Visionary Curriculum Leadership - National Conference 2020

Page created by Pedro Gonzalez
Visionary Curriculum Leadership - National Conference 2020
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                                                                               Visionary Curriculum
                                                                               National Conference 2020

                                                                                Thursday 6th February
                                                                                10.15am - 3.30pm
T: 020 7898 1000                                                                Methodist Central Hall
TheChurchof EnglandFoundationfor EducationalLeadershipisaUKRegisteredCharity
                                                                                Westminster SW1H 9NH
No. 313070
Visionary Curriculum Leadership - National Conference 2020
Our 4th National Conference will feature a fantastic range
of keynote speakers, practical workshops, networking and
collaboration across the following streams:                  Keynote Speakers
•   School Leaders, MAT Leaders and Governors
•   Diocese Teams and Church Leaders
•   School Sixth Form Younger Leaders
•   Chaplaincy Leaders – NEW FOR 2020!

Alongside our keynotes and student-led worship and
creative arts, we have a wonderful line-up of
inspirational speakers and workshops leaders:
Allana Gay – James Bowen – Serdar Ferit – Tom                Dr Paula Gooder        The Most            Mary Myatt
 Rees – Marie Hamer – Murray Wilkinson – Mary                Canon Chancellor of    Reverend and        Author & Educator
                                                             St Paul’s Cathedral    Right Honourable
   Hawes – Dan Finn – Luke Smith – Elisabeth
                                                                                    Justin Welby
Howat – James Biddulph – Joe Sidders – Miranda               Writer & lecturer in
                                                             Biblical Studies       The Archbishop of
  McKearney – Leora Cruddas -Sean Harford –                                         Canterbury

 David Ford – Frances Ward – Maggie Everett –
     Becky Francis – Floyd Woodrow – Kate
 Middleton – Jonathan Sharples – Lyn Swaner –
          Liz Bewley and many more!
                                                                                       Tickets are now available at
                                                                                     priced at £125+VAT per person
Visionary Curriculum Leadership - National Conference 2020
This year’stheme
Visionary Curriculum
Leadership                                                                         Student Leaders
The Church of England Vision for Education is based on Educating for Wisdom,
Knowledge & Skills; Hope & Aspiration; Community & Living Well Together and
Dignity & Respect. Each of these areas has key implications for the development
and implementation of our curriculum:                                              Developing younger leaders is at the heart of great education.
                                                                                   This year’s conference will welcome 300 Sixth Form (and Year
•   How could our curriculum design reflect the symbiotic relationship between     11) leaders from across the country. They will experience the
    knowledge and wisdom?                                                          keynotes and worship all together, and then move into their
•   What does hope and aspiration really look like in practice in relation to      own bespoke interactive stream of leadership development,
    social justice?                                                                facilitated by a range of speakers, and hosted by our partners
•   How might character education be seen as fundamental to the pursuit of         Archbishop of York Youth Trust.
    academic excellence as we seek community and living well together?
•   To what extent might dignity be seen as a pre-cursor to learning and           We are encouraging schools to come in groups of 10 leaders
    progress, and affect our approach to ability grouping?                         for a subsidised cost of £49 + VAT per student, including one
                                                                                   free teacher place per 10 students. This is a fantastic way of
Equally, the new Ofsted framework requires schools to think deeply about the       investing in the leadership development of your student
‘Intent’ of the education they provide, and increased opportunities for middle     leadership teams, and connecting them with other leaders from
leaders to articulate a vision-driven approach to the implementation of the        across the country.

This conference will be a wonderful opportunity to reflect on these core issues,
to hear from leading national and international thinkers, and to network with
colleagues from across the country – empowering us all to design, develop,
implement and teach curriculum that is grounded in Wisdom, Hope, Community
and Dignity.
Visionary Curriculum Leadership - National Conference 2020
Delegates can choose to attend three workshops from the
following streams:

             School               School             School Leaders       School Leaders       Diocese Leaders        Student Leaders      Chaplaincy
             Leaders              Leaders            Stream 3             Stream 4             Stream                 Stream               Stream
             Stream 1             Stream 2
             Leading an           Empowering         Global Courageous    Wholesome            Growing                Igniting Potential   Chaplaincy in
             Inclusive            Middle Leaders     Advocacy             Curriculum           Faith                                       Curriculum
                                                                          Leadership           Intersection
 Session 1


             Allana Gay,          James Bowen,       Serdar Ferdit,       Tom Rees & Marie     Murray Wilkinson &     Elisabeth Howat &    Mike Haslam & Charlie
             BAMEed Network       NAHT               Lyfta                Hamer,               Mary Hawes,            Dan Finn,
                                                                                                                      ABYYT,               Kerr
                                                                          Ambition Institute   Church of England
                                                                                                                      Luke Smith,

             Vision-Driven        Literature,        Vision-Driven MAT    Intent,              Theology of            The Climate          Exploring Primary
             Curriculum Models    Empathy & Social   Governance           Implementation,      Educational            Emergency            School Chaplaincy
                                  Action                                  Impact               Leadership Matrix
 Session 2

             James Biddulph,      Miranda            Leora Cruddas,       Sean Harford,        Professor David Ford   Frances Ward         Maggie Everett
                                                     CST                  Ofsted
             Caryn Smith and      McKearney,                                                   & Emily Norman                              Centre for Chaplaincy
             Joe Sidders          Empathy Lab                                                                                              in Education

             Ability Grouping &   Compass for Life   Character            Curricular           Flourishing in         ’Is Faith without    Introducing the
             Social Justice                          Education Panel      Justice and          Schools                works dead?’         Church of England
                                                                          removing                                                         Vision for HE
 Session 3


             Professor Becky      Floyd Woodrow      Dr Kate Middleton,   Jonathan             Dr Lyn Swaner,         Liz Bewley & Helen   Garry Neave
             Francis,                                Frances Ward,        Sharples             ACSI                   Murray,              Church of England
             Institute of                            Dave Hill            EEF                                         OneLife
Visionary Curriculum Leadership - National Conference 2020 Visionary Curriculum Leadership - National Conference 2020 Visionary Curriculum Leadership - National Conference 2020
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