Bonnet,                        enter (does not include entry      kidzklub                          Academy 1 Day Workshop
Sun Public House, Amwell           to Paradise Wildlife Park).                                          – Howlin’ Academy
Street, Friday 25 October,         For more information please        Spooktober Activity Club          Mayhem Theatre Arts,
9pm                                contact Rachael by emailing.       Mayhem Theatre Arts,              Monday 28 October
Hoddesdon based band      or call             Brewery Road, Monday              10am – 3.45pm
playing a mixed set from           07775 806085                       28 October – Friday 1             This is a one day, intense
Stereophonics and The Jam                                             November, 8.30am – 4pm            session learning the traditions
  8                                                                                                                                  9

           Hoddesdon                                                               A117
                                                                                       0                             LEGEND
               centre                                                                                                LEGEND
                                                                                                                         Your Town
         INKR                                                                  P
                                                                                                                              The Sun Public
       L                                                                                                                                 A
    NT                                                                                                                        St Catherine’s11

                                                                  ELL STREET
DINA                                                                                                                                           70
                                                                                                                              SchoolSwan Public


                                                                                                                              The Spotlight


                                STREET                                                                                        Lowewood
                                                  P               Town Centre

                                                                                               P                              Mayhem Theatre




                                                                                  LANE                                        Stanboroughs
                                                                                                                              Nu You Pilates

                                                                                                                              Conservative Club
                                                                                                                              Hoddesdon Tennis

                                                                                                                          P   Club
                                                                                                                              St. Catherine’s and
                                                                               A11 7 0                                        St. Paul’s Church

                    PARK VIEW

    Barclay Park
                                                                                                   RIV                        Library

                                                                                                                              Nonna’s Kitchen

                                                                                                                          P   Parking




                                                                                                              Walk Lake

    10                                                                                                                                              11
and craftsmanship of            Monster Mash-Up Dance             together and take home.           Bolan songs and audience
Pantomime from top industry     Camp!                             Children must be                  Q&As will undoubtedly be
professionals. Ages 11-18yrs    Mayhem Theatre Arts ,             accompanied by a                  a unique experience that
£48.00 pp                       Brewery Road, Thursday            responsible adult. £2 per         shouldn’t be missed. All tickets
To book call Howlin’ Office.    31 October, 8.45am                child. More information at        £25.50
01992 899 000                   -3.30pm                   
                                Join us for a ‘Spooktacular’      leisure                           thespotlight
Creative Mayhem – Hocus         Day of Dance! Modern                                                Call. 01992 441946
Pocus ‘Build-a-Buddy’           Theatre – Street Dance – Jazz
Workshop                        plus Halloween craft to take      november                          Live Music with The
Mayhem Theatre Arts,            home. No previous dance                                             Bonnet The White Swan,
Brewery Road, Monday
28 October,12.30pm –
                                experience needed – Fancy
                                Dress a must! Performance
                                                                  2019                              2 November, 9pm
                                                                                                    Local favourites the Bonnet
4.00pm                          to parents at 3.15pm £32 pp                                         return to the White Swan
Day includes. Plush 16”         (ages 5-12yrs)                    Michael Starring Ben              for another night of great
dragon/Black Cat making         To Book call . 01992              The Spotlight, Friday 1           music. Playing a wide range
kit- design your own Cuddly     465100 or visit www.              November, 7.30pm                  of musical entertainment
Buddy’s bear t-shirt –                                             from the 1970’s to
Pumpkin Hunt and crafts.                                                                            present day. Free. www.
£25 pp (ages 4-11yrs)           Halloween Spooktacular                                    
To Book call . 01992            Rye-Assic Adventure Park,
465100 or visit www.            Rye Road                                                            My Kind of Music         Thursday 31 October,                                                (BArts)
                                9.30am – 7.30pm                   This features not only the        The Spotlight, Wednesday
We Love Little Mix –                                              greatest hits of Michael          6 November,12pm
The Ultimate Little Mix                                           Jackson but also The Jackson
Experience                                                        5. The show includes Thriller,
The Spotlight, Monday 28                                          Beat It, Billie Jean, Man in
October, 6pm                                                      the Mirror and many, many
                                                                  more. It brings together a
                                                                  fresh blend mixing elements       Free Piano Concert
                                                                  of Jackson’s own stage            with Barbara Manning
                                The dinosaur-themed play          shows with exciting new           Light classics, show and film
                                park in Hoddesdon will be         arrangements combined             music. Free
                                transformed for the event (4      with a stunning light show to
                                sessions available) booked        create the perfect celebration    The Edge of Darkness
                                in 2.5 hour intervals! The        of Michael and his music All      The Spotlight, Thursday
                                indoor/outdoor sessions are       tickets £26, Spotlight Friends    7 November to Saturday
Featuring all-live vocals,      packed with ghoulish activities   10% off                           9 November, 7.30pm,
breath-taking costumes and      from start to finish.               Saturday matinee
an impressive light and video   https.//      thespotlight                      3.00pm
show. This non-stop, high-      halloween-spooktacular-           Call. 01992 441946                The Hoddesdon Players
energy show is packed with      ryeassic/ £12.50 per ticket To                                      present a psychological
all your favourite Little Mix   book call 01992 460895            T-Rextasy – The Acoustic          thriller by Brian Clemens,
songs including Black Magic,                                      Show                              author of The Avengers, The
Shout to my Ex, No More Sad     Family Fun – Horse Craft          The Spotlight, Saturday 2         Professionals, Danger Man
Songs and many more. All        Lowewood Museum                   November 8pm                      and Bergerac. £16 with some
tickets £16                     Thursday 31 October               A very special totally acoustic   concessions          11am – 3pm                        interpretation of T.Rex 
thespotlight                    Fun family art and craft          accompanied by a string           thespotlight
Call. 01992 441946              activities for you to make        quartet. This intimate evening    Call. 01992 441946
  12                                                                                                                           13
                                                                  featuring a range of classic
Behind the Scenes                 Sunday 10                          All tickets £16.                  Workshop Show. Performing
of a Thriller (BArts)             November,10.45am at the              sections from classical
Spotlight, Friday 8               War Memorial.                      thespotlight                      musicals such as ‘King and
November, 2pm                     Church Service continues at        Call. 01992 441946                I’, Guys and Dolls’ to current
Talk, back stage tour, lighting   11.15am                                                              stage shows and Jukebox
display and afternoon tea.        Our annual service to give         The Elvis Years                   Musicals such as ‘We Will
£12.50 inc Afternoon Tea          thanks for those who have          The Spotlight, Friday 15          Rock You’ and Footloose’            served and are currently           November, 8pm                     to name just a few. Student
thespotlight                      serving in our Armed Forces,       With a world class cast,          performers aged 4-17yrs
Call. 01992 441946                and to pray for Peace in the       authentic costumes and rare       Adult tickets . £14 – Under
                                  world. Free                        film footage, this features       18s and OAPs £10 to book
WW2 Talk by David Dent                                               more than 50 of the King’s        please call the Mayhem office
Hoddesdon Library                                                    greatest hits including Hound     . 01992 465100
Friday 8 November,                                                   Dog, It’s Now or Never,
7.30pm                                                               Suspicious Minds, American        Toddler Thursday –
Book a place to listen                                               Trilogy and many more.            Goosey Goosey Gander
to David Dent giving an                                              All tickets £23, Spotlight        Lowewood Museum,
informative talk on WW2.                                             Friends 10% off                   Thursday 21
£3 a ticket including                                                  November,10am – 11am
refreshments.                                                        thespotlight                      Join in our fun, friendly
Book online at https.//www.       Carole – The Music of              Call. 01992 441946                session and help your child              Carole King                                                          develop essential school-
                                  The Spotlight, Sunday 10           Adult Art Workshop –              ready skills through rhymes,
Make Medieval                     November, 7.30pm                   Drawing for Beginners             stories and craft. Toddlers
Gingerbread                       Featuring not only songs from      Lowewood Museum,                  must be accompanied by
Lowewood Museum,                  the Carole King songbook           Saturday 16 November,             a responsible adult. Up to
Saturday 9 November,              but also songs that were           10.30am – 12.30pm                 two toddlers per adult. £2
11am – 11.45am,                   written and recorded by            Ever wanted to draw, but not      per child. More information
12noon – 12.45pm, 2pm –           some of the greatest artists       known where to start? Start       at
2.45pm, 3pm – 3.45pm              and songwriting partnerships       here! This relaxed, artist-led    leisure Booking essential.
Join us for this very special     such as Aretha Franklin, The       session will teach you the        Call the Museum on 01992
event, learning all about         Monkees, The Beatles and           basic principles of drawing,      445596 or email museum.
medieval gingerbread and          The Everly Brothers and many       giving you the confidence and
make your own treat to take       more. All tickets £24.50           space to develop skills in your
home. Adults and children             own style. £15 per person         Quiz Night
welcome. Children under           thespotlight                       More information at www.          Paradise Wildlife Park,
12 must be accompanied by         Call. 01992 441946                White Stubbs Lane,
a responsible adult. £8 per                                                                            Broxbourne, Thursday 21
person More information           Ed Gamble. Blizzard                                                  November, 6.30pm
at            The Spotlight, Wednesday                                             Come along and test your
uk/leisure. Book at https.//      13 November, 8pm                                                     knowledge! There will be a
eppingforestdc.bookinglive.       After a sellout national tour                                        bar available on the evening
com/ or call 01992 564226         in Spring 2019, Ed Gamble’s                                          but you are welcome to bring
(Monday – Friday 10am –           tour has been extended. He                                           your own food and drink.
4pm)                              has appeared in TV shows                                             All proceeds from the
                                  like Live at The Apollo (BBC2)                                       evening will be donated to
Remembrance Sunday                and Mock the Week (BBC2)                                             the Zoological Society of
The War Memorial                  as well as a short film he can’t   Musical Moments                   Hertfordshire. £5pp – teams
followed by a Service in St       remember the name of where         The Spotlight, Sunday 17          of up to 8
Catherine’s and St Paul’s         he killed a man from The Bill      November, 3.30pm
Church                            (ITV) with a spade.                Annual Musical Theatre                                      15
Santa Arrives at Paradise        Local schools invite you        produce for the Christmas         Mayhem’s Magical
& Christmas Market               to enter into the spirit of     season alongside a full           Christmas ‘Buddy’
Paradise Wildlife                Christmas with traditional      day’s entertainment which         Workshop
Park, White Stubbs               carols by Forres, Amwell View   will include a Brass Band,        Mayhem Theatre
Lane, Broxbourne                 and Sheredes Schools. Adults    local Choirs and Dance            Arts, Brewery Road,
Saturday 23 & Sunday 24          £7.40, over 63s and under       Groups with Fire Dancers, a       Saturday 30 November,
November 2019, 9.30am            17s £6                          Father Christmas Parade and       11.30pm-12.30pm or
– 5pm                            Fireworks bringing the event      1.15pm-2.15pm
Celebrate Christmas at           thespotlight                    to a close. This year’s special   Workshop includes. Plush
Paradise! You can meet Santa     Call. 01992 441946              attraction will be a Giant        16” Snowman/Peppermint
in his magical grotto from 23                                    Snow Globe. Free to visit,        Reindeer making kit – design
November! Or fancy a spot                                        small charge for activities       your own ‘Buddy’s’ T shirt,
of Christmas shopping? Join                                      For stallholders there is a       wishing heart, birth certificate
us exclusively to browse our                                     small booking fee. To book        and Bag. Cookie and Squash
market and buy a whole host                                      a stall space call 01992          for children, tea/coffee and a
of items ready for the festive                                   785655                            mince pie for the big children
season! Day entry fees apply                                                                       all provided. Parents to stay
–                                                                                   and assist their child. £15.00
                                                                                                   pp (£2.00 off when quoting
Project Jaguar                                                                                     ‘LOVE HODDESDON’)
Paradise Wildlife Park,          Psychic Sally                                                     suitable for ages 3-10yrs
White Stubbs Lane,               The Spotlight, Thursday                                           Call 01992 465100 or visit
Broxbourne, Sunday 24            28 November, 7.30pm                                               www.mayhemtheatrearts.
November, 12noon                 World renowned psychic,                                  (discount not online)
Join us for an afternoon         callevision and theatre
celebrating Jaguar               star and the UK’s favourite                                       Ronnie Scott’s All Stars.
conservation as we welcome       award winning medium            december                          60th Anniversary Concert
Caroline Saenz from the          Sally Morgan is back and                                          The Spotlight, Saturday
National University of Costa
Rica. Caroline will provide
                                 better than ever with her
                                 phenomenal interactive 10
                                                                 2019                              30 November, 7.30pm
                                                                                                   Featuring classic music
an informative talk before you   year anniversary show. All      Celebration of Carols St          from the jazz greats who
have the opportunity to spend    tickets £26                     Catherine’s and St Paul’s         have performed at Ronnie
the afternoon wandering the          Church, Paul’s Lane,              Scott’s, alongside projected
park. £20pp                      thespotlight                    Hoddesdon, Saturday 30            images and footage, and
                                 Call. 01992 441946              November and Sunday               tales of old Soho, miscreant
National Theatre Live                                            1 December, Saturday              musicians and police raids,
presents Hansard                 HomeGrown                       10am - 5pm, Sunday 1pm            ‘The Ronnie Scott’s Story is a
The Spotlight, Monday 25         Sun Public House,               to 4.30pm                         glimpse into this unique world
November, 7pm                    Amwell Street, Friday 29        Displays interpreting             and its incredible history.
National Theatre Live presents   November, 9pm                   Christmas Carols, Organ           Hosted and performed by
Hansard broadcast live to our    Local band playing everything   recitals, and other music on      the award-winning Ronnie
cinema screen. All tickets £15   from The Beatles to Oasis and   both days. In the Barclay         Scott’s All Stars, led by the           Coldplay and lots more! Free    Hall. Refreshments including      Club’s Musical Director, this is
thespotlight                                                     light lunches (Saturday)          a unique evening celebrating
Call. 01992 441946               Hoddesdon Loves                 and Cream Teas (Sunday).          the music and history of
                                 Christmas                       Proceeds to Bell-A-Peal and       Ronnie Scott’s and is a must
The Christmas Carol              Hoddesdon town centre           Church funds. Adults £2           for any music fan. Stall
Concert The Spotlight,           Saturday 30 November,           children. Free                    seats £25, Cabaret tables
Tuesday 26 November,             10am-6pm                                                          (maximum 12) £28.
7pm                              The Christmas event will                                          Add a Sharing plate (for 2)
                                 see craft and charity stalls                                      and olives to your basket.
 16                              selling unusual gifts and                                                                       17
Your choice from our               My Kind of Music                  Back to the 50s                    Rob Lamberti is George
sharing plate menu, cheese,        (BArts)                           Sun Public House, Amwell           Michael
vegetarian or antipasti plate      The Spotlight, Wednesday          Street, Friday 6 December          Nonna’s Kitchen,
- £14. Bowl of fresh olives        4 December, 12 - 2pm              9.00pm                             Brewery Road, Tuesday
£2.95.                             Piano concert with a festive      A top 50s rock n roll band         10 December, 7pm             flavour. Free entry. Pre-         with a twist. Fun , entertaining   Celebrate Christmas with our
thespotlight                       bookable lunch                    and gets you moving                George Michael tribute act,
Call. 01992 441946                 Call. 01992 441946                everytime…Free                     which includes 3 course Xmas
                                                                                                        set meal £40pp. To book call
Christmas at the White             Festival of Carols                Disco Party Night                  01992 801841
Swan                               Jubilee Shelter in High           Nonna’s Kitchen, Brewery
The White Swan, Various            Street                            Road, Friday 6 December            Jersey Boys Vs Bee Gees
times                              Friday 6, Wednesday 11            and Saturday 7 December            live
This Christmas at The White        and Friday 13 December,           7.00pm                             Nonna’s Kitchen, Brewery
Swan, we have everything you       9.30am – 3pm                      Celebrate Christmas in style       Road, Thursday 12
need to make this time of year     Local schools will visit the      at our Disco Party Night,          December, 7pm
special. Whether you are           town centre performing carols     which includes 3 course Xmas       Celebrate Christmas with our
looking to book a Christmas        and festive songs bringing        set meal £35pp. To book Call       tribute to the music of both
gathering with family, friends     vibrancy to the High Street.      01992 801841                       the Jersey Boys and the Bee
or colleagues, we have a           Choirs will perform under                                            Gees, including 3 course
festive menu that is perfect for   the Jubilee Shelter at various    Adult Art Workshop –               Xmas set meal. £35pp
your seasonal get together.        times throughout the three        Printmaking                        To book call 01992 801841
Visit our website to see out set   market days. Free to attend       Lowewood Museum
menu and buffet options.                                             Saturday 7 December,               Aladdin
www.whiteswanhodddesdon.           Christmas Party Night             10.30am – 12.30pm                  The Spotlight, Friday 13 For bookings call            featuring Uncle Funk and          This two-hour printmaking          – Tuesday 31 December,
01992442533                        the Boogie Wonderband             taster session will be taught      Various times
                                   The Spotlight, Friday 6           by a practicing artist who will    (see website)
The Christmas Fair                 December, doors 8pm,              take you step-by-step through
The Spotlight, Sunday              band from 9pm                     the linocut print making
1 December, 11am –                 Book our Christmas Party          process. This will be a hands-
3.30pm                             Night featuring Uncle Funk        on creative workshop. £15
Seasonal crafts, gifts,            and the Boogie Wonderband         per person More information
decorations, jewellery, food,      and guarantee yourself a          at
cards and stocking fillers.        night to remember! Their          leisure
Father Christmas will be in        musical perfection is matched
his grotto with a gift for all     with their outrageous             A Hoddesdon Christmas
the little ones! Adults £1.50,     costumes, slick dance moves       Celebration                        Starring Britain’s Got Talent
children and over 63s £1           and energetic show that will      St Catherine’s and St              runner-up Robert White, X             put smiles on faces and keep      Paul’s Church, Paul’s              Factor finalist Sam Callahan,
thespotlight                       feet firmly on the dance floor.   Lane, Hoddesdon,                   Ian Parkin – 4 Poofs and
Call. 01992 441946                 Tickets £21 includes a glass      Saturday 7 December,               a Piano, and the voice of
                                   of Prosecco.                      7.30pm                             Brian Blessed as the Genie
                                     Renowned guitarist Bryn            of the Lamp. Get on board
                                   thespotlight                      Haworth makes a welcome            for this festive magic carpet
                                   Call. 01992 441946                return to Hoddesdon to             adventure! Ticket prices vary
                                                                     present a unique evening           ~(see website for details)
                                                                     of music and to chat about
                                                                     his work. Tickets £5 and           thespotlight
                                                                     concessions                        Call. 01992 441946
 18                                                                  com                                                          19
DJ Dean Martin plays             mulled wine and join in the        Grease Vs Dirty Dancing          Carols by Candlelight
Party Classics Nonna’s           sing-along. Day entry fees         live                             – followed by Mulled
Kitchen, Brewery Road,           apply –             Nonna’s Kitchen, Brewery         Wine and Mince Pies         St
Friday 13 December and                                              Road, Thursday 19                Catherine’s and St Paul’s
Saturday 14 December,            A Blue Christmas Service           December, 7pm                    Church, Paul’s Lane,
7pm                              of Healing and Hope St             Celebrate Christmas with our     Sunday 22 December,
Celebrate Christmas in style     Catherine’s and St Paul’s          tribute to the music of both     6.30pm
at our Party Classics Nights,    Church, Paul’s Lane,               Grease and Dirty Dancing,        Hear the Christmas story
which includes 3 course Xmas     Hoddesdon, Sunday 15               including 3 course Xmas set      told again through familiar
set meal £35pp. To book Call     December, 4.30pm                   meal. £35pp. To book call        readings, music and Carols.
01992 801841                     Although Christmas is a time       01992 801841                     Free
                                 of celebration for many, for
Father Christmas at the          some of us it can be a sad         DJ Dean Martin plays             Kids’ Xmas Party
Museum                           reminder of what we have           Party Classics                   Sun Public House,
                                 lost, whether it is a loved one,   Nonna’s Kitchen,                 Amwell Street, Sunday 22
                                 a job or good health. Join us      Brewery Road, Friday 20          December, 7pm
                                 as we hold a special service       December and Saturday            Kids’ disco with Santa
                                 including music, readings,         21 December, 7pm                 £5. For tickets contact 01992
                                 candle lighting and silence.       Celebrate Christmas in style     463125
                                 Free                               at our Party Classics Nights,
Lowewood Museum                                                     which includes 3 course Xmas     The Rat Pack Tribute
Saturday 14 December,            Destiny Michelle is                set meal £35pp. To book call     Nonna’s Kitchen,
10.30am - 4pm                    Whitney Houston                    01992 801841                     Brewery Road, Sunday 22
Come along for our annual        Nonna’s Kitchen,                                                    December 7pm
festive Christmas event.         Brewery Road, Sunday 15            Breakfast with Santa             Celebrate Christmas with our
Have a go at our Christmas       December, 7pm                      Rye-Assic Adventure              Rat Pack tribute act, which
craft, visit Father Christmas    Celebrate Christmas with our       Park, Rye Road, Saturday         includes 3 course Xmas set
in his grotto and receive        Whitney Houston tribute act,       21 December to Tuesday           meal £40pp. To book call
a gift. Children must be         which includes 3 course Xmas       24 December, 8.30am –            01992 801841
accompanied by a responsible     set meal £35pp To book call        12 noon
adult. No need to book, just     01992 801841                                                        Crib Service
drop in. You will be allocated                                                                       St Catherine’s and St
a time to visit the grotto.      Mario Kombou is Elvis                                               Paul’s Church, Paul’s
Art and craft activities are     Presley Nonna’s Kitchen,                                            Lane, Tuesday 24
available to do while you        Brewery Road, Tuesday 17                                            December, 2.30pm
wait. All ages welcome. £6       December, 7.00pm                                                    A chance for younger family
per child. More information      Celebrate Christmas with our       A magical Christmas              members to come along,
at        Elvis Presley tribute act, which   wonderland with breakfast,       dress up and take part in our
leisure                          includes 3 course Xmas set         games and a host of festive      no-rehearsal nativity play.
                                 meal. £35pp                        activities for children aged     Free
Christmas Carol Concert          To book Call 01992 801841          from one and upwards. The
Paradise Wildlife Park,                                             park will also be playing        Christingle Service
White Stubbs Lane,               The Simply Tina Turner             host to a special guest, Santa   St Catherine’s and St
Broxbourne, Saturday 14          Show                               Claus, who will be meeting       Paul’s Church, Paul’s
December 2019, 2pm               Nonna’s Kitchen, Brewery           young visitors, posing for       Lane, Tuesday 24
What better way to get into      Road, Wednesday 18                 photos and presenting them       December, 4.30pm
the Christmas spirit, than to    December, 7pm                      with an early Christmas          Enjoy the wonder of Christmas
join us for our annual carol     Celebrate Christmas with our       present. Estimated release -     as we gather by candlelight
concert. Be greeted by our       Tina Turner tribute act, which     end of September. £12.50 per     in this service suitable for all
Reindeer, treat yourself to      includes 3 course Xmas set         ticket. For more information     ages. Free
a mince pie and a glass of       meal. £35pp To book call           Call 01992 460895
 20                              01992 801841                                                                                   21
Christmas Eve Disco                more details see www.            My Kind of Music (BArts)          session and help your child
The White Swan, Tuesday           The Spotlight, Wednesday          develop essential school-
24 December, 9pm                                                    8 January, 12pm                   ready skills through rhymes,
Enjoy a night partying prior to                                     Free Piano Concert                stories and craft. Toddlers
the Christmas festivities          JAnUArY                          with Barbara Manning              must be accompanied by a
For more details see www.                                           Light classics, Show and Film     responsible adult. Up to two           2020                             Music. Free                       toddlers per adult.
                                                                                                      Booking essential. Call the
Midnight Mass                                                       Puss In Boots                     Museum on 01992 445596
St Catherine’s and St                                               The Spotlight, Wednesday          or email museum.leisure@
Paul’s Church, Paul’s                                               8 January to Sunday 12   £2 per
Lane, Monday 24                                                     January, 7.30pm plus              child. More information at
December, 11.30pm                                                   matinees                
Join us we start our traditional                                    Broxbourne Theatre Company        leisure
celebration of Christmas Day.                                       present this traditional family
Free                                                                pantomime           £12 to        National Theatre Live
                                   Let’s Do Lunch – Crowning        £17.50                            presents Noel Coward
New Year Street Fair               Glory (BArts)                      Present Laughter
Hoddesdon town centre,             The Spotlight, Friday 3          thespotlight                      The Spotlight, Thursday
Saturday 28 December to            January, 12pm                    Call. 01992 441946                16 January, 7pm
Wednesday 1 January                In ancient times heroes and                                        Broadcast live to our cinema
The New Year Street Fair will      poets were crowned with          Behind the Scenes                 screen. All tickets £15
return to the High Street for      laurel wreaths. £15 including    of a Pantomime (BArts)  
families to visit and enjoy over   lunch and a glass of wine        The Spotlight, Friday 10          thespotlight
the New Year. Several rides           January, 2pm                      Call. 01992 441946
and activities will be sited       thespotlight                     Talk, back stage tour, lighting
in the town centre so come         Call. 01992 441946               display and afternoon tea         Luther UK - Luther
along and get some fresh air                                        £12.50 including Afternoon        Vandross Celebration
after the festive season.          Robin Hood Celebrity             Tea.       The Spotlight, Friday 17
Small charge for rides/            Pantomime Theatre Trip           thespotlight                      January, 7.30pm
activities                         Departs from Mayhem              Call. 01992 441946
                                   Theatre Arts to – Palace
New Year’s Eve Party               Theatre Southend                 Adult Art Workshop –
Sun Public House, Amwell           Friday 3 January,12pm            Drawing in Charcoal
Street, Tuesday 31                 Coach Departs (2.15pm            Lowewood Museum,
December, 7pm                      show) Ticket includes return     Saturday 11 January,
Why not join us for our party      Coach. Family treat outing.      10.30am – 12.30pm
to see in the New Year!! Go to     Panto headliners are. Dance      Spend a relaxing two hours
our Facebook page at               sensation group ‘Diversity’      at Lowewood Museum with
#The Sun - Hoddesdon               plus our very own Hoddesdon      one of our in-house artists,
for more details                   Town local man and ‘Britain’s    learning how to use charcoal      Luther Vandross the legend
                                   Got Talent’ semi finalist ‘Kev   to create a landscape picture.    lives on. Featuring ‘Never
New Years’ Eve Party               Orkian’. A show that really      £15 per person. More              Too Much’, ‘Give Me the
The White Swan, Tuesday            will have you on the edge        information at www.               Reason’, ‘So Amazing’, ‘The
31 December, 9pm                   of your seats with amazing         Best Things in Life Are Free’,
Ring in the New Year with          dance flips, tricks and belly                                      ‘Dance with My Father’ and
friends at the White Swan          laughs! £49.50 pp (top stalls    Toddler Thursday – This is        many many more. All tickets
in Hoddesdon. Party the            seats and return coach)          the Way                           £26, Spotlight Friends 10% off
night away and get 2020            Call 01992 465100 or visit       Lowewood Museum,        
off to great start. For            www.mayhemtheatrearts.           Thursday 16 January,              thespotlight
                                                     10am – 11am                       Call. 01992 441946
 22                                                                 Join in our fun, friendly                                     23
Let’s Do Lunch – Crowning         details TBC. Estimated release    Toddler Thursday –                Ofsted registered holiday
Glory (BArts)                     - end of September                Pancake Tuesday                   playscheme for children
The Spotlight, Thursday           For more information Call.        Lowewood Museum,                  aged 4*-12. Stimulating
23 January, 12pm                  01992 460895                      Thursday 13 February,             programme including
In Ancient times heroes and                                         10am – 11am                       sports, creative activities,
poets were crowned with           6 Nations Rugby                   Join in our fun, friendly         wacky science, dance and
laurel wreaths £15 including      Championship                      session and help your child       educational visits from police
lunch and a glass of wine         The White Swan, 1 Feb-            develop essential school-         & fire service..            14 March                          ready skills through rhymes,
thespotlight                      The Best Place to watch the       stories and craft. Toddlers       * only children born before
Call. 01992 441946                6 Nations action. Catch the       must be accompanied by a          1/9/2015 can attend
                                  action on our Large HD TV’s       responsible adult. Up to two      £21.50 per day if booked
Cheap Thrills                     and soak up the atmosphere        toddlers per adult. Booking       in advance. £25.50 per
Sun Public House, Amwell          that the White Swan has to        essential. Call the Museum        day (on the day) Childcare
Street, Friday 31 January,        offer. Rub shoulders with other   on 01992 445596 or email          vouchers accepted, Book via
9pm                               excited rugby fans and enjoy      museum.leisure@broxbourne.        John Warner Sport Centre
A Herts / Essex based Classic     our delicious Guinness offers. £2 per child               on 01992 445375 or online
Rock / Indie 5 piece cover        Check our website for offers                                        at
band. Free                        and fixtures. Free                Feb – Activity Club               kidzklub
                                  www.whiteswanhodddesdon.          Mayhem Theatre Arts,
                                                     Brewery Road, Monday              February Half Term
FebrUArY                          My Kind of Music
                                                                    17 February – Friday 21
                                                                    February, 8.30am – 4pm
                                                                                                      Paradise Wildlife Park,
                                                                                                      White Stubbs Lane,
2020                              (BArts)
                                  The Spotlight, Wednesday
                                                                    Daily (Late club available ‘til
                                                                                                      Broxbourne, Monday 17 –
                                                                                                      Friday 28 February 2020,
Rye House Drivers Club            5 February, 12pm                  Team games and                    9.30am – 5pm
Rye House Kart Raceway,           Free Piano Concert                creative play activities.         Paradise is home to over
Rye Road Starting in              with Barbara Manning              Bring your friends or come        800 wonderful animals and
February 2020                     Light classics, show and film     along and make new ones!          over 30 life size, moving
                                  music. Free                       Join us for a ‘heart warming’     animatronic Dinosaurs.
                                                                    themed week of fun!               The kids can run wild in 5
                                  Adult Art Workshop –                                                indoor & outdoor play areas.
                                  Animation                         Half Day Club (age                Day entry fees apply – www.
                                  Lowewood Museum,                  4-12yrs)£12pp 8.30am-   
                                  Saturday 8 February,              12pm / or 12.30pm-
                                  10.30am – 12.30pm                 4.00pm – Full Day (Age            Half Term Adventure
                                  Develop new skills and have       5-12yrs) £20pp 8.30am-            Rye-Assic Adventure
(dates to be confirmed)           fun. Explore different ways to    4pm – Full Week ONLY              Park & Nerf Wars Arena
Dates are subject to age &        create your own animation         £80!                              Rye Road, Monday 17
Championship                      using collage or drawings,        To Book call . 01992              February, Wednesday 19
After the success of the last 9   and your smart phone. For         465100 or visit www.              February and Friday 21
seasons, 2020 will also see       inspiration we’ll look at           February, 9.30am – 12
championships for all ages        key artists in the history of                                       noon
for drivers that don’t have the   experimental animation. You       Kidz Klub playscheme              Starting the morning with
preparation time available to     don’t have to be able to draw     The John Warner Sports            softplay to shake those
compete in race meetings as       to do this; the aim of the        Centre, Monday 17                 morning blues, followed by
“owner” drivers but still want    session is to build confidence    February to Friday 21             pizza making with lots of
to get all the extra benefits     in your creative skills. £15      February, 8.30am to               different toppings. Then into
that becoming a club racer        per person More information       5.30pm each day (early            a bowling competition, with
offers! Media & booking           at         drop-off and late pick-up         prizes for the winners. Just
                                  leisure                           options available
 24                                                                                                                              25
when you thought it couldn’t      An Audience with Phil
get any better, go ballistic      Campion                           mArcH 2020                         (The Fizz) for an up close
                                                                                                       and personal evening. The
in our Nerf Wars arena, it        The Spotlight, Friday 21                                             evening is a “warts and all”
will be a blast! To finish the    February, 7.30pm                  My Kind of Music
                                                                                                       behind the curtain of the story
adventure off, it’s time to eat   ‘BIG’ Phil Campion, TV            (BArts) Spotlight
                                                                                                       of Bucks Fizz From being
the pizza you made earlier in     pundit, (regular presenter on     Wednesday 4 March,
                                                                                                       put together and winning
the day for lunch. Estimated      ‘The Pledge’ and contributor      12pm
                                                                                                       the Eurovision song contest
release - end of September        on Sky News) Bestselling          Free Piano Concert
                                                                                                       to becoming one of the
£14.99 per ticket. For more       Author (Killing Range, Desert     with Barbara Manning
                                                                                                       most successful bands of the
information Call 01992            Fire, Born Fearless) Security     Light classics, Show and Film
                                                                                                       1980’s with 5 number one
460895                            Analyst and Highly sought         Music. Free Entry
                                                                                                       hits and 10 top ten hits.
                                  after speaker with 49.2k                                             All tickets £27, Spotlight
Family Fun – Space Craft          twitter followers. Book now for   Let’s Do Lunch –
                                                                                                       Friends 10% off
Lowewood Museum,                  a fascinating evening in ‘An      The Eye of the Beholder
Thursday 20 February,             Audience with Phil Campion’.      (BArts)
11am – 3pm                                                          Spotlight Thursday, 5 and
                                                                                                       Call. 01992 441946
                                  Southbound                        20 March, 12pm
                                  Sun Public House, Amwell          Ideas of beauty may vary
                                                                                                       Toddler Thursday – I had
                                  Street, Friday 28 February        with the individual, but some
                                                                                                       a little Hobby Horse
                                  9pm                               are linked with fashion and
                                                                                                       Lowewood Museum
                                  Music of all genres- These        prevailing attitudes of society.
                                                                                                       Thursday 19 March, 10am
                                  guys have a real mix of           £15 incl lunch and a glass of
                                                                                                       – 11am
                                  eclectic and varied tastes of     wine.
                                  music and different genres.
Fun family art and craft          Free                              Adult Art Workshop –
activities for you to make                                          Drawing and Painting
together and take home.           Back to Da Old Skool              with Watercolour
Children must be                  The Spotlight, Saturday           Pencils
accompanied by a                  29 February , 8pm – 3am           Lowewood Museum,
responsible adult. £2 per         Back 2 Da Old Skool has           Saturday 7 March
child. More information at        great pleasure in confirming      10.30am – 12.30pm            our “ REUNION“ Party for          This artist-led workshop
                                                                                                       Join in our fun, friendly
leisure                           2020 A night of Classic           will give you a taste of the
                                                                                                       session and help your child
                                  House, Garage and Kisstory-       joys of using watercolour
                                                                                                       develop essential school-
Bingo Night                       style Classics reminiscing the    pencils. Learn simple drawing
                                                                                                       ready skills through rhymes,
Paradise Wildlife Park,           good old days with legendary      techniques while expanding
                                                                                                       stories and craft. Toddlers
White Stubbs Lane,                DJs back on the decks for 1       your colour repertoire beyond
                                                                                                       must be accompanied by
Broxbourne, Friday 21             night only! Featuring DJ Luck     the greys and blacks of pencil
                                                                                                       a responsible adult. Up to
February, 6pm                     & MC Neat, Brandon Block          and ink. This workshop is
                                                                                                       two toddlers per adult. £2
Eyes Down, Look In! The           Over 18s only, rights of          for anybody who wants to
                                                                                                       per child. More information
evening will commence at          admission reserved. Early Bird    draw more confidently and
6pm in the Discovery Centre.      tickets £20                       have fun with colour. £15.
                                                                                                       leisure Booking essential.
Price includes all games with            More information at www.
                                                                                                       Call the Museum on 01992
some great prizes to be won!      thespotlight            
                                                                                                       445596 or email museum.
You are welcome to bring          Call. 01992 441946                                         
your own food and drink.                                            Up Close and Personal
£5pp                                                                Evening with The Fizz
                                                                    The Spotlight, Friday 13
                                                                    March, 7.30pm
                                                                    Come and join Cheryl Baker,
                                                                    Mike Nolan and Jay Aston
 26                                                                                                                               27
Let’s Do Lunch –
The Eye of the Beholder
                                  Mayhem’s Annual dance
                                                                   regUlAr                              Improve your fitness, strength
                                                                                                        and tone up with our small
Spotlight, Friday 20
                                  The Spotlight, Sunday 22
                                  March, Shows. 3pm                Activities                           group Pilates reformer.
                                                                                                        Individual tuition. First class
March, 12pm                       And 6.30pm                                                            free.
Ideas of beauty may vary          Performances by our weekly       Performing Arts Tuition
with the individual, but some     dance classes and groups         for ages 18months to                 Your Town Walkers
are linked with fashion and       from beginners to more           Adult                                Barclay Park
prevailing attitudes of society   advanced, our Annual dance       Mayhem Theatre Arts                  Every Monday, 9.30am
                                  show 2019 is set to the          Monday – Saturday                    A free, weekly, beginners
                                  our biggest and best yet!        Daytime, evening and                 walking event organised by
                                  Open for all to come and         weekend sessions There               volunteers that takes place
                                  watch and support such a         are so many great things             every Monday at 9.30am.
                                  wonderful new generation of      that happen at the Mayhem            Meet at Dreams Café.
                                  talent showcased from the        Studios, from performing arts        Free. For more information go
                                  Hoddesdon and surrounding        tuition to studio hire, holiday      to
                                  area. Tickets . Adults. £15.00   courses to theatre trips.
£15 including lunch and a         Under 18s / OAPS £12.00          For a full timetable of all our      Junior Arrive & Drive
glass of wine                     To book, call 01992 465100       fabulous classes, courses and        Offer
                                  or pop in to the Mayhem          workshops please email .             Rye House Kart Raceway
Mothering Sunday                  office.                          nicole@mayhemtheatrearts.            Every Monday, 5.00pm –
St Catherine’s and St                                     or visit. www.                 6.00pm
Paul’s Church, Paul’s             Desert Penguins                      Using our junior fleet of
Lane, Hoddesdon, Sunday           Sun Public House, Amwell                                              Honda GX160 EVO karts
22 March,10.30am                  Street, Friday 27 March          Pilates for all levels               around the MAIN circuit,
Our special opportunity to        9.00pm                           Nu You Pilates Studio                youngsters have the
give thank for our mums and       The Desert Penguins, are         Hoddesdon Monday – Sunday            opportunity to enjoy a blast
all who mother us.                an established POP gone          9.30am, 10.30am, 6pm,                on Hamilton’s stomping
Free                              ROCK band! A Modern Rock         7pm or 8pm Monday –                  ground at a very competitive
                                  cover band playing all your      Sunday 9.30am, 10.30am,              price! Available for 8 to 15
Mothers’ Day                      favourite POP and ROCK           6pm, 7pm or 8pm                      year olds (with a minimum
The White Swan, High              songs.from Britney Spears,       Improve your fitness, strength       height 133cm) you’ll get TWO
Street, Sunday 22                 Rihanna and Lady Gaga to         and reduce your back and/or          x 10 minute sessions
March,12pm-6pm                    the massive Kings of Leon,       joint pain with Pilates. Small       https.//
Make Mothers’ Day 2020 a          Green Day and Blink 182.         classes, individual tuition.         monday-junior-arrive-drive/
truly special occasion, book      Free                             First class free. First class free   £20.00 pp Call 01992
your table at The White Swan                                       visit ,       460895
and get a complimentary                                            call 07985 608842 or email
glass of Fizz for mum.                                                Adult Arrive & Drive
www.whiteswanhodddesdon.                                           for further info                     Rye House Kart Raceway For bookings Call                                                                                 Every Monday 7.45pm –
01992442533                                                        Reformer Pilates for all             8.15pm or 8.30pm – 9pm
                                                                   levels Nu You Pilates Studio         Using our BRAND NEW 160cc
                                                                   Hoddesdon, Monday –                  Twin Engine EVO Karts, on the
                                                                   Sunday 9.30am, 10.30am,              full “GP” circuit, sessions of
                                                                   6pm, 7pm or 8pm Monday               30mins, you really will have a
                                                                   – Sunday 9.30am, 10.30am,            chance to experience the UK’s
                                                                   6pm, 7pm or 8pm
 28                                                                                                                                29
most famous venue.               *This session is based          session. For more information    supermarket car parks, St
https.//     on a referral process, all      please contact Andrew Rix        Pauls’ Church churchyard,
adult-arrive-drive/ £39.99pp     participants need to meet       the Get Active Specialist on.    Barclay Park and the Town
To book Call. 01992 460895       the inclusion criteria to be    07506 503316                     Centre to work with young
                                 eligible. Free for the first                                     people aged 11-19 and help
Baby Sensory                     6 weeks and then £3 per         Boundary Park Youth              prevent youth ASB.
Rye-Assic Adventure Park, Rye    session. For more information   Club       Aldwyck Community     Free for ages 11-19
Road, Every Monday               please contact Andrew Rix       Flat on the Plomer Avenue
Term Time, 10am – 11am           the Get Active Specialist on.   Estate (Christian Close) Every   Fizz Friday
Designed for babies from         07506 503316                    Thursday in term time            The White Swan Friday
birth to 13 months. Various                                      7.30pm -9pm                      All Day, Let’s get Fizz-icale!
activities including; music,     Your Town Runners               Free youth club for young        Enjoy a delicious bottle
movement massage, water          Hoddesdon Town                  people age 13-16- arts,          of Nua Prosecco for £15
play, bubbles & props            Every Tuesday, 7pm              crafts, sports and games are     All Day Every Friday.www.
£7 - includes entry              A free, weekly, runners group   on offer as well as working
To book Call. 01992 460895       organised by volunteers that    towards accredited learning
                                 takes place every Tuesday at    with reward trips in the         2-4-1-Cocktails
Messy Play                       7.00pm. Meet at Your Town,      holidays. Free for ages 13-      The White Swan, Friday
Rye-Assic Adventure Park, Rye    Fawkon Walk. Free. For          16. Registration required for    5pm-8pm
Road, Tuesday / Thursday         more information go to www.     first session.                   Cocktails…. Because no good
10am – 1pm                                                            story ever started with a salad!
Join the team at Rye-Assic for                                   Adult Thursday Thrash-           Buy one and the second is on
a “Messy Play” session from      Baby Rhyme Time                 Up                               us. Enjoy a classic cocktail at
every Tuesday & Thursday         Hoddesdon Library               Rye House Kart Raceway, Rye      the White Swan and get 2-4-1
morning!! Its FREE!!! (Term      Every Wednesday 10am            Road, Every Thursday             on Friday’s from 5pm-8pm.
time only) Free with entry -     to 10.30am & 11am to            7.45pm – 8.30pm                  Mix up your afterwork drink
£5.95 To book Call. 01992        11.30am                         After kitting, briefing and      routine and explore our range
460895                           Singing for babies & young      registration, drivers will       of delicious cocktails.
                                 children. Arrive early as       commence 10 minutes              www.whiteswanhoddesdon.
Toddler Tales                    sessions are very popular,      qualifying after which they
Hoddesdon Library                numbers limited to 40 per       will grid up immediacally then
Every Tuesday, 2.15pm to         session. Free                   race through to the end of the   DJ
2.45pm                           (Suggested donation of £1       45mins. https.//www.rye-         The White Swan, Friday
Story time for under 8’s, no     per family welcome)         9pm
booking requires just come                                       £44.95pp To book call 01992      Plans for the weekend? Let
along. Free (Suggested           Active Herts – Swim &           460895                           your hair down and Don’t
donation of £1 per family        Social The John Warner                                           miss our resident DJ every
welcome)                         Sports Centre, Stanstead        Hoddesdon Craft Club             Friday night. Creating the
                                 Road, Hoddesdon, EN10           Hoddesdon Library                perfect soundtrack to get your
Active Herts – Intro to          6AE                             Every Friday, 10.30am –          weekend started. Free
Exercise Bollescroft Hall,       Every Wednesday 10am-           12.30pm                          www.whiteswanhoddesdon.
The Spotlight, High Street,      11am. Make a splash with        Come along with your craft
Hoddesdon, EN11 8BE, Every       this fun and friendly swim      of choice and join the group,
Tuesday, 1pm-2pm, 2pm-           session for all abilities and   everyone welcome.                Friday Night Youth Sports
3pm.                             over 16s.                       Free                             The John Warner Sports
A one hour low impact fitness    *This session is based                                           Centre
class delivered in a typical     on a referral process, all      Detached Youth Work              Every Friday in term time
circuit format. The session      participants need to meet       Hoddesdon Town Centre            8pm-9pm
is aimed for all abilities and   the inclusion criteria to be    Every Friday, 6pm-8pm            Free youth sport and games
over 16’s.                       eligible. Free for the first    Broxbourne Council Youth         for ages 11-19 in the sports
                                 6 weeks and then £3 per         Workers visit the town’s         hall run by Broxbourne
 30                                                                                                                         31
Council playworkers. Free
for ages 11-19. Registration
                                Volunteer Task
                                Barclay Park, First Saturday of
required for first session.     every month, 10m-12noon
                                                                  James Ward. The Greatest Animal Painter of his
                                General maintenance of
                                                                  Time exhibition
2 Hour Team Endurance           Jubilee Walk, front entrance
                                                                  Lowewood Museum, Until 25 January 2020 Wednesday –
Rye House Kart Raceway          to the park, lake and paths.
                                                                  Friay 10am – 4pm, Sat 10am – 5pm
Last Friday of each month       Meet at car park. Free
                                                                  This exhibition celebrates the life and work of artist James
6.45pm – 9.45pm
                                                                  Ward RA, commemorating 250 years since his birth.
With a 15 minute practice &     Saturday Stories
                                                                  Featuring loans from the Tate and the Fitzwilliam Museum,
qualifying session, followed    Hoddesdon Library
                                                                  it’s not to be missed. Free. More information at www.
by a full on TWO hour,          First Saturday of every month,
race we are sure you’ll be      11am
more excited than Le Clerc      Story time for under 8’s, no
                                                                  Mellow Fruitfulness (BArts)
passing Vetcall!. Simply        booking required just come
                                                                  The Spotlight, Monday 7 October to Tuesday 15 October
grab some mates, work           along. Follow “Hoddesdon
                                                                  Whenever venue is open. Exhibition of paintings and
colleagues or random            Library” on Facebook for
                                                                  photographs with an Autumn theme. Free
people & get your team          details. Free (Suggested
together. Teams of 2-5          donation of £1 per family
                                                                  Circles (BArts)
drivers https.//www.            welcome)
                                                                  The Spotlight, Monday 6 January to Friday 14 February,
                                                                  Whenever venue is open
racing/ £189.95 per team        Lego Club
To book Call 01992              Hoddesdon Library
                                                                  Exhibition of Paintings and Photographs
460895                          Alternate Saturday’s – starting
                                                                  Free, Man on the Moon, Lowewood Museum Saturday 15
                                12th October, 2pm – 3pm
                                                                  February – Saturday 30 Wednesday – Friay – Fri 10am –
Barclay Parkrun                 Suitable for children aged 5
                                                                  4pm, Sat 10am – 5pm
Barclay Park                    – 12 years. Children under 8
                                                                  Possibly one of the most memorable events in human history,
Every Saturday, 9am             must be accompanied by an
                                                                  this exhibition celebrates the Moon landing of 1969. Discover
A free, weekly, timed, 5km      adult. #HertsLibraryLego
                                                                  how it started, what risks the astronauts faced, and how the
community running event         £2 per session. Limited to 12
                                                                  technology used has influenced what we use today. Free entry
organised by volunteers that    places per session.
                                                                  More information at
takes place every Saturday
at 9.00am. Free (need to        Colouring Club
register with Parkrun first –   Hoddesdon Library              Alternate Saturdays – starting
                                19 October, 2pm Adult
Live Music                      and children’s colouring
The White Swan, Saturday        available. Colouring pens &
9pm                             pencils supplied. No booking
On Saturday’s we play           required, just come along. £1
host to Live and unplugged      per family.
music sessions with a wide
variety of bands including
local bands. Bringing
you some of the best live
music that Hoddesdon has
to offer. A great night of
singing & dancing is always
guaranteed. Free
32                                                                                                                               33
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