Waitangi Wharf Upgrade - Resource Efficiency in Action - January 2021

Page created by Roland Kennedy
Waitangi Wharf Upgrade - Resource Efficiency in Action - January 2021
RESOURCE EFFICIENCY                                                                                      CASE STUDY

                                                                                                           January 2021

Waitangi Wharf Upgrade
Resource Efficiency in Action

The Waitangi Wharf project was completed                    • Construction of a new 163 metre breakwater for wave
in 2018 and demonstrates how innovative
                                                            • Dredging of the harbour to allow for improved berthing
design and resource efficient practices
                                                              and construction; and
can deliver a legacy of environmental and
                                                            • Improvements to surrounding services such as the fuel
community benefits to our most remote                         dispensing and transfer system, wharf power supply
locations.                                                    and livestock holding areas.

The 600 residents there are reliant on the Waitangi         The site is prone to extreme weather conditions. Strong
Wharf for the import and export of essential supplies,      weather systems meant that the existing wharf was only
including goods, diesel, fuel, fishing and livestock.       able to provide safe harbour 50% of the time, resulting in
Nearing the end of its structural life, a complex upgrade   narrow weather windows for successful berthing. Failed
project was completed making ship docking more reliable     attempts to berth or load cargo caused delays as ships
in poor weather to encourage economic growth.               remained offshore until conditions improved. Providing a
                                                            breakwater as part of the wharf upgrade helps to protect
The Waitangi Wharf upgrade project involved:
                                                            the wharf and decrease the number of days berthing was
• Demolition of the existing wharf structures;              not possible.
• Reclamation of 9,500 m2 of land for development
  of new commercial and fishing wharves;
Waitangi Wharf Upgrade - Resource Efficiency in Action - January 2021
Owing to the remote project location
   and the associated scale of the project,
   several challenges were recognised.
   The project success relied heavily on access to the
   island’s limited resources and services including;
   food, accommodation, fuel supplies, electricity,
   water resources, solid waste disposal options,
   shipping, flights and the labour force.
   The isolated project site and minimal construction
   infrastructure also meant resources would need to
   be shipped or flown to the island unless innovative
   solutions were found.

The construction of the wharf structure and                An innovative breakwater design was required to protect
                                                           the wharf. The project team altered a double-layered
breakwater armour required approximately
                                                           Xbloc design creating a single layer interlocking Xbloc
100,000m³ of rock aggregate and sand                       concrete armour unit. The concept, the first of its kind in
materials.                                                 Aotearoa New Zealand, resulted in Xblocs that were small
                                                           enough that the available rock on island was suitable to
Early inspection and testing of local rock found sources   be used as underlaying material.
of good quality basalt, however, the size of the rock
was limited by shear planes. The limited raw materials     A portable concrete batching plant was shipped to the
available on the island and high cost to transport         island and set up in a standalone construction yard which
resources meant conventional breakwater armour stone       was designed to become the island’s emergency response
designs were not a viable option. Concrete armour units    centre at the conclusion of the project. About 3,300
were therefore chosen as the preferred option.             Xblocs were made using specially designed moulds and
                                                           local aggregate and water resources.
Establishing the Ohinemama Quarry on the island
allowed the project to source the required aggregate       As the local water supply was already under pressure, a
and sand locally rather than shipping the material         new water supply bore was installed at the construction
from the mainland. This significantly reduced the          yard. At the conclusion of the project the bore was
project’s carbon footprint and the number of barge         handed over to the Chatham Island Council to augment
loads required by up to 80%, also saving project time      the Waitangi township water supply.
transporting the aggregate materials to the island.
Local aggregates were used in the construction of the
10,700 m2 wharf, including all wharf pavement slabs,
the capping beam on the top of the concrete pile and
panel reclamation facing.

   The innovative design and resource efficient
   practices were recognised by the winning of the
   Civil Contractors New Zealand National Award
   in 2018 and the Gold Award of Excellence from
   the Association of Consulting and Engineering
   NZ in 2019. It was noted that “The Gold award
   acknowledges a superior project for innovative
   achievement or setting a new industry precedent”.
Waitangi Wharf Upgrade - Resource Efficiency in Action - January 2021
Waste Minimisation
The isolated site also created challenges                    replenish the main Waitangi Beach, with the remaining
                                                             materials transferred to a consented location offshore.
for removal of the old wharf structure and
                                                             The project team employed waste minimisation practices
residual resources, with the project finding                 with almost 100% of the existing wharf structures being
solutions that reduced environmental and                     repurposed; the wooden wharf structure was reused for
commercial impacts.                                          building materials and firewood on the island, as vehicle
                                                             impact barriers on the main wharf and concrete decking
To allow for the surrounding seabed construction and         from the wharf was used to provide for an improved
improved berthing for vessels into the wharf, 13,300 m3      boat haul-out area for the collection of boat cleaning,
of sand was dredged over an area of 10,700 m2. Residual      antifouling and maintenance water.
sand from this part of the project was repurposed to

Resource Efficiency at a glance

 MORE                     EFFECTIVE              USE OF                   REPLENISHMENT            REUSE/
 EFFICIENT PORT           USE OF LOCAL           INNOVATIVE               OF THE LOCAL             REPURPOSING
 OPERATIONS               AGGREGATE              SINGLE LAYER             ENVIRONMENT              EXISTING
                          • 100,000m3 of         CONCRETE                 • To improve berthing    STRUCTURES
 • The new design
   was modelled to          aggregate and        XBLOCS                     for vessels into the   • 3,400 tonnes of
   provide for up to        sand were sourced    • Using a non-             wharf, 13,300m2 of       concrete and rebar
   351 days of berthing     locally. This          standard design          sand was dredged         waste diverted from
   an improvement           helped to avoid        in order to suit         over an area             landfill. By reusing
   of up to 40%.            approximately          the local rock           spanning 1.5 rugby       the material as a
   For the two years        145 additional         source, resulted         fields.                  boat haul out area,
   following the wharf      barge trips saving     in approximately       • Approximately            as wheel stops
   commissioning, the       7,900 tonnes of        17,800 tonnes less       3,300 m3 of residual     on the wharf and
   port management          carbon equivalent      aggregate and            sands were used to       some for a concrete
   reports that not a       (the approximate       concrete, less water     replenish Waitangi       seperation station
   single ship has been     emissions of 300-      and approximately        Beach rather than        at the island refuse
   delayed in berthing.     400 average annual     $9.5 million less        disposing of the         sorting centre
                            households) and        costs than the           materials offshore.      saving $150k in
                            $30-60 million in      standard double-                                  cost.
                            cost for barging                              • The addition of the
                                                   layered concrete                                • The diversion of
                            alone.                                          sand to Waitangi
                                                   unit solution.                                    waste from landfill
                                                                            Beach provides
                                                 • The design used          extra protection         and reuse of
                                                   by the project           against erosion from     materials helped
                                                   required less            large storm events.      to avoid 1,000
                                                   Portland Cement                                   tonnes of carbon
                                                   reducing carbon                                   dioxide equivalent
                                                   dioxide equivalent                                emissions had the
                                                   emissions by                                      structures been
                                                   approximately                                     created from virigin
                                                   800 tonnes due to                                 materials.
                                                   less transportation
                                                   of the concrete

          For further information, please contact: sustainability@nzta.govt.nz
Waitangi Wharf Upgrade - Resource Efficiency in Action - January 2021
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