Ways We Celebrate Christmas in East Central Baptist Association Churches

Ways We Celebrate Christmas in East Central Baptist Association Churches
December 2022                                                                                                          Volume 36, Issue 12

    The Communicator           Ways We Celebrate Christmas in East
                               Central Baptist Association Churches
                       We asked our ECBA churches to share how their Alexandria and Muncie campuses                                         held
                       church has celebrated Christmas this year. Here Christmas Day services at 11:00 am.
                       are just some of the ways they shared,
                       worshipped, and enjoyed commemorating the
                       birth of Jesus. (see pictures throughout the

                                   New Day Baptist Church

                       New Day’s celebration of Christmas began in
                       November. Both the Alexandria and Pendleton
                       Campuses are official collection sites for the         New Day in Pendleton decorates their sanctuary with lights.
                       Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry.
                       They collected 827 boxes! Upcoming is the              New Day’s Muncie campus also held a
                       opportunity to help at the Charlotte, North Carolina   Christmas party following their worship service
                       processing center from February 5 – 10. ECBA is        on December 11. At the service the children
                       providing the transportation. See more details in      presented short play for the church. After the
                       this newsletter.                                       pitch-in they had a gift exchange.
                       On December 2, the Alexandria campus held a           Halteman Village and Remedy City
                       “Cookies and Canvas” event. Attendees were able
                       to paint a Christmas picture and enjoy Christmas Halteman Village Baptist Church and Remedy
                       treats. The Pendleton campus hosted the City combined their services. The musicians
                       Christmas Eve service at 6:00 pm and the practiced together in advance and pastors
                                                                        Nathan Watson and Jeremiah Kinney shared the
                        Disaster Relief Continues in                    sermon. Jeremiah presented the first point and
                              the Wintertime                            Nathan the second, both from Luke 2.

                       Disasters do not slow down in the wintertime. Our      On Sunday, December 11th, Remedy City went
                       disaster relief team continues to serve God by         into the neighborhood surrounding their building
                       serving others. Most recently the team has been        and Christmas caroled. They had about twenty
                       working on a home in Bremen, Indiana. The home         carolers and knocked on about 30 doors, with
                       belongs to an elderly couple who have been             about ten who answered and got to enjoy the
                       experiencing many difficulties. Their floor joists     caroling. They gave out outreach cards and got
                       had fallen and they could not afford the repairs       to know their neighbors a little better.
                       due to hospital debts. Our team went in and raised                 Redeemer Baptist Church
                       the house and repaired the foundation.
                       Additionally, the team had 18 volunteers helping       Redeemer’s annual Angel Christmas Tree
                       to build a wheelchair ramp in Yorktown in early        collected gifts for the Christian Center (for men)
                       December.                                                                                            (Continued on page 5)

                       If you are interested in joining in these
                       opportunities for service, please contact Joe Fox,                      Inside This Issue
                       765-729-1366. The next available Disaster Relief
                       Training Session will be on Saturday, January          The Katecheo                                              2
                       14th, 2023 at Cornerstone Church, Miami County
                                                                              Birthdays/Anniversaries and upcoming events               2
                       Fairgrounds, 1029 W 200 N, Peru, IN 46970, from
                       8:00 am to 2:00 pm. First-time certification cost is   Shoebox Ministry Opportunity                            3-4
                       $45. Recertification cost is $25. Lunch is provided.   Christmas Pictures                                        5
Ways We Celebrate Christmas in East Central Baptist Association Churches
Page 2                                                                                                  V O LU M E 3 6 , IS S U E 1 2

         Dr. Ron Ross

         Unpacking His Presence at Christmas                instead, He became flesh as evidenced in a historical
                                                            event as referenced in Romans 1.3; 8.3; Philippians 2.7;
Recently this writer had an opportunity to share a 1 Timothy 3.16 and Hebrews 2.14.
message about Christmas with a family of believers. The
message was based on one of, if not the best, summary III. The EFFECTS of His Presence ("and dwelt among
statements about the Incarnation found in the Gospel of us,")
John. You will remember this letter was written by John
to assist the church he was part of in Ephesus. Written The Gospels detail examples of the effect Jesus had on
around A.D. 85, the church was experiencing the power the people of that day, while the word "dwelt among" in
of the Gnostic message. That message was causing the original language means "to spread one's tabernacle
believers to question the basic integrity of Jesus Christ among us." Jesus tabernacled among those living in that
and His Personhood. John 1.14, formally in the Greek time period.
text as an introduction to the third paragraph, now in the IV. The EVIDENCES of His Presence ("and we beheld
latest revision of the Greek text, it serves as the His glory,")
conclusion of paragraph two. Note the verse as it is
unpacked—                                                   Psalms 19.1-6 and Romans 1.20 provide the student
                                                            with what some have called Natural Revelation. Every
I. The ETERNALITY of His Presence ("And the                 human being that has ever lived or will live experiences
Word")                                                      the encounter with God's presence through the things
The logos [the word for Word] was not used of reason or He has made. Maturing Christians realize that Psalms
mind nor of any human creature; rather it was used as 19.7-11 confirms the importance of Special Revelation
speech or word. It is not an attribute of God, but an or the written Word that, through the ministry of Holy
active reality of God. If you'd like to do additional study Spirit, people are convicted of sin and called to salvation
on this, consult Colossians 1.15-20 and Hebrews 1.1-3. in and through Jesus Christ.
This concept logos may become clearer if thinking of A. An ENSURING Personhood ("glory as of the only
Acts 17.22ff (and following), as Paul addressed the begotten from the Father,")
intelligencia of that day by addressing the inscription,
"TO AN UNKNOWN GOD."                                     Jesus manifested God's presence before an depraved
                                                         creation and this was all done prophetically through a
II. The ESSENCE of His Presence ("became flesh")         "chosen" virgin girl. At this point we must check out our
Contrary to some Gnostic belief, LOGOS was not a Bible translation—Jesus is the only begotten Son of
spirit, merely taking a new form that could come and go; God. Remember the sin of Adam has been and
                                                         continues to be carried through each male; thus, Jesus
                                                         is the only begotten Son of God. True, God has many
                                                         sons and daughters, but through "adoption."

                                                                    B. An ENDEARING Purity ("full of grace and truth.")

  Please pray for our pastors and their wives on these              Since Jesus is God (John 1.1c), we note that grace and
  special occasions.                                                truth are key words. The Greek word pleres conveys the
                                                                                                    meaning              of
                                                                                                    "completely    full  of
                           None                                                                     grace and The Truth."
                        Anniversaries                    Upcoming Events In January
                                                                                                    Wow, who would have
  January 23—Jim & Jama Marlow’s 42nd                            SBC Emphasis for January           ever thought this verse
     anniversary (North Delaware—Muncie)                                                            had so much to say!
                                                         January 1-8 —January Bible Study           Something to ponder
                Church Anniversaries
                            None                         January 22—Sanctity of Human Life Sunday   in    this  Christmas
Ways We Celebrate Christmas in East Central Baptist Association Churches
      MEE 3
          364 ,, II S
                       UEE 1
                           22                                                                                                                    Page 5

                                                   (Continued from page 1)

                                                   and the Willow Place (for women) in
                                                   Anderson. The choir presented the
                                                   Christmas musical, “O Little Town of
                                                   Bethlehem” on December 11th during
                                                   the morning worship service. A
                                                   special Christmas Eve
                                                   service was planned
                                                   but an icy parking lot
                                                   and some frozen pipes
                                                   prompted a decision to
     New Day—Muncie had a pitch-in and gift        cancel. A pancake and
                                                                                                      The children presented a Christmas play at New
     exchange following their worship service      sausage        breakfast                                    Day Baptist Church in Muncie
                                                   was            provided
                                                   Christmas       morning
                                                   starting at 9:15 am and the Christmas
                                                   Day worship service was held at
                                                   10:45 am.

                                                   On      Saturday,      December     3rd,
                                                   Redeemer hosted their annual White
                                                   Elephant gift exchange Christmas
                                                   party. It is always a enjoyable evening
                                                   of good fun, food, and fellowship.

                                                                                                           Just a couple of the photo op pictures.

                                                           New Day-Muncie set up a photo op.

Cookies and Canvas at New Day—Alexandria
was a fun time for all! (above) Painted pictures
were all similar but unique. (below)

                                                         The Adult Christmas Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange is always at hit at Redeemer.
c/o Pat Storm
8900 W County Road 950 N
Middletown IN 47356
Phone: 765-623-3940
Email: ecba@theecba.org

Follow us

                                   $55 if paid in full by March 16
     Northside Baptist Church,     $65 if paid in full by March 31
     Indianapolis                  *Registration requires a $25 non-
                                   refundable deposit
     3021 E. 71st Street
     Indianapolis, IN 46220        (Cost includes: Registration, Bag, Coffee
                                   Connection on Friday and lunch on
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