The Mustang - Republic Of Molossia
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News from the Republic of Molossia 1 December 2021 XLIV Volume 9, Issue 12 The Mustang A Few Words From The President Well, it’s that time of year again, the holiday season! A time for gatherings and fellowship and a time for good cheer. As Inside this issue: Molossia is a family nation, these traditions are important to Guy Fawkes and Turkey 2 us, and we thus place great emphasis on family gatherings. Shoot So, as other activities wane in December, Christmas and other holidays celebrations reign supreme. This month we will celebrate Christmas around Christmas and Around 3 the National Christmas Tree in Government House, and then Boxing Day Molossia (with accompanying shepherd’s pie) the day after. And, like most, we will count down the minutes to the new year (even though our official new year Last Word With The First 4 celebration is also Chinese New Year). And of course we will be sending Lady out our annual Christmas Cards again this year. So join us in this season of merriment and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! MOLOSSIA HOLIDAYS
Page 2 The Mustang Volume 9, Issue 12 Great Molossia Turkey Shoot 28 November 2021 XLIV On 28 November 2021 XLII, Molossians gathered to belatedly celebrate the American holiday of Thanks- giving, and to launch air rockets in what we're calling the Great Molossia Turkey Shoot. Air rockets are a staple of Molossian culture, a part of our ongoing space program as well a part of tours of our nation. During monthly tours our visitors are invited to participate in our Space Program by launching air rockets and it was those same air rockets that were the heart of the competition on this chilly November day. In turns, Molossians competed against each other to see who could launch their rocket higher. Heats were held with several teams vying to go the highest. In the end, the team composed of The President and Chief Constable prevailed, in spite of stiff competition and perhaps even a little cheating! It was a won- Getting Ready to Launch derfully enjoyable event and one certain to become a regular part of our culture. Here's looking forward to the next Turkey Shoot! First Heat, Bradley vs Chief Constable Takes The And Again Bradley and The First Lady Bradley and The Grammy Lead Over Grammy Against Darryl! Ready to Launch President Compete Guy Fawkes Night Delayed 9 November 2021 XLIV On 8 November 2021 XLII, Molossians celebrated our eleventh annual Guy Fawkes Night. Guy Fawkes Night, or Bonfire Night, is a popular event in Great Britain, dating back to the foiled Gunpow- der Plot of 5 November 1605 when Guy Fawkes and 13 of his cohorts conspired to blow up Parlia- ment and King James I of England. After the plot was uncovered and the conspirators executed, the 5th of November became an official holiday in Great Britain, adopted likewise a few years ago in Mo- lossia, in recognition of our English roots. Prior to the holiday, Molossian citizens gathered in Govern- ment House and created their own Guys, to burn in effigy. That done, on the 8th of November, delayed by winds and weather for three days, the bonfire in Red Square was lit and Molossians The Many Guys of Molossia gathered for the evening festivities. Dinner was shepherd's pie, accompanied by hot apple cider and hot chocolate. Dessert was s'mores, departing from the usual caramel apples. Then the Guy Fawkes rhyme was recited by the company, after which the Guys were committed to the bonfire, one by one, the President's going in last. The evening was concluded with gentle revelry around the fire until it became coals and the celebrants dispersed. A fine time was had by all and we all look for- ward to next year's Guy Fawkes Night! Around the Bonfire Bonfire Bound The President’s Guy Goes In Guy in the Fire
Page 3 The Mustang Volume 9, Issue 12 CHRISTMAS IN MOLOSSIA Around Molossia... Christmas is one of the most important holidays of the Mo- November is the month to celebrate our Chief Constable, Alexis lossian year. It is for the most part a secular, rather that reli- Baugh turned 18 and is Captain of her basketball team! gious, with the focus being on the family, and giving and receiving. The celebration usually begins on Christmas Eve, with various holiday activities, including watching movies, baking (and eating) cookies, drinking eggnog and playing board games as a family. Christmas Eve dinner consists of our traditional meal of lasagna, reflecting the Italian heritage of Molossia. The evening ends with the reading of the "Night Before Christmas", and with tracking the arrival of Santa Claus using NORAD's website. Christmas morning, Decem- ber 25th, begins early, as the family descends upon the pre- sents beneath the National Christmas Tree. Once the pre- sent-opening ends, Christ- mas breakfast is made and served, and afterward eve- ryone settles down to enjoy their gifts. Christmas din- Upcoming Tours Of Molossia ner, usually ham, turkey Tours of our nation are currently planned on the following dates and mashed potatoes, takes only: place in the later afternoon, largely wrapping up a lazy, Saturday, 23 APRIL 2022 XLV AT 10:00 AM PST (First Tour Of relaxing day. 2022) Saturday, 21 May 2022 XLV at 10:00 AM PST Saturday, 18 June 2022 XLV at 9:00 AM PST The National Christ- Saturday, 16 July 2022 XLV at 9:00 AM PST Saturday, 20 August 2022 XLV at 9:00 AM PST mas Tree Saturday, 17 September 2022 XLV at 10:00 AM PST Saturday, 8 October 2022 XLV at 10:00 AM PST (Last Tour Of 2022) KRISTNASKO EN MOLOSSIA Kristnasko estas unu el la plej gravaj festoj de la Molossia jaro. Ĝi plejparte estas sekulara, prefere tiu religia, kun la fokuso sur la familio, kaj donanta kaj ricevante. La festo kutime komenciĝas je kristnaska vespero, kun diversaj feriaj agadoj, inkluzive de spektado de filmoj, bakado (kaj manĝado) kuketoj, trinkado de eggnog kaj ludado de tabul- ludoj kiel familio. Kristnaska vespermanĝo konsistas el nia tradicia manĝo de lasagna, reflektanta la italan heredaĵon de Molossia. La vespero finiĝas per la legado de la "Nokto Antaŭ Kristnasko" kaj per sekvado de la alveno de Santa Claus per la retejo de NORAD. Kristnaska mateno, la 25-an de decembro, komenciĝas frue, ĉar la familio descendas sur la donacoj sub la Nacia Kristnaska Arbo. Post kiam la nuna malfermo finiĝas, kristnaska matenmanĝo estas farita kaj servata, kaj poste ĉiuj ekloĝas por ĝui siajn donacojn. Kristnaska vespermanĝo, kutime ŝinko, meleagro kaj purig- BE A PART! itaj terpomoj, okazas en la posta posttagmezo, plejparte envolvante maldiligentan tagon. And
Republic of Molossia December Calendar • Christmas Day - December 25th The biggest holiday of the year, celebrated with presents, music, Christmas mov- Government of the Republic of Molossia ies, Christmas cookies and lasagna for Christmas Dinner . 226 Mary Lane The Christmas Eve meal is a more traditional fare of tur- Dayton, NV 89403 key, mashed potatoes, gravy, etc. USA • Boxing Day - December 26th Celebrated with our own version of "Shepherd's Pie". • Bradley Harrison’s Birthday - December Visit Molossia’s website at 18th • • Penny Baugh’s Birth- day - December 27th We’re also on Facebook, at Molossia’s weather is always gorgeous, with plenty of sunshine and tem- And follow us on Twitter at peratures year-round of 22° Celsius (72° Fahrenheit). However, our little country is surrounded by the US and they are so close, their awful weather invades frequently! So the weather report reflects both our weather and theirs. Molossia US Maximum Temperature 22° C / 72° F 23° C / 73° F Minimum Temperature 22° C / 72° F -7° C / 17° F Average Temperature 22° C / 72° F 15° C / 45° F Monthly Precipitation 0 mm 0 mm News, music and more from the Sunshine hours Pretty much every day! World's Smallest Sovereign Republic! The Last Word With The First Lady The countdown to Christmas has begun! December has arrived and the holiday season is in full swing! Hopefully everyone was able to spend time with their friends and family for Thanksgiving or are making plans for Christmas. Family and friends are so important. Some people have family that lives far away or family that they don't get along with. Some people don't have much family at all. The holidays are a time that everyone should try to put those differences aside for the greater good and be thankful that we have each other. Here in Mo- lossia we have a bountiful family. A never ending parade of cousins and aunts and uncles. Always someone to talk to or to do something with. If you don't have much family then it is important to be close to friends. Look around and think about your friends. Think about who doesn't have very much family and see if you can invite them to be with you during the holidays. Even better than a present underneath the tree, someone that is there for you is a gift that lasts a lifetime. Who can you give that gift to? Merry Christmas! ~Adrianne
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