Project Name NZTA Contract No. Contract Number

Page created by Enrique Hill
Conditions of Contract

[Project Name]
NZTA Contract No. [Contract Number]
This proforma document provides the basis for the development of physical works contract documents for
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s (Transport Agency) Design and Construct (contracts >$4.5M) and
Design and Construct (Basic) (contracts up to $4.5M) specific project contracts. The purpose of the
proforma is to provide consistency throughout the Transport Agency’s regional operations and to ensure that
an appropriate level of detail is provided for tender documentation.

Black text is mandatory and may not be changed without approval prior to issue by the Transport Agency’s
Project Manager, who will consult with the Transport Agency’s HNO Procurement Team on all material
changes made.

Red text is used for data which requires fields to be updated or at least considered for each contract and
marked at the beginning with [ and the end with ]. Text can also be used as is, modified or replaced. All red
text adjustments must have the Transport Agency’s Project Manager’s approval. Red text must be converted
to Black text, prior to tender document release.

Blue text is used for optional clauses which can be included as is or deleted in full. Blue text must be
converted to Black text, prior to tender document release.

Purple text is used for prequalification clauses which are to be included for prequalification tenders only.
Prequalification clause details must be prior approved with the Project Manager. Purple text must be
converted to Black text, prior to tender document release.

Blue text with yellow highlighting and marked at the beginning with > are guidance
notes for the Tender Document creator. Guidance notes must be removed prior to tender document release.
[Insert Contract name]                                                                                      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                                    Conditions of Contract
                                                                                                            CC 1


CONTRACT AGREEMENT................................................................................................................................ 2
GENERAL CONDITIONS................................................................................................................................... 4
SCHEDULES TO THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT.................................................................. 5
Schedule 1 – Special Conditions of Contract – Specific Conditions of Contract................................................ 5
Schedule 2 – Special Conditions of Contract – Other Conditions of Contract .................................................22
Schedule 3 – Form of Contractor’s performance bond .................................................................................... 34
Schedule 4 – Form of Principal’s bond ............................................................................................................. 35
Schedule 5 – Form of Contractor’s bond in lieu of retentions .......................................................................... 36
Schedule 6 – Form of Producer Statement - Construction............................................................................... 38
Schedule 7 – Information on Contractor arranged construction insurance ......................................................39
Schedule 8 – Information on Contractor arranged Plant insurance ................................................................. 41
Schedule 9 – Information on public liability insurance ...................................................................................... 43
Schedule 10 – Information on Contractor arranged motor vehicle insurance ..................................................46
Schedule 11 – Information on Contractor arranged professional indemnity insurance ...................................48
Schedule 12 – Information on Principal arranged construction insurance .......................................................49
Schedule 13 – Form of Contract (or Subcontractor) warranty.......................................................................... 50
Schedule 14 – Agreement for off-site Materials ............................................................................................... 51
Schedule 15 – Practical Completion Certificate ............................................................................................... 55
Schedule 16 – Final Completion Certificate ..................................................................................................... 56
Schedule 17 – Deed of Novation ...................................................................................................................... 57
Schedule 18 – Cost fluctuations ....................................................................................................................... 60

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                                       SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 1
[Insert Contract name]                                                         Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                       Conditions of Contract
                                                                               CC 1



THIS AGREEMENT is made on                                                               20

BETWEEN                                                                                      (‘the Contractor’)

AND             New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency), a               (‘the Principal’)
                Crown entity, established on 1 August 2008 by Section 93 of the Land
                Transport Management Act 2003 (the Transport Agency)

IT IS AGREED as follows:
1.    The Contractor shall carry out the obligations imposed on the Contractor by the Contract.
2.    The Principal shall pay the Contractor the sum of $        ___________________________________
      or such greater or less sum as shall become payable under the Contract together with goods and
      services tax at the times and in the manner provided in the Contract.
3.    Each party agrees to the terms and conditions as set out in the Contract.
4.    The Contract comprises the following documents:
      (a)     This Contract Agreement;
      (b)     The notification of acceptance of tender or award of Contract;
      (c)     The following post-tender documents 

      (d)     Schedule 2: Special Conditions of Contract – Other Conditions of Contract;
      (e)     Schedule 1: Special Conditions of Contract – Specific Conditions of Contract;
      (f)     The General Conditions of Contract NZS3916: 2013 (including other Schedules);
      (g)     The Principal’s Requirements and Specifications issued prior to the Date of Acceptance of
      (h)     Drawings issued prior to the Date of Acceptance of Tender;
      (i)     The Schedule of Prices 
      (j)     The Contractor’s tender;
      (k)     Notices to Tenderers :

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                            SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 2
[Insert Contract name]                                                       Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                     Conditions of Contract
                                                                             CC 1

      (l)     The Schedule to the Conditions of Tendering;
      (m)     The Conditions of Tendering; and
      (n)     The following additional documents: 

5.    The documents comprising the Contract shall be taken as mutually explanatory.
6.    This Contract shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. This Contract supersedes all
      prior negotiations, representations, and warranties, except insofar as the same are expressly
      incorporated herein.

 SIGNED BY                                                           Authorised Signatory of Contractor

 SIGNED BY                                                           Authorised Signatory of Principal

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                          SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 3
[Insert Contract name]                                                     Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                   Conditions of Contract
                                                                           CC 1

The General Conditions of Contract shall be those included in NZS 3916: 2013 Conditions of Contract for
Building and Civil Engineering - Design and Construct and the following clauses.

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                        SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 4
[Insert Contract name]                                                                     Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                   Conditions of Contract
                                                                                           CC 1

Schedule 1 – Special Conditions of Contract – Specific Conditions of
(Clause numbers refer to General Conditions)

Contract for:      [Contract Number, Contract Name]

    Clause        Title and subject matter                           Specific condition data
   in General                                                        (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                        provided in Schedule 2.)

           1      INTERPRETATION

         1.2      Definitions

                  The Principal is:                                  The Principal is: New Zealand Transport Agency
                                                                     (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency), a Crown entity,
                                                                     established on 1 August 2008 by Section 93 of the
                                                                     Land Transport Management Act 2003 (the Transport

                  of:                                                Click to enter street address

    1.2, 10.2     Separable Portions

                  •     Are there any Separable Portions in this     Select yes or no

                  •     If yes, the Separable Portions are as        Click to enter reference
                        follows and as further defined in the

           2      THE CONTRACT

         2.1      Type of Contract

       2.1.1      This Contract is a:

                  (a) Lump sum contract governed by 2.2

         2.4      Local authority contracts in public places, and road contracts

       2.4.1      Is this Contract a local authority contract to     Select yes or no
                  which 2.4.2 applies

       2.4.3      Is this Contract a contract in a public place to   Select yes or no
                  which B1 and B2 of Appendix B apply?

       2.4.4      Is this Contract a road contract to which          Select yes or no
                  Appendix B applies?

                  If yes, the allowance under B3 shall be:           Refer to Schedule 2 – Special Conditions of Contract -
                                                                     Other Conditions of Contract, Clause 10.3.1
         2.5      Evidence of Contract

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                       SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 5
[Insert Contract name]                                                                Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                              Conditions of Contract
                                                                                      CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                      Specific condition data
   in General                                                   (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                   provided in Schedule 2.)

       2.5.2      How is the Contract Agreement executed?

                  (a) As stated in 2.5.2

         2.6      Documents prepared by the Engineer or Principal

       2.6.1      Copies of the Contract shall be supplied      pdf
                  without charge to the Contractor in the
                  following electronic format:

         2.7      Documents prepared by the Contractor

       2.7.2      Copies of the Contract shall be supplied
                  without charge to the Engineer:

                  •   Number of hard copy sets:                 Click to enter number

                  •   In the following electronic form:         pdf

           3.     BONDS

         3.1      Contractor’s Bond

       3.1.1      Is a Contractor’s Bond required?              Select yes or no
                  Note - Bonds are accepted in principle from   

       3.1.2      If yes, the amount of the Contractor’s Bond   Click to enter value ($) or % Contract Price
                  shall be:                                     
         3.2      Principal’s Bond

       3.2.1      Is a Principal’s Bond required?               Select yes or no

           4.     SUBCONTRACTS

         4.1      General

       4.1.1      Is the transfer of design agreements          Select yes or no

           5.     GENERAL OBLIGATIONS

      5.1.10,     Time for review of Design Documentation by    (select one to apply, (a) or (b))
      5.1.12,     Engineer


                  (a) 10 Working Days;

                  (b) Within the following time:
                                                                Click to enter reference
         5.4      Possession of the Site

                  The Contractor shall be given possession of   (select one to apply, (a) or (b)

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                  SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 6
[Insert Contract name]                                                                  Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                Conditions of Contract
                                                                                        CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                        Specific condition data
   in General                                                     (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                     provided in Schedule 2.)
                  the Site

                  (a) 10 Working Days after the Date of
                      Acceptance of Tender:

                  (b) On the following date:                         Click to enter a date
                                                                      On the date specified in the contract acceptance

       5.4.3      Limits on the Contractor’s right of entry to    Nil or “As detailed in the Principal’s Requirements”
                  adjoining properties are:

         5.5      Separate Contractors

       5.5.1      Separate Contractors who may be carrying        Contract Number, Contract Name [Contractor to be
                  out work on the Site concurrently with the      named]
                  Contract Works are:

       5.5.2      Are facilities for Separate Contractors         Select yes or no

                  If yes, details of facilities required are:     Click to enter text

         5.6      Care of works and Site

     5.6.6(f)     Further risks specifically excepted are:        Nil
        5.10      Programme

      5.10.4      Is the programme required to be a               Select yes or no
                  Comprehensive Programme?

   5.10.4(e)      If yes, other requirements for the              Programme shall be consistent in principle, philosophy
                  Comprehensive Programme are:                    and milestones with the submitted Tender
                                                                  Methodology and Tender Programme unless
                                                                  exception is requested and approved by the Engineer.

      5.10.5      The Comprehensive Programme shall us the        Click to enter text
                  following software:                             
      5.10.6      Updates of the Comprehensive Programme          Click to enter text
                  shall be provided at the following intervals:   
        5.11      Compliance with laws

      5.11.3      Exceptions to the Principal’s obligations to    Nil
                  obtain licences under 5.11.3 are:               

      5.11.4      Exceptions to the Contractor’s obligations to   Nil
                  give notices and obtain other licences under
                  5.11.4 are:

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                    SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 7
[Insert Contract name]                                                                  Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                Conditions of Contract
                                                                                        CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                        Specific condition data
   in General                                                     (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                     provided in Schedule 2.)

      5.11.5      Exceptions to the Contractor’s obligation to    Nil
                  give notices and to obtain licences for
                  Temporary Works and for temporary
                  amenities and services under 5.11.5 are:

        5.17      Safety plan

                  Is a Site-specific safety plan required to be   Select yes or no
                  prepared by the Contractor?

        5.18      Quality plan

                  Is a quality plan required to be prepared by    Select yes or no
                  the Contractor?

        5.19      Traffic management plan

                  Is a traffic management plan required to be     Select yes or no
                  prepared by the Contractor?

        5.20      As-built drawings and operation and maintenance manuals

   5.20.1(a)      Are as-built drawings required to be            Yes
                  prepared by the Contractor, set out in the
                  project specification?
   5.20.1(b)      Are operation and maintenance manuals           Yes
                  required to be prepared by the Contractor,
                  as set out in the project specification?
           6.     THE ENGINEER

         6.1      Appointment of the Engineer

       6.1.2      The Engineer is:                                Name, Company, Street Address

                  Whose professional qualification is:            Click to enter text

       6.4.6      The Principal will recover the cost for
                  reinspection, remeasuring or retesting at the
                  following rates:

                  •        Engineer or other professional         [$250.00] per hour (exclusive of GST)

                  •        Other personnel                        [$200.00] per hour (exclusive of GST)

                  •        Vehicle running                        [$1.00] per km (exclusive of GST)

                  •        Sub-consultant invoices                Cost plus [15%]

           7.     INDEMNITY

       7.1.5      Liability Cap                                   Insert amount of cap

     7.1.6(h)     Other Exclusions                                List any other exclusions or state “None”

     7.1.7(h)     Other Consequential Losses                      List any other consequential losses or state “No further

       7.1.8      Exclusions                                      List any other exclusions or state “No further

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                    SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 8
[Insert Contract name]                                                                 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                               Conditions of Contract
                                                                                       CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                       Specific condition data
   in General                                                    (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                    provided in Schedule 2.)

           8.     INSURANCES

         8.1      General

       8.1.1      The party identified below shall arrange the
                  following insurances referred to in the
                  following clauses

                  8.3 or 8.8 Construction                        Select Contractor or Principal
                  8.8 Existing structure(s) and contents)        Select Principal if insurance is required
                  8.4 Plant                                      Contractor

                  8.5 or 8.9 Public liability                    Principal

                  8.5.2 Motor Vehicle                            Contractor

                  8.6 Professional Indemnity                     Contractor
       8.1.6      The following forces of nature shall be        

                  (a) Earthquake                                 Select yes or no

                  (b) Tsunami                                    Select yes or no

                  (c) Tornado                                    Select yes or no

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                   SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 9
[Insert Contract name]                                                                          Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                        Conditions of Contract
                                                                                                CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                              Specific condition data
   in General                                                           (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                           provided in Schedule 2.)

                  (d) Cyclone                                           Select yes or no

                  (e) Storm                                             Select yes or no

                  (f) Flood                                             Select yes or no

                  (g) Lightning strike                                  Select yes or no

                  (h) Volcanic activity                                 Select yes or no

     8.3, 8.8     Construction insurance
                  (These items are required to be completed whether the Contractor or the Principal is the insuring party (see 8.1

   8.3.2, 8.8     The following shall have their respective             

   8.3.3, 8.8     Where construction insurance is required
                  (see 8.1 above), the amount of insurance to
                  be effected for the Contract Works and
                  Materials shall be for not less than the sum
                  of the Contract Price, after acceptance of the
                  tender or other offer, plus the following

                  (a) An allowance for the Cost of demolition,          (Select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
                      disposal and preparation for
                      replacement work, equal to:

                           (i) The amount in the right hand                    [$xxxxx]

                           (ii) The percentage of the Contract                 [5%]
                                Price adjusted as above, stated in
                                the right hand column:

                  (b) An allowance for professional services            (Select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
                      fees including the Cost of clerks of
                      works and inspectors, equal to:

                           (i) The amount in the right hand                    [$xxxxx]

                           (ii) The percentage of the Contract                 [5%]
                                Price adjusted as above, stated in
                                the right hand column:

                  (c) An allowance for items to be                      (Select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
                      incorporated in the Contract Works, the
                      Cost of which is not included in the
                      Contract Price, equal to:

                           (i) The amount in the right hand                    [$xxxxx]

                           (ii) The percentage of the Contract                 [5%]
                                Price adjusted as above, stated in
                                the right hand column:

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                          SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 10
[Insert Contract name]                                                                       Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                     Conditions of Contract
                                                                                             CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                           Specific condition data
   in General                                                        (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                        provided in Schedule 2.)

                  (d) An allowance for an increase in the            (Select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
                      Contract Price due to Variations, equal

                           (i) The amount in the right hand                 [$xxxxx]

                           (ii) The percentage of the Contract              [5%]
                                Price adjusted as above, stated in
                                the right hand column:

                  (e) An allowance for an increased                  (Select one to apply, (i) or (ii))
                      construction Costs due to inflation,
                      equal to:

                           (i) The amount in the right hand                 [$xxxxx]

                           (ii) The percentage of the Contract              [5%]
                                Price adjusted as above, stated in
                                the right hand column:

                  The insurance shall make provision for automatic change of cover for items (a) and (e) above, to
                  provide insurance for any additions to or deductions from the Contract Price which occur after
                  acceptance of the tender or other offer.

         8.4      Contractor arranged Plant insurance

                  Where Plant is required to be insured (see         (Select one to apply, (a) or (b))
                  8.1 above):

                  (a) The Contractor shall insure the following
                      items of Plant on Site for the amounts         [list specific items]
                  (b) The Contractor shall insure each item of              $200,000
                      Plant on the Site having a current market      

         8.5      Contractor arranged public liability insurance

       8.5.1      Where required (see 8.1 above), public             [$5,000,000]
                  liability insurance shall be effected by the
                  Contractor for an amount not less than:

                  Such public liability insurance may include
                  sub limits:

       8.5.2      Where required (see 8.1 above), motor              [$5,000,000]
                  vehicle third party liability insurance shall be
                  effected for an amount not less than:

         8.6      Contractor arranged professional indemnity insurance
       8.6.1      Where required (see 8.1 above),

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                       SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 11
[Insert Contract name]                                                                       Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                     Conditions of Contract
                                                                                             CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                             Specific condition data
   in General                                                          (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                          provided in Schedule 2.)
                  professional indemnity insurance for design
                  by the Contractor shall be effected for an
                  amount not less than:

                  •   For any one claim:                               [$XXXXX]

                  •   And for an amount in the aggregate of:           [$XXXXX]

       8.6.2      Sub limits of liability for design of parts of the   [List specific parts] or [Not required]
                  Contract Works by Subcontracts shall not be          

         8.8      Principal arranged construction insurance (refer also to 8.3)
                  In accordance with 8.7.2, the insurance              New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi NZ
                  policy wording title for 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 (a),        Transport Agency) (the Transport Agency) as Principal
                  (b), and (c) is:                                     and its Contractors and their Sub Contractors for their
                                                                       respective rights and interests

                  In accordance with 8.7.2, the extraordinary          Specific policy wording applicable to this contract will
                  exclusions, conditions, warranties or                be provided by Risk and Assurance
                  endorsements to the policy for 8.8.1 and
                  8.8.2 (a), (b) and (c) are:

       8.8.1      Where the Principal is required to effect
                  construction insurance (see 8.1 above).

                  The lead insurer can be found at:          

                  The Nominal Deductibles are:

                                                                                             Original Estimated Contract Value

                                                                                             >0 to        >10m to       >50m
                                                                                             10m          50m

                                                                             Each loss       $10,000      $25,000       $50,000
                                                                             except as

                                                                             Major Perils    $25,000      $50,000       $100,000

                                                                             Wet Work        $150,000     $200,000      $300,000

                                                                             Tunnelling      $150,000     $200,000      $300,000

                                                                             LEG 3/06        $150,000     $150,000      $250,000

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                         SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 12
[Insert Contract name]                                                                      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                    Conditions of Contract
                                                                                            CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                            Specific condition data
   in General                                                         (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                         provided in Schedule 2.)

                                                                      For this contract, the Original Estimate Contract Value
                                                                      is in the range Select value
     8.8.2(a)     The existing structures are:                        N/A
     8.8.2(b)     Other structures in the vicinity are:               N/A
     8.8.2(c)     Contents insurance are:                             N/A
         8.9      Principal’s option to insure public liability

                  Where required (see 8.1 above), the                 Select an option
                  Principal shall effect public liability insurance
                  for an amount not less than:

                  The lead insurer can be found at:         

                  The Nominal Deductibles are:

                                                                                             Original estimated contract value

                                                                                             0 to 5m      >5m to       >10m

                                                                            Each             $10,000*     $20,000*     $25,000*

                                                                            *Including costs and expenses

                                                                      For this contract, the Original Estimate Contract Value

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                       SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 13
[Insert Contract name]                                                                    Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                  Conditions of Contract
                                                                                          CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                         Specific condition data
   in General                                                      (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                      provided in Schedule 2.)
                                                                   is in the range Select value
                  In accordance with 8.7.2:

                  •   The policy wording title is:                 Specific policy wording applicable to this contract will
                                                                   be provided by Risk and Assurance

                  •   Extraordinary exclusions, conditions,        Specific policy wording applicable to this contract will
                      warranties, or endorsements to the policy    be provided by Risk and Assurance

           9.     VARIATIONS
         9.3      Valuation of Variations

       9.3.9      For On-site Overheads:                           (select one to apply, (a) or (b))

                  (a) The prices and rates in the Schedule of
                      Prices are inclusive of full allowance for
                      On-site Overheads;

                  (b) The prices and rates in the Schedule of         (select one to apply, (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv))
                      Prices are exclusive of On-site
                      Overheads and the allowances for On-
                      site Overheads to be added in
                      accordance with 9.3.9 is:

                       (i)    Agreed percentage:                      [XX%]

                       (ii)   As nominated in the Schedule of

                       (iii) As nominated in the Contractor’s

                       (iv) A reasonable percentage.                  

      9.3.10      For Off-site Overheads and Profit:               (select one to apply, (a) or (b))

                  (a) The price and rates in the Schedule of
                      Prices are inclusive of full allowance for
                      Off-site Overheads and Profit;

                  (b) The prices and rates in the Schedule of         (select one to apply, (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv))
                      Prices are exclusive of Off-site
                      Overheads and the allowances for Off-
                      site Overheads and Profit to be added in
                      accordance with 9.3.10 is:

                      (i)     Agreed percentage:                      [XX%]

                      (ii)    As nominated in the Schedule of

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                    SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 14
[Insert Contract name]                                                                     Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                   Conditions of Contract
                                                                                           CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                           Specific condition data
   in General                                                        (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                        provided in Schedule 2.)

                      (iii)   As nominated in the Contractor’s

                      (iv) A reasonable percentage.                     

      9.3.11      For time related Cost, the Working Day rate        (select one to apply, (a), (b), (c,) or (d))
                  in compensation for time-related On-site
                  Overheads and Off-site Overheads and
                  Profit in relation to an extension of time to be
                  applied in accordance with 9.3.11 is:

                  (a) Agreed percentage:                                   [XX%]

                  (b) As nominated in the Schedule of Prices.

                  (c) As nominated in the Contractor’s tender.

                  (d) A reasonable compensation.                        

      9.3.15      For processing of Variations, the percentage       (select one to apply, (a), (b), (c,) or (d))
                  to be paid in accordance with 9.3.15 is:

                  (a) Agreed percentage:                                   [XX%]

                  (b) As nominated in the Schedule of Prices.

                  (c) As nominated in the Contractor’s tender.

                  (d) A reasonable Cost of processing the               

         10.      TIME FOR COMPLETION

        10.2      Due Date for Completion

      10.2.1      The periods to be used for calculating the         (select one to apply, (a), (b) or (c))
                  Due Date for Completion are:

                  (a) For the Contract Works:                        Click to enter number of Working Days
                                                                     (Working Days)

                  (b) For any Separable Portions:                    Click to enter number of Working Days
                                                                     (Working Days)
                                                                     Click to enter details
                  (c) In respect of the Contract Works the           Nil
                      Number of Weeks nominated by the               
        10.4      Practical Completion Certificate

      10.4.5      Prior to issue of the Practical Completion         (select one to apply, (a), (b) or (c))

                  (a) Producer Statements in the form of
                      Schedule 6 are required;                       

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                                      SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 15
[Insert Contract name]                                                                   Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                                 Conditions of Contract
                                                                                         CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                         Specific condition data
   in General                                                      (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                      provided in Schedule 2.)

                  (b) Producer Statements as set out in the
                      following parts of the Contract are          [Project Specification Section X]

                  (c) Producer Statements are not required.

        10.5      Damages for late completion
[Insert Contract name]                                                                 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Contract No: [insert no]                                                               Conditions of Contract
                                                                                       CC 1

     Clause       Title and subject matter                       Specific condition data
    in General                                                   (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
    Conditions                                                   provided in Schedule 2.)

                  (a) No warranties are required;

         11.6     Guarantees


                  (a) No guarantees are required;                   

                  (b) The Contractor shall provide guarantees
                      in the following form:                     [State form]
           12.    PAYMENTS

         12.1     Contractor’s payment claims

12.1.3(b) (iii)   Advances for Materials delivered to the        (select one to apply, (a) or (b))

                  (a) Advances for Materials delivered to the
                      Site but which have yet to be              

                  (b) Advances for Materials delivered to the
                      Site but which have yet to be              [state any conditions]
                      incorporated in the Contract Works shall
                      be made, subject to the following

12.1.3(b) (iv)    Advances for Temporary Works or Plant          (select one to apply, (a) or (b))

                  (a) Advances for Temporary Works or Plant
                      shall not be made.                         

                  (b) Advances for Temporary Works or Plant
                      shall be made, subject to the following    [state any conditions]

12.1.3(b) (iv)    Advances for Materials not yet on Site         (select one to apply, (a) or (b))

                  (a) Advances for Materials not yet on Site
                      shall not be made.                         

                  (b) Advances for Materials not yet on Site
                      shall be made, subject to the following
                                                                   (a) The Contractor agrees to execute an
                                                                       Agreement in respect of off-site
                                                                       materials in the form as set out in the
                                                                       Fourteenth Schedule of these
                                                                       Conditions of Contract or other
                                                                       appropriate form as notified by the
                                                                   (b) The Contractor shall ensure that at all
                                                                       times the Materials are fully insured in

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                                                                   CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter   Specific condition data
   in General                                (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                provided in Schedule 2.)
                                                   accordance with the provisions of
                                                   section 8 of the General Conditions of
                                                   Contract (as appropriate), and supply
                                                   evidence of same to the Principal.
                                               (c) The Contractor shall keep the Principal
                                                   indemnified against loss, damage
                                                   costs, claims, expenses or liability
                                                   incurred by the Principal in respect to
                                                   any loss of, or damage to, or defect in
                                                   all or part of the Materials to the extent
                                                   that the Principal is not so indemnified
                                                   under section 7 of the General
                                                   Conditions of Contract
                                               (d) Materials shall be stored on approved
                                                   sites in such a manner that will ensure
                                                   the preservation of the quality, fitness
                                                   for the work and security. They shall be
                                                   so located and disposed that prompt
                                                   and proper inspection may be made.
                                                   The Contractor warrants that in relation
                                                   to such Materials, those Materials
                                                   when incorporated into the Contract
                                                   Works will be compliant with any
                                                   technical requirements as required
                                                   under the Contract Document. The
                                                   Engineer shall be given reasonable
                                                   access to inspect the relevant
                                               (e) Following payment to the Contractor
                                                   ownership of the Materials shall vest in
                                                   the Principal as legal and beneficial
                                                   owner free of all charges and
                                                   encumbrances of any nature
                                                   whatsoever. The Contractor shall
                                                   ensure that all secured creditors of the
                                                   Contractor are given written notice of
                                                   the existence of the Principal’s
                                                   ownership of the Materials and of the
                                                   conditions of the relevant advance.
                                                   Should any portion of the Materials no
                                                   longer be required for the Contract
                                                   Works, the Contractor shall be
                                                   responsible for all costs of storage,
                                                   handling and disposal of the surplus
                                                   Materials. The Contractor shall only
                                                   dispose off such surplus Materials
                                                   following a written instruction from the
                                                   Engineer. Ownership of such surplus
                                                   Materials shall re-vest in the Contractor
                                                   as the Contractor disposes of such
                                                   surplus Materials. The Principal shall
                                                   recover the value of disposed material
                                                   from subsequent progress payments,

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                                                                                           CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                         Specific condition data
   in General                                                      (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                      provided in Schedule 2.)
                                                                          at the same rates as paid to the
                                                                          Contractor for the Materials stored off
                                                                       (f) The advance payment for the
                                                                           Materials, shall be recovered
                                                                           progressively by deduction from
                                                                           progress payments as such Materials
                                                                           are incorporated into the Contract
        12.3      Retention monies

      12.3.1,     The percentage to be retained from each          (select one to apply, (a) or (b), and (c))
      12.3.2      progress payment and the limit of the total
                  sums retained shall be in accordance with
                  the following:

                  (a) For the Contract Works, a total retention
                      •    5% on the next $800,000, and
                      •    1.75% on amounts in excess of
                           $1,000,000, and
                      •    With a maximum total retention
                           when aggregated of $200,000

                  (b) For the Contract Works, the retention
                      scale in the right hand column:
                                                                   A total retention of:

                                                                   •     [XX%] on the first [$xxx,xxx], plus

                                                                   •     [x%] of the next [$xxx,xxx], plus

                                                                   •     [x%] on amounts in excess of [$xxx,xxx], and

                                                                   •     With a maximum total retention of [$xxx,xxx] when
                  (c) For Key Personnel
                                                                   Refer to Schedule 2 – Special Conditions of Contract -
                                                                   Other Conditions of Contract, Clause 5.23

                  The amount to be retained in respect of the Contract Works in accordance with this clause shall not be
                  reduced, until all Asset Register (RAMM) information, all draft as-built drawings and all operations and
                  maintenance manuals required to be submitted at or before Practical Completion, have been submitted
                  to the Engineer. The retention monies shall not be reduced, until all RAMM information, all final as-built
                  drawings and all operations and maintenance manuals required to be submitted at or before the end of
                  the Defects Notification Period have been submitted to the Engineer 

      12.3.3      Bond in lieu of retention                        (select one to apply, (a) or (b))

                  (a) The Contractor may provide a bond in

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                                                                                         CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                         Specific condition data
   in General                                                      (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                      provided in Schedule 2.)
                      lieu of retentions. The percentage to be
                      retained from each progress payment
                      and the limit of the total sums retained
                      shall be nil if the Contractor provides a
                      Bond in Lieu of Retentions (Schedule 5).
                      The value of the bond shall be the
                      applicable retention amount plus a
                      further 10%

                  (b) The Contractor may not provide a bond
                      in lieu of retentions

        12.8      Cost fluctuations                                (select one to apply, (a), (b) or (c))

                  (a) Cost fluctuations shall not be paid;
                  (b) Cost fluctuations shall be paid in
                      accordance with Appendix A;

                  (c) Cost fluctuations shall be paid in
                      accordance with the method described         

       12.13      Goods and services tax

     12.13.2      Payment Schedules provided by the                (select one to apply, (a) or (b))

                  (a) Shall not be in the form of a tax invoice;

                  (b) Shall be in the form of a buyer created
                      tax invoice and the parties agree not to
                      issue any other tax invoice for items
                      covered by the Payment Schedule.

         13.      DISPUTES

        13.4      Arbitration

      13.4.3      If required, the arbitrator shall be nominated   [Name, Position]
                  by the following Person:                         

         15.      SERVICE OF NOTICES

      15.1.2      For the purposes of service of written notice:

                  (a) The address of the Principal is:

                           Postal address:

                           Delivery address:

                           Mark the attention of:

                           Email address:

                           Other agreed means of electronic
                           communication and address detail:

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                                                                                     CC 1

    Clause        Title and subject matter                     Specific condition data
   in General                                                  (Expand cells if required or add reference to further detail
   Conditions                                                  provided in Schedule 2.)

                  (b) The address of the Contractor is:

                           Postal address:

                           Delivery address:

                           Mark the attention of:

                           Email address:

                           Other agreed means of electronic
                           communication and address detail:

                  (c) The address of the Engineer is:

                           Postal address:

                           Delivery address:

                           Mark the attention of:

                           Email address:

                           Other agreed means of electronic
                           communication and address detail:

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                                                                                  CC 1

Schedule 2 – Special Conditions of Contract – Other Conditions of
These conditions amend and supplement the General Conditions. Clause numbers refer to NZS 3916:2013.

In addition to 1.2 Definitions, add in the following definitions:

              •   BROADER OUTCOMES means the New Zealand Government’s priorities and expectations
                  of Government agencies with respect to their procurement activities secondary benefits
                  generated due to the way goods, services or works are produced or delivered, as further
                  described in the Government Procurement Rules (4th Ed) and at
        , and in other such guidance materials
                  as notified by the Principal to the Contractor from time to time.

              •   DATA BREACH means any incident that:
                   (a)     involves unauthorised access to, or use or disclosure of, any of the Principal’s
                           Personal Information; or

                   (b)     exposes the Principal’s Personal Information to a more than negligible risk of
                           unauthorised access, use or disclosure (for example, losing an unencrypted storage
                           device, or storing information in an unsecured online repository); or

                   (c)     would prompt a reasonable and prudent person in the Principal’s position to notify (or
                           consider notifying) the incident to the Privacy Commissioner and/or one or more
                           individuals under Privacy Laws.

              •    CONTRACTOR’S DESIGN means the design of the Contract Works including:

                   (a)     The performance by or on behalf of the Contractor of any design investigation,
                           design feasibility study, design calculation, technical information calculation, design
                           drawing, design specification, design instruction, design procedure, monitoring or
                           testing of the design of the Contract Works by design personnel; and

                   (b)     Development of all Design Documentation necessary to carry out and complete the
                           Contract Works; and

                   (c)     Preparation of as-built Drawings, operation manuals and maintenance manuals as
                           required by the Contract Documents.

              •   DESIGNER means any Person / company who is employed or contracted by the Contractor
                  to design any part of the Contract Works.

              •   KEY PERSONNEL means the Contractor’s personnel nominated for the positions under the
                  relevant skills Form C in the Contractor’s tender submission and any other persons
                  identified by the Principal as key personnel with the Contractor’s prior approval.

              •   PERSONAL INFORMATION means any information about an individual (whether or not it is
                  possible to identify the individual from that information), and includes all ‘Personal
                  Information’ within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1993.

              •   PRINCIPAL’S PERSONAL INFORMATION means Personal Information made available to
                  the Contractor by or on behalf of the Principal, or collected by the Contractor for the
                  Principal, in connection with this Contract.

              •   PRIVACY LAWS means (i) the Privacy Act 1993, and any regulations, codes of practice
                  and approved information sharing agreements made under it; and (ii) any other laws insofar
                  as they regulate the collection, processing, storage, use and/or disclosure of information
                  about individuals; in each case as amended or replaced from time to time.

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                                                                                CC 1

              •   TENDERER’S NOMINATED PERSON means the person within the Tenderer’s own
                  organisation with whom all communication should be directed during the tender period.

              •   UNDERGROUND SERVICES means existing pipework, cables, conduits, conveying
                  services such as electricity, gas, water, waste and electronic communications, located
                  below the existing ground service.

              •   WILFUL DEFAULT means an intentional or reckless act or omission carried out with
                  disregard for harmful and avoidable consequences.

              •   WINTER PERIOD means the period [1 May] through [31 August] inclusive. 
The following are modifications to the definitions in 1.2:

              •   CONTRACT WORKS means the works including the Temporary Works and the
                  Contractor's Design to be executed in accordance with the Contract.

              •   PRINCIPAL'S REQUIREMENTS means the Principal's written requirements for the
                  Contract Works included in the Contract and identified as the Principal’s Requirements

                   (a)     Shall include the purpose and performance requirements for the Contract Works; and

                   (b)     May include outline or preliminary design, design concepts for the Contract Works,
                           and the Principal’s, time, cost and quality objectives for the Contract Works; and

                   (c)     May include Drawings, Specifications, or other design document prepared by or on
                           behalf of the Principal; and

                   (d)     May include any additions or modifications supplied by the Engineer to the
                           Contractor for the purpose of the contract.

              •   SUBCONTRACTOR means any Person who contracts with the Contractor to design, carry
                  out, or supply part of the Contract Works on behalf of the Contractor and includes any
                  Contractor's Designer or a Nominated Subcontractor.

Section 2     THE CONTRACT
Clause 2.2.5 is deleted and replaced with the following:

2.2.5         No discrepancy in the Schedule of Prices shall be treated as a Variation.

Section 4     SUBCONTRACTS
A new clause 4.2.8 is added as follows:

4.2.8         The Contractor shall be liable for all Costs associated with any delays or disruption caused by
              Nominated Subcontractors. The Engineer may take any such delays or disruptions into account
              in determining any extension of time. The Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation for
              time related costs where an extension of time is granted on such grounds.

A new clause 4.3 Contractor’s Designers is added as follows:

4.3.1         The Contractor must ensure all Contractor's Designers are suitably experienced and hold
              appropriate professional qualifications with regard to the design to be undertaken by that

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                                                                                    CC 1

Clause 5.1.9 is deleted and replaced with the following:

5.1.9         The Contractor shall:

              (a)    as part of the programme it is to prepare under clause 5.10, submit to the Engineer for
                     approval a documentation program which makes allowance for draft Design
                     Documentation to be submitted to the Engineer in a manner and at a rate which will give
                     the Engineer a reasonable opportunity to review such documentation within the period of
                     time provided in this clause 5.1; and
              (b)    submit the Design Documentation it prepares to the Engineer in accordance with the
                     documentation program approved by the Engineer under 5.1.9(a)

New clauses 5.1.10 and 5.1.11 are added as follows:

5.1.10        The Contractor must comply with the Standards of Integrity and Conduct issued by the State
              Services Commission (see
              property/documents/supplier-code-of-conduct.pdf) and any other relevant codes of conduct
              notified by the Principal to the Contractor from time to time.

5.1.11        The Broader Outcomes from Rule 16 of the Government Procurement Rules apply to this

              In order to ensure this Contract delivers, and enables the Principal to comply with its obligations
              in relation to, the Broader Outcomes and otherwise meet best public value (Broader Outcomes
              Compliance), the Contract Managers from both parties will meet within six months of contract
              signing in order to assess such requirements and whether a Variation to this contract is

              The Contractor must not require any unreasonable conditions (including unreasonable Charges)
              to undertake a Variation relating to Broader Outcomes Compliance and must not refuse a
              request for a Variation relating to Broader Outcomes Compliance unless the Contractor can
              demonstrate the Principal’s reasonable satisfaction that the Variation: (a) is not technically
              feasible; or (b) is not reasonably related or connected to the Services.
              Without limiting any specific requirements incorporated by a Variation relating to Broader
              Outcomes Compliance, the Contractor must use all reasonable endeavours to comply with and
              achieve the Broader Outcomes, and not do anything that would result in the Principal from
              failing to comply with its Broader Outcome obligations, in relation to this Contract and the

Add the following to clause 5.1.13:

5.1.13        No review of, comments upon, rejection or approval of, or failure to review or comment upon or
              reject or approve, any Design Documentation prepared by the Contractor or any other direction
              by the Engineer about the Design Documentation shall:

              (a)    relieve the Contractor from, or alter or affect, the Contractor's liabilities or responsibilities
                     whether under the Contract Documents or otherwise according to law; or

              (b)    prejudice the Principal's rights against the Contractor whether under the Contract
                     Documents or otherwise according to law.

A new clause 5.1.17 is added as follows:

5.1.17        During the term of the contract the Contractor must advise the Engineer to the Contract of any
              potential or actual conflicts of interest with any individual or organisation engaged to complete
              any of the contract works. This includes individuals and organisations engaged in any
              subcontractor or other supply arrangement.

              The Contractor must advise the Engineer to the Contract the means that they intend to use to
              remove or mitigate such conflicts of interest.

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                                                                                 CC 1

              The Engineer must inform the Principal of any conflicts of interest notified to the Engineer by the
              Contractor in accordance with this clause, and the Engineer will, in discussion with the Principal
              and taking into account (but not bound by) the Contractor’s intended action, decide the
              appropriate action required to remove or mitigate any actual or potential conflict of interest. The
              Engineer must ensure the Contractor implements such required action.
A new clause 5.22 Risk Allocation is added as follows:

5.22.1        A number of risks may affect the performance of the services by the Contractor. This clause
              schedules those risks that the Principal shall assume responsibility for. Where a risk is allocated
              to the Principal, the Principal shall be solely responsible for the consequences of the relevant
              event, except where limited by the provisions of this clause or as otherwise expressly provided
              in the Contract Documents. To the extent that a risk is not identified in this clause as being
              assumed by the Principal or is otherwise expressly provided in the Contract Documents, the
              Contractor shall have responsibility for all consequences of the occurrence of the relevant
              event, matter or circumstance which may impact on the performance of the Contractor of the
              services or its obligations under the contract and no Variation or extension of time shall be due.

5.22.2        The Principal will bear the risk of the following:
              (a)    Any changes in legislation or the Transport Agency’s policy during the course of the
                     contract which affects the contract.

              (b)    Any issues relating to land acquisition initiated by the Principal (does not include general
                     liaison with landowners during the course of the contract).

              (c)    Any need for iwi construction monitoring fees that may be determined.

              (d)    Any time and risks associated with a flood even resulting in inundation which materially
                     affects the project works, with a probability of occurrence at the site equal to or less than
                     .04 in one year. (.04 is the probability of occurrence of a flood event within an average
                     recurrence interval of 25 years in one year).

              (e)    The excepted risks in 5.6.6 as interpreted in the context of clause 5.6 as a whole.

              (f)    Any need for random verification testing during the construction phase requested by the

              (g)    Unreasonable delays arising from Principal arranged approvals.

              (h)    Unreasonable delays arising from any instruction, clarification or direction issued by the

              (i)    Unreasonable delays arising from failure by the Principal to arrange for vacation of
                     property required for the construction of the Contract Works.

              (j)    Any instruction from the police and highway authority to clear the site due to “Incident
                     Management” requirements, which effects critical path operations in 40 hrs, including
                     reinstatements of work.

              (k)    Unreasonable delays and disruption arising from the employment of utility controlling
                     authorities, contractors, workmen, statutory bodies and any other companies as
                     described within Clause 5.3.1 of the Principal’s Requirements, the Engineer shall take the
                     circumstances into account to determine any extension of time, such extension of time
                     being granted solely (and without costs) to relieve the Contractor for payment to the
                     Principal of liquidated Damages due to such circumstances, all other risks remaining with
                     the Contractor.

5.22.3        Notwithstanding section 9.5 the Principal will bear the risks of the following, in respect of the
              physical conditions encountered during earthworks, foundations, drainage or any other
              construction works below ground or the using or disposal of excavated materials, unless these
              risks could have been reasonably foreseen by a suitably experienced contractor advised by a

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                                                                                   CC 1

              suitably experienced geotechnical engineer at the time of tendering, in which case the risks
              shall remain with the Contractor.
              (a)     Mine workings

              (b)     Treasure or unidentified archaeologically or culturally important materials

              (c)     Human remains
              (d)     Contaminated ground requiring specific treatment, removal and disposal

              (e)     Old dump site (waste, not earthworks fill)

              (f)     Except in the case of founding conditions for structures, which shall remain the risk of the
                      Contractor, materials of a nature completely different from those encountered within any
                      investigations or identifiable from ground features, available soil or geotechnical maps, or
                      the like.

A new clause 5.23 Key Personnel is added as follows:

5.23.1        The Contractor must use all reasonable endeavours to:

              a)    Supply and retain the Key Personnel and not remove the Key Personnel from their position
                    without the prior written approval of the Principal or Project Management Board.

              b)    Replace any of the Key Personnel if they are unable to undertake work due to termination
                    of employment, resignation, illness, disability or death or other circumstances reasonably
                    beyond the control of the Contractor. The parties acknowledge that the Contractor’s
                    primary focus is to ensure the continuity and quality of the performance of its obligations.
                    Consequently, the Contractor must:

                    (i)    Promptly advise the Principal or Project Management Board if it is necessary to
                           replace Key Personnel; and

                    (ii)   Provide a suitable replacement or substitute during the period of unavailability that has
                           at least the same or better status, skills, qualifications, expertise and experience as
                           the Key Personnel to be replaced; and

                    (iii) Consult with the Principal or Project Management Board in relation to any proposed
                          replacement; and

                    (iv) If requested by the Principal or Project Management Board, provide details of the
                         proposed replacement to the Principal or Project Management Board.

              c)    Ensure that each of the Key Personnel is available at the times set out in the Contractor’s
                    Tender or as otherwise required to ensure the completion of such portion of the services as
                    are assigned to them.

5.23.2        If any Key Personnel are not available to perform the role and responsibilities required of that
              Key Personnel because of an act or omission of the Contractor, and the Contractor does not
              within a period acceptable to the Principal and Project Management Board replace the relevant
              Key Personnel with a person of equivalent skills and experience, the Principal reserves the right
              to withhold [20%] of the value of the next contract progress payment due until such time as a
              suitable replacement has been made and notified to the Principal and Project Management
              Board. The monies retained, shall be paid to the Contractor by payment as part of the progress
              payment due after the replacement has been made.

A new clause 5.24 Information and Security is added as follows:

5.24.1        The Contractor acknowledges that the Transport Agency has requirements for appropriate
              security and information management processes that equally apply to its consultants and

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                                                                                 CC 1

              Delivery of services by the Contractor must align with relevant legislation and guidelines,
              inclusive of the Government’s Protective Security Requirements (PSR), Public Records Act
              (PRA), Privacy Act, Crimes Act, Official Information Act, and any other legislation in so far as
              relates to the provision of Services.
5.24.2        The Transport Agency expects the Contractor will ensure that it and its personnel providing the
              Services will:

              1. Consistently demonstrate principles and behaviours set out in the Transport Agency’s
                 information management and security policies, processes, procedures and supporting
                 controls. Any significant and/or repeated breaches of these standards shall be considered a
                 breach of this Contract and the Contractor shall indemnify the Transport Agency against
                 any consequences.

              2. Not access Transport Agency information or systems except to the extent necessary to
                 provide the Services and for no other reason.
              3. Take all reasonable steps to prevent breaches of records storage, information technology
                 systems and equipment, including:

                   a. preventing unauthorised use;

                   b. preventing unauthorised persons obtaining, or attempting to obtain access to the
                      Services or Deliverables or any Transport Agency data/information;
                   c.      using or attempting to use any Transport Agency data/information for purposes not
                           authorised or permitted by this Contract;

                   d. taking all steps necessary to prevent the introduction, contamination and spread of any
                      virus or other malware into computer systems, and only use equipment, software and
                      parts which are free of viruses; and

                   e. except with the Transport Agency's written permission, not introduce or use magnetic
                      media, flash drives or any other form of portable data storage.

              4. Provide interim and final data/information sets, created in the delivery of the service such as
                 research, asset, customer or geo-coded data in formats as agreed.

              5. Provide immediate right of access to all data/information/records held by the Contractor, to
                 assess compliance.

              6. Ensure no unlawful disposition or sharing of any data/information/records that are in the
                 Contractor’s possession during the Contract, including:

                   a. unauthorised destruction (destruction that is contrary to the Transport Agency’s
                      authorised current disposal authority);

                   b. transfer to a third party; and

                   c.      loss, damage or alteration.
              7. Complete the appropriate Transport Agency induction procedures.

              8. Accept there will be occasions when enhanced physical security measures are adopted in
                 response to emergencies or a heightened threat environment, during which the Contractor
                 will be informed of their responsibilities and will promptly comply with all reasonable
                 measures (which may include spot audit checks and searches) in such situations.

              9. Before performing any obligations under this Contract, have passed all probity checks and
                 obtained any relevant national security clearance required as necessary to provide the
                 Services to the Transport Agency; as well as attend and complete any additional specific
                 security training in so far as it relates to the provision of Services.

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                                                                                 CC 1

              10. Notify all information and security incidents and concerns to the Transport Agency in a
                  timely manner to facilitate a prompt response to help resolve issues and prevent or
                  minimise any potential damage to individuals, data/information, equipment and the
                  Transport Agency – incidents or concerns which have Health & Safety implications should
                  follow Health & Safety Incident Reporting procedures.
              11. Without limiting any other provisions of the Contract, use all reasonable endeavours to
                  avoid damaging or adversely affecting the Transport Agency’s reputation.

              12. Return all Transport Agency information and records at the end of the contract, noting that
                  these must comply with the Transport Agency’s information and record standards.

              13. Return all material relating to physical and system access privileges immediately to the
                  Transport Agency at the end of the Contract.
              14. Accept that any staff who hold a national security clearance will have ongoing obligations
                  under legislation which will survive after the end of the Contract.

5.24.3        The Contractor acknowledges that it is required to abide by the guidelines contained in the
              official Transport Agency policy statements, including the Data Security Policy Statement, the
              Data Security Policy Statement, and the Protective Security Policy Statements.

Section 7     INDEMNITY

New clauses 7.1.5-7.1.8 are added as follows:

7.1.5     Cap on Liability: Notwithstanding any other provision in this Contract, but subject to clauses 7.1.6
          and 7.1.8 the Contractor’s maximum aggregate liability to the Principal under this Contract
          (including any indemnity under this Contract) arising out of or in connection with the performance of
          the Contract Works and any other obligation under this Contract shall be limited to the sum set out
          in the Specific Conditions (‘the Liability Cap’).

7.1.6     Exclusions from the Cap on Liability: The Liability Cap does not exclude or limit the
          Contractor’s ability:

         a) For Wilful Default, fraudulent or criminal acts, including by the Contractor’s officers, employees,
            contractors, consultants, or agents;

         b) Arising from abandonment of the Contract Works;

         c) As a result of the death of, or injury to, any person caused by, arising out of, or in any way in
            connection with the Contract Works;
         d) That cannot be excluded at Law;

         e) For the amount of any insurance proceeds recovered under an insurance policy, including any
            proceeds that would have been recovered, but for any failure to claim and/or breach of the
            relevant Insurance Policy by the Contractor, or due to the failure by the Contractor to maintain
            an insurance policy;

         f)   For the breach of any statutory obligation;
         g) For liquidated damages or delay damages

         h) [Any other matters set out in the Specific conditions of Contract]

WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY                                           SM031 APP B4 ISSUE 11: MARCH 2020 // 28
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