Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters

Page created by Kimberly Hardy
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
 EcoFest          Nature
  West             Arts

20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
      First comes the small storm, then comes the rainbow.
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
Nau Mai
Haere Mai                                                  EcoFest
Welcome to EcoFest West 2021
Tēnā koutou katoa,                            I want to thank our event hosts for
                                              providing a myriad of opportunities for
Many things have been said about our
                                              our community to draw together, and for
current times, but to say that we’ve
                                              being so generous in sharing the skills
veered off the well-worn path would be
                                              and knowledge we need for a better
a euphemism. Amid a global pandemic,
                                              future. Thank you as well to our funders,
we find ourselves navigating an
                                              the Henderson-Massey, Waitākere
unfamiliar thicket without a clear course
                                              Ranges and Whau local boards, for
ahead - a place where we can’t rely on
                                              making this festival possible. We don’t
mere routine, or habit, or the singular
                                              take it for granted.
momentum of one foot in front of the
other to guide us.                            Last but not least, thank you to each of
                                              you who turn up in support - to celebrate,
How do we go forwards, if we can’t see
                                              to dig in, to sink your teeth into new
which way that is?
                                              ideas. There would be no festival without
The festival, in its tenth year, helps to     you.
provide the tools we need to meet the
                                              Mauri ora!
crises before us. We hope to cast fresh
light on your purpose, in this place, with    Damon Birchfield
these people, at this time. We also hope      CEO, EcoMatters Environment Trust
it guides you to finding a new path that’s
more aligned with te taiao than ever
before, with all the richness that this

Festival Funders

                                             More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 3
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
Sustainable Transport                         Whānau Friendly
    We encourage you to find low-carbon           Looking for something to
    ways to get to EcoFest West events where      do with the family? Event listings with this
    possible.                                     symbol are suitable for kids – check the
    Walk or ride your bike, or look for these     age range directly with the event organiser
    symbols to see which events have train or     if not specified in the event listing.
    bus stops within walking distance.
                                                  Leave Feedback and Win
    Visit at.govt.nz to plan your journey.
                                                  Tell us what you loved and share what you
                                                  learned from EcoFest West, and go in the
                                                  draw to win eco-friendly prizes. Give us your
        BUS     TRAIN                             event feedback at ecofest.org.nz.

    Covid-19 Alert Levels                         Share your photos! #ecofestwest
    Many EcoFest West events will be available
    at any Covid-19 alert level. However, some    Contact EcoFest West
    events may look different if alert levels     EcoFest West is organised by EcoMatters
    change. For up-to-date information about      Environment Trust, and hosted by a range of
    all events, and to read our Covid-19 Safety   organisations in West Auckland.
    Plan, visit ecofest.org.nz.
    We recommend following all Ministry of        ecofest.org.nz
    Health guidelines at covid19.govt.nz.         09 826 4276

                                                  This booklet has been printed by Soar Print
                                                  on FSC paper.

4     Haere Mai / Welcome                                                         #ecofestwest
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
Festival Programme
         Waka Hourua / Clean Transport................ 6
         Kīnaki Kai Reka / Foodies' Fix...................... 8
         Te Whaihanga / Makers' Mayhem.....10
         Torohē Nuku / Explore Nature..................14
         Mauri Noho / Conscious Living.............. 20
Introducing our Category Names
Waka Hourua / Clean Transport                  Torohē Nuku / Explore Nature
Waka Hourua are traditional double-hulled      Torohē Nuku describes the exploration
ocean voyaging vessels. On arrival, these      of land. Torohē means the detailed
vessels were split and the hulls used as       examination of land features such as
waka pitau or coastal voyaging craft, and      lakes, springs, streams and animals.
by removing the bargeboards, waka tiwai or     Nuku is an abbreviation of Papatūānuku
river vessels were created. The name Waka      (Mother Earth). One would explore in order
Hourua reminds us of how great voyages         to establish an understanding of one’s
were made before the use of fossil fuels.      surroundings and resources, and to identify
                                               possible threats and how to mitigate them.
Kīnaki Kai Reka / Foodies' Fix
Kīnaki Kai Reka refers to all of the           Mauri Noho / Conscious Living
wonderful things you can do with food such     Mauri Noho describes a meaningful
as cultivation, preparation and cooking.       existence living in peace and harmony with
The word kīnaki refers to ingredients,         oneself, the environment and others. Noho
condiments and garnishes, kai refers           means to settle and to dwell. In this context,
to food, and reka denotes a sweet and          the word mauri reminds us to be conscious
palatable taste.                               of our surroundings, thoughts, words and
                                               actions. It talks of respect for living things,
Te Whaihanga / Makers' Mayhem
                                               and teaches us to tread lightly and leave
Te Whaihanga refers to the ability to
                                               nothing but footprints.
create and imagine without limitation. It
is the ability to make something beautiful,    Ngā mihi
memorable and lasting - a gift that can be     Thank you to Tau Marsh for creating these
passed onto others.                            names in te reo Māori.

                                              More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 5
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
Waka Hourua / Clean Transport
            Get moving with sustainable transport

                                              combines cycle paths and road riding, so
NEW LYNN BIKE HUB                             you will need to be a confident rider. All bikes
Thursday-Sunday, 10am-2pm                     and e-bikes welcome! Brought to you by
EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn         EcoMatters and Auckland Transport.
                                              BIKE HENDERSON RIDE TO
Friday-Sunday, 10am-4pm                       Saturday 20 March, 10.30am-2.30pm
Falls carpark, 14 Edmonton Road,              Henderson Bike Hub, 14 Edmonton Road,
Henderson                                     Henderson

Visit the EcoMatters Bike Hub in New Lynn     Join us for an extended guided bike ride
or Henderson for free advice on basic bike    from the EcoMatters Bike Hub in Henderson
maintenance and access to tools. We offer     to the upper reaches of the Opanuku
safe cycling advice and guidance as well as   Stream. Sustainable/vegan-friendly lunch
free cycling maps and we have fun novelty     provided. Moderate fitness level or e-bike
bikes on-site for people to try.              recommended. Brought to you by Bike
Saturday 17 April, 9am-12pm
New Lynn Bike Hub, 1 Olympic Place, New
Bookings required: bit.do/newlynnride

Join us on a 25km ride along some great
cycle trails in West Auckland. This loop

6      Waka Hourua / Clean Transport                                           #ecofestwest
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
Oratia Stream to Bodega Eatery on Parrs
BIKE HENDERSON RIDE TO                             Cross Road and back.
                                                   KIDS LEARN TO RIDE
Sunday 21 March, 10.30am-2.30pm
Henderson Bike Hub, 14 Edmonton Road,              Saturday 17 April, 10am-12pm
Henderson                                          Avondale Central Reserve, 1971 Great
                                                   North Road, Avondale
Join us for an extended guided bike ride
from the EcoMatters Bike Hub in Henderson          Attend a drop-in session to teach your kids
to Arataki Visitor Centre via Oratia Stream.       how to ride a bike. Whether starting on a
Sustainable/vegan-friendly lunch provided.         balance bike or making the transition to a
Moderate to high fitness level or e-bike           pedal bike, the team is there to help your
recommended. Brought to you by Bike                kids get riding. Brought to you by Auckland
Henderson.                                         Transport.

BIKE TE ATATŪ RIDES                                EASY GUIDED BIKE RIDES
Bookings required: biketeatatu.org.nz              Wednesdays, 10-11.30am
Brought to you by Bike Te Atatū                    Henderson Bike Hub, 14 Edmonton Road,
Causeway Birding
Saturday 27 March, 10am-12.30pm
Harbour View Beach Reserve carpark,                These weekly rides are intended to help
Harbour View Road, Te Atatū Peninsula              people build more confidence in their riding
FREE                                               and/or to discover Henderson cycling routes.
                                                   The rides will be 5km long and relatively easy,
Join Auckland Council’s bird expert Chris          mostly on off-road cycle trails. For ages 10+.
Bindon for a fascinating guided ride starting      Brought to you by EcoMatters.
at Te Atatū Peninsula and winging along the
Northwestern Cycleway causeway and back.           BASIC BIKE MAINTENANCE
Learn about the area’s unique coastal birdlife.    WORKSHOP
Henderson Markets and Coffee Ride                  Wednesday 14 April, 7-9pm
Saturday 17 April, 9-11am                          New Lynn Bike Hub, 1 Olympic Place, New
Harbourview-Ōrangihina Reserve, Te Atatū           Lynn
Peninsula                                          Bookings required:
FREE                                               brent@ecomatters.org.nz
This is a slow, family-friendly ride along
Henderson Creek Path and back. We’ll stop          This is a two-hour workshop covering basic
for coffee at the Falls Bistro and check out Te    bike maintenance, including an overview of
Puna Markets and the EcoMatters Bike Hub           parts of a bike, inflating tyres, puncture repair,
before returning.                                  chain lube, as well as brake/gear checks and
Twin Streams and Tapas Ride                        tuning. Brought to you by EcoMatters.
Sunday 11 April, 2-5pm
Harbourview-Ōrangihina Reserve, Te Atatū

A cruisy Sunday afternoon ride from Te Atatū
along the Henderson Creek Path and the

                                                  More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 7
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
Kīnaki Kai Reka / Foodies' Fix
             Fill your plate with locally grown and crafted food

Friday 2 April, 4.30-8.30pm                     AND COOKING WORKSHOP
Te Atatū South Community Centre,                Friday 16 April, 10.30am-2pm
247 Edmonton Road, Te Atatū South               EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn
FREE                                            Bookings required:
A tasty selection of Auckland’s best food       amanda@ecomatters.org.nz
trucks, music and entertainment. Free           FREE
activities for kids with The ReCreators’
                                                A waste-focussed workshop where you
upcycled craft workshop and pop-
up games. Stay a while and enjoy the            will learn how to improve your health by
fun community vibes. Brought to you             growing quality food on your doorstep and
by Te Atatū Food Truck Fridays.                 save money. Covering effective food storage
                                                ideas, taking waste out of landfill and making
TE MĀKETE                                       healthy and delicious recipes to share.
Saturday 27 March, 9am-1pm                      Brought to you by Love Food Hate Waste.
Hoani Waititi, 441 West Coast Road,
Glen Eden

Bring the whānau and support Māori business
- everyone is welcome. Live entertainment,
Māori cuisine and artists. Bring your water
bottle to refill. Free parking and wheelchair
accessible. Brought to you by Te Mākete.

8      Kīnaki Kai Reka / Foodies' Fix                                          #ecofestwest
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
DINNER AT FRENCH BAY                                THE ART OF FORAGING
Saturday 27 March, 5-9pm                            Saturday 3 & Sunday 4 April, 10am-1pm
French Bay Yacht Club, Titirangi                    and 2-5pm
FREE                                                Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School, 5 Helios
                                                    Place, Titirangi
Dinner at French Bay is back again for our          $89 adult, $29 child, bookings required:
last dinner of the season, with delicious street    mamakan.com
food, live music and one of the best views by
the beach at the stunning French Bay Yacht
Club. Brought to you by Love Street Food NZ.        Celebrate the land and its seasons by joining
                                                    the autumn walks of foraging native plants of
                                                    New Zealand. During the guided three-hour
Saturday 27 March, 9am-1pm                          tour, your senses will be awakened by seeing,
Rutherford College,16 Kōtuku Street,                smelling, touching and tasting seasonal native
Te Atatū Peninsula                                  plants. Brought to you by Mamakan.
$69, bookings required:
                                                    TE PUNA MARKET
rutherfordcomed.co.nz or 09 834 4103
                                                    Saturdays, 8.30am-1pm
                                                    Falls carpark, 14 Edmonton Road,
Sourdough breads are well-known and have            Henderson
been loved in Europe for many centuries.             FREE
Come and learn the secrets of making
delicious loaves and rolls using rye and            A neighbourhood food market focused on
wholemeal flour and take home a sourdough           creating a place of wellbeing, connection
starter at the end of the course. Brought to        and kai, in partnership with local people in
you by Rutherford College.                          Henderson. We offer an assortment of stalls,
                                                    including fresh fruits and vegetables, breads,
FORAGE AND FEAST                                    craft, street food and natural made products.
Saturday 17 April, 2-5pm                            Brought to you by Kai West Auckland.
EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn
$20, bookings required via Eventbrite

Join naturopath Paloma Velásquez for
health-boosting ideas using seasonal produce
(including weeds!) to make a memorable                                   EST     2002

plant-based feast. In this workshop you’ll go
foraging in the organic garden at EcoMatters,               BEST VIEW IN AUCKLAND
followed by getting together for a shared
                                                        Show this Ad to receive a 15% discount
meal. Brought to you by EcoMatters and the
                                                           on any Mountainside Benedicts
Whau Low Carbon Network.
                                                            or Breakfast of Champignon


                                                   More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 9
Fest Eco West - 20 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2021 - EcoMatters
Te Whaihanga / Makers' Mayhem
           Meet local creators and gets hands-on in DIY workshops

ECO MARKET                                        BOOKBINDING: MAKE YOUR OWN
Saturday 10 April, 10am-2pm                       UPCYCLED JOURNAL
Te Atatū Peninsula Community Centre,              Saturday 20 March, 10.30am-12.30pm
595 Te Atatū Road, Te Atatū Peninsula             EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn
FREE                                              $10, bookings required via Eventbrite
Love local and locally handmade? Here’s the
market for you! A stunning array of the very      Get crafty and make a beautiful, personalised
finest in kiwi creativity awaits at our artisan   upcycled journal with Cindy Kawana from
market with an eco-conscious focus. Easy          Hangarua. An awesome skill to have, perfect
motorway access or reach us by bike or bus.       for gifts, a school sketchbook or journaling!
Brought to you by Te Atatū Peninsula Artisan      Brought to you by EcoMatters.
& Handmade Market.
                                                  DIY MAKE A LOOM & WEAVE
DIY BEAUTY BUTTERS & BALMS                        Wednesday 31 March, 3.30-5pm
Sunday 28 March, 2-4pm                            Te Manawa, 11 Kohuhu Lane, Westgate
Te Manawa, 11 Kohuhu Lane, Westgate               Bookings required: therecreators.co.nz
Bookings required: therecreators.co.nz            FREE

                                                  Join The ReCreators in this fun, eco-friendly
Using all natural materials, join The             workshop. Using all upcycled materials,
ReCreators and learn how to create beautiful      create yourself a loom and then weave to
and eco-friendly beauty butters and balms.        create a beautiful gift for yourself or a loved
This workshop is for ages 16+. Brought to you     one. All materials included, families welcome.
by Te Manawa.                                     Brought to you by Te Manawa.

10 Te Whaihanga / Makers' Mayhem                                                 #ecofestwest
DIY WORKSHOPS                                      UPCYCLED BOTTLE PLANTER
Rutherford College, 16 Kōtuku Street,              Saturday 27 March, 2-3pm
Te Atatū Peninsula                                 Blockhouse Bay Library, 578 Blockhouse
Bookings required: rutherfordcomed.co.nz           Bay Road, Blockhouse Bay
or 09 834 4103
Brought to you by Rutherford College
                                                   Come make a cute planter out of a
                                                   recycled plastic container to grace
Beeswax Wraps                                      your home or garden. Brought to
Sunday 21 March, 9-10.30am                         you by Blockhouse Bay Library.
Reduce plastic waste! Kimberly will show you       FOREST PUPPET +
how to make your own reusable beeswax              RECYCLED PAPER MAKING
food wraps, a beautiful alternative to plastic
cling film. Course fee includes materials for
                                                   Saturday 10 April, 10.30am-3pm
your very own beeswax wraps to take home.          Corban Estate Arts Centre, 2 Mt Lebanon
                                                   Lane, Henderson
Candle Making with Soy Wax
Sunday 28 March, 10am-2pm                          $45, bookings required: ceac.org.nz or
$99                                                09 838 4455
Learn how to prepare, fragrance, pour and
look after soy wax candles, using your own
                                                   Without the need for plastic or chemical
recycled containers, glasses, or jars. This
                                                   glues, children will construct a puppet using
is a hands-on class designed for people
wanting to use natural products, which are         dried forest foliage. They will also learn the
environmentally friendly and will not break the    wonderfully tactile practice of how to turn
bank.                                              pulp into sheets of textured handmade paper.
Raranga - Flax Weaving                             All materials provided, for ages 6-12. Brought
Saturday 10 April, 9.30am-3.30pm                   to you by Corban Estate Arts Centre.
$59                                                MAKE YOUR OWN MINI WORM FARM
This one-day course will suit anyone who is
                                                   Wednesday 31 March, 3.30-4.30pm
interested in learning how to weave using
harakeke (flax) and traditional Māori tikanga      Blockhouse Bay Library, 578 Blockhouse
(cultural values and practices). Learn about       Bay Road, Blockhouse Bay
different harakeke varieties, harvesting and       Bookings required:
preparation techniques and how to make a           compostcollective.org.nz
variety of small kete and containers.              FREE
Balms and Lip Balm Making
Wednesday 31 March, 6.30-8.30pm                    Come to the library and make your very
$55                                                own mini worm farm from recycled
Learn to make a basic balm and how to              materials. Worm farms are a great way
tweak the recipe to fit particular needs, such     to turn food scraps into organic fertiliser
as sports, arthritis and skin healing balms.       instead of landfill. We will also have a half
You will also learn how to create lip balms,       hour session with the Compost Collective
including how to flavour and tint them.            providing information, support and advice.
                                                   Brought to you by Blockhouse Bay Library.

                                                  More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 11
NATURE JOURNALING                                  TE TĪMATANGA HOU:
Saturday 20 March, 10am-12pm                       A NEW BEGINNING
Falls Park rotunda, 22 Alderman Drive,             Saturday 10 April, 10am-4pm
Henderson                                          Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School, 5 Helios
Sunday 18 April, 10am-12pm                         Place, Titirangi
Olympic Park playground, Wolverton                 Bookings required:
Street, New Lynn                                   titirangiearthfestival.com
$10 adult, $5 child 5-12yrs, bookings              KOHA

required:                                          A day of creative action with artist Mike
contact@lesleyalexanderart.com                     O’Donnell, partner Trish Waugh and
                                                   installation artist Ekarasa Doblanovic.
                                                   Experience storytelling, sound, laughter,
Nature journaling is sketching or writing your     making clay vessels with local clays and soils
response to nature. This fun and relaxing          as offerings to the land and local waters.
practice helps you connect more closely            Brought to you by Titirangi Earth Festival.
with plants, trees, birds and other natural
things. Bring a sketchbook, pencils, crayons,      JOURNAL MAKING
watercolours. Brought to you by Lesley             Saturday 27 March, 2-5pm
Alexander Art.                                     Te Atatū Peninsula Community Centre,
POWER TOOLS 101                                    595 Te Atatū Road, Te Atatū Peninsula
Saturday 10 April, 10.30am-2.30pm                  $35, bookings required:
34 Rānui Avenue, Rānui                             therecreators.co.nz
$70, bookings required:
therecreators.co.nz                                Create your own unique wire bound journal
                                                   or notebook that you will treasure, made out
                                                   of materials that are often discarded. In this
You will learn basic woodworking skills, how
                                                   workshop you will collage your own journal.
to safely use tools and tips that will help you
                                                   Brought to you by The ReCreators.
get started on your own creative project. You
will leave with your own upcycled chopping         SEW A SKIRT
board. Tools include drill, jig saw and sanders.   Saturday 27 March, 9.30am-12.30pm
Brought to you by The ReCreators.                  Te Atatū Peninsula Community Centre,
FURNITURE RESTORATION                              595 Te Atatū Road, Te Atatū Peninsula
Saturday 17 April, 10.30am-2.30pm                  $35, bookings required:
34 Rānui Avenue, Rānui                             therecreators.co.nz
$70, bookings required:
therecreators.co.nz                                Tired of fast fashion? Can’t find a skirt that
                                                   fits you or your personality? Come and learn
                                                   how to make your own skirt with Bea. You will
In this workshop, The ReCreators will teach
                                                   need basic sewing machine skills to join in. All
you how to restore wooden furniture and            fabric will be provided. Brought to you by The
safely use tools and materials. You will learn     ReCreators.
how to strip, sand, clean, stain and either
oil, wax or lacquer. Brought to you by The

12 Te Whaihanga / Makers' Mayhem                                                   #ecofestwest
What do 8,880 upcycled
           2L plastic milk bottles put to
                new use look like?
             Take the train to Britomart to visit Kōkako’s
               coffee bar, and its special counter, on
               Level 1 of Commercial Bay to find out.

Torohē Nuku / Explore Nature
          Get out and explore the natural gems in our backyard

Mondays, 10am-12pm                               Sunday 21 March, 10am-1pm
EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn            Matuku Link, 111 Bethells Road, Waitākere
FREE                                             FREE

Learn all about how native plant propagation     Bring your family to help out at our wetland
can contribute to protecting our land and        conservation project Matuku Link: potting up
streams. The seeds you nurture will be           plants in the nursery, weeding, spotting eels,
used in stream restoration projects in the       wētā and pīwakawaka, or take a stroll along
local area. Bring a hat, sunscreen and a         our new boardwalk. All followed by a lovely
snack to keep you going. Brought to you by
                                                 shared lunch. Brought to you by Matuku Link.
                                                 Saturday 27 March, 2-3pm
Saturday 17 April, 10am-12.30pm
Glendene Reserve via Barnfield Place,            Milan Reserve, Milan Drive, Glen Eden
Glendene                                         FREE

Bookings required:                               Join us for the opening of the new Nature
pamela@ecomatters.org.nz                         Walk in Milan Reserve. Take a walk in this
FREE                                             little native bush gem in Glen Eden and learn
                                                 the names of the native trees growing here,
This wānanga will provide a peek into the
world of rongoā rākau, traditional Māori         including rimu, kauri and tōtara. Brought to
plant medicine. We will explore a selection of   you by Friends of Milan Reserve.
native plants and discuss key philosophies,
principles and processes of rongoā Māori.
Brought to you by EcoMatters.

14 Torohē Nuku / Explore Nature                                                  #ecofestwest
Waitākere River, as a fundraiser for eco-
MANUTEWHAU AWA CLEAN UP                                       restoration project Matuku Link. All gear and
Saturday 17 April, 10am-12.30pm                               training provided for a two-hour trip, starting
Leataata Preschool, 91-93 Moire Road,                         9am, 11am, 1pm or 3pm. For ages 12+.
Massey                                                        Brought to you by Matuku Link.
                                                              FAMILY DAY
Please join EcoMatters, Massey Matters                        Sunday 11 April, 10am-3pm
and Leataata Preschool with our annual                        West Lynn Garden, 73 Parker Avenue, New
Manutewhau Stream clean up. A fun activity                    Lynn
for the whole family to show some love to                     $3, under 2yrs free
our local environment. Free sausage sizzle
afterwards. Please wear covered footwear.
                                                              Come and take part in the Tree Trail and
VIP KAYAK DAY MATUKU LINK                                     Butterfly Hunt. Information sessions
Saturday 27 March, 9am-3pm                                    start on the hour in the Butterfly House,
Matuku Link, 111 Bethells Road, Waitākere                     set in 2.5 hectares of beautiful gardens.
$60, bookings required:                                       Fun activities for children. Bring a
matukulink.org.nz/kayakday                                    picnic. Sausages, drinks, plants for sale.
                                                              Brought to you by West Lynn Garden.

Only once a year private properties allow
access to Te Henga Wetland over the

                                                                                  Bring in your
                                                                                  containers, fill
                                                                                  up and save!
                                                                                  Come and see us in our
                                                                                  Eco Store & Refill Hub
                                                                                  3/3 Workspace Drive
                                                                                  Check online for
                                                                                  opening hours
All Green Goddess products are sensitive skin safe, cruelty free, septic safe and the range is 98% vegan.
Our laundry bags are home compostable and all liquids are available in bulk–packaging can be returned for reuse/recycling.

                                                            More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 15
WHAU RIVER CLEAN UP                            FRESHWATER FRENZY!
Saturday 20 March, 10am-12.30pm                Saturday 27 March, 10am-2pm
EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn          Falls Park, 22 Alderman Drive, Henderson
Bookings required:                             FREE
                                               Freshwater Frenzy is a free, fun-filled family
                                               event celebrating our precious freshwater. See
Join us on the Whau River to remove rubbish    and learn about bugs and fish that live in our
from our waterways. Wear covered shoes         awa, play games, go on a bike tour and take
and old clothes. This event is supporting Te   part in kids arts activities. Brought to you by
Wai Ora o Te Whau (Healthy Waters of the       Community Waitākere.
Whau). Nau mai, haere mai! Brought to you by
Seaweek and EcoMatters.                        CREATURES OF THE NIGHT
                                               Monday 22 March, 7-10pm
                                               Blockhouse Bay Recreational Reserve,
Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9am-12pm             Rathlin Street, Blockhouse Bay
Glen Eden                                      Bookings required:
Bookings required:
                                               NZ has more than 1800 moth species,
Help bring health back to our urban streams
                                               with 90% being unique. They’re important
by joining Pam or Alanah on our Love Your
                                               pollinators and in decline. Join Anthony Darby,
Streams Days. As well as learning about
                                               who has been studying moths and other
stream restoration and monitoring, you will
                                               invertebrates for 50+ years, to find out what’s
be sure to have a good time working with
                                               here in your local park. Brought to you by
like-minded people caring for our streams.
Brought to you by EcoMatters.                  Moths and Butterflies of NZ Trust.

16 Torohē Nuku / Explore Nature                                               #ecofestwest
Wednesday 24 March, 9am-12pm                    Thursday 25 March & 8 April, 10am-12pm
72 Savoy Road, Glen Eden                        Whau River
Bookings required:                              Bookings required: info@whauriver.org.nz
alanah@ecomatters.org.nz                         FREE

                                                Preparation of a restoration site prior to
Join us on the Waikumete Stream to remove       planting enables the native plants to get off to
                                                a good start and thrive. Preparation involves
rubbish from our waterways. Wear covered
                                                removing weeds and mulching. Please come
shoes and old clothes. Nau mai, haere mai!
                                                along and lend a hand. Everyone is welcome.
Brought to you by EcoMatters, Project Twin
                                                Brought to you by Whau River Catchment
Streams and Seaweek.                            Trust.
Multiple dates, 7-9pm                           Sunday 28 March, 10-11.30am
Henderson Valley Road, Henderson                Blockhouse Bay Recreational Reserve,
Bookings required:                              Rathlin Street, Blockhouse Bay
                                                Saturday 10 April, 10-11.30am
                                                Margaret Griffen Park, 16 Griffen Park
Come along to learn, and listen to native       Road, Mt Roskill
pekapeka tou roa (long-tailed bats) in this     Bookings required:
educational night bush walk. These bilingual    justine@whauriver.org.nz
hīkoi (Te Reo/English) will take place           FREE
throughout February, March and April, see
Facebook for more info. Brought to you by       Have you always wondered how healthy our
Community Waitākere.                            local waterways are? Come along to a stream
                                                water event to see how the water is tested
                                                and find out what we are testing for. Brought
                                                to you by Whau River Catchment Trust.

                                               More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 17
$12 adult, $6 child, $30 family (2 adults, 2       Saturday 27 March, 10am-12pm
children), bookings required: 09 892 4777          385 Don Buck Road & 28 Woodside Road,
Zig Zag Track
Thursday 25 March, 7-9pm                           A wonderful opportunity to visit two
Zig Zag Track, 104 Park Road, Titirangi            established community gardens: Triangle Park
                                                   Community Teaching Garden and Woodside
Join Frazer Dale (Auckland Sustainable
                                                   Community Garden. Come meet the people
Schools educator) for a night time discovery
                                                   behind the greenery with garden tours and
walk in your neighbourhood. Explore the Zig
                                                   special activities in each location.
Zag Track in Titirangi with new eyes. Learn
about the native flora and hunt for nocturnal      LITTER PICK ALONG THE WHAU
                                                   Sunday 18 April, 10am-12pm
Arataki Nature Trail
                                                   Riversdale Reserve, 123 Riversdale Road,
Friday 26 March, 7-9pm
Arataki Visitor Centre, 300 Scenic Drive,
                                                   Bookings required:
Join renowned professional entomologist Dr.
Peter Maddison for an expert guided night
walk and see the wonders of the biodiversity       Stop the litter flowing into the Whau River.
of the Waitākere Ranges.                           You can pick up litter while admiring the
Kakamatua Beach Walk                               scenery and artworks along the way. Start at
Saturday 27 March, 7-9pm                           Riversdale and end up at McNaughton Way.
Kakamatua Inlet carpark, Huia Road, Huia           Brought to you by Whau River Catchment
Dr. Robert Hoare (Landcare/Manaaki Whenua)         Trust.
will co-lead this night walk, seeking a variety    AUTUMN GARDENING WORKSHOP
of moth species. On our walk through
the forested area we will look for special         Wednesday 24 & 31 March, 7 & 14 April,
nocturnal insects like Cambridgea.                 Saturday 17 April, 10am-12pm
                                                   Triangle Park, 385 Don Buck Road, Massey
Matuku Link
Sunday 28 March, 7-9pm
Matuku Link, 111 Bethells Road, Waitākere          Come join us for a morning of seed-raising,
Auckland Museum expert curators, John Early        sowing, planting, harvesting, composting,
and Ruby Moore, will co-lead this walk. John       worm farming and more autumn garden
will concentrate on forest invertebrates and       projects. This is a great opportunity to share
biodiversity while Ruby will delve into exciting   your knowledge, learn new skills and gain
freshwater wonders!                                practical experience with organic gardening.
                                                   Brought to you by Triangle Park Community
                                                   Teaching Garden.

18 Torohē Nuku / Explore Nature                                                    #ecofestwest
interesting plants and insects along the way.
URBAN STREAM RESTORATION                            Brought to you by Whau River Catchment Trust.
                                                    TAI HARURU LODGE OPEN DAY
Saturday 10 April, 10am-12.30pm
Atkinson walkway, 65 Atkinson Road,                 Sunday 11 April, 9.30am-12.30pm
Titirangi                                           92 Garden Road, Piha
Bookings required:                                  Bookings required:
alanah@ecomatters.org.nz                            kereruchris@gmail.com

A guided walk along the Waikumete Stream            Come and visit our open day at Tai Haruru
to learn how this urban stream has been             Lodge, which is owned by Forest and Bird
restored. You’ll learn how to make a native         Waitākere and located only a few minutes’
planting plan, identify what’s growing here         walk from Piha beach. Brought to you by
and remove weeds so your native plants and          Forest and Bird Waitākere.
birds can thrive. Please wear covered shoes.        SILENT DISCO CITY CLEAN UP
Brought to you by EcoMatters.
                                                    Saturday 20 March, 9-11am
WALK AND COLLECT                                    Swanson Reserve, Swanson Road,
PHOTOS OF WILDLIFE                                  Swanson
                                                    $3, bookings required:
Saturday 20 March, 9-11.30am
Craigavon Park, 85 Connaught Street,
Blockhouse Bay
Bookings required:                                  Tune into the natural habitat and choose
justine@whauriver.org.nz                            from one of the music channels. Walk, dance
FREE                                                and pick up rubbish along Swanson and
                                                    Waiomoko Streams. At the end of the walk
An opportunity to wander and take photos            we’ll enjoy a guided meditation. Brought to
of the lovely coastal scenery from Green Bay        you by Papaya Stories, Conscious Action and
to Blockhouse Bay Beach. Stephen Thorpe             Seaweek.
from iNaturalist will be joining us to point out

                                                   More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 19
Mauri Noho / Conscious Living
          Discover smarter ways to live the good life

                                                  Dr. Nicole van der Laak holds a PhD in
NGĀ KARANGA O NGĀ WĀHINE TOA                      materials science from Cambridge University
$10 per session                                   and is the Senior Commercialisation Manager
Bookings required via Eventbrite                  at Wellington UniVentures. In this talk, Nicole
Brought to you by EcoMatters                      will reflect on what she has learnt about
                                                  innovation and her journey to sustainability.
                                                  Dr. Karlo Mila
Join the conversation with four wāhine toa
                                                  Thursday 8 April, 7-8.30pm
or women leaders about what they learned
from 2020. Hear their call to bring us to where   Online/EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New
we need to be psychologically, spiritually        Lynn
and physically, to tackle the social and          Dr. Karlo Mila is an award-winning poet whose
environmental challenges of our time.             work focuses on Pasifika culture, heritage
Dee West                                          and worldview. Her poems have been widely
Thursday 25 March, 7-8.30pm                       published. Her latest book is called Goddess
Online/EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New           Muscle. Karlo will reflect on what 2020 meant
Lynn                                              for her and read from her new work.

Dee West is the co-founder of ChargeNet, the      Robin Taua-Gordon
largest privately owned electric vehicle (EV)     Thursday 15 April, 7-8.30pm
charging network in the world. Dee will be        Online/EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New
sharing the story of going from globe-trotting    Lynn
EV champion to her new focus on hyper local       Robin Taua-Gordon is the Education,
sustainability solutions.                         Environment and Heritage Manager at Te
Dr. Nicole van der Laak                           Kawerau ā Maki and has a deep knowledge
Thursday 1 April, 7-8.30pm                        of the history of her iwi. Robin will share her
Online                                            reflections about what Covid-19 has meant
                                                  for her and the tribe.

20 Mauri Noho / Conscious Living                                                   #ecofestwest
Wednesday 7 April, 7-9pm                         20 March - 18 April
Online event                                     Online at any time
Bookings required:                               Bookings required via Eventbrite
connect.pachamama.org/ecofest                    KOHA
                                                 It falls! It’s free! Catch it while you can! Get
In this workshop you will learn about Project    access to a video of our rainwater harvesting
Drawdown’s 100 solutions that together can
                                                 presentation, featuring step-by-step
reverse global warming by 2050, as well as
                                                 instructions on how to set up your own rain
connect with people in your community to
find new possibilities for addressing global     barrel system with Laurie Dee. Brought to you
warming. Brought to you by Pachamama             by EcoMatters.
Alliance Aotearoa.                               TOUR OF EARTHSONG
Saturday 10 April, 10am-12pm                     Saturday 10 April, 10am-12pm
25 Amber Avenue, Glen Eden                       Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood,
$10 per household, bookings required:
                                                 457 Swanson Road, Rānui
                                                 $10 adult (cash), kids free

Bring the whole family and get on board
with the One Bin Challenge. Whether you are      Come on a guided tour of Earthsong, an
starting out or are already a waste pro, you     innovative housing development of 32 homes
will leave with a variety of tips to help you    and common facilities that demonstrates
reduce your household waste. Brought to you      leading-edge sustainable design and
by Practically Green.                            community self-governance. Brought to you
                                                 by Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood.

                                                More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 21
In an inspiring, practical workshop at Hope
WATERWISE WORKSHOP                               Garden, Tanya Ruka invites you to join
Sunday 11 April, 10.30-11.30am                   a conversation about three Te Ao Māori
EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn            concepts: māramatanga - enlightenment,
Bookings required:                               kaitiakitanga - guardianship, manaakitanga
homes@ecomatters.org.nz                          - respect. Experience practical application of
                                                 these principles through water, soil and plant
High water bills? Want to be a water-
conscious kiwi? We’ll run through all possible   HEALTHY HOMES ON A BUDGET
ways of saving water in your home, including     Sunday 18 April, 10-11am
showing how to fit your own water saving         EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn
devices. Brought to you by EcoMatters and
                                                 Bookings required:
Watercare Services Ltd.
RARANGA RERENGA RAUROPI:                         FREE
                                                 Join us for an interactive event full of budget-
Sunday 21 March, 10.30am-1pm
                                                 friendly tips on keeping your home warm and
Hope Garden, 8 Riverbank Road, New Lynn
                                                 dry. This event has something for everyone,
Bookings required:
                                                 whether you’re flatting, renting or owning a
                                                 house. Brought to you by EcoMatters.



It's quick and easy
to apply for up
to $200 to make
your community
event zero waste.

                        Find out more at zerowasteevents.org.nz/grant

22 Mauri Noho / Conscious Living                                                 #ecofestwest
Monday 22 March, 6.30-8pm                       ALLIANCE HUI
EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn           Saturday 20 March, 10am-12.30pm
Thursday 15 April, 6.30-8.30pm                  Matuku Link, 111 Bethells Road,
Rānui Community Centre, 474 Swanson             Waitākere
                                                Bookings required: bit.do/pfwra
Road, Rānui
Bookings required:
compostcollective.org.nz                        Do you have an interest in biodiversity
FREE                                            restoration within the Waitākere Ranges?
                                                Come along for a walking-talking tour of
These workshops will be facilitated by Judy     Matuku Link. There will be an opportunity to
and offer an introduction to the three basic    network with other like-minded individuals
composting systems that can be used in your     over a light lunch afterwards. Brought to you
home and garden: traditional composting         by Pest Free Waitākere Ranges Alliance.
bins, worm farms and bokashi buckets.
Participants will receive a $40 voucher.
Brought to you by Compost Collective.

                                               More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 23
Saturday 10 April, 11am-12.30pm                Wednesday 24 March, 6.30-8.30pm
Triangle Park, 385 Don Buck Road, Massey       Online/EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place,
Bookings preferred:                            New Lynn
compostcollective.org.nz                       Bookings required via Eventbrite
FREE                                           KOHA

Judy Keats will take you on a tour of the      A presentation of a radical permaculture
compost systems in operation at the Triangle   design for an urban public park with multi-
Park Community Teaching Garden. This           talented designer and fabricator, Baptiste
will include a viewing of the worm farm and    Natali. This vertical food system is more
compost system, a Bokashi demonstration        energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly
and processing systems for noxious weeds.      than conventional agriculture. Brought to you
Brought to you by Compost Collective.          by EcoMatters.
Wednesday 7 April, 6.30-8.30pm                 Fridays, 11am-2pm
Online                                         EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn
Bookings required via Eventbrite               Bookings required:
KOHA                                           meg@ecomatters.org.nz
Get impartial, expert advice on solar power
and hot water in this webinar featuring        Help out and get skilled-up in organic
environmental solar engineer Eric Jansseune.   gardening. We’ll be pruning, planting seasonal
Brought to you by EcoMatters and supported     vegetables/herbs, and building up soil, as
by the Whau Low Carbon Network.                well as composting, mulching, weeding and
WASTE FREE PARENTING                           looking after paths and lawns. Brought to you
                                               by EcoMatters.
Tuesday 13 April, 6.30-8.30pm
Kelston Community Centre, 126 Awaroa           RESOURCE RECOVERY
Road, Sunnyvale                                AND RECYCLING
$15 per person or couple, bookings             Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am-2pm
required via Eventfinda                        Unit E, 489 Rosebank Road, Avondale
                                               Bookings required:
Attend Kate Meads’ longest-running and most    thomas@ecomatters.org.nz
popular workshop to become inspired and        FREE

entertained about ways you can minimise
                                               Support our leading waste-minimisation
waste in your home whilst babies are around!
                                               project by helping sort materials for reuse or
Topics include reusable cloth nappy basics,
                                               recycling, to keep these items out of landfill.
where your waste goes and much more!
                                               You’ll get to know our fun and friendly Zero
Brought to you by Waste Free with Kate.
                                               Waste Team and become a waste guru in the
                                               process. Brought to you by EcoMatters.

                 Plenty of eco events also on the North Shore!

24 Mauri Noho / Conscious Living                                               #ecofestwest
AUTUMN COMPOSTING                                TIMEBANKING COMES
WITH BIODYNAMICS                                 TO AUCKLAND
Starting Saturday 20 March                       Tuesdays 6 & 13 April, 6.30-8.30pm
Online and some in person support                EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn
$180 per family, bookings required via           Bookings preferred:
Eventbrite                                       kristen@clickonline.co.nz or 021 522616
Learn to transform your green waste into          FREE
biodynamic compost with coaching to get
you started in your own garden. This is a        Timebanking lets people share and exchange
four-week course, including a site appraisal,    skills where time is the currency. This
biodynamic preparations, two self-paced          simple idea helps build connections within
online courses and four online group coaching    a community, shares skills and supports
meetings. Brought to you by Blue Borage.         people in helpful ways. Learn more about
                                                 timebanking in this workshop. Brought to you
PRUNING                                          by Timebanking Auckland.
Saturday 27 March, 9.30-11am                     MYRTLE RUST AND OUR NGAHERE
Triangle Park, 385 Don Buck Road, Massey
$29, bookings required:                          Saturday 10 April, 2-4pm
rutherfordcomed.co.nz or 09 834 4103             Te Uru Learning Centre, 420 Titirangi Road,
Come along and receive hands-on, practical
advice on how to prune everything from           A hui-panel discussion on myrtle rust,
apples and pears to berries and currants.        in relation to how we/communities can
Learn how to increase your fruit production      address it and how the arts and artists can
and control the shape of trees. Please bring     be engaged in responding to this threat.
a pair of secateurs and loppers if you have      Presenters will include iwi/hapu, scientists,
them. Brought to you by Rutherford College.      conservationists and artists. Brought to you
                                                 by Te Uru Gallery.


                                                More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 25
for local food security. Learn about the
GARDENING WITH THE SEASONS                        principles of food forest design, including site,
Saturday 20 March, 10am-12pm                      aspect, soil and plant choice considerations
Triangle Park, 385 Don Buck Road, Massey          with landscape architect and organic gardener
$25, bookings required:                           Carl Pickens. Brought to you by EcoMatters
triangleparkgarden@gmail.com                      and Whau Low Carbon Network.
                                                  GROWING HERBS
Winter planting will be the focus of this         Saturday 20 March, 10am-12pm
workshop, with emphasis on soil fertility, crop   Rutherford College, 16 Kōtuku Street,
planning and crop selection for transitioning
                                                  Te Atatū Peninsula
from one season to the next. Learn everything
                                                  $35, bookings required:
you need to know to build confidence in your
growing skills. Brought to you by Triangle Park   rutherfordcomed.co.nz or 09 834 4103
Community Teaching Garden.
                                                  This course will take you through the
URBAN FOOD FOREST DESIGN                          multifunctional nature of herbs, how to
Saturday 10 April, 10.30am-3pm                    grow them and how to look after them.
EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn             We will suggest some familiar and
$15, bookings required via Eventbrite             perhaps unfamiliar herbs to try. Students
                                                  will take away their own herb after the
                                                  workshop, so they can start growing.
Food forests can play a big part in the vision    Brought to you by Rutherford College.

 Heavy? Or hardly at all?
 Take our quiz and discover
 your carbon footprint.

26 Mauri Noho / Conscious Living                                                   #ecofestwest
volunteers to make a difference! Can you see
THE BIO EPIPHANY                                               yourself helping with events, administration,
Sunday 11 April, 11am-1pm                                      networking, PR, lobbying, software
The Trade Hub, 44e Portage Road,                               development or social marketing? All ages
New Lynn                                                       and skill levels welcome! Brought to you by
Bookings required via Eventbrite                               Doughnut Economics Advocates NZ.
                                                               URBAN BEEKEEPING WITH
This is an interactive focus on our internal                   KAIWHENUA HONEY
biology, from the inner working of our cells                   Sunday 28 March, 10.30am-12pm
to the orchestra of processes throughout our
                                                               Falls carpark, 14 Edmonton Road,
bodies, all the way to our innate powers of
healing and self-efficacy. Presented by Rasam
Moghimi and brought to you by Sunny Sunday.                    $10 individual, $30 family, bookings
                                                               required via Eventbrite
                                                               Come and join Victoria and Peter to see how
Tuesday 30 March, 7-8pm                                        bees are cared for and how honey is extracted
EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn                          at this urban apiary. Kaiwhenua Honey is a
FREE                                                           sustainable, family-run honey business based
                                                               in Henderson with apiaries located in West
Hear about the work DEANZ is doing to
                                                               Auckland. Brought to you by EcoMatters.
stop environmental degradation. We seek

PEST PLANT ROADSHOW                                                                        • TITIRANGI
                                                                                           • WAIATARUA
                                                                                           • PIHA
  Community conversations about invasive weeds                                             • HUIA

  ♥ Get to know your pest plants
     ind out which weeds you should
   bin, bag or put in a barrel
    ips for keeping kauri safe
    ree services to support weeders

   Venues and dates at

       FREE      *Local residents only, T's & C's apply, stock limited.


                                                             More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 27
Event Calendar
 SAT 20 MARCH                                                    SAT 27 MARCH
8:30am Te Puna Market................................... 9      8:30am Te Puna Market................................... 9
9:00am Silent Disco City Clean Up................ 19            9:30am Pruning.............................................. 25
9:00am	Walk And Collect                                        9:00am Sourdough Bread................................ 9
          Photos Of Wildlife............................. 19    9:00am Te Mākete........................................... 8
10:00am Gardening With The Seasons.......... 26                 9:00am VIP Kayak Day Matuku Link............. 15
10:00am Growing Herbs.................................. 26      9:30am Sew A Skirt........................................ 12
10:00am Nature Journaling............................. 12       10:00am Community Garden Ramble............. 18
10:00am 	Pest Free Waitākere                                   10:00am Causeway Birding............................... 7
          Ranges Alliance Hui......................... 23       10:00am Freshwater Frenzy!........................... 16
10:00am Whau River Clean Up........................ 16          2:00pm Milan Reserve Nature Walk.............. 14
10:30am 	Bookbinding: Make Your Own                            2:00pm Upcycled Bottle Planter.................... 11
          Upcycled Journal.............................. 10     2:00pm Journal Making................................. 12
10:30am 	Bike Henderson Ride To                                5:00pm Dinner At French Bay.......................... 9
          Upper Opanuku Stream...................... 6          7:00pm	Night Walks With Nature
                                                                        - Kakamatua Beach......................... 18
9:00am Beeswax Wraps................................ 11          SUN 28 MARCH
10:00am Growing Matuku Link....................... 14           10:00am Monitor Our Stream Waters............. 17
10:30am	Raranga Rerenga Rauropi:                               10:00am Candle Making With Soy Wax.......... 11
          Weaving Biodiversity........................ 22       10:30am	Urban Beekeeping with
10:30am 	Bike Henderson Ride                                            Kaiwhenua Honey............................. 27
          To Arataki Visitor Centre.................... 7       2:00pm DIY Beauty Butters & Balms............. 10
                                                                7:00pm	Night Walks With Nature
 MON 22 MARCH                                                            - Matuku Link................................... 18
10:00am      Native Nursery Potting Workshop... 14
10:00am      Resource Recovery And Recycling.. 24                MON 29 MARCH
6:30pm       Composting Workshop.................... 23         10:00am	Native Nursery
7:00pm       Creatures Of The Night..................... 16              Potting Workshop............................. 14
                                                                10:00am	Resource Recovery
 WED 24 MARCH                                                            And Recycling................................... 24
9:00am       Love Your Stream Day...................... 16
9:00am       Waikumete Stream Clean Up........... 17             TUE 30 MARCH
10:00am      Easy Guided Bike Rides ..................... 7     7:00pm	An Introduction To
10:00am      Autumn Gardening Workshop.......... 18                     Doughnut Economics....................... 27
10:00am      Resource Recovery And Recycling.. 24
6:30pm       Growspace Seminar......................... 24       WED 31 MARCH
                                                                9:00am Love Your Stream Day...................... 16
 THU 25 MARCH                                                   10:00am Easy Guided Bike Rides...................... 7
9:00am Love Your Stream Day...................... 16            10:00am Autumn Gardening Workshop.......... 18
10:00am Restoration Preparation................... 17           10:00am	Resource Recovery
7:00pm Ngā Karanga o Ngā Wāhine Toa                                      And Recycling................................... 24
        - Dee West........................................ 20   3:30pm Make Your Own Mini Worm Farm.... 11
7:00pm	Night Walks With Nature                                 3:30pm DIY Make A Loom & Weave.............. 10
        - Zig Zag Track................................. 18     6:30pm Balms And Lip Balm Making............ 11
 FRI 26 MARCH                                                    THU 1 APRIL
11:00am Organic Gardening Sessions........... 24                9:00am       Love Your Stream Day...................... 16
7:00pm 	Night Walks With Nature                                7:00pm       Ngā Karanga o Ngā Wāhine Toa
         - Arataki Nature Trail........................ 18                   - Dr. Nicole van der Laak.................. 20

28 Event Calendar                                                                                          #ecofestwest
FRI 2 APRIL                                                        SUN 11 APRIL
4:30pm       Te Atatū Food Truck Fridays...............8            9:30am       Tai Haruru Lodge Open Day.............19
                                                                    10:00am      Family Day.........................................15
  SAT 3 APRIL                                                       10:30am      Waterwise Workshop.......................22
8:30am Te Puna Market...................................9           11:00am      The Bio Epiphany..............................27
10:00am The Art Of Foraging............................9            2:00pm       Twin Streams And Tapas Ride...........7
2:00pm The Art Of Foraging............................9              MON 12 APRIL
  SUN 4 APRIL                                                       10:00am Native Nursery Potting Workshop...14
10:00am The Art Of Foraging............................9            10:00am Resource Recovery And Recycling..24
2:00pm The Art Of Foraging............................9              TUE 13 APRIL
  TUE 6 APRIL                                                       6:30pm       Timebanking Comes To Auckland...25
                                                                    6:30pm       Waste Free Parenting Workshop.....24
6:30pm       Timebanking Comes To Auckland...25
                                                                     WED 14 APRIL
                                                                    9:00am Love Your Stream Day......................16
9:00am Love Your Stream Day......................16                 10:00am Easy Guided Bike Rides......................7
10:00am Easy Guided Bike Rides......................7               10:00am Autumn Gardening Workshop..........18
10:00am Autumn Gardening Workshop..........18                       10:00am	Resource Recovery And Recycling..24
10:00am	Resource Recovery                                          7:00pm Basic Bike Maintenance Workshop...7
         And Recycling...................................24
6:30pm Solar Power Or Solar Hot Water?.....24                        THU 15 APRIL
7:00pm Reversing Global Warming...............21                    9:00am       Love Your Stream Day......................16
                                                                    6:30pm       Composting Workshop....................23
  THU 8 APRIL                                                       7:00pm       Ngā Karanga o Ngā Wāhine Toa
9:00am Love Your Stream Day......................16                              - Robin Taua-Gordon........................20
10:00am Restoration Preparation...................17
                                                                     FRI 16 APRIL
7:00pm Ngā Karanga o Ngā Wāhine Toa
        - Dr. Karlo Mila..................................20        10:30am	Grow Your Own Greens
                                                                              And Cooking Workshop......................8
  FRI 9 APRIL                                                       11:00am Organic Gardening Sessions...........24
11:00am Organic Gardening Sessions...........24                      SAT 17 APRIL
  SAT 10 APRIL                                                      8:30am Te Puna Market...................................9
                                                                    9:00am	Henderson Markets
8:30am Te Puna Market...................................9
                                                                            And Coffee Ride..................................7
9:30am Raranga - Flax Weaving....................11
                                                                    9:00am New Lynn Guided Bike Ride...............6
10:00am Monitor Our Stream Waters.............17                    10:00am Autumn Gardening Workshop..........18
10:00am The One Bin Challenge.....................21                10:00am Kids Learn To Ride..............................7
10:00am	Tour Of Earthsong                                     10:00am Manutewhau Awa Clean Up.............15
              Eco-Neighbourhood..........................21         10:00am Rongoā Māori Wānanga...................14
10:00am Urban Stream Restoration Project...19                       10:30am Furniture Restoration........................12
10:00am Eco Market........................................10        2:00pm	Forage And Feast...............................9
10:00am	Te Tīmatanga Hou:
              A New Beginning..............................12
                                                                     SUN 18 APRIL
10:30am Power Tools 101...............................12            10:00am Healthy Homes On A Budget...........22
10:30am	Forest Puppet + Recycled                                   10:00am Litter Pick Along The Whau..............18
              Paper Making....................................11    10:00am Nature Journaling.............................12
10:30am	Urban Food Forest Design ..............26                   MULTIPLE DATES
11:00 am Compost Systems Tour....................24                 Autumn Composting With Biodynamics.......... 25
2:00pm	Myrtle Rust And Our Ngahere..........25                     DIY Rainwater Harvesting.................................. 21
                                                                    Ngā Hīkoi O Ngā Pekapeka............................... 17

                                                                   More events and details at ecofest.org.nz 29
Meals in Steel                              Drinks Collective
              Meals in Steel is a
              100% New Zealand                              Looking for an
              owned and family                              authentic, organic New
              operated business.                            Zealand kombucha to
              With a wide range of                          stock in your venue?
              high-quality, food-grade                      Never diluted, not
              stainless steel lunch                         from concentrate and
              boxes and bottles, you                        100% full of natural
              can feel great about                          goodness. Get in touch
              how you store your                            today.

  www.mealsinsteel.nz                    www.drinkscollective.nz/get-in-touch

Zero Waste Network                         The Green Collective
                                                            Looking for quality
              We represent NZ                               sustainable products
              community enterprises                         that support emerging
              working towards zero                          designers and donate
              waste. Our mission is to                      back to community
              connect, educate, enable                      groups? Our product
              and inspire, and to be a                      range is growing with
              unifying voice at local,                      reusable products
              regional and central                          designed to last.
              government levels.                            Code: ECOFEST
                                                            for 10% off

  www.zerowaste.co.nz                       www.thegreencollective.co.nz

   Refill Nation                                SustainaBLAH
               Shop waste-free for
               fresh wholefoods,
                                                            Plastic ain’t fantastic.
               protein powders,
                                                            SustainaBLAH is! We’ve
               pet foods, eco
                                                            got the good stuff –
               cleaners, homewares,
                                                            eco-friendly options
               kombucha, pasture
                                                            to replace plastic
               eggs, fresh milk, oil
                                                            things that don’t last.
               & vinegars, grind-
                                                            When you want to be
               your-own coffee AND
                                                            eco-friendly, we’ve got
               peanut butter.
                                                            what you need!
               Te Atatū & Titirangi
               (opening April).

  www.refillnation.co.nz                       www.sustainablah.co.nz
Eat Well, Live Well!
                                        AUCKLAND - 20 & 21 March
Register online for a FREE TICKET with code ECOFEST at healthylivingshow.co.nz

              27 & 28 MARCH
                   Tickets at gogreenexpo.co.nz


Ngā Karanga o
                   Ngā Wāhine Toa
                              Thursday Evening Speaker Series
                              Join the conversation with four wāhine toa (female leaders)
                              about what they learned from 2020 and their hopes for 2021.
                                               Dee West                                     Dr. Nicole van der Laak
                                               ChargeNet                                    Senior
                                               Co-founder                                   Commercialisation
                                               Thursday 25 March,                           Manager, Wellington
                                               7-8.30pm                                     UniVentures
                                               Online and                                   Thursday 1 April,
                                               EcoMatters                                   7-8.30pm

                                                Dr. Karlo Mila
Photo: Pati Solomona Tyrell

                                                Pasifika Poet and                           Robin Taua-Gordon
                                                Programme Director,                         Education, Environment
                                                Mana Moana,                                 and Heritage Manager,
                                                Leadership NZ                               Te Kawerau ā Maki
                                                Thursday 8 April,                           Thursday 15 April,
                                                7-8.30pm                                    7-8.30pm
                                                Online and                                  Online and
                                                EcoMatters                                  EcoMatters

                              Bookings via eventbrite.co.nz
                              Venue: Online and EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn

                                                       EcoFest West is organised by EcoMatters Environment
                                                       Trust thanks to support from Henderson-Massey,
                                                       Wāitakere Ranges and Whau local boards.
                               EcoFest                 EcoMatters aims to connect people and place, and to
                                West                   nurture kaitiakitanga (guardianship).
                                                       We support the community with knowledge and tools
                                                       to care for nature, grow food, reduce waste, ride and fix
                                                       bikes, and live more sustainably.
                                                       We run workshops, host events and provide opportunities
                                                       for hands-on environmental action in Auckland. Find out
                                                       more at ecomatters.org.nz
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