Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) Grants Program 2021 - Guidelines - Department of Communities Tasmania

Page created by Chad Mccoy
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) Grants Program 2021 - Guidelines - Department of Communities Tasmania
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
  Transgender, Intersex and
  Queer (LGBTIQ+) Grants
  Program 2021

Department of Communities Tasmania
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) Grants Program 2021 - Guidelines - Department of Communities Tasmania
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer
(LGBTIQ+) Grants Program 2021
The Tasmanian Government has allocated $50 000 for the 2021 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,
Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) Grants Program (the Program). Grants provided through the Program will
assist community organisations, tertiary institutions and Local Government to:
•        increase the number of Tasmanians who are accepting of diversity;
•        improve resilience and capacity in the LGBTIQ+ community;
•        foster inclusion, respect and dignity for LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians; and
•        enhance access to services and increase participation for LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians.

Funding Arrangements for 2021
In consultation with the LGBTIQ+ Whole of Government Reference Group, the 2021 Program has been
divided into two areas - priority project/s and general project/s.
Eligible applicants may apply for either or both priority projects and general projects, and for funding of up
to $25 000 in each area.

Funding Areas
Funding Area One | Priority Project/s
Applicants can apply for funding of up to $25 000 for project/s.

The Priority Projects focus for the 2021 program, nominated by the LGBTIQ+ Whole of Government
Reference Group in consultation with LGBTIQ+ community groups, is:
     •    Awareness raising and education in relation to people that have an intersex variation, or were born
          with a variation of sex characteristics, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender.

Funding Area Two | General Project/s
Applicants can apply for funding of up to $25 000 for project/s that:
1.       Research issues affecting the LGBTIQ+ community in Tasmania, including the incidence of
         discrimination, abuse, harassment, and family violence.
2.       Develop resources or strategies to:
          a.    increase community awareness about the issues and needs of LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians; or
          b.    reduce or prevent discrimination, vilification and harassment of LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians.
3.       Promote awareness of LGBTIQ+ issues and needs within workplaces in Tasmania.
4.       Address gaps in the current service system that prevent LGBTIQ+ people from being able to access
         services and address issues related to their sexuality or gender.
5.       Celebrate diversity and promote inclusion of LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians within the wider community,
         particularly in rural and regional communities in Tasmania

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) Grants Program 2021 - Guidelines - Department of Communities Tasmania
The LGBTIQ+ Grants Program 2021 opens on 3 March 2021 and closes at 5 pm on 7 April 2021. Projects
must be completed, and grant recipients must provide a financial acquittal by 30 June 2022.

Applications should demonstrate alignment with the vision and principles of the Whole of Government
Framework for LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians.
The vision of the Framework is for a future state in which LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians, their friends and families
are included and have equal opportunity to participate in and contribute to Tasmania’s social, political,
economic and cultural life. A copy of the Framework can be found at www.communities.tas.gov.au.
Proposals should be based on available evidence and research and, where possible, reference current
research or best practice.
Partnerships between organisations (particularly Tasmanian LGBTIQ+ organisations) to deliver project
outcomes are strongly encouraged.

Assessment Criteria
Your application must address each of the following assessment criteria:
1.    Benefit to the LGBTIQ+ community:
        •   The application should demonstrate how LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians will benefit from the
            outcomes and/or outputs of the project; and
        •   The application should also demonstrate alignment with the vision of the Government
            Framework for LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians.
2.    Project objectives:
        •   The project should have clear objectives that can be measured, evaluated and reported.
3.    Engagement and Implementation:
        •   The application should demonstrate how your organisation has engaged with LGBTIQ+
            Tasmanians and/or relevant organisations to develop the project and how your organisation
            will implement the project.

                                                          Guidelines – LGBTIQ+ Grants Program 2021 | PAGE 3 of 7
4.    Evidence base/best practice:
        •      The application should demonstrate how your organisation’s project will contribute to the
               development of an evidence base for LGBTIQ+ issues in Tasmania and/or demonstrate how it
               uses existing evidence and research to progress outcomes for the LGBTIQ+ community in
               Tasmania. (This is a requirement for research projects only).
5.    Value for money:
        •      The application should include a realistic budget that enables the delivery of objectives within
               the proposed timelines. All sources of funding for the project must be included in the

Funding Conditions
Applicants must meet the assessment criteria noted above.
Funding is subject to the organisation’s acceptance of a Grant Agreement or Grant Deed.
Organisations that are currently in receipt of a grant from the Department of Communities Tasmania and
whose reporting and acquittal obligations have not been met will not receive funding until those obligations
have been resolved.
Funding must be used for the approved purposes outlined in the application and subsequent Grant
Agreement or Grant Deed. Funding may be withdrawn if incorrect or misleading information has been
provided by the applicant or material changes to the project are made.
Any proposed changes to the approved purposes outlined in the application and subsequent Grant
Agreement or Grant Deed must be requested in writing by the recipient and agreed in writing by the
Department of Communities Tasmania.
Projects and events must have appropriate levels of insurance, including public liability insurance, where
Projects and events must be not-for-profit.
Funding will be approved on a one-off basis. Applications for recurrent or multi-year funding are not
The assessment panel may recommend partial funding of the project.

Not-for-profit, incorporated community organisations may apply for funding under this grants program.
Not-for-profit organisations that are not incorporated may also apply but must be sponsored by an
incorporated organisation. In this case, the application must include written confirmation from the
sponsoring organisation that it will accept the relevant administration, legal and financial responsibilities for
the grant.
Tertiary institutions are eligible to apply to undertake research projects in Tasmania. Applicants must be
able to demonstrate a sound understanding and experience of working with the LGBTIQ+ community.

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Local Governments are eligible to apply where they can demonstrate collaboration with a community
organisation to improve outcomes for LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians.
Applicants applying to undertake research projects must attach the research methodology for the project.
The following entities are not eligible to apply:
•     for-profit organisations and businesses;
•     individuals and sole traders;
•     political parties;
•     schools or colleges (Government or private); and
•     State and Australian Government agencies.
Applications for the following purposes are not eligible:
•     projects that require recurrent or multi-year funding;
•     equipment, building, refurbishment and maintenance projects; and
•     projects or events that have commenced or already taken place, that is, retrospective funding.
Funding may be used to engage external staff or consultants on a temporary basis if they are an integral
part of the project.

Guide to Applicants
Applicants must complete an application form, available for download at www.communities.tas.gov.au/csr
Electronic submission of applications via email to csrgrants.applications@communities.tas.gov.au is
Hard copies can be mailed to:
      LGBTIQ+ Grants Program 2021
      Communities, Sport and Recreation
      Department of Communities Tasmania
      GPO Box 65
      HOBART TAS 7001
If you are having difficulty accessing the application form, or have any questions regarding the application process,
please call Communities, Sport and Recreation (CSR) on 1800 204 224 or csrgrants@communities.tas.gov.au
Your organisation will be contacted to acknowledge receipt of your application within five working days. If
you do not receive confirmation of your application in this timeframe, please contact CSR on
1800 204 224.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Organisations must indicate whether they are registered for GST in their grant application.
Need help? Please contact the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on 13 28 66 or www.ato.gov.au if you
require any clarification on GST.

                                                            Guidelines – LGBTIQ+ Grants Program 2021 | PAGE 5 of 7
A selection panel will assess each application against the assessment criteria and make recommendations to
the appropriate delegate for approval.

Applications to the LGBTIQ+ Grants Program 2021 must be received by 5 pm on 7 April 2021.
It is intended that applications be notified of the outcome of their application by 30 April 2021.
Successful applicants will receive a Grant Agreement or Grant Deed outlining the funding terms and
conditions. The details of all successful applicants, including the amount of funding they receive, will be
made publicly available at www.communities.tas.gov.au/csr
Unsuccessful applicants will receive a letter advising they have been unsuccessful.
Unsuccessful applications will not automatically be considered in future rounds; however, unsuccessful
applicants may refine and resubmit their application to the next round of the Grant Program.

Reporting and Evaluation
Organisations that receive funding through the Program are required to complete a Final Report using a
template to be provided by Department of Communities Tasmania.
Information gathered from all reports will be used to evaluate the LGBTIQ+ Grants Program and satisfy
the Department of Communities Tasmania’s reporting requirements.
The Final Report must include an explanation of how the grant funds were used, including a reconciliation
statement. Organisations may be required to complete a Statement of Compliance declaring that the grant
has been spent in accordance with the grant application and agreed purpose of funding.

Publishing Details of Successful Grant Applications
The details of all successful applicants, including the amount of the grant they receive, will be made publicly
available on the Department of Communities Tasmania’s website.

Personal Information
Personal information will be managed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004. You
can request access to your personal information from Department of Communities Tasmania.

Right to Information (RTI)
Information provided to Department of Communities Tasmania is subject to the provisions of the Right to
Information Act 2009. You can view the Act in full on the Tasmanian Legislation website at

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Department of Communities Tasmania
              Communities, Sport and Recreation

                           Phone: 1800 204 224
         Email: csrgrants@communities.tas.gov.au
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